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  • 7/30/2019 9493


  • 7/30/2019 9493



    Blog1 Theory and Models of Leadership and Management ............................................................... 3

    Blog2 Change and Resistance to change ............................................................................................... 4

    Blog4 Ethical relationships between leaders and their teams ............................................................. 8

    Blog5 Benefits of studying Leadership .................................................................................................. 9

    References .................................................................................................................................................. 11

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    In the below analysis, there are some blogs on which author is presenting their own views. Each

    blog is ending with conclusion; this part will enable a reader to understand in brief about the

    particular topic. There are also arguments and favors of the author are being given in this

    following discussion.

    Blog1 Theory and Models of Leadership and Management

    1. Critical EvaluationFrom the past several years, it could be seeing that, meaning of leadership is changed to

    Business Leadership from just Command and Control. It can be of three types Team,

    Operational and Strategic. The business is runs by many entities, as well as all departments have

    different work to do with multiple objectives. In order to supervise these departments, there is a

    need of leader. Further to link all multiple objectives of these units, there should be teamwork

    between them. This team can be properly maintained or connected with each other by an

    effective leader. Their main duty is to define tasks, plan to carry out it, communicate to those

    need to work on it, control the entire activity done in completion of the task, evaluating the

    results with set target, motivate the valuable efforts etc.

    In order to achieve above objective sufficiently, a leader should poses following qualities:

    o He/she must characterized by the qualities required in particular field.o They must able to generate trust in others.o Should have sympathy for employees.o Meet everyone with kindness.o Take interest in learning from all.

    According to me, leaders are supposed to treat others like their subordinates, as a partner

    of the firm. This quality will definitely help them out, in getting work done efficiently within

    short time. Managers just have to look and manage the entire work, but actual efforts are put by

    the staff members. If they will feel their importance, then may give better output. There was a

    theory popularized in this perspective by Thomas Carlyle in 1840. This theory assumes that

    leaders are born, not made. But I am totally disagreeing with this statement. From the birth and

    till the period of maturity, there are various changes occurs in attitude or behaviors of an

    individual. So, the perfect leader can be made by providing good training. It can also be possible

    that, company regularly rotate its employees from one designation to another. This will help in

    evaluating the best man to supervise whole business. As well as, the individual will also be well

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    familiarizing with entire working of the organization. Thus, my assumptions are based on

    Behavioral theory which says that, people behave differently in varies situations. These

    behaviors could be modified by rendering learnings or practical experiences. There are also

    some drawbacks in this connection. Like, if a company rotates its employee on more jobs, then

    there could be possibilities of creating over confidence within that entity. This may prove

    harmful for the business.


    From the above discussion, it can be say that company should make program to provide

    best training sessions to their valuable staff. After completion of this, there can be evaluations

    done by the top managers. Due to this, an organization would be able to get the best leader or

    competitive leader.

    Blog2 Change and Resistance to change

    Change management is a significant role for the organization since it is not easy to

    handle. Whenever there is a change, it means making modifications in the planned and standard

    fashion. Changes can be both commenced from an organization or externally. For example, a

    product like by many consumers may undergo an alteration just because of competitors product.

    Here the competitor is an external factor, which triggers a company to change its standard

    product. So, managing of these changes comes under Change Management. Changes can be

    responding by reactively or proactively. In reactive managers make alterations in its process after

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    the occurrence of some opportunities and threats. In contrast, proactive changes involve active

    application of modifications.

    We can take an example of Canadian telecommunications in the context of this topic. The

    company was made the decision to bring together its own people with the two new acquired

    firms. This was done by the management, in order to establish a new venture by merging all

    three. The process was not as easy for the company, because it involved inclusion of three

    different cultures with each other. Apart from the problem faced by the organization in

    amalgamating 600 people, its employees also resist in adopting open and high collaborative

    environment. In addition to this, there are some difficult questions raised in front of project

    leaders before beginning the project. But effective management proves successful in this case.

    With their integrating styles and employee involvement schemes, they are successfully running

    their business.

    In my views, changes are necessary for the growth of the firm. Without adopting

    innovations together with modernizations, the company wouldnt be able to compete with its

    competitors. Further, in this ever-changing environment, there are frequent demands of upgrade

    versions in the products. But, in accepting new challenges various stakeholders may create their

    resistance in accepting the changes. This resistance can be turned into their valuable

    contributions, with the help of their involvement at decision time. By providing them opportunity

    to give their views, they would be more able to understand the needs of particular merger.

    Moreover, it will make them to feel that, this change is for their development only. If, the

    organization will adopt fresh methods or techniques, their employees will definitely improve

    themselves for the better career and more challenging jobs.

    But there are also some arguments in connection with above subject. If company changes

    its processes, there might be some kind of modifications in the existing staff. New technologies

    and methods, with vast technical skills, may demand for efficient professionals. Replacement of

    new by old staff, increases the pressure of unemployment in the economy. Due to this, trade

    unions create unwanted behavior or attitude, which could outcomes in lockouts and strikes. This

    also gives results in distress within the society. These all circumstances may generate barrier in

    the ways of development.

