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Post on 18-May-2020






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ภาคผนวก ก


ในการทําวิจยัคร้ังนี้มีผูเช่ียวชาญตรวจแผนการสอน แบบประเมินความสามารถทางการพูดอภิปรายและการเขียนสะทอนความคิดภาษาอังกฤษ จํานวน 3 คน ดังมีรายนามตอไปนี้ 1. นางสาวทิพยวรรณ บุญถึง ผูจัดการศูนยพฒันาการเรียนการสอนภาษาอังกฤษ (ERIC) และ ครูชํานาญการ ค.ศ. 2 กลุมสาระภาษาตางประเทศ โรงเรียนฝางชนูปถัมภ สํานักงานเขตพื้นท่ีการศึกษาเชียงใหม เขต 3 2. Mr. Shohei Matsuda ครูวิทยากรพเิศษภาษาอังกฤษ

โรงเรียนบานหวยงูกลาง สํานักงานเขตพื้นท่ีการศึกษาเชียงใหม เขต 3

3. นางสุจินตา คําเงิน รองหัวหนากลุมสาระภาษาตางประเทศ และครูชํานาญการ ค.ศ. 2 โรงเรียนฝางชนูปถัมภ

สํานักงานเขตพื้นท่ีการศึกษาเชียงใหม เขต 3


ภาคผนวก ข

Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5) Proto 1

Course Objective 1 : Ask and give information and explanations, exchange ideas or discuss current community and society issue.

Terminal Objective 1 : Student should be able to give opinions about the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 1 Topic : P.M.I (Plus, Minus, Interesting) Language Function : P (Plus) - Why do you like …………..? - I like this idea because ………… M (Minus) - Why don’t you like …………..? - I don’t like this idea because ……………… I (Interesting) - It would be interesting to see if /how/when ………. Structure : - Present Simple Tense - Adverb of frequency - Expressions of giving opinions/ persuading/ convincing Vocabulary : cognitive (adj.), research (n.), perception (n.), practical (adj.), suggestion (n.), proposal (n.), deliberate (v.), luxurious (adj.) Pronunciation : Sounds-the alphabet Skills : speaking, listening and writing Task :

- Do exercise 1 in Worksheet 1 which is matching and completing the sentences with the content they’ve already learned.

- A group discussion about the scenario of “All seats should be taken out of buses”

- Write the reflective writing of PMI using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like.

Period 2


Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5)

Proto 2

Course Objective 1 : Ask and give information and explanations, exchange ideas or discuss current community and society issue.

Terminal Objective 2 : Student should be able to give opinions towards the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 2 Topic : C.A.F (Consider all factors) Language Function : - Expressing opinions about something disagrees, giving reasons - Using the language to persuading/ convincing - What do you think of …………….. ? - I think/ believe/ feel (that)………… - What’s your opinion of ………………? - In my view/ opinion……………… Structure : - Present Simple Tense - Connectors - Expressions of giving opinions/ persuading/ convincing Vocabulary : consideration (n.) factor (n.) involve (v.) assume (v.) obvious (adj.) deliberate (adj.) emphasis (n.) ensure (v.) neglected (v.) stimulate (v.) response (v.) meta-cognition (n.) Pronunciation : Intonation to express meaning Skills : Listening, speaking and writing Task :

- Do exercise1-3 in Worksheet 2 which is choosing and completing the sentences with the correct grammar they’ve already learned.

- A group discussion of ask and answer about the scenario of “A husband and wife go to buy a used car for their family” 10 factors.

- Write the reflective writing of CAF using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like.




Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5) Proto 3

Course Objective 1 : Ask and give information and explanations, exchange ideas or discuss current community and society issue.

Terminal Objective 3 : Student should be able to give opinions towards the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 3 Topic : Designing a country (P.M.I + CAF) Language Function : P (Plus) - What you like about an ideas. - I like this idea because ………… M (Minus) - What your don’t like about an idea. - I don’t like this idea because ……………… I (Interesting) - It would be interesting to see if /how/when ………. - What do you think of …………….. ? - I think/ believe/ feel (that)………… - What’s your opinion of ………………? - In my view/ opinion……………… CAF : Consider All the Factors Structure : - Simple present tense, Adverb of frequency - Connectors Vocabulary :

- consider (v.), symbol (n.), resource (n.) - factor (n.), design (v.), create (v.), natural (adj.) - feature (n.), peninsula (n.), boundary (n.) - economy (n.), government (n.), density (n.)

Pronunciation : Intonation to express meaning Skills : speaking, listening and writing Task :

- A group discussion of ask and answer about all the factors and good, bad, and interesting points to think of when designing a country. - Write the reflective writing of designing a country using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like.




Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5)

Proto 4

Course Objective 2: Present the ideas of events, activities. Local goods or services in various ways with creativity and efficiency. Terminal Objective 4 : Student should be able to give opinions towards the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 4 Topic : C&S (Consequence and Sequel) Language Function : - Giving opinions, showing the causes and effects and giving reasons - Using the language to express the consequence of something and persuading/ convincing Structure : - Simple future tense - Words of cause and effect (as a result, in consequence, and because of )

Vocabulary : consequence(n.) sequel(n) concern(v.) immediate(adj.) effect(n.) worthwhile(adj.) effort(n.) longer term Medium-term short-term conversely(adv.) enticing(adj.) Pronunciation : - Skills : speaking, listening and writing Task :

- Do exercise 1 in Worksheet 1 which is matching and completing the sentences with the content they’ve already learned.

- A group discussion of showing the causes and effects and giving reasons about the scenario of “A new device has been created to immediately tell if someone is telling lies”

- Write the reflective writing of C&S using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like.




Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5)

Proto 5

Course Objective 1 : Ask and give information and explanations, exchange ideas or discuss current community and society issue.

Terminal Objective 1 : Student should be able to give opinions towards the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 5 Topic : A.G.O (Aims, Goals, Objectives) Language Function : - Giving opinions with propose doing something in the future - Expressing opinion of agree/ disagree, and giving reasons - Expressions of giving opinions/ persuading/

convincing Structure : - Simple present tense - Simple future tense Vocabulary : habit(n.) reaction(n.) achieve(v.) purpose(n.) exactly(adv.) appropriate(adj.) unconsciously(adv.) drifting(n.) original(adj.) Pronunciation : Sounds-the alphabet Skills : Listening, speaking and writing Task :

- A group discussion of ask and answer about the scenario of “A developer is building a new shopping centre”

- Write the reflective writing of AGO using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like.




Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5) Proto 6

Course Objective 3: Discuss in English the experience of doing research related to other academic subjects.

