aaex2 group2

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Advanced Algorithms

Exercise 2

Group 2

陳右緯、楊翔雲、蔡宗衛、BINAYA KAR、林淑慧

2013/11/6 1Q1 Q8


• Given an integer (not necessary a decimal

number) with n digits, we want to remove m

(m < n) digits from this number such that the

resulting number is as large as possible.

Design an O(n) time algorithm to solve it.

• Ex. n = 9, m = 3

input : 987645821

remove bold place, maximum result = 987821

2013/11/6 2Q1 Q8

Q3 – efficient algorithm

2013/11/6 Q1 Q8 3

s[] : digit as [0, n-1]

r[] : maximum result (stack)

for(i = top = 0; i < n; i++)

if(top + n – i <= n)

while(i < n)

r[top++] = s[i++]


while(top > 0 && s[i] > r[top-1])


if(top + n – i <= n)


r[top++] = s[i]

return r[];


• Let x1, x2, … , xn be a sequence of integers

and k be another given integer. Design an

algorithm to find a subsequence xi , xi+1, …,

xj (of consecutive elements) such that the sum

of the numbers in it is exactly k if there does

exist such a subsequence.

2013/11/6 4Q1 Q8

Q4 – efficient algorithm

2013/11/6 Q1 Q8 5

s[] : s[i] = sigma(x[j]), j <= i

x[], k : input

hash[] : infinity.

hash[0] = 0

for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)

hash[s[i]] = min(hash[s[i]], i);

for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)

index = hash[s[i]-k]

if(index <= i)

return true // pair(index+1, i)

return false


• Given a 2-dimensional n x n array (or matrix)

of 0/1 integers, design a linear time algorithm

to find a sub-square (a sub-square matrix with

consecutive indices in both dimensions) with

the largest size such that all the elements in the

sub-square are equal to 1.

2013/11/6 6Q1 Q8

Q5 – efficient algorithm

2013/11/6 Q1 Q8 7

m[][], n : input

dp[][] : init zero

r = 0;

for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)

for(j = 1; j <= n; j++)

if(m[i][j] == 1)



r = max(r, dp[i][j])

return r;


• Given an undirected graph G, a vertex subset I is

called an independent set of G if for every pair of

vertices u and v in I, uv not in E(G). The independent

set problem is to find an independent set with

maximum size. Design a linear time algorithm to

solve the problem on undirected trees. Can you

extend your algorithm to solve the weighted case?

(That is, each node is associated with a positive

weight, and you are asked to find an independent set

with maximum weight sum.)

2013/11/6 8Q1 Q8

Q6 – efficient algorithm

2013/11/6 Q1 Q8 9

weight[] : input

dp[n][2] : init zero.

dfs(1, -1)

dfs(nd, p) {

for(neighbor e for nd) {

if(e == p)


dfs(e, nd)

dp[nd][0]+=max(dp[e][0], dp[e][1])



dp[nd][1] += weight[nd];


return max(dp[1][0], dp[1][1])


• Let x1, x2, … , xn be a sequence of real numbers (not

necessarily positive). Design an algorithm to find a

substring xi , xi+1, …, xj such that the product of the

numbers in it is maximum over all substrings. The

product of the empty substring is defined as 1.

2013/11/6 10Q1 Q8

Q7 – efficient algorithm

2013/11/6 Q1 Q8 11

x[], n : input

mndp[] :

mxdp[] :

mndp[0] = +oo

mxdp[0] = -oo

r = 1

for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

mxdp[i] = max(x[i], mxdp[i-1]*x[i],


mndp[i] = min(x[i], mxdp[i-1]*x[i],


r = max(r, mxdp[i], mndp[i])


return r


• Given a sequence of real numbers x1, x2, …, xn

(not necessarily positive), n > 1, and an

integer L, 1 <= L <= n. Design an algorithm

to find a substring xi, xi+1, …, xj such that its

length j - i+1 <= L and the sum of the

numbers in it is maximum over all substrings

with length not greater than L. Your algorithm

should run in O(n) time (note: not O(nL)).

2013/11/6 12Q1 Q8

Q8 – efficient algorithm

2013/11/6 Q1 Q8 13

x[], n, L : input

Q[] : monotone queue

s[] : s[0] = 0

head = tail = 0

r = -oo

for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)

s[i] = s[i-1] + x[i]

while(head < tail && s[Q[head]] >= s[i])


Q[tail++] = s[i];

r = max(r, s[i], s[i]-s[Q[head]]);

while(head < tail && Q[head] <= i-L)


return r;


• Given a sequence of objects where each object

is associated with a value and a weight, design

an algorithm to find a subsequence such that

its corresponding value sequence is increasing

and its weights’ sum is maximized.

2013/11/6 14Q1 Q8

Q9 – efficient algorithm

2013/11/6 Q1 Q8 15

x[], w[], n: input

discretization for x[] in [1, n] --- O(nlgn)

dynamic_RMQ_struct S : init zero.

r = w[1]

for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)

v = S.query_max(0, x[i]-1) --- O(lg n)

S.updateVal(x[i], v+w[i]) --- O(lg n)

r = max(r, v+w[i])

return r


• Design an algoritm to solve Problem 10154 “Weights and Measures” in the web site: http://acm.uva.es/problemset/.

2013/11/6 16Q1 Q8

Q10 – efficient algorithm(1)

2013/11/6 Q1 Q8 17

A[].first – strong, A[].second – weight

sort(A, A+n)

dp[0] = 0

for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)

dp[i] = +oo;

for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

for(j = n; j >= 1; j--)

if(dp[j-1]+A[i].w <= A[i].s)

dp[j] = min(dp[j], dp[j-1]+A[i].w)

for(i = n; ; i--)

if(dp[i] != +oo)

return i;

Q10 – efficient algorithm(2)

2013/11/6 Q1 Q8 18

A[].first – weight, A[].second – strong

sort(A, A+n)

using pattern as inserting sort.

for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {



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