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    After reading this explanation, we are in a position to say that, changes are the key factors

    in development. A company establishes with the intention to grow its business. This can be

    happen only, when it adopts new challenges of the fast growing world. But, as without

    contribution of existing employees this couldnt be possible. So, the leaders should have those

    qualities and leadership styles, which support him to change the attitude of their staff members.

    This can be done, if leaders will undertake an analysis of their members and identify their nature

    or behavior. As well as work in the manner acceptable by all.

    Blog3 Analysis of leaders in Global business

    Famous leaders contribution for their company:

    1. Steve Jobs He was an American businessman, inventor or designer, known for the co-founder, chief executive officer and chairman of Apple Inc. This great man was died in the age

    of 56. Steve Jobs has contributed a lot for

    innovations within the company. He had a

    unique talent for advertising in particular as

    well as marketing in general. Steve was having

    great ability to predict needs or wants of the

    customers. Moreover, he was able to guess that

    which type of marketing message would workfor particular client and which wouldnt. Thus,

    by utilizing these special talents, he was

    successfully gave more business to the organization. There is also one important activity, Steve

    used to do as his routine task. He always organized weekly meetings with top marketing

    managers together with head of accounts of the AppleTBWAs. In addition to this, it was his

    habit to call several journalists to give their opinions on the articles of Apple. He possessed

    effective leadership styles and made his colleagues feel like a genius. While dealing with the

    executives, he allowed them to make as much arguments. This was done by him to get desires

    and insights of the employees. So by combining consumers demands with employees

    expectations, Steve was able to generate proper combination between them. Due to this, the

    company was easily accepting the new challenges. It was not like that, in these innovations there

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    is a hard work done by the leader only. Rather there were effective efforts of the employees,

    which greatly support to accomplish innovative programs.

    2. Richard Branson He is the founder and President of Virgin group. He is known for hisinnovative ideas and creations. Richard always believes in introducing new technologies and

    presenting something unique in front of market or consumers. With his inventive skills, the

    company is able to adopt new areas of business as well as marketing its products in vast

    directions. He tries to provide more customer satisfaction and value to money. Due to this,

    buyers are become loyal to the brand. Further, they easily accept offerings of the company.

    Richard is having effective leader characteristics. Whatever he decides to do, works for it

    passionately, which is very important to accomplish a task. He always ready to handle risk and

    takes initiatives for doing modern or challengeable activities. But, his all doings are successful

    with the efficient support of staff members. He has a very friendly or humble nature. His

    common values are like that, smile makes everything easier,

    and fun at work creates excitement in employees. He is able to

    implement new methods by giving equal chance to the

    colleagues as well as employees to produce their ideas. It is

    very true that, there is a much contribution of the leader in the

    process of inventions along with modernizations. At the same

    time, the whole work may get failure without effective inputs of

    other staff members.

    Common attitude within four effective leaders: Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Larry Page and

    Sergey Brin, Bill Gates are the major four leaderss in todays business. There are several books

    as well as articles published on their leadership styles. They all have a very common nature; treat

    with their subordinates and employees genuinely. Also at the time of new planning, they provide

    equal chance of giving advices and suggestion to their staff members. This is very important for

    any innovation, that the people, who will work on particular project, should be well informed.

    Due to this, they will easily take initiatives in the task accomplishment. That is what Bill Gates

    used to do, he always call subordinates as well as all level of employees to participate in the

    decision making process. This makes them feel their importance within the organization. In this

    context, if we glance on Richard Branson, he easily accepts the ideas of others. For advertising

    of his Virgin brand, on some employees suggestions, he easily jumps with parachute.

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    Here we can say that, the organization cant touch point of success without involving

    their employees. Everyone has special knowledge and experience in their areas within the

    company. All these skills together can create inventions in methods and technologies. Diverse

    ideas help in enhancing business to new areas or directions.

    Blog4 Ethical relationships between leaders and their teams

    Leaders and its followers are interdependent on each other. Success of the business is

    possible with their ethical relationship. This relationship builds trust together with loyalty in

    relations. Ethical leadership is that style of management, which respects others dignity and rights

    as well. Manager has position of powers, so ethical supervision focuses on how they use their

    power in making decisions, taking actions and influencing others. These leaders build trust in

    their employees, allow them to communicate freely, set standards, reward the followers and

    discipline dont followers. This process effectively adds to the organizational development. In

    this global world fair leaders are very essential. They create value for the organization as well as

    their constituents such as employees and stakeholders. These constituents also welcome, to give

    their ideas or suggestions. The right head not only have good character and values but also help

    others in achieving their desires along with dreams. This type of managers behaviour creates

    positive impact on individual in team. In addition to this, it builds organizational efficiency.

