平成30年度高知県公立学校教員採用候補者選考審査 …...on new year’s eve, we...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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受審番号 氏  名

【注意】1 解答用紙(マークシート)は,下記に従って記入をしてください。

○ �記入に当たっては,HBの鉛筆を使用し,枠からはみ出さないよう丁寧に塗りつぶしてください。

○ 訂正する場合は,消しゴムで完全に消してください。○ 氏名,受審する教科・科目,受審種別を,該当する欄に記入してください。○ �受審番号の欄には,受審票を確認のうえ,受審番号(5桁)を記入してください。

また,併せて,受審番号欄の該当する数字を塗りつぶしてください。○ 解答に当たっては,解答用紙の該当する選択肢の記号を塗りつぶしてください。

2 問1〜問3は,下に示すように受審種別ごとの問題となっています。○[小学校教諭,小学校・中学校養護教諭,小学校・中学校栄養教諭]の問題は,小




3 問4〜問 50 は共通問題です。全ての受審者が答えてください。

4 各問題とそのページ○[小学校教諭,小学校・中学校養護教諭,小学校・中学校栄養教諭]� ●ページ○[中学校教諭]�……………………………………………………………… ●ページ○[高等学校教諭]�…………………………………………………………… ●ページ○[特別支援学校教諭(小学部,中学部・高等部)]� …………………… ●ページ○[共通問題]�………………………………………………………………… ●〜●ページ

5 筆記審査(教職・一般教養)終了後は,解答用紙のみを回収します。この問題冊子は,各自持ち帰ってください。

【注意事項】1 審査開始の合図があるまで,この問題冊子の中を見ないでください。

2 解答用紙(マークシート)は2枚あります。切り離さないでください。

3 解答用紙(マークシート)は,2枚それぞれに下記に従って記入してください。○ 記入は,HBの鉛筆を使用し,該当する の枠からはみ出さないよう丁寧にマークしてください。

  マーク例 (良い例)

(悪い例)     ○ 訂正する場合は,消しゴムで完全に消してください。○ 氏名,受審する教科・科目,受審種別,受審番号を,該当する欄に記入してください。                 

  また,併せて,右の例に従って,受審番号を マークしてください。

※ 正しくマーク(正しい選択問題への解答及び マーク)していないと,正確に採点されません ので,注意してください。               記入例

       (受審番号12345の場合)4 解答は,解答用紙(マークシート)の解答欄をマークしてください。例えば,解答記号 ア と表示のある問いに対して bと解答する場合は,下の(例)のようにアの解答欄の をマークしてください。



5 筆記審査(専門教養)が終了した後,解答用紙(マークシート)のみ回収します。監督者から指示があれば,この問題冊子を,各自,持ち帰ってください。


特別支援学校中学部・高等部 英語

受審番号 氏  名



Section�1 Listening�ComprehensionListen� to� the� four� statements� and� choose� the� one� statement� that� best� describes� the�picture.

(1) ア

a  b  c  d

(2) イ

a  b  c  d


(3) ウ

a  b  c  d

(4) エ

a  b  c  d


(5) オ

a  b  c  d


Section�2 Listening�ComprehensionListen�to�the�six�conversations�and�follow�the�directions.

(1)What�does�the�man�think�of�the�diet?� カa He�wants�to�try�it.b He�doesn’t�think�it�will�work.c He�thinks�she�should�eat�meat.d He�is�not�interested�in�it.

(2)What�did�he�go�to�Australia�for?� キa For�sightseeing.b For�surfing.c For�relaxing.d For�studying�English.

(3)How�much�are�the�tickets�in�total�which�she�is�going�to�buy?� クa $45.b $50.c $150.d $500.

(4)What�are�Jane�and�her�friend�talking�about?� ケa The�friend�is�looking�for�an�apartment.b The�friend�is�discussing�sharing�a�room.c The�friend�wants�to�find�a�shop�to�sell�his�things.�d The�friend�wants�to�know�where�to�buy�things�for�his�new�place.

(5)What�will�the�woman�do�next?� コa She�will�close�the�office.b She�will�go�see�a�movie.c She�will�photocopy�the�reports.d She�will�help�to�clear�the�burned�furniture.�

(6)What�will�they�do�at�8�o’clock�on�Saturday�evening?� サa They�will�have�dinner�together.b They�will�play�jazz�together.c They�will�go�to�a�free�concert.d They�will�relax�over�coffee.


Section�3 Listening�ComprehensionListen�to�the�four�short�passages�and�follow�the�directions.

(1)Which�of�the�following�matches�the�passage?� シa When�she�was�young,�Oprah�met�Michael�Jackson�and�moved�to�Chicago.b When�she�was�young,�Oprah�lived�in�Africa�and�studied�at�an�academy�for�girls.c When�she�was�young,�Oprah�was�rich�but�lonely.d When�she�was�young,�Oprah�was�poor�but�studied�hard.

