메가스터디245제1~36번변형문제:2단계어법유형 01 001

Post on 10-Feb-2022






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메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님


01대표 예제

Dear Lauren Baker,We thank you for agreeing [playing / to play]1) the music for my daughter’s wedding on September 17. Unfortunately, her fiancé, who is in the military, [has been received / has received]2) orders which make this date [impossible / impossibly]3), so we are moving the wedding date forward two weeks to September 3. Would it be possible for you to accommodate us on this date instead? All the other aspects of our agreement will remain the same. We would be most grateful if you could make this change and I really hope to see the extra touch of elegance [adding / added]4) to my daughter’s wedding. Will you be gracing us with your presence? If you are unable to, please let us [to know / know / known]5) as soon as possible so that we can make other arrangements.

대표 예제


To whom it may concern: I am writing this email concerning one of your products. The image on your product “Indian Green” soup is not of an Indian dance but a Korean one. The image shows Buchaechum, a traditional Korean fan dance. It is clear that in the image the dancers are [weared / wearing]11) traditional Korean dress. I searched online for images of an Indian fan dance, and of course, it looks very different from a Korean one. I know your company is [put / putting]12) a lot of effort into presenting authentic flavors, but I’m afraid that this one small mistake could damage your company’s reputation. I [sincerely / sincere]13) hope that you correct this as soon as possible.Sincerely,Susan Lee


To the Student Council, We are the members of the 11th grade band. Currently, since we have no practice room of our own, we have to practice twice a week in the multipurpose room. [For / During]14) the past two weeks, band practice has been canceled [because of / because]15) other groups needed to use the room. Since the band tournament is only one month away, we are [asked / asking]16) to be the only group to use the multipurpose room after school [while / for]17) this entire month. Principal Cooper has said that the entire student council must vote on our proposal. We hope that you will understand our situation and vote in our favor.Sincerely,The 11th Grade Band

[During / While]6) backpacking through Costa Rica, Masami found herself in a bad situation. She had lost all of her belongings, and had only $5 in cash. To make matters worse, [because / because of]7) a recent tropical storm, all telephone and Internet services were down. She had no way to get money, so decided to go knocking door to door, [explained / explaining]8) that she needed a place to stay until she could contact her family back in Japan to send her some money. Everybody told her they had no space or extra food and [points / pointed / pointing]9) her in the direction of the next house. It was already dark when she arrived at a small roadside restaurant. The owner of the restaurant heard her story and really empathized. Much to her delight, Masami was invited in. The owner gave her some food, and [allowing / allowed / allows]10) her to stay there until she could contact her parents.

메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님



A shivery feeling shot through Billy. It was a good feeling at first. He tried [locating / to locate]18) his father among the sea of heads, but he couldn’t. And then the good feeling turned bad. He had an odd sensation that the world around him was [moved / moving]19) in all directions. His mouth was dry. His heart was [pounding / pounded]20). He forgot every word of his poem, [included / including]21) the title, but he didn’t have a copy of it to read from. He saw Ms. Silver in the fringes of his vision. She was smiling and nodding, [urged / urging]22) him on with her wide eyes. Should he walk over to her to get a copy of his poem? She seemed about a mile away. And he didn’t think he could make his legs [moved / move]23).


“I can’t believe we made — how much did we make?” cried Megan once they got back to her house. “One hundred and four dollars each. Each!” shouted Jessie. She couldn’t stop [to hop / hopping]24) from one foot to the other. “I’ve never seen so much money in my life!” Jessie was already [running / run]25) numbers in her head. [Subtracted / Subtracting]26) the eighty dollars that she and Megan had spent on lemonade and cups, each girl had made a profit of sixty-four dollars. If they doubled [a number of / the number of]27) their franchises from thirteen to twenty-six, they could each make one hundred and twenty-eight dollars in one day! Jessie pulled out a piece of paper and [scribbles / scribbled]28) down a graph. The sky was the limit.


