anes - quiz 2

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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anes - quiz 2


t i\l\'l1.,\('lll.,l1',lll.f Alt t


IrSl r \' o!' sAN t (} ,!lllli:l,l ;;'Li[; ii'l Lltl?i'li"

i: I'iii;',1'isii t *'str) I I x : Y

1)clrttrrrtrtr l0' l(ltl{}



\Allt : --i.!rt:-r

'iL- L '

t A('ll'11 A'l Ott: '-{)!':

('lloos[: I lt t' $[:s'r

trrlt' '{'i .l' 'r 'l.1

. rr SCOR'd:

-1, r.,., lr I - sl'("1'lON: --j:-----

,\tiS\\ I.ltr




I Vrtal lrle cnclr'r' tltlt llrrrl' trr t'l.,lll;l-tt" cltattrtcl is known as

A \{crrtlrlnr l) t.)r

tl Yrtrt

lPtnphtr;tlnr'lvr:bl"th.':'rl\'lrr'tl\enlitlldqutncnt()llleri)ts7t)\tctncn ;, rlrocr. i [;:T:j';l.i;l;,3]i'nA rlrrclrrrll''-1|(,;;';;".. t t

n Srcllutc CanB

in*olr itrg f'iciil


il,iili ,' i




D j 'Ih,i ii,llurrirrg irlc ca\tsc\ t)l \ irl\ccr plln C Ncirhcr l.

v 'r' 'iitin* t"t'il.:::' 'rllrc5\r\rrr '\

the tutttor ll ltrrtlr 'l''

Ii D,'c t.r r\cr\'!' \'\"rll)::tt":" ..-.,,,.,r.. is dcpcrxlc*t on iiii

$' nnoi',,lln'lii:liii o rrrc rr

i:'lfi,',1,:'0'""*"'nn .fli

.," ltlolclll trtntlttrt{

"r. r""' 'rtt ltlci\l rrlcstlrcrrc *'ill

0 't \it r\tldrtrotl trl va\ocoll)tlitlt'tr t)l'l

Y r\ ucr,rr cxtrctrg:t ol 'l't llll'1.,,

l) tletay rhi'i'""'prio" ol'tlic rlru[is '-'' ' '

e D jhy o:,1;:,','ni:il',, rh. trrus

t) ltrctcrse thc 1)tttst''7 "' "

lb- ,r.rrucr,of trr.'t,,.,:"'l:';,:l':,1:,:filiil,,i I l:l;*i:l; ,,,.,,A ltrltrlrilt'"n ir1'\rrrtlt'tttltrl

r'r''\' I

ll l'rittJtt)t\ t"' t\trl \rt'rrtt

A ? \,rrrcrr rrf rlrc r.11,''.*'r' '"'|lri'r liilifi:tl,i,9r,l''*''ot t'pioid)

A 'l'rlrnadol l) llrrrurPlrln'l

F _ ,1":::::_ ,, c curi',c..,,i r,orr.d^rg thcr,rpv fi,r puin mBnrscment l"xcl"l''t

t: A /rcupu^r'lut* ('ctyrlthbrep;

t] 'l lrcrrttothtt':1r; l) l'|t's:agc

ll' \\ ritc (. lor ull (rrl'l'('ct tf rlclrr(nll

\\' fur:tt t;tt;';tttr ttrt('rrrrrrlt ''t rut tbttut ttrt'cuticl:

\J \ hlr:!r;trtlirrc l1 t rrut\\l '\rl\ \r('('tlltttt* t"lt""t-

r. ',L llltlrlllrinc i5 Jrl (\l)rr\r\l ''l tirc 1'ltcttantlucrtc

(5 ring) tyPe

L I l"'llrlllrlrtllt' r ;lll ilf,'t'lrr 'l 'rlrti5(r0iSt df Ug



lr i lt ! i tcfl 'rotrthtlii g11i [lalt

ir i.' crl of rndjmlc lr lb ,iltii ' " clull ljt(lur:rrrltt3 nt

I lrc full.lwlnB rrt lttclutr !rnr'-- '- 1,:;

ir,,rt.ttt .. ' i'r:

t 5 Srtc t)l r,ltt.l.rttttll \lr.l. rttritul sulBcly nic lsso.lluttrl witlr lc\ctc o.',1i..

