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A Bregman Extension of quasi-Newton Updates

Takafumi Kanamori1 Atsumi Ohara2

1Nagoya university

2Osaka university

情報幾何関連分野研究会 2010


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Plan of Presentation



1 quasi-Newton methodnonlinear optimization problemHessian update formulavariational view of quasi-Newton update



2 Bregman extension of quasi-Newton methodBregman divergence with V-potential on PD(n)dual structure defined by Bregman divergence




3 Exploiting Sparsity of Hessian matrixrelation to U-boost and em-algorithm




4 Other topicsconvergence propertyinvariance under group actionrobustness against numerical errors




5 Concluding Remarks

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— quasi-Newton method —

keywords: Hessian update, secant condition

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Unconstrained nonlinear optimization problem

制約なし最適化問題:目的関数 f ∈ C2(Rn)


f (x), x ∈ Rn

局所解 x∗ を数値的に求める


f (x)

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Numerical algorithm

初期値 x0, B0 : n × n matrix, α0 ≥ 0.以下を繰り返す

xk+1 = xk − αkB−1k∇ f (xk), k = 0, 1, 2, . . .




各 xk のまわりで 2次近似

f (x) � f (xk) + ∇ f (xk)>(x − xk) +12

(x − xk)>∇2 f (xk)(x − xk)

−→ 2次近似した関数を小さくする xを計算

最急降下法:Bk = I, αk: line searchニュートン法:Bk = ∇2 f (xk), αk = 1準ニュートン法:Bk = ∇2 f (xk)の近似, αk: line search

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quasi-Newton method

ヘシアン行列 ∇2 f (xk+1)の近似 Bk+1 の構成

xk+1 = xk − αkB−1k∇ f (xk), αk ≥ 0

標準的な記法: s = xk+1 − xk ∈ Rn, y = ∇ f (xk+1) − ∇ f (xk) ∈ Rn

(正確には sk, yk と添字を付ける)

目標: Bk, s, yから Bk+1 を作る.

BFGS update :

Bk+1 = BBFGS[Bk] := Bk −Bkss>Bk



s>yDFP update :

Bk+1 = BDFP[Bk] := Bk −Bksy> + ys>Bk

s>y+ s>Bks





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Some requirements for update formula

セカント条件: Bk+1s = y

∇2 f (xk+1)(xk+1 − xk) ≈ ∇ f (xk+1) − ∇ f (xk), Bk+1 ≈ ∇2 f (xk+1)


Bk ∈ PD(n), s>y > 0 =⇒ Bk+1 ∈ PD(n).

Bk+1 が正定値 =⇒ −Bk+1∇ f (xk+1)が降下方向

条件 s>y > 0:係数 αk を定める直線探索がある程度正確.

BFGS, DFPは上の条件を満たす

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A Variational View of quasi-Newton updates [Fletcher ’91]

Bk+1:セカント条件を満たす行列の中で Bk に最も「近い」

Matrix nearness: KL-divergence between N(0, P) and N(0,Q)

KL(P,Q) := 〈P, Q−1〉 − log det(PQ−1) − n, P,Q ∈ PD(n)

note: KL(P,Q) = KL(Q−1, P−1)

(BFGS update) minB∈PD(n)

KL(B, Bk) subject to Bs = y

(DFP update) minB∈PD(n)

KL(Bk, B), subject to Bs = y

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— Bregman extension of quasi-Newton method —

keywords: Bregman divergence, projection

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quasi-Newton updates with Bregman divergence

Bregman divergence: An extension of KL-divergence

準ニュートン更新則の Bregman拡張¶ ³PD(n)上の Bregman divergence =⇒

幾何構造行列の更新則µ ´

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Bregman divergence with V-potential [Ohara and Eguchi, ’05]

V-potential : ϕV(P) = V(det P), V : R+ → RBregman div. : DV(P,Q) = ϕV(P) − {ϕV(Q) + 〈∇ϕV(Q), P − Q〉}

Tangent line at Q

Bregman divergence


ϕV (Q)


ϕV (P )

DV (P,Q)

V(z) = − log z =⇒ KL-divergence,i.e. BFGS or DFP update.

