accountability and cycle of birth part 3 final

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Cyclic rebirth, next life or the life hereafter

In the second part of this article we have studied word

�عيد EID. You will عيد YUEED, which is a derivative ofي

find this word in most of the verses of the Quran where an action is repeated again and again.

(ق' ل (خ' ال � (د'أ 'ب ي 1ه� الل ق�ل �عيد�ه� ي �م1 ث ل(ق' (خ' ال � (د'أ 'ب ي م1ن �م ك 'ائ ك ر' ش� من ه'ل( ق�ل(�ون' �ؤ(ف'ك ت E1ى 'ن ف'أ �عيد�ه� ي �م1 ث

Say, ‘Is there any of your associate- gods who originates creation and then reproduces it?’ Say, ‘It is Allah alone Who originates creation and then reproduces it. Whither then are you turned away?’ (10:34)

Eى �خ(ر' أ Kة 'ار' ت �م( �خ(رج�ك ن (ه'ا و'من �م( �عيد�ك ن و'فيه'ا �م( 'اك 'ق(ن ل خ' (ه'ا منFrom the (earth) did We create you, and into it shall We return you, and from it shall We bring you out once again. (20/55)

SهE' ل إ' أ ض ر(

' و'األ( م'اء الس1 مZن' �م ق�ك ز� 'ر( ي و'م'ن �عيد�ه� ي �م1 ث ل(ق' (خ' ال � (د'أ 'ب ي م1ن' أ

ص'ادقين' �م( �نت ك ن إ �م( 'ك ه'ان �ر( ب �وا ه'ات ق�ل( 1ه الل م1ع'

[27:64] Or, Who originates creation, and then repeats it and Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? Is there a God besides Allah? Say, ‘Bring forward your proof if you are truthful.’

اور[ 27:64] آاسمان جوتمہیں ہے کون اور ہے۔ دہراتا ااسے وہ پھر ہے کرتا آاغاز کا تخلیق جو ہے کون وہ یا ) لاؤ ) دلیل قطعی اپنی کہ دے کہہ اتو ہے؟ معبود اور کوئی ساتھ کے اللہ کیا ہے۔ کرتا عطا رزق سے زمین

ہو۔ سچے تم اگر

�عيد� و'ي (دئ� �ب ي ه�و' 1ه� ن إ

It is verily He Who originates and repeats. [85:13]ہے۔[ 85:13] بھی ہراتا اد اور ہے کرتا بھی شروع وہی اا یقین

'ج(زي' ي ل �عيد�ه� ي �م1 ث ل(ق' (خ' ال � (د'أ 'ب ي 1ه� ن إ ح'قeا 1ه الل و'ع(د' ج'ميعKا �م( جع�ك م'ر( (ه 'ي ل إ Sاب ر' ش' 'ه�م( ل وا 'ف'ر� ك 1ذين' و'ال (قس(ط ال ب ح'ات الص1ال �وا و'ع'مل �وا آم'ن 1ذين' ال

ون' (ف�ر� 'ك ي �وا 'ان ك م'ا ب Sيم 'ل أ Sو'ع'ذ'اب o ح'ميم مZن(

]10:4[ To Him shall you all return. The promise of Allah is true. Surely, He originates the creation; then He reproduces it, that He may reward those who believe and do good works, with equity; and as for those who disbelieve, they shall have a drink of boiling water, and a painful punishment, because they disbelieved.

بھی[ 10:4] آاغاز کا تخلیق وہ یقینا ہے۔ وعدہ سچا کا اللہ یہ ہے۔ جانا کر لوٹ کا سب تم طرف کی اسیکے انصاف لائے بجا اعمال نیک اور لائے ایمان جو کو لوگوں ان کہ تا ہے بھی تا ہرا د اسے پھر ہے کرتاعذاب ناک درد اور مشروب بطور پانی ہوا کھولتا لئے کے ان کیا کفر نے جنہوں لوگ وہ اور دے۔ جزا ساتھ

تھے۔ کرتے کیا انکار وہ جو کے اس بسبب ہوگا

ج'ع�ون' �ر( ت (ه 'ي ل إ �م1 ث �عيد�ه� ي �م1 ث ل(ق' (خ' ال � (د'أ 'ب ي 1ه� الل

]30:11[ Allah begins creation; then He will repeat it; then to Him you will be returned.