\J ,t llcrglrt ol Prtrcttl '

(, ? tilttrrly patrrntl r':rltri'tlstrrlllt'r tlosc t'f urralgcsic drugr

(,, g St* of Pltie rtt

""=" ) tht rmitlc SrouPl'Itrolhctlcr hclong tt

'flrc,fottowiug locrl ' i

C 9 RuPi*rcrinc i' IL.''i,lr ir\J to. cocunc

--! li Lidocairrt

''d l2 Tctrrceinc

(COOD t,'UCKllt)






'. tji'l

,t I

'.'i r






l f ri,,t,{ililii,: tiJ

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l.l N lvERSl'l'Y ol' sA l{1'0 ]'OMAS

r,t(;i; T,;T}, OF M EDICINT.J A ND STIRG ORY' ilripnnrrur!lN'l' oF AN Esr'l l Esl oLoGY

Qtllz -. r (Jt,t,Y 2e, 2oo4)

Ncn'es blockt'd in wrist block

lRxillarv X \*q

Mcdian llervc

L:'rrrdrnarks usetl itt tloirrg dcep pcrolrcal ncrr,c block


Radial nervs

Ulnar nqn'c

VJ 7 Achrllcs tcndotr--C 8 Mcdialmallcolus

C3'e-- a

, uJ 5 l,atcral ntallcolrts

T 6 Dorsalrs Pcdis artery

Adva.ntagc of cpidural ancsthesia

C 9. Longer duratiolt of a:rcsthcsia tharr spirral ancsthcslx

-t^j-- l0 Good nrotor block

:- ii I"tfitt uolut* of localanestl:ctic necded ,

l-,- -f Z Can be usc<l for post-operativc pain control'

ll. Ctroosa rllE Brls'l'ANswER:

iA l. ln adults, tJrc spinal cSrd ends at thc lo'cl ol' : 1

Al'v' ot' I

B S' L), LV3

c 2. partof ancsthcsia macirilre used to reducc prcssu(e is gas tank into rvtrrkable prcssurc

A' Exhaust valvc C' Rcducing ralvc

A II CO2 absorbctt D' lilctv ttlctcr

tA : in a tull mrrk of nitrous oxidctJ .3. prcssurc '1:,,lltl.f"-

u','|rrwuu v"'"- c. 5()r) psi

A 2200 Psi

p"[o,. -i-tif lii:;,,"

ror o:,vgen s: ., ;i,

P i, ztjo Psi D 45 Psi

D 5. Color cotlc for oxygen

B (irav D' Grccn

9- b M oi o, f l*jnl l'":,iilI iillilou "'s i ol' rlifi I[i..

1, cs t r,,:s i a

d' i:"-"ity of local attcsthcsia D' 'lounttclttct pa1rl

r b*7 Lc';cari'll*jti:f"'q"l"r'i'r'""'"tlTii'i':il:l;ilili l i B.

.t..picat D. l;icld bl<,ck

i! I -0r"'"f

i:l1;,='ltiuryil llt: ili1ti':1,',:.?:ii,,' ()rlurl)alcs fronr S l' 52' Sl

; Orr!rrrates from S2' 53' Sr

NAII{E: &'uo, M, ,'k fr,



'lb--DA": fu! ry--s*,r

A,,,'Meridians C Ying

-Br Yan D,Qi

nt'KV Z Peripheral ner\/c bloc'. useful in thc mftnageff,errt of herpes zoster involving facial

nerve.A. Braclrial Plexus lllockB. Stellate Ganglion Block


V̂ l. Vital life errcrgy that tlows irt an invisible char.nel is knorvn as

h:tercostal Nerve illockCoeliac Plcxus Block


3. The following are causes of cancer pain:

A,. Bone metastasisB. Dre to nerve compression by the tumor

O 4.Duration of actiort of local anesthetics is dependertt trn.

t)Lt Addipion of vasoconstrictorlon local anesthetic wfll:

A. Delay excretion of the drugI B. Delay the ab.sorption of the drugs

C, Delay onset of'actionD. Increase the potencY of the Crug.

P 6. Effcct of low dose local ancsthctic to the brain.

A, Inhibition of both inhibitory facilitatory pathway

B. Excitatory to the brain

h 7. Whicfi of the followilg analgesic is considered a weak opioid?

