a publication of peter youngren ... - global grace news...a lesson that jairus taught j esus is the...

Post on 14-Jun-2020






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By Taina Youngren

What Shall I Do? Content:

May—July 2017

How we will miss even the most sincere witness attempt

Page 2 A Lesson That Jairus Taught

Page 3 Study In Sweden Page 4

Greater Love Tour

7 Prayer Considerations

Study Corner, Contact Info Page 5

Go Forward… Doubting


Page 7 Ministry News Around The


Ω Go Forward!

Ω Prayer Is Not Burdensome

Ω WIBI Tanzania In Full Swing

Ω Greater Love Tour: God We

Never Knew

A Publication Of Peter Youngren & World Impact Ministries


Global Grace News (GGN) has been

available for more than 10 years for pastors and teachers, who have attend-ed Peter Youngren’s Gospel Revolution Seminars. Study the articles, meditate on the revelation of Jesus Christ and get strengthened!

In the story of the rich, young ruler in Mark 10, his question to Jesus is, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” Probably all of us have been pondering this question at some point… especially in regards to witnessing. “What if someone asks how to get saved? How do I present the Gospel so that someone will actually receive it?” To make this even a more pressing issue, we might find ourselves wrestling with thoughts—and reality—of falling short of reaching anyone. Once I answered, “It costs for your whole life.” This happened many, many years ago, and I still feel blush on my face, when I’m thinking about it. Of course, this was my sincere, but stupid answer to that precious soul at the time. This person was in agony and troubled by the state of her soul, and she wanted to know how to get saved? Needless to say, I lost my moment! I wish I’d have answered, “It cost Jesus everything, but you can receive eternal life for free.” Often Christians struggle themselves to comprehend how “good news” the Gospel actually is. If we don’t realize it personally, the Gospel be-comes a religion… a list of rules, demands and never ending self-glorifying “sacrifices” that are not appealing to anyone. Let’s dig into the Gospel and find God’s lovingkindness, grace, and everlasting mercy afresh. After all, that’s how we were drawn to Jesus in the first place.


A Lesson That Jairus Taught

J esus is the Anointed One! Be-

lieve in Jesus! Come to Jesus!

Jesus preached that the Holy Spirit had anointed

Him, Luke 4:18. In fact Simon Peter later on said

that this was the message Jesus preached

throughout all of Judea, Acts 10:36-38.

Look at what happened in the house of Jairus,

the ruler of the synagogue, when this message

reached his house, Mark 5:21-43. Jairus really

grasped that everything he needed was

wrapped up in Jesus.

Jairus’ daughter was sick and while Jesus was on

His way to his house, He was delayed. In fact,

Jesus was interrupted by a woman with an issue

of blood, who had suffered for 12 years. After

Jesus had healed this woman and given a short

teaching, he arrived at Jairus’ house only to find

out that the daughter was dead.

Here is what we learn:

Jairus... only had one thing to say, “Come and lay your

hands on my daughter and she shall live!” He

did not go in to any details about the reasons

why his daughter was sick, but simply spoke a

word of faith—“she shall live!”

Jairus… kept his focus on Jesus even after a negative re-

port. When Jesus heard that the daughter had

died, He told Jairus, “Be not afraid, only be-

lieve!” Jesus knew that Jairus had every oppor-

tunity to become fearful or disappointed.

Jesus is the same today. No matter what you are

facing—do not be afraid but keep believing.

Believe that Jesus is the Anointed One! Believe

that all you need is in Him!

Jairus... did not let his religious tradition stop him. Being a

ruler of the synagogue he could have condemn

the woman with the issue of blood for being

seen in public. He could also have criticized Je-

sus for taking time with her. After all both Jesus

and the woman were breaking the Law of Mo-


Jesus wants us to know today that we are not

healed or blessed because we keep religious

rules or rituals. Every blessing, every healing, eve-

ry good thing is by God’s grace alone.

Jairus... did not accept defeat. He could have resigned

himself to the fact that his daughter was dead.

He could have disregarded what he had just

seen—a woman healed of the issue of blood.

Jairus… remained humble. It would have been easy for

him to be puffed up by pride when Jesus left the

big crowd to go to his house. Instead, he contin-

ued in humility. You see, God always gives grace

to the humble.

What is humility? It is simply to be dependent on

Jesus Christ. Pride, on the contrary, is independ-

ence from Him.

By Peter Youngren



Yes, there were many potential temptations, but Jairus

never deviated from his single focus—looking at Jesus

Christ. It reminds me of, “looking unto Jesus the author

and finisher of faith”, Hebrews 12:2.

I offer myself and our ministry team to you to believe

with you today. If there is a situation in your life where

you, like Jairus, want to depend on Jesus, please send

your prayer requests to us.

You can be assured that what Jesus did for Jairus and

for his house, He will do for you, because Jesus Christ is

the same yesterday, today and forever.

Please go ahead and declare your faith! Jairus spoke

the words of faith, “she shall live”. Speak boldly what

you are believing God for.

Remember that Jesus brought Peter, James and John

with Him. When you send your prayer requests, let our

ministry team be your “Peter, James and John”, be-

lieving Jesus with you and for you.


Yangon, Burma

Please see more info in Swedish at etal.se/skandinaviska-evangelie-institutet

Attend the Gospel Institute for a year in Jönköping, Sweden, starting August 28!



JUNE 2—6, 2017 @ 7:00pm with Peter & Taina Youngren

Surrey BC, June 2 | Vancouver BC, June 3 | Kelowna BC, June 4 |Winnipeg MB, June 6

More Information & Seat Reservation: peteryoungren.org/greater-love-tour-2017

(Prayer is not burdensome!)