گے۔[ 30:11] جاؤ لوٹائے تم طرف کی ااسی پھر ہے تا ہرا د ااسے پھر ہے کرتا آاغاز کا خSلق اللہ

Please also see the word يدع� YUEED, in the different verses of theيQuran to compare its usage and translate the above verses of life and death in the same way following the recognised rule of translation which is یا آ ت تصریف� Tasreef-e-Aayaat i.e. translate and understand the Quran by cross translation of its verses that contain the same words.

�عيد� ي و'م'ا 'اطل� (ب ال (دئ� �ب ي و'م'ا qح'ق) ال ج'اء' ق�ل(

SAY: "Truth has come, while falsehood neither originates nor does anything over and over again." )34/49(

کا [34:49] باطل اور ہے آاچکا حق کہ دے کہہ ( اتو ( ) با ) ر با اسے نہ اور ہے سکتا کر آاغاز کوئی تو نہ ہے سکتا ہرا د ر

اجKا خ(ر' إ �م( �خ(رج�ك و'ي فيه'ا �م( �عيد�ك ي �م1 ث

کا بار بار یں اسی میں لوٹا ن ےپھر و تم ہ ہےاعاد کر ر ہ بار بار با ہ گا اور اسی میں س ےےنکال گا

Then He will return you into it and reproduce you over and over again )71/18(


Allah (SWT) generates us and sends us back into the world over and over again like a cycle of rebirth. If we still do not understand the mentioned cycle of rebirth in the above verses of the Quran then, again, we can visualise this phenomena practically in the following verse of the Quran in which Allah (SWT) Himself defines and explains the continuity of this cycle with the clear example of a regular cycle of ‘Day and Night’ in which Allah makes the night pass into the day and makes the day pass into the night i.e. Allah reproduces man in the same way as He reproduces day and night.

من' (ح'ي1 ال �خ(رج� و'ت (ل 1ي الل في 1ه'ار' الن ج� �ول و'ت 1ه'ار الن في (ل' 1ي الل ج� �ول ت oاب حس' (ر غ'ي ب اء� 'ش' ت م'ن ق� ز� 'ر( و'ت Zح'ي) ال من' Zت' (م'ي ال �خ(رج� و'ت Zت (م'ي ال

You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the day to enter the night; and You bring the living out of the

dead, and You bring the dead out of the living. And You give provision to whom You will without account." ]3:27[

زندہ[ 3:27 ] سے امردہ اتو اور ہے۔ کرتا داSل میں رات کو ن د اور ہے کرتا داSل میں ن د کو رات اتوہے۔ کرتا عطا رزق کے بغیرحساب ہے چاہتا جسے اتو اور ہے۔ نکالتا امردہ سے زندہ اور ہے نکالتا

Past Deeds and Present Life

Differences between individuals, even at the time of their birth are due to their past deeds i.e. actions done in the past life. For example if one child is born healthy while another is handicapped or blind, the differences are attributed to their deeds in their previous lives. Likewise, difference between circumstances, atmosphere, facilities and place where an individual is born is depend on the deeds of one’s past life.

Please see what Quran says about them:

'و(م' ي ه� ر� 'ح(ش� و'ن Kا ض'نك Kة م'عيش' 'ه� ل ن1 ف'إ (ري ذك ع'ن 'ع(ر'ض' أ و'م'ن('ع(م'ى أ 'ام'ة (قي ال

And whoever turns away from My message - indeed, he will have economical hard depressed life, and We will raise him on the Day of Resurrection as blind." )20/124(

Such individuals and nations will live in economic hardship and moral

poverty, which is mentioned اK ض'نك Kة in the above verse of the م'عيش'

Quran. اK ةHardship, K = ض'نك .Economic sustenance of life م'عيش'

) (" ک " �س ا موڑگا سمن نصیحت کردرس ذ میر اورجواور گی و زندگی تنگ میں نیا د ہلی تو ے گا ئے جا کیا ا پید رہ با و د وہ جب