8. The foltowing are cutaneous non'drug iherapy ftri pain managemerrt EXCEPT:

lll. Write C for nll corrcct stntements

S for all incorrect statemcnts

Iruc about nRrcotics:

$l l, Meperidine is a natrrrally occurring opioitllriv 2, Morphine is an opioid of the phenanthrenc (5 ring) type

3 Nalbuphine is an agonist - antagonist drug

U 4. Tramadol is a selective agonist of mu receptoi




C. Neitherfi. Borh


.l )I



A. Lipid solubilityB. Protern binding

A. TramadolB, Meperidine

A. AcupunctureB. ThermotheraPY

c. pKAD Metabclism

C. Mo'phine sulihteD, Butorphanol

C. CryotherapyD, Massage

C. ConvulsionD, Respiratory arrest



Thc followlng nre fhctort lnfluenclng r',eed of enalgeslc ln the Post Anesthetlc Cnre llnlt(PACU)

(, 5. Site of operation: Abdominal sr.rrgcry are associated u'ith severe pafn. ,

-:r i ,

j!- 6 Height olpatient

J,-7. Elderly patienrs require smaller dose cf'analgesic drugs.

8. Sex of patient

The fotlowing local nnesthetics belong to the amide groups.

{tl 9. Rooivacainei:-i-'_ V,l lo. cocaine

({. r ., l l, Lidocaine I

.tl/ 12. Tetracaine



t' ' ..1 ""

tt l{-

Ghoose the best answer:/"'/'

f iryeryebrocke-dlllfgllgl:::ranesthsticn1'"t3|3::i!h$*t"dltlmalloolur'

lzg. Suial Nerve4rle'at rvtlPo\t<A.. Superficlal Peroneal Nerve C. Saphenous Nerve

D. Posterior tibial Net


ltarch 1, 200? fl-llursdilY) ---<-'.,\4r'/

..i.1.:. . n

; Score:Facilltator I!. f;ticaptr

cPosterior tibial Nervets. Uufal NQfVereF/n[ rrv\$o\'rA

Cetic"f Ptexus is formed by the antorior raml of: 'A.-Cs Co Cz Cs

B. Cr Cz Cg Cr

C. Ce Cg Cr Cs


Nerve comrnonly missg{l In dolng axlllary.'approach of braehial plelirJslh|ckf*tviedian Nerve

Tafi,$f l"**ft ia:i;t':*,ft i;':li'li'{ff ['3rtl[:l'T:ff "*

-\J/ ;. ;ffi"r"lir"iiiii""tion c. Damase to the slobe

--'d'. iletronunar Hemonhage D. None of the above

f 6 Local anesthetic tnut pioJ,iJ"s peripheral vasoconstriction both at lou and high

'.d6se-/i]"Frincaine B. Etidocaine c. cocaine D. Lidocaine

,( Z. n[roiut" contraindication for epiclural anesthesia

-4. d; c; c. c. D' cg cr cs ce -3. The nerye blocked using the palmaris longus tendbn and fiexor carpi radials I

--tendon as landmarks

-/x.'hioi"t Nerve B. Lilnar Nerve c. Median Nerve D. None of the above

-{_1. The cord of origln of the.uln?tj"ry" ^ Fr _^^^r^-,\^fr n arr ^rrha ahnva

3: .fiL""",i11fl;'surut'r: 6., iittpit"tory disease- 6 in$raL

A Gl"t;j";i'i;of.tocal,anesthetic on the area of incision-is:'

.A(,,tnstination B. lnn'["lion c, Field Block D. contact,Anesthesia

E n. 6",ff:Iil"#o""lii# ;i "pilar

anesthesiaa L{rrnnfanclnn C' Bradycardia,A. HVPOtension L" cllauyuarfJrcl

)--';'. ;i6;;ttff'ureltnins Urlnary retention

?' ro. Sunie.tiuJ CNS symptom of local anesthetic toxicityA -..,,ir'i',.' 4 - . ^' G. Numbness of the tongueA. Twitching?oiq* U' NumonesEctrur

ij. ri"r";;J*r'' t)' All of.the afoveBytouchingthecheekofap91i9rrtwhohad@ialnvolvingthefAblg3, Bainls{lg{ed. Thjs is an example.of:.

