al masroor dec 2010-jan 2011

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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� The Holy Quran - selected verse

� Hadith – Sayings of the Holy

Prophet (saw)

� Friday Sermon – summary

� Sadr sahebs section

� Farewell program of Majlis

Khuddamul Ahmadiya 2010

� Majlis News

� Press Release

� National Amla (MKAA) list

Upcoming Events

� Quran Classes - Every Monday in

Sydney at 6:45pm

� Seerat-un Nabi Jalsa –

16th January

� Talim Tarbiyyat Sports Day – 23rd


� Musleh Maud Day – 27th


Contact Us

National Amla

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia 2010/2011

Volume 2 Issue 12 December 2010

& Volume 3 Issue 1 January 2011

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

(Youngmens' Auxiliary) of

Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia

Al Masroor

Al Masroor is a monthly publication since January 2009

by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

حيم ن الر ـ حم بسم هللا الرIn the name of Allah, the Gracious the Merciful


The Holy Quran

Surah Al-Nisa Chapter 4: Verse 94

“And whoso kills a believer intentionally, his reward shall be Hell wherein he shall

abide. And Allah will be wroth with him and will curse him and will prepare for him a

great punishment.”

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas

The Promised Messiah & Mahdi

1835 - 1908

Editorial Board

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul

Ahmadiyya Australia:

Rana Ejaz Ahmad

Muhtamim Isha’at:

Mohammed Irfaan


Sharfraz Ahmad Rahim

Editor (Urdu Section):

Tahir Sheikh

C o n tr i b u t i n g Ed i to rs :

Ataul Awal Nasir Ahmad

Murad Mahmood Khan

Sikder Taher Ahmad


Mu’az bin Anas (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (saw) said:

“The height of excellence is that you should strengthen the ties of relationship with

the one who severs them and be generous to the one who is miserly to you and be

forgiving to the one who abuses you.

(Masnan Ahmad).

Selected Sayings of the Holy Prophet of Islam, page 49

Published by

Islam International Publications Ltd.


Friday Sermon

The Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer is one form of congregational worship in Islam. It

takes place every Friday. Regular attendance at the Jumu'ah prayer is enjoined

on the believer. According to a Saying of Hazrat Muhammadsaw


congregational prayer is twenty-five times more blessed than worship

performed alone.

We encourage members to read Huzur’s (atba) Friday sermons which can be

found at:

For your benefit we have published below, a summary of Huzur’s (atba) recent

Friday Sermons.


Message from the

Editorial Board:

Please send any relevant

information or articles of interest to

us for publication.

Please also visit the following

informative sites:



A copy of this newsletter is also

available from the Khuddam page of

The Al Masroor editorial team takes

full responsibility for any errors or

miscommunications in this


“Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

established in Australia since 1903”

Positive resolve and absence of despair in true believers

December 24th , 2010


� Today Hudhur (aba) based his Friday Sermon on true

believers positive resolve and absence of despair even in

most challenging of times

� Hudhur (aba) recounted the faith-inspiring highlights of

Jalsas in Rabwah in the past; enthusiasm of school children,

decorations of Rabwah and generosity of hospitable families

� Hudhur ( aba) counselled Ahmadis against despair in these

difficult and restrictive circumstances of distress and anguish

� Hudhur (aba) advised us to turn all our distress in tearful

supplication to God during Jalsa Qadian and then make this

practice a permanent part of life

� Hudhur (aba) announced the sad news of the martyrdom of

Sheikh Umer Javed sahib from Mardan, Pakistan

A blessed year for Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

December 31st 2010


� Hudhur (aba) said 2010 started on a Friday and is ending on

a Friday, a day of immense blessings in Islam, thus giving

significance to an otherwise inconsequential matter of last

day of the year

� Our detractors may question the blessed aspect of the year

for us as we lost nearly a hundred lives during the year, who

left behind many bereaved families

� However, Hudhur (aba) said, when there are courageous

mothers and families full of resolve then loss of life is not a

sign of Gods displeasure

� Hudhur (aba) said tonight bid farewell to this year and

welcome the next one with prayers for special capacity to

remove our weaknesses that have kept us from doing good

work, may we be able to carry them out in the New Year

� Hudhur (aba) commended the website team and mentioned

that our website has a new resource. A word

search facility is now available for all the books of the

Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

� Hudhur (aba) directed that the Face book account opened in

his name without his knowledge should be avoided and

people should not leave their comments on it and no one

should join it

Blessings of Financial Sacrifice and Waqf-e-Jadid New Year

January 7th , 2011


� Financial sacrifice is a directive for the righteous; spending in

the way of Allah strengthens faith since one receives

blessings of Allah as a result of financial sacrifice

� Allah accepts the zeal and the intention behind the sacrifice.