(2)Which�of�the�following�matches�the�passage?� スa When�you�are�stressed,�you�may�chase�someone�in�your�dream.�b When�you�are�scared�about�losing�control,�you�may�try�to�run�in�your�dream.c When�you�need�to�change�a�bad�habit,�you�may�feel�trapped�somewhere�in�your�

dream.d When�you�are�facing�new�challenges�in�your�life,�you�may�get�hit�by�a�car�in�your�


(3)Which�of�the�following�does�NOT�match�the�passage?� セa Happy�people�are�those�who�are�trying�to�live�with�others.b Happy�people�are�those�who�spend�a�lot�of�time�by�themselves.c Happy�people�are�those�who�are�honest�to�their�friends�and�families.d Happy�people�are�those�who�have�natural�smiles�on�their�faces.

(4)What�is�the�main�topic�of�this�passage?� ソa How�to�celebrate�the�Chinese�New�Year.b How�to�clean�your�house�for�the�Chinese�New�Year.c How�to�surprise�people�during�the�Chinese�New�Year.d How�to�give�money�during�the�Chinese�New�Year.



1 Directions:�In�this�section,�(1)�to�(10),�there�are�incomplete�sentences.�Beneath�each�sentence� you�will� see� four�words� or� phrases,�marked� a� to� d.� Choose� one�word� or�phrase� for� ア 〜 コ � that� best� completes� the� sentence.� Then,�mark�your�answer�on�your�answer�sheet.

(1)  ア �I�can�remember,�this�is�the�third�time�we’ve�met.�When�we�met�last,�you�were�still�a�student.

a As�far�as� b As�long�as� c In�case� d So�that

(2) It�was�very�hot�today.�David�was�sweating�heavily.�His�shirt�needs� イ .

a wash� b washed� c washing� d to�wash

(3) I’m�rather�out�of� ウ � these�days.� I� think�I�need�to�sleep� longer�and�do�more�exercise.

a blue� b order� c shape� d stock

(4) Naomi� finished�writing�her�paper� just� in� time.�She�didn’t�have� time� to�have� it�エ �before�she�submitted�it.

a check� b checked� c checking� d to�check

(5) Her�parents�had�to�lend�her�the�money;� オ �she�wouldn’t�have�been�able�to�afford�her�driver’s�license.

a however� b moreover� c nevertheless� d otherwise

(6) The�new�project�was�a�big�success�largely� カ �Ms.�Tanaka’s�efforts.�She�works�hard�and�she�is�always�considerate.

a except�for� b regardless�of� c due�to� d as�of

(7)  キ � near� the� station,� the� restaurant� is� always� crowded.�The� owner� is�thinking�of�hiring�additional�staff.

a Locate� b Located� c Locating� d Location


(8) Mr.�White� ク � a� new� idea� for� his�math� class.� He� is� always� trying� to�make�his�class�interesting.

a came�up�with� b caught�up�with� c kept�out�of� d ran�out�of

(9) In�recent�decades,�a�variety�of�reform�efforts�have�been�focused�on�decreasing�class�sizes�as�a�strategy�for� improving�school�and�student�performance.�The�basic�rationale� is� that� if� teachers� have� fewer� students,� they� can� devote�more� time� and�attention� ケ �each�student.

a at� b for� c in� d to

(10) Immersion� programs� are� a� form� of� bilingual� education� and� used� during� the�elementary� or� secondary� grades.� For� example,� there� are� schools� in� Canada� for�English-speaking�children,� コ �French�is�the�language�of�instruction.

a that� b which� c where� d when

2 Directions:� In� this� section,� you�will� read� three� passages.�There� are� five� blanks� in�each�passage.�Beneath�each�passage�you�will�see�five�choices,�marked�a�to�e.�Choose�one�for�each�blank�that�best�completes�the�sentences,�and�mark�the�second�and�fourth�elements� サ 〜 タ �on�your�answer�sheet.

(1) Errors� are� a� natural� part� of� learning.� They� usually� show� that� learners� are�learning�and�that�their�internal�mental�processes�are�working�on�and�experimenting�with�language.�By�making�mistakes�you�realize�that�you�don’t�know�something�and�you�try�to�put�it�right.�For�example,�if�you�fall�off�a�bicycle�accidentally,�you�realize�that� you� did� something�wrong,� and� you�make� sure� you� don’t�make� the� same�mistake� again.� Similarly,� as�we� communicate�with� others� and� see� that� our�communication�isn’t�working,�we�try�again,�using�other�words�or�aiming�for�greater�accuracy.�We� go� through� stages� of� learning� new� language,� and�

サ シ �—�like�pieces�of�a�jigsaw�puzzle�which�only�make�sense�when�they�are�all�in�place.

a helps�usb other�pieces�of�languagec learn�more�fullyd that�we�already�knowe each�new�piece�of�language�we�learn


(2) The� emphasis� in� Communicative� Language�Teaching� (CLT)� focuses� on� the�processes� of� communication,� rather� than�mastery� of� language� forms,� and� leads� to�different� roles� for� learners� from� those� found� in�more� traditional� second� language�classrooms.� ...� There� is� thus� an� acknowledgment,� in� some� accounts� of� CLT,� that�learners�bring�preconceptions�of�what�teaching�and� learning�should�be� like.�These�constitute�a�“set”�for�learning,�which�when�unrealized�can�lead�to�learner�confusion�and�resentment�(Henner-Stanchina�and�Riley�1978).�Often�there�is�no�text,�grammar�rules� are� not� presented,� classroom� arrangement� is� nonstandard,� students� are�expected� to� interact� primarily�with� each� other� rather� than�with� the� teacher,� and�correction� of� errors�may� be� absent� or� infrequent.� The� cooperative� (rather� than�individualistic)�approach�to�learning�stressed�in�CLT�may�likewise�be�unfamiliar�to�learners.� CLT�methodologists� consequently� recommend� ス