To whom it may concern: I am writing today about the service I got from your company on May 6, 2018. I was visited by a representative of your company, Mr. Jones, at my home on that day. Mr. Jones was one hour late for his appointment and [was offered / offered]29) nothing by way of apology when he arrived at noon. Mr. Jones then proceeded to present a range of products to me that I had specifically told his assistant by telephone I was not [interested / interesting]30) in. We ended our meeting without either of us [having accomplished / having been accomplished]31) anything. I am most annoyed that I wasted a morning for such inefficient services. I would [be welcomed / welcome]32) the opportunity to discuss matters further and to learn of how you propose [to be prevented / to prevent]33) a similar situation from recurring. I look forward to [hear / hearing]34) from you.Yours faithfully,Nora Walters


The silence was [driven / driving]35) me crazy. I was [vacationed / vacationing]36) with a few friends in the Poconos, but I was [had / having]37) a miserable time. Just days ago, Jim Messina and I had finished recording Sittin’In, our first album. [For / While]38) months, I’d been high as a kite, [being buzzed / buzzing]39) with the energy and great happiness that comes from the flow of creativity—expressed in my case through music. Now I was coming apart. I [had been completed / had completed]40) a lifelong goal and had nothing to replace it. The nothingness was [terrified / terrifying]41). I cut the trip short, and we headed back to California. At home, things just got worse: I couldn’t sleep, and after a while, I couldn’t hold any food down.

메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님



I have now had a chance to think about the problems with Max lawn mowers. I feel that the biggest problem is the price. At present, most of the sales in the UK [goes / go]42) to Japanese manufacturers, [which / who]43) not only produce a high-quality product, but whose prices are much cheaper than Max’s. However, Max has a very good brand name, and I am sure that a drop in price of 8% would be enough [to make / to be made]44) many new sales. Would Max be prepared to lower its prices by this much? A second problem is advertising. Many homeowners here do not know about the new Max lawn mowers. Our competitors often [puts / put]45) large advertisements in magazines. Unfortunately, our low sales [means / mean]46) that we are unable to pay for any advertising. If Max could pay for advertising, we would be [preparing / prepared]47) to arrange it.


Quinta took hold of her thin cold hand and sat motionless [during / for]48) hours. Through the window, she watched the snow [to fall / fall]49) relentlessly from a blackened sky and forgot the passing time as her darling mother lost her fight for life. She lay motionless, her gentle grip [weakened / weakening]50) in Quinta’s grasp as she drifted in and out of sleep, hardly [not knowing / knowing]51) who or where she was. Quinta too lost count of the days and became hollow-eyed herself as she [nursed / was nursed]52). Laura Haig breathed her last as streaks of light pierced a grey morning sky. The snow had stopped [to fall / falling]53) but it lay thick on the ground. Laura’s grip on her hand slackened and her head fell sideways as her life came to a close. Quinta sat motionless in her chair and stared at her mother’s beautiful, still features for a long time before she began to weep.


We’re right in the middle of the summer heat here in Vancouver. As we prepare for another great year at Hartforth Elementary, my staff and I have been quite busy evaluating our contracts and [to make / making]54) some tough decisions regarding renewing some contracts. Since we’ve decided to move toward cutting expenditures [relating / related]55) to security and investing more in school facilities including science rooms, we regret to inform you [that / what]56) we do not wish to renew our security outsourcing contract with your company. Your personnel [has / have]57) been quite committed to keeping our school a safe place for our students and we very much appreciate that. And we sincerely hope [what / that]58) someday we’ll be able to resume our business with your company. We wish you a great success both in your business and life.


One day last summer I was [flied / flying]59) my small plane through Windy Pass. Windy Pass is a narrow, rocky canyon [cut / cutting]60) through the Alaska Range about 70 miles northeast of Mt. Mckinley. The weather was clear and the air [relative / relatively]61) smooth. I sat there enjoying the scenery and congratulating myself on picking a good day for the trip. I thought to myself, “This is one of the best times in my life.” Then the plane’s nose, without warning, suddenly [was jerked / jerked]62) sharply to the left. At first I thought it was just a strong gust. I wasted no time in getting the nose back again [when / where]63) it belonged, but I couldn’t keep it there and it went to the left again. Then a movement under the left wing caught my eye and I [look / looked]64) out the left window. What I saw made my heart almost stop. The left aileron had come loose and was hanging down at an angle of about 45 degrees.

