ai 3.0

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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AI 3.0: Is it Finally Time for Artificial Intelligence and

Sensor Networks to be Disruptive?

Have recent advances in mathematical algorithms,

highly sensitive/compact sensors, big data, mobile

communications, and robotry made Stephen

Hawking’s warning that artificial intelligence could

end mankind more eminent?

What does this mean for jobs in the “second

machine age” and AI 3.0?

David Smith

AI 3.0: Is it Finally Time for Artificial

Intelligence and Sensor Networks to be




As we begin the new millennium science and

technology are changing rapidly

“Old” sciences such as physics are relatively well-understood

Computers are ubiquitous

Grand Challenges in Science and Technology

Understanding the brain

reasoning, cognition, creativity

creating intelligent machines

is this possible?

What are the technical and philosophical challenges?

Arguably AI poses the most interesting challenges and questions in computer science today



“Whoever wins this race will dominate the next stage of the information

age,” - Pedro Domingos, a machine learning specialist and author

of “The Master Algorithm,” a 2015 book contending that

A.I. and big-data technology will remake the world.


“AI is the study of

techniques for

solving exponentially

hard problems in

polynomial time by

exploiting knowledge

about the problem


Elaine Rich



"Once you have a truly massive amount of information

integrated as knowledge, then the human-software system

will be superhuman, in the same sense that mankind with

writing is superhuman compared to mankind before


- Technology Review, March 2005

"Compared to Nature we suffer a poverty of imagination; it

is thus much easier for us to uncover than to invent.”

Doug Lenat's Cyc project, is to build

the basis of a general artificial

intelligence by representing


What is Intelligence?


- “The capacity to learn and solve problems” (Webster


- In particular,

• the ability to solve novel problems

• the ability to act rationally

• the ability to act like humans

Artificial Intelligence

- Build and understand intelligent entities or agents

- Two main approaches: “engineering” versus “cognitive




Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer

science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent

machines that work and react like humans.

● Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science

that aims to create intelligent machines.

● Some of the activities computers with artificial

intelligence are designed for include speech

recognition, learning, planning and problem solving.

● Robotics is a major field related to AI.

● Robots require intelligence to handle tasks such as

object manipulation and navigation along with sub-

problems of localization, motion planning and




Ex Machina Featurette - New Consciousness

Philosophers have been trying for over 2000 years to understand and resolve two Big Questions of the Universe: How does a human mind work, and Can non-humans have minds? These questions are still unanswered.

Intelligence is the ability to understand and learn things.

Intelligence is the ability to think and understand instead of doing things by instinct or automatically.

Intelligent Machines, or

What Machines Can Do

(Essential English Dictionary)



What’s involved in Intelligence?

Ability to interact with the real world - to perceive, understand, and act

- e.g., speech recognition and understanding and synthesis

- e.g., image understanding

- e.g., ability to take actions, have an effect

Reasoning and Planning - modeling the external world, given input

- solving new problems, planning, and making decisions

- ability to deal with unexpected problems, uncertainties

Learning and Adaptation - we are continuously learning and adapting

- our internal models are always being “updated”

• e.g., a baby learning to categorize and recognize animals

Computers versus humans

A computer can do some things better than a human can

- Adding a thousand four-digit numbers

- Drawing complex, 3D images

- Store and retrieve massive amounts of data

However, there are things humans can do much




Thinking Machines

A computer would have

difficulty identifying the

cat, or matching it to

another picture of a cat.

AI Purposes

"AI can have two purposes. One is to use the power of

computers to augment human thinking, just as we use

motors to augment human or horse power. Robotics and

expert systems are major branches of that. The other is

to use a computer's artificial intelligence to understand

how humans think. In a humanoid way. If you test your

programs not merely by what they can accomplish, but

how they accomplish it, they you're really doing cognitive

science; you're using AI to understand the human mind."

- Herb Simon



“We cannot solve our problems

with the same thinking we

used when we created them.”

