a biblioteca esotÉrica de fernando pessoa

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Manuel J. Gandra



Manuel J. Gandra



Mafra, 2019

Editor: Manuel J. Gandra & Centro Ernesto Soares de Iconografia e Simbólica-Cesdies Mafra Tel.: 963075514 Email: manueljgandra@gmail.com Site: www.maresaudade.org Título: A BIBLIOTECA ESOTÉRICA DE FERNANDO PESSOA Autor: Manuel J. Gandra Projecto Gráfico: Diogo Gandra Design da Capa: Diogo Gandra Copyright: © Manuel J. Gandra Todos os direitos reservados. A reprodução não autorizada por escrito, do autor, no todo ou em parte, por quaisquer que sejam os meios, constitui violação das leis em vigor. 2ª Edição Luso-Brasileira: Novembro de 2019 – 102 exemplares, todos numerados e assinados pelo autor; e-book impresso a pedido.


Definitivamente, o acervo bibliográfico custodiado pela Casa Fernando Pessoa [CFP], a alegada biblioteca do titular, não compreende a totalidade das obras e volumes nela constantes à data da sua morte, em 30 de Novembro de 1935.

Com efeito, certo número de obras consabidamente adquiridas por Pessoa, consignadas em facturas existentes no espólio, caso, entre outros, de duas obras de Oswald Wirth com interesse para o presente catálogo, não se acham ali 1.

Também ali se não acha o volume de Ennoea, ou Aplicação do Entendimento sobre a Pedra Filosofal (1732-1733) de Anselmo Caetano de Abreu Gusmão Castelo Branco, o mais importante químico hermético português de todos os tempos, adquirido a um familiar de Fernando Pessoa por um alfarrabista alfacinha, há alguns anos 2.

Enfim, mesmo concedendo que Pessoa pudesse ter alienado muitos livros em vida, aquilo que remanesce 3 é, decerto, um pálido testemunho dos livros de que dispunha na sua biblioteca pessoal.

O catálogo que ora disponibilizo concerne apenas aos títulos e autores hermetistas, maioritariamente ocultistas e afins, na posse da

1 De facturas guardadas no espólio, passadas pela Portugália Editora em 1931 e 1932, se depreende que pelo menos duas obras deste autor lhe eram familiares em tradução francesa: L'Ideal initiatique e Le Symbolisme occulte de la F. M.. 2 Ao longo dos anos têm aparecido em diferentes leilões livros provenientes da biblioteca de Fernando Pessoa, conforme atestado pela sua assinatura, geralmente, existente na folha de guarda. 3 Vd. O catálogo incompleto publicado por Elsa Conde, A Biblioteca de Fernando Pessoa, in Tabacaria, nº zero (1996), p. 64-93.

CFP. A sua consulta é susceptível de contribuir para a resolução de muitos dos enigmas ainda subsistentes acerca de diversas supostas “originalidades” do já de si pouco convencional universo pessoano 4.

4 Cf. Yvette K. Centeno, O espólio e a biblioteca de Fernando Pessoa: Uma solução para alguns enigmas, in Fernando Pessoa: Tempo, Solidão, Hermetismo, Lisboa, 1978, p. 161-171 e in Actas do I Congresso Internacional de Estudos Pessoanos, Porto, Set. 1979, p. 705-715.


ANTUNES, João Oedipus: a história e a filosofia do hermetismo Lisboa, Liv. Clássica Editora, 1917 CFP 1-2 ANTUNES, João Isis: Revista Teosófica Portuguesa Lisboa, Liv. Clássica Editora, 1921 CFP 0-37 LMR APULEIO The golden ass being the metamorphoses of Lucius Apuleius Londres, William Heinemann, 1915 CFP 8-12 ARIAN PATH The Arian path, v. 2, n. 2 (Fev. 1931) Theosophy Company Bombaim, Theosophic Cº, 1931 CFP 0-27 LMR AZEVEDO, João Lúcio de A Evolução do Sebastianismo Lisboa, Liv. Clássica Editora, 1918 CFP – 9-5


BAILEY, Ernest Hayden Astrology and birth control Londres, W. Foulsham’s & Cº, [1929] CFP 1-4 BARRETT, William F. Psychical research Nova Iorque, Henry Holt and Cº, [1911] CFP 1-6