메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님



Dear Mr. Hane: Our message to you [are / is]65) brief, but important: Your subscription to The Armchair Reader’s Review will [be expired / expire]66) soon and we haven’t heard from you about [renew / renewing]67). We’re sure you don’t want to miss even one issue. Renew now to ensure that your subscription will continue uninterrupted. You’ll guarantee yourself [continuing / continued]68) delivery of the excellent features, fiction, and insight that make The Armchair Reader’s Review the fastest growing journal in America. To make it as easy as possible for you to act now, we’ve [been enclosed / enclosed]69) a pencil for you to complete the postage-paid reply card enclosed. Simply send back the card today, and you’ll continue to receive your monthly issue of The Armchair Reader’s Review without any interruptions.


One Friday night, Kris, my husband, came home from work [mumbled / mumbling]70) something about me [needed / needing]71) to bake pies and wash cars the next morning for his high school reunion that I needed to come with him. But I had a few issues with his [ mumbled / mumbling]72). It was his car and I never drove it. Also I did not remember agreeing [participating / to participate]73) in that event. I even checked our family calendar app to make sure I hadn’t forgotten a prior agreement between us, but this was not on the schedule. Moreover, I had already planned out my whole Saturday. I simply could not understand [how / why / what]74) he was unable to see everything I had going on. Someone has to drive our three children to their piano lessons, science camps, and soccer clubs, wash loads of laundry, walk the dog, and cook meals no one likes. I do not have the energy for car washes, [baked / baking]75) pies, and high school reunion. Especially ones I don’t remember agreeing to help with.

메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님


02대표 예제

Playing any game [what / that]76) involves more than one person [teach / teaches]77) kids teamwork, the consequences of cheating, and how to be a good team player whether they win or lose. It’s not hard to see how those skills make it into the daily lives of kids. But like all things we hope to teach our children, [learned / learning]78) to cooperate or to compete fairly [take / takes]79) practice. Humans aren’t naturally good at losing, so there will be tears, yelling, and cheating, but that’s okay. The point is, playing games together [help / helps]80) kids with their socialization. It allows them a safe place to practice getting along, following rules, and learning how to be graceful in defeat.

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As with memorizing anything, the simple method of repetition will be of help [what / when]81) remembering names. A powerful application of this principle is to repeat it in conversation. In this case you could simply say, “Tom. It’s nice to meet you, Tom.” Saying this short phrase [is repeated / repeats]82) the word twice aloud. Saying something aloud [is created / creates]83) a more powerful memory than only thinking it. The choice to say the word, mouthing it and hearing yourself say it, [make / makes]84) up a series of small events that increase memorization more than if you simply repeat the word in your mind. Continuing to repeat the name throughout conversation will further cement it in your memory. Say it [whatever / whenever]85) you have the opportunity to do so naturally.


We began helping in the kitchen when we each turned three years old. We’re sure that, at that age, we were more of a hindrance than help, but [because of / because]86) our mom thought cooking was a good learning tool, she tolerated all of the mess [what / that]87) we made. Of course, we didn’t care about any of that learning stuff, we just thought it was fun, and we still do. We learned to cook through trial and many errors. We can’t tell you how many times we have dropped eggs on the floor, coated the kitchen in flour, or [boiling / boiled / been boiled]88) things over on the stove. The point is, if there is a mistake that could be made, we have made it. But, as our mom always says, mistakes [is / are]89) the best teachers. Through those mistakes we have learned what works and definitely what doesn’t.


Much has been written and [says / said]90) about positive self-talk—for example, repeating to ourselves “I am wonderful” [since / when]91) we feel down, “I am strong” when going through a difficult time, or “I am getting better every day in every way” each morning in front of the mirror. The evidence [what / that / which]92) this sort of pep talk works is weak, and there are psychologists who [suggests / suggest]93) that it can actually hurt more than it can help. Little, unfortunately, has been written about real self-talk, [acknowledged / acknowledging]94) honestly what we are feeling at a given point. When feeling down, saying “I am really sad” or “I feel so torn”—to ourselves or to someone we trust—[is / are]95) much more helpful than declaring “I am tough” or “I am happy.”