( گے اٹھائیں اندھا اسے ("20/124ہم

ا Kيرص' ب �نت� ك و'ق'د( 'ع(م'ى أ ي 'ن ت ر( ح'ش' م' ل Zب ر' ق'ال'

He will say, "My Lord, why have you raised me blind while while I used to be able to see?")20/125(

( ! ؟ " تھا والا آانکھوں تو میں حالانکہ اٹھایا کیوں اندھا مجھے نے تو رب میرے اے گا کہے ("20/125وہ

�نس'ى ت 'و(م' (ي ال ك' 'ذ'ل و'ك 'ه'ا يت 'س ف'ن 'ا �ن 'ات آي (ك' 'ت 'ت أ ك' 'ذ'ل ك ق'ال'

He will say, "Because you forgot our signs when they came to you, and similarly today you are ignored.")20/126(

بھلایا “ تو آاج طرح ااسی تھا یا د اھلا ب نےانہیں اتو تھیں، آائی پاس تیرے جب نیاں نشا ہماری جیسے ہاں، گا فرمائے یی تعال اللہ” ہے رہا (20/126) جا

Please note that the condition of blindness referred in the above verses of the Quran is not a ‘metaphorical’ one because recurrence of words

'ع(م'ى 'صيرand K أ in a particular condition of the time of ‘resurrection’ is بan authority over physical blindness.

When we talk about the hungry, diseased and dilapidated children shown on TV in advertisements of charity raising agencies. We always accuse the manmade system, political set up of their country and crap policies of their corrupt leadership which have put innocent children into hell because they have no clean water to drink, there is no sanitation and they always face a tragic famine but the statistical facts are actually the other way round. Allama Parwez and a couple of other modern scholars from the last century took it as a social injustice, but because media was not developed enough at that time as it is today and the world was not globalised to reach the actual cause of the problem, their limited vision did not let them visualise the facts behind the real problem which we know today. Unfortunately we are still stuck with the thoughts of these old scholars and do not want to know that the resources of water in Ethiopia are naturally contaminated and the whole world has been trying to rectify this problem without success. So, where does ‘social injustice’ come into this as it has nothing to do with people or policies but in fact this is all God’s act?

The Blue Nile is the major river of Ethiopia which also has 12 river basins with an annual runoff volume of 122 billion m3 of water and an estimated 2.6 - 6.5 billion m3 of ground water potential. Agriculture in Ethiopia is the foundation of the country's economy, accounting for half of the gross domestic product )GDP(, 83.9% of exports, and 80% of total employment.

Despite, having regular substantial funding from external aids, world donors and Millennium Development Goals of their governments, the access to water supply and sanitation in Ethiopia is amongst the lowest in Africa and the entire world. In 2005 the government announced highly ambitious targets to increase coverage in its Plan for Accelerated

Sustained Development and to End Poverty )PASDEP( for 2010 with the investment of US$300 million per year which is much higher comparing to the investments of US$39 million in 2001-2002. In 2010 the government presented the equally ambitious Growth and Transformation Plan )GTP( 2011-2015 that aims at increasing drinking water coverage, based on the government's definition, from 68.5% to 98.5%. While donors have committed substantial funds to the sector, effectively spending money to ensure the proper operation and maintenance of infrastructure built with these funds. UNO and world Humanitarian Aid NGO’s has also formulated Ethiopia’s Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Programme )SDPRP(. The government of Ethiopia and the rest of the world have been doing their best to overcome the problem and change the lives of the people there for a long time but some factors one way or another inhibit the achievement of these goals.

Furthermore, densely populated, Ethiopia has a generalised HIV epidemic, with higher prevalence rates. Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis Ababa, towns and villages in the Oromia and Amhara regions are home to 54 percent of the 82.5 million population, 87% of HIV prevalence, 87% of HIV-positive pregnancies, 85% of new HIV infections, 88% of new AIDS cases, 88% of AIDS-related deaths, 58% of people living with HIV/AIDS )PLHA( and 61% of orphans and vulnerable children.

