anestesi umum

Post on 02-Sep-2015






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  • Balanced anesthesiaAnestesi inhalasiMinimal alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC)AnalgesiaAnestesi umum

  • tidak sadaranalgesiaamnesiarelaksasi otot skeletal refleks

  • depresi SSPmula & berakhirnya kerja obat lb cepat drpd SHAnestesi modern : cepat capai anestesi dalamAnestesi lama :efeknya lb lambat depresi sentral lb dalam

  • 1. Analgesia2. Disinhibisi3. Surgical anestesi 4. Depresi medullary

  • stadium 1 rasa nyeriamnesia (kadang)sadar (+),

  • stadium 2delirium, memberontakamnesia refleksrespirasi irregulermuntah inkontinensia

  • stadium 3sadar (-) refleks (-)respirasi regulerTD stabil

  • stadium 4

    depresi respiratory & kv

  • Bedah minor : - teknis conscious sedation - kombinasi anestesi iv & lokal Bedah mayor

  • anestesi iv : induksi anestesianestesi inhalasi : mempertahankan keadaan anestesi neuromuscular-bloker : relaksasi ototmonitoring vital signmonitoring serebral (EEG)

  • threshold firing neuron SSPPotensi anestesi inhalasi kelarutannya dalam lemak Bekerja pd :kanal ion : berinteraksi dg membran lipid a/ protein mek. neurotransmiter sentral

  • Fasilitasi inhibisi GABAAnestesi inhalasiBarbituratBenzodiazepineEtomidatePropofol

    Ketamin : antagonis efek NMDA

    Anestesi inhalasi : hambat res nicotinic ACh

  • NO (gas) Halogenated hydrocarbon (volatile) . halothane . desflurane . enflurane . isoflurane . sevoflurane . methoxyflurane

  • SolubilitasTekanan parsial uap yang dihirupKecepatan ventilasiAliran darah pulmonaryGradien kadar arteriovenous

  • cepat : obat darah otak efek anestesi

    blood:gas partition coefficient . rendah (mis, NO) : efek cepat timbul . tinggi (mis, halothane)

  • Tek. parsial gas di paru-paru tinggi cepat capai kadar anestesi dalam darah

    pemberian awal kadar gas >>

  • ventilasi >> makin cepat tek. parsial alveolar & darah onset anestesi lebih cepat

    pd induksi anestesi

  • al. drh pulmonary tinggi tek. parsial gas lebih lambat kec. onset anestesi

    kec al rendah onset lb cepat

  • uptake anestesi solubel ke jar yg perfusinya lb tinggi tegangan gas pd darah vena campuran

  • redistribusi efek anestesi (-)eliminasi : paru-paru blood:gas partition coefficient rendah recovery cepat

  • Obat baru (desflurane, sevoflurane) solubilitas darahnya rendah recovery cepat

    Halothane & methoxyflurane metab o/ enzim liver potensi toksisitas

  • Potensi anestesi inhalasi : MAC

    kadar alveolar yang dibutuhkan u/ mengeliminasi respons terhadap stimulus nyeri standard pada 50% pasien

  • Usia

    Keadaan kardiovaskuler &

    Penggunaan obat lain

  • MAC : hub dosis-respons pada anestesi inhalasi

    MAC bayi & lansia < dewasa muda

    Senyawa anestesi yang digunakan simultan MAC aditif

  • Anestesi

    Blood:gas partition coefficient

    Minimum alveolar concentration (%)


    Nitrous oxide


    > 100





    < 0.1%




    2-5% (fluoride)




    < 2%








    > 40%




    > 70% (fluoride)

  • SSPkardiovaskulerrespirasilain-lain

  • kec metab otak resistensi vaskuler al darah otak tek intrakranial

  • TD arterialEnflurane & halothane depresan miokardial COIsoflurane vasodilatasi periferNO : TD

  • kec respirasi tidal volume & minute ventilasi arterial CO2 tesionEfek NO pd respirasi

  • Halothane hepatitis postoperasiFluoride (hasil metab. methoxyflurane & enflurane) insufisiensi renal NO prolong aktifitas methione synthase anemia megaloblastikAnestesi + neuromusc bloker malignant hyperthermiaRilis kalsium o/ sarcoplasmic reticulum otot skeletal spasme otot, hipertemia dan labilitas otonomik

  • Dantrolenetx suportive hipertermia & instabilitas kardiovaskuler

  • BarbiturateBenzodiazepinKetaminOpioidPropofolEtomidate

  • Thiopental & methohexital - sangat larut lemak - cepat masuk otak - langsung capai stadium anestesi pembedahan (< 1 menit).U/ induksi anestesi U/ prosedur bedah singkat

  • Redistribusi (+)metabolisme hepatik depresi respiratory & sirkulasi al darah serebral tek intrakranial

  • Midazolam Onset efek SSP lebih lambat dp thiopentallama kerjanya panjang depresi napas berat postoperasiFlumazenil percepat recovery dari midazolam

  • dissociative anesthesipasien sadar (+), katatonia, analgesia & amnesiacongener kimia seny psychotomimetic phencyclidine (PCS) tek intrakranialgawat darurat : disorientasi, eksitasi & halusinasi waktu recovery cegah dg benzodiazepin preoperasi

  • px resiko tinggi yg t dp diberi anestesi umum morphine & fentanyl + depresan SSP lain (NO, benzodiazepin)opioid iv rigiditas dinding dada perburuk ventilasidepresi respiratory tx naloxone postoperasi

  • Neuroleptanesthesia

    adl analgesi & amnesia k/ fentanyl + droperidol + NO

  • Alfentanil & remifentanil :

    u/ induksi anestesirecovery remifentanil lb cepat k/ metabolismenya cepat o/ esterase darah & jar

  • kec = barbiturat ivrecovery lb cepatantiemetik (+)u/ balanced anesthesia u/ anestesi px bedah rawat jalanhipotensi waktu induksi anestesi k/ resistensi periferklirens total propofol >> drpd al. darah hepatik juga terjadi metabolisme oleh enzim liver

  • Der imidazoleInduksi cepatEfek pada jantung & paru
  • Which of the following statements concerning the effects of anesthetic agents is false?Relaxation of bronchiolar smooth muscle occurs during halothane anesthesiaMild generalized muscle twitching occurs at high doses of enfluraneChest muscle rigidity often follows the administration of fentanylIntraoperative use of midazolam with inhalation anesthetics may prolong the postanesthesia recovery periodSevere hepatitis has been reported after the use of desflurane

  • A 23-year-old man has a pheochromocytoma, blood pressure of 190/120 mm Hg, and hematocrit of 50%. Pulmonary function and renal function are normal. His catecholamines are elevated, and he has a well-defined abdominal tumor on MRI. He has been scheduled for surgery. Of the following agents, which one should not be included in the anesthesia protocol?DesfluraneFentanyl Halothane Midazolam Thiopental

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