A. Paresthesia -"=ffitperalgesoJ' --':C.'

Arloovnlg . 4 Hypo?l.s?:la


Wrlte G for all correct gtatementsWrite W for all incorrect statementg

are peripheral Blocks.3- Retrobulbar Nerve Block '

/. Ulnar nerve /'8. Mr""ulocutaneous Nervet/spawJ

-Ebl4drel Blocktirteicostal Nerve Block L

t]e. lntemal Pudendal Nerve Block

drugs are oPioid agonist

, MePerldina. Morphine Strtfate.

;P{ Radial Nerve

,,.',,i#r'l llt'.'t I i'\.;.,


*9. NalbuPhine20. FentanYl

-.r-r*,e,seH,rj ir'

:,.r{:,^lrr,/II ,,,.'1

" !@\ t I -i' A "' )'Y,'i''l

.,'utffip,r^ai. 5 t-5- r H {, rtz t!u/1

I)urtarrrttuttt t"'"'it""'ffi"t*11 ' t \ -t i {4-g tT'"'W l'l

Scctidn C-4 -'Dr" l'lcrisst l) Sirnrttl., , t

,%;o t

(\uiz, .amAai :'i\-t'd-5,I-i; "l(r"'iY'*'i

l)atc: \ I-.-i /. r-l"q-r




{ii ilt+


i:i . ::': c. wriie o rbr c,:nlect stircirrc'r '' x tbr'i'corrccr sr'rume'r tumenl

J,.';.,''': ilt,:' ':, 1

r i' .".



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, . ii*$ii'fi. l .r.| , ,:l:-);t il.ll'ili,t; :!lti$i:i;il. Ilirl'r". .llr,:rrtl.ftl




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filrers fast

t. I ,


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c ncrve


j lr l,

.,i:iI ,,1.; ..

, t, ' ;.1.I

iRrt,rtillsl't'y otr $,iNTo rot*ras . . ,'rAcul.l'y ()F n'lolllclr'{E & SURGnRX '


$trrlTMllltlt 26, 2t105 (MONDAy)tN" ynAR lst'sEhtlist'tlR (QUlz 2)

J"A (ri1I

S' Att ars lntrtrctlintc conrptiiaririrt dUryLt3gllttrcsia E\C

:. : "l.

' !lr.'.',1'',

'.' '. : B, Llrntl.Ycordin

tI t,n J,',o fnct.rirr

D. Nnuscn

" irst iikgctoing sPinnlggt?lurc' lurirl ltrtcsthcsin is jr

r riil:i r' '

'c,ll,Ncctllc.p.,l:.5,t'illff[i:",,.,..::"...-t C. I l, Ncccllc.Ptlnutu'* ''':.i::-' .'

i " l,,1,1t*f*;;]r*riT'J^',,,**, 9 ?illl,pi'o'l s iin*1''n'

: ..;iffi .,.

; I D. Postcrio inflamnratov,o*aJ,S;1t r."i1 $l lr,' r,r,,,Lqlrich,cirthe

rcrllowi's' rylj. T*:,p]+ut,;::'"'t' ;*1ffi


It L. :. I l' f \ev\r'-.'arcing this stnrc!!)lc.t!- witlrotrt PI-;.^-. nnvrrrr

r$ t t2, frojtt 'i"l'Jit.i,'1* - , a. oli',itir* sodirm ' ,

",;1;'t' ' r, :T ,tyn1to11:t-.11.'^"t.,.n rr rr,,rnr:oXit) i,',:',, , , ,..' ', ,,i i:. ;X. n*utntlttoPltcn .

'.., D. I{ofccoxib . j


r'',;,',iii,^'i;ivi,snlicvlic4""ty'.i'l 'r'i''i.1, I'i-;''ily:,ln'n,aftioi rm:llffiill, .