- Albert Einstein

Overview of Artificial Intelligence

Definitions – four

major combinations

- Based on thinking

or acting

- Based on activity

like humans or

performed in

rational way

Systems that think like humans

Systems that think rationally

Systems that act like humans

Systems that act rationally



“The market for enterprise AI systems will increase from $202.5 million

in 2015 to $11.1 billion by 2024.”

- Tractica



• By 2018, 20 percent of business content will be authored by


• By 2020, autonomous software agents outside of human

control will participate in five percent of all economic


• By 2018, more than 3 million workers globally will be

supervised by a "robo-boss.“

• By 2018, 45 percent of the fastest-growing companies will

have fewer employees than instances of smart machines.

• By year-end 2018, customer digital assistant will recognize

individuals by face and voice across channels and partners.

• By 2020, smart agents will facilitate 40 percent of mobile

interactions, and the post app era will begin to dominate.

First Key to Creating Artificial General Intelligence:

Increasing Computational Power

NNow =

• Beating a

mouse brain

• About a

thousandth of

a human



Second Key to Creating Artificial General Intelligence:

Making It Smart


1) Plagiarize the brain.

• Reverse engineer it

• Build chips to simulate it

• Capture its synapses

• “Whole brain emulation”

2) Try to make evolution do what it did before but for us this time.

• Use foresight – just pick what you know will win

• Select for intelligence

• Provide externally what evolution takes extra steps to do, i.e.,

provide outside energy/electricity

3) Make this whole thing the computer’s problem, not ours

• It would do research on AI and code the changes into itself

Now: 1 mm-long

flatworm brain of

302 Neurons

Although artificial intelligence as an independent field of

study is relatively new, it has some roots in the past. We can

say that it started 2,400 years ago when the Greek

philosopher Aristotle invented the concept of logical

reasoning. The effort to finalize the language of logic

continued with Leibniz and Newton. George Boole

developed Boolean algebra in the nineteenth century

that laid the foundation of computer circuits. However, the

main idea of a thinking machine came from Alan Turing, who

proposed the Turing test. The term “artificial intelligence”

was first coined by John McCarthy in 1956.

History of artificial intelligence



Meet HAL

2001: A Space Odyssey - classic science fiction movie from 1969

HAL - part of the story centers around an intelligent computer called HAL

- HAL is the “brains” of an intelligent spaceship

- in the movie, HAL can

• speak easily with the crew

• see and understand the emotions of the crew

• navigate the ship automatically

• diagnose on-board problems

• make life-and-death decisions

• display emotions

In 1969 this was science fiction: is it still science fiction?

AI 1.0 (1960-1985):

AI applications addressed a single area. In this period, they were high value such as human language

translation and route optimization centered around the high cost of humans. Algorithms were

mechanistic. Heavy demand for IT resources made implementations expensive. Today, single area AI

applications, enabled by more sophisticated mathematics and high performance computing, is labelled

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI).

AI 2.0 (1986 - 2010):

AI applications appeared to address a broad area. In this period, they were capable of doing the work

of an occupation of people such as picking crops, scanning social networks for consumer input, and

classifying images for quicker retrieval. Algorithms became more sophisticated and IT resources much

less expensive. However, the solutions approach mimic how humans thought and still fell short of the

abilities of experts. This class of AI Application is labelled Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

AI 3.0 (2011 - Now):

AI applications are appearing that can solve problems better than the best human in an area of

interest. Examples of this class of AI application can win a the most complex strategic board games,

perform retrieval and analysis of knowledge to quickly answer questions, and stock market trading.

This generational shift has been driven by high value potential, accumulation of massive data of all

kinds, even faster computers the ability to analyze a single situation across a cluster of computers,

and the algorithms to exploit the new technological resources to analyze problem deeper to

incorporate behavioral/neuro/ social data to perform real time analysis and even learn. This class of AI

application is being called Artificial Superintelligence (ASI).