    According to me, in todays competitive environment of business, there is a need for

    employees retention. Loosing effective workforce may decrease the companys performance. At

    present there is a fashion of quitting jobs, by attracting from better options. Due to this, managers

    have to build positive character, in order to impress his employees. Everybody likes to do that

    job, which give them importance. So, leaders shouldposses good qualities and values to behave

    with others genuinely or calmly. These attractive skills also help them out in implementing

    several changes within the set working methods. Two way communications within the company

    successively convince their staff, for new accepting challenges. As nobody stand in between

    superiors and subordinates, it provides middle or lower level employees feeling of satisfaction.

    Thus, fair relationship build strong environment as well as bring happiness for all. An effective

    relation and open communication between the team members with its supervisor give qualitative

    results. Better links with all stakeholders greatly add in enhancing business.

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    At the same time, there are some drawbacks of this policy. If a manager takes more

    interest in promoting or motivating efficient staff, then everybody will join the race of horses. It

    may create high level of competition within the organization. Individual will try to give more

    attention to their personalized work rather than focussing on team work. In addition to this, it can

    demotivate others.

    There are some ways in which ethical leaders reinforce their employee to achieve the


    1. Communicate vision Leaders communicate their vision to the followers, in order to getthem true. For example, Microsoft vision statement A computer on every desktop and in every

    home was successfully influenced its employees to put efforts.

    2. Build trustFor the reason to make people follow, there is very necessary to build trust in allstakeholders. That is what done by Apple Inc. Finance manager, he always allow their staff to

    make face to face communication.

    3. United spirit Individual in a team expect their own recognition and appraisal forcontribution. Disney land organizes events as well as force their employees to participate in

    several games. These motivate healthy competition between them.

    4. Values and norms sharing Every organization has set norms along with values withinwhich both leaders and followers work together. This help in sustaining their principles for long



    This discussion can prove that, fair plus trustworthy relationship is very important in any

    business. Without maintaining good image in the eye of employees, it might be difficult for

    managers to attain overall objective. Also followers will put their efforts, if they feel their values

    in the organization. Thus, unethical behaviour of manager like he has power and paying others

    for their work can create distress or spoil the workings of the business.

    Blog5 Benefits of studying Leadership

    Leadership is a significant characteristic of business class professionals. In this challenging

    world, leadership makes possible for an individual to stand on top of others. After studying

    leadership, my perception has completely changed. I have learnt throughout my course in MBA

    program, that management is a relationship by which one people control the actions and

    behaviours of others. This study starts with the concept, which defines for what a person stands

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    for. I have learnt that, success is not only material gains rather it is the achievement of target.

    Secondly, administrator should be inspiration of the followers. Strong personality attracts

    subordinates. Thirdly, a leader should define clear vision or a cause to fight for. An inspirational

    leader will always motivate or encourage others. It is also very important that the manager is

    surrounded by right people; otherwise all skills plus strategies may go waste. In addition to this,

    the main vision should be communicated from top to bottom, so everyone can understand it

    better. In my whole study, I have been inspired by Margaret Thatcher. She was the first leader of

    Britain. Her dedication, sense of imagination as well as ability to attain set results encouraged me

    lot. Thatcher style of leadership has supported me to learn role of management in todays

    worldwide business. An organizer should identify their talents, strengths and weakness.

    To attain my future career goals, I would make effort to build in my own to respect for

    others opinions. I will also try to be confident enough, in order to adapt well in all situations. It is

    essential for me to be accountable of my followers, to build relationship with them. I will take

    new initiatives to enhance my skills and knowledge through various opportunities. In addition to

    this, it is very significant for me to make powerful my followers through competence building.

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    Branson, R., 2010.Richard Branson: Five Secrets to Business Success. [Online]. Available at:

    . [Accessed on 19 June 2012].

    Cooke, D. R., n.d. Leadership Models & Theories. [Online]. Available at: . [Accessed on 18 June 2012].

    Culcarul, 2012. BENEFITS OF STUDYING LEADERSHIP. WordPress.com, [Blog]. 2 April.

    Available at: . [Accessed on 20 June 2012].

    Culcrazakj, 2012. The benefits of studying leadership.Leadership blog, [Blog]. 29 March.

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    Culcrazakj, 2012. Theories and Models of Leadership and Management.Leadership Blog,

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    Doyle, E. M. and Smith, K. M., 2012. Classical Leadership. [Online]. Available at:

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    Ethical relationships between leaders and their teams. 2012.Leadership blog, [Blog]. 25 March.

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    Gardner, H., 1995.Introduction: Why Studying Leadership Matters. [Online]. Available at: .

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    Leadership Paper: Richard Branson. n.d. [Online]. Available at:


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    Management and Leadership of Richard Branson at Virgin Group Ltd. 2009. [Online]. Available

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    Virtual Wealth Expo, n.d. 20+ Thought Leaders. [Online]. Available at: . [Accessed on 19 June 2012].

    Walenius, M., 2011. The leadership style of Sir Richard Branson.Michael Walenius' Blog,

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