,j, i. ,, I , 1 ,,,i

,n. ,

i e-iiii 13. opiotc r

ri.ivi.pqildino. , i", , ;"' ' i:'': " "i'li': '',.'.i',.'.'ii i, . oircs tlr'ct i c w i tlr tlrc' siithg*,#"ryl'^3lil'iil'.;diti.'l?lii-,9'u'3l]..'J]:i,t-,.^

l r]i :':fiil;i. o***','* oI;1ip*il inn'scsic nron;rtr*i'11'$lm

'\ -i

rnnor.rrot onin[o"itn1'-., din"tnnrllo.r "' ''ri" i. 1 '.; ,ii;f' :.

il. ctott

i il;t xiffifl|],,fffiffin'i'1iil *

:Tl:;, :, i ;;

i ;,* $i,

qiii';,'liffi ltr:$ililni"*1 "'' - . " ::,i -;, ;;;,,*i ;


Cc'pcr'l.nreilt ol A, t€ rthosrol0Uy

Cuir - FebruatY ,l9,2001 091section c - 4.Dr. rrerissa t *ril

,lntil:,. ln , n **,}J Dalo \ l' r/

'' li';''.' it l

* ,^* rl,:l-ril


QUIZ 2 oCTOBER 4, 2007

Narne l(EYFacilitator_

fJubaruclrnoid irrjectionB. epidural injection

Sec Score

C. phrenic nerve blockD. recurrent laryngeal nerve block

Ctroose ttre best answer and write on tite blanlt provided for. Any erasureor alteration will be rnarked wrong; countersignature of proctor ls not valld.Dd not write anything along the margins.

-B--l. Blad5,r:ardia after spirral artestlresia is a result of:

A. nypotension I

B. sympathetic blockade of cardiac acceleratorC, parasyrnPathetic blockade 'D. hypoxia

_2, Z. Larrdrnark for doing caudal block:A. anterior sr-iperior iliac spine C. ischial spineB. posterior superior iliac spine D, iliac crest

ts g. Larrdrnark used for doing axillary block:A. cephalic vein , C, bracltial arte''yB. axillary artery , ' D. axillary vein

-P -a,For excision of a breast massj when the surgeon.injects the local

anestiretic along his line of"irrcision, the technique is called:A. fieid block anestlresia C. topical instillation anesthesiaB. infiltration anesthesia D. contact anesthesia


O{ost comrnon complication of ceryical plexus block:

A s Landmark in doing pudendal nerve block:A. ischiat spineB. sacrospinous ligameiltr'

C, sacrococcygeal' D. sacral comua'

,.; il.,4ir'l'. ,\

mbmbrane '

B L lnjection of local anesthetic anoui 1.5 cm below and behind the mastoid-ip in deep cervical plexus block Produces a block of this branch:A. c1 B. C2 C. C3 D. C4

8. The meclranism of action of local anesthetics follows thls principle:

!" ffi1'ying increased sodium permeability of axcitable membran€B. Binding directly vrithin the intracellular portion of the voltage-gated sodium

channelC. Locaf anesthetics bind to the sodium channel in non-charged or ionized fqrm.

D, The transmission of in-rpulse is preventod when sodium permeablllty,is


A g A sign of iorv-cJose toxioly to local anesthetics:

A. trentors C. cardiac arrestB resciialorv ceo:esslcn D aonea


., ,',il::::::l:i:::'


D 10 rhe following local anesthetics are esters, EXCEpT:C. TetracaineD. Bupivacaine

4-:1 \viriclr of the foilowing local anesthetics has ilte shortest duration ofaction?,A. Procaine c. TetracaineB. Lidocaine D. Bupivacaine

:L-f 2. An effect of hypothermia after general anesthesia:delays emergenceemergence deliriumrJpper ainruay obstructiondyspnea

recent general aneslhesia cannotthis is due to:

nrLt 13. lf a patient who has undergoneperform a head or leg lift for fivd seeonds,


A. hypotlrermiaB. deliriurn


ts 14. Postoperative hypertensionsepsisdistended bladder

A. adequate pain controlB. stable vital signs

sign of:pneumothorax

residual effects of SAB

C. evidence of wound healingD, surgical bleeding controlled


clrronic pain,nanagernent:C. morphine sulfate


C. residual neuromurscular blockadeD. pain

C. bone metAstaslsD. cancer therapy

the severity of his pain by statirrg a

C, verbal rating scaleD, numerical rating scale

16. Mosl suitabtg,drug formeperidirrenalbuphine

L'tB. To mainrainadrninistered:A. only when necessary (patient c-omplainsB. only irr rhe presence of background painC, on a tirne-contingent basisD. as often as possible


u' 15. All of the follovring are rouline discharge criteria from the postAne$thesia Care Unit, EXCEPT:


- e--r 7. Pharmacologic managpment for nociceptive lype of pain:A. morphine sulfate C. meperidineB. NSr',lDs D. oxycodone

an effective analgesic concentration the drug should be

a.t\- '19. A patient r,vith s one year hisdory

the cervical vertelrra radiating to the arm6.

of pairr) ... .,ii;.,: ri'

(pain on mov.ement) ..' ' '. ":

of breast cancer complains of pain inThe possible cause uf cancor pain ls:

A. turrnor itselfB, turnor compressing on a nerve

number from 0 to 10:A. visual analogue scaleB. r,,erhal descriprtion scale

20. A patient was asked to assess

"llFiH##Sl'ffJF$$t'3tff'f .'

. , , QUIZ 2 oCTOBER 8, 2W7

11.*a . .' '.. ,l(SL .* , ,.,* ..,' ---ir'.Facilitaior--

L. . r'j _' r:

A-"L1 B'12 u' )z "' ": : ''':: l

C' Z. Fadoriinfluoncing,the epread of aneethetic s,olulion,iq the eRiduml

chooge tha bost anaww and srd$ pn tho'Hant p'Pvldad ftr' Anif bi'liull'tia' ' ''l

of aroradon wnr e *"teq*,lgi:l;ffifi$'Ifr;''t'oi p*et"ii; qotliittu' 't"'#;;il itivrrunu atong ltro margtne' "' '' "' '.n t, .':

b _L tn the adtrtt, tho sprnal cord errdsJt lF. lgvel of: , o. Si l' ' '

. ,

=.;7 rrtz C.S2 :

;;"ce EXCEPT:n tevol of catheter ins{'rtion '

B. height of the Petient r '

B. eupraclavicular

c. barbotagp... "t.' ' '-'; I 1

il: ili ffi[i,ioor eneglhqb'c

used"U) 3. Retrobuiu* nt r" btock anesthetizes which.of the tollod ^g{

' ' ' '

^-p-hih;i;L;;#''i,ttris"ri"at ne*e c.q'li?1vgg.s]i*.i'i ' j

B. oculornotor non€ D' optic ngrve ' l', '"

A o.whsn a durgeon administsrs local arngfhgtig qryund the ssbaoa

dn i= going to excise, the technique ls'callBo:' : ^iidt innfillaliiifl :' ' ' : '

c. tqPi.CFl inqtillglili,. :

A. lield block t D. *fiH.f "-iil$ttg''9.

" I .,,'"B. inliltration v'. v'"'---


b 5. Approach of brachial plqxus block thqt enes'lh9tii

iliffiru"4ene approach r- -': -'-- ' C' hftada

D. axillary

foltonitrg locel anestlretics has thB longest duratjon of. : '.:t.

C. tehacaiqeD. ethidocaino

-A ,, \^Jhich of tho fotloruirrg btatoments is TRUE about timing of emergence i

i6rn general anesthesia?A. A patiefit alter a minor outpatient procecure is arnakensd as rapidly and

promptly as Possible.B. All mea$rres ;;;i be'dondr to ilwaken a patient afler a connplex cardiac

;;;d;iil;i6 ;,-;{iitn" tutol"al proimuure ls conect' ; r'

C. patients with increasod intracrarriol prossure require bster s\Anakoning to ' 'r' i'irestore merrtal stato. -r ^--:--D. patio*ts wit6 fuit stn,nachs rntlst not bo awakenocl to prevent aspiraiion of

gastric contents.