BLAVATSKY, Helena Petrovna Les origines du rituel dans l'église et dans la maçonnerie Paris, Adyar, [s.d.] CFP 0-1 BLAVATSKY, Helena Petrovna The voice of the silence: and other chosen fragments from the Book of the golden precepts Londres, Theosophical Publishing Society, 1913 CFP 1-172 MN

BORMANN, Edwin The quintessence of the Shakespeare secret Londres, A. Siegle, 1905 CFP 8-49 BOURNAND, François Histoire de la franc-maçonnerie Paris, H. Daragon, 1905 CFP 0-2 BRUNO, Sampaio O Encoberto Porto, Lello, 1904 CFP 8-75 CAHILL, Edward Freemasonry and the anti-christian movement

CHARUBEL [Alan Leo] The Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolised, to which is added a translation by Sepharial of a similar series found in La Volaspera Londres, Women’s Printing Society, 1907 CFP 1-20 CHASSANG, A. Le spiritualisme et l'ideal dans l'art et la poésie des grecs Paris, Didier, 1868 CFP 8-102 CHEIRO Palmistry for all: containing new information on the study of the hand never before published Londres, Herbert Jenkins, [s. d.] CFP 1-164 MN CHILD, Thomas Root - Principles in Rational and Spiritual Things Londres, H. R. Allenson, 1905 CFP 1-22

CHURCHILL, Lida A. The magic seven Londres, L. N. Fowler and Cº, 1911 CFP 1-23 CHURCHILL, Lida A. The magnet Wimbledon, The Anglo-American Book Cº [s. d.] CFP 1-24 CLODD, Edward Occultism: two lectures delivered in the Royal Institution on May 17 and 24, 1921 Londres, Watts and Cº, 1922 CFP 1-25

COLLINS, Mabel Light on the Path and Karma Londres, Theosophical Publishing Society, 1912 CFP 1-30

CONYBEARE, Frederick Cornwallis

Myth, magic and morals: a study of christian origins Londres, Watts and Cº, 1909 CFP 1-32 CORBIN, Raymond Symboles initiatiques et mystères chrétiens Paris, Librairie Maçonnique, 1929 CFP 1-33

COSTA, Correia da Dom Sebastião: poema Lisboa, Portugália, 1923 CFP 8-123

CROYSDALE, Agnes / WILDE, George Your destiny and the stars: the inequalities of man’s lot and the logical Conception of it; Prima facie evidence and horoscopes of famous people Londres, W. Foulsham and Cº, 1915 CFP 1-35

CROWLEY, Aleister 777= 777: Vel prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico, Misticae viae explicandae-fundamentum hieroglyphicum sanctissimorum scientia summae Londres, The Walter Scott Publishing Cº, 1910 CFP 2-1 CROWLEY, Aleister Magick in theory and practice, being part III of book 4 Paris, Lecram Press, [1929] CFP 1-151

FONTENELLE, Bertrand le Bouvier de Histoire des oracles Paris, Librairie de la Bibliothèque Nationale, 1892 CFP 1-47

FREWEN, Walter The last Empires of the modern world: essays in Imperial History Londres, Richard Bentley and Son, 1897 CFP 9- 28 FORREST, H. T. S. The five authors of Shakespeare’s sonnets Londres, Chapman and Dodd, 1923 CFP 8-196 FRATRES ROSEAE CRUCIS Secret Shakespearean seals Nottingham, J. Jenkins, 1916 CFP 8-481

FRITH, Henry How to read character in handwriting or the grammar of graphology described and illustrated with numerous autographs and diagrams Londres, Ward, Lock & Cº, [1890] CFP 1-51 FRITH, Henry How to read character in features, forms, & faces Londres, Ward, Lock & Cº, 1891 CFP 1-166 MN GASTON-MARTIN Manuel d'histoire de la franc-maçonnerie française Paris, Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1932 CFP 0-6

GELEY, Gustave

Reincarnation. Introd. Gabriel Gobron Londres, Rider and Cº, [1930] CFP 1-54 GENNEP, A. van La formation des légendes Paris, Ernest Flammarion, 1910 CFP 3-26 GIBSON, John George Builders of man: the doctrine and history of masonry or the romance of the craft Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, The Northumberland Press, [s. d.] CFP 0-7 GODDARD, John George Racial supremacy being studies in imperialism Edimburgo, Geo. A. Morton, 1905 CFP 3-27