Artificial Intelligence Generations



The vast majority of AI research practiced in academia and industry today fits into the “Narrow AI” category

Each “Narrow AI” program is (in the ideal case) highly competent at carrying out certain complex goals in certain environments

• Chess-playing, medical diagnosis, car-driving, etc.

Narrow AI

“The ability to achieve complex goals in complex environments using limited computational resources”

• Autonomy

• Practical understanding of self and others

• Understanding “what the problem is” as opposed to just solving problems posed explicitly by programmers

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)



Artificial Intelligence Generation Comparison

Factor \Generation AI 1.0 AI 2.0 AI 3.0

Period of Time 1960 to 1985 1986 to 2010 2011 to Now and


Type of AI App


Artificial Narrow

Intelligence (ANI)

Artificial General

Intelligence (AGI)


SuperIintelligence (ASI)

Value Proposition Human Efficiency Human Effectiveness Human Substitution

Human Ability


Fast manipulation of

text and data

Incorporation of


Audio/visual recognition



ANI Roadmap Batch processing Complex data/math Real time

AGI Roadmap Longitudinal data,

Pattern recognition

Data warehouses,

Non-SQL data bases

ASI Roadmap Deep Neural Nets,

Big Data, Robotics

Different Types of Artificial


Modeling exactly how humans actually think - cognitive models of human reasoning

Modeling exactly how humans actually act - models of human behavior (what they do, not how they think)

Modeling how ideal agents “should think” - models of “rational” thought (formal logic)

- note: humans are often not rational!

Modeling how ideal agents “should act” - rational actions but not necessarily formal rational reasoning

- i.e., more of a black-box/engineering approach

Modern AI focuses on the last definition - we will also focus on this “engineering” approach

- success is judged by how well the agent performs

-- modern methods are also inspired by cognitive & neuroscience (how people think).



A Human vs. Machine Comparison

Category Attribute Man Machine

Hardware Processing speed Max @ 200 cycles/sec Already 2 billion cycs/sec

Interconnect speed ~ 120 meters/second Speed of light

Size/Storage Size of skull; any

bigger we’d think more


Greatly expandable in short

term/working/long term

memories; has error

detect/self-correct bits

Reliability/durability Get easily fatigued; will

deteriorate over time

Transistors more accurate

that neurons; can be

repaired or replaced; can

run non-stop 24/7

Software Programmability Human brain is not


Can be optimized to suit its

role; improvable; fixable

“The Collective” Our ability to build vast

collective intelligence

and apply it collectives

has made us the top


All computers could work

together on a single

problem; whatever is

learned can be instantly

“assimilated” by all

Overall Self Improvement ??? Yes

• Fast computers internetworked

• Decent virtual worlds for AI embodiment

• Halfway-decent robot bodies

• Lots of AI algorithms and representations

• often useful in specialized areas

• often not very scalable on their own

• A basic understanding of human cognitive


• A cruder but useful understanding of brain

structure and dynamics

• A theoretical understanding of general intelligence under conditions of massive computational resources

What We Have Now



Artificial Intelligence in the Movies



The Intelligence is in the Connections

Connections between people














Social Networking



t Weblogs


File Systems


Keyword Search




Directory Portals

2010 -


Web 1.0

2000 - 2010

1990 - 2000

PC Era 1980 - 1990

RSS Widgets


2020 - 2030

Office 2.0








File Servers

Social Media Sharing

Lightweight Collaboration


Web 3.0

Web 4.0

Semantic Search

Semantic Databases

Distributed Search

Intelligent personal agents



Web 2.0 Flash







The Web

The PC








Semantic Web

Intelligent Web

The Internet

Social Web

Web OS

Natural Language: Translation

“The flesh is weak, but the spirit

is strong”

Translate to Russian

Translate back to English

“The food was lousy, but the

vodka was great!”



Your Assignment

Let’s start with an easy one:































The bottom line?