메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님



Patricia is eager to be the best mom she can be, [and / but]96) she finds parenting a hard task. Here’s how she put it: “Just when I think I have it down, then something [change / changes]97), and I have to make major adjustments. Parenting well [feel / feels]98) like a moving target.” Patricia is correct. In fact, much research [has / have]99) been done on the developmental stages of childhood. Babies learn to sit up, then crawl, and finally walk. Kids have a greater ability to reason as they get older, and logic [makes / make]100) sense as they move further into preadolescence. A logical implication of these developmental changes [is / are]101) that parents will need to make parenting shifts along the way. In other words, the one strategy to keep in mind as your children grow and change [are / is]102) that you must also change to meet their new developmental needs and abilities.


Think back to when you were a kid. How did you play? How did using your imagination [make / makes]103) you feel? Being imaginative [gives / give]104) us feelings of happiness and adds excitement to our lives. It’s time to get back to those emotions. If you can return to the joyful feelings [what / that]105) you had through play, you’ll find that you feel happier about yourself. You can use your imagination to write books or [inventing / invent]106) something. There is no end to how creative you can be when you move into your imagination. It will also keep you focused on completing the tasks at hand [because of / because]107) imagination makes everyday tasks more interesting.


A girl on a bicycle was hit by a car. As she was being rushed to the hospital in the ambulance, a pint of blood [gives / was given]108) to her. Fortunately, the girl recovered from her injuries, but things could have been much different. What if the blood [that / what]109) she received had been infected with a deadly disease such as HIV? As one in every five people will need a blood transfusion sometime in their life, this is a pressing concern [despite / even though]110) the risk of contracting a disease such as AIDS [are / is]111) practically negligible. Until the risk is zero, people will forever be concerned that the blood [what / that]112) they have received may have deadly diseases. But is it possible to have a zero risk for anything in this day and age?


The word “natural” appears in large letters across many cans and boxes of food. But this word sometimes [is given / gives]113) shoppers false ideas about the food inside. [In spite of / Even though]114) laws require that all food labels [give / gives]115) truthful information, this does not always happen. The word “natural” has not been defined by the FDA, the agency in charge of food labels. So any food maker can use the word on a package. Even the worst junk food is certain to have [natural something / something natural]116) in it. So the makers of these foods can use “natural” on their packages. The FDA needs to modify its current policy on food labeling and [makes / make]117) a law requiring the information on the package to reflect the actual contents.

메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님



Stories assist us [upon / in / by]118) developing empathy [upon / in / by]119) helping us see the world from others’ perspectives. When I want to know how someone came to believe [that / what]120) she believes, I ask her [for / to]121) tell me a story to illustrate her point. When I hear enough stories, I come to realize the experiences [what / that]122) led her to draw a particular conclusion. When I was in graduate school, a researcher [put / puts]123) two groups of people who had different opinions together in the same room. He didn’t ask them [for / to]124) argue their beliefs. He asked them to go around the circular table and tell stories about the life experiences [that / what]125) led them to come to the beliefs they had. No one changed their beliefs, but they left the room with a [profoundly / profound]126) greater respect for the other side’s position—that there might be reasons to think differently than we do.



Moral progress has not come [easy / easily]134) for humanity. True progress can only be achieved when people treat one another as ‘you,’ in the second person, rather than as an [enduring / endured]135) object, an ‘it.’ Only when we recognize the value and dignity of the ‘other’ whom we face, can we treat that person [moral / morally]136). For instance, black slaves in the south of the U.S. [was / were]137) treated as property, to be bought, sold, and used, rather than as unique centers of value. For humanity to progress, we have to try [ceasing / to cease]138) [being treated / treating]139) one another as property or capital, or in any other way as means. Rather, we should treat each person as a ‘you’ deserving dignity and respect. Moral progress could come about if each person [recognized recognizes]140) that everyone else equally [deserve / deserves]141) to live a free, dignified life, and took steps towards that end.


