日本語の学術共通語彙(アカデミック・ワード)の抽出と妥当性の 検証

Post on 16-Feb-2016






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日本語の学術共通語彙(アカデミック・ワード)の抽出と妥当性の 検証. 松下 達 彦 Victoria University of Wellington 大学院生 tatsuma2010@yahoo.co.jp. * Web 版発表要旨の訂正  =予稿集は正しいです 本発表の概要. 日本語 の学術共通語彙を抽出 妥当性を検討 1.「学術共通語彙」とは 2.研究目的 3 .研究方法 4 .結果および考察 5 .今後の課題、まとめ. 1.学術共通語彙とは. 一般的テキストでの使用率に比べて, 学術的なテキストで より高い使用率を占める語彙 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Victoria University of Wellington tatsuma2010@yahoo.co.jp

* Web




Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2000) University Word List (Xue & Nation, 1984)


(Ward, 1999; Hyland & Tse, 2007)(2007)


(Hu & Nation, 20002006 8

(BCCWJ) 200920092800

UniDicMeCab2006UniDic2009UniDicAntWordProfiler 10 3000300250011()


AntConc (Anthony, 2007) keyness 2902500Yahoo5003000

(log-likelihood ratio) (Dunning, 1993)(Leech, Rayson, & Wilson, 2001) (Chujo & Utiyama, 2006)

15AntConc (Anthony, 2007) keyness 420000

2011(2010)16AntWordProfiler (Anthony, 2009)

p.245-246(MC) 113(BS) 2009200953230(PC) (2003)210(JN) (JENAAD) (Utiyama & Isahara, 2003)1989-2001568(IS) 4(TB) 199819(SS) 2010935(TN) 957(BM) 911 (JAWL = Japanese Academic Word List)092591p.246JAWLJAWL559Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2000)570AWLAWL: 10.0JAWL: 11.1AWL19

AWL: 8.5 (Coxhead, 2000)9.311.1% (Hyland & Tse, 2007)JAWL: 9.711.1%p.247

AWL: 1.4JAWL31%

AWLAWL GSL (West, 1953)2000AWL word family JAWL24Wikipedia (Cultural Anthropology)(Social Anthropology)EthnologyEthnologieFolklore

57.7 JAWL 6.8%(CulturalAnthropology)(SocialAnthropology)EthnologyEthnologie(Folklore)JAWLJAWL 20.4%(CulturalAnthropology)(SocialAnthropology)EthnologyEthnologieFolklore

JAWLJAWL 78.1%(CulturalAnthropology)(SocialAnthropology)EthnologyEthnologie(Folklore)

JAWLJAWLJAWL 6.4%(CulturalAnthropology)(SocialAnthropology)EthnologyEthnologieFolklore

57.7% JAWLJAWL20.4%JAWL 6.4% 84.5%(CulturalAnthropology)(SocialAnthropology)EthnologyEthnologieFolklore

JAWL84.5 11.7%96.2(CulturalAnthropology)(SocialAnthropology)EthnologyEthnologieFolklore

96.2 JAWL 1.597.7%(CulturalAnthropology)(SocialAnthropology)EthnologyEthnologieFolklore

JAWL 28.3%(CulturalAnthropology)(SocialAnthropology)EthnologyEthnologieFolklore


Wikipedia JAWL18.8%CCCH100

JAWL18.8%JAWL 7.8%26.6%CCCH100JAWL 26.6%JAWL 6.4%33.0%CCCH100



JAWL 0.1


107241.488234.0%210481.2%2258.7% 110742.7%UniDic953.7%90.3%1064.1%---


22(0.8%)75.24836 771981

JAWL 0 20916% 2000312009; 2010


Leech (2001)3.85%JAWLJAWL Townsend & Collins, 2008 56JAWL2591JAWL559JAWLJAWLJAWLJAWL

URL: www.wa.commufa.jp/~tatsum/

(2003). http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/members/mutiyama/align/index.html (2007). https://www.tokuteicorpus.jp/dist/modules/system/modules/menu/main.php?page_id=1&op=change_page (2006). MeCab Ver. 0.98pre3http://mecab.sourceforge.net/ (1962). (2009). 2009 (1981). (2010). 2, 11-21.(2007).EAP13 (2009). UniDic version 1.3.11 http://www.tokuteicorpus.jp/dist/ (Ver. 1.3.0. 2007) (2010). 6, 42-58.(2001). 2001 , 233-234.(1995). , 186-191. (2009). 5, 117-131. (2010). 2010 , 335-336. (2011). (Vocabulary database for reading Japanese) (=TM Ver. 4.0Ver. 1.0 2010). http://www.wa.commufa.jp/~tatsum/index.html (2003).5, 21-28Anthony, L. (2007). AntConc Version 3.2.1 (text analysis tool) http://www.antlab.sci.waseda.ac.jp/software.html (Version 1.0 first published in 2002)Anthony, L. (2009). AntWordProfiler Version 1.2 w (word profiler) http://www.antlab.sci.waseda.ac.jp/software.html (Version 1.0 first published in 2008)Chujo, K., & Utiyama, M. (2006). Selecting level-specific specialized vocabulary using statistical measures. System, 34, 255-269.Coxhead, A. (2000). A new academic word list. TESOL Quarterly, 34(2), 213-238.Dunning, T. (1993). Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise and coincidence. Computational Linguistics, 19, 6174.Hu, Marcella H. & Nation, P. (2000). Vocabulary density and reading comprehension. Reading in a Foreign Language, 13(1), 403-430.Hyland, K., & Tse, P. (2007). Is there an Academic Vocabulary? TESOL Quarterly, 41(2), 235-253.Leech, G., Rayson, P., & Wilson, A. (2001). Word Frequencies in Written and Spoken English. Harlow: Longman.Tajino, A., Dalsky, D., & Sasao, Y. (2010). Academic vocabulary reconsidered: An EAP curriculum-design perspective. Iranian Journal of Teaching English as a Foreign Language and Literature, 1(4), 3-21.

Townsend, D., & Collins, P. (2008). Academic vocabulary and middle school English learners: An intervention study. Reading and Writing, 22(9), 993-1019.Utiyama, M. and Isahara, H. (2003) Reliable Measures for Aligning Japanese-English News Articles and Sentences. ACL-2003, 72-79. Ward, J. (1999). How large a vocabulary do EAP Engineering students need? Reading in a Foreign Language, 12(2), 309-323.West, M. (1953). A General Service List of English Words. London: Longman, Green & Co.Xue, G., & Nation, P. (1984). A university word list. Language Learning and Communication, 3(2), 215-229.

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