Statistics show that Ethiopia has an estimated illiteracy rate well above 90%. So, we cannot even assume that all this has happened to them due to the lack of education. Comparing to Pakistanis and Indians, Ethiopians are more educated because in census 2012 the literacy rate of Pakistan was 66% )Urban 84% & Rural 58%( whereas the statistics of UNICEF does not recognise the literacy rate of Pakistan of any more than 55%. The literacy rate of India was 74.04% in the last census but UNICEF reports only 64.8% as a true literacy rate in India.

You cannot find any form of print or electronic media without the fund raising advertisements to support these people. UNICEF, WHO and many more welfare organisations from all across the world have been actively helping them and have made permanent offices, surgeries and welfare centres in Ethiopia but despite all combined efforts 78% of the population of Ethiopia is still living without clean water supplies, and are being forced to drink from rivers, streams, lakes and even puddles to survive. More often than not, these sources are naturally contaminated.

Why are they born in such a standard of low life and why are they living in an ever worsening and deteriorating condition? Let’s accept the

argument that this is the fault of the system they have been living in but again was it in their control that they were born in such conditions? If it was under their control they would have chosen to be born somewhere else where they would be free from any problems and would enjoy a much better life but they were destined to be born in their current situation as a result of their deeds in their previous life. If this is not the case, then any one of these poor children could have been born as Queen Elizabeth’s great grandson Prince George. If this is destiny or fate which is written by Allah )SWT(, then there is not justified as a rule of justice and fairness, where He has made one child a prince and the other is starving from hunger and struggling for clean water to survive. In actual fact, fate and destiny depends on the deeds of the previous life, which becomes the physical body and its environment in the following life. This is called the JUSTICE OF ALLAH )SWT(, for which man is responsible.

مين' الظ1ال ه�م� �وا 'ان ك 'Eكن و'ل 'اه�م( 'م(ن ظ'ل و'م'ا

And We wronged them not, but it was they themselves who were the wrongdoers.)43/76(

( رہے کرتے ظلم اوپر اپنے ہی Sود وہ بلکہ کیا نہیں ظلم نے ہم پر (43/76ان

�ون' ث 'ح(ر� ت م1ا �م (ت 'ي أ 'ف'ر' أ

Have you seen what you sow? )56/63(

و بوت تم جو بیج ی سوچا، ن تم ہکبھی ے ہ (56/63) ے

ارع�ون' الز1 'ح(ن� ن 'م( أ 'ه� ع�ون ر' 'ز( ت �م( 'نت 'أ أ

Is it you who makes it grow, or are We the grower? )56/64(

ہیں؟ تے اگا ہم یا ہو تے اگا تم کیا (56/64)اسے

ون' �ور� ت ي 1ت ال 1ار' الن �م� (ت 'ي أ 'ف'ر' أ

Have you seen the fire that you ignite? )56/71(

و ) سلگات خود تم آگ ی کیا،ک خیال ن تم ہکبھی ے ہ ہ (56/71ے

�ون' ئ (م�نش ال 'ح(ن� ن 'م( أ 'ه'ا ت ج'ر' ش' �م( (ت أ 'نش' أ �م( 'نت 'أ أ

Is it you who grow its tree )the tree which feeds the fire(, or do We grow it? )56/72(

میں؟ وال کرن پیدا ک اس یا ، کیا درختپیدا سکا خودا ن (56/72)تم

�ون' 'ف(ع'ل ي م'ا ب 'م� 'ع(ل أ و'ه�و' ع'مل'ت( م1ا oف(س' ن qل� ك 'ت( و'و�فZي

And each soul is paid in full for what it did. And He is Best Aware of what they do. )39:70(

وہ جو ہے جانتا زیادہ سے سب وہ اور گا۔ جائے دیا بدلہ پورا پورا کا اس کیا عمل نے ااس جو کو نفس ہر اورہیں۔ [39:7]کرتے

يد (ع'ب Zل ل o م ظ'ال1 ب (س' 'ي ل 1ه' الل 'ن1 و'أ �م( (ديك 'ي أ ق'د1م'ت( م'ا ب ك' ذ'Eل ‘That is because of that which your hands have sent on before yourselves, and know that Allah is not at all unjust to His servants.’ )8:51(

