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Annual Country Conference / Symposium Series- “Enhanced AML and Financial Crime Tools & Techniques”

5th Annual Shanghai Symposium 30 May 2019 | Shanghai

The Kunlun Jing An No. 250 Hua Shan Road

Shanghai, China 公认反洗钱师协会年度地区会议 / 研讨会系列

「加强反洗钱 / 反金融犯罪实用工具和技巧」


2019 年 5 月 30 日


中国上海市华山路 250 号

(Simultaneous Translation between English & Mandarin Chinese will be provided.)


08:00 – 09:00 Registration and Morning Tea 登记和早茶

09:00 – 09:15 Welcome Remarks 欢迎词

Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit, Head of Asia, ACAMS 公认反洗钱师协会 亚太区执行长 邓芳慧 (CAMS-Audit)

09:15 – 09:45 Keynote Address 主题演讲

Speaker 讲者:

ZHU Yong, Deputy Secretary-General, Dean of the Research Institute of Internet Finance Standards, National Internet Finance Association of China 中国互联网金融协会 副秘书长 互联网金融标准研究院院长 朱勇

09:45 – 10:30 Regulatory Update: Analyzing Regional AML Trends and New Developments


Assessing recent regulatory developments and guidance to establish best practices for

meeting evolving regulatory expectations


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Updating on the developments around the 4th-Round of FATF Mutual Evaluations that

may be useful for your compliance program

针对反洗钱金融行动工作组织第 4 回合互评的最新进展,了解可能有助于 贵单位的


Understanding the hot topics across Asia and the direction of AML/CTF requirements

going forward


Speakers 讲者:

Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit, Head of Asia, ACAMS 公认反洗钱师协会 亚太区执行长 邓芳慧 (CAMS-Audit)

Rod Francis, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting (Hong Kong) Ltd

10:30 – 10:50

Networking and Refreshment Break 交流和茶歇

10:50 – 12:20

INTERACTIVE WORKSHOP: Managing the Evolving Complexities of Extraterritorial and Secondary Sanctions and Potential Enforcement Actions 管理日益复杂的域外制裁、二级制裁与可能执法措施

Reviewing the latest sanctions involving DPRK, Iran, Venezuela, and Russia to communicate any new regulatory expectations to front line 检阅最新版本的北韩、伊朗、委内瑞拉、俄罗斯制裁内容,传达新的监管期望予第


Examining the implication of the latest conflict between EU and the US over the JCPOA and the EU Blocking Regulation around Iran that may impact you 针对涉及伊朗的联合全面行动计画 (JCPOA)、《欧盟封锁法规》(EU Blocking


Understanding how rising tensions may impact trade and payment flows and expectations for non-US banks to detect potential sanctions evasion by customers 了解日益紧张的局势可能对于贸易与款项流向带来的影响,以及非美国银行在侦测


Moderator 主持人:

Dr. William Scott Grob, CAMS-FCI, AML Director – APAC, ACAMS 公认反洗钱师协会 反洗钱合规策略总监—亚太区 高威廉博士 (CAMS-FCI)

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Speakers 讲者:

Nikhil Gandesha, Director, Risk Advisory, EY Arlette Wong, Associate Director, Regional Sanctions Advisory, Standard Chartered Bank

12:20 – 13:20

Networking Luncheon 交流和午膳

13:20 – 14:20 Key Lessons from Recent Global Enforcement Actions


Exploring key elements of recent enforcement actions 探索近期执法措施的关键成分与项目

Understanding the signs and red flags that foreshadow trouble 了解可能出现问题的迹象及红旗警讯

Analyzing and extracting lessons of important cases and their impact on your AML program 分析重要案例,以及自身反洗钱计画所受的影响,并且从中归纳各种教训与课题

Speakers 讲者:

Joyce Hsu, CAMS-FCI, AML Director – North Asia, ACAMS

公认反洗钱师协会 北亚区反洗钱合规策略总监 许胧方 (CAMS-FCI)

Rudy Wang, CAMS, Head of Compliance and AML Department, The Bank of New York Mellon Taiwan 美国纽约梅隆银行台北分行 法令遵循部主管 王贤裕 (CAMS)

14:20 – 15:30 Evaluating the Money Laundering Risks of Insurance Products


Determining the best practices in KYC/CDD for insurance companies to mitigate AML 判断了解您的客户/客户尽职调查的最佳做法,以利保险公司降低洗钱风险