Terminal Objective 6 : Student should be able to give opinions towards the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 6 Topic : PLANNING (C&S + A.G.O.) Language Function : - Giving opinions with agreeing/ disagreeing, giving reasons and having the opportunity to use a sequence of tools before planning an event. - Expressions of giving opinions/ persuading/ convincing Structure : - Present simple tense, Past tense and Future tense Vocabulary : consideration (n.) factor (n.) involve (v.) assume (v.) obvious (adj.) deliberate (adj.) emphasis (n.) ensure (v.) neglected (v.) stimulate (v.) response (v.) meta-cognition (n.) Pronunciation : Skills : speaking, listening and writing Task :

- A group discussion of ask and answer about the scenario of “Organize an outing during the Easter Holidays”.

- Write the reflective writing of PLANNING using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like.




Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5)

Proto 7

Course Objective 3: Discuss in English the experience of doing research related to other academic subjects.

Terminal Objective 7 : Student should be able to give opinions towards the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 7 Topic : FIP (First Important Priorities) Language Function :

- Giving opinions with trying to pick out only the most important points from the start and express agrees/ disagrees, giving reasons - Expressions of giving opinions/ persuading/ convincing

Structure :

- Simple present tense - Expressions of sequencing words

Vocabulary : judgement(n.) absolute(adj.) believe (v.) important(adj.) intention(n.) assessment(n.) decision(n.) generate(v.) priority(n.) Pronunciation : Sounds-the alphabet Skills : speaking, listening and writing Task :

- A group discussion of ask and answer about the scenario of “A husband and wife go to buy a used car for their family”

- Write the reflective writing of FIP using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like.




Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5)

Proto 8

Course Objective 4: Communicate in English to work happily with others by practicing self-control; expressing opinions appropriately and negotiating reasonably.

Terminal Objective 8 : Student should be able to give opinions towards the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 8 Topic : A.P.C(Alternatives, Possibilities and Choices) Language Function : - Giving opinions with the possible explanation, and giving reasons - Using the language to express and give opinions/

persuading/ convincing Structure : - Conditional sentence - Future Simple showing possibility Vocabulary : alternative(adj.) possibility(n.) choice(n.) antidote emotional rigid adherence preference disposal explanation generate result Pronunciation : - Skills : speaking, listening and writing Task :

- A group discussion of ask and answer about the scenario of “You arrive at school on Monday morning and see the goal posts have been removed. What could have happened?”

- Write the reflective writing of A.P.C using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like.




Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5)

Proto 9

Course Objective 4: Communicate in English to work happily with others by practicing self-control; expressing opinions appropriately and negotiating reasonably.

Terminal Objective 9 : Student should be able to give opinions towards the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 9 Topic : DECISIONS (F.I.P + A.P.C) Language Function : - Structure : - Vocabulary : execute (v.) prosper (v.) fulfill (v.) solemnly (adv.) defend (v.) constitution (n.) politics (n.) sanitation (n.) priority (n.) Pronunciation : Rhythm in conditional sentences Skills : speaking, listening and writing Task :

- a group discussion of ask and answer about the objectives of joining the English Camp.

- Write the reflective writing of DECISIONS using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like




Proto-syllabus E 40210: Communication with English Writing

(Elective subject, Mattayom 5)

Proto 10

Course Objective 1 : Ask and give information and explanations, exchange ideas or discuss current community and society issue.

Terminal Objective 10 : Student should be able to give opinions towards the various situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing according to the topic.

Lesson Plan 10 Topic : O.P.V (Other Point of View) Language Function :

- Asking for someone’s opinions about other people’s views, and giving opinions with agreeing/ disagreeing and strongly disagreeing. - Expressions of giving suggestion/ persuading/ convincing

Structure : - Conditional Sentence - Giving suggestion Vocabulary : perception(n.) point of view (n.) essential(adj.) enlargement(n.) priority(n.) alternative(adj.) affect(v.) identify(v.) Pronunciation : Rhythm in conditional sentences Skills : reading, speaking, listening and writing Task :

- Do exercise1-3 in Worksheet 2 which is choosing and completing the sentences with the correct grammar they’ve already learned.

- A group discussion of ask and answer about the scenario of “A family of four decides to buy a new house. Identify the points of view of the father, the mother and the two young children aged eight and ten.”

- Write the reflective writing of OPV using their own opinions, ideas and reason to the opinion they like.



ภาคผนวก ค

แผนการสอนกระบวนการคิดแบบคอรท 1

Lesson plan 1

Topic: P.M.I (Plus, Minus, Interesting) Period: 2 hours Level: Mathayom 5 Terminal Objective : Student should be able to give opinions about the various

situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing in response to the situation.

Enabling Objectives : Students should be able to:

1. work in groups to express likes/dislikes, agree – disagree with the opinions given according to situations,

2. express good opinions, ideas and reasons they generate after the discussion,

3. exchange ideas and opinions in groups and give reasons toward the opinion they agree with, and

4. give opinions towards the given situations of P.M.I during their discussion.


1. Language Functions - Giving opinions with likes/ dislikes, agrees/ disagrees, giving reasons - Using the language for persuading/ convincing - Expressions of giving opinions/ persuading/ convincing 2. Vocabulary cognitive (adj.), research (n.), perception (n.), practical (adj.)

suggestion (n.), proposal (n.), deliberate (v.), luxurious (adj.) 3. Structure - Simple present tense - Adverb of frequency Procedure:

Period 1 (1 hours) Situation Stage:

1. The teacher warms up the class by asking students about what cars they like and dislike, lets them give the reasons why they like and dislike them.

T : “Which cars do you like between sport cars and city cars, why?”


S1 : “I like a sport car because it is expensive, colorful, luxurious and I can drive it with high speed.” S2 : “I like a city car because it is small, comfortable, and easy for parking. Most of all it is an economy car. I can save my money.” S3 : “I don’t like any cars because the cars cause the environment pollutions. I like bicycle because it’s cheap, small, and safe. It’s never causes air pollution. Beside of this I can exercise with my bicycle.”

2. The teacher asks students to write about the cars they like with the reason and let 3-5 volunteers come to present the opinions to their friends and encourages each volunteer try to ask more supporters to agree with the question.

S1 : “Who agree with me?” and list their friends’ reasons on the board.

3. Teacher presents the patterns of language used to show likes / dislikes, agree-disagree, the reasons to support the ideas or opinions and the guidelines to invite and persuade someone to agree with by letting students do exercise 1 in Worksheet 1 which is matching and completing the sentences with the content they’ve already learned. Teacher and students help each other check the answers, and correct the wrong answers.

Individual Thinking Stage:

4. The teacher leads students to the topic “PMI” with questions and asks them some questions

T: “How do you feel when you have to make your decisions about your life?” T: “Do you know how to think objectively?” T: “Have you got any thinking tools to help your decisions?”

5. The teacher presents the students PowerPoint presentation about three abbreviation P.M.I. (P=Plus, M= Minus, and I, = Interesting) and their meaning then asks them to work in groups of three to read details and example of P.M.I., teacher asks three groups to describe each abbreviation.

