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7/26/2019 AoIP - TATA.doc - 1 1/18

A Interface over IP

Implementation Scheme

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲


1 Flex Ater Interface............................................................................................1

1.1 NE(s) involved...................................................................................................11.! "eat#re Introd#ction...........................................................................................11.$ Net%or&in' in the "le Ater ode......................................................................!

2 A over T!......................................................................................................."!.1 *rief Introd#ction................................................................................................+!.! NEs Involved......................................................................................................+!.$ ,echnical -escription.........................................................................................+!. ,ransmission odes A over ,-....................................................................../

# $ar%&are 'e()irement Flex Ater an% A Over T!.......................................*

+ A Interface Over IP Tran,formation................................................................-.1 Overvie%............................................................................................................0.! #rrent Architect#re...........................................................................................0.$ Architect#re after AoIP transformation...............................................................2. i*S %ith e'a3it Platform.............................................................................14.+ e'a i*S 5ard%are Platform........................................................................14./ 67 5ard%are Platform.................................................................................11

" IP A Interface imen,ionin..........................................................................11

/ Ban%&i%th Calc)lation, for All BSC,...........................................................12

* Enineerin 0)i%e for AoIP Tran,formation................................................1#

- Fea,iilit of AoIP..........................................................................................1+0.1 AoIP vs. Ao,- OPE8..................................................................................10.! AoIP vs. Ao,- APE8................................................................................1

3 Areviation,.................................................................................................1"

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲


"i'#re 1 System Architect#re of A Interface over ,-.............................................................!

"i'#re ! System Architect#re of A Interface over IP.................................................................!

"i'#re $ #rrent Architect#re...................................................................................................$

"i'#re Architect#re after AoIP...............................................................................................


,a3le 1 NEs Involved for "le Ater..........................................................................................1

,a3le ! NEs Involved for A over ,-....................................................................................+

,a3le $ ;e=#irement for other NEs for A over ,-................................................................+

,a3le S#mmary of ards for -; !+>..................................................................................?

,a3le + S#mmary of ards for -; 4>..................................................................................?

,a3le / *and%idth alc#lations............................................................................................ 1!

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

1 Flex Ater Interface

1.1 NE4,5 involve%6

,a3le 1 NEs Involved for "le Ater 

NE NameInvolve% or Not Special 'e()irement

S @

*,S @

*S i, is re=#ired.


67 @

S6SN @

66SN @

5<; @

1.2 Feat)re Intro%)ction

In the 6S systemB the device #sed for conversion and rate adaptation 3et%een vario#s speech codes

and the /C P code over an air channel is called ,ransoder (,). , can 3e either 3#ilt in *S or confi'#red eternally. ,ranscoder Pool (, POO<) is an eternal , device that provides lar'e@capacity transcoders. ,he , reso#rces in this pool are allocated in a dynamic modeB and are shared3y all *Ss connected to the pool. ,he interface 3et%een , POO< and *S is called Ater interface.,he eternal connections of , POO< are sho%n in fi'#re 3elo%

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

"i'#re 1 , Pool Eternal onnections

 As sho%n in Error ;eference so#rce not fo#ndB on the Ater interface sideB a , POO< can provide ,reso#rces for m#ltiple *SsB and each *S can 3e connected to m#ltiple , POO<s for load sharin'.On the A interface sideB Ss and , POO<s can also 3e cross@connected. S#ch net%or&architect#re provides ecellent load sharin' and disaster recovery 3ac&#p f#nctions.

7hen constr#ctin' a net%or&B an operator can #se small@capacity *S %itho#t , in remote areasB

and place , POO< close to S in central cities in order to c#t the transport cost involved in net%or&constr#ction. 7hen a ne% service needs a ne% comple transcoderB li&e 7*@A;B it is easy to add a, #nitB not only preventin' replacement of =#antities of hard%are 3#t also c#ttin' e=#ipment costneeded for net%or& #p'rade.

1.# Net&or7in in the Flex Ater !o%e

,he 98614 i, system %or&s %ith the 98614 i*S system to implement 'lo3al sharin' and dynamicallocation of , reso#rces. In terms of net%or&in' relations 3et%een i, and SD*SB there are t%ostr#ct#res

Net&or7in !o%e 1

,he A interface adopts E1DS,@1B and its si'nalin' and data 3oth pass thro#'h i, %ith no morechannel dedicated to si'nalin' transfer 3et%een S and *S. ,his str#ct#re is characteried 3yclear net%or&in' topolo'yB 3#t its relia3ility is affected to some etent as the A interface si'nalin' needsto 3e transmitted thro#'h i, and th#s occ#py i, reso#rces.