Allah does not need money. He directs for financial sacrifices

to bestow His rewards on us

� Hudhur (aba) gave many faith-inspiring incidences from

Africa and India to highlight the degree of sacrifice they make

for Waqf Jadid �

Since 1903

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

said one who is careless and indolent


� The contributions for 53rd year of Waqf-e-Jadid are £4.183

million an increase of £ 664,000 from last year

� A prominent German Ahmadi Hadayatullah Hubsch passed

away on the day of solar eclipse

� Hudhur (aba) referred to a hadith that the sun does not

eclipse as a result of someones life or death and advised

Ahmadis to not engage in such suppositions as these lead

to inn`ovations or Bidaat

Holy Prophet’s (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) attribute of


January 14th, 2011


� Every aspect of the life of the Holy Prophet ( pbuh) was a

practical depiction of the Holy Quran and a blessed model for

us to follow

� In spite of continuous persecution of himself and his

Companions, when he attained power he demonstrated a

peerless model of forgiveness

� Abdullah ibn Abi bin Salool, the head of the hypocrites,

created all sorts of problems for the Holy Prophet (pbuh),

who not only forgave him in life, but also led his funeral

prayer and prayed for his forgiveness

� The Holy Prophet ( pbuh) forgave people who attempted to

kill him even when confessed

� Ikrama, son of Abu Jahal who was an arch enemy of Islam was

forgiven by the Holy Prophet (pbuh), who also prayed to

Allah for his forgiveness

� The Holy Prophet forgave Wahshi who brutally murdered the

uncle of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)

� For his people, the Holy Prophet ( pbuh) had this prayer ˜O

Allah forgive my people for they do not know what they do”

� If only the Muslims of today understood this point, they could

help Islam advance manifold

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (atba)

Khalifatul Masih V

Farewell Majlis Khuddam Ahmadiyya


Salutations & Meanings

sas / saw

Salla Allaho alaihay wa

sallam - Peace & blessings

of Allah be on him, used for

Holy Prophet of Islam,

Sayyedna Muhammad, SAS


Alayhe Salam - Peace be on

him, used for Prophets of


atba/ aba

ayyadah Allah tala be-

Nasray hil-Aziz, may Allah

assist him.

A prayer recited with

Khalifat al-Masih’s official


Razi Allah


(RA) May Allah be pleased

with him. Used for a male

companion of the Prophet

or a revered person who

has passed away

Razi Alah


(RA) used for a female

companion of the Prophet

or revered lady who has

passed away

Caliph /


Head of the Muslim

community, literally

successor (Ar. Khalifa)



The Successor of the


Hadhrat /


A courtesy title used for a

revered & righteous person.



Muslim Television



Mr. or Esquire, implying


rh rahma'ullah

Farewell Program for members of Majlis

Khuddamul Ahmadiyya 2010 (report by Mohammed Irfaan, Mohtamim Isha’at )

The farewell ceremony was presided by respected Mahmood Ahmad Saheb, Amir &

missionary Incharge, Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Australia.

The program started with Quran Tilawat recited by Harris Khan Saheb followed by Nazm by

Azhar Rehman Sahib.

Aftab Ahmad Goraya, Naib Sadr, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya then started with his farewell

speech. He mentioned the many valuable contributions that the previous amla members had

made. He highlighted the achievements from the members and thanked them for their

outstanding work during their tenure.

The following members were farewelled in this program:

• Manzoor Ahmad Tahir Gondal (Additional Muhtamim Umoomi)

• Romeo Istafa Hassan Khan (Muhtamim Sihhat-e-Jismani)

• Ahmad Khan (Muthamim Waqare-Amal)

• Kaleemullah Joyia (Muhtamim Tahrik-e-Jadid)

• Jawad Mahmood (Muhtamim Nau Mubaeen)

• Luqman Ahmad Sajid (Muhtamim Omoor-e-Talaba)

• Muhammed Turab Khan (Muhasib)

• Javed Ahmadi (Muawin Sadr 1)

• Ataul Awal Nasir (Muhtamim Talim)

Amir sahib then gave his words of wisdom to the previous amla members and asked them for

their continuous work in Majlis Ansarullah. The program then ended with Dua.

TABLIGH CLASS REPORT (as part of the camping event) (report by Waqas Ahmed, Mohtamim Tabligh)

As part of the Tarbiyyati section for Khuddam camp held on 18th

and 19th

December 2010, a

Tabligh class was held after Maghrib and Isha prayers on 18th

December. This was class was

chaired by respected Amir Sahib.