6. Has the students read and try to do “P.M.I” exercise by giving different

opinions about the scenario of “All seats should be taken out of buses” and make the summary by using their own words and as many ideas or opinions as they can by using the brainstorming activity (Worksheet 2).

PMI: Exercise Scenario: “All seats should be taken out of buses”


- More people would be able to get into buses - It would be easier to get in and out

- Buses would be cheaper to make and to repair


MINUS - Passengers would fall over if sudden stops

- Old people and the disabled might not be able to use buses - It would be harder to carry shopping bags and babies

INTERESTING - Might be two types of bus; one with seats, one without

- The same bus might do more work - Comfort is less important on a bus?

7. Each student chooses the opinions to present to the small group in the class for the further discussion.

Period 2 (1 hour)

Small Group Thinking Stage: 8. The teacher explains the rules used for the discussion before discussing. Discussion Rules:

- Students should give opinions towards the situation given in each topic and give reasons during their discussions. - Students need to choose at least one pattern of language they’ve learned to use in the discussions.

9. The students are divided into groups of 7-8 about 5 groups, each student in the group has to give reasons and convinces their friends to agree with the opinions they believe. Everyone in the group must try to give reasons why he/she likes that opinion and try to agree or disagree with someone’s opinion.

10. All members have to discuss the reason why they have chosen to agree or

disagree with the opinions and show the agreement and disagreement. The teacher explains some mistakes about words, sentences, grammar or understanding found during the discussion to make sure that students are in the correct concept and language usage.

11. After the discussion, the students in each group consider their group’s

opinions and write a summary of the group’s information using Worksheet 3.

Discussion Stage: 12. Each group presents their group’s information orally and allows the other

students in the class to discuss their group’s information.

Production Stage: 13. The teacher lets students summarize what they have learned from the P.M.I

discussion and asks them to write a paragraph to give their own opinions, ideas and reasons they like in the form of individual reflective writing.(Worksheet 4.)


Evaluation From students’:

1. answering questions in “P.M.I” exercise. 2. participation in the group discussion activity. 3. performing discussion

4. reflective writing. Visual Aids 1. Poster & Pictures 2. Worksheets 3. Power point presentation


Worksheet 1 Pattern of the language

1. How to show Likes/Dislikes

I like really like love a dog because it’s lovely. adore I’m fond of I really admire / appreciate

She doesn’t like dislikes rarely likes hardly likes a dog because she’s allergic to its hair. seldom likes scarcely likes hate

2. How to express Agreement / Disagreement I agree with really agree with totally agree with you/ your opinion (him/ his opinion) really appreciate couldn’t agree more with - It’s a good idea to agree with - It sounds great to agree with - I think so - I think like that. - You’ve got it, I totally agree with you. - I hope so. - It really does. I don’t agree with you disagree with you/ your opinion absolutely disagree with - Your opinion can’t be accepted. - It’s not true/ good/ right/ acceptable to think like that. - It’s not on my way of thinking. - It should be alright/ better if you can change a bit your opinions about ……. - If I were you, I wouldn’t think like that.

3. How to invite and persuade someone to agree with. - Why don’t you think it’s good for you if you come to agree with me? it will be useful for you it will brighten up your views

- Would you like to join with us about the idea of being a trendy people? no smoking - Do you agree with me about the idea of ……………………………….? - How about ……………………..?

Page 1


Name: …………………………… No. ……….Class 5/…….

Exercise I Direction: “Match the sentences in column A with the one in column B to complete the dialogue by writing the alphabets in front of the numbers.”

A B …..1) I think women are sensitive and weak. …..2) I guess most people love their family. …..3) I think Volvo is very luxurious and expensive. ….4) Smoking can make me relax, I suppose. …..5) Love can make the world peaceful, I hope.

a. I absolutely disagree with you because it’s not good for your health. b. You’ve got it, I really agree with you, they always look boring. c. I think so because I can share everything with other people all over the world. d. I hope so and I really appreciate your thinking. e. I love it so much and I hope to get it too.

Exercise II Direction: “Complete the sentences appropriately by using the pattern of language you have learned from worksheet 1.”

1. Someone says “Practice makes perfect.”

I really agree with this opinion because if we practice more our abilities will be better.

2. Adult says “Be patient, everything can be solved.”

I ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….

3. If you want to change your friend’s way of thinking about being trendy with wearing cosmetics, you say

I ………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………..

4. If you want someone to agree with your idea to save the environment, you say

I ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………

5. If you want to express how you like your friend’s new car, you says

I ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………

Page 2


Name: …………………………… No. ……….Class 5/…….

Worksheet 2

1. PMI (PLUS, MINUS, INTERESTING) The interesting points are those which are neither good nor bad but are worth noticing. The PMI is a way of treating ideas, suggestions and proposals. The natural reaction to an idea is to like or dislike it, to approve or disapprove. If you like an idea, it is very unnatural to look for the negative or minus aspects If you dislike an idea it is very unnatural to look for the positive or plus aspects. It is equally unnatural to pick out the merely interesting aspects of an idea. Using the PMI as a deliberate operation gives students a means of by-passing the natural emotional reaction to an idea. Their objectives change from emotional reactions to carrying out with skill a formal operation.

P = Plus - The good things about an idea - Why you like it - What are the benefits of it?

M = Minus - The bad things about an idea - why you don't like it - What are the potential problems?

I = Interesting - What you find interesting about an idea - What are the future implications of the idea? - What does it tell us about the status quo?

PMI: Example Scenario: “Windows should be made of transparent plastic instead of glass”

PLUS - They wouldn’t break easily. - They would not be dangerous when broken. - Easier to transport in bulk because of resilience.

MINUS - Plastic would be more expensive than glass. - Plastic would get scratched very easily. - Plastic could be melted easily.

INTERESTING - Perhaps windows could be of all colours if plastic - Perhaps we take it for granted that glass is best since we are used to it - Maybe the windows could be coated with anti-scratch coating

Page 1


PMI: Exercise Direction: Write the answer for each question.

1. What is P.M.I.?


2. When do we use it?


3. How do you do a P.M.I.?


4. Do P.M.I. to help you think on the Scenario: “All seats should be taken out of buses”. Write what you like, what you don’t like, and what could be improved in it.


- More people would be able to get into buses.

- Passengers would fall over if sudden stops.

- Might be two types of bus; one with seats, one without.

Page 2


Name: …………………………… No. ……….Class 5/…….

Worksheet 3 PMI: Exercise

Direction: List every opinion from the group discussion to support the idea you agree with as many as you can from the discussion and give more reasons.


- More people would be able to get into buses.

- Passengers would fall over if sudden stops.

- Might be two types of bus; one with seats, one without.