It is important to keep in mind [that / what]127) your distribution of eggs may need to be a bit unbalanced at certain times. For example, when we have young children we may need more eggs in the family basket for a period of time out of necessity, or when we are [involving / involved]128) in a large project at work that domain may [be taken / take]129) up a lot of time. Also a common pattern for many people [are / is]130) that when they enter a new love relationship they tend to put all or most of their eggs in that basket. This is okay for a while, but if it continues and the relationship breaks down that person may be [surprising / surprised]131) to find they have no support available from family or friends. This can make the pain of [grieved / grieving]132) the loss of the relationship even worse. Another example [are / is]133) when a man puts all of his efforts into work and then feels lost when he retires. Hence, the old saying ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Most of the research and literature on young people and body image [have / has]142) focused on adolescents. We now know [that / what]143) a negative body image frequently develops at a younger age than this. We often associate body dissatisfaction and eating problems with teenagers, but the roots of these difficulties can [trace / be traced]144) back to an earlier time in childhood. Recent studies show that a negative body image often develops [while / during]145) the pre-teen years [during / while]146) children are still at primary school. Children are [showing / shown]147) concerns over their physical appearance and body image at an increasingly young age. Education to tackle this problem has to begin in the primary school. Intervention programmes [aimed / aiming] 148)at adolescents may be too late to prevent many young people [to / from]149) developing a negative body image with its [associating / associated]150) eating problems, depression, low self-esteem and anxiety.

메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님



Children always love security, and they don’t want to leave their friends, school and many other familiar things. If you’re going [moving / to move]151) to a different city, be prepared that your kids will probably experience trauma. So first, explain to them [what / why]152) you all need to move. Have them let their friends [known / know]153) that you all are leaving and give your children your new telephone number so that their old friends can contact them. E-mail is also a great way to stay connected. Next, have your children [to look / look]154) up on the Internet the new city [where / which]155) you’re moving to. Also, have your kids start [packing / to pack]156) some of their own things so they feel they’re contributing. Lastly, assure them they’ll meet new friends and soon their new place will feel like home.


The fact that many proverbs [seems / seem]157) to contradict one another is an additional reason for regarding them as providing insufficient support for a claim. Look at the contradictory advice in the following pairs of proverbs: “Two heads are better than one” and “Too many cooks spoil the broth.” “Better safe than sorry” and “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” “Birds of a feather flock together” and “Opposites attract.” “You’re never too old to learn” and “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” and “Out of sight, out of mind.” Proverbs [are / is]158) expressions of so-called popular wisdom, and the “wisdom” expressed in them can [easy / easily]159) be contradicted by the “wisdom” expressed in others. Thus, you’d better remember that proverbs can’t be a universal truth which [serve / serves]160) as sufficient support for any claim or course of action.

메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님


03대표 예제

The development of writing was pioneered not by gossips, storytellers, or poets, but by accountants. The earliest writing system has its roots in the Neolithic period, when humans first began to switch from hunting and gathering [on / in / to]161) a settled lifestyle [basing / based]162) on agriculture. This shift began around 9500 B.C. in a region [knowing / known]163) as the Fertile Crescent, which [stretch / stretches]164) from modern-day Egypt, up to southeastern Turkey, and down again to the border between Iraq and Iran. Writing [seem / seems]165) [to evolve / to have evolved]166) in this region from the custom of using small clay pieces to account for transactions involving agricultural goods such as grain, sheep, and cattle. The first written documents, which [comes / come]167) from the Mesopotamian city of Uruk and date back to around 3400 B.C., record amounts of bread, payment of taxes, and other transactions [used / using]168) simple symbols and marks on clay tablets.

