2020 世界平和経済人会議...

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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2020 Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace




Date: August 8th, 2020

主催:ひろしま平和推進ネットワーク協議会Host: Hiroshima Peace Promotion Network

- How we can proactively achieve “Peace” leveraging SDGs in the post COVID-19 world -



湯﨑 英彦














様 な々取組への賛同者のさらなる拡大に向け、より力強いメッセージを発信したい





そして、ウィルスの人間環境へ持ち込みなど、様 な々問題を作り出してきました。




について、ビジネスをはじめ、政治、行政など様 な々分野の登壇者に議論してい






Governor, Hiroshima Prefecture

YUZAKI Hidehiko

Hiroshima was once plunged into ruin by the first atomic bomb deployed in human history, the terrible power of which claimed many precious lives. Yet, with dedicated efforts by many people, Hiroshima rebuilt itself as a prosperous city of peace. With the subsequent realization that Hiroshima has a vital mission to contribute to the establishment of international peace, we have hosted four instances of the World Business Conference for World Peace, sending a message of peace from Hiroshima to the world over.At the 2016 Conference, the first international conference to discuss the intersection of marketing and the pursuit of peace, we had the privilege of welcoming Professor Philip Kotler, a modern marketing guru, who proposed three motions: 1) increasing the amount of love, 2) reducing the amount of hatred, and 3) reducing the amount of weapons.In 2018 and 2019, we were fortunate enough to welcome Mr. Jacques Attali, president of the Positive Planet Foundation. He suggested that the best solution to problems is to invite governments and individuals alike to consider how to benefit future generations.The year 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing - a particularly significant milestone because it was once believed that not even a single blade of grass would grow in Hiroshima for 75 years after the devastation by radiation. Starting anew this year as a "Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace," we intend to send even more powerful messages with the aim of inspiring more people to support our various initiatives designed to realize peace. Also new to this year is our decision to hold the annual gathering online, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.In fact, COVID-19 has brought numerous latent issues to light. In the course of their growth, businesses and economies have given rise to various societal problems, including the widening gap between the rich and the poor, external diseconomies aggravated by environmental load, and the invasion of viruses into the human environment. I believe it is time to make an about-face in our thinking and consider how we can leverage businesses and economies to offer solutions to these issues. The main topic of this year's conference is, "How we can proactively achieve 'Peace' leveraging SDGs in the post-COVID-19 world." As in past years, we are lucky enough to welcome a pantheon of experts from diverse fields, including business leaders, political figures, and administrators, who will discuss how businesses can help us to achieve the SDGs and establish peace.Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude and sincere appreciation to everyone involved in organizing this forum for their continued support and cooperation. Thank you very much.




テ ー マ COVID-19との闘いを踏まえた「積極的平和」と「SDGs」

日 程 令和2年8月8日(土)

実 施 方 法 Webex Eventsによるオンライン開催

主 催 ひろしま平和推進ネットワーク協議会

協  賛

メディア パートナー

後  援 国連広報センター、国連訓練調査研究所、内閣府地方創生推進室

事  務  局 広島県地域政策局平和推進プロジェクト・チーム、青山社中株式会社

特 別 顧 問

川口 順子 武蔵野大学 客員教授

小林 喜光 株式会社三菱ケミカルホールディングス取締役会長

水野 弘道 国連責任投資原則協会理事/経済産業省参与/米テスラモーターズ社外取締役

隅 修三 東京海上日動火災保険株式会社相談役

髙島 誠 三井住友銀行頭取CEO

企 画 運 営 委 員

委 員 長


委  員

御立 尚資 ボストンコンサルティンググループ シニア・アドバイザー

加治 慶光シナモンAI取締役会長執行役員/グロービス経営大学院教授/鎌倉市参与(スマートシティ、SDGs担当)

朝比奈 一郎 青山社中株式会社筆頭代表CEO

藤井 宏一郎 マカイラ株式会社代表取締役

佐々木 喬史 一般財団法人社会変革推進財団インパクトオフィサー/世界平和経済人会議ひろしま東京セッション運営委員会 代表/一般社団法人グラミン日本 事務局長代行

佐々木 茂喜 広島経済同友会 代表幹事/オタフクホールディングス株式会社 代表取締役社長

末松 弥奈子 株式会社ジャパンタイムズ代表取締役会長兼社長

田中 亮介 公益社団法人日本青年会議所中国地区広島ブロック協議会会長

下崎 正浩 広島県総括官




Planning and Management Committee

Chair MITACHI TakashiSenior Advisor, The Boston Consulting Group

Vice-Chair KAJI YoshimitsuChairman,Cinnamon AI / Professor, GLOBIS Graduate School of Management / Kamakura-city Government advisor for SDGs and Smart City

Members ASAHINA IchiroCEO, Aoyama Shachu Corporation (ASC)

FUJII KoichiroRepresentative Director and CEO, Makaira K.K.

SASAKI KyojiImpact Officer, Japan Social Innovation and Investment Foundation / Chairperson, 2020 Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace Tokyo Session Steering Committee / Deputy Secretary-General, Grameen Nippon

SASAKI ShigekiChairman, Hiroshima Association of Corporate Executive / President, Otafuku Holdings Co., Ltd.

SUEMATSU MinakoChairperson, Publisher and President, The Japan Times, Ltd.

TANAKA RyosukeChair, Hiroshima Block Association, Chugoku District, Junior Chamber International Japan (JCI-Japan)

SHIMOZAKI MasahiroChief of International Affairs and Peace Promotion, Hiroshima Prefecture Government

Endorsed by United Nations Information Centre, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR),Office for Promotion of Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalization Local Economy in Japan

Secretariat Peace Promotion Project Team, Regional Policy Bureau, Hiroshima Prefecture Government, Aoyama Shachu Corporation (ASC)

Media Partners

Supported by

Organizer Hiroshima Peace Promotion Network

Special Advisors

KAWAGUCHI YorikoVisiting Professor, Musashino University

SUMI Shuzo Senior Executive Advisor, Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.

TAKASHIMA MakotoPresident and CEO, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

KOBAYASHI Yoshimitsu Director of the Board and Chairperson, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation

MIZUNO Hiromichi Member of the board of PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) Association /Special Advisor to Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) / External board member Tesla, Inc.