The more reasons The more reasons The more reasons


Worksheet 4 Pattern of language for reflective writing

BASIC OBSERVATIONS - This Unit was fun and what we learnt about was interesting. - Having done other group discussion in the past I believe that this one was far more interesting and therefore much more enjoyable. - I thought that this subject was a good learning experience overall but think that maybe the grades that were awarded to our group could have been higher. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION – FURTHER OBSERVATIONS – OTHER SOURCES - I strongly agree with the point’s clearly list by {the text book} i.e. . { a list of points} According to the website, the Cyber Ed sampler, there are other motivating factors i.e. .. {a list of points}. - I did not think this educational website was particularly good for children. As a short Story, I would like to add that my 6-year old son came home from school today and was talking about what happened in class …. And he agreed that this site was not much fun! STANDING BACK – TESTING NEW IDEAS - This group discussion was planned more than past ones I have been in. After learning from past disasters we allocated a ‘time plan’ initially and followed it successfully. We also tried something new by managing to allocate different sections to individual members so multiple tasking was achieved while still managing to maintain the underlying ‘threads’ throughout. Effective communication played a major role in the success of this approach. MOVING ON – PROBLEM RESOLUTION - I put my points across effectively. I have never tried to argue or persuade before but it actually worked! The group listened to me and said ‘may be it is ..’. This gave me confidence and I will not be afraid to persuade people in future that something is wrong or it could be better. - On reflection the discussion did help me with developing my own English. Speaking and giving opinions on the day made me feel more confident that when it came to tackling my own course work that I could be extra critical when discussing it. It is all too easy to get involved in your own subjective viewpoints. Now I know the value of sitting down and evaluating my own English using the same formal language we developed on that day.

Example :

I woke up late because my alarm didn’t ring. My own fault, but there you are. By the time I had finished my breakfast (my usual bowl of cornflakes, and a cup of black coffee with three sugars), I had missed my bus (that’s the number 9a, picked up at the bus stop outside ICT Building), which had left on time (just for a change).

So I got to School, and by the time I had found the right room, I was over 30 minutes late for the English Exam. Unfortunately, the jobs worth invigilator wouldn’t let me take the exam because it was “against School regulations”. Didn’t he realize how important it was for me to pass that exam? My overall grade depends on it, and now I stand to have a resit in September when I wanted to have my holiday in Phuket.

Page 1


Name: …………………………… No. ……….Class 5/…….

Worksheet 5 Reflective Writing 1: PMI Direction: Write a reflective paragraph to give your opinions about the “P.M. I” activity. ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………


Lesson plan 2

Topic: CAF (CONSIDER ALL FACTORS) Period: 2 hours Level: Mathayom 5 Terminal Objective : Student should be able to give opinions about the various

situations during their discussion and write a reflective writing in response to the situation.

Enabling Objectives : Students should be able to:

1. work in groups to express opinions by asking about opinions and giving opinions with agree – disagree with the opinions given response to the situations,

2. use connectors in their discussion, 3. express good opinions, ideas and reasons they generate after the

discussion, 4. exchange ideas and opinions in groups and give reasons toward the

opinion they agree with, and 5. give opinions towards the given situations of CAF during their discussion.


1. Language Functions - Expressing opinion, asking about opinions and giving opinions with agreeing/ disagreeing and strongly disagreeing - Expressions of giving opinions/ persuading/ convincing 2. Vocabulary consideration (n.) factor (n.) involve (v.) assume (v.) obvious (adj.) deliberate (adj.) emphasis (n.) ensure (v.) neglected (v.) stimulate (v.) response (v.) meta-cognition (n.) 3. Structure - Connectors Procedure:

Period 1 (1 hour) Situation Stage:

1. The teacher warms up the class by showing the picture of the used cars or second- hand cars to encourage the students’ interests about the cars and asking about the factors of the cars the students like and dislike and the reasons why.

T: “Which types of car do you like, why?” S1: “I like a used car because it’s save our money and makes me feel good when I use it without worried about financial problems.” S2: “I dislike a used car because it’s not perfect and makes me feel terrible when it has never ending problems.” S3: “I like a brand new car because it makes me feel exciting and wealthy.”


2. The teacher asks students to write the factors of cars they like with the reason and asks 3-5 volunteers come to present their opinions to their friends and encourages each volunteer to ask for more supporters with the question. “Who agrees with me?” and list their friends’ reasons on the board.

3. The teacher reviews patterns of language used to show likes / dislikes

agree/disagree, the reasons to support the ideas or opinions and the guidelines to invite and persuade someone to agree with.

4. Then teacher presents the structure “Connectors” by giving the grammar content

with some example sentences in Worksheet 1. The teacher lets students do exercise1-3 in Worksheet 2 which is choosing and completing the sentences with the correct grammar they’ve already learned. Teacher and students help checking the answers, and correct the wrong answers.

Individual Thinking Stage:

5. The teacher leads students to the topic “CAF” with guiding questions by asking them some questions

T: “How do you make your decisions in the important situation?” T: “Do you know how to think in broad terms?” T: “Can you identify area where you could practice your thinking tools?

6. The teacher presents the students PowerPoint presentation about three abbreviation CAF (Consider all factors) and their meaning then asks them to work in groups of three to read details and examples of CAF, teacher asks three groups to describe each abbreviation.

7. The teacher has the students read and try to do “CAF” exercise by giving different

opinions about the scenario of “A husband and wife go to buy a used car for their family” 10 factors, and make a summary by using their own words and as many ideas or opinions as they can by using the brainstorming activity (Worksheet 3).

Key Questions When Doing a CAF 1. Do you think that you have left anything out? 2. What could you have left out? 3. Are you sure that you consider what have you left out?

CAF: Exercise Scenario “A husband and wife go to buy a used car for their family” 10 factors

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS 1. The person selling it actually owns it. 2. The price of the car. 3. The type of car and colour. 4. The engine power and speed of the car. 5. All the mechanical parts are working well. 6. The car is big enough for a family. 7. Has the car been in a crash? 8. It will be easy to get replacement parts. 9. It has tax and certificates. 10. What is the potential resell value?


8. Each student chooses the opinions to present to the small group in the class for further discussion.

Period 2 (1 hour) Small Group Thinking Stage:

9. The teacher explains the rules used for the discussion before discussion. Discussion Rules:

- Students should give opinions towards the situation given in each topic and give reasons during their discussions. - Students need to choose at least one pattern of language they’ve learned to use in the discussions.

10. The students are divided into groups of 7-8 about 5 groups, each student in the group has to give reasons and convinces their friends to agree with the opinions they believe. Everyone in the group must try to give reasons why he/she likes that opinion and try to agree or disagree with someone’s opinion.

11. All members have to discuss the reason why they have chosen to agree or

disagree with the opinions and show the agreement and disagreement. The teacher explains some mistakes about words, sentences, grammar or understanding found during the discussion to make sure that students are in the correct concept and language usage.

12. After the discussion, the students in each group consider their group’s opinions

and write a summary of the group’s information using Worksheet 4.