7 Prayer Considerations... 1. There is power in corporate prayer. Nehemiah 1:2-4 2. Compassionate awareness of need. Nehemiah 1:5 3. Recognize who God is. Nehemiah 1:6-7 4. Identify yourself with the prayer need. Nehemiah 1:8-9 5. Take God at His word. Nehemiah 1:11 6. Everything depends on God’s favor. Ephesians 1:3 & Ephesians 2:8-9 7. Everyone can pray life-transforming, history-making prayers. Nehemiah 1:11

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World Impact Ministries Graceworld Ministries (Products)

peteryoungren.org graceworldministries.com

info@peteryoungren.org info@graceworldministries.com

190 Railside Rd, Toronto, ON M3A 1A3, Canada 190 Railside Rd, Toronto, ON M3A 1A3, Canada

Study Corner:


T here’s an enemy that everyone faces—containment! Every Bible hero battled this; Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Elijah and the Apos-tle Paul. Containment means to keep someone

restrained, limited and afraid of moving forward.

Have you ever felt that doubts and fears have kept you from stepping out into something better? Simon Peter had experienced God’s love, he had walked with Jesus. Yet, at a life-changing moment, when he was supposed to go to a man called Cornelius to share the Gos-pel, he was afraid. There were two voices, one that told him, stay where you are, and the voice of the Holy Spirit, that told Simon Peter to go forward; the Spirit told me to go; doubting nothing, Acts 11:12. There is a power that wants to contain each one of us, but one word from God changes everything. Jesus gave Simon Peter a vision, he saw a sheet with un-clean animals lowered down and Jesus told him, “Arise, kill and eat”. Peter’s response was, “Not so, Lord”. Imagine that, Simon Peter corrected Jesus. He knew it was Jesus speaking, otherwise he would not have said “Lord”. What was Simon Peter’s problem—containment! He was

afraid to go forward, afraid for himself, and afraid what oth-ers would think. The story is in the Book of Acts chapters 10 and 11 and you probably know how it ends; Simon Peter received the word from heaven and went to the house of Cornelius—he en-tered into his destiny. Here is the reality. Without going forward Simon Peter would never have become the great apostle that we re-member today. Just like Simon Peter received word from heaven, there is a word for you: 1: Go forward! The picture in your heart will guide you.

God has put a picture in you. The Holy Spirit speaks through pictures. I know that you can see that God has a destiny for you. I know that you know that going forward for the Gospel is a key to everything for you personally. Follow that picture in your heart!

By Peter Youngren

There is a power that wants to con-

tain each one of us, but one word

from God changed everything.


2: Go forward! God has prepared your steps. God worked on Cornelius, to make him ready to receive Si-mon Peter, and so God is working in your situation. That’s an ironclad guarantee, that God has prepared good things for you, Eph. 2:10. 3: Go forward! Leave Christ-less religion behind. Leave behind whatever is not aligned with Jesus Christ and His grace. In spite of all his experiences with Jesus, Simon Peter still had self-righteous pride—he was living with unful-filled potential. Containment means unfulfilled potential. You know the area in your life with there is containment. It’s time to step out! At the end of this article, I will ask you to take a step of faith, to do something even bigger than you have ever done be-fore. 4: Go forward! Good things happen when you go! I have discovered that miracles don’t happen in the place of containment. Miracles happen when we go forward. Simon Peter discovered that the entire household of Cornelius was ready to receive salvation and the Holy Spirit. Miracles happen when you go forward with the Gospel.

Miracles happen when you go forward with your financ-

es for the Gospel. You will reap a maximum harvest!

In just a few weeks I will be in a large Muslim region on East Africa’s coast. It’s a huge step forward. Like Simon Peter, I could easily be filled with doubt, but the faith of God tells me to go forward. He will never let us down.

Leave behind whatever is not

aligned with Jesus Christ and

His grace.

Is 2017 your year to visit Israel?

Discover Christ in the land of the

Bible and spend 10 days in the

Promise Land with Peter and

Taina Youngren this November.

Order more info and your regis-

tration package:




Translated into over 30 languages, Peter Youngren’s Salvation booklet has been giv-en to over 16 million people around the globe in large Friendship Festivals.

Step by step, this booklet gives God’s plan for salvation and helps the new believer take this first step of following Jesus.

8 brief chapters highlight the following:

... You are Loved

... Why Do You Need Salvation?

... God Has Already Done His Part to Save You

... Know Your Benefits

... You Are A Winner

... The Local Church—A Spiritual Home

... The Holy Spirit—Your Helper

Order e-book: peteryoungren.org/free-book-salvation


Ministry News Around The World

WIBI Tanzania In Full Swing World Impact Bible Institute opened its doors in Mwan-za in January 2017. Bishop Isaya Zenobius oversees the work and is happy to report that "the longtime vision for WIBI Tanzania has surely come to pass!” The students are also reaching out in the surrounding community, not just staying inside of the four walls studying the Scriptures. These students experience first hand the impact of the Gospel in people’s lives.

Email: info.mwanza@peteryoungren.org

Jesus Welcomed In Burma! People with very little, or no access to the Gospel welcomed the Good News gladly. Many miracles happened during the Friendship Festival in Yangon. Spiritual eyes were opened to see what God in Christ has done for all people.

Full report: peteryoungren.org/no-more-bad-karma

The Gospel In Sierra Leone

Peter has opportunity to pray for presidents, governors and prime ministers. Here he is in Freetown, with the President Korma of Sierra Leone this February. No matter who Peter talks to, his purpose is simple—to use every means to point people towards Christ.

Visit: peteryoungren.org

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