GODWIN, William Lives of the necromancers or an account of the most eminent persons who have claimed for themselves or to whom has been imputed by others the exercise of magical power Londres, Chatto and Windus, 1876 CFP 9-32 GOMES, Augusto Ferreira Quinto Império Lisboa, Parceria António Maria Pereira, 1934 CFP 8- 228 GRANTHAM, J. A. An introduction to Mark Masonry Buxton, J. E. Clare Devonshire, 1934 CFP 0-8 GRASSET, J. L’Occultisme hier et aujourd’’hui: le merveilleux préscientifique Montpellier, Coulet et Fils Éditeurs, 1908 CFP 1-59 GREEN, H. S. Directions and directing a sequel to “the horoscope in detail”. Foreword by Alan Leo Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1910 CFP 1-61 GREEN, H. S. Mundane or national astrology: a short introduction to the study of the effects and their inhabitants Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1911 CFP 1-62 GREEN, H. S. The reason why in Astrology or A philosophy and first principles Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1910 CFP 1-63

HARTMANN, Franz Magic white and black on the science of finite life: containing practical hints for students of occultism Londres, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trüber & Cº, 1904 CFP 1-67 HENDERSON, A. The Wheel of life: a study of palingenesis in its relation to Christian truth Londres, Rider and Cº, 1931 CFP 1-68 HENRIQUES, F. de Carvalho A profecia ou o mistério da morte de Tutankamon Lisboa, Imprensa Libânio da Silva, 1924 CFP 8-249

HERON-ALLEN, Edward Manual of Cheirosophy: being a complete practical hand book of the twin sciences of cheirognomy and cheiromancy by means where of the past, the present, and the future may by read in the formations of the hands proceded by an introduction Londres, Ward, Lock and Cº, 1885 CFP 1-100 HOLLANDER, Bernard Scientific phrenology: being a practical mental science and guide to human character: an illustrated text-book Londres, Grant Richards, 1902 CFP 6-13 MN

HUBERT, M. H. Étude sommaire de la représentation du temps dans la religion et la magie: avec un rapport sommaire sur les conférences de l’exercice 1904-1905 et le programme des conférences pour l’exercice 1905-1906 Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études, 1905 CFP 1-70

JENNINGS, Hargrave The rosicrucians their rites and mysteries Nova Iorque, E. P. Dutton and Cº, [1907] CFP 0-12 KNAPP, J. Augustus / HALL, Manly Palmer /BLIGHT, Reynold E. The lost keys of Freemasonry or the secret of Hiram Abiff Londres, Rider and Cº, 1931 CFP 0-9

LANTOINE, Albert /LYCAN, Pierre Histoire de la Franc-Maçonnerie française: La Franc-Maçonnerie dans l'état; motifs décoratifs et lettres ornées de Pierre Lycan Paris, Émile Nourry ed., 1935 CFP 0-38 LMR L'AULNAYE, François-Henri-Stanislas de Thuileur des 33 degrés de l'écossisme du rit ancien, dit accepté... Paris, Delaunay, 1821 CFP 0-39 LMR

LAVERGNE, Marcel / PIOBB, P. V. Le secret de Nostradamus et de ses célèbres prophéties du XVIème siècle: les prédictions sur la France depuis 1792 et spécialment pour 1927 et les annés suivantes Paris, Adyar, 1927 CFP 1-120 LE BRETON, John The white magic book Londres, C. Arthur Pearson, 1930 CFP 1-84 LEADBEATER, C. W. Clairvoyance Londres, The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1912 CFP1-85

LEADBEATER, C. W. Invisible helpers Londres, The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1912 CFP 1-86 LEAL, Raúl Antéchrist et la gloire du Saint-esprit: hymne-poème sacré Lisboa, Portugália, 1920 CFP 8- 311 LEFRANC, Abel Sous le masque de "William Shakespeare" Paris, Payot, 1918 CFP 8-313 LELAND, Charles Godfrey Have you a strong will? Or how to develop and strengthen will-power memory, or any other faculty or attribute of the mind, by the easy process of self-hypnotism Londres, William Ryder & Son, 1912 CFP1-89

LEO, Alan Horary astrology: showing how to obtain an answer to any question […] together with a table of the Planet’s essential dignities Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1909 CFP 1-93

LEO, Alan Astrology for all Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1910 CFP 1-91 LEO, Alan The Key to Your Own Nativity: analytical readings of every position in a nativity based on scientific principles Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1910 CFP 1-95 [LEO, Alan] A Thousand and One Notable Nativities: the astrologie’s “who’s who” Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1911 CFP 1-1

LEO, Alan Casting the horoscope Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1912 CFP 1-92 LEO, Alan