Discussion Stage: 13. Each group presents their group’s information orally and allows the other students

in the class to discuss their group’s information.

Production Stage: 14. The teacher lets students summarize what they have learned from the CAF

discussion and asks them to write a paragraph giving their own opinions, ideas and reasons in the form of individual reflective writing. (Worksheet 5)

Evaluation From students’:

1. answering questions in “CAF” exercise. 2. participation in the group discussion activity. 3. performing discussion

4. reflective writing. Visual Aids 1. Poster & Pictures 2. Worksheets 3. Power point presentation


Worksheet 1 Pattern of the language

Expressing opinion

Asking about opinions Giving opinions - What do you think of today’s economy? - How do you feel about the entrance exam? - What’s your opinion of the new president? - What’s your opinion on/ about today’s TV. programs? - Do you have any views on……? - What are your views on …….? - How do you like your English class? - In your opinion, will this program be successful?

- I think/ believe/ feel (that)… - Well, I think it’s/ they’re pretty good. - Well, if you ask me, it’s terrible - As I see it, it…. - In my view/ opinion… - It seems to me (that)…. - As far as I’m concerned………. - (Personally), I feel/ believe/ think (that)….. - It’s my belief/ view/ opinion/ feeling (that)..

Not giving an opining - I really don’t know about that. - I don’t know enough about it, (I’m afraid).

Agreeing A: There is too much violence on TV nowadays. Don’t you think so?/ Don’t you agree? B: Yes, I agree (with you) I think so, too. Absolutely/ I couldn’t agree more. Yes, (of course)/ indeed. (I think) you’re right. That’s right/ true.

Disagreeing A: I think smoking should be banned in public places. B: Oh, I don’t agree. I disagree, I’m afraid. I can’t/ don’t agree. No, I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s right. I think you’re wrong. Strongly disagreeing

- I think that’s nonsense, I’m afraid. - I’m afraid I entirely disagree (with)… - You must be joking. - No, you’re wrong.

Example 1. Situation: Two colleagues are talking during break-time. Peter: Suda, how do you feel about this news “no smoking rule in the office”? Suda: In my opinion, it’s a good idea. As you know, I’m a non-smoker and I feel

that it might help smokers cut down a little or give up smoking. Peter: Yeah, I can see that. As for me, I’m not sure I agree with it. Suda: Why is that? Peter: In my opinion, we all should have vote on it.

Page 1


The Usage of Connectors

1) And Type: and and…too both….and furthermore as well as moreover not only….but also besides no less….than likewise and also in addition to Ex.

a. The car is both new and excellent. b. The doors as well as the windows were painted green. c. The car is not only new but also excellent. d. The car is no less new than excellent. e. Television is entertaining; furthermore, it is sometimes instructive.

2) But Type: but still yet nevertheless whereas however though although even though on the other hand despite in spite of notwithstanding on the contrary in contrast Ex.

a. The car was old but excellent. b. Although he is poor, he is honest. c. In spite of his poverty, he is honest. d. Mr.John was an invalid all hid life; nevertheless, he had an active career.

3) Or Type: or either neither otherwise or else either…or neither…nor whether/if Ex.

a. Dan or Dean is a winner. b. Either Dan or his friends were successful. c. He must do it; or else he will be blamed. d. She asked me if my sister was absent or not.

4) So Type: so therefore accordingly thus hence consequently as a result then such…that so….that thereby Ex.

a. He did well so he deserved praise. b. He did well, therefore, he deserved praise. c. She is very beautiful; as a result everyone loves her.

5) Cause or Reason: because since as for now that seeing that because of due to owing to thanks to on account of according to on the whole in as much as

Page 2


Ex. a. He didn’t go to school because he was ill. b. Since he was ill, he didn’t go to school. c. He didn’t go to school as he was ill. d. Now that you are late, you should sit behind. e. In as much as he was sick, he must rest.

6) Clause of Purpose: so that in order that to in order to as so to Ex.

a. I study hard so that I can pass the examination. b. She always practices English in order that she can speak it well. c. He works too hard in order to get more money.

7) Cause of Condition: if unless supposing (that) providing (that) in case (that) on condition (that) as long as in the event that Ex.

a. If he comes tomorrow, he will see me. b. I will not come unless I have time. c. Supposing he is rich, he will go abroad. d. I will help you as long as you obey me. e. In case the weather is fine, they will play badminton.

8) Cause of Demonstration or Illustration: as the matter of fact that is ….. in fact indeed for example for instance as an example in particular with respect to with reference to in short namely Ex. There are many beloved pets, namely, a cat, a dog and a parrot.

Page 3


Name: …………………………… No. ……….Class 5/…….

Worksheet 2 Exercise I Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct connectors to complete the sentences by using “neither, not only…but also, or, both, and, so, because, whether, therefore”

1. You must do what I say …………………… you will be sorry. 2. …………………………he is very nice, he has many friends.

3. She is …………………………………….hard-working nor clever.

4. ………………………………Jack and John stayed for dinner.

5. She tried hard ………………………..she passed the examination.

6. Jim is not only a teacher …………………………….a musician.

7. They saw it ……………………………they liked it.

8. He lost…………………………….his watch but also his wallet.

9. Are you from Bangkok………………………Chiang Mai?

10. I don’t care ………………………….. you can come or not.

Exercise II Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct connectors to complete the sentences by using “although, if, supposing that, so…that, when, after, till, since, while, wherever”

1. He was ………………….stubborn ……………..no one could change his mind. 2. They worked from morning…………………………….night.

3. I shall help you……………………………..you listen to my voice.

4. ……………………………he goes, he is not welcome.

5. …………………………….she is ready, we can’t go.

6. ………………………….he didn’t come, who would replace him?

7. ………………………….you are ready, tell me.

8. ……………………………….I had dinner, I listened to the radio.

9. ………………………………..we were eating, our guests came.

10. He has had that illness………………………..he was a child,

Page 1


Exercise III Direction: Rewrite these sentences into only one sentence using the word or words given in the blankets.

1. My mother punished me. I had disobeyed her. (because) …………………………………………………………………………………………

2. I don’t believe him as I know he is a liar. (because of) …………………………………………………………………………………………

3. I got up early. I saw the sunrise. (so as to) …………………………………………………………………………………………

4. He tried hard. He always failed (however) …………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Our team played well but it lost victory. (although) …………………………………………………………………………………………

6. If you don’t run fast, you will miss him. (unless)


7. The weather was hot. The weather was dry. (not only…..but also) …………………………………………………………………………………………

8. He will ring us up. He will send a telegram. (either…..or) …………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Your name was incomplete. You application was rejected. (therefore) …………………………………………………………………………………………

10. I will go if my expenses are paid. (provided that) …………………………………………………………………………………………

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Page 2


Name: …………………………… No. ……….Class 5/…….