セ .� Similarly,� successful� communication� is� an�accomplishment�jointly�achieved�and�acknowledged.

a a�joint�responsibilityb the�speaker�or�listenerc that�learners�learn�to�seed and�not�the�fault�ofe that�failed�communication�is

(3) The�study�of�speech�sounds�is�called�phonetics.�To�describe�speech�sounds�it�is�necessary�to�know�what�an�individual�sound�is�and�how�each�sound�differs�from�all�others.�This�is�not�as�easy�as�it�may�seem.�A�speaker�of�English�knows�that�there�are�three�sounds�in�the�word�cat,�the�initial�sound�represented�by�the�letter�c,�the�second�by�a,�and�the�final�sound�by�t.�Yet�physically�the�word�is�just�one�continuous�sound.�You�can�segment�the�one�sound� into�parts�because�you�know�English.�The�ability� ソ タ .�Not� and� knot� have�three�sounds�even�though�the�first�sound�in�knot�is�represented�by�the�two�letters�kn.

a is�spelledb does�not�depend�onc its�individual�soundsd knowledge�of�how�the�worde to�analyze�a�word�into


3 Directions:� In� this� section,� you�will� read� two� passages.� There� is� a� blank� in� each�passage.� Beneath� each� passage,� you�will� see� three� sentences,�marked� 1,� 2,� and� 3.�Choose� the� order� of� the� sentences� for� the� blank� that� best� completes� the� passage.�Then,�mark�your�answer�on�your�answer�sheet.

(1) Words�are�an�important�part�of�linguistic�knowledge�and�constitute�a�component�of�our�mental�grammars.� チ �What�is�a�word?�What�do�you�know�when�you�know�a�word?�Suppose�you�hear�someone�say�morpheme�and�haven’t�the�slightest�idea�what� it�means,� and� you� don’t� know�what� the�“smallest� unit� of� linguistic�meaning”�is�called.�Then�you�don’t�know�the�word�morpheme.�A�particular�string�of�sounds�must�be�united�with�a�meaning�and�a�meaning�must�be�united�with�specific�sounds� in� order� for� the� sounds� or� the�meaning� to� be� a�word� in� our�mental�dictionaries.�Once�you� learn�both�the�sounds�and�their�related�meaning,�you�know�the�word.� It� becomes� an� entry� in� your�mental� lexicon� (the� Greek�word� for�dictionary).� Someone�who� doesn’t� know�English�would� not� know�where� one�word�begins�or�ends� in�an�utterance� like�Thecatsatonthemat.�We�separate�written�words�by� spaces� but� in� the� spoken� language� there� are� no� pauses� between�most�words.�Without� knowledge� of� the� language,� one� can’t� tell� how�many�words� are� in� an�utterance.

1 Anyone�who� has� tried� to�make� himself� understood� in� a� foreign� country� by�simply�using�a�dictionary�knows�this�to�be�true.�

2 On�the�other�hand,�without�words�we�would�be�unable�to�convey�our�thoughts�through�language.

3 But� one� can� learn� thousands� of�words� in� a� language� and� still� not� know� the�language.�

a 2–1–3  b 2–3–1  c 3–1–2  d 3–2–1


(2) The�study�of�language�acquisition,�both�first�and�second,�has�always�included�an�interest�in�finding�the�relation�between�the�neurological�structures�that�provide�the�physical�location�in�the�brain�for�language�learning�and�the�behavioral�traits�of�that�learning.� Early� successes� by� the� nineteenth-century� neurologists�Wernicke� and�Broca�were� instrumental� in�motivating� subsequent� efforts� to� locate� specific�language�functions�in�specific�brain�positions.�Ensuing�study�has�continued�the�effort�to�map� linguistic� functions� throughout� the� brain.�Most� of� this� research� has�proceeded� by� studying� the� patterns� of� language� impairment� that� are� found� in�patients�with�particular�types�of�brain�damage.�� � � ツ �

1 One�application�of�this�research�concerns�the�localization�of�language�functions�in�the�brain.

2 According� to�Albert� and�Obler� (1978),� bilingual� brains� are�more� bilateral� and�less�fixed�with�respect�to�cerebral�dominance�than�are�those�of�monolinguals.�

3 Such�claims�have�strong�implications�for�theories�of�acquisition.

a 1–2–3  b 1–3–2  c 3–1–2  d 3–2–1



1 Directions:� There� are� blanks� in� the� following� definitions� of� technical� terms� in�language�teaching.�Beneath�each�definition�you�will�see�four�words�or�phrases,�marked�a� to�d.�Choose�one�word�or�phrase� for� ア 〜 オ � that�best�completes�the�definition.�Then,�mark�your�answer�on�your�answer�sheet.

