2014.5.17來高聲唱, 凡事都能做,安靜,讓讚美飛揚,日日夜夜,盡情的敬拜

Post on 10-May-2015






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我要向山舉目 ( 詩121:1)我的幫助從何而來 我的幫助從造天地的耶和華而來I look up to the hills.

Where does my help come from?  

My help comes from the Lord.

He is the Maker of heaven and earth.

請安靜預備心來崇拜 聚會時請設定手機為震動或關機 Please switch your mobile phone into silent

mode; keep silent and prepare your heart to


來高聲唱 Come Let Us Sing

來高聲唱 來高聲唱讓我們來讚美尊崇大君王Come let us sing! Come let us sing!

Come with praise and adoration to the King.

惟有祂配得讚美 因祂是主

For He is worthy of praise, for He is Lord

昔在 今在 快來君王Who was, and is, and is to come

萬膝要跪拜 萬口都要承認Every knee shall bow,

and every tongue confess

祂是主耶穌 祂是主耶穌祂是主耶穌基督

He is Jesus Christ, He is Jesus Christ,He is Jesus Christ the Lord!

凡事都能做 All Things Are Possible

信是未曾看見Faith is trust in the Lord

依然仰望十架Through my eyes can not see

信是完全交託Put my trust in the Cross

深知主已掌權Know my life is in Him

我靠著那加給我力量的All things are possible in the Lord

凡事都能做For He is my hope

或風浪或低谷Through mountains or valleys

主平安在我心He’ll always be with me

我靠著那加給我力量的All things are possible in the Lord

凡事都能做For He is my hope

行在主的旨意By faith I will trust Him

我凡事都能做He’ll always be with me

安靜 Still

藏我在 翅膀蔭下遮蓋我 在祢大能手中

Hide me nowUnder your wings

Cover mewithin your mighty hand

當大海翻騰波濤洶湧When the oceans rise and thunders


我與祢展翅暴風上空I will soar with you above the storm

父祢仍作王在洪水中Father you are king over the flood

我要安靜知祢是神I will be still and know you are God

我靈安息 在基督裡Find rest my soul

In Christ alone

祢大能 使我安然信靠Know his power

In quietness and trust 

讓讚美飛揚 Let Praise Arise

在這美麗的時刻As we come into This Place

我們相聚在一起As we gather face to face

神的愛擁抱著我們We can feel His sweet embrace

神的靈充滿這地And His Spirit fills this place

當稱謝進入祂的門Let us enter His gates with thanks

當讚美進入祂的院Let us enter His courts with praise

擊鼓跳舞揚聲歡呼As we dance and sing for joy

凡有氣息都要讚美祂Everything that has breath worship

讓讚美從四處響起Let praise arise from all the earth

讓音符在空中飛舞Let songs of worship fill the air

讓我們的心向神敞開We open of worship fill the air

讓音符在空中飛舞Let songs of worship fill the air

讓我們的心向神敞開We open our hands and hearts to God

日日夜夜 Day and Night 

耶和華 祢大榮耀降臨Lord descend Your glory in this place

在地上如天上的敬拜May our praise bring glory to Your name

祢是我們的神 我們是祢的子民You alone are our God, we belong to You

因祢榮耀 我不住敬拜We will give You the highest praise

我受造 是為了敬拜祢I was made to worship You alone

我受造 是為了榮耀祢I was made to glorify my King

祢是我們的神 祢與我們同住You alone are our God and You dwell within us

因祢榮耀 我不住敬拜We will give You the highest praise

聖哉 聖哉聖哉 昔在 今在 永在Holy Holy Holy

who was and is to come

榮耀榮耀榮耀 配得頌讚愛戴Glory Glory Glory

that’s worthy of our love

聖哉聖哉聖哉 全地向祢跪拜Holy Holy Holy

all nations will bow down

尊貴榮耀都歸寶座羔羊Praise to the Lamb

who’s seated on the throne

日日夜夜 不停獻上Every day, every night

禱告如香 不停升起 May our prayers and incense


日日夜夜 不停獻上 Every day, every night

讚美獻祭 永不斷續May we lift Your praises on high

盡情的敬拜 Extravagant worship

耶穌聖潔公義救主Holy and righteous Savior Jesus

彰顯神的智慧能力The ability to demonstrate the

wisdom of God

祢的愛是何等長闊高深Your love is how wide and long

and profound

滿有豐富無窮的恩典Full of rich infinite grace

耶穌權柄統管萬有Jesus authority rules over

配得榮耀尊貴頌讚With glory and honor and praise

我以心靈誠實盡情敬拜I enjoy worship in spirit and in truth

坐在寶座上深愛我的主I deeply love who sitting on the

throne my Lord

舉起我的心來敬拜祢Lifted my heart to worship Thee

用生命來回應祢的愛 Used to respond to your love life

哦 我的主Oh my Lord

讓我單單在乎祢I just care about Thee

盡情地敬拜祢Enjoy to worship Thee

都歸耶穌 All for Jesus 獻給耶穌 獻給耶穌

All for Jesus, all for Jesus

獻得贖的整個人All my being’s ransomed powers

獻我意念以及動作All my thoughts and words and doings

獻我光陰 獻一生All my days and all my hours

( 副 ) 都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌

(Refrain ) All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

獻我全身事奉主 x2 All my days and all my hours

願我手來作祂聖工Let my hands perform His bidding

願我耳朵聽祂話Let my ear hear in His words

願我腳步走祂道路Let my feet run in His ways

願我口常讚美祂Let my lips speak forth His praise

( 副 ) 都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌 (Refrain) All for Jesus, all for Jesus

獻我全身事奉主 x2

Offered my whole body to serve the Lord

自我眼向耶穌注目Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus

世上富貴不在心I’ve lost sight of all beside

丟棄萬事看作糞土So enchained my spirit’s vision

為要得著受膏君Looking at the Crucified

( 副 ) 都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌 (Refrain) All for Jesus, all for Jesus

獻我全身事奉主 x2

Offered my whole body to serve the Lord

讚美一神 Doxology

讚美一神萬福之源Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;

天下生靈都當頌言Praise Him, all creatures here below

天上萬軍也讚主名Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host

同心讚美父子聖靈Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost


主禱文我們在天上的父Our Father in Heaven,

願人都尊祢的名為聖Hallowed be Your name

願祢的國降臨Your Kingdom come

願祢的旨意行在地上 如同行在天上Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

我們日用的飲食 今日賜給我們Give us today our daily bread

免我們的債 Forgive our debts

如同我們免了人的債As we also have forgiven our debtors

不叫我們遇見試探And lead us not into temptation

救我們脫離兇惡 But deliver us from the evil one

因為國度 權柄 榮耀全是祢的直到永遠阿們For the Kingdom

The power

And the glory are Yours

Now and forever, Amen

願耶和華賜福給你God Bless You

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