Worksheet 3


CAF stands for Consider All Factors. The CAF is used when we need to think about all the factors involved in a particular situation. People naturally assume that they have considered all the factors, but usually their consideration is limited to the obvious ones. Turning CAF into a deliberate operation switches attention from the importance of the factors to looking around for all the factors.

Clearly it is difficult to consider all the factors, so in the teaching situation consideration can be limited to the ten most important factors (or any other number), or the lesson can be taught in terms of: The emphasis of the lesson is on the factors that have been left out in a decision, plan, etc.

In doing a CAF, students try to ensure that all important factors are listed in looking at each other's thinking, students try to spot which factors have been neglected. The CAF may be applied to one's own thinking as well as to the thinking of others. To do a CAF you have to generate as many responses as possible by making a list. The teacher has to ask key questions to the students to set them thinking. These key questions will also stimulate the children to think about their thinking (meta-cognition).

Key Questions When Doing a CAF

1. Do you think that you have left anything out? 2. What could you have left out? 3. Are you sure that you consider what you have left out?

CAF: Example

Scenario “A husband and wife go to buy a used car for their family” 10 factors.

1. The person selling it actually owns it 2. The price of the car 3. The type of car and colour 4. The engine power and speed of the car 5. All the mechanical parts are working well 6. The car is big enough for a family 7. Has the car been in a crash? 8. It will be easy to get replacement parts 9. It has tax and certificates 10. What is the potential resell value?

Page 1


CAF: Exercise Direction: Write the answer for each question.

1. What does CAF stand for? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. When do we use it? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. How do you do a CAF? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Which factors should you consider in choosing your hairstyle before you make a decision? Do a CAF of 10 factors.

My 10 factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Page 2


Name: …………………………… No. ……….Class 5/…….

Worksheet 4 CAF: Exercise

Direction: List every opinion from the group discussion to support the idea you agree with as many as you can from the discussion and give more reasons.

Groups’ opinions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The more reasons 1 2 3 4 5


Name: …………………………… No. ……….Class 5/…….

Worksheet 5 Reflective Writing 2 : CAF Direction: Write a reflective paragraph to give your opinions about “CAF” activity. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ภาคผนวก ง

แบบประเมินการเขียนสะทอนความคดิ แผนการสอนที่ ............... เร่ือง ........................................................วันท่ี........ เดือน............... 2552

ช่ือ-สกุล ความชัดเจนในการแสดงออกทางความรูสึกนึกคิด













เกณฑการใหคะแนน 5 ดีมาก

4 ดี 3 ปานกลาง 2 พอใช 1 ปรับปรุง

เกณฑการประเมิน นักเรียนไดคะแนนต้ังแต 18 คะแนนข้ึนไปจากคะแนนเต็ม 30 คะแนน หรือคิดเปนรอยละ 60 ถือวาผาน



องคประกอบ คะแนน ระดับความสามารถ


ความชัดเจนในการแสดงออกทางความรูสึกนึกคิด ( 2 หนวยน้ําหนัก)

5 4

3 2 1






- เขียนแสดงความรูสึกนึกคิด ความเขาใจ ความสนใจ ความชอบ ไมชอบ ความตองการไดอยางอิสระตาม แนวทางของตนเอง - เขียนแสดงออกทางความรูสึกนึก คิดยังไมชัดเจน นักมีรายละเอียดมาสนับสนุนแตยังไมสมเหตุสมผล เทาท่ีควร - มีความพยายามในการแสดงความรูสึกนกึคิดไมคอย มีรายละเอียดและเหตุผลสนับสนุนแตยังพอจับ ใจความได - การแสดงความรูสึกนกึคิดยังสับสน ไมชัดเจนจึง จับใจความไมได - ไมมีการแสดงความรูสึกนกึคิดเลยหรือเขียนนอย จนประเมินไมได

การเรียบเรียงความ ( 1 หนวยน้ําหนัก)

5 4


2 1






- เขียนเรียบเรียงความหรือเนื้อหาไดอยางเหมาะสม และชัดเจน มีการเรียงลําดบัเหตุผลและลําดับความได อยางสอดคลองกัน - เขียนเรียงความหรือเนื้อหาไดอยางคอนขางดี ใจความสําคัญชัดเจนแตบางคร้ังการเรียงลําดับความ หรือเนื้อหายงัไมตอเนื่อง - เขียนเรียบเรียงไดดีพอใช ขอสนับสนุนนอยไป การเรียงลําดับจึงไมสมบูรณ - ความเรียงสวนใหญไมปะติดปะตอแตพอจับใจความ ไดบางจากเคาโครงเร่ือง - เขียนเรียบเรียงความหรือเนื้อหาไมตอเนือ่งขาดการ เช่ือโยงเหตุผลและการดําเนินเร่ือง


องคประกอบ คะแนน ระดับความสามารถ


การรวบรวมรายละเอียด ( 1 หนวยน้ําหนัก)

5 4


2 1






- เขียนยกตัวอยางเกีย่วกับเร่ืองท่ีกําลังกลาวถึงไดอยาง ละเอียดพอเพียงแกความเขาใจ เปนเนื้อหาท่ีเกีย่วของ โดยตรง มีการนําขอเท็จจริง หรือประสบการณของ ตนเองมาเขียน - เขียนยกตัวอยางโดยมีรายละเอียดพอสมควรขอมูล สวนใหญอยูในหวัขอท่ีเขียนแตบางสวนยังขาดความ ชัดเจน มีการนําขอเท็จจริงหรือประสบการณมา สนับสนุนส่ิงท่ีนําเสนอบาง - มีการนําเสนอขอมูลบาง เนื้อหาบางสวนอาจจะไม เกี่ยวของกับเร่ืองท่ีเขียน แตมีความพยายามในการ เขียนใหรายละเอียด - มีการนําเสนอขอมูลเพียงเล็กนอยและเนือ้หาท่ีนํามา สนับสนุนเกีย่วของกับเร่ืองท่ีเขียนนอยมาก - ไมใหรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับหัวขอท่ีกลาวอางถึงหรือให รายละเอียดไมตรงกับเร่ืองท่ีเขียนเลย

ความถูกตอง ( 1 หนวยน้ําหนัก)

5 4

3 2 1






- การใชคําศัพท ไวยากรณ ตัวสะกด และเคร่ืองหมาย วรรคตอน อยูในระดับมาตรฐาน - การใชคําศัพท ไวยากรณ ตัวสะกด และการใช เคร่ืองหมายวรรคตอนมีท่ีผิดไมสําคัญอยูบางแตส่ือ ความหมายได - โดยท่ัวไปแลวใชไวยากรณ คําศัพท ตัวสะกด และ การใชเคร่ืองหมายวรรคตอนมีท่ีผิดไมสําคัญอยูบาง แตส่ือความหมายได - ไวยากรณ คําศัพท ตัวสะกด และการใชเคร่ืองหมาย วรรคตอนยงัไมม่ันคงแตไดใจความ ไมมีความ คลุมเครือ - ไมรูโครงสรางของประโยคเลย พบแตขอมูลผิดเปน สวนใหญส่ือความไมได มีขอมูลไมเพียงพอท่ีจะ ประเมิน


