24 de agosto 2018 coal mountain elementary mining for coal

Post on 22-Jan-2022






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3455 Coal Mountain Drive Cumming, GA 30028

Phone: 770-887-7705 Fax: 770-781-2286

Coal Mountain Elementary

Mining For Coal . . . . . . . .

Discovering Diamonds

Queridos padres,

Apreciamos que muchos de ustedes asistiesen a nuestra Academia

para Padres el 14 de agosto. Fue un gran evento y estoy seguro de

que obtuvieron mucha información. La colaboración realmente

hace que Coal Mountain sea un lugar maravilloso para nuestros


Ahora que estamos comenzando a asentarnos en la rutina del año

escolar, estamos entusiasmados de tener a nuestros voluntarios en

el edificio. Hay muchas oportunidades para participar en la vida de

nuestra escuela, y apreciamos su apoyo. Nuestro PTO siempre está

buscando voluntarios así que considere convertirse en un mentor

o un perro guardián DADS. Nos complace proporcionarle

información de contacto para cualquiera de estas maravillosas

formas de involucrarse.

Asegúrese de revisar el volante para el próximo evento en North

Forsyth Middle School el 6 de septiembre. Este evento comunitario

es una excelente manera de continuar participando mientras

aprendemos a mantener seguros a nuestros alumnos. Sabemos

que encontrará la información extremadamente informativa.

Como siempre, si podemos hacer algo para promover la

comunicación, por favor avísenos. Si está en Facebook o Twitter,

asegúrese de seguirnos. La información se comparte con

frecuencia a través de estos medios de comunicación social y

nuestro sitio web.

El más cálido saludo,

Kimberly Davis



Del 27 al 31 de agosto -

Pruebas Interinas grados 2°-5°

31 de agosto Los alumnus salen

a las 11:50

4 de septiembre –Día del Trabajo

Creencia: Todos somos

responsables de CADA niño.

Misión: Empoderando a las

Mentes Jóvenes para un Futuro Brillante.

Metas: Nuestro objetivo es

crear y fomentar pensadores críticos que asuman riesgos, sean tenaces en su

aprendizaje y establezcan metas

altas, al mismo tiempo que acepten

la responsabilidad de su propio

aprendizaje y sus elecciones de vida.

Resultado: El perfil de

aprendizaje de FCS se convierte en una

realidad para todos los estudiantes.

Kimberly Davis, Principal Robin Castleberry, Assistant Principal

24 de agosto 2018

Welcome to the 2018-19 School Year!

The North Synergy Schools would like to invite you to our first Internet Safety Night for Parents. Please join us at NFMS on Thursday September 6th, at 6:00pm.

Attend sessions you choose and participate in a Q & A of County and National experts.

Experts will answer questions and offer practical knowledge for “real time” parenting.

Topics include: Most popular Apps & practical help with each one Sexting/pornography on the pre-teen/teenage brain Device and home accountability software (free trials given to

those who attend). Simple & effective family technology contract Ga Law & Internet Safety. Stranger Danger Online

FREE Childcare Provided!

Our CMES Garden needs YOU! We are putting together a

Green Team this year. Our garden adventures are growing

and we need volunteers to help it flourish. You don’t have

to have any experience. Just the love for the outdoors!

Volunteers will assist in the garden in a variety of ways

listed below.

Plant seeds and young plants with students. Maintain the

raised beds, butterfly garden and herb garden. Assist

students in the greenhouse. Harvest the foods from the

garden. Assist in preparing the harvest for tasting.

Volunteer times are during school hours, after school hours

and some weekends. We can work with your schedule!

Please email Denise Webb, Discovery Lab Teacher at

dewebb@forsyth.k12.ga.us if you are interested.


What’s your answer to the following question?

Has my parenting caught up with technology, or am I stuck in the

“Middle Ages” when people used phones hooked to cords and web

addresses were inhabited by arachnids?

While the basics of parenting remain the same, issues involving

technology have left many parents wondering what limits are

appropriate, how to hold their children accountable for misuse of

technology, and how to help kids learn the decision-making skills

required to make healthy technology choices when they leave home.

There’s good news! While these modern issues are definitely

challenging, we can achieve success by applying some age-old

parenting truths:

• Kids need limits.

• Limits are best set through actions instead of hollow threats.

• When kids make poor decisions, they need to experience natural

or logical consequences.

• Consequences are always more effective when provided with

loving empathy.

• Our kids will learn how to live their lives by watching us.

Listed below are a few examples of essential limits:

• You may have your tablet as long as there is no arguing when I

ask you to shut it off.

• Feel free to have a cell phone when you can pay for the entire


• We allow kids to have their internet-connectable devices as long

as they check them in with us each night. We’ll return them in the

morning as long as there are no problems.

• I’ve met plenty of good people who’ve ended up doing bad things

on the internet. That’s why your mom has all of my passwords

and is free to see my history. You may have this device as long

as you do the same. Everyone needs someone to hold them


• I’m shutting my phone off so that I can give you 100% of my

attention. Thanks for doing the same.

Dr. Charles Fay


The Coal Mountain Elementary Counseling department believes in the personal potential of each and

every student. We are pleased to offer several (optional) small group counseling opportunities

throughout the year to assist students to reach their full personal and academic potential.

We are currently forming our first session of small groups for all grades. These groups will begin

in September and will meet between 4 and 6 sessions. If your child has participated in a small

group at CME previously, it is typically not helpful to participate in the same small group again

unless there are extenuating circumstances.