ϕV(P) is strictly convex⇐⇒ν(z) := −zV′(z) > 0,β(z) := zν′(z)/ν(z) < 1/n

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Information Geometry on PD(n) [Ohara and Eguchi, ’05] -1/3-two coordinate systems

PD(n)上の2つの座標系: for B ∈ PD(n)

B → η(B) = B, B → θV(B) = ν(det(B))B−1 (one-to-one)

例:V(z) = − log z =⇒ θ(B) = B−1

η(B) = B

θV (B) = ν(det B)B−1


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Information Geometry on PD(n) [Ohara and Eguchi, ’05] -2/3-Autoparallel Submanifold

M ⊂ PD(n) : submanifold

Mが η-座標に関して affine平面 =⇒ η-autoparallel

Mが θV-座標に関して affine平面 =⇒ θV-autoparallel

(V(z) = − log zのとき θ-autoparallel)

M = {B ∈ PD(n) | 〈A, θV (B)〉 = c} (θV -autoparallel)

θV -coordinate

例:secant condition. η, θ-autoparallel (doubly autoparallel).

M = {B ∈ PD(n) | η(B)s = y} = {B ∈ PD(n) | s = θ(B)y}(η(B) = B, θ(B) = B−1)

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Information Geometry on PD(n) [Ohara and Eguchi, ’05] -3/3-Projection onto autoparallel submanifold

M : η-autoparallel submanifold in PD(n)

Bk のMへの θV-projection : Bk+1 = argminB

DV(B, Bk), B ∈ M,

Bk, Bk+1を結ぶ θV-geodesicとMは直交⇐⇒ 〈θV(Bk) − θV(Bk+1), η(B) − η(Bk+1)〉 = 0, ∀B ∈ M

(η ←→ θV で同様の関係)

M : η-autoparallel

θV -geodesic





For all B ∈ M,

DV(B, Bk)= DV(B, Bk+1) + DV(Bk+1, Bk)

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A Variational View of quasi-Newton updates [Fletcher ’91](revisited)

M: doubly autoparallelBFGS: η-autoparallelMへの Bk の θ-projectionDFP: θ-autoparallelMへの Bk の η-projection



Secant condition:M = {B ∈ PD(n) | Bs = y} (η, θ-autoparallel)


実用上は BFGSが数値的に良いとされているGeometric Approach to Information TEchnology Bregman extension of quasi-Newton updates 13 / 30

V-extension of quasi-Newton update

V-BFGS update: minB∈PD(n)

DV(B, Bk) subject to B ∈ M (i.e. Bs = y)

V-DFP update: minB∈PD(n)

DV(B−1, B−1k

) subject to B ∈ M

M : η, θ-autoparallel

non-θV -autoparallel

θV -geodesic


Bk+1 (V -BFGS)

note: minB DV(Bk, B) subject to B ∈ M may not be convex problem.Geometric Approach to Information TEchnology Bregman extension of quasi-Newton updates 14 / 30

V-BFGS update formula

V-BFGS update¶ ³Bk+1 =

ν(det Bk+1)ν(det Bk)

· BBFGS[Bk]+

(1 −ν(det Bk+1)ν(det Bk)



where ν(z) = −zV′(z) > 0.µ ´KL-div. (V(z) = − log(z)) =⇒ ν(z) = 1, Bk+1 = BBFGS[Bk

]Bk ∈ PD(n), s>y > 0, ν > 0 =⇒ Bk+1 ∈ PD(n)BFGS updateと (ほとんど)同じ計算量Self-scaling quasi-Newton:

Bk+1 = φk · BBFGS[Bk]+ (1 − φk) ·


s>yV-BFGSでは φk が V-potentialから決まる.

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V-BFGS update:

Initialization: Let L0 L>0= B0 be the Cholesky decomposition of B0, and

x0 ∈ Rn be an initial point. Set k = 0.

Repeat: If stopping criterion is satisfied, go to Output.


..1 Let xk+1 = xk − αk B−1k∇ f (xk) with an appropriate αk ≥ 0.

The Cholesky decomposition Bk = Lk L>k

is available tocompute B−1

k∇ f (xk).




2 Update Lk to L which is the Cholesky decomposition ofBBFGS[Bk; sk, yk]. The Cholesky decomposition forrank-one update is available.




