
Post on 07-Nov-2014






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关于儿童教育(About Children’s Education)1. Many think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distinction. What extents do u agrees or dis?

( It is important to tell the children what is right or wrong at their earlier age. Punishment is good to tell the

distinction between right and wrong. Do what extent u agrees or dis? )


2. Nowadays the quality of education is very low, some people think that should encourage our student to

evaluate and criticize their teacher, other believe that this would result in loss of respect and discipline in the

classroom , Discuss



3. Some people think children should learn to compete, but others think that children should be taught to

cooperate. Express some reasons of both views and give your own opinion.


4. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Do you agree or



5. Some people think that we should teach different children together, and others think the intelligent children

should be taught separately. Discuss and give your own opinion.


6. Some people think that school select their pupils according to their academic ability, other think that young

people according different abilities together. Your opinion?


7. Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from

danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree

or disagree.




8. Nowadays ,some people think the city is no longer a good place for children’s education ,they suggest that

the country is a better choice .to what extent do you agree or dis?


9. The computers are widely used in education, and some people think teacher are not play important role in

the classroom. To what extent do u agree or dis?


10. In the modern world, the school is becoming unnecessary for children to study, they can use Internet which

has a widely information available for children so that they can study at home instead. To what extent do

you agree or disagree?



11. Any people use distance-learning programmers ( study material post, TV, internet...) study at

home , but some people think that it can not bring the benefit as much as attending college or

university,agree or disagree。


12. Some people think that machine translation is highly developed in today’s society; therefore it is not

necessary for children to learn a foreign language. What’s your opinion?


13. Computers are less helpful to children's study, and some people say computers have a negative effect on

children's physical and mental development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


14. With the increasing popularity of computer and calculators, student literacy is decreasing dramatically.

What are the positive and negative effects the progress of science and technology has brought about?


15. Memorization of information by frequency repetition (rote learning) plays a role in education system to

what extend do you agree or disagree.


16. Many parents send their children abroad to study , discuss the advantage and dis about this ,do you think

when will be a suitable age to send them abroad?


17. Nowadays the age at which children start to attend school is becoming younger and younger, some children

go to school at the age of four, some people think it is for children to attend school earlier while others


现在孩子上学越来越早,有些孩子 4岁就上学了,人们认为这太早了!其他则不同意

18. Who should be most responsible for children’s education? Give your opinion and reasons for it?


19. Nowadays there are two kinds of school : public and private !discuss the merits of each .


20. How should a graduating student decide upon his future career? What opinions are most important to

him ?


21. Many young people find their first day at high school or college difficult, because they feel very alone. What

do you think are the other difficulties they face on their first day? What can school and colleges do make

them feel more comfortable?


22. In many school , courses like math and science have displaced physical exercise. Give your opinion on the


importance of physical exercise ,what do you think is the most suitable amount of exercise a student should


很多学校,体育课被数学科学代替 ,说说体育课的重要,以及多少的运动量适合学生?

23. Some people think that it is better for children to go to boarding schools, while others think that they should

go to day school and stay with their parents discuss,


关于学校的功能(about the function of the Universities)

24. Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training

benefit to society. Do u agree or dis?


25. Some people think the university education is preparing students for employment, other think it has other

function. Discuss and say what other function you think.


26. University should teach knowledge and skills in order to help for the career, so other subject like music and

sport are not important ,do u agree or disagree?


27. Qualities of people that need in today's world cannot be learnt in universities or other academic institutions,

to what extents do you agree or disagree?


28. Some people suggest that more courses promoting the healthy psychological growth of student should be set

up in high school. They believe that such courses will help the students in their future careers do you agree

or dis?


29. As scientists contribute more to the development of our society than other people ,science student should get

more financial support from the government than other student get ,do you agree?


30. Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should

have about one year’s time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision.

What are the advantages and disadvantages regarding it and what is your opinion?


青少年社会问题(Children’s Social Problems)

31. Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Many children suffer because

they do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past, to what extent do you agree

or dis ?




32. If a five-years-old child commits a crime of any kind, should the children's parents be held responsible and

punished? At what age do you think the parents are no longer directly responsible for the child's behavior?

33. 如果孩子犯罪受罚,父母是否也同样需要承担责任受到处罚!你认为孩子多大父母才不需要承担责任

34. There are an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. Analyze the possible cause that give rise to this

phenomenon, and offer some feasible recommendation.