Overall theme How we can proactively achieve “Peace” leveraging SDGs in the post COVID-19 world

Date Saturday, August 8, 2020

Online (Cisco Webex Events)Administration Method

2020 Hiroshima Business Forum for Global Peace



10:10~10:40 基調講演 小林 喜光

10:00~10:10 開会式

15:30~16:00 講演・対談 ジャック・アタリ/湯﨑 英彦











17:45~18:05 総括パネル「2020広島宣言」発表



10:10-10:40 Keynote Speech KOBAYASHI Yoshimitsu

10:00-10:10 Opening Greetings

15:30-16:00 Speech - Dialogue Jacques ATTALI / YUZAKI Hidehiko



Global economy and disparity issues during-COVID-19/post-COVID-19


Special Session

“Human Security” and “Peace x Business x SDGs”during-COVID-19/post-COVID-19



Threats to peace from excessive industrialization/urbanization and climate changes, particularly with pandemic impact (during/post COVID-19)


The role of local governments in global society-Building peace through education and diplomacy (during/post-COVID-19)-


17:45-18:05Concluding Panel Discussion Announcement of the “2020 Hiroshima Declaration”


開会式 10:00~10:10

基調講演 10:10~10:40


湯﨑 英彦 広島県知事1990年通商産業省(現経済産業省)入省。資源エネルギー庁原子力産業課課長補佐、通商政策局米州課課長補佐を経て、2000年通信会社アッカ・ネットワークスを設立、代表取締役副社長に就任。2009年11月から広島県知事を務め、現在3期目。東京大学法学部卒業、スタンフォード大学経営学修士(MBA)取得。


小林 喜光 株式会社三菱ケミカルホールディングス取締役会長1971年、東京大学大学院理学系研究科相関理化学専攻修士課程修了後、ヘブライ大学物理化学科、ピサ大学化学科を経て、1974年、三菱化成工業株式会社(現・三菱ケミカル株式会社)入社。2007年、株式会社三菱ケミカルホールディングス代表取締役社長、2015年6月より現職。2015年から2019年4月まで公益社団法人経済同友会代表幹事。現在、総合科学技術・イノベーション会議議員、規制改革推進会議議長、未来投資会議・構造改革徹底推進会合会長、日本銀行参与。理学博士。


Opening Greetings 10:00-10:10

Keynote Speech 10:10-10:40



KOBAYASHI YoshimitsuAfter receiving a master's degree from the Department of Basic Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, in 1971, Kobayashi studied physical chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and then chemistry at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. In 1974, he joined Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Corporation (current Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation) and was appointed President & CEO, member of the Board, Representative Director, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation in 2007. He assumed his current position in June 2015. From 2015 to April 2019, Kobayashi served as a Chairman, Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives). His selected present positions include Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Chairperson, Regulatory Reform Promotion Council, Chairperson, Growth Strategy Council - Investing for the Future and Council for Advancing Structural Reform, and Counsellor, Bank of Japan. Doctor of Science.

YUZAKI HidehikoHidehiko Yuzaki is the Govenor of Hiroshima Prefecture(2009-present). In 2000,he founded ACCA Networks Co,Ltd.and was appointed the Executive Vice President & Representative Director. Prior to this, he searved as the Deputy Director, Americas Division, Trade Policy Bureau at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. He was also the Deputy Director, Nuclear Industry Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Stanford University and graduated from the University of Tokyo,Faculty of Law.

Governor, Hiroshima Prefecture

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation Director of the Board, Chairperson


セッション1 10:50~12:00




御立 尚資 ボストン コンサルティング グループ シニア・アドバイザー京都大学文学部米文学科卒。ハーバード大学より経営学修士(MBA with High Distinction, Baker Scholar)を取得。日本航空株式会社を経て、1993年BCG入社。2005年から2015年まで日本代表、2006年から2013年までBCGグローバル経営会議メンバーを務める。BCGでの現職の他、楽天株式会社、DMG森精機株式会社、東京海上ホールディングス株式会社、ユニ・チャーム株式会社などでの社外取締役、ドナルド・マクドナルド・ハウス・チャリティーズ・ジャパン専務理事、大原美術館理事、京都大学経営管理大学院にて特別教授なども務めている。経済同友会副代表幹事(2013-2016)


市川 晃 公益社団法人経済同友会 副代表幹事/住友林業株式会社 代表取締役 会長1954年兵庫県出身。78年関西学院大学経済学部卒業後、住友林業入社。木材建材営業として北海道支店を皮切りに、和歌山営業所、大阪営業部の勤務後、シアトルに駐在。アムステルダム駐在所の立ち上げを主導し、二度目のシアトル勤務を経て2002年営業本部国際事業部長となるなど海外畑を歩む。2005年住宅本部住宅管理部長、07年執行役員経営企画部長、08年取締役常務執行役員を経て、10年4月代表取締役社長、20年に代表取締役会長に就任、現在に至る。また、住宅生産団体連合会副会長、日本木造住宅産業協会会長、第32次地方制度調査会会長、経済同友会副代表幹事、経団連自然保護協議会副会長、岐阜県立森林文化アカデミー特別招聘教授などを務める。

キャシー 松井 ゴールドマン・サックス証券株式会社 副会長ゴールドマン・サックス証券株式会社 副会長、グローバル・マクロ調査部アジア部門統、チーフ日本株ストラテジスト。1994年にゴールドマン・サックス証券会社に入社、1998年マネージング・ディレクター、2000年にパートナーに昇格。社内では、アジア パシフィック マネジメント及び、エグゼキュティブマネジメント コミッティ ーのメンバーである 。過去数回、インスティチューショナル インベスターズ アナリストランキングにて日本株式投資戦略部門で1位を獲得。ウーマノミ クスのテーマにて、2007年にウォールストリートジャーナルの「10 Women to Watch in Asia」の一人に選ばれた。2014年にはBloomberg Market s の「 50 Most Influential 」の一人に選ばれた。過去には、 政府関係の女性の潜在力促進・向上改革に向けた会合、ワーキンググループなどに参加した。現在、アジア女子大学 支援基金財団の理事会 メンバー、米日カウンシル議会 理事会長、一般財団法人ファーストリテイリンング財団の理事、外交問題評議会メンバー、 アジア自然保護協会メンバー、経済同友会メンバー、日本癌学会の乳癌基金のアドバイザリーメンバーの一員でもある。ハーバード大学、ジョンズ・ホプキンズ大学院卒業 SAIS。

水野 弘道 国連責任投資原則協会(PRI Association)理事/経済産業省参与/米テスラモーターズ社外取締役国連責任投資原則協会(PRI Association)理事。経済産業省参与 グリーンイノベーション&ファイナンスアドバイザー兼TCFDサミットアンバサダー、米テスラモーターズ社外取締役。住友信託銀行にて日本国内、シリコンバレー、ニューヨーク等で投融資業務に従事。2008年、ロンドンのプライベート・エクイティー・ファンドであるコラーキャピタルのパートナーに就任。2015年、年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人(GPIF)の理事兼CIO(再興投資責任者)に就任、2020年3月退任。ワールドエコノミックフォーラム(WEF) グローバルフューチャーカウンシル メンバー。ミルケン インスティテュート スペシャルアドバイザー。THE Bチーム リーダー。CFAインスティチュート フューチャーオブファイナンスアドバイザリーカウンシル メンバー。グローバルビジネスコアリションフォーエデュケーション(GBC)アドバイザリーボード メンバー。コアリションフォーインクルーシブキャピタリズム ガーディアン。内閣官房健康医療戦略参与、官民ファンドの活躍推進に関する閣僚連絡幹事会有識者委員、文部科学省国立大学法人評価委員、官民イノベーション委員会(文部科学省)。広島イノベーション機構インベストメントスーパーバイザー、東京大学総長室顧問兼資資産運用委員会委員、大阪大学大学院医学系研究科招聘教授、ハーバード大学 エグゼクティブフェロー、オックスフォード大学 サイード・ビジネス・スクールグローバルリーダーシップカウンセル メンバー、ケンブリッジ大学ビジネススクール ビジティングフェローテルアビブ大学ビジネススクールシニア・フェロー、ヘブライ大学アインシュタイン・レガシー・プロジェクト国際執行委員。

