bas est rue t u r structu… · 2 •...

Post on 14-Aug-2020






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In the previous chapter on 'structural analysis', the

sample text as a piece of connected discourse chosen from

each of the three periods in the history of Malayalam has

been analysed. Sentences were analysed into its

constituents. This chapter analyses in detail the

structure of the constituent sentences and the simple

sentences in the data chosen. Each of these constituent

sentences is analysed to trace their deep structure

surface structure relations. The structure of the

sentences analysed is described in terms of NP, PP, V, VP,

Adj and Adv, where NP may be a single noun (ambarii~an),

a compound noun (sankhucakrannal, avanute raajyam) or

a group of nouns (svaamyamaatya janapada dUfgga koosa

dandamitrahnal),.. . PP may be post positions or nouns with

case suffixes (n inru ), (tan deesattu).

There are three major types of base sentences.

'l'his classification is based on the types of verbs

in these sentences such as, ( l) be-existential verb,

( 2 ) be-copular verb and ( 3 ) other verbs. In copular

construction, two NPS are there and they are in

the nominative caee and these NPS are co-referential.


In non copular sentence one NP is in the nominative case

'and' the other NP is non nominative. Each major type has

sUb-types. The structure of sub-type is given as NP + V,

NP + NP + V, NP + PP + V and so on.

The major types are represented as:

(1) (pP) NP (NP) (pP) (pP) (pP) (pP) be-exist.

( 2) ( PP) NP (NP) (pP) (pP) (pP) (Neg) (V) copu I and

(3) NP (NP) (pp) (pP) (pP) (pP) (pP) (Adj) (Adv) V (Neg)

The obligatory structures are listed without brackets

and optional structures are within brackets and it

includes the whole sub patterns.

I be-existential verb type

(PP) NP (NP) (PP) (pP) (PP) (pp) be-exist.

Sub types are classified based on the constituents

structure of the sentences under each of the major type.

Sub types

1. NP + NP + be-exist

This is present in all the three periods.


eg: a} ulavafkku upaayam illa (B.K.)1 2 3

The farmers have no means.132

b} ratnannal ~aanaajaatiyu~~u (AM).1 . 2 3

Diamonds were of all kinds.1 3 2

c} iivastutak~al ellaavarkkum aRivuntu (Ka.Kaa.).1 . 2" 3 .•

Everyone knows these facts.231

2. NP + PP + NP + be-exist.

This pattern is found only in the middle period.

eg: vasisthan tiruvati naaraayana svaamiyuvakkappetumi· (I • - II 2 •

"sisyanaakayuntu. ,(AM).• 3 . 4

There is Vasishta (hon.) who is the favourite4 1 £.

disciple of Narayana.3 2


3. PP + NP + be-exist.

This is present in middle and modern periods.

eg: (a) avanute raajyattil ratnahhal untu (AM).. I 2 ' 'j

Diamonds are there in his country.2 3 I

(b) avite sampattinRe laksyam ilIa (Ka.Kaa.).I ' 2· 3

There is no intention of "money.I 3 2·

The following three patterns are available only in

the modern period.

4. PP + NP + PP + NP + be-exist.

eg: prastutaI

janasamuuhannalkku2 '


nivaasikalootu bandham untu (Ka.Kaa.).- 3" 4 ·5


social groups2

have ~elation with5 4



G '<8175"


5 • I)P -I- N I' -I- N P -I- P P -I- be - e x :I. R t: •

eg: cila1

raajyannal2 .

kecttukeelvi•• 3 • poolum




Some countries are even unheard of.1 2 4 5 3

6. PP + NP + PP + PP + PP + NP + be-exist.

eg: prastuta1

janasamuuhannalkku2 .

eesyayile. 3

visisya4 .

bhaaratiiyarootu bandham untu (Ka.Kaa.).5 • 6 • 7


social groups2


relation with6


Asianics especially Indians.345

7. PP + PP + PP + PP + PP + NP + be-exist.

eg: tekkee ameeriykkayile peRu raajyattinum appuRam1 2 3

cili samsthaanattinRe maddhyam vare bhuuvibhaagam456

untu (Ka.Kaa.).'7

Beyond the State of Peru in South America there321

is a7



up to the middle of5

the Chile4


The frequency of occurrence of the be-existential

type of sentence is comparatively less in all the

three periods. Among the sub-types the first one

(i.e., NP + NP + be-exist) is available during the three

periods. Among the rest, sub-type (2) is available only

in the middle period and sub-type (3) is there in the

middle and modern periods. Sub-types four to seven are

found only during the modern period. This shows that

there is a structural variation (as evident from the

sub-types) in the be-existential verb type of sentences

during the development of Malayalam prose.

II 'be'- copular type

1. NP + NP + be-copula.

In all the three periods this pattern occurs.

eg: a) atu janam aavitu (B.K).123

That is the people.132

b) raajaavu ambariisanan aakin~itu (AM).1 2· . 3

The king is Ambarisha.1 3 2

c) aa bhukhandannalute. -1 .. katha


ataayiru!)!.lU2 3

(Ka. Kaa. ) .

That was the story of those continents.2 3. 1

2. NP + PP + be-copula.

In the middle and modern periods this structure is


eg: a) ~ariiram abhimaanam aakinRitu (AM).1 2 3

The body1

is (prestigious) pride.3 2

b) aa bhuukhandannal1 •

ativisaalannal2 .

aanu3 •

(Ka .Kaa. ) .

Those continents are very vast.1 3 2

3. NP + be-copula.

This is found only in modern Malay~lam.

eg: samsayam aa~u (Ka.Kaa.).1 2


(It) is doubtful.2 1

4. NP + PP + NP + be-copula.

This pattern is available in all the three periods.

eg: a) avan1


aaraatccaiyutayavan. 3'

aavitu (B.K.).4

He is the supervisor of five villages.1 4 3 2

b) ambariisananl' .

(AM) •

bhuumiykku bharttaavu2 • 3


Ambarisha is the husband of the earth.1 4 3 2