) سا ) یی ن اد پر بندوں اپنے کہ نہیں ایسا ہرگز اللہ جبکہ بھیجا آاگے نے ہاتھوں ہی اپنے تمہارے جو ہے سے وجہ کی ااس یہہو۔ والا کرنے ظلم [8:51 ]بھی

�ون' ب (س 'ك ي �وا 'ان ك م'ا ب 1ار� الن و'اه�م�) م'أ ك' 'Eئ �ول أ

Their home will be the Fire because of what they used to earn )10:8(

رہے۔[ 10:8] کرتے خسب خک وہ جو کے اس بسبب ہے آاگ ٹھکانا کا جن ہیں لوگ وہ یہی

ج�ون' �خ(ر' ت (ه'ا و'من �ون' 'م�وت ت و'فيه'ا 'و(ن' ي 'ح( ت فيه'ا ق'ال'

He said, ‘Therein shall you live, and therein shall you die, and from it shall you be raised.’ )7:25(

میں اسی اور گے مرو میں اسی اور گے جیو میں اسی تم کہا نے اس[ جاؤگ نکال [7:25ستم



Kا 'ح(ق'اب أ فيه'ا ين' ث ب ال1

They will remain therein for ages. ]78:23[صد[ 78:23] میں اس ( وہ گے۔ ) ہوں والے رہنے تک یوں

�ون �م(ن ت م1ا �م (ت 'ي أ 'ف'ر' أ

Have you seen that which you have done? )56/58(

کیا؟( 56/58) کیا نے تم کہ دیکھا نے تم کیا

د�ون' ال خ' 1م' ه'ن ج' ع'ذ'اب في (م�ج(رمين' ال ن1 إSurely the guilty shall abide in the punishment of hell. )43/74(

( گے رہیں مبتلا میں عذاب کے جہنم ہمیشہ تو مجرمین، اا (43/74یقین

(لس�ون' م�ب فيه و'ه�م( (ه�م( ع'ن 1ر� �ف'ت ي ال'

It will not be allowed to subside for them, and they, therein, are in despair )43/75(

( گے ہوں پڑے مایوس میں اس وہ اور گی، ہو نہ کمی میں عذاب کے اان (43/75کبھی

o ح'ميم مZن( Kا و(ب ل'ش' (ه'ا 'ي ع'ل 'ه�م( ل ن1 إ �م1 ث

Then on top of that they will be given a mixture made of boiling water.)37/67(

( گا ملے پانی ہوا کھولتا لیے کے پینے پر اس (37/67پھر

oة' ي آن oن) ع'ي من( Eق'ى �س( ت

They will be given drink from a boiling spring )88/5(

( گا جائے دیا کو پینے انہیں پانی کا چشمے ہوئے (88/5کھولتے

(ح'ميم ال من' (ه 'ي ع'ل �ون' ارب ف'ش'

Drinking scalding water )56/54(

( پانی ہوا کھولتا سے اوپر (56/54اور

o 'ريم ك و'ال' oدار' ب ال1

Neither cool nor beneficial. )56/44(

( دہ آارام نہ ہوگا ٹھنڈا نہ (56/44جو

(هيم ال ب' ر( ش� �ون' ارب ف'ش'

They will drink as the drinking of thirsty camels )56/55(

( گے پیں طرح کی اونٹ سے (56/55پیا

oوع�ج من ي �غ(ن ي و'ال' من� �س( ي ال1

Which gives them no strength )nourishment( and nor release them from hunger. )88/7(

( مٹائے بھوک نہ کرے موٹا نہ (88/7جو

Allah’s kindness will be with them if they rectify their

deeds for further life.

Eى �ر' ي و(ف' س' 'ه� ع(ي س' 'ن1 و'أ

And that his effort will be seen )53/40(

( گی جائے دیکھی ضرور کوشش کی اس کہ یہ (53/40اور

The law of Cause and Effect :

 Acts, deeds, actions and activities are not only undertaken by the body but also undertaken by the mind to create their reaction and activate the law of cause and effect. It is explained by the saying, “As we sow, so shall we reap”, which Allah )SWT( has also referred in the above verses. A farmer cannot sow wheat and expect rice to grow. Similarly, every good thought, word or deed begets a similar reaction which affects our current life and next life )hereafter( and every unkind thought, harsh word and evil deed comes back to harm us in this life and / or in the next life. So, what goes around does eventually come round.