(1) ア �is�an�approach�to�develop�a�curriculum.�Its�logic�suggests�a�planning�sequence� for� curriculum.�This� sequence� starts�with� the� goals,� that� is,� identifying�desired� results.� Then,� educators� determine� acceptable� evidence,� and� finally,� plan�learning�experiences�and�instruction.

a Positive�feedback� b Item�analysisc Backward�design� d Controlled�processing

(2) イ � refers� to� activities� in� which� learners� evaluate� each� other’s�performance.� Its� main� factors� include� that� learners� can� learn� from� the�accomplishments�and�mistakes�of�others.

a Formal�instruction� b Peer�assessmentc Structural�linguistics� d Social�schema

(3) ウ � is� a� purposeful� collection� of�work� that� provides� information� about�someone’s�efforts,�progress�or�achievement�in�a�given�area.�It�is�a�learning�as�well�as� assessment� tool.� It�may� include� various� forms� of�work,� such� as�written�work,�audio�recording,�video�recording,�etc.

a Portfolio� b Criterionc Hypothesis� d Application

(4)A� エ �is�typically�an�evaluation�tool�or�set�of�guidelines�used�to�promote�the� consistent� application� of� learning� expectations,� learning� objectives,� or� learning�standards�in�the�classroom,�and�indicates�to�the�student�what�he�or�she�has�to�do�to�complete�a�task�or�activity.

a dictogloss� b rubricc script� d scoring


(5)In� general,� オ � refers� to� non-conscious� learning.� There� are� various�definitions� of� this� term,� for� example:� オ � is� learning�without� awareness� of�what� has� been� learned.� Differing� definitions� and� difficulties� involved� in�operationalizing� terms� like�“awareness”� have� given� rise� to�many� long-standing�controversies.

a e-learning� b incidental�learningc active�learning� d implicit�learning

2 Directions:� In� this� section,� you�will� read� part� of� the� Course� of� Study,� Foreign�Language�Activities� for� elementary� school� and�Foreign� Languages� for� junior� high�school� and� senior� high� school� in� Japan.� There� are� blanks� in� parts� of� the� Course� of�Study�【 Ⅰ 】,�【 Ⅱ 】�and�【 Ⅲ 】�in�each�passage.�Choose�the�combination�(a,�b,�c�or�d)�in�order� to� fill� in� the� blanks�( 1 )〜( 3 )�with� the�most� appropriate� phrases.�Then,�mark�your�answer�on�your�answer�sheet.� カ

【Ⅰ】Elementary�SchoolⅡ.�CONTENT� [Grade�5�and�Grade�6]�2.�Instruction�should�be�given�on�the�following�items�in�order�to�deepen�the�experiential�


its� differences� from� the� Japanese� language,� and� to� be� aware� of� the� interesting�aspects�of�language�and�its�richness.

(2)To�learn�the�differences�in�ways�of�living,�customs�and�events�between�Japan�and�foreign�countries�and�to�( 1 )�and�ways�of�thinking.



 The� following� language� activities� should� be� conducted� over� the� period� of� three�years� in�order�to�( 2 )�which�would�allow�students�to�understand�English�and�express�themselves�in�English.�


【Ⅲ】Senior�High�SchoolⅡ.�English�Communication�Ⅰ�3.�Treatment�of�the�Contents�(1)Based� on� general� instruction� to� develop� basic� communication� abilities� given� in�

lower�secondary�schools,�the�four�areas�of�language�activities�should�( 3 ),�while�incorporating�appropriate� language�activities� involving�speaking�and�writing�about�content�heard�or�read.�

a 1 develop�a�practical�command�of�English  2 be�interlinked�for�comprehensive�learning  3 be�aware�of�various�points�of�view

b 1 be�aware�of�various�points�of�view  2 be�interlinked�for�comprehensive�learning  3 develop�a�practical�command�of�English

c 1 be�aware�of�various�points�of�view  2 develop�a�practical�command�of�English  3 be�interlinked�for�comprehensive�learning

d 1 be�interlinked�for�comprehensive�learning  2 be�aware�of�various�points�of�view  3 develop�a�practical�command�of�English



(1)�Directions:�You�will�read�three�passages.�Each�passage�is�followed�by�an�incomplete�statement�and�four�options,�marked�a�to�d.�Choose�the�best�answer�for� ア 〜

ウ �on�the�basis�of�what�is�stated�or�implied�in�the�passage.�Then,�mark�your�answer�on�your�answer�sheet.

① The� notion� of� context� has� become� increasingly� topical� in� second� language�acquisition� (SLA)� research� in� recent� years,�with� a� significant� difference� of� opinion�emerging� between� those�who� argue� that� context� plays� a� determining� role� in�language� learning,� and� those�who� argue� that� language� learning� is� largely� about�identifying�cognitive� learning�mechanisms�and�treating�context�as� little�more�than�an�unelaborated�source�of�‘input’�that�triggers�learning.� Most�of�the�research�concerning�task-based�language�teaching�(TBLT)�is�cognitive�and� as� a� result,� there� has� been� no� research� done� about� the� connections� between�TBLT� and� teaching.� However,� it� has� been� shown� that�TBLT� has� a� relatively�predictable�effect�when�it�is�implemented�in�a�classroom.�

According�to�this�passage,� ア .