Amir Sahib kindly highlighted few key, simple and very important points on how to conduct

Tabligh in our current environment and also gave some instructions on how to prepare or

educate ourselves to carry out Tabligh activities. Amir Sahib said:

• A simple yet very effective method of Tabligh training is that all Khuddam become

familiar with all of Jamat’s published Tablighi pamphlets and small books.

• If a Khadim can educate himself with this knowledge he can talk about Islam and

Ahamdiyyat for reasonable amount of time with anyone.

• To conduct Tabligh Khuddam should first correct themselves in every manner by

following the true teachings of Islam, Ahmadiyyat. Khuddam should display the

best of behaviour and attitude in their work places, schools, colleges, universities

etc in order to be considered the best employee or student.

• If a Khadim can be the best employee or student, his Tabligh will have a more

positive effect as people tend to listen more to those who are the best in what

they do.

• Lastly Amir Sahib instructed that Khuddam should profusely work towards

establishing a strong and healthy relationship with their neighbours. It is widely

known among our community that we do not share the same sentiment when it

comes to our neighbours as compared to other communities in Australia.

• Islam says that a household residing 40 houses either side of your residence is

classed as your neighbour. If we can maintain a good relationship with our

neighbours, this in itself is a great form of Tabligh.

• In this Christmas period Khuddam should visit their neighbours, to greet them a

“Merry Christmas” and give then a greetings card and gifts for their celebration.

After above, all Khuddam present were handed the newly printed Tabligh pamphlet.

Khuddam were divided in to a number of groups to discuss the pamphlet and make

themselves familiar with its contents.

The camping event was hosted by Majlis Al Sadaqat. The evening attendance was 55

Khuddam, half of the members slept over at mosque.

In the morning (19th

December), Khuddam who slept overnight (24 members) prayed

Tahajjud. After Tahajjud respected Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia chaired a further

session on discussion of above pamphlet. He highlighted its key contents and instructed all

Khuddam become familiar with the pamphlet.

The camping event was hosted by Majlis Al-Sadaqat. The evening attendance was 55

Khuddams, half of the members slept over at mosque.

MAJALIS NEWS Majlis Bait-ul Huda (By Syed Tariq Ahmad, Qaid Majlis Bait-ul Huda)

By the Grace of Almighty Allah, the new Khuddam year commenced in November 2010 and

the following month was a very busy and eventful one for Majlis Baitul Huda. On Saturday

the 4th of December, a farewell program was held at Baitul Huda Mosque for the outgoing

Qaid Majlis, Ahmad Jawwad Khan sahib.

The program began with the recitation and translation of the Holy Quran by Umair Shams,

followed by a nazm delivered by Hamood-Ur-Rahman. The incoming Qaid Majlis, Syed Tariq

Ahmad in the absence of the Naib Qaid, read out a farewell/thank-you message for the

former Qaid and his Amila.

Sadr Sahib, Rana Ejaz Ahmad ended the program with silent prayers. Following this, the first

monthly meeting of the year was held, where the taleem syllabus for December was

discussed, a Friday Sermon from Huzur (aba) on namaz was read out and a mini-tabligh

class on the topic of the death of Prophet Jesus (as) was conducted. Lunch was served for all

in the Khilafat Centenary Hall after this and to end the day on a fun note, Khuddam played a

social game of European Hand Ball inside the Khilafat Centenary Hall as well. This first

meeting was for the month of November. On Thursday, the 23rd of December, the

December monthly meeting was held at the Baitul Huda Mosque. The focus in this meeting



Majlis ACT

Meeting was for the month of November. On Thursday, the 23rd

of December, the December

monthly meeting was held at the Baitul Huda Mosque. The focus in this meeting was namaz

and chanda. Maghrib and Isha prayers were offered in congregation at the Mosque following

the meeting. Waqar-e-Amal duties were also carried out at the Mosque on two weekends and

as per the Roster, Khuddam conducted their security and cleaning duties at the Mosque for

Friday Prayers. Finally, in the beginning of the month on the 2nd of December, 6 Khuddam

from the Majlis visited the Penrith Blood Bank to donate blood.

Majlis ACT (By Kamran Ahmed, Qaid Majlis ACT)

Alhumdollilah Majlis ACT did couple of activities in December 2010.The month started with

the display of Tabligh Book stall and Posters which was held at Civic Library Canberra from

December 2nd till the 8th December 2010.

Posters consisted of various topics. Among them were Overview of Jamaat, Ahmadiyya

Mosques around the world, Pillars of Islam. And posters describing each pillar in more detail

were also displayed.