Contrasting the various product features and their money-laundering vulnerabilities 比较不同产品的特色与其洗钱漏洞

Understanding the priorities in transforming the insurance operating model and costs with AML directives upon enterprise-wide risk management system 针对反洗钱指令对于整个企业风险管理制度的影响,理解并掌握相关保险营运模式


Moderator 主持人:

Joyce Hsu, CAMS-FCI, AML Director – North Asia, ACAMS 公认反洗钱师协会 北亚区反洗钱合规策略总监 许胧方 (CAMS-FCI)

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Speakers 讲者:

CHENG Shaohua, CAMS, Compliance Director Compliance Management Division Legal & Compliance

Department, The People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited

中国人民保险集团股份有限公司 法律合规部-合规管理处 合规主管 程绍华 (CAMS)

Reynolds Lei, Vice General Manager, Legal & Compliance Department, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China Ltd. 平安保险(集团)股份有限公司 法律合规部副总经理 雷志凌

Zoey Zhang, Associate Director, AML, CHO Compliance, AIA China 友邦保险 合规部助理总监 张艳

15:30 – 15:50

Networking and Refreshment Break 交流和茶歇

15:50 – 17:00 Strengthening Electronic Payment Systems to Mitigate Abuse


Apply internal controls to effectively monitor new digital banking products


Identify red flags that indicate illegal use by organized criminal organizations


Establish risk appetite to determine level exposure and appropriate AML controls


Moderator 主持人:

Joyce Hsu, CAMS-FCI, AML Director – North Asia, ACAMS

公认反洗钱师协会 北亚区反洗钱合规策略总监 许胧方 (CAMS-FCI)

Speakers 讲者:

Benjamin Chen, CAMS, Former Senior Manager, AML department, E-Sun Commercial Bank, Ltd

前 玉山銀行 洗錢防制資深經理 陳俊銘 (CAMS)

Jojo Guo, CAMS, Head of AML Center (CN), Ant Financial Services Group

蚂蚁金服集团 反洗钱中心总经理 郭倩婷 (CAMS)

17:00 – 17:10 Closing Remarks 结束语

Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit, Head of Asia, ACAMS 公认反洗钱师协会 亚太区执行长 邓芳慧 (CAMS-Audit)

(Program is subject to change 活动内容有可能改变而不作另行通知,敬请留意。)

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Speaker Faculty 讲者简介 (Surname in Alphabetical Order 根据英文姓氏字母排序)


ZHU Yong Deputy Secretary-General, Dean of the Research Institute of Internet Finance Standards National Internet Finance Association of China ZHU Yong is the Deputy Secretary-General of the NIFA, and the Dean of the Research Institute of Internet Finance Standards of the NIFA. Mr. Zhu has a strong track-record of success with the People's Bank of China (PBOC) since 1999. He served as the Deputy Director of the Application and Development Division of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the Deputy Director of the Technical Support Department and the Director of the Information Management Division of the China Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring & Analysis Center. Mr. Zhu has solid theoretical foundation and substantial experience in AML supervision technical methods, internet finance and FinTech, and financial informalization construction. He is committed to deliver significant impact in supervision while driving technical innovation. In accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Law and regulations, Mr. Zhu led the projects to build system infrastructure of suspicious transactions reporting and anti-money laundering monitoring. It enables the system to run smoothly and safely for more than a decade without any major risks. Mr. Zhu is horned with the 2nd prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA), the 1st and 2nd prize of the Science and Technology Development Award of the banking industry. The awards remark his outstanding contribution to building the national punishment and anti-corruption system, establishing the healthy and compliant internet finance industry, strengthening prevention and control of the financial risks, promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of regulation implementation and customer rights protection.