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

"i'#re ! "le Ater Net%or&in' ode 1

Net&or7in !o%e 2

*y contrast %ith the first modeB only the A interface speech and data are transmitted thro#'h i,B anda direct connection 3et%een S and *S is added for transfer of the A interface si'nalin'. In thismodeB the A interface si'nalin' does not pass thro#'h i,B so it has hi'her sec#rityB 3#t relativelycomple net%or&in' topolo'y.

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

"i'#re $ "le Ater Net%or&in' ode !

,o save transmission reso#rceB i, is #s#ally located on the S side. One i*S can 3e connected to1/ i,s at most for flei3le connection of Ater. ,he Ater interface 3et%een i*S and i,B and the A

interface 3et%een i, and S s#pport E1D,1 (,-)B S,@1B and IP (si'nalin') connection modes. An i, is needed for transcodin' of the speech data 3et%een i*S and S. 7hen the Ater interfaceis E1D,1DS,@1B its si'nalin' adopts the ,P!D,P$DSP protocol stac&. 7hen the Ater interface isIP 3asedB its si'nalin' adopts the IPDS,P protocol stac&.

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

2 A over T!

2.1 Brief Intro%)ction

In the initial 6S specificationsB the A interface is 3ased on ,-. At presentB the $6PP incorporatesthe implementation of the control@plane si'nalin' over IPB %hich is 3ased on the SI6,;AN protocolstac&. AdditionallyB the IP@3ased control plane is s#pported. ,his feat#re transforms the A over ,-f#nction to the A over IP f#nctionB th#s facilitatin' net%or& evol#tion.

2.2 NE, Involve%

,a3le ! NEs Involved for A over ,-

NE NameInvolve% or 


S No

*,S No



,a3le $ ;e=#irement for other NEs for A over ,-

NE NameInvolve% or 




S6SN @

66SN @

5<; @

2.# Technical e,cription

 As IP net%or&s are developin' rapidlyB IP 3earer %ill play a more important roleB and the U,Snet%or& %ill 3ecome an all@IP net%or& in the f#t#re. ,hereforeB shiftin' from A over ,- to A over IP is#navoida3le. "rom the perspective of the operatorB IP is m#ch cheaper than ,-B and th#s #sin' IP3earer can enhance the core competitiveness of the operator. any operators re=#est A interface over IP in their 3id doc#ments. ,o satisfy the operatorsF needsB meet the re=#irements for technolo'ydevelopment in the f#t#reB and improve competitiveness of the prod#ctB it is etremely #r'ent todevelop A interface over IP.

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

In case of A interface over ,-B the ,B %hich resides on the *SS sideB implements the conversion of !6 codes to ,- P codes in voice services and /& adaptation in data services.

"i'#re System Architect#re of A Interface over ,-

2.+ Tran,mi,,ion !o%e, 8 A over T!

1. ,he A interface of i*S s#pports ,- A and IP A transmission modes.!. ,- A mode is a traditional transmission mode on the A interface. ,his mode is

#sed in the scenarios of 3#ilt@in , and eternal ,.$. ,- A transmission mode s#pports E1 and S,@1.

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

# $ar%&are 'e()irement Flex Ater an% AOver T!


1. S,-* (Ater side)

!. S-,* (A Side)

$. 6UP (Ater side)

. 6UP (A Side)

+. *USN

,he s#mmary of the cards re=#ired for -; !+> and -; 4> is as 3elo%

,a3le S#mmary of ards for -; !+>

BSC/iTC circle






WB 2 10ORISSA 1 14BIHAR 2 1


WB 2 4 ! 12 2ORISSA 1 " 4 # 1BIHAR " $ 12 2% "

T&t'l 11 22 4% !

,a3le + S#mmary of ards for -; 4>

BSC/iTC circle






WB 11ORISSA 1 22

BIHAR 2 1#


WB 2 ! 12 24 4ORISSA 2 $ 20 2BIHAR " 12 21 4 !

T&t'l 1 %4 42 #$ 12

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

+ A Interface Over IP Tran,formation

+.1 Overvie&In case of A interface over IPB the S Server (SS) and 67 reside on the N side. ,he controlplane of the *S connects the SSB and the #ser plane connects the 67. ,he interface 3et%eenthe SS and the 67 is c. ,he , #nit is moved to the 67G the #ser@plane codes incl#de 5;B";B E"; and A;. ,he 67 implements the conversion of vario#s codes.

"i'#re + System Architect#re of A Interface over IP

In this doc#mentB the A interface over IP is realied in this %ay ,he A interface control si'nalin'*SSAP is over IPB and the #ser plane is over ;,PDU-PDIP.