3 Compute C = (det L)2/ν((det Lk)2)n−1 and find the root z∗of the equation C · ν(z)n−1 = z, z > 0.




4 Compute the Cholesky decomposition Lk+1 such that

Lk+1 L>k+1 =

ν(z∗)ν((det Lk)2)

LL> +(1 −

ν(z∗)ν((det Lk)2)

) yk y>k






5 k ← k + 1.

Output: Local optimal solution xk.

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— Exploiting Sparsity of Hessian matrix —

keywords: iterative Bregman projection

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Sparsity of Hessian matrix

適当な xについて

F ⊃ {(i, j) | (∇2 f (x))i j , 0},S := {B ∈ PD(n) | Bi j = 0, (i, j) ∈ Fc}

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗


xの次元 nが大きいFの要素数は少ない

計算量を減らすために疎行列 Bk ∈ Sを利用Sは η-autoparallel=⇒情報幾何的にアルゴリズムを考察

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Sparse quasi-Newton [Yamashita, ’08]

M = {B ∈ PD(n) | Bs = y} (η, θ-autoparallel)

S = {B ∈ PD(n) | Bi j = 0, (i, j) ∈ Fc} (η-autoparallel)

Hessian update:Bk ∈ S −→ Bk+1 ∈ SBk+1 ∈ M ∩ S (η-autoparallel)が理想的

計算が大変なので近似¶ ³




1 Bk から B = BBFGS[Bk] or B = BDFP[Bk]を計算BBFGS[Bk]は Bk のMへの θ-projectionBDFP[Bk]は Bk のMへの η-projection




2 Bを Sに θ-projection

Bk+1 = argminB∈S

KL(B, B)µ ´Geometric Approach to Information TEchnology Bregman extension of quasi-Newton updates 18 / 30

Sparse quasi-Newton [Yamashita, ’08]





η or θ-proj.



Bk −→ B = BDFP[Bk] −→ Bk+1: em-algorithm

Bk −→ B = BBFGS[Bk] −→ Bk+1: boosting

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Sparse V-quasi-Newton – boosting-type extension –



1 Bは Bk のMへの θV-projection (V-BFGS)


. .2 Bk+1 は Bk の Sへの θV-projection (計算可能)

θV-projectionを繰り返すと B∗ = argminB∈M∩S DV(B, Bk)に収束

B(1) = Bk





θV -proj.

θV -proj.

DV(B∗, B(1)) ≥ DV(B∗, B(2)) ≥ · · · ≥ DV(B∗, B(T))

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Sparse V-quasi-Newton – em-type extension –



1 Bは Bk のMへの η-projection (DFP)


. .2 Bk+1 は Bk の Sへの θV-projection

η, θV-projectionを繰り返したときの収束先?

B(1) = Bk








DV(B(1), B(1)) ≥ DV(B(2), B(2)) ≥ · · · ≥ DV(B(T), B(T))

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Computation of Projectoin onto S

G = ({1, . . . , n}, F): cordal graphとする (loopを除く)

maximal clique of G: C1, . . . ,CL∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗



2 3





B = BBFGS[Bk] or BDFP[Bk]のSへの θV-projection


DV(B, B), B ∈ S

−→解 (Bopt)−1: H = B−1 の部分行列 HC`C` から計算可能Yamashitaの方法:Sparse clique-factorization [Fukuda et al.,’00]

−→ V-quasi Newtonにも適用可Computation cost of B(t) → B(t+1): O(

∑L`=1|CL|2) � O(n)

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— Other Topics —

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Convergence property of V-BFGS



. . 1 The objective function f ∈ C2(Rn).



2 The level set L = {x ∈ Rn | f (x) ≤ f (x0)} is convex, andthere exist positive constants m and M such that

m‖z‖2 ≤ z>∇2 f (x)z ≤ M‖z‖2

for all z ∈ Rn and x ∈ L.






∃L1, L2 > 0 such that L1 ≤ ν ≤ L2 =⇒ limk→∞

xk = x∗ (local opt.)