a SLA�researchers�agree�on�the�role�that�context�plays�in�language�learningb research�on�TBLT�rarely�takes�on�a�cognitive�perspectivec TBLT�has�predictable�results�in�a�classroom�environmentd the�use�of�TBLT�combined�with�teaching�is�largely�supported�by�research


② While�many�educators�are�highly�focused�on�state�tests,�it�is�important�to�consider�that�over�the�course�of�a�year,�teachers�should�include�many�opportunities�to�assess�how�students�are�learning�and�then�use�this�information�to�make�beneficial�changes�to� their� instruction.� This� diagnostic� use� of� assessment� to� provide� feedback� to�teachers�and�students�over�the�course�of�instruction�is�called�formative�assessment.�It�stands�in�contrast�to�summative�assessment,�which�generally�takes�place�after�a�period�of� instruction�and�requires�making�a� judgment�about� the� learning� that�has�occurred.� When� assessment� broadly� includes� all� activities� that� teachers� and� students�undertake�to�get� information�that�can�be�used�diagnostically�to�alter�teaching�and�learning,� it�encompasses� teacher�observation,�classroom�discussion,�and�analysis�of�student�work,�including�homework�and�tests.�Assessments�become�formative�when�the�information�is�used�to�adapt�teaching�and�learning�to�meet�student�needs.� When� teachers�know�how�students�are�progressing�and�where� they�are�having�trouble,�they�can�use�this�information�to�make�necessary�instructional�adjustments,�which�often�lead�to�improved�student�success.�

According�to�this�passage,� イ .

a formative�and�summative�assessments�achieve�the�same�goal�b formative� assessment� is� used�when� teachers�want� to� check� their� students’�

progress�and�adjust�their�teaching�methodsc in�formative�assessment,�teachers�always�use�paper�and�pencil�testsd after� conducting� formative� assessment,� teachers� shouldn’t� consider� trying� to�



③ As� the� Internet� and� digital� systems� penetrate� further� each� day� into� our� daily�lives,�concerns�about�the�capabilities�of�artificial�intelligence�(AI)�are�intensifying.�It�is�difficult�to�comprehend�the�underlying�technological�abilities�of�AI�when�the�most�familiar�applications�are�easy-to-use�devices�and�services�such�as�the�Apple�iPhone�or�Google�Translate.�However,�a�growing�number�of�people,�including�many�with�a�reputation�for�predicting�the�future,�are�worried.


  These� concerns� have� been�with� us� for� a� long� time.�Alan�Turing� in� 1950� asked�whether�machines� could� think,� and� that� same� year,� writer� Isaac� Asimov�contemplated�what�might�happen� if� they�could� in�“I,�Robot.”�About�30�years�ago,�James�Cameron�served�up�one�dystopia�created�by�AI�in�“The�Terminator.”�

  None� of� these� darker� visions� have� deterred� researchers� and� innovators� from�pursuing� the� development� of�AI.� Reality� has� lagged� the� grim� science-fiction�imaginings.�It�is�hard�for�most�people�to�fear�AI�when�their�only�interactions�with�it�are�through�cute�robots�and�useful�phone�applications.

According�to�this�passage,� ウ .

a it�is�easy�to�understand�how�AI�technology�worksb people�have�never�thought�about�what�could�happen�if�AI�became�self-awarec for�AI,�“thinking”�and�“self-awarness”�are�the�same�thingd despite�many�people’s�concerns,�the�development�of�AI�technology�has�continued�



(2)�Directions:� You�will� read� the� following� passages�with� tables� or� a� figure.� Beneath�them,� you�will� see� four� sentences,�marked� a� to� d.� Choose� the� best� answer� for�

エ 〜 カ � on� the� basis� of�what� is� stated� or� implied� in� the� passage.�Then,�mark�your�answer�on�your�answer�sheet.�

① In� language� learning,� it� has�been� shown� that� group�work� can� lead� to� improved�results.�Various�group�structures�have�been�shown�to�have�different�strengths�and��weaknesses.�� � Results�of�a�survey�have�concluded�that�more�centralized�networks,�e.g.�the�wheel�(see� Figure� 1),� are�more� efficient� for� completing� simple� tasks,�whereas�more�connected�networks,�e.g.�the�circle�(see�Figure�1),�are�superior�when�doing�complex�tasks,�and�in�these�group�types�the�satisfaction�level�is�usually�higher.�Furthermore,�the�teacher�may�use�these�types�of�group�formations�to�ensure�that�each�group�has�a�student�with�the�confidence�and�linguistic�ability�to�be�a�group�leader,�for�which�a�network�with�high�centrality�(such�as�the�wheel)�will�help�achieve�this�goal.�

�  One� of� the� findings� of� a� longitudinal� study,� carried� out� in�Mexico,�was� that�centralized� networks� do� not� always� result� in� low� levels� of� satisfaction� in� the�language�classroom.� In�questionnaire�surveys,� students�who�used� the�wheel�and�a�decentralized�network�(Comcon)�(see�Figure�1),�showed�little�differences�in�attitude�during� group�work.� There�were� very� few� performance� differences� between� the�different�group�types�in�relation�to�the�output�productivity,�but�‘quality’�of�output�in� terms� of� student� language� errors� corrected� by� group�members�was� higher� in�groups�using�the�centralized�network.�In�addition,�based�on�the�observations�made,�leaderless�connected�networks�tended�to�have�unequal�amounts�of�language�practice�among�its�group�members.�




According�to�this�passage�and�Figure�1,� エ .

a the� satisfaction� level� in� connected�networks� is�usually� lower� than� in� centralized�networks

b in�connected�networks,�groups�perform�better�at�complex�tasks�c students�show�a�better�attitude�in�the�wheel�network�than�in�the�Comcond a�group�without�a�group� leader�often� lets�group�members�use� language�equally�



② Table� 1� presents� India’s� adult� and� youth� literacy� rates� alongside� equivalent�figures� for� its� regional� neighbours,� as�well� as� for� countries� in� the�BRIC�grouping�(Brazil,� Russian� Federation,� India� and�China)�—� countries�with�which� India� is�increasingly�compared.�While�India�does�well�compared�to�Bangladesh�and�Pakistan,�it� lags�substantially�behind�all�the�other�BRIC�countries�and�Sri�Lanka,�and�is�also�behind� the�average� for�‘developing�countries.’� Indeed,� it� is� striking� that� its� overall�adult� literacy� rate� is� similar� to� that� of� Sub-Saharan�Africa.� However,� the� female�adult�literacy�rate�is�lower.�The�comparison�with�China�is�of�particular�interest�and�it�shows�India�to�be�at�a�considerable�educational�disadvantage:�India’s�adult�literacy�in� the� early� 2000s�was�wholly� 30� percentage� points� below� that� of� China.� Even�focusing�more�narrowly�on�only�the�youth�literacy�rates,�India’s�disadvantage�with�respect�to�China�is�a�large�22.5�percentage�points.�

Table1: Adult and youth literacy ratesYouth literacy rates(15-24 year olds)

Adult literacy rates(15+year olds)



BangladeshPakistanSri LankaIndiaChinaBrazilRussian FederationWorldDeveloping countriesSub-Saharan Africa

Source: 2000-4 data from the Education for All Global Monitoring Report (UNESCO, 2006).










According�to�this�passage�and�Table�1,� オ .

a India’s�youth�literacy�rate�is�lower�than�the�adult�literacy�rateb India�has�plenty�of�illiterate�people�because�of�its�exploding�population c India’s�literacy�rate�is�higher�than�some�developing�countries�as�well�as�the�BRIC�

countriesd compared�to�China,�India’s�adult�literacy�rate�is�far�lower�resulting�in�India�having�



③ The�United�States�determines� the�official�poverty�rate�using�poverty� thresholds�that� are� issued� each� year� by� the� Census� Bureau.� The� thresholds� represent� the�annual� amount� of� household� income�minimally� required� to� support� families� of�various�sizes. The�methodology�for�calculating�the�thresholds�was�established�in�the�mid-1960s�and�has�not�changed�in�the�intervening�years.��The�thresholds�are�updated�annually�to�account�for�inflation. A�family�is�counted�as�poor�if�its�pretax�earnings�are�below�its�poverty�threshold.�Pretax�earnings�do�not� include�noncash�benefits� such�as�public�housing,�Medicaid,�employer-provided�health�insurance�and�food�stamps. A�sampling�of� the�poverty�thresholds� for�2015� is� included� in�the�table�below.�A�complete�list�can�be�found�on�the�Census�Bureau’s�website�(www.census.gov).

2015�Poverty�Thresholds,�Selected�Family�TypesSingle�Individual Under�65�years $�12,331

65�years�&�older $�11,367Single�Parent One�child $�16,337

Two�children $�19,096Two�Adults No�children $�15,871

One�child $�19,078Two�children $�24,036Three�children $�28,286

SOURCE:�U.S.� Bureau� of� the� Census,�“Poverty�Thresholds� for� 2015� by� Size� of�Family�and�Number�of�Related�Children�Under�18�years”,�Accessed�July�8,�2016.

This�passage�and�the�table�do�NOT�state� カ .

a whether�you�are�officially�poor�or�not�is�decided�solely�by�how�much�money�you�make�in�a�year

b the�size�of�your�family� is�one�of�the�factors�used�to�determine�whether�you�are�officially�poor�or�not�

c a�single�mother�with�a�child�is�not�officially�poor�if�she�earns�$17,525�in�2015d a�married�man�with�two�kids�is�officially�poor�if�he�and�his�spouse�make�$23,482�in�




1 次の文は,中央教育審議会(答申)「幼稚園,小学校,中学校,高等学校及び特別支援学校の学習指導要領等の改善及び必要な方策等について(平成28年12月21日)」の「第8章 5.教育課程全体を通じたインクルーシブ教育システムの構築を目指す特別支援教育」の一部である。文中の ア 〜 エ に該当する語句を,それぞれ下のa〜dから一つ選びなさい。

○ 障害者の権利に関する条約に掲げられたインクルーシブ教育システムの構築を目指し,子供たちの自立と社会参加を一層推進していくためには,通常の学級,通級による指導,特別支援学級,特別支援学校において,子供たちの ア を確保し,一人一人の子供の イ や発達の段階に応じた指導や支援を一層充実させていく必要がある。

○ また,通級による指導を受ける児童生徒及び ウ に在籍する児童生徒については,一人一人の教育的ニーズに応じた指導や支援が組織的・継続的に行われるよう, エ を全員作成することが適当である。