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

+.2 C)rrent Architect)re

,he c#rrent A@interface has ,- transmission %ith transcodin' al%ays located inside the *SS. ,heonly odec defined for this ,- A@Interface is P. In addition ,"O may eistB %hich t#nnels

compressed speech thro#'h this P lin& 3et%een ,;AU and 67.

"i'#re / #rrent Architect#re

+.# Architect)re after AoIP tran,formation

"i'#re ? Architect#re after AoIP

In this case the recommended net%or& architect#re is that edia 6ate%ays (67s) are co@located at

the same site %here the transcoders are. ,his is al%ays desira3leB 3#t the hi'h transport vol#me

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

ma&es it =#ite important. ,o achieve 3etter 3and%idth efficiency at the A interface IP@m#ltiplein'techni=#es shall 3ecome an option. ,he pac&etiation time may 3e either + ms or !4 ms (""S).,hemain advanta'e of this approach relates to the fact that IP solves pro3lems related to the inflei3lephysical connectivity of ,-. ,he sol#tion introd#ces the freedom to place a *SD,;AU some%herein an IP net%or&.

+.+ iBSC &ith !eait Platform

On the me'a3it platformB the physical name of IPI can 3e *IPIB %hich can 3e #sed in AoIP mode.7hen it is necessary to provide "E electrical interface each #sed 3oth internally and eternallyB it iss#''ested to #se the *IPI (in slots +H0 and slots 11H1 of the me'a3it reso#rce shelf). 7hen the 6UPis #sed as lo'ic 3oardB it is necessary to confi'#re t%o net%or& interfaces of the media plane. 5enceB itis s#''ested to place the 6UP in slots +H0 and slots 11H1. If inserted in slots 1 to B 1+ and 1/B theadacent slots can not 3e confi'#red %ith 3oard #sin' media plane net%or& port.

;#les for confi'#rin' *IPI #nder AoIP

Each (each pair of) *IPI 3oard can process /+44 lines of trafficB and the trafficvol#me is /+44J4.?K ++4 E;<. *IPI 3oard can adopts L1M1 confi'#ration (%or&in'#nder activeDstand3y mode).

onfi'#ration principle of 6UP 3oard #nder AoIP

Each -SP of 6UP 3oard processes 1!+ lines of trafficB th#s 1 -SPs of each 3oardcan process 1?+4 lines of trafficB s#pportin' a traffic vol#me of 1?+4J4.?K1!!+E;<.

+." !ea iBSC $ar%&are Platform

Boar% Capacit E,timation

Boar%, to e a%%e%6

1. *IPI interface 3oard

!. ;are *oard ;NI

$. 6UP


,raffic vol#me processed 3y each (each pair of) *IPI 3oard /+44J4.?K ++4 E;<.

,he -SP of each 6UP 3oard can process 1!+ lines of trafficB and each 3oard has 1 -SPsB %hich canprocess 1?+4 lines of traffic and s#pport a traffic vol#me of 1?+4J4.?K1!!+E;<.

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

+./ !09 $ar%&are Platform

,a3le + 67 5ard%are ;e=#irement

$ar%&are Tpe e,cription

6IPI IP media interface 3oard

*USN S%itchin' shelf  

" IP A Interface imen,ionin

,otal *and%idth K ,otal i*S Erlan' J User Plane 3and%idth per #ser (C3ps)

User plane 3and%idth per #ser K Sie (Payload) M Sie (5eader) J 0D !4ms J 1444


IP A 4Bte5IP A 4Bte5IP Paloa%IP Paloa%

4Bte54Bte5:,er Plane Ban%&i%th;:,er :,er Plane Ban%&i%th;:,er 


";"; $$$$ +0+0 $/.$/.

5;5; 11 +0+0 !0.0!0.0

IP payloadK A headerM IP header M U-P header M ;,P header 

  K (10M!4M0M1!)

  K +0


onsider #rrent i*S of *h#%anesh%ar (*S I- 1 )%ith 1/44,;8

#rrent 6UP for Ater (,-) K $ (One 6UP s#pports $$/4 ,5K !$+! Erlan')

#rrent Erlan'K!$+!J$K?4+/

6UP ard re=#ired for AoIP interface s#pports K 1!!+ Erlan'

,otal 6UP ards re=#ired K /

,otal Erlan' %ith AoIP %ill 3e K /J1!!+K?$+4

5; ;atio K +4> (Avera'e 3ased on c#rrent traffic)

BSC TpeBSC Tpe No. of BTSNo. of BTS

S)pporte%S)pporte%BSC Total ErlBSC Total Erl

4*<= Loa%554*<= Loa%55IP A 4>A?/<= 5IP A 4>A?/<= 5

Ban%&i%thBan%&i%thIP A4*<= Loa%5IP A4*<= Loa%5


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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