대표 예제


In some sense, tea played a life-changing role for herdsmen and hunters [before / after]177) it spread to China’s grasslands and pasture lands. It is often said [to / that]178) people make a living according to given circumstances. On high mountains and grasslands in the northwest part of China, a large quantity of cattle, sheep, camels, and horses [are / is]179) raised. The milk and meat provide people [with / for]180) much fat and protein but few vitamins. Tea, therefore, supplements the basic needs of the nomadic tribes, whose diet [lack / lacks]181) vegetables. Therefore, the herdsmen from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions follow the tea culture system in [that / which]182) they drink tea with milk. And they make milky tea the most precious thing for the people in the northwest part of China.


Poetry sharpens our senses and [make / makes]183) us more keenly and fully aware of life. Imagine, for a moment, that you are [tried / trying]184) to describe one of your friends. You could say the friend is tall, [have / has]185) blue eyes, a mole on the left cheek, or a red nose. But [what / that]186) would only describe the outside of this person. It wouldn’t tell people [that / what]187) your friend is really like—the habits, feelings, all the little peculiarities that [makes / make]188) this person what he or she is and different from everyone else. You would find it very difficult indeed to describe the inside of your friend, [in spite of / even though]189) you feel you know such a great friend through and through. Now good poetry does describe life in that way; it tells us about its inside as well as its outside, and thus it helps you [knew / to know]190) and love the world as intimately as you know and love a friend.

Do you have trouble [to locate / locating]169) your computer screen amid the jungle of old coffee mugs and [scattering / scattered]170) papers? Or is your workspace a minimalist’s dream? Whether you’re neat or messy, your workspace may reveal a lot about your personality. Every office worker [have / has]171) a particular type of desk they keep. And a number of studies [suggests / suggest]172) that the state of your desk might affect how you work, from the idea that [disorder / disorderly]173) environments produce creativity—to the idea that too much mess can interfere with focus. Deliberately or not, we’re [constant / constantly]174) making statements about ourselves through our personal presentation of the desk. One of the reasons physical spaces, [including / included]175) our office desks, can be so revealing about us [are / is]176) that they’re essentially the crystallization of a lot of behavior over time.

메가스터디245제� 1~36번�변형문제:� 2단계�어법유형 <올바른선생님연합>�고등부�출제위원�이현철�선생님



Each spring in North America, the early morning hours are filled [of / with]191) the sweet sounds of songbirds, such as sparrows and robins. [On the other hand / While]192) it may seem like these birds are simply [sung / singing]193) songs, many are in the middle of an intense competition for territories. For many birds, this struggle could ultimately decide [who / whom]194) they mate with and if they ever raise a family. When the birds return from their winter feeding grounds, the males usually [are arrived / arrive]195) first. Older, more dominant males will reclaim their old territories: a tree, shrub, or even a window ledge. Younger males will try to challenge the older ones for space [on / in / by]196) mimicking the song that the older males are singing. The birds that can sing the loudest and the longest usually [wind / winds]197) up with the best territories.


A bridge is normally [constructing / constructed]198) to last one hundred years in a natural or manmade environment. Its presence [is made / makes]199) a lasting mark that shows the evolution of society. It should, then, be an agreeable addition to the local environment. Therefore, one of the first [quality / qualities]200) a bridge must exhibit concerns how it harmonizes with its surroundings. It must not upset the balance of the environment; it must [neither / either]201) adapt to or indeed reinforce this balance. Depending on the type of bridge and the site, it is subordinate to the surroundings, or it [is made / makes]202) a strong statement. In the latter case the bridge must possess an intrinsic beauty that works within its surroundings. It is not acceptable to create a bridge that [are / is]203) spectacular in itself but spoils its local environment.


Deviant behavior is an integral part of all healthy societies. In the presence of deviant behavior, a social group becomes [unite / united]204) in its response. In other words, opposition to deviant behavior creates opportunities for cooperation essential to the survival of any group. When social life moves along [normal / normally]205), people take one another and the meaning of their social interdependence for [granting / granted]206). A deviant act, however, [is reawakened / reawakens]207) their group attachments and loyalties [because of / because]208) it represents a threat to the moral order of the group. The deviant act focuses people’s attention on the value of the group. [Being perceived / Perceiving]209) itself under pressure, the group marshals its forces to protect itself and preserve its existence. Deviance also offers society’s members an opportunity to rededicate themselves to their society’s forms of social controls.