ア  �a 多様な学びの場  b 十分な学び  c 主体性  d 学習の場イ  a 学習状況   b 能力    c 障害の状態   d 意欲ウ  �a 通常の学級  b 複式学級  c 特別支援学校  � �

d 特別支援学級エ  �a 「個別の教育支援計画」や「個別の指導計画」   � �

b 「教育課程」や「学習指導案」  � �c 「個別の指導計画」や「学習指導案」  � �d 「年間指導計画」や「学習指導案」


2 高知県教育委員会では,平成23年9月に「発達障害等のある幼児児童生徒の指導及び支援の充実に関する指針〜特別支援教育の理念のいっそうの広がりをめざして〜」を作成し,その中で3つの基本方針について,次のように示している。文中の オ 〜

キ に該当する語句を,それぞれ下のa〜dから一つ選びなさい。

基本方針1 �発達障害等のある子どもの特性に応じた支援や分かりやすい オの向上を図ります。

基本方針2 �発達障害等のある子どもの支援を カ でつなぐ仕組みを構築します。

基本方針3 �発達障害等のある子どもの特性を活かし,自分らしさを大切にした社会的自立や キ をめざす教育を推進します。

オ  a 教材開発力  b 伝え方   c 授業実践力  d 生活支援カ  �a 教員間    b 校種間   c 教育と福祉間  � �

d 引き継ぎシートキ  a 経済的自立  b 身辺自立  c 精神的自立  d 職業的自立

3 次の文は,文部科学省の「中央教育審議会初等中等教育分科会教育課程部会特別支援教育部会における審議の取りまとめについて(報告)(平成28年8月26日)」の「3 特別支援学校 (8)キャリア教育の充実」の一部である。文中の ク 〜 コに該当する語句を,それぞれ下のa〜dから一つ選びなさい。

 特別支援学校高等部の卒業生の ク が年々増加している状況を踏まえ,障害のある子供たちが自立し社会参加を図るために,幼稚部段階から高等部卒業までを見据えた ケ のある指導の下,子供たち一人一人の コ を確実に促すことのできる教育を一層充実させていくことが必要である。

ク  a 一般企業等への就労  b 進学   c 福祉的就労 d 未就労ケ  a 持続性        b 一貫性  c 専門性   d 継続性コ  �a キャリアプランニング能力  b スキルアップ  � �

c キャリア発達        d 社会人基礎力


This is the listening comprehension section. There are three sections. Are you ready? Now let’s begin.

Section 1 Listening Comprehension

Directions: In this section, there are five questions. You’ll hear four possible statements for each picture. You will hear the statements just once. After you hear each statement, choose the best one for the picture. Then, mark your answer on your answer sheet.


(1) a The woman is smiling at the old man. b The woman is helping the old man get up. c The woman is giving an injection to the baby. d The woman is holding the baby’s hand. (間5秒)

(2) a The giraffe is attacking a boy with its legs. b The giraffe is running away from the boy. c The boy is feeding the giraffe. d The boy is trying to hunt the giraffe. (間5秒)

(3) a They are taking the food they would like to eat. b They are preparing dishes for the party. c They are cutting vegetables for their customers. d They are washing dishes after eating. (間5秒)

(4) a There is a clock on the wall and two beds in the room. b There is a chair in the room and a book on the chair. c There is a table attached to the wall and a computer on the table. d There is a pair of sunglasses that has fallen on the floor. (間5秒)

(5) a The woman is helping the police officer with traffic control on the street. b The woman is asking the police officer for directions in the city. c The police officer is arresting the woman on the ground. d The police officer is giving a parking ticket to the woman in the car.



Section 2 Listening Comprehension

Directions: In this section, you will hear six short conversations between a man and a woman. You will hear the conversations just once. There is one question about each conversation. Beneath each question you will see four possible answers. After you hear each conversation, read the question and choose the best answer for the question. Then, mark your answer on your answer sheet. (間5秒)

(1) Ben: You’re looking good. Tina: Thanks, Ben. I’m on a special diet. It’s a high-fiber diet. Ben: High fiber? You mean lots of bread and fruit? Tina: That’s right. Ben: How much bread can you eat for breakfast? Tina: I can eat two slices of whole-grain bread for breakfast or one bowl of high-

fiber cereal. Ben: And what about meat? Tina: I can’t eat meat, but I can eat lots of popcorn and dried fruit. Ben: That sounds good. It seems like an interesting diet. I’ll look into it.


(2) A: Did I ever tell you about my homestay? B: Your homestay? No. Where did you go? A: Australia. I was there for a month last summer to study English. B: How was it? Did you enjoy it? A: Yeah, I had a great time. I studied English every day. B: That’s all? Didn’t you try surfing? A: Oh, yeah. A few times. B: Cool. I didn’t know you’d been abroad.


(3) Clerk: Hello? Gidrich Hall. Ms. Finley: Hello. I’d like to inquire about tickets for the Boston Orchestra. How

many shows will they be having? Clerk: Three. One on Friday, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. They’re all

evening shows starting at 7:30. Ms. Finley: All at 7:30? Well, could I reserve three of the best seats you have for the

Saturday evening concert? My name is Finley. Clerk: Finley? F-I-N-L-E-Y?