องคประกอบ คะแนน ระดับความสามารถ


ขอบเขตการส่ือสาร ( 1 หนวยน้ําหนัก)

5 4









- สามารถเขียนส่ือความไดชัดเจน ไมมีการผิดความใน การส่ือสาร ใชภาษาไดอยางเหมาะสมตาม วัตถุประสงคและผูรับสาร - ส่ือสารไดตามวัตถุประสงคคอนขางชัดเจนใชภาษา เหมาะสมกบักิจกรรมการเขียนเกือบท้ังหมด ไมมีการ ผิดความหมายท่ีสําคัญไป - สามารถใชภาษาในวงกวางพอประมาณส่ือสารได โดยไมผิดไปจากท่ีต้ังใจไวมากนัก ภาษาสวนใหญ เหมาะสมกบักิจกรรมการเขียน - ส่ือสารไดบาง ตองใชความพยายามในการส่ือสาร ภาษาท่ีใชความไมสมํ่าเสมออยางเห็นไดชัด มีความ เหมาะสมกบักิจกรรมการเขียนบางบางสวน - ส่ือสารไดอยางจํากดัมากภาษาท่ีใชไมเหมาะสมกับ กิจกรรมการเขียนเลย


ภาคผนวก จ

แบบประเมินการพูดอภปิราย แผนการสอนที่ ............... เร่ือง ........................................................วันท่ี........ เดือน............... 2552


การแสดงความคิดเห็น การให











เกณฑการใหคะแนน 5 ดีมาก

4 ดี 3 ปานกลาง 2 พอใช 1 ปรับปรุง

เกณฑการประเมิน นักเรียนไดคะแนนต้ังแต 15 คะแนนข้ึนไปจากคะแนนเต็ม 25 คะแนน หรือคิดเปนรอยละ 60 ถือวาผาน



องคประกอบ คะแนน ระดับความสามารถ


การแสดงความคิดเห็น การใหเหตุผลและการพดูชักจูงโนมนาวใจ

( 2 หนวยน้ําหนัก)

5 4

3 2 1




พอใช ปรับปรุง

- แสดงความคิดเห็นและพดูชักจูงโนมนาวใจไดตรง ประเด็นและเหมาะสมมากท่ีสุด - แสดงความคิดเห็นและพดูชักจูงโนมนาวใจไดตรง ประเด็นและเหมาะสมด ี- แสดงความคิดเห็นและพดูชักจูงโนมนาวใจไดบางจดุ แตมีบางสวนท่ียังไมชัดเจน - แสดงความคิดเห็นและพดูชักจูงโนมนาวใจไดนอย - ไมสามารถแสดงความคิดเห็นไดเลย

การใชคําศัพท ( 1 หนวยน้ําหนัก)








ปานกลาง พอใช


- ใชคําศัพทไดถูกตองเหมาะสมตรงประเด็นและส่ือ ความไดมากท่ีสุด - ใชคําศัพทไดถูกตองตรงประเด็นและส่ือความ คอนขางมาก - ใชคําศัพทไดถูกตองพอสมควรแตยังไมตรงประเด็น - ใชคําศัพทในวงจํากัดและใชซํ้า - ใชคําศัพทผิดแทบท้ังหมด

การใชไวยากรณ ( 1 หนวยน้ําหนัก)











- ใชไวยากรณไดถูกตอง ใชรูปประโยคท่ีสลับซับซอน หลากหลายไดเปนสวนมาก - ใชไวยากรณไดถูกตอง ใชรูปประโยคท่ีสลับซับซอน หลากหลายคอนขางมาก - มีขอผิดพลาดทางไวยากรณเล็กนอย มีรูปประโยคท่ี ซับซอนหลากหลายไดบาง - ใชไวยากรณผิดคอนขางมาก ใชรูปประโยคท่ี ซับซอนหลากหลายไมคอยได - ใชไวยากรณไมถูกเลย


องคประกอบ คะแนน ระดับความสามารถ


ความคลองแคลวในการสนทนา ( 1 หนวยน้ําหนัก)

5 4

3 2


ดีมาก ดี




- พูดโตตอบไดอยางคลองแคลวดีมาก ไมลังเลหรือ เสียเวลาในการคิด - พูดโตตอบไดอยางคลองแคลวดีมาก อาจใชเวลา ในการหยุดคิดบางแตเปนธรรมชาติ - ไมมีความม่ันใจในการพูดบางคร้ัง และตองใชเวลา ในการเรียบเรียงคําพูด - พูดชา ใชเวลาในการเรียบเรียงความคิดเห็น คอนขางมาก - ไมมีความม่ันใจในการพูดเลย พูดติดขัดไปหมด ทําใหเขาใจยากหรือไมเขาใจเลย

ภาคผนวก ฉ


ตาราง 6 แสดงการประเมินความสามารถทางการพูดอภปิรายภาษาอังกฤษ


คร้ังท่ี 1

คร้ังท่ี 2

คร้ังท่ี 3

คร้ังท่ี 4

คร้ังท่ี 5

คร้ังท่ี 6

คร้ังท่ี 7

คร้ังท่ี 8

คร้ังท่ี 9

คร้ังท่ี 10


1 12 14 15 18 19 17 19 20 22 22 17.8 2 15 16 17 18 20 18 20 21 23 23 19.56 3 16 17 19 20 21 20 21 22 22 23 20.1 4 11 12 13 16 17 15 17 19 20 21 16.1 5 15 16 17 18 18 16 18 19 20 21 17.8 6 15 15 16 18 19 17 19 21 22 23 18.5 7 18 20 21 22 22 21 22 23 23 24 21.6 8 15 16 17 18 19 18 20 21 22 22 18.8 9 12 13 14 15 17 16 18 19 20 20 16.4 10 12 13 13 14 15 15 17 18 20 21 15.8 11 16 17 18 20 20 19 20 21 22 23 19.6 12 16 17 18 19 20 19 21 22 23 24 19.9 13 12 13 14 15 16 15 17 18 19 20 15.9 14 16 17 18 18 19 18 20 21 22 22 19.1 15 15 16 17 18 19 19 21 21 22 23 19.1 16 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 24 21 17 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 19 21 15.8 18 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 17 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 16.6 20 12 13 14 15 16 16 18 19 21 22 16.6