The art of synthesis: formerly issued as how to judge a nativity Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1912 CFP 1-90 LEO, Alan How to judge a nativity Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1912 CFP 1-94 LEO, Alan The progressed horoscope: a sequel to the art of synthesis […] with its influence on character and destiny – a complete treatise on primary directions Londres, Modern Astrology Office, 1913 CFP 1-97

LEO, Alan Mars: the War Lord: being the substance of public lectures delivered before the Astrological Society Ludgate, Modern Astrology Office, 1915 CFP 1-96 LOISY, Alfred Les mystères paiens et le mystère chrétien Paris, Émile Nourry, 1930 CFP 2-35

LOVELL, Arthur Volo or the will what it is; How to strenghten, and how to use it Londres, Nichols and Cº, 1900 CFP 1-99

LUPTON, Frank The mystic oracle: (or) the complete fortune-teller and dream book Nova Iorque, [F. M. Lupton], 1893 CFP 1-167 LMR

MARTIN, Eva (ed.) The ring of return: an anthology of references to reincarnation and spiritual evolution, from prose and poetry of all ages Londres, Philip Allen & Cº, [1927] CFP 1-126

MASTER ESSEX An introduction to Royal Arch Masonry Londres, Rider and Cº, 1931 CFP 0-11 MASTER OF THERION Magic in theory and practice: being part III of book 4 Paris, Lecram Press, [s. d.] CFP – 1-151

MATTER, Jacques Saint-Martin le philosophe inconnu: sa vie et ses écrits: son maitre Martinez et leurs groups d’après des documents inédits Paris, Didier et Cie., 1862 CFP 9-48 MENNEVÉE, Robert L’organisation anti-maçonnique en France: de 1900 à 1928 Paris, Dubois et Bauer, 1928 CFP 0-41 LMR MODERN ASTROLOGY Modern astrology: The Astrologer’s Magazine Astrological Society, 1933 CFP 0-43 LMR MONIZ, Egas As novas ideias sobre o hipnotismo Lisboa, Livraria Ferreira, 1914 CFP 6-14 LMR NEAUM, Radford A. A talk broadcast from the Bournemouth Station of the B.B.C. … shewing how the Great Pyramid contains a forecast of the exact date of both the Commencement and termination of the late war and also an indication of a great world tribulation commencing in 1928 Nova Iorque, [F. M. Lupton], 1928 CFP 1-168 LMR NEWTON, Joseph Fort The builders: a story and study of Masonry Londres, George Allen and Unwin, 1918 CFP 0-17 O'DELL, Stackpool Eduard Heads and how to read them: a popular guide do phrenology Londres, C. Arthur Pearson [1901] CFP 6-15 LMR

PIKE, E. Royston Slayers of superstition: a popular account of some of the leading personalities of the Deist movement Londres, Watts and Cº, 1931 CFP 2-46 PONCINS, Léon de Les forces secrètes de la révolution: F[ranc]-M[açonnerie]-Judaisme Paris, Éd. Bossard, 1929 CFP – 018 PORTUGAL. LEIS. DECRETOS, etc. Sociedades Secretas Lisboa, Império, 1935 CFP – 3-62 PROTOCOLS Protocols: procès-verbaux de réunions secrètes des sages d’Israel Paris, La Vieille France, 1920 CFP 2-47 PSYCHIC RESEARCH QUARTERLY The psychic research quarterly, v. 1 (1920) Londres, Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner and Cº, 1920 CFP 1-121 RAPHAEL, [Edwin] Raphael's astronomical ephemeris of the planets places for 1802 Londres, [s. n.], 1911 CFP 5-29

RAPHAEL, Edwin The guide to astrology Londres, W. Foulsham and Cº, 1905 CFP 1-123 RAPHAEL, Edwin Raphael's prophetic almanach or the prophetic messenger and weather guide with whitch is incorporated Orion's almanac

ROBERTSON, John M. The genuine in Shakespeare Londres, George Routledge and Sons, 1930 CFP 8-472 ROBERTSON, John M. "Hamlet" once more Londres, Richard Cobden-Sanderson, 1923 CFP 8-473 ROBERTSON, John M. The problem of "Hamlet" Londres, George Allen & Unwin, 1919 CFP 8-474 ROSENROTH, Knorr von The Kaballah Unveiled. Trad. Macgregor Mathers Londres, Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trübner and Cº, 1926 CFP 1-76 ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel Poems and translations by Dante Gabriel Rossetti including Dante's vita nuova and the early italian poets Londres, J. M. Dent & Sons, [1870?] CFP 8-483