They say it’s the spaces between the notes that make the music, [or / and]210) the pauses between sentences that [are made / make]211) the speech. Perhaps it can also be said [what / that]212) it’s the silence in between the noise of the world that [make / makes]213) our life worth living. Sirens, cars, horns, construction, radios, television, and people all contribute to the constant noise that [is filled / fills]214) our ears and minds with a bombardment of stimuli. Many days the noise doesn’t stop. Yet the energy of silence waits for [what / that /which]215) brief moment when the door shuts and the noise stops. Underneath the noise of all things [are / is]216) the silence of everything. Within the silence sits the energy to recharge our batteries—to refuel our tired lives, to help us create. All we have to do [are / is]217) tap into it and embrace it.

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Like a muscle, willpower [has been limited / has limited]218) capacity, and when exercised extensively it can become worn out. Also like a muscle, the primary fuel your brain uses to exercise willpower is sugar from your blood. So [when / but219)] your blood sugar is low (i.e., when you’re hungry, which when you’re dieting is pretty much all the time), your willpower is weaker than ever, and the only way to fix it is to eat. You can see the difficulty this can cause when you’re [made / making]220) food decisions. Throwing exercise into the equation—something dieters use to intentionally burn more calories (i.e., use more blood sugar)—only [make / makes]221) things more problematic. Baumeister and Tierney call it a nutritional catch-22: the less you eat and the more you exercise, the less likely you will be [to be made / to make]222) good food decisions in the end and maintain your weight loss.



Evolution and culture [have been allowed / have allowed]223) humans to adapt to the environment [on / in / by]224) exchanging primitive methods of foraging for more reliable technological methods of food cultivation. Modern food technology [has been increased / has increased]225) the variety of food choices and the interaction between culturally different societies and [has been encouraged / has encouraged]226) the sampling of different cuisines. Technology has changed human eating behaviors [on / in / by]227) allowing food to be easily accessed in [industrializing / industrialized]228) societies. Globally, technology influences food choices by determining what, how much, and where food is available. Cooking is one technology that [has been helped / has helped]229) to expand human food choices. Early humans used fire [to have been obtained / to obtain]230)

more control over their food environment. The fire itself may have also protected humans by frightening away predators and [decreases / decreasing]231) the competition for food. Modern humans continue to use fire [for / as]232) a means of destroying potential harmful microorganisms, making foods safer, more edible, and more digestible.

The public is becoming [increasing / increasingly]233) informed about exercise programs, dietary habits, and ways to manage stress. More health insurance companies are [paid / paying]234) for preventive medicine as well as remediation, and some are asking clients [for / to]235) complete lifestyle surveys to identify positive and negative habits that [affects / affect]236) their overall health. Many communities also provide a wide variety of programs [aiming / aimed]237) at helping people improve the quality of their lives by finding a form of exercise that suits them. With increased attention [paying / being paid]238) to the possible side effects of drugs and medications, many patients are [taken /taking]239) steps to educate themselves about prescription drugs and to question their physicians about the medications they [are prescribed / prescribe]240). Some people still prefer to give authority for health care to their physicians, but others are [taken / taking]241) a more active role and assuming more responsibility in their health care.

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Now that you’ve put the final touch on your artwork, it is being exhibited to the critics [after / before]242) you present it to the public. The first step to survive the critique is [to be kept / to keep]243) some emotional distance from the work. All critiques [tests / test]244) your ability [to have been occupied / to occupy]245) the uncomfortable position of being, at once, committed to your work and detached in critique. Remember that you are not your work. Try to become an impartial viewer, [stood / standing]246) beside rather than against the members of the critique. Consider the criticism thoughtfully, [even if / as if]247) the work in question was done by someone else. You are likely to receive a great deal of information.