西村 康稔 内閣府特命担当大臣(経済財政政策)/経済再生担当・TPP担当/全世代型社会保障改革担当/新型コロナウイルス感染症対策担当生年月日:昭和37年10月15日生。出身地:兵庫県明石市。衆議院議員。兵庫9区 当選6回。略歴等:昭和56年3月、私立灘高等学校卒業。昭和60年3月、東京大学法学部卒業。昭和60年4月、通商産業省(現 経済産業省)入省。米国メリーランド大学公共政策大学院留学、修士号取得。平成15年11月、第43回衆議院総選挙にて初当選。その後、外務大臣。政務官、内閣府副大臣を歴任。平成29年8月、内閣官房副長官。令和元年9月、内閣府特命担当大臣(経済財政政策)。経済再生担当・TPP担当。全世代型社会保障改革担当。令和2年3月、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策担当。


Session1 10:50-12:00



Born in 1954 in Hyogo, Japan. A graduate from Kwansei Gakuin University School of Economics, Ichikawa joined Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd. in 1978, where he was long involved in the sales of timber and building materials at the Hokkaido Branch and then Wakayama Sales Office and Osaka Sales Office before he was assigned to Seattle, the U.S. Having gained firsthand experience in overseas business, taking the lead in opening the Amsterdam Office and then serving a second term in Seattle, he was appointed General Manager, Overseas Business Division, Business Headquarters, in 2002. After serving as General Manager, Housing Administrative Division (2005), he was then Executive Officer, General Manager, Corporate Planning Division (2007), and Director, Managing Executive Officer (2008), after which he was appointed President, Representative Director of Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd. in April 2010. Since April 2020, he has served his current position as Chairman of the Board. His selected official positions include Vice Chairperson, Japan Federation of Housing Organizations (JUDANREN), Chairperson, Wooden Home Builders Association of Japan, Chairperson, the 32nd Local Government System Research Council, Vice Chairman, Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai), Vice Chairman, Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation, and Specially-Invited Professor, Gifu Academy of Forest Science and Culture.


MITACHI TakashiTakashi Mitachi is currently a Senior Advisor and was a Co-Chairman of the Japan office (2005-2015) and a member of BCG’s Worldwide Executive Committee (2006-2013). Prior to joining BCG in 1993, he worked for JAL for 14 years. He was the Vice Chairman of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (2013-2016) and has been a Chief Executive Director for the Ronald McDonald House Charities Japan, and a professor at Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University. Mitachi holds a Master of Business Administration with high distinction (Baker Scholar) from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Arts in American literature from the University of Kyoto.

Senior Advisor, The Boston Consulting Group

Kathy MATSUIKathy is vice chair of Goldman Sachs Japan, co-head of Macro Research in Asia and chief Japan equity strategist. She is a member of the Asia Pacific Management Committee and Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. Executive Committee. Kathy joined Goldman Sachs in 1994 and was named managing director in 1998 and partner in 2000. Kathy was ranked No. 1 in Japan Equity Strategy by Institutional Investor magazine multiple times, she was chosen by The Wall Street Journal newspaper as one of the "10 Women to Watch in Asia" in 2007 for her work on the "Womenomics" theme, and she was also named to Bloomberg Markets magazine’s “50 Most Influential” list in 2014. Kathy has served on numerous government committees aimed at promoting gender diversity in Japan. She is a board member of the Asian University for Women (AUW) Support Foundation, chair of the Board of Councilors (Japan) of the US-Japan Council, director of the Fast Retailing Foundation, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Nature Conservancy-Asia Pacific Council, and Keizai Doyukai. She also serves on the Advisory Council for the Japan Society Fund Against Breast Cancer. Kathy earned an AB, magna cum laude, in Social Studies from Harvard University and an MA from Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies.

Goldman Sachs Japan Co. Ltd. Vice Chair

ICHIKAWA Akira Vice Chairman, Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai) /Chairman of the Board and Representative Director, Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd.

MIZUNO HiromichiMr. Mizuno is a Japanese financial executive and former Executive Management Director and CIO of GPIF (Government Pension Investment Fund of Japan with AUM $1.5 trillion) between Jan 2015 and March 2020. Prior to joining GPIF, he was a partner of Coller Capital, a London-based private equity firm. He previously worked for Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. in Japan, Silicon Valley and New York. Mizuno works in the following capacities to promote long term investment and ESG. Member of the board of PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) Association. World Economic Forum(WEF) Global Future Council member. Special Adviser of Milken Institute’s. CFA Institute Future of Finance Advisory Council member. One Planet Lab TCFD Work Stream Co-chair. The B Team Leader, Member of Global Business Coalition for Education Advisory board. Guardian of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism at Vatican. Mizuno advises Japanese governments in the following capacity. Special Advisor to Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Green Innovation & Finance Advisor. TCFD Summit Ambassador. Executive adviser to Japanese Cabinet on Healthcare and Medical Growth Strategy,Member of Japanese Government Strategic Funds Integrated Advisory Board, Member for Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan National Universities Evaluation Committee. Mizuno’s involvement in academics includes:Advisor of Office of the President of the University of Tokyo, Guest professor of Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine. Executive in Residence and Global Leadership Council member of Said Business School, Oxford University, Executive Fellow of Harvard Business School, Harvard University.Visiting Fellow of Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. Senior Fellow of Tel Aviv University Graduate School of Management. Member of the International Executive Committee for the Einstein Legacy Project at Hebrew University.

Date of Birth: October 15, 1962. Birth Place: Akashi, Hyogo. Political Party: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Member of the House of Representatives (Elected six times)Constituency: Hyogo 9th District. Academic/Professional Career. March 1981: Graduated from Nada Senior High School. March 1985: Graduated from Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. April 1985: Entered the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (present Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry). May 1992: Graduated from Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland. November 2003: Elected as a House of Representatives member (43rd Election). Consecutively Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and State Minister of Cabinet Office. August 2017: Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary. September 2019: Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy. Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization. Minister in charge of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Minister in charge of Social Security reform. March 2020: Minister in charge of Novel Coronavirus Disease Control

Member of the board of PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) Association /Special Advisor to Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) / External board member Tesla, Inc.

Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy / Minister in charge Economic Revitalization /Minister in charge of the Trans-Pacific Partnership / Minister in charge of Social Security Reform /Minister in charge of Novel Coronavirus Disease Control

Global economy and disparity issues during-COVID-19/post-COVID-19As the shape of the "global economy" undergoes rapid changes during the pandemic and in its aftermath, what should business entrepreneurs be aware of and how should they steer their business to narrow peace-threatening “disparities”? In the past, people said, "Depression and war come hand in hand." Presently, as the pandemic's negative impact on economies around the world rises to the surface, we are witnessing the build-up of tension among superpowers, as well as widening global disparity, which is raising the risk of war/conflict. In Session 1, we will discuss the shape of the "new global economy," which is geared toward "positive peace" and the "SDGs" and which we hope will stabilize the world, and the courses of action businesspeople should take.