SAINTYVES, P. Les Vierges mères et les naissances miraculeuses: essai de mythologie comparée Paris, Librairie Critique, 1908 CFP 2- 57 SCOTISH WORKINGS The scottish workings of craft masonry, complete and accurate Londres, A. Lewis, 1898 CFP 0-20

SEIBEL, George The religion of Shakespeare Londres, Watts and Cº, 1924 CFP 8-498 SEPHARIAL Astrology and marriage: the influence of planetary action in courtship and married life Londres, W. Foulsham, [1929] CFP 1-137

SEPHARIAL Directional astrology: to which is added a discussion of problematic points and a complete set of tables necessary for the calculation of arcs of direction Londres, William Rider and Son, 1915 CFP 1-138 SEPHARIAL The kabala of numbers: a handbook of interpretation Londres, William Rider and Son, 1911 CFP 1-139 SEPHARIAL The solar epoch: a new astrological thesis Londres, W. Foulsham & Cº, 1924 CFP 1-140 SEPHARIAL The theory of geodetic equivalents in relation to mundane astrology including many remarkable proofs and striking prophecies Londres, W. Foulsham & Cº, [1925] CFP 1-141

SHORT, A. G. Adam’s calendar and other chronological prophecies of the Old Testament Londres, Rider and Cº, [s. d.] CFP 2-61 SIOUVILLE, A. Le Prince de ce Monde et le péché original. Avant-propos et introd. par Oswald Wirth Paris, Le Symbolisme, 1925 CFP 2- 62

SMEDLEY, William T. The mystery of Francis Bacon Londres, Robert Banks and Son, 1912 CFP 1-142 STEINER, Rudolf L’Esprit de Goethe d’après Faust et le conte du Serpent vert Paris, Alice Sawerwein, 1926 CFP 8-527 STEPHENSEN, P. R. The legend of Aleister Crowley

Londres, Mandrake Press, 1930 CFP 9-77 LMR SUPERNATURAL RELIGION Supernatural religion: an inquiry into the reality of divine revelation Londres, Watts and Cº, 1905 CFP 2-66 SYNESIUS A astrologia Lisboa, Liv. Clássica Editora, 1917 CFP 1-148 TAYLOR, H. M. Reincarnation refuted

Londres, The Power Book Cº, [1915] CFP 1-149 THOMAS, Elystan What existence means: a theory of life's self-foundation, transition and destiny Londres, Watts and Cº [s. d.] CFP 1-152 TINLING, J. F. B. The promise of life and the doctrine of everlasting punishment Londres, Elliott Stock, 1881 CFP 2-67 VELHO, A. A. Martins O espiritismo contemporâneo Lisboa, Liv. Clássica Editora, 1915 CFP 1-156 VIGNOIS, Élisée du Notre histoire racontée à l'avance par Nostradamus: : interprétation de la lettre à Henri II, des centuries et des présages pour les faits accomplis depuis l'année 1555 jusqu'à nos jours Paris, A. Leclerc, 1910 CFP 1-171 LMR VILLARET, Fernand La notion du Messie d'après les livres prophétiques les apocalypses juives et les évangiles Montauban, Imprimerie Cooperative Ancienne Maison Granié, 1908 CFP 2- 72

WADDINGTON, Eric F. The fifth monarchy: two papers on the second chapter of Daniel, supporting the contention that the British Empire is this fifth monarchy or stone kingdom Londres, Robert Banks and Son, 1913 CFP 1-157

WAITE, Arthur Edward The brotherhood of the Rosy Cross, being records of the house of the holy spirit in its inward and outward history Londres, William Rider and Son, 1924 CFP 0-21 WAITE, Arthur Edward Emblematic freemansonry and the evolution of its deeper issues Londres, William Rider and Son, 1925 CFP 0-22

Londres, Messrs W. Foulsham & Cº, 1909 CFP 1-160 WILDE, George A primer of natal astrology for beginners: how to cast the horoscope and read its happy auguries or portents Yorkshire, The Rexo Publishing Cº, 1911 CFP 1-161 WITEMANS, Fr. Histoire des Rose-Croix Paris, Adyar, 1925 CFP 0-24 WIGSTON, W. F. C. The columbus of literature or Bacon's new world of sciences Chicago, F. J. Schulle and Cº, 1892 CFP 8-582

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