Ms. Finley: Uh-huh. Clerk: OK, Ms. Finley. I’ll reserve three seats at $50 each for the Saturday

performance. Could I have your credit card number?


(4) A: What else do you need for your new apartment? B: Well, Jane, I’m looking for a sofa. A: Why don’t you look in the newspaper? B: Good idea. And where can I get shelves? A: I’d go to Manning’s. They also have stuff for the kitchen. And they have low

prices. B: OK. And do you know a good place to get a TV? A: Try Electric City. B: Thanks, Jane!


(5) Lucy: Good morning, Daniel. What’s going on? Daniel: There was a fire on the second floor last night, so our office is closed for the

day. Lucy: Really? Do we have the day off? Daniel: Yes, we do. Lucy: Oh, no. We have an important meeting scheduled today. Daniel: It’s OK. The meeting has been rescheduled. Lucy: Ah, OK then. I also need to photocopy these reports by tomorrow. Daniel: Don’t worry. You can do it at The Copy Place.


(6) Ian: By the way, are you doing anything on Friday night? Do you want to go to that free concert in the park?

Jane: Oh, I’d love to, but I can’t. I already have plans. But how about doing something on Saturday night?

Ian: Sure. Are you interested in going to the new jazz club? They usually have good music after 10:00.

Jane: OK. That sounds like fun. What time should we meet? Ian: Let’s get together at 8:00. We can get something to eat first. Jane: That’s a great idea.



Section 3 Listening Comprehension

Directions: In this section, you will hear four short passages. You will hear the passages twice. There is one question about each passage. Beneath each question you will see four possible answers. Choose the best answer for each question. Then, mark your answer on your answer sheet. (間5秒)

(1) In 1984 Oprah moved to Chicago to work on a TV talk show called A.M. Chicago. She talked to a lot of interesting people about their problems. Oprah says, “People’s problems are my problems.” The show was very successful, so in 1985 it was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 1993 she interviewed Michael Jackson and 100 million people watched the program. Last year she earned $260,000,000.  In 1998 Oprah started the charity Oprah’s Angel Network. This helps poor children all over the world. In 2007 she opened a special school in South Africa, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls. She says, “When I was a kid, we were poor and we didn’t have much money. So what did I do? I studied hard.” There are 152 girls at the school. Oprah calls them her daughters−the children she doesn’t have in real life.

(1回目 間3秒 2回目 間8秒)

(2) We are all different and we come from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. But, surprisingly, we all tend to have the same types of dreams. This is a list of four common types of dreams.1. Being chased. This dream suggests you have a lot of stress in some area of your life. If you know the person chasing you, perhaps this person is causing you stress. If you don’t, your stress is probably coming from something else in your life.2. Falling. Dreams of falling often come from the fear of losing control. Is some part of your life out of control?3. Being trapped. This symbolizes fear or frustration. What is stopping you from being successful. Do you need to change any bad habits?4. Being in an out-of-control car, plane or train. This symbolizes your life’s path. Has your life moved in an unexpected direction? Has something happened to you?  Some people might think that these dreams don’t really mean anything. But many people think that our dreams can teach us something important. They can help us understand what we need to change in our lives. People often experience these types of dreams. What about you?

(1回目 間3秒 2回目 間8秒)


(3) Many studies that look at the habits of happy people have been done. People with the greatest happiness often have many personal connections with others, and they surround themselves with others who are also happy. Happiness spreads from one person to another. Happy people are loyal to their friends and family, and spend lots of time with them. When people are asked about their mood while they are with friends, family, or alone, those who were happiest tended to be with their friends, and with family members. These same people felt saddest when they were alone. Those who spent a lot of time alone often felt lonely and lacking direction in life, and were more depressed. It even affected their physical well-being and caused health problems. It is helpful to have good relationships with people at home, school, and work. Happiness may be as easy as doing something spiritual, like meditating. It can be as easy as having a genuine smile on your face, rather than a smile that is “forced.”

(1回目 間3秒 2回目 間8秒)

(4) The Chinese New Year is the most important celebration of the year for my family. First, we have to clean the house before the end of the old year. We shouldn’t do any cleaning on New Year’s Day. Then we decorate the living room with flowers and dishes filled with oranges and candy. We also have to pay all our debts before the end of the year. On New Year’s Eve, we have a big dinner with our family. At midnight, we open all the doors and windows so that the old year can “go out.” On New Year’s Day, we shouldn’t talk about the old year. People often wear red clothes and give money to children for good luck. And we usually visit our grandparents to say “Happy New Year.”

(1回目 間3秒 2回目 間8秒)

This is the end of the listening comprehension section.


特別支援学校 中学部・高等部  英語

ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ タ チ ツ テ ト ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ正答 d c a c b a d c d c a d c b a配点 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3備考

ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ タ チ ツ テ ト ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ正答 a c c b d c b a d c a b e d c d c a配点 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2備考

ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ タ チ ツ テ ト ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ正答 c b a b d c配点 3 3 3 3 3 6備考

ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ タ チ ツ テ ト ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ正答 c b d b d a配点 5 5 5 5 5 5備考

ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ タ チ ツ テ ト ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ正答 b c d a c b d a b c配点 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3備考






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