セッション2 日時:00月00日(◎) 00:00~00:00セッション2 12:50~14:00




小泉 進次郎 環境大臣衆議院議員 神奈川11区、当選4回。平成18年、米国コロンビア大学大学院政治学部 修了。平成18年、米国戦略国際問題研究所(CSIS)研究員。平成19年、衆議院議員小泉純一郎秘書。平成20年、自由民主党神奈川県第11選挙区支部長。平成21年、衆議院議員総選挙当選(第45回)。平成23年、自由民主党青年局長。平成24年、衆議院議員総選挙当選(第46回)。平成25年、内閣府大臣政務官・復興大臣政務官。平成26年、衆議院議員総選挙当選(第47回)。平成27年、自由民主党農林部会長。平成29年、自由民主党筆頭副幹事長、衆議院議員総選挙当選(第48回)。平成30年、自由民主党厚生労働部会長。 


竹内 純子 国際環境経済研究所 理事・主席研究員1994年慶応義塾大学法学部法律学科卒業、東京電力株式会社入社。主に環境部門を経験し、2012年独立。国連の気候変動枠組み条約締約国会議にも毎年参加し、環境・エネルギー政策の研究・提言を続ける傍ら、エネルギー転換の原動力となるスタートアップを支援するため、2018年U3イノベーションズLLP創設。同社共同代表のほか東北大学特任教授、筑波大学客員教授や政府委員も多数務める。著書に「エネルギー産業の2050年 Utility3.0へのゲームチェンジ」(日本経済新聞出版社)、「誤解だらけの電力問題」(ウェッジ)など。


有馬 良行 世界銀行財務局 駐日代表2000年に世界銀行入行。 世界銀行財務局駐日代表として、日本市場でのIR活動全般を管轄し、投資家ならびに金融機関に対して、個別起債案件や新型世銀債に関する各種サービス提供を行っている。1989年に東京銀行(現:三菱UFJ銀行)入行、貿易金融、融資業務、M&A等の業務経験を経て、同行ニューヨークにて、米国債のトレード、レポ、シカゴ先物業務を中心に各種債券業務を手がけた。合併後の東京三菱銀行では本邦企業の欧州市場での起債、サムライ債社債管理会社業務、米国私募債引受業務等を手がけた。1989年に一橋大学を卒業。

佐々木 茂喜 広島経済同友会 代表幹事/オタフクホールディングス株式会社 代表取締役社長1959年、広島生まれ。1982年、広島修道大学商学部卒業、同年オタフクソース入社、本社工場製造課にてソース作りに従事。取締役 営業本部東京支店長、専務取締役 営業本部長などを経て、2005年、6代目オタフクソース社長に就任、2015年より現職。2017年広島経済同友会代表幹事就任(現在に至る)。「世の中に偶然はない」を信条とし、読書と釣をこよなく愛する。

隅 修三 東京海上日動火災保険株式会社 相談役1947年山口県生まれ。1970年早稲田大学理工学部卒業。東京海上火災保険株式会社(現東京海上日動火災保険株式会社)入社後、同社取締役海外本部ロンドン首席駐在員、常務取締役、専務取締役、取締役社長、東京海上ホールディングス取締役社長、会長を経て現在に至る。一般社団法人日本経済団体連合会副会長の他、株式会社豊田自動織機、ソニー株式会社の社外取締役を務める。


セッション2 日時:00月00日(◎) 00:00~00:00Session2 12:50-14:00


Threats to peace from excessive industrialization/urbanization and climate changes, particularly with pandemic impact (during/post COVID-19)

KOIZUMI ShinjiroMr. Koizumi Shinjiro has been the member of the House of Representatives in Japan since 2009, having represented Yokosuka and Miura City in Kanagawa Prefecture. Since September 2019, he has served as the Minister of the Environment. He belongs to the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and holds various senior positions at LDP such as the Director of the Youth Division, the Director of the Agriculture and Forestry Division, Chief Deputy Secretary-General and the Director of the Health, Labor and Welfare Division. He also served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office and Parliamentary Vice- Minister for Reconstruction. He earned Bachelor's Degrees in Economics, Kanto Gakuin University, in Japan in 2004 and master degree in Master of Arts in Political Science, Columbia University, in the United States in 2006.


TAKEUCHI SumikoAfter receiving a bachelor's degree from the Department of Law, Keio University Faculty of Law in 1994, Takeuchi joined Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), where she worked for their environment division until going independent in 2012. While continuing with research and proposals on environment and energy policies as she annually attends the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conferences of the Parties (COP), she set up U3 Innovations LLC in 2018 to support startups who will drive energy conversion. Her present positions include Co-founder and President, U3 Innovations LLC, Specially Appointed Professor, Tohoku University, Visiting Professor, Tsukuba University, and members of government committees. She authored The Energy Industry in 2050 - Game Change to Utility 3.0, Nikkei Business Publications, Inc., and Electric Power Problems Misunderstood, Wedge.


ARIMA YoshiyukiYoshiyuki Arima joined the Treasury of the World Bank in Tokyo, Japan in March 2000. As a Representative of World Bank Treasury in Japan, Mr. Arima is engaging in Investor Relations and New Products for Japanese investors. Mr. Arima is responsible for the overall relationship of the World Bank with Japanese investors. Prior to joining the World Bank, he worked for Bank of Tokyo and Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (MUFG Bank) for 11 years in the corporate finance business, including export and import finances for trading companies, banking loan businesses, M&A business for Japanese corporates, and guarantee / fiscal agent business for corporate borrowers, including Samurai bond issuers. He also worked for the securities arm of Bank of Tokyo in New York to engage in Trading/Sales for US Treasury Bonds, Repo / Reverse Repo Transactions, and CME / CBoT Financial Futures. He graduated Hitotsubashi University in 1989. He was a Nordic combined ski player (jump and cross country) when he was in the university.

SASAKI ShigekiBorn in Hiroshima, Japan, in 1959, Sasaki completed his course at the Faculty of Commercial Sciences, Hiroshima Shudo University in 1982 and joined Otafuku Sauce Co., Ltd., where he was assigned to the production section of their Head Office factory. After serving as a director, head of Sales Division's Tokyo Branch, senior managing director, and director of the Sales Division, he became the 6th president of the company in 2005 and assumed his present position of President, Otafuku Holdings Co., Ltd. Outside of the company, he has served as a Chairperson, Hiroshima Association of Corporate Executives since 2017. Believing that "Nothing in the world occurs by accident," he loves reading and fishing.

SUMI ShuzoBorn in Yamaguchi, Japan, in 1947, Sumi received his bachelor's degree from Waseda University School of Science and Engineering in 1970. After joining Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (current Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.), he consecutively served as Director, General Manager of Overseas Business Division, concurrently Chief Resident Officer, London, Managing Director, Senior Managing Director, President & CEO, Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., and President & CEO, and Chairman of the Board, Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc., before assuming his present position. His selected official positions include Vice Chair, Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), and outside director of Toyota Industries Corporation and Sony Corporation.