Liberation from the Cycle of Rebirth :

Flah اح ل means liberation from the cycle of rebirth. The ultimate aim is فthat one day the cycle of rebirth will be over and man will not have to be reborn again. This can only happen if our soul is fully tilled and capable enough to progress to the further dimension which is called Jannah or paradise.

1ة� ن (م�ط(م'ئ ال 1ف(س� الن �ه'ا 1ت ي' أ 'ا ي

"O reassured soul )89/27(

مطمئن نفس (89/27)ےا

K1ة ضي م1ر( Kة' اضي ر' Zك ب ر' Eى' ل إ جعي ار(

Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing ]to Him[ )89/28(

) ( ) نزدیک ) کے رب اپنے اور Sوش سے نیک انجام اپنے تو کہ میں حال ااس طرف، کی رب اپنے چل

( ہے (89/28پسندیدہ

'ادي ب ع في لي ف'اد(خ�

So enter among My ]righteous[ devotees )89/29(

) میں ) بندوں نیک میرے جا ہو (89/29)شامل

1تي ن ج' لي و'اد(خ�

And enter My Paradise." )89/30(

میں جنت میری جا ہو داSل (89/30)اور

Unfortunately, the actual education of the Quran has been omitted because of the wrong translation and understanding of the word ‘FLAH which is frequently used in the Quran particularly in the verses of‘ فالحbelief and hereafter. Flah فالح and its derivatives are translated as ‘succeed’ whereas the Quran has used the word ‘FAUZ فوز’ for success and victory e.g. !ز! ال'ع%ظ�يم و' و% ال'ف% ـ/ذ%ا ل%ه! (37/60 )إ�ن2 ه% it is translated as “Indeed, this is the great success”, “Verily this is the supreme achievement”, “This is, indeed, the great victory”.

Please have a look at the following explanation and put the right word in the translation to understand why Allah )SWT( used Flah فالح in the verses relating to our particular subject )hereafter(

The literary meaning of Flah ) فلح ) ,is to farm or cultivate فالحdeliverance, salvation, well-being, growth, development, till, split, gift, treasure, valuable, inheritance.

Apart from its literary meaning the word فالح Falah is used as a pure scientific term in many disciplines of engineering.

In Agricultural Engineering it relates to ‘tilling’ which covers ploughing, digging, cultivating, racking, hoeing, preparing, tidying and turning over the stalk and sprout particularly from the base of a plant or from the axils of its lower leaves or shoots. It also relates to the growth and development of shoot, bud and leaf of new branches of a plant.

The word Falah فالح also covers the process of IMPLANT, GRAFT, HEIRLOOM, LOAM, SPLIT and FALLOW. They are directly relevant to the plants and human body to put forth them for further tilling.

The word Falah فالح in Mechanical Engineering:

A lever used to turn the rudder of a boat from side to side; broadly: 

A device or system that plays a part in steering something.

A mechanism of CENTRIFUG )spinning like spinning clothes in a washing machine, refinery processor, water pump( TILLING OUT, DIFFERENTIAL, FLANGE, LATHE, LINCHPIN, PLENUM, RACHET, PLUNG, TRACTION, MECHANICAL CHAIN)used in lifts( MECHANICAL BASKET.

All above stated engineering terms should be read and understood before driving the meaning of the verses of the Quran containing the world Flah فالح

Furthermore, this word ‘Flah فالح‘ has been revealed in the Quran as an engineering term, in the same way as todays technical terms are used by engineers in the transcript and blueprint of design, construction and manufacturing.

For a complete understanding of Flah فالح I recommend you to watch an amazing explanation of Al-Muminun (23/1-11) Qad Aflaha by Dr Israr Ahmed using the following link on YouTube.

Dr Kashif Khan

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