alternative hospital quarantine (ahq) at bumrungrad ... · updated medical report with relevant...

Post on 14-Oct-2020






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� Updated medical report with relevant investigation results.

� Copy of the patient's passport with a certied signature (newly signed).

� Referral letter from a doctor in current country, stating the need to seek for treatment in Thailand.


� Copy of the companion's passport(s) with certied signature(s) (newly signed) [max. 3 companions].

� COVID-19 test result within 72 hours before departure. (DO NOT attempt to get the COVID-19 test before the approval is conrmed.)

After receiving and processing the documents above, Bumrungrad International Hospital will submit a Conrmation Letter to the Thai authorities in order to request for a permission for the patient and companions to enter the Kingdom of Thailand. Once approved, a copy of the Conrmation Letter

will be sent to the patient to be submitted to the Royal Thai Embassy in the current country, then the patient will receive the Certicate of Entry (COE) from the Embassy.

� Flight ticket (if available).

� Fit-to-travel or Fit-to-y certicate issued by a licensed doctor in the current country, within 72 hours before departure. (Please do not seek for this item yet. We shall alert you when to visit the doctor for this certicate.)

� Insurance policy (or Guarantee letter from the Embassy) covering the treatment of COVID-19 incurred in Thailand, medical transportation and repatriation if needed, minimum amount of USD100,000 each, for the patient and each companion.

� Proof of nancial status, e.g. bank statement (as per request).

� Afdavit of support. (Only for patient with companions. Prepared by Bumrungrad International in attachment, signed by the patient and/or companions.)

� Letter of intention and consent for quarantine. (Prepared by Bumrungrad International in attachment, signed by the patient and/or companions.)

Bumrungrad International Hospital remains ready to accept the patients to provide state-of-the-art healthcare as well as quarantine of the patients and their companions during this difcult time.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Thai authorities imposed the regulations regarding a permission to enter the Kingdom of Thailand, including the quarantine upon arrival.

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� Only one companion can stay with the patient in the negative-pressure room, the 2nd and 3rd companion(s) will be in a (separated) single room during the quarantine period.

� A patient will only be allowed to leave the room for medical investigations and procedures as required, while companion(s) will remain in the room throughout the quarantine period, except for visiting the patient at certain times of the day.

� A patient and companion(s) will be subject to a quarantine in Bumrungrad International Hospital for the duration of 14+2 days from the day of arrival into the Kingdom of Thailand. (The rst day of arrival is referred to as day 0 and quarantine is completed on day 15).

� Fever and respiratory tract symptoms will be monitored on a daily basis.

� If the test result for COVID-19 is detectable (positive), the infected individual will be cared for in Bumrungrad International Hospital on their own expenses (under insurance coverage, conditions may apply).

� The approvals from the Embassy of the patient's nationality as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are needed before returning home (the process takes 2 – 3 days).

Foreign nationals, who are permitted to enter the Kingdom of Thailand as patients seeking for medical care , can only be quarantined in the hospital upon arrival.(see page 3)

� Nasopharyngeal and oral swabs for real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (rt-PCR) test for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) will be performed 3 times: on day 0, 7 and 14.


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are allowed to submit for consideration to enter the Kingdom of Thailand for

Ref: Ministry of Public Health, Thailand as of 1 October, 2020

Patients and their companions, who are currently in the following countries,

Alternative Hospital Quarantine (AHQ)

1 Afghanistan 49 Guatemala 97 Paraguay

2 Albania 50 Guinea 98 Poland

3 Algeria 51 Guyana 99 Portugal

4 Andorra 52 Haiti 100 Qatar

5 Angola 53 Honduras 101 Rwanda

6 Antigua and Barbuda 54 Hong Kong (Chinese special

administrative region)

102 San Marino

7 Armenia 55 Hungary 103 Saudi Arabia

8 Australia 56 Iceland 104 Senegal

9 Austria 57 Ireland 105 Serbia

10 Azerbaijan 58 Ivory coast 106 Seychelles

11 Bahamas 59 Jamaica 107 Singapore

12 Bahrain 60 Japan 108 Slovakia

13 Barbados 61 Jordan 109 Slovenia

14 Belarus 62 Kazakhstan 110 Sri Lanka

15 Belize 63 Kenya 111 St Kitts and Nevis

16 Benin 64 Kuwait 112 St Lucia

17 Bhutan 65 Kyrgyzstan 113 St Vincent and the


18 Bolivia 66 Laos 114 Sudan

19 Bosnia and Herzegovina 67 Latvia 115 Suriname

20 Botswana 68 Lebanon 116 Sweden

21 Brunei Darussalam 69 Lesotho 117 Switzerland

22 Bulgaria 70 Liberia 118 Syria

23 Cambodia 71 Libya 119 Taiwan

24 Canada 72 Liechtenstein 120 Tajikistan

25 Cape Verde 73 Lithuania 121 Tanzania

26 Chile 74 Luxembourg 122 Thailand

27 China (People’s Republic

of China including Macau)

75 Malaysia 123 Togo

28 Congo 76 Maldives 124 Trinidad and Tobago

29 Croatia 77 Mali 125 Tunisia

30 Cuba 78 Malta 126 Turkey

31 Cyprus 79 Mauritius 127 Uganda

32 Denmark 80 Mexico 128 United Arab Emirates

33 Dominica 81 Moldova 129 United Kingdom

34 Dominican Republic 82 Monaco 130 Uruguay

35 Ecuador 83 Mongolia 131 Uzbekistan

36 Egypt 84 Montenegro 132 Venezuela

37 El Salvador 85 Mozambique 133 Vietnam

38 Equatorial Guinea 86 Myanmar 134 Yemen

39 Eritrea 87 Namibia 135 Zambia

40 Estonia 88 New Zealand 136 Zimbabwe

41 Eswatini 89 Nicaragua

42 Ethiopia 90 Niger

43 Fiji 91 North Macedonia

44 Finland 92 Norway

45 Georgia 93 Oman

46 Germany 94 Pakistan

47 Greece 95 Panama

48 Grenada 96 Papua New Guinea


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(1 regular room*)


(1 regular room*)

� 1 patient + 2 companions from THB 157,500 st

(2 regular rooms*, the patient and the 1 companion stay in 1 room

� 1 patient from THB 67,500

� 1 patient + 1 companion from THB 97,500

� The room size is approximately 30 square meters (323 square feet).

� 1 patient + 3 companions from THB 217,500


� Additional room charge of will be incurred, in case the patient is in the THB 2,000 / night stICU and the 1 companion is in the regular room alone.

nd rdwhile the 2 and 3 companions in one room each)

* Inclusion: Room charge for 15 nights (quarantine only, no inpatient care), 3 meals per day and 3 COVID-19 tests (on day 0, 7 and 14) with daily fever monitoring.

ndand the 2 companion in another room)

� Doctor's fees not included in the package.

st(3 regular rooms*, the patient and the 1 companion stay in 1 room

� The actual cost and deposit amount upon arrival may vary, e.g. additional inpatient or ICU charges, depending on the patient's condition.


Tel: +66 2011 3333

For more information, please contact Bumrungrad’s Medical Transport Department (24/7):


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