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Invariance under Group Action -1/2-

変数変換: x −→ x = Tx, f (x) := f (T−1 x)不変性:xk = Txk, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,は成立するか?Newton method, BFGS or DFP with exact line searchで成立



0∇f (x0)

x3x0 = Tx0


0∇f (x0)




不変なアルゴリズム:変数変換のもとで収束性などの挙動は不変Geometric Approach to Information TEchnology Bregman extension of quasi-Newton updates 24 / 30

Invariance under Group Action -2/2-

transformation: x −→ x = TxT ∈ SL(n) = {T ∈ GL(n) | det T = 1}=⇒任意の potential V に対して V-BFGSは不変.T ∈ GL(n)に対して V-BFGSが不変⇐⇒ power potential V(z) = (1 − zγ)/γ

limγ→0(1 − zγ)/γ = − log zPD(n)上の射影:GL(n)-group actionに対して不変

V-BFGS update with power potential:

Bk+1 =

( s>ys>Bks

)αBBFGS[Bk] +

(1 −

( s>ys>Bks

)α) yy>


α =γ

1 − (n − 1)γ,

( − 1n − 1

< α < 1 for strict convexity)

α = 1: a popular self-scaling quasi-Newton.

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Robustness against inexact line search -1/3-

line searchの誤差 =⇒ quasi-Newton updateに影響xk+1 = xk − αkB−1

k∇ f (xk), s = xk+1 − xk, y = ∇ f (xk+1) − ∇ f (xk)

(Inexact line search) minB∈PD(n)

DV(B, Bk) subject to B(1 + ε)s = y + εy

=⇒ opt. sol. B(ε)k+1


xk+1 exact




ε · s

s −→ s + ε · s

y −→ y + ε · ∇2 f (xk+1) s + O(ε2)

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Robustness against inexact line search -2/3-

A measure of sensitivity against numerical error:

Influence function: dBV(Bk, y) := limε→0

B(ε)k+1− B(0)



Gross error sensitivity : maxBk, y‖dBV(Bk, y)‖

(Bk, yの範囲を適当に取る)

Gross error sensitivityが小さい⇐⇒誤差の影響が小さいrobust statisticsで使われる評価法¶ ³

Gross error sensitivityを最小にする potential V を求める

For given s, y ∈ Rn s.t. s>y > 0,


maxBk, y

‖dBV(Bk, y)‖ subject to Bk ∈ PD(n), y ∈ Yµ ´Y ⊂ Rn: a bounded subset (‖∇2 f‖ ≤ M < ∞に相当)

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Robustness against inexact line search -3/3-

V-BFGS, V-DFPB � ∇2 f update, H = B−1 � (∇2 f )−1 update

4通りについて Gross error sensitivityの値を計算

V-BFGS V-DFPB update BFGSのみ有界 ∞

H = B−1 update ∞ ∞(for all s, y s.t. s>y > 0)

∇2 f を近似する BFGSが (V-拡張のなかで)最適sensitivity for line search: duality is violated.

(B, s, y) ↔ (H, y, s)(B, (1 + ε)s, y + εy)= (H, y + εy, (1 + ε)s)

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Concluding Remarks

Future works

Superlinear convergence of V-quasi-Newton updatesWhich V is preferable?

Robustness against numerical error:BFGS for B-update, i.e. V(z) = − log(z)Optimally conditioned update formula[Dennis and Wolkovicz, sizing and least-change secant methods, ’93]

(intensive) Numerical experimentsrate of convergencecomputation costrobustness

Link between computation and geometry[Ohara and Tsuchiya, An information geometric approach to polynomial-time

interior-point algorithms, ’07]

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Information GeometryS. Amari and H. Nagaoka. Methods of Information Geometry, volume 191 ofTranslations of Mathematical Monographs. Oxford University Press, 2000.A. Ohara and S. Eguchi, Geometry on positive definite matrices andv-potential function, Technical report, ISM Research Memo, 2005.N. Murata, T. Takenouchi, T. Kanamori and S. Eguchi, Information geometry ofU-Boost and Bregman divergence, Neural Computation, 16, 1437-1481, 2004.

Robust StatisticsF. R. Hampel, P. J. Rousseeuw, E. M. Ronchetti, and W. A. Stahel. RobustStatistics. The Approach based on Influence Functions. John Wiley and Sons,Inc., 1986

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