35. Recently, a newspaper article reports that in Australia, a boy who damaged his school seriously was made to

clean the streets as a punishment. Do you think that young criminals should be sent to jail or should be

punished in this way?


36. Some people are of the opinion that prisons are basically universities of crime ,fostering the kind of

behaviors they aim to eradicate ,and are therefore ,not effective. Some other feel that prison life is not hard

enough . what your opinion?


37. Young people are important resources to their country. But governments may ignore some problems faced

by young people in running the country. By your experience, what governments need to do for supporting

or helping young people? Please show those problems and give your idea or suggestion to solve the issue.


38. Nowadays young people tend to rush into independence, many of them leave home to study or work while

still in their teens, discus the advantages and disadvantage of this.


39. It is right that university graduates should earn higher salary than less well-educated members. But they

should pay all the full cost. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


40. People are more and more worried about employment of young adult. In many countries, after young

people graduated, they still have little chance to find a job. What do you think are the reasons for this from

individual and social angle? What solutions would you suggest?


41. Nowadays children are becoming more and more lazy, fat and unsociable, give reason and solution.


42. A student spend 14 hours watching TV each week ,and spend 6 hours with their family and on other

relationship ,do you a?

孩子花 14小时看电视,但只花费 6小时和他的家人交流,这对与他们家人交流不利,你同意吗?

43. Some people suggest that children should be encouraged to do some educational things in their off-class

time, otherwise they will waste their valuable time and energy. Do you agree or disagree with suggestion?


Give reason?


44. Some say part-time jobs are useful for full-time student, because they not only earn money but also gain

career experience(children participate in some paid work in their spare time, some people think this is

wrong ,but other believe that such work will extend the children’s knowledge and increase their sense of

responsibility ,what your opinion?)


45. in many countries ,children are encouraged to take part in some paid labor, some people think this practice

is unacceptable because it brings about negative impacts on the healthy development of children ,while

other maintain that paid labour is conducive to children’s growth, because it help children to from a correct

attitude labor and form a sense of responsibility ,what your opinion?


关于家庭关系(About Family Relations)

46. It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be, give possible reason and



47. Many people think that nowadays people are being subjected to more and more pressure in their work ,and

thus are having less and less time to relax.


科技对人的影响(Influence of Technology on Human-Beings)

48. what are the advantages and disadvantage of the internet


49. People can go to shop bank work with computers. But the danger of the computer is people are getting

isolated and losing some societal skills. Do u agree or dis?


50. Does modern technology make life more convenient or was life better when technology was simpler?


51. Modern technology has influenced people's entertainment, makes people less creative. Agree OR Disagree?


52. Is the wildly using of robots will bring our human beings danger, use you own view tell sb you thoughts on

it: a blessing or a curse?



53. Some information in films, books and on the Internet has a bad influence on young people and even on the

society. Some people think such information should be controlled. Give your opinion on both sides of view

use your own experience and examples


54. The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the

violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?


55. some people state that tv should be more educational than entertaining Other disagree , Give your opinion

and provide specific example?


56. Nowadays so many media used for our daily life ,such as films tv radio and book ,which do you think is

most effective ?

许多媒体应用与我们的日常生活,例如电影电视,杂志,报纸 广播和书籍,你认为哪个最好?优点和缺


57. Someone said the age of book is past, the info will be presented by video, computer, television, film. Others

think the book and the written words will be necessary for spread info & complete education. discuss both

sides and give your opinion.



58. Choose an invention, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life. Are the changes all

positive or negative?


59. Scientific and technological advance have improved our daily life, however in many fields scientists cannot

solve the problem they have created themselves do you agree or dis? Give your reason.



60. Scientific and technology advances were benefit in our daily life today. However, most of scientists no longer

are able to find the solutions of the problems they have created. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Tell reasons.


61. Modern technology such as chemical fertilizers and machinery can provide us with cheap food , however it

also has some negative effect on people’s healthy what your opinion?


主要社会问题(Mainly Social Issues)


62. Some people believe there's no place for wild animals in 21st century, so to prevent these wild animals from

dieing out them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

人们认为 21实际没有动物的地方,所以防止他们灭绝是浪费资源,你同意吗?

63. Some people think killing animals for food is cruel and unnecessary and some people think it is essential for

dairy diet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


64. Some people think that a large amount of time and money spent on the protection of wild animals and

others think should be better spent on the human population .To what extent do you agree or disagree


65. Many people believe that zoos should be closed because it is cruel to keep animals locked up . moreover, zoo

do not have a positive role to play in society


66. Although it is a freedom to use tobacco while some people think it should be made illegal as the same way as

other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree ? What’s your opinion?


67. Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to new generation companies should encourage high

level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

很多人认为应当鼓励那些到了 55岁的高层人员退休,让位给那些新一代的年轻人,你同意吗?

68. Who should be responsible for our old people?


69. People have different expectation for jobs. Some people prefer to stay in the same company, but others

prefer to change the job frequently. Please show the advantages and disadvantages of these two views.


70. Some countries allow women to join the armed forces ,while some others think such as navy ,army doesn’t

suit for women. Do you agree or disagree? Use your own experience and reasons.


71. Men do most high-level jobs, should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be

reserved for women?


72. Unlike most other countries, the police in the UK do not commonly carry guns. Dome people think this

practice leaves citizens unprotected, others believe it could reduce the overall violence in the society. Discuss

both sides of the view and give your own opinion.


73. an Englishman killed a burglar who broke into his house ,he was set free after judgment, what will happen

if it takes place in your country and what your opinion ?




74. What are the causes and solution of the problem of the scarcity of water resource? (Now the increased

demand of fresh water has became a global problem, discuss the causes of the increased demand and what

measures should government and individual do to this problem. )


75. People obtain most of their information from news reporting ,however some people think that we should not

believe what journalists report .what is your opinion ?what qualities do you think a journalist should have?


76. It is fair to cover celebrities private lives in the mass media ? are famous people treated unfairly by the

media ?should they be given more privacy or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?



77. Stress is the reason why many people stay off working and go back to school , write an essay to state what

cause the stress and suggest measures to reduce it .


78. Nowadays surveillance cameras are widely used in supermarkets some think that this is a violation of

human right, while other insist that they are for the benefit of supermarket! Discuss


79. nowadays the trend of fashion changes very rapidly, and gradually people become the slaves of it , some

people think that a person should choose comfortable clothes which he or she like ,regardless of fashion ,do

you agree?


80. Some people regard traditional clothes as out of date and no longer suitable, but other advocate that we

should encourage more and more people to wear traditional clothes, your opinion and reasons?


政府政策(Government Policies)

Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by government rather than private companies


What are the purposes of places such as museums and how should they be funded?


81. Some people think scientist contribute the society more, others believe other subjects contribute more such

as language and business. What degree do you agree or disagree.


82. Some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantages, do you agree or




83. It is the only way to improve the safety on ours roads that give much strict punishment for driving offence.

Are you agree to extend your opinion


84. Traffic is developing rapidly all round the world at present, what are the traffic problems in your country?

What causes these problems? Give some recommendations


85. Some people said the government shouldn't put money on building theaters and sports stadiums; they

should spend more money on medical care and education. Agree or disagree?


86. Some people said the government shouldn’t put money on art such as music and painting; they should

spend more money on construction of public facilities. Agree or disagree?


87. The first time when the man (astronaut?) arrived on Moon said:” It’s a big step for mankind” but some

people think it only make a litter impact on our daily life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

88. Millions of dollars spent on space research. But somebody says space research waste money; they suppose

money should used to improve life consumption. Write on your opinion, do you agree or not?


89. There is a gap of living in cities and countryside. What are the reasons in your country? How can reduce the



90. Moving large companies and factories and their employees to the countryside could solve traffic and

housing problems in major cities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


91. Many people think public libraries should only provide books and shouldn't waste their limited money on

expensive hi-tech media, such software dvd or video


92. Government should protect culture, some people believe new building was built in traditional style, agree or



93. Design a building; the most important factor is inside use of the building rather than its outside appearance.

Do you agree or disagree?


94. safety standards are important in building people’s home ,who should be responsible for enforcing strict

building codes ,the government or the people who build the homes?


95. Law protects many old building because they are part of a nation's history. However, some people think


knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. How important is it to

maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?


96. Some people say that the best measure of a country’s success is the quality of life people enjoy ,Other argue

that a prosperous economy is the key factor in a country success! Discuss?


97. Today it is not allowed to raise pets in many cities, especially in modern cities, should urban citizens be

allowed to keep pets? Give your reasons


98. Statistics show that cities are becoming bigger and bigger ,what do you think are the causes and possible



99. What should the government do to make the country do to make the country successful and prosperous?


100. Most country spend a large money on weapons to defend themselves ,even though they are not war ,those

countries should spend that to help poor man ?