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副秘书长 互联网金融标准研究院院长



朱勇先生于 1999 年入中国人民银行工作,历任国家外汇管理局应用开发处副处长,中国人民银行反洗









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Benjamin Chen, CAMS Former Senior Manager, AML department E-Sun Commercial Bank, Ltd Mr. Chen had worked for E.Sun Commercial Bank for more than 12 years. His banking experience included corporate finance, consumer banking, foreign exchange, money market dealings, and anti-money laundering. His roles varied including front-line sales, back office operator, dealer/business analyst in Los Angeles Branch, and AML officer at headquarters. He participated in the establishment of AML Department, led several AML projects, and acted as the main speaker of the Bank during APG onsite evaluation in 2018. He will work for a leading business consulting firm providing financial crime solutions from this summer. 陈俊铭 (CAMS)

前 洗钱防制资深经理









Compliance Director Compliance Management Division Legal & Compliance Department

The People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited

Mr. Cheng Shaohua was graduated from Law School of Fudan University and China-EU School of Law at China

University of Political Science and Law, obtained Bachelor of Law in 2008 and double LLM. in 2011. He has

Certificate of Legal Profession (passed the Bar Exam of PRC) and Certificate of Corporate Counsel (issued by

Ministry of Justice of PRC). He had worked for Air China Cargo from 2011 to 2013, and joined Legal and

Compliance Department of PICC Group in 2013 when he began his career of Anti-Money Laundering. Mr.

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Cheng has been admitted as a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist of ACAMS in 2015. He used to deeply

participate in a research program about legislative advice on Anti-Money Laundering from insurance industry,

which was organized by The Insurance Association of China. The research report has been submitted to PBOC

and CIRC.

程绍华 (CAMS)

法律合规部-合规管理处 合规主管


程绍华,先后毕业于复旦大学法学院和中国政法大学中欧法学院,2008 年获得法学学士学位,2011 年

获得中国政法大学和德国汉堡大学法学硕士学位。2011 年至今,先后就职于中国国际货运航空有限公

司和中国人民保险集团股份有限公司,专门从事法律合规工作, 具备法律职业资格和公司律师资质。

2013 年起从事反洗钱合规工作,2015 年获得公认反洗钱师协会反洗钱师资格,曾深度参与中保协“保




Hue Dang, CAMS-Audit Head of Asia ACAMS Ms. Dang is the Head of Asia of ACAMS, having established its regional head office in Hong Kong in 2008. Ms. Dang has more than 25 years’ experience in banking and finance. Prior to ACAMS, she was a Bank Examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Manager with Barclays Capital’s Investment Banking Division in Singapore, Director for Business Development at Citibank’s Global Consumer Banking Group in Singapore and Director of Business Development, Asia/Pacific, for Thomson Financial in Hong Kong. Ms. Dang holds educational degrees from the US, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors from Amherst College and a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government. 邓芳慧 (CAMS-Audit)


公认反洗钱师协会 (ACAMS)

邓芳慧女士供职于公认反洗钱师协会 (ACAMS),于2008年设立协会亚太区总部 (位于香港)并担任亚太区

执行长。邓芳慧女士在金融业有超过二十五年的经验,曾担波士顿美国联邦银行 (Federal Reserve Bank)

审查官、新加坡巴克莱资本投资银行 (Barclays Capital’s Investment Banking) 经理、新加坡花旗全球消费

者银行 (Citibank’s Global Consumer Banking Group) 业务发展总裁和香港汤姆森金融公司 (Thomson

Financial) 亚太区业务发展总裁。邓女士在美国安默斯特学院 (Amherst College) 获荣誉文学士学位毕业,


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Rod Francis Senior Managing Director FTI Consulting (Hong Kong) Ltd Mr. Francis is a Compliance professional with a career in the financial services industry spanning 30 years. For the last eleven years Mr. Francis has been based in Hong Kong covering the Asia Pacific (APAC) region and prior to this in London covering Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). He currently works for FTI Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited and joined in December 2018 to create and lead their Financial Crime Compliance (FCC) practice for the APAC region. Prior to joining FTI Mr. Francis was Citibank’s APAC Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Head for eight years (between 2010 and 2018). This role also encompassed responsibility for AML Compliance for the Global Consumer Bank for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). In APAC Mr. Francis also worked for UBS (between 2007 and 2010) where he held a number of senior management positions including APAC Head of Central Compliance and the Global Head of Regulatory Reporting and APAC Head of AML and Sanctions Compliance. Prior to 2007 Mr. Francis was based in London covering the EMEA region working for tier one banks. Amongst Compliance roles for Financial Institutions, Mr. Francis was the EMEA Regional Head of AML and Sanctions for both Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley, incorporating Central Compliance and Operations Compliance for each respectively. Mr. Francis has a broad in-depth knowledge and experience in all aspects of AML, Sanctions and Anti-Bribery Compliance, is a member of ACAMS, the Director of Membership and Board Member of the Hong Kong Chapter of ACAMS. Mr. Francis regularly speaks at industry events including ACAMS seminars. --------------------------