Minister of Environment

Senior Fellow and Member of Board of Directors International Environment and Economy Institute

Representative Japan, World Bank Treasury

Chairman, Hiroshima Association of Corporate Executives / President, Otafuku Holdings Co.,Ltd.

Senior Executive Advisor, Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co.,Ltd.

As the shape of the "global economy" undergoes rapid changes during the pandemic and in its aftermath, what should business entrepreneurs be aware of and how should they steer their business to narrow peace-threatening “disparities”? In the past, people said, "Depression and war come hand in hand." Presently, as the pandemic's negative impact on economies around the world rises to the surface, we are witnessing the build-up of tension among superpowers, as well as widening global disparity, which is raising the risk of war/conflict. In Session 1, we will discuss the shape of the "new global economy," which is geared toward "positive peace" and the "SDGs" and which we hope will stabilize the world, and the courses of action businesspeople should take.


セッション3 14:10~15:20




末松 弥奈子 株式会社ジャパンタイムズ代表取締役会長兼社長広島県出身。1993年 学習院大学大学院修士課程修了後、インターネット関連ビジネスで起業。2017年株式会社ニューズ・ツー・ユーホールディングス代表取締役社長に就任。同年株式会社ジャパンタイムズ代表取締役会長・発行人に就任。2020年3月より同代表取締役会長兼社長。日本初の全寮制の文科省認定小学校、「神石インターナショナルスクール」を同年4月に開校。株式会社ニューズ・ツー・ユーホールディングス 代表取締役社長、学校法人神石高原学園 理事長、株式会社次世代教育開発 代表取締役、弥勒の里国際文化学院日本語学校 理事長、山口フィナンシャルグループ 社外取締役


平川 理恵 広島県教育委員会教育長京都市生まれ。1991年同志社大学卒業後、(株)リクルートに入社。1998年南カリフォルニア大学経営学修士(MBA)取得。1999年留学仲介会社を起業。2010年全国で女性初の公立中学校民間人校長として横浜市立市ヶ尾中学校に着任。2015年横浜市立中川西中学校校長。文部科学省中央教育審議会の各委員を歴任し、新学習指導要領改訂作業に携わる。2018年4月から現職。内閣官房教育再生実行会議有識者。著書に『クリエイティブな校長になろう』(教育開発研究所)、『あなたの子どもが「自立」した大人になるために』(世界文化社)など。

五百旗頭 真 公立大学法人兵庫県立大学・理事長公立大学法人兵庫県立大学理事長/公益財団法人ひょうご震災記念21世紀研究機構理事長。神戸大学名誉教授、防衛大学校名誉教授、熊本県立大学特別栄誉教授。京都大学卒。法学博士。専門は日本政治外交史。神戸大法学部教授、防衛大学校長、公立大学法人熊本県立大学理事長などを経て、2018年4月、公立大学法人兵庫県立大学理事長に就任。この間、日本政治学会理事長、政府の東日本大震災復興構想会議議長、くまもと復旧・復興有識者会議議長などを歴任。文化功労者。

熊谷 俊人 千葉市長1978年生まれ、神戸市出身。2001年早稲田大学政治経済学部卒業、NTTコミュニケーションズ株式会社入社。2007年5月から2年間、千葉市議会議員を務め、2009年6月、千葉市長選挙に立候補し当選。当時全国最年少市長(31歳)、政令指定都市では歴代最年少市長となる。現在3期目。

ニキル・セス 国連事務次長補兼ユニタール総代表2015年6月、国連事務次長補兼国連訓練調査事務所総代表に任命された。(着任は同年10月)着任後は、当所の研修受益者を大幅に増加させるとともに、持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダとSDGsの5つの柱(人、地球、繁栄、平和、協力)のうち4つ(人(People)、地球(Planet)、繁栄(Prosperity)、平和(Peace))に基づいて部署を整理した。また、当所の重点事業を、最も苦しんでいる国々、特にアフリカを対象とした内容にシフトしつつある。ユニタール着任前はニューヨークの国連事務局の国連経済社会局(DESA)の持続可能開発部長として勤務し、国連持続可能な開発会議(リオ+20)において国連事務局の代表を務めた。また、サモアにて開催された第3回小島嶼開発途上国(SIDS)国際会議の事務局も務め、リオ、ブラジル、アピア(サモア)における国際会議の準備の指揮官として活躍、会議終了後は様々なフォローアップの調整も務めた。また、2015年9月の国連持続可能な開発サミットで正式に採用された「ポスト 2015 年持続可能な開発アジェンダ」の政府間交渉も務めた。


Session3 14:10-15:20


SUEMATSU MinakoAfter coming from Hiroshima and receiving an MA in Humanities from Gakushuin University Graduate School in Tokyo, Minako tested her hands in an internet based startup company. In 2001, she helped News2u Co.,Ltd. to be established and then in 2017, appointed as the president of News2u Holdings Inc. Later that year, she became the Chairperson and Publisher of The Japan Times, Ltd. In 2020, appointed as the Chairperson, Publisher and President of the Japan Times. Minako has finalized the steps of the opening of an European style boarding school In Setouchi “Jinseki International School”, the first certified elementary boarding school in Japan which opened in April 2020. News2u Holdings, Inc.: CEO. Jinseki International School : Director. Next Educational Environment Development Inc.: Managing Director. Miroku no Sato Japanese Language School, International Institute of Culture: Director. Yamaguchi Financial Group: Outside Director


HIRAKAWA RieBorn in Kyoto, Japan, Hirakawa graduated from Doshisha University in 1991 and joined Recruit Co., Ltd. After earning her MBA from the University of Southern California in 1998, she started up an overseas study agency for students in Japan. In 2010, she became the first principal of a public junior high school (Yokohama Municipal Ichigao Junior High School) appointed from the private sector. After being principal of Yokohama Municipal Nakagawa-Nishi Junior High School (2015) and a member of Central Council for Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), she became involved in the revisions of the New Course of Study. She assumed her present position in April 2018. She is a member of the High School Reform Working Group, Council for the Implementation of Education Rebuilding, Cabinet Secretariat. Authored How to Become a Creative Principal, Kyoiku Kaihatsu Kenkyusyo, and To Help Your Child to Become an 'Independent Adult," Sekaibunka Publishing Inc.

IOKIBE MakotoChancellor, University of Hyogo, President, Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute, Professor Emeritus, Kobe University, Professor Emeritus, National Defense Academy of Japan, and Special Honorary Professor, Prefectural University of Kumamoto Iokibe completed his doctoral degree from the Kyoto University Graduate School of Law, majoring in Japan's political and diplomatic history. After holding positions as Professor at Kobe University Faculty of Law, President at National Defense Academy, and Chancellor at Prefectural University of Kumamoto, he took office as Chancellor of the University of Hyogo. He was also consecutively President at Japanese Political Science Association, Chair at Reconstruction Agency's Reconstruction Design Council in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake, and Chair at Kumamoto Restoration and Reconstruction Expert Panel. Iokibe is a Person of Cultural Merits.