Bill Gates on AI Issues and Potential

[Bill Gates] weighed in on the issue of artificial

intelligence when a Redditor asked him how he felt

about regulating artificial intelligence. Gates said he

agrees with Elon Musk and physicist Stephen

Hawking that, "when a few people control a platform

with extreme intelligence, it creates dangers in terms

of power and eventually control."

When asked about his early motto of putting a

computer in every home, Gates said that today, the

challenge is to make computers more intelligent.

"Software still doesn't understand what thing I should

pay attention to next," he wrote, "in fact the

proliferation of various tools like texting and email and

notifications mean the user has a lot of complexity to

deal with. Eventually the software will understand

what you should pay attention to by knowing the

context and learning about your preferences."

Source: Puget Sound Business Journal, March 8, 2016

Prof Stephen Hawking, one of Britain's pre-eminent

scientists, has said that efforts to create thinking

machines pose a threat to our very existence.

Prof Hawking says the primitive forms of artificial

intelligence developed so far have already proved very

useful, but he fears the consequences of creating

something that can match or surpass humans.

"It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an

ever increasing rate," he said.

“Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution,

couldn't compete, and would be superseded."

Geek, May 13, 2015. Renowned physicist

Stephen Hawking appeared at the

Zeitgeist 2015 conference in London and

confirmed the fears held by anyone who

has watched a movie with a robot in it

since 1927’s Metropolis when he said,

“Computers will overtake humans with AI

at some within the next 100 years. When

that happens, we need to make sure the

computers have goals aligned with ours.”




Artificial Intelligence: Current Status


- Symbolic, statistical, learning algorithms, physical/mechanistic, hybrid

Current initiatives

- Narrow AI: DARPA, corporate

- Strong AI: startup efforts

Near-term applications

- Auditory applications: speech recognition

- Visual applications: security camera (crowbar/gift)

- Transportation applications: truly smart car


- Robotic (Roomba, mower, vehicles)

- Distributed physical presence

- Non-corporeal



AI State of the Art - Applications

AI achievements:

- Facilitate and replace human decision making World-class chess and game playing

- Robots

- Automatic process control

- Understand limited spoken language

- Smarter search engines

- Engage in a meaningful conversation

- Observe and understand human emotions

- Solving mathematical problems

- Discover and prove mathematical theories

- …



“I set the date for the Singularity-

representing a profound and disruptive

transformation in human capability- as


The nonbiological intelligence created

in that year will be one billion times

more powerful than all human

intelligence today."

Ray Kurzweil

The Singularity is Near (2005)



World Robot Population

World Robot Population



Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics (1940)


First Law: A robot may not injure a human or

through inaction, allow a human to come to harm.

Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given it

by human beings, unless such orders would conflict

with the first law.

Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence,

as long as such protection does not conflict with the

first or second law.

Are the 3 Laws the Answer? Extending the Laws


Zeroth law: A robot may not injure humanity or through

inaction allow humanity to come to harm.

(due to Asimov, Olivaw, and Calvin).

David Langford’s extensions, acknowledging military funding

for robotics:

4. A robot will not harm authorized Government personnel but

will terminate intruders with extreme prejudice.

5. A robot will obey the orders of authorized personnel except

where such orders conflict with the Third Law.

6. A robot will guard its own existence with lethal antipersonnel

weaponry, because a robot is bloody expensive.



Will They Be Like Us?


Like us, AI systems...

...will talk to us in our languages.

...will help us with our problems.

...will have anthropomorphic interfaces.

Unlike us, AI systems...

...will compute and communicate extremely quickly.

...will have bounds for learning and retention of knowledge

that will soon surpass ours.

...might not be well modeled by the psychological models

that work for people.

Atlas, The Next Generation Robot

A new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is specialized for mobile

manipulation. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. It uses sensors in its body and legs

to balance and LIDAR and stereo sensors in its head to avoid obstacles, assess the terrain, help with

navigation and manipulate objects. This version of Atlas is about 5' 9" tall (about a head shorter than

the DRC Atlas) and weighs 180 lbs.