ตาราง 6 (ตอ) นักเรียนคนท่ี

คร้ังท่ี 1

คร้ังท่ี 2

คร้ังท่ี 3

คร้ังท่ี 4

คร้ังท่ี 5

คร้ังท่ี 6

คร้ังท่ี 7

คร้ังท่ี 8

คร้ังท่ี 9

คร้ังท่ี 10

คาเฉลี่ย แตละคน

21 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 19.5 22 16 17 18 18 20 19 21 22 22 23 19.6 23 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 20 20 16.1 24 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 19.8 25 12 13 14 15 17 16 19 20 21 21 16.8 26 12 13 14 16 17 16 19 20 21 21 16.9 27 16 17 18 19 20 18 19 20 21 22 19 28 15 16 17 18 19 19 21 21 22 22 19 29 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 19.7 30 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 20 21 22 17.4 31 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 19 32 18 19 19 21 21 20 22 22 23 23 20.8 33 13 14 15 16 17 16 18 19 20 21 16.9 34 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 21 21 22 18.6 35 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 20 21 22 17.4

คาเฉล่ีย 14.31 15.31 16.29 17.46 18.46 17.69 19.34 20.31 21.34 22.09 18.27 SD 2.04 2.03 2.05 1.99 1.82 1.78 1.61 1.47 1.21 1.12 1.64

คุณภาพ พอใช ปานกลาง


ดี ดี ดี ดี ดีมาก ดีมาก ดีมาก ดี


ตาราง 7 แสดงการประเมินความสามารถทางการเขียนสะทอนความคิดภาษาอังกฤษ

เลขท่ี คร้ังท่ี

1 คร้ังท่ี

2 คร้ังท่ี

3 คร้ังท่ี

4 คร้ังท่ี

5 คร้ังท่ี

6 คร้ังท่ี

7 คร้ังท่ี

8 คร้ังท่ี

9 คร้ังท่ี

10 คาเฉล่ีย

1 17 18 21 22 23 21 23 24 24 24 21.7 2 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 26 23.5 3 16 18 21 22 23 20 24 25 26 27 22.2 4 19 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 25 22.8 5 21 22 23 25 26 22 25 25 26 26 24.1 6 20 21 23 24 25 23 24 25 25 26 23.6 7 20 21 23 25 23 24 25 26 26 27 24 8 18 20 21 23 24 22 24 25 23 24 22.4 9 18 18 19 21 22 22 23 24 25 25 21.7 10 13 14 16 19 21 20 21 23 23 24 19.4 11 19 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 24 25 23 12 17 18 19 21 22 22 23 25 24 25 21.6 13 21 22 22 23 24 22 25 26 25 26 23.6 14 19 21 22 25 26 20 26 28 27 27 24.1 15 21 22 24 25 25 24 25 27 26 27 24.6 16 21 21 23 24 24 22 25 24 26 26 23.6 17 13 14 15 19 21 19 21 25 23 24 19.4 18 19 21 23 24 25 23 25 28 27 28 24.3 19 13 15 16 18 20 19 20 22 20 23 18.6 20 17 18 20 21 23 22 23 25 23 24 21.6 21 13 14 16 18 21 20 20 21 20 22 18.5 22 19 21 23 25 26 24 25 25 26 27 24.1 23 13 15 17 19 21 19 21 23 22 24 19.4 24 15 17 18 19 20 17 20 21 19 21 18.7 25 12 14 15 18 19 17 21 23 22 23 18.4


ตาราง 7 (ตอ)

เลขท่ี คร้ังท่ี

1 คร้ังท่ี

2 คร้ังท่ี

3 คร้ังท่ี

4 คร้ังท่ี

5 คร้ังท่ี

6 คร้ังท่ี

7 คร้ังท่ี

8 คร้ังท่ี

9 คร้ังท่ี

10 คาเฉล่ีย

26 17 19 21 23 24 23 24 26 25 26 22.8 27 21 22 23 24 25 24 26 24 26 27 24.2 28 18 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 23 24 22 29 21 23 24 25 25 22 27 28 27 27 24.9 30 12 14 16 18 20 18 21 23 21 24 18.7 31 12 13 14 17 19 17 20 22 20 23 17.7 32 20 23 25 26 24 25 26 26 27 28 25 33 13 16 17 18 20 18 20 22 20 22 18.6 34 16 16 17 19 21 17 21 24 22 24 19.7 35 16 17 18 19 22 18 20 23 21 23 19.7

คาเฉล่ีย 17.14 18.60 20.06 21.71 22.80 21.06 23.11 24.46 23.86 24.97 21.78

SD 3.13 3.09 3.12 2.72 2.06 2.39 2.15 1.80 2.40 1.81 2.31

คุณภาพ พอใช ปานกลาง


ดี ดี ดี ดี ดีมาก ดีมาก ดีมาก ดี

ภาคผนวก ช


กิจกรรม ระดมพลังสมอง (Brainstorming) เพื่อรวบรวมขอมูล ในขั้น Situation Stage

ครูรวมเปนสวนหนึ่งในการอภิปรายเพื่ออํานวยความสะดวก ชวยเหลือ และเสริมแรงใหเกิดการอภิปรายแลกเปล่ียนความคดิเห็นในกลุมใหมากท่ีสุด


กลุมนักเรียนรวมกันฝกแสดงความคดิเห็น อยางมีเหตผุล ในขั้น Discussion Stage

ครูชี้แนะ และอธิบายแนวทางในการอภิปรายกลุม และแกไข ปรับปรุง ขอบกพรองของนักเรียนหลังการฝกอภิปรายในข้ัน Small Group Thinking Stage


นักเรียนเร่ิมฝกพูดอภปิรายภาษาอังกฤษในกลุมยอยขั้น Discussion Stage

บรรยากาศระหวางการอภปิรายเปนไปอยางอบอุน และเปนมิตร นักเรียนมีสวนรวม ในกิจกรรมอยางมีความสุข


ชื่อ-สกุล นางสาวกมลพรรณ องคชัย รหัส 500232100 วัน เดือน ปเกิด 9 ตุลาคม 2509 ประวัติการศึกษา

ปการศึกษา 2529 สําเร็จการศึกษาระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย โรงเรียนสิริมังคลานุสรณ อําเภอเมือง จังหวัดเชียงใหม

ปการศึกษา 2533 สําเร็จการศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรี ศึกษาศาสตรบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ คณะศึกษาศาสตร

มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม ประวัติการทํางาน พ.ศ. 2533-2536 ครูผูสอนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษระดับมัธยมศึกษา โรงเรียนรังษีวทิยา อําเภอฝาง จังหวดัเชียงใหม พ.ศ. 2537-2538 อาจารย 1 ระดับ 3 โรงเรียนเนินมะปรางศึกษาวิทยา อําเภอเนนิมะปราง จังหวดัพิษณุโลก พ.ศ. 2538-ปจจุบัน ครูชํานาญการ ค.ศ. 2 โรงเรียนฝางชนูปถัมภ อําเภอฝาง จังหวดัเชียงใหม สํานักงานเขตพื้นท่ีการศึกษาเชียงใหม เขต 3

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