1/44,;81/44,;8 1212 ?$+4 Erlan'?$+4 Erlan' 1$3ps1$3ps !43ps!43ps

Thro)hp)t of A interface K ErlJ("; *and%idthJ"; ;atio M 5; *and%idthJ5; ;atio)D1444

K?$+4 J ($/.J4.+M!0.0J4.+) D 1444 (%ith /4> A-)


/ Ban%&i%th Calc)lation, for All BSC,

,a3le / *and%idth alc#lations





GUP Availab







Cardrequiredfr AIPinterfaceba"ed ncurrenterlang



IP A %&AD'(

)* +Band#i


IP A %,)*-ad+



6 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

7 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

8 1640 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

5 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

1 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

2 1640 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

18 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

19 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

15 600 2 2 4704 4 4900 3"3" 1#"1#"

10 1200 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

16 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

3 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

24 1200 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

23 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

13 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+11 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

4 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

9 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+


5 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

2 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

1 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

3 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

14 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

9 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

4 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

12 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

7 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

17 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

8 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

16 600 2 2 4704 4 4900 3"3" 1#"1#"

13 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

10 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

15 1200 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

11 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+


7 1000 2 2 4704 4 4900 3"3" 1#"1#"

12 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

6 1800 4 4 9408 8 9800 131131 2*22*2

5 1200 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

2 1000 2 2 4704 4 4900 3"3" 1#"1#"

4 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

11 1000 2 2 4704 4 4900 3"3" 1#"1#"

17 1400 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

8 1200 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

19 1600 3 3 7056 6 7350 1+#1+# 2<+2<+

10 1800 4 4 9408 8 9800 131131 2*22*2

9 1800 4 4 9408 8 9800 131131 2*22*2

 Total 136

* Enineerin 0)i%e for AoIPTran,formation

 AoIP reformation faces hi'her technical diffic#lties and complei3ilitiesB heavier %or& loadB and hi'her tro#3leshootin' re=#irements than other en'ineerin' operations.

1. Scheme preparation phase@@@incl#din' collection of information related to on@site confi'#rationBtraffic vol#me and hard%are reso#rcesB comm#nication a3o#t and confirmation of net%or&in'schemesB as %ell as completion of first draft of overall reformation schemeG

!. Scheme verification phase@@@Assess and verify overall reformation schemes and plansB and refinedetailed en'ineerin' scheme for each step as per the overall scheme. "or eample the schemescan 3e divided into pre@AoIP@reformation en'ineerin' preparation schemeB IP interface inte'rationschemeB AoIP service handover scheme and so on as per the implementation phases.

$. Scheme implementation phase@@@Implement detailed reformation schemes step@3y@stepB andverify caref#lly #ntil completion of the en'ineerin'.

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

- Fea,iilit of AoIP

-.1 AoIP v,. AoT! 6 OPE@

Sin'le transport technolo'y

1. Operatin' one transport technolo'y instead of m#ltiple ones is more cost@efficient

!. AoIP is only one part of the 3i' pict#re

Node confi'#ration

1. ;ed#ced node confi'#ration effort in *SB 67 and S@S

Service availa3ility

1. *etter service availa3ility

Speech =#ality

1. ,ranscoder "ree Operation doesnt red#ce voice =#ality

!. Same can 3e achieved %ith ,"O in Ao,-

-.2 AoIP v,. AoT! 6 CAPE@

,ranscoderless *SS

1. No need for transcoders in *SS anymore

!. ,ranscoder e=#ipment savin's

,ranscodin' in 67

1. 67 capacity is impacted d#e to ne% transcodin' f#nctionality

,ransmission e=#ipment

1. ,- ports in *S and 67 are replaced 3y Ethernet ports

!. <ess Ethernet ports are needed than ,- ports and typically Ethernet ports are also lessepensive

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 A Interface over IP Implementation Scheme  Internal Use Only▲

3 Areviation,

 A33reviations En'lish ,et

 AoIP A over IP (#sin' IP as the 3earer of the #ser plane of Ainterface)

 Ao,- A over ,- (#sin' ,- as the 3earer of the #ser planeof A interface)

IP Internet Protocol

"E "ast Ethernet

6E 6i'a3it Ethernet

U-P User -ata Protocol

;,P ;ealtime ,ransfer Protocol

S,P Stream ontrol ,ransfer Protocol

N ore Net%or&

S o3ile S%itch entre

67 edia 6ate7ay

*IPI *S IP Interface 3oard

6UP 6S Universal Processin' 3oard

*USN *ac&plane of Universal S%itch Net%or&

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