KUMAGAI ToshihitoBorn 1978 in Kobe, Japan. Upon graduating from Waseda University School of Political Science and Economics, he joined NTT Communications Corporation. For two years from May 2007, he served as a member of the Chiba City Assembly to be elected the Mayor of Chiba in June 2009. At the age of 31, Kumagai was the youngest mayor in the country at the time and the youngest mayor ever to serve in any of the ordinance-designated cities. He is serving his third term now.

Nikhil SETHMr. Nikhil Seth joined UNITAR as its Executive Director on Oct 1, 2015. During his term UNITAR has grown significantly in the number of beneficiaries of its services and its work has been aligned to the pillars of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The focus of its work has shifted to benefit the most distressed countries especially in Africa. Before assuming the post of the UNITAR Executive Director, Nikhil Seth was the Director of the Division for Sustainable Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) at the United Nations Secretariat in New York. In this role he served as head of the Rio+20 secretariat and of the secretariat for the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, spearheading the preparations for these conferences in Rio, Brazil, and Apia, Samoa. He was also closely engaged in coordinating and advancing their follow-up. Mr. Seth’s Division was also responsible for supporting the intergovernmental negotiations for the post-2015 development agenda, which was adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 in September 2015. Agenda 2030 and the SDG’s continue to be a significant blueprint for humanity ‒ for peace, progress and sustainable development. In the United Nations Mr. Seth served as the Director for ECOSOC, Secretary of the Economic and Financial Committee (2nd Committee), Secretary of ECOSOC and with the USG of DESA. He was closely involved with many of the Summits and Conferences of the 1990’s ‒ as a delegate from India and as part of the support secretariat. From 1980 to 1993 he was a member of the Indian Foreign service and served in Geneva and Zaire (DRC). He has a master’s in economics and taught in St. Stephens’ College (Delhi University) before joining diplomatic service.

Chairperson, Publisher and President The Japan Times, Ltd

Superintendent of Hiroshima Prefectural Board of EducationSuperintendent of Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education

Chancellor , Public University Corporation of the University of Hyogo

Mayor of Chiba

Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations / Executive Director, UNITAR

The role of local governments in global society -Building peace through education and diplomacy (during/post-COVID-19)-

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, what attracts massive public attention has been contingency plans implemented by local governments, as well as the relationship between the national government and local governments, which has prompted discussions as to how we should reset the balance between decentralization and centralization during COVID-19 and in its aftermath. One solution to this question could be grassroots efforts by municipal governments and other parties. A possible initiative in this regard in the field of education is to nurture young people's "affection for peace" so that they will go about creating a world where people have hope for the future.Meanwhile, reason tells us that it will not be easy to maintain world peace if countries around the world focus only on bilateral relationships. If so, would it not be safe to assume that diplomacy among municipal governments or between municipal governments and national governments will be instrumental in establishing peace?Amid the ongoing globalization, Session 3 will host discussions on what roles municipal governments can play in building peace from the perspectives of education and diplomacy.


講演・対談講演・対談 15:30~16:00


ジャック・アタリ ポジティブ・プラネット会長フランスの経済学者。幅広い著作を発表する一方、大統領顧問という重職を担った経歴を持つ。ヨーロッパの将来やグローバリゼーションの課題など、さまざまなテーマについて、知性と魅力溢れる講演をエネルギッシュに行っている。経済学、文学、音楽、政治学への造諮が深いルネッサンス的教養人でもある。大統領顧問としてフランソワ・ミッテラン大統領(当時)から厚い信頼を受け、1982年にパリでのG7サミット開催に携わり、1984年には欧州先端技術共同研究計画・ユーレカを立ち上げた。氏が設立し、会長を務めるポジティブ・プラネットは、主要な非営利組織として80カ国以上で活動しており、1万人以上のマイクロファイナンスのプレイヤーやステークホルダーに、資金提供、技術援助、助言を行っている

湯﨑 英彦 広島県知事1990年通商産業省(現経済産業省)入省。資源エネルギー庁原子力産業課課長補佐、通商政策局米州課課長補佐を経て、2000年通信会社アッカ・ネットワークスを設立、代表取締役副社長に就任。2009年11月から広島県知事を務め、現在3期目。東京大学法学部卒業、スタンフォード大学経営学修士(MBA)取得。


講演・対談Speech - Dialogue 15:30-16:00


Jacques ATTALIJacques Attali is a French economist and prolific writer who has played a key role as a Presidential advisor. Jacques Attali speaks on a wide range of topics including; the future of Europe and the Challenges of Globalisation with immense energy, intelligence and charm. Jacques Attali is a cultured renaissance man with an enthusiasm for economics, literature, misic and politics. He was a highly trusted advisor to President Francois Mitterand organizing the G7 summit in Paris in 1982 and launching the European program Eureka in 1984. He is also President and founder of Positive Planet, a leading non-profit organization which is active in more than 80 countries and provides funding, technical assistance and advisory services to 10,000 micro-finance players and stakeholders.

President of Positive Planet

YUZAKI HidehikoHidehiko Yuzaki is the Govenor of Hiroshima Prefecture(2009-present). In 2000,he founded ACCA Networks Co,Ltd.and was appointed the Executive Vice President & Representative Director. Prior to this, he searved as the Deputy Director, Americas Division, Trade Policy Bureau at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. He was also the Deputy Director, Nuclear Industry Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Stanford University and graduated from the University of Tokyo,Faculty of Law.

Governor, Hiroshima Prefecture


スペシャルセッション 16:10~17:30





安宅 和人 慶應義塾大学 環境情報学部教授/ヤフー株式会社 CSO(チーフストラテジーオフィサー)データサイエンティスト協会理事。東京大学大学院生物化学専攻にて修士課程終了後、マッキンゼー入社。4年半の勤務後、イェール大学脳神経科学プログラムに入学。2001年春、学位取得(Ph.D.)。ポスドクを経て2001年末マッキンゼー復帰に伴い帰国。マーケティング研究グループのアジア太平洋地域中心メンバーの一人として幅広い商品・事業開発、ブランド再生に関わる。2008年よりヤフー。2012年7月よりCSO(現兼務)。全社横断的な戦略課題の解決、事業開発に加え、途中データ及び研究開発部門も統括。2016年春より慶応義塾大学SFCにてデータドリブン時代の基礎教養について教える。2018年9月より現職。内閣府 人間中心のAI社会原則検討会議 構成員、官民研究開発投資拡大プログラム(PRISM)運営委員、経団連 未来社会協創TF委員なども務める。著書に『イシューからはじめよ』(英治出版、2010)、『シン・ニホン』(ニューズピックス、2020)。

川口 順子 武蔵野大学 客員教授東京大学教養学学士(国際関係論)、エール大学大学院経済学修士。現在は武蔵野大学客員教授、武蔵野国際総合研究所フェロー、並びに東京財団政策研究所名誉研究員。通商産業省、サントリーを経て、2000~2004年、森内閣および小泉内閣において、環境大臣、外務大臣、内閣総理大臣補佐官を歴任。2005~2013年、参議院議員を二期務める。2013年、明治大学国際総合研究所特任教授を経て2018年4月より現職。