If you have questions or would like to discuss your specific situation, please contact

Deana Brown (grades K-2) debrown@forsyth.k12.ga.us or

Jan Davis (grades 3-5) jfdavis@forsyth.k12.ga.us . We are happy to help!

We will make the following small groups available:

Peer Relations and Social Skills, Self Esteem, Anger Management, New

Comers, and Changing Families/Divorce

(Each group requires a minimum of 4 students)

Please see a brief description of the groups listed below.

* The Peer Relations and Social Skills groups will focus on assisting students that are struggling with

making (and keeping friends) and the potential resulting consequences. Adequate social skills are critical

for students to achieve personal success and help each student to reach his/her highest level of

learning. Some of the concepts that will be discussed include:

1. The importance of healthy self-concept in relation to others

2. Skills necessary to interact well with others (respecting personal space,

Recognizing/responding to verbal and nonverbal cues etc…)

3. How to respect self and others

4. Practicing reciprocal dialogue (learning not to monopolize discussions)

* The Self Esteem group will focus on assisting students that are struggling with healthy self-

concept. We believe that students that lack personal self-reliance and confidence are less likely to

perform to potential personally, academically, and socially. Some of the concepts that will be discussed


1. We all have strengths and growth areas (Individuality)

2. How to use communication skills to ask for help when needed

3. Accepting mistakes as essential components to the learning process

4. How to articulate feelings of competence and confidence

5. Identifying attitudes and behaviors leading to successful learning

* The Anger Management group will focus on assisting students that are struggling with frustration

tolerance and expressing feelings of anger. Some students need to learn healthy and socially

appropriate/respectful ways to express feelings of anger. Students that struggle with anger expression

may have a tendency to allow anger to “get out of control” which can negatively impact academic,

personal, and social functioning. Some of the concepts that will be discussed include:

1. Everyone gets angry

2. Anger versus fear

3. Recognizing personal signs of anger

4. Stop/Think/Act technique as well as Relaxation techniques

5. How to ask for help

*New Comers group for newly enrolled first and second graders will focus on helping our newest

members of the Coal Mountain Elementary family to get settled and feel connected to our

school community. We will have an opportunity to meet other new students as well as

explore/learn about the school in a nurturing, low stress and encouraging environment.

* The Changing Families/Divorce Support group is designed to assist students in family transition. It

has been our experience that children seem to cope better with changing families (including separation

and divorce, parent remarrying, parent moving out of state, big brother/sister moving out etc…) when

they have a chance to share their feelings with others going through similar experiences. Some of the

concepts that will be discussed include:

1. Acknowledgement of various family structures.

2. The expression of feelings regarding family transition.

3. The child is not to blame for transition (including Divorce).

4. All feelings are acceptable and need to be expressed.

5. Healthy ways to release/express uncomfortable emotions.

I give my child, _________________________, permission to participate in the following small group (*please choose only one group).

______ Peer Relations/Social Skills ______ Self Esteem ______ Ander Mgmt. ____New Comers ______ Changing Families

____________________________ ______________ _________

Parent/Guardian Signature Teacher’s Name Date


Parent/Guardian email (please include the email of all parents that should receive updates)

**Please return the form by Friday August 31st (you should expect to receive an email to confirm receipt).

Please provide a brief explanation regarding why you believe this group will benefit your child:

We would like to thank the local Dojo for spending some time with

each grade level this Thursday. Dojo Daniel (DJ) shared ways to

implement the 7-Mindsets into each day. At the end of the day,

students were given a flyer to claim a special offer to take a free

karate class on Monday, August 27. Karate at The Dojo is more

than just kicks and punches. The Dojo invests in each and every

student to empower them to be the hero of their own story. Each

child is taught what it looks like to work hard, demonstrate

respect and integrity, and how to lead by example. If you are

interested in this offer, please call 770-752-8705 to reserve a spot

and schedule your time which is based on your child’s age.

Forsyth County Schools is excited to share the opportunity for students and

employees to purchase HP Chromebooks (11 G5 EE) through the district’s vendor

at a discounted rate of $177.

Additional Purchase Options:

Etched Name on Device: $15

3 Year Warranty: $35

Carry Case: $45

Case Around the Chromebook: $59

Questions/to order contact

Luke Stebick

858-566-1900 x4225 or

Coal Mountain Elementary

Birthday / Special Occasion Book Club

We will be changing our birthday / special occasion book club at Coal Mountain. This is a

great way to help out our school library and at the same time honor the birthday / special

occasion of your child. At the beginning of your child’s birthday / special occasion month, your

child will be able to choose a book from a special new book collection. The book will receive a

unique inscription inside with your child’s name and birth date. Your child will be the very first

to check it out from the library. In addition, a picture will be taken of your child with their book

and hung on the Birthday/Special Occasion Book Club display in the lunchroom. (We will honor June and July birthdays / special occasions in May, and next years

August birthdays / special occasions in September.)

Please complete the form and return it with $17.00.

(Checks made out to Coal Mountain Elementary and please include your phone number on the check)

All Birthday / Special Occasion Book Club Donations are due by the end of the month before your child’s

birthday / special occasion.


Please return to Coal Mountain Elementary Media Center

Child’s Name as you wish it to be inscribed (please print):

Child’s Birthday/ Special Occasion:


Teacher’s Name / Grade: _______________________________

Click on the website for more information:


Coal Mountain Elementary School Business Partners

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