Book display consisted of various copies of the Holy Quran in different languages. Among

these were Arabic with English translation, Korean, Turkish, Persian and Greek. Books of the

Promised Messiah (as), and Khulufa were also displayed.

An Introduction to Ahmadiyyat and Holy Quran pamphlet taken from website was

also placed for the guests to take. A contact sheet with Jamaat’s website address and contact

phone number was also displayed next to the posters.

We had our Tarbiyyati ijlas on 18th December 2010. Nine khuddam participated in the ijlas.

Acting president of the Canberra Jamaat brother Tafazul Hasan sahib presided the ijlas.

In approximately one hour ijlas we focused on tarbiyyati issue related to 5 daily prayers,

recitation of Holy Quran and writing letters to Huzur.

Sadr sahib concluded the ijlas on silent prayer and after that we had farewell dinner for the

outgoing khudam who are going into Ansarullah. The program concluded on maghrib and isha


Two Khuddam, one waqfe-Nau and one nasir visited the nursing home (old age facility) on

19th December 2010. They spend approx one hour with the tenants and staff. On behalf of

Khudamul Ahmaddiya ACT the group presented a season’s greeting card (printed by

Jamaat Australia) and tea refreshments to the staff for elderly residents. The group extended

good wishes and introduction to the tenants.

Majlis ACT has ijtemai Waqar-e- Amal on 18th December 2010 at Griffin centre (Jamaat ACT

centre).Five khuddam took part in the waqare-amal and approximately spend one hour.

Initially two khuddam served the food for the farewell dinner of the outgoing khuddam who

moved to Ansarullah. After the dinner five khuddam cleaned the centre.

Majlis Al-Noor (By Mohammad Iqbal, Mutmaa’d Majlis Al-Noor)

By the grace of Allah, Majlis Al Noor is continuously trying its best to improve in every shoba,


General meetings for each Halqa could not be arranged due to the camping program at

the mosque this month. We held a combined general meeting with duration of 1 and half

hours.The attendance was 21 khuddam. As sadar sahib instructed, we focused heavily on

reading NAMAZ, learning namaz and reading jamaat books.

Alhamdulillah we offered Namaz Ba-jamat after our general meeting. Qaid sb specially

requested everyone to learn Namaz with translation and emphasised on attendance at

Namaz Centers. He also requested every khadim to offer atleast one Namaz with family, if

Unable to pray at the Namaz centre. Qaid sb and some amila members visited around 40

khuddams and advised them of the importance of Namaz ba Jamat. of this month when

Saqeen collected monthly report from each khadim, although the report was not

outstanding, improvements were certainly visible, such as the number of khuddams who

offered Namaz Ba-jamat are around 31. As per our routine we have also been organising

DARAS after Namaz, Topics covered in our Daras are:manners of Namaz, majlis and




LONDON, 14 December 2010

The Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has today

once again called on Muslims to give up all forms of violence and terrorism.

His Holiness said:

“I pray that all cruelties that the misguided falsely justify in Allah’s name and in the name

of the Holy Prophet Muhammad come to an end.”

Referring specifically to the holy Islamic month of Muharram that has just started, His

Holiness prayed that the month passes without the bloodshed and sectarianism witnessed

in previous years. He said:

“In the past we have seen that during the month of Muharram, in Pakistan and in certain

other Muslim countries great tensions have erupted between Sunnis, Shias and other

Muslim sects. These tensions have led to the killing of innocent people, attacks on religious

processions and other terrorist activities. May God Almighty protect all people from such


His Holiness stated that he hoped that the Muslim world would come to realise the true

purpose of the martyrdom of Hadhrat Imam Hussain.[1] His martyrdom came at a time

when morality was failing, personal interests were superseding the wider interests of

society and worldly matters were taking precedence over religion. Due to these factors

cruelties exceeded all bounds. These mistakes, he said, were being repeated in today’s

world. Standards of morality and tolerance were falling and as a result members of the

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat were routinely persecuted and martyred by other Muslims,

particularly in Pakistan.

His Holiness concluded by praying:

“May the Muslim world understand the true purpose of the martyrdom of Hadhrat Imam

Hussain and may they accept the Messiah of this age, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of


End of Release

[1] Hadhrat Imam Hussain, grandchild of the Holy Prophet of Islam. Martyred in Karbala,

Iraq on 10th Muharram, 61 AD

The Ruhani Khazain Search Engine

Search the Urdu books of The Promised Messiah(as)

Concluding Speech Jalsa Salana Qadian 2010

by Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) on the 28th Dec 2010 [ English | Urdu ]


Majlis Bait-ul Huda

National Amla List

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia 2010/2011

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