髙島 誠 三井住友銀行頭取CEO学歴:昭和57年3月 京都大学法学部卒業。職歴:昭和57年4月 株式会社住友銀行入行。平成15年3月 株式会社三井住友銀行米州統括部長。平成20年4月 国際統括部長。平成21年4月 執行役員国際統括部長。平成22年4月 執行役員経営企画部長。平成24年4月 常務執行役員米州本部長。平成26年4月 専務執行役員国際部門共同統括責任役員。平成28年12月 取締役兼専務執行役員国際部門共同統括責任役員。平成29年4月 頭取 CEO。平成29年6月 頭取 CEO、株式会社三井住友フィナンシャルグループ取締役。

湯﨑 英彦 広島県知事1990年通商産業省(現経済産業省)入省。資源エネルギー庁原子力産業課課長補佐、通商政策局米州課課長補佐を経て、2000年通信会社アッカ・ネットワークスを設立、代表取締役副社長に就任。2009年11月から広島県知事を務め、現在3期目。東京大学法学部卒業、スタンフォード大学経営学修士(MBA)取得。

神保 謙 慶應義塾大学 総合政策学部教授慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科後期博士課程修了(政策・メディア博士)。専門は国際政治学、安全保障論、アジア太平洋の安全保障、日本の外交・防衛政策。国立政治大学、国立台湾大学で客員准教授、南洋工科大学(シンガポール)、タマサート大学(タイ)で客員研究員を歴任。外務省政策評価アドバイザリーグループ委員などを務める。


Special Session 16:10-17:30



“Human Security” and “Peace x Business x SDGs”during-COVID-19/post-COVID-19Seventy-five years after the atomic bombing, the world has been challenged by all kinds of crises. How have businesspeople faced the challenges, and what roles have they (or have they not) fulfilled? In keeping with the outcomes of Sessions 1-3, the Special Session gives a summary of the crises of the world that have occurred in the past 75 years and the involvement of businesspeople in them.Just as business knows no borders, individuals are similarly unbound. What are business' direct reactions to crises that befall individuals, be they a pandemic, food shortage, or climate change. In this ever-complex world, "human security," that is, an attempt by each individual to ensure his/her safety and well-being, is tantamount to a "fight for survival," along with national security. With this approach to ensure "human security" as a starting point, this session invites its participants to offer broad-based opinions as to what future we should select by wielding economies and businesses.

JIMBO KenDr. Ken JIMBO is Professor at the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University (on leave). He is currently Visiting Professor at Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University (Apr 2019-Mar2020). He is also an adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) and the Tokyo Foundation (TKFD). He also serves as Senior Advisor, National Security Secretariat Advisory Board; Director, Board of Directors at the Civic Force; and a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). His main research fields are in International Security, Japan-US Security Relations, Japanese Foreign and Defense Policy, Multilateral Security in Asia-Pacific, and Regionalism in East Asia. He has been a policy advisor at various Japanese governmental commissions and research groups including at the National Security Secretariat, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

ATAKA KazutoAtaka is the Director of The Data Scientist Society of Japan. After receiving his master's degree from the Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, he joined McKinsey & Company, where he spent four and a half years before joining a neuroscience program at Yale University to earn his Ph.D. in the spring of 2001 and work as a post-doctoral research fellow. At the end of 2001, he returned to Japan to be reinstated at McKinsey & Company, where he was one of the key members of its Asia Pacific Marketing Research Group, to develop a broad range of products and businesses and revitalize brands. In 2008, he joined Yahoo Japan Corporation and was appointed as CSO in July 2012, the position he now concurrently serves. His responsibilities there include finding solutions to company-wide strategic issues and business development. He has also supervised data and R&D divisions along the way. From the spring of 2016, he has taught liberal arts in the data-driven era at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) and assumed his present position in September 2018. His selected public offices include a Member, Principles of Human-centric AI Society Review Conference of the Cabinet Office, Member, Steering Committee, Public/Private R&D Investment Strategic Expansion PrograM (PRISM), and Member, Future Society Initiative Task Force, Keidanren. Authored Start by Dealing with Issues, Eiji Press Inc. (2010) and Shin Nihon, NewsPicks (2020).

Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University /Chief Strategy Officer, Yahoo Japan Corporation, JP

KAWAGUCHI YorikoProf. Yoriko Kawaguchi was Minister of the Environment from 2000-2002 and Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2002-2004. Subsequently, she served as Special Advisor to Prime Minister Koizumi responsible for foreign affairs (2004-2005). She was elected to the House of Councillors in 2005 and served for two terms until 2013. She currently serves as Visiting Professor at Musashino University, and Fellow at the Musashino Institute for Global Affairs. She also is a distinguished fellow of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research and she serves as an advisory board member for various international non-profit organizations. Prof. Kawaguchi holds a BA degree in international relations from the University of Tokyo and a Master of Philosophy degree in economics from Yale Graduate School.

Visiting Professor, Musashino University

TAKASHIMA MakotoMakoto Takashima was appointed as President and CEO of SMBC in April 2017 after serving as Executive Officer, Managing Director, and Senior Managing Director/Member of the Management Committee over a span of eight years since April 2009. In April 2014, he was appointed Co-Head of the International Banking Unit and in December 2016, he took on the added responsibility of Director (Member of the Board) of SMBC. Mr. Takashima holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the Faculty of Law, Kyoto University and a Master of Laws degree from the Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley

President and CEO, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

YUZAKI HidehikoHidehiko Yuzaki is the Govenor of Hiroshima Prefecture(2009-present). In 2000,he founded ACCA Networks Co,Ltd.and was appointed the Executive Vice President & Representative Director. Prior to this, he searved as the Deputy Director, Americas Division, Trade Policy Bureau at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. He was also the Deputy Director, Nuclear Industry Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Stanford University and graduated from the University of Tokyo,Faculty of Law.

Governor, Hiroshima Prefecture

Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University


総括パネル 17:45~18:05



加治 慶光 シナモンAI取締役会長執行役員/グロービス経営大学院教授/鎌倉市参与(スマートシティー、SDGs担当)銀行、広告会社、日本コカ・コーラ、ソニー・ピクチャーズ、日産等に勤務後、首相官邸国際広報室にて東日本大震災対応、SNS、オリ・パラ招致、ダボス会議等を担当。その後、アクセンチュアにて、働き方改革、地域拡張、SDGs等を推進。Slush Asia共同CMO、観光庁戦略委員。ケロッグ経営大学院MBA修了

湯﨑 英彦 広島県知事1990年通商産業省(現経済産業省)入省。資源エネルギー庁原子力産業課課長補佐、通商政策局米州課課長補佐を経て、2000年通信会社アッカ・ネットワークスを設立、代表取締役副社長に就任。2009年11月から広島県知事を務め、現在3期目。東京大学法学部卒業、スタンフォード大学経営学修士(MBA)取得。

