assignmen my home town

Post on 23-Feb-2017






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Sustainable UrbanDesign

Ameer Abdul Adheem HusseinP81466


My home town ( Baghdad)

1)Population growth: Immigration from Baghdad and killing people after the American occupation in 2003, and terrorism cause a decrease in the rate of population growth,( Evaluation of population growth about 2/10 ).

2) Air quality: The problem of air pollution of the environmental problems faced by Baghdad as a result of the wars on Iraq and the use of biological weapons, as well as oil factories in Baghdad and the use of many cars, ( Evaluation of Air quality about 7/10 ).

3) Biodiversity: Decreasing the number of life genera cause is pollution and the spread of animal farms and the expansion of civilization and low resources water in addition to the over-hunting,( Evaluation of Biodiversity about 5/10 ).

4) Waste and recycling : Waste recycling and garbage check two axes important the first is the recycling of raw materials instead of imported and cost them big money, as well as a good economic returns, and the second is the protection of the environment the operation of labor,( Evaluation of Waste and recycling about 3/10 ).

5) Eco footprint (Impact of the development, services, housing, transport and consumable on the environment) : Because of the many wars on Iraq, Baghdad still reeling from the impact of war, terrorism and the deterioration of industrial, agricultural and economic development and the deterioration of services and not find reconstruction and the need for housing and the decline in transport and pollution environment,( Evaluation of Eco footprint about 5/10 ).

6) Transport: Baghdad is now suffering from traffic jams because of increased in cars where the streets can not absorb this increase, and a little of use of public transport and not-use of the railway and the metro,( Evaluation of Transport about 5/10 ).

7) Education: Since 2003 the main problems that hinder education include: migration of teachers and students, and security threats but education is free in Iraq, ratio not to go to schools, colleges and universities in Baghdad are very few, ( Evaluation of Education about 9/10 ).

8) Health and healthcare: The health situation in Baghdad is deteriorating because of the wars and terrorism, even though the treatment in Iraq for free, there are a lot of problems, including the migration of doctors and the lack of modern machinery and medicines, ( Evaluation of Health and healthcare about 7/10 ).

9) Green space: neglected the urban and urban planning in Baghdad , that most of the projects in the city built in green areas and this is a big problem, and also cutting trees in orchards and sale of its territory, and building homes without planning,( Evaluation of Green space about 5/10 ).

10)Climate change: Weather Iraq is passing through four seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn), but there is a continuous rise in the average temperature was the overall rate of maximum temperatures in Baghdad for the years 1941 to 1970 he was only 22.9 degrees Celsius, and increased to 32.6 ° C in in 2000, this climate change the effect of on decreased rainfall, which are also causing the state of desertification and dust pollution,( Evaluation of Climate change about 3/10 ).

11) Food: There is in Iraq find best food kinds in the world. and because of the migration of people to the different countries was inaugurated Iraqi Restaurants in the world containing local meals delicious, including Malaysia, ( Evaluation of Food about 9/10 ).

12) Economic base: Iraq's economy is entirely dependent on the oil sector, where 95% of the total Iraq income of hard currency, because of the wars, ( Evaluation of Economic base about 8/10 ).

13) Employment: Caused by terrorist acts, the unemployment rate rose in Baghdad recently, where the unemployment rate exceeded 40% and this is a big problem, ( Evaluation of Employment about 6/10 ).

No. description evaluation

1 Population growth 2

2 Air quality 7

3 Biodiversity 5

4 Waste and recycling 3

5 Eco footprint 5

6 Transport 5

7 Education 9

8 Health and healthcare 7

9 Green space 5

10 Climate change 3

11 Food 9

12 Economic base 8

13 Employment 6

No. descriptuion

1 Population growth

2 Air quality

3 Biodiversity

4 Waste and recycling

5 Eco footprint

6 Transport

7 Education

8 Health and healthcare

9 Green space

10 Climate change

11 Food

12 Economic base

13 Employment





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