Nikhil Gandesha Director, Risk Advisory EY Mr. Gandesha is a Director in the Financial Crime Advisory practice in EY Hong Kong and has over 10 years’ experience working within Retail, Commercial and Corporate banking sectors in London and Dubai and Hong Kong. Mr. Gandesha has undertaken several roles covering AML, CTF, CPF and Sanctions which have focused on developing intelligence led solutions to meet banks’ client and commercial risk appetite, as well as developing effective strategies to manage and mitigate financial crime risk. Prior to joining EY, Mr. Gandesha worked for 2 global banks headquartered in Europe and has experience partnering with law enforcement, government agencies and international bodies such as the UN.

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Jojo Guo, CAMS Head of AML Center (CN) Ant Financial Services Group Ms. Guo is head of Anti-money laundering Center (CN) of Ant Financial Services Group (“Ant Financial”). Ant Financial is a technology company that brings inclusive financial services to the world. Ant Financial, officially founded in October 2014, originated from Alipay founded in 2004. With the mission of "bringing the world equal opportunities", Ant Financial is dedicated to creating an open, shared financial services platform through technology innovations, and to providing consumers and small businesses with safe and convenient inclusive financial services globally. Ms. Guo has more than 14 years’ experience in compliance, anti-money laundry risk management in banking and payment industry. She was the Head of Compliance Department of, witnessed the development of regulations and compliance programs in Chinese payment industry. She is leading the team to maintain AML program of Ant Financial CN business. 郭倩婷 (CAMS)











Dr. William Scott Grob, CAMS-FCI AML Director – APAC ACAMS Dr. Grob has over 25 years of financial and banking expertise. His most recent role was as Regional Head of Affiliates Management, HSBC, where he worked on mitigating financial crime and correspondent banking risks across Asia. His 12-year career at the bank also included managing risk within the Equity/FX prime brokerage business, Structured Funds business, and Hedge Fund units. Dr. Grob earned a Bachelor’s degree from Boston University, a Master of Arts from George Mason University, a certificate from Harvard Business School’s General Management Program, and a Doctorate of Management from SMC University (USA), where his dissertation was focused on correspondent banking- “IMPACT OF CORRESPONDENT BANK ENHANCED DUE DILIGENCE PRACTICES.” Also, he has designations from the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) Association, and Global Association of Risk Professionals (FRM).

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高威廉 博士 (CAMS-FCI)


公认反洗钱师协会 (ACAMS)

高博士在金融和银行业拥有逾 25 年的专业经验。他此前是汇丰银行分支机构管理业务的区域主管,致

力于防范亚洲各地的金融犯罪和代理银行服务风险。在汇丰银行供职的 12 年中,他还负责管理过在股





外,他还通过了特许另类投资分析师 (CAIA) 协会,以及全球风险管理专业人士协会的金融风险管理师

(FRM) 认证。


Joyce Hsu, CAMS-FCI AML Director – North Asia ACAMS Ms. Hsu has over 27 years’ experience in the banking industry and joined ACAMS as a subject-matter expert last year, with the primary responsibility of developing and executing a strategy in AML/CFT training and knowledge-sharing with a focus in the Mandarin Chinese language. Previously, she was in charge of security and investigation service for Citi Taiwan. Her previous experience includes 5 years being responsible for providing Financial Crime and Operational Risk Management solutions for a leading Consulting firm with a particular expertise in AML and Operational Risk Management. Her expertise is focused on financial crime management and investigation. Various roles included progressing from being a front line operator, sales to senior manager of a headquartered-operation center with further progression into a risk manager role. Some accomplishments included: building up Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Fraud Management for tier one banks in China; designing and implementing ORM tools and systems for an entire bank; and leading a team to develop the banking operation management capability for one of the largest banks in China. 许胧方 (CAMS-FCI)


公认反洗钱师协会 (ACAMS)