Volunteering can be great if you’ve just moved to an area or are feeling [even if / as if]248) you could stand to mix up your social circle. Plus, the people you’ll meet [during / while]249) [being volunteered / volunteering] 250)will probably have different things to offer than do most of your peers in school. [However / For instance]251), if you don’t have any grandparents or other senior citizens in your life, residents of a retirement community can help fill that void. Or if you’ve always [been wanted / wanted]252) to see what it would be like to work as a park ranger, volunteering alongside one can be a great opportunity [to be learned / to learn]253) the ropes from a pro. Lots of volunteers say that one of their biggest rewards [are / is]254) getting to know people from different walks of life. Whatever your choice of volunteer work, you’re almost sure to meet someone you wouldn’t have otherwise met.


The comparing of children in the same family by their parents [are / is]255) a major problem in many families. Children are already [sensitive / sensitively]256) to whether their siblings are [favoring / favored]257) by their parents. Siblings know among themselves who [have / has]258) what talent and how each is treated. The worst thing a parent can say to a child is, “Why aren’t you more like your brother or sister?” This is [devastated devastating]259) to a child, [because of / because]260) the child knows he cannot be like his brother or sister or [what / that]261) he is unique and cannot be a clone. When parents talk like this to their children, the children become angry, defensive, and hurt. Their self-esteem is [lowering / lowered]262) tremendously [because of / because]263) they feel less than worthy in their parents’ eyes. If Johnny get As in school [on the other hand / while]264) Tommy gets Bs and Cs with the same amount of effort, Tommy already feels his brother is smarter than he is. He doesn’t need his parents to remind him.

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1) to play2) has received3) impossible4) added5) know6) While7) because of8) explaining9) pointed10) allowed11) wearing12) putting13) sincerely14) For15) because16) asking17) for18) to locate19) moving20) pounding21) including22) urging23) move24) hopping25) running26) Subtracting27) the number of28) scribbled29) offered30) interested31) having accomplished32) welcome33) to prevent34) hearing35) driving36) vacationing37) having38) For39) buzzing40) had completed41) terrifying42) go43) who44) to make45) put46) mean47) prepared48) for49) fall50) weakening51) knowing52) nursed53) falling54) making55) related56) that57) have58) that59) flying60) cutting61) relatively62) jerked63) where64) looked

65) is66) expire67) renewing68) continued69) enclosed70) mumbling71) needing72) mumbling73) to participate가. 74) why

75) baking76) that77) teaches78) learning79) takes80) helps81) when82) is repeated83) creates84) makes85) whenever86) because87) that88) boiled89) are90) said91) when92) that93) suggest94) acknowledging95) is96) but97) change98) feels99) has100) makes101) is102) is103) make104) gives105) that106) invent107) because108) was given109) that110) even though111) is112) that113) gives114) Even though115) give116) something natural117) make118) in 119) by 120) what121) to122) that123) put124) to125) that126) profoundly127) that128) involved129) take130) is

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131) surprised132) grieving133) is

2. 134) easily135) enduring136) morally137) were138) to cease139) treating140) recognized141) deserves142) has143) that144) be traced145) during146) while147) showing148) aimed149) from150) associated151) to move152) why153) know154) look155) which156) packing157) seem 158) are159) easily160) serves161) to162) based163) known164) stretches165) seems166) to have evolved167) come168) using169) locating170) scattered171) has172) suggest173) disorderly174) constantly175) including176) is177) after178) that179) are180) with181) lacks182) which183) makes184) trying185) has186) that187) what188) make189) even though190) to know191) with192) While193) singing194) whom195) arrive196) by

197) wind198) constructed199) makes200) qualities201) either202) makes203) is204) united205) normally206) granted207) reawakens208) because209) Perceiving210) and211) make212) that213) makes214) fills215) that 216) is217) is218) has limited219) when220) making221) makes222) to make223) have allowed224) by225) has increased226) has encouraged227) by228) industrialized229) has helped230) to obtain231) decreasing232) as233) increasingly234) paying]235) to236) affect237) aimed238) being paid239) taking240) prescribe241) taking242) before243) to keep244) test245) to occupy246) standing247) as if248) as if249) while250) volunteering251) For instance252) wanted253) to learn254) is255) is256) sensitive257) favored258) has259) devastating260) because261) that262) lowered

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263) because264) while

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