很多国家把大笔金钱花在武器上,虽然有些是为了自卫。有些人认为应花在救助贫困或其他, 问你的意见?

文化,语言(Culture && Language)

101. Some people say that the increasing business and culture contract between countries has the positive

development, others say it would loss the countries identities, discuss both sides and give your opinion。


Multi-culture does more benefit to a country. Do you agree or disagree?


102. In many countries television shows many foreign-made programmers. The dominance of imported

entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


103. People believe that when a country begins to develop its science and technology, the traditional technology

and methods are bound to die out, therefore the maintenance of the traditional technology and methods is

futile. What do you think?


104. What is the reason for losing a variety of language and culture?(分析原因型)


105. At present many people think that one language should be used as the common language, but other think


that by doing so the culture of different nation will be lost, what do you think of these two opinion?


106. Is it nature or nurture that plays a major role in the development of personality? What’s your opinion?


107. Some people think visitors to others countries should imitate the local customs and behaviors. Some people

disagree; they think the host country should welcome culture differences. What’s your opinion?



108. Several languages are dying out every year. Some people do not think it is important and say that our life

will be simpler with fewer languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree.


109. Tourism is a multibillion-dollar industry that supports economic development. However some people think

that it cause too much damage to the local environment and culture, what do you think ?


110.Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism

creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you

agree or disagree?


111.International magazine tv and media ,this problem you think this is disadvantage or advatage,what your

opinion?(new media have influence for our life and that this is negative development do you agree or dis”?)


112.Differences between countries have become less evident, so we can enjoy the same films, brands and TV

program; to what extent do you think the disadvantages of this outweigh the advantage?


113.The environmental problem is too big for individual or individual country, that is to say, the only way to

protect environment is at an international level .To what extend do you agree or disagree??

(Environmental problems are as big as not for individual country or individual people to address. In other

words, we have reached the stage that environmental problems be solved for international views. To what

extent do you agree or disagree? )


114.Motorized flight is the most important invention in the modern world. Not any other invention has such a

significant impact on our lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that the earlier technology changes our life more than the recent technology, agree or disagree?


广告其他(Ads and something else)


115.Individual greed and selfishness have been the basis of the modern society. Some people think that we must

retune to the olds, more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to

create a better world to live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


116..People nowadays work hard to buy more things. This has made our lives generally more comfortable but

many traditional values and customs have been lost and this is a pity. To what extent do you agree or



117.Some people think that a high salary is the most important feature of a job , other think job satisfaction or

being useful for society more important ,discuss


118.Nowadays more and more advertisement on tv and there is a lot of misinformation in some of these

advertisement some people think that consumers have the right to correct information and that the

government should restrict the contents of these advertisement!


119.The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of the advertising but not the real need of the

whole society in which they sell. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?目前市场上流


120. Advertising is discouraging us from different individuals and makes everyone to be and to look the same.

Agree or disagree? 或:Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh the negative effects?


121. Air transport is increasingly used to export types of fruits and vegetables to countries where those plants

cant grow or out of season. Some say it is a good thing, but others consider this use of air transport cant be

justified. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


122. Sports and entertainment personalities are more valued that the professional workers like doctors nurse

and teachers. why do you think this happen? Do you think it is a good or bad development?


123. Nowadays doctors can become very rich, maybe they should not focus on profitable activities such as

plastic surgery or looking after rich patients, on the contrary, they concentrate more on patient’s health, no

matter how rich they are, what is your opinion?



124. 人们对未来有着美好的憧憬,觉得将来的世界会朝着好的方面变化,你怎么看?

125. Happiness is difficult to define, why? What factors are necessary to achieve happiness?

幸福很难被定义,为什么 ?什么因素是实现幸福所必须的因素?


Sometimes it is better mot to tell the truth Do you agree or Dis with the statement


What are your opinion about the advantage and dis? of fast food and traditional food?


126. The lottery does more good than harm ?discuss?


127. Some people think that genetically modified plant may be harmful and should be banned? Your opinion?


128. Poor country have realized the importance of health care, education and trade for their development,

many people think that rich countries should give them more support, do you agree or dis?


129. Should developing countries concentrate on improving industrial skill or should they promote education



130. Sports event such as the world cup football match, help to lessen the tension between countries and remove

prejudice and bias, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give reason?



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