Joyce 拥有逾 27 年银行从业经验。在 2016 年她加入公认反洗钱师协会 (ACAMS),为协会的反洗钱合规


为主要语言的大中华区。此前,她曾任职于花旗银行(台湾),主管安全和调查服务部门。 Joyce 在防

范金融犯罪和风险管理领域拥有尤为丰富的从业经验,曾连续 5 年负责为一家全球领先的顾问公司提供

金融犯罪和风险管理解决方案。她擅长金融犯罪管理和调查。 Joyce 在银行任职期间曾担任多种职位,




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Reynolds Lei Vice General Manager, Legal & Compliance Department Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China Ltd. With over 22 years’ expertise in high-tech such as cloud computing and big data analysis in risk control area, Mr. Lei has developed a comprehensive understanding of compliance management requirements of financial institutions, as well as deep insights of Fin-tech and Regulation Technology in the Anti-Money Laundering field. The company Mr. Lei works for initiatively established a complete set of early warning and settlement platforms for financial crimes combating. Such platforms are capable to generate accurate early warnings and proceed prompt settlements as an entire end-to-end procedure. As the company’s overall plan of improving intelligent monitoring and management techniques of AML Artificial intelligence, Ping An will keep strengthening the innovation of AML in Fin-tech and Reg Tech field. In 2018, Mr. Lei was invited to the FATF Private Sector Consultative Forum in Vienna, Austria, as the representative of Chinese insurance organizations, shared and communicated the advanced international AML techniques and experience with other experts. During the FATF’s fourth round of AML mutual evaluations in China, Mr. Lei was interviewed by the FATF assessment team, on behalf of the Ping An Group. For the past few years, the company has worked closely with the Chinese Insurance Association. Last year, Mr. Lei acted as the chief editor of the publication “The Insurance Company’s Exploration and Application: The Integration of Big Data within Compliance Management”. Currently, Mr. Lei is in charging of the research project “Anti-Money Laundering Operation Practice within Financial Holding Group”, hosted by the Shenzhen branch of the People’s Bank of China (PBC). The project is aimed at actively exploring and applying AML governance framework and closed loop management system within financial holding groups. 雷志凌

副总经理 法律合规部








领域的技术手段和先进经验进行探讨和沟通。在中国接受 FATF 第四轮互评估期间,雷志凌先生曾代表

所在机构接受了 FATF 评估组的现场访谈。另外,雷志凌先生代表所在机构与保险行业协会在科技领域




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Rudy Wang, CAMS Head of Compliance and AML Department The Bank of New York Mellon Taiwan Mr. Wang has over 20 years of experience in banking sector including over 10 years in Compliance, AML and audit. He joined the Bank of New York Mellon Taipei Branch in February 2017 and is the Head of Compliance and AML Department. He is running the branch’s Oversight Committee, developing Compliance & AML/CFT policies & procedures, conducting Compliance & AML training and performing monitoring programs. Prior to joining the Bank of New York Mellon, he was the Head of Compliance in United Overseas Bank Taiwan, the Internal Audit in DBS Taiwan and a Compliance officer in Standard Chartered Bank Taiwan. 王贤裕 (CAMS)



王贤裕在银行业逾 20 几年资历含 10 年以上法令遵循、洗钱防制及内部稽核等经验。他自 2017 年 2 月






Arlette Wong Associate Director, Regional Sanctions Advisory Standard Chartered Bank Ms. Wong is a dedicated financial crime compliance professional specialised in international economic sanctions. From 8 years of experience at financial institutions subject to sanctions remediation programs, Ms. Wong has in-depth insights on evaluating and managing sanctions risk across banking processes, transactions, screening systems and client relationships. Her career in sanctions compliance started at BNP Paribas’ APAC AML and Sanctions team, prior to which she had also held positions in other various compliance functions. Joining Standard Chartered Bank in 2015, Ms. Wong advised on investigations and had a focus on implementing sanctions due diligence procedures in retail banking. She has since moved to her current role as

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an associate director in sanctions advisory, overseeing Greater China and North Asian countries. Her primary responsibilities include implementing sanctions risk assessment programs and projects, analysis of complex sanctions risks faced by multinational companies in the region, and advising business lines internally as well as corporate clients alike. --------------------------

Zoey Zhang 张艳

Associate Director, AML, CHO Compliance 合规部助理总监

AIA China 友邦保险


张艳女士拥有 14 年丰富的保险行业经验,曾先后在平安、太平等大型险企任职,拥有丰富的营运、合


悉,自 2011 年开始从事反洗钱工作,对保险行业的反洗钱发展和要求有着充分的了解和经历。

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