Domestic Robots

Military robots



The Future?

Idea of Artificial Intelligence is being replaced by Artificial life, or anything with a form or body.

The consensus among scientists is that a requirement for life is that it has an embodiment in some physical form, but this will change. Programs may not fit this requirement for life yet.

Arms race for the future of intelligence

Machine Human

Blue Gene/L 360 teraFLOPS (≈.36+ trillion

IPS) and 32 TiB memory1

Unlimited operational/build knowledge

Quick upgrade cycles: performance

capability doubling every 18 months

Linear, Von Neumann architecture

Understands rigid language

Special purpose solving (Deep Blue,

Chinook, ATMs, fraud detection)

Metal chassis, easy to backup

Estimated 2,000 trillion IPS and 1000

TB memory2

Limited operational/build knowledge

Slow upgrade cycles: 10,000 yr

evolutionary adaptations

Massively parallel architecture

Understands flexible, fuzzy language

General purpose problem solving,

works fine in new situations

Nucleotide chassis, no backup possible

1Source: Fastest Supercomputer, June 2007, 2Source:



ADVANTAGES (Factual Changes)

Smarter artificial intelligence promises to replace human jobs, freeing people for other pursuits by automating manufacturing and transportations.

Self-modifying, self-writing, and learning software relieves programmers of the burdensome task of specifying the whole of a program’s functionality—now we can just create the framework and have the program itself fill in the rest (example: real-time strategy game artificial intelligence run by a neural network that acts based on experience instead of an explicit decision tree).

Self-replicating applications can make deployment easier and less resource-intensive.

AI can see relationships in enormous or diverse bodies of data that a human could not



Analysis of the Risks

• Mass unemployment?

historical evidence is negative

• Loss of income?

productivity creates wealth, jobs, & ownership

• Idleness & boredom?

the rich are seldom idle or bored

• Loss of control over destiny?

freedom to pursue interests

• Overpowered by superior intelligence?

might bring world peace and economic justice



SuperIntelligence Has Already Arrived!!!

In the Stock Market: October 2, 2013 automated computer

buy/sell programs, on news of an offer to buy Blackberry for $9

a share, touched off a flurry of orders reducing the company’s

stock to $7.92.

At Chess: May 11, 1997 IBM’s Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov,

the then world chess champion. Kasparov had beaten Deep Blue

a year earlier.

At Go: March 14, 2016 Google’s DeepMind beat leading Go

player Lee Sedol 4-1. Lee won in the fourth game by forcing his

opponent into an error. However, in the fifth game the AI program

made a similar error but recovered to win the game..

In Conversations: June 8, 2014 A Russian chatterbot named

"Eugene Goostman" became the first to pass the Turing Test

by convincing 1 in 3 judges that it was a 13-year-old non-

native-English-speaking Ukrainian boy.

“machines will eventually overtake us, as virtually everyone in the A.I. field believes

…The only real difference between enthusiasts and skeptics is a time frame.”

- NYU research psychologist Gary Marcus



Paul Allen, Microsoft Co-founder:

“We can see that overall AI-based capabilities haven’t been exponentially increasing

either, at least when measured against the creation of a fully general human

intelligence…individual AI systems…have always remained brittle—their performance

boundaries are rigidly set by their internal assumptions and defining algorithms, they

cannot generalize, and they frequently give nonsensical answers outside of their specific

focus areas.”

… But It Won’t Be Self Aware

Murray Shananhan, Imperial College of London cognitive roboticist:

“Consciousness is certainly a fascinating and important subject—but I don’t believe

consciousness is necessary for human-level artificial intelligence,” he told Gizmodo. “Or,

to be more precise, we use the word consciousness to indicate several psychological and

cognitive attributes, and these come bundled together in humans.”