御立 尚資 ボストン コンサルティング グループ シニア・アドバイザー京都大学文学部米文学科卒。ハーバード大学より経営学修士(MBA with High Distinction, Baker Scholar)を取得。日本航空株式会社を経て、1993年BCG入社。2005年から2015年まで日本代表、2006年から2013年までBCGグローバル経営会議メンバーを務める。BCGでの現職の他、楽天株式会社、DMG森精機株式会社、東京海上ホールディングス株式会社、ユニ・チャーム株式会社などでの社外取締役、ドナルド・マクドナルド・ハウス・チャリティーズ・ジャパン専務理事、大原美術館理事、京都大学経営管理大学院にて特別教授なども務めている。経済同友会副代表幹事(2013-2016)


Concluding Panel Discussion 17:45-18:05


Announcement of the “2020 Hiroshima Declaration”

KAJI YoshimitsuAfter working at a bank, an advertising agency, Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, Limited, Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan, Nissan Motor Corporation, etc., he was invited to join the Office of Global Communications, Prime Minister's Office to take charge of responses to the Great East Japan Earthquake, SNS, invitation of Tokyo Olympic/Paralympic Games, Davos Forum, etc. After moving to Accenture, Kaji promoted work style reform, regional expansion, and the SDGs. Currently, he is a Co-CMO, Slush Asia and Member, Strategy Committee, Japan Tourism Agency. He earned his MBA from the Kellogg School of Management.

Chairman, Cinnamon AI / Professor, GLOBIS Graduate School of Management / Kamakura City Government Advisor for SDGs and Smart City

YUZAKI HidehikoHidehiko Yuzaki is the Govenor of Hiroshima Prefecture(2009-present). In 2000,he founded ACCA Networks Co,Ltd.and was appointed the Executive Vice President & Representative Director. Prior to this, he searved as the Deputy Director, Americas Division, Trade Policy Bureau at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. He was also the Deputy Director, Nuclear Industry Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Stanford University and graduated from the University of Tokyo,Faculty of Law.

Governor, Hiroshima Prefecture

MITACHI TakashiTakashi Mitachi is currently a Senior Advisor and was a Co-Chairman of the Japan office (2005-2015) and a member of BCG’s Worldwide Executive Committee (2006-2013). Prior to joining BCG in 1993, he worked for JAL for 14 years. He was the Vice Chairman of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (2013-2016) and has been a Chief Executive Director for the Ronald McDonald House Charities Japan, and a professor at Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University. Mitachi holds a Master of Business Administration with high distinction (Baker Scholar) from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Arts in American literature from the University of Kyoto.

Senior Advisor, The Boston Consulting Group






1. 核兵器をはじめとする兵器の削減2. 憎しみの連鎖を減らす3. 愛を高める




1. 「国際平和のための世界経済人会議」を今後とも継続的に開催すること2. 広島を拠点とした平和対話のためのトラック2(企業・NGO/NPO)コミュニティを以下の方法により創設・維持すること  (1) トラック2コミュニティの維持活性化のための事務局と財団の創設  (2) 「平和のためのマーケティング」研究所の創設  (3) 国際平和拠点としての広島の情報発信の強化3. 広島における平和のための研究機能を強化・集積すること





【目  的】 両者の相互協力により、平和な国際社会の実現のために、より充実した貢献を可能にすること。【合意内容】 広島において、「ポジティブ・エコノミー・フォーラム」と「国際平和のための世界経済人会議」との      2019年以降の合同開催に向けて協力する。












Past Events

Highlights of the 2016 World Business Conference for World Peace

The three motions Professor Philip Kotler proposed

In order to establish peace, peacemaking activities such as these are necessary:

1. Reducing the amount of weapons, including nuclear weapons;2. Reducing the amount of hatred; and3. Increasing the amount of love.


Joint communiqué

A communiqué for the development of a sustainable platform for peace dialogue

1. The World Business Conference for World Peace continue to be held in the future.2. A Track2 (business and NGO/NPO) Community for peace dialogue based in Hiroshima shall be developed and maintained through the following means: (1) Creation of a Secretariat and a Foundation with a mission to maintain and support the Track2 Community (2) Creation of a "Marketing Peace" Laboratory (3) Reinforcement of Hiroshima's information outreach and dissemination capabilities as a Global Peace Hub3. Hiroshima's research capabilities for peace be strengthened and accumulated.


The outcome of the 2018 World Business Conference for World Peace

Signing of a memorandum with the Global Positive Forum

In order to contribute to the realization of a peaceful international community without nuclear weapons, a memorandum was signed with the Global Positive Forum, over which Mr. Jacques Attali presides.

【Objective】To facilitate a more substantial contribution to the realization of a peaceful international community through mutual cooperation【Agreement】To cooperatively work toward the joint organization of the Positive Economy Forum and a World Business Conference for World Peace in Hiroshima in 2019 and thereafter


Formation of a community and platform through which international peace will be promoted

Mr. Attali underscored the importance of Hiroshima sending out messages by connecting peace with positive actions. He suggested that there would be a need to develop infrastructure for peace in such areas as the economy, culture, and education. With some speakers declaring their intention to build a community for peace, the Conference helped to lay a foundation for the future creation of the peace-promoting community and platform.


Promotion of the SDGs, BOP, and CSR businesses

Through the organization of the SDGs Business Contest and the compilation of SDGs case studies by Hiroshima-based businesses, the basis of a system for promoting the SGDs business in collaboration with NPOs, universities, and private businesses was formed.


Collaboration between the business sector and NPOs/NGOs aligned with the government

At various sessions, proposals were made on how such collaborations should/could be conducted.





















Past Events

The outcome of the 2019 World Business Conference for World Peace

Deepening of collaborative ties with the Global Positive Forum

As the Conference was organized jointly with the Global Positive Forum, with whom a memorandum was signed last year, Hiroshima's international outreach and influence were enhanced. It was also agreed that the Conference would be jointly organized again the following year with invitations being extended to people with more diverse backgrounds to make the Conference even better.


Contributing to the achievement of the SDGs

With the SDGs as an intersection of peace and business as a sub-topic, the participants of the Conference engaged in discussions on how we should define peace in the modern world, how the SDGs are related to peace, and what new indices we need to create for a sustainable society so that we can pass on a better world to future generations, thus successfully forming a base on which we can interpret Goal 16, "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions," in the context of Hiroshima.


Garnering supporters of the realization of peace

Leading figures from diverse fields, including business, culture, sports, disaster prevention, and emergency assistance, were invited to discuss peace. As they all shared their opinions, expressing support for continuous contributions to the realization of international peace, in 2020, the Conference prefaced a remarkable increase of supporters for various initiatives designed to realize peace.


Forward-looking messages from the young people that will shape our future

Young people were invited to discuss the world that they hope to see in 2045, the first centennial anniversary of the atomic bombing, and what we can do to make such a vision reality. They brought up the importance of building a platform for peace and increasing the number of people that advocate for peace and shared their resolve for the following year, thus getting started on community building for the Conference the following year.


Promotion of the SDG businesses

Through the organization of the SDGs Business Contest and compilation of the SDGs Select Booklet, the Conference served as an opportunity for Hiroshima-based entrepreneurs to learn more about the SDGs and for the organizer to develop a framework for promoting SDGs-related businesses through partnerships with NPOs, universities, and private businesses.


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