D 13. Vvhich of thri mltcrl,ving iS NOT associatgd with agitation'and deliiium

-D- ,1. rA/iriclr of tlroaction?A. chloroProcaineB. rrropivacaine

rnust:A. receive suPPlemental okYgen

B. recoive oPioid analgesics

uii6?En**thosia?A. hypoxemia or airwaY obstructionB. centfal an\icholinergic syndromo

C. fullbladderD. full stomach before surgery

'C. be intubated imm'eaiaelYD. undorgo incentive sPirornetry'

A .,0 Hypoxernia occurs corrrmorrty in patierrts in the pAcu so all patients

A-r5. \Mren a patient faits to P*1g-qJlT :f.*esia 6ncl remains obh'mded'

o rffiutttic approadr begins by imrngdiatbly 6nsunng:

A. onTgrenation and vsntilation i c. normalterhperattne.

B. ;6;t "lyte

balance ' D' pain-frae state"

[---)fi t6. l-typn6sis, a haightendd and foctrsed concenration, ls useful in

mataging Pain bY: A rgA. suggrestion C' erornPle '

B. sedation D' Gate's thoory

D 17 .'frueof biofoecback, EXCEPJ' '

Eh;6; tior*ution abor-rt level of muscle contraction :

B. ;i;;; i"tor*rtiun about btrrount of yood ftcnr ro an arBa

C. itut surfeca elecdromyography , .

D. ;;* eloctrical stlrnulaii.rl of nenres in{he aroa

F ,8. Drug used in tlre prqtEoncs of a nouropathic'compon"ni ln ctrronlc paln: '

AAmitrypryfini 'i G' NSAIDS

ii. ffid;azapine , D' steroids ". ,,i,r;,,: r,,i' l

D ,9. rnrorniittent rbi:oatod doses of oemerbt wiit teau to a#irn,irirfi*'bt urti

msrt'l wilh nourotoiic efruct:

c. oxyl*l1P : ' I "

ts, morphino D' nonehldinu

A ,g,[,lorvo blocl< used to relisve pains due to posl5erpetiu nouslgil'-s-

involving facial nsrve :

A, stellate ganglion blockB. celiac Plexus block

C. braclrial Planrs block

D. Cen'ical Planrs block

.r'l;r, iiii

'NIVERSI''Y oF sANT:o toMas ; I i{|

JEsslcA ll, HEoINA FACULTY OF MEDICINE & SURGERY ' ,.:i i ' lilulr lt' I l'n.trY'rl DapARTMENT olr ANESTITESIOIOGY , lil

QUIZ- 2 (Marclr 20, 2006),, '. j ,, ) ;, if,,:

Name: : . ,- ---,, ' , ,fbs ""'

() l' Datp; UWt ,?n t 7009 ;[' r. I

Fncilitator: Fr, ffin\ol -- .-Score: ..'=.,- . ,, , ,.


B i ?i* blo€k is tle irtrsr.enous sdn:iaistrgrlon:i- * 'l- .i- ).!=s;s:e L' -:=:ix'::€ '!

El Su-r.r.z*:rt - f -riNu.= j:

A 2. Branch of intercostals nenrc possibly spa:eC rvhen tne bloik is done at tbe :J-+- anibnor ocillary line. ,. . ,.. , .., ..,,.',i . I '

$,ilalerdlfgutrineous nervb C. Medial cutaneous'nerve

B. 'Anteriiir cutaneous nerve D. Posterior{.9:

_ F 3. Nerve blocked when injecting local ar,esthetic at the area of "anbtomic snuff

box",A. Medial nerve


.n 4. Landmark for doing internal'pudendal nerve block.-- A. Coccyx 'C. Posterior spilg,

B. Sacral cornu ,_mm*,.sgL.-sW,/7,6 5. Most versatile local anesthetic:


_D__6. The greater the lipid solubility of rr local anesthetiq:

l- A. Th; greater the amount' needed C. The shorter the durationB. The slower the onset

Lt1 Ka

D 7. The nerve most sensitive to local anesthetic:A. l,arge unrnyelinated fiberB. Largc myelinated. fiber i

C. Snrall unnryelinated nerve -fiber

g 8. Post spinal heat{ache as a complica.tion of spinal anesthesia due to:- +; \efeqed pain C, lvruscle strainBi.i:C:SF:leakage D. Hematoma '

Write C for al.l corect statementsWrite,W' fo r all wrong stntetnettts

True of spinal anestltesia:.

-Utl 9. Uses large volume of local anesthetic -ep'ct''al

C. lllnnr nerve.D, Median nqrye

C, BipivacaineD. Cocaine


- 6fior bbdb


- V rosrtuli8u6'umt-fi6i'bT$i&P



I l.'Tinnitus $?

I 4. Card iovascular co!laP'se

15. Conrulsion '




n{ili',i3 il ,'l





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