Peter McIntyre, Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University:

“By definition, an artificial superintelligence (ASI) is an agent with an intellect that’s much

smarter than the best human brains in practically every relevant field. It will know exactly

what we meant for it to do.”

McIntyre believes an AI will only do what it’s programmed to, but if it becomes smart

enough, it should figure out how this differs from the spirit of the law, or what humans


McIntyre compares the future plight of humans to that of a mouse. A mouse has a drive

to eat and seek shelter, but this goal often conflicts with humans who want a rodent-free

abode. “Just as we are smart enough to have some understanding of the goals of mice, a

superintelligent system could know what we want, and still be indifferent to that,”.

Richard Loosemore, AI researcher and founder of Surfing Samurai Robots:

Thinks that most AI doomsday scenarios are incoherent and argues that these scenarios

always involve an assumption that the AI is supposed to say “I know that destroying

humanity is the result of a glitch in my design, but I am compelled to do it anyway.”

Loosemore points out that if the AI behaves like this when it thinks about destroying us, it

would have been committing such logical contradictions throughout its life, thus

corrupting its knowledge base and rendering itself too stupid to be harmful.

… And Artificial Super Intelligence Will Make Mistakes



Stuart Armstrong, Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University:

“Many simple tricks have been proposed that would ‘solve’ the whole AI control problem,”

Examples include programming the ASI in such a way that it wants to please humans, or

that it function merely as a human tool. Alternately, we could integrate a concept, like love

or respect, into its source code. And to prevent it from adopting a hyper-simplistic,

monochromatic view of the world, it could be programmed to appreciate intellectual,

cultural, and social diversity.

But these solutions are either too simple—like trying to fit the entire complexity of human

likes and dislikes into a single glib definition—or they cram all the complexity of human

values into a simple word, phrase, or idea.

“That’s not to say that such simple tricks are useless—many of them suggest good

avenues of investigation, and could contribute to solving the ultimate problem. But we

can’t rely on them without a lot more work developing them and exploring their


It Will Be Difficult to Mitigate Those Mistakes

Philosopher Immanuel Kant believed that intelligence strongly correlates with


David Chalmers, Professor of Philosophy, New York University, and Fellow of the

American Academy of Arts & Sciences:

“If this [Kant’s belief] is right...we can expect an intelligence explosion to lead to a

morality explosion along with it. We can then expect that the resulting [ASI] systems will

be supermoral as well as superintelligent, and so we can presumably expect them to be


Stuart Armstrong, Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University:

“Smart humans who behave immorally tend to cause pain on a much larger scale than

their dumber compatriots,” he said. “Intelligence has just given them the ability to be bad

more intelligently, it hasn’t turned them good.”

“We’d have to be very lucky if our AIs were uniquely gifted to become more moral as they

became smarter,” he said. “Relying on luck is not a great policy for something that could

determine our future.”

Know that ASI Won’t Be Friendly.



However, we won’t be destroyed by ASI.

Eliezer Yudkowsky, Research Fellow, Machine Intelligence Research Institute:

“The AI does not hate you, nor does it love you, but you are made out of atoms which it

can use for something else.”

Peter McIntyre, Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University:

“An AI might predict, quite correctly, that we don’t want it to maximize the profit of a

particular company at all costs to consumers, the environment, and non-human animals.

It therefore has a strong incentive to ensure that it isn’t interrupted or interfered with,

including being turned off, or having its goals changed, as then those goals would not be


Elon Musk, Founder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX:

Points out that artificial intelligence could actually be used to control, regulate, and

monitor other AI. Or, it could be imbued with human values, or an overriding imposition to

be friendly to humans.

Super Intelligent Assistants Will Be More Helpful Than Your


Know more about your habits

Anticipate your next move

Prepare you for your next event

Provide the right information for events

Communicate your thinking customized for

each recipient

Follow-up on the impact of your decision

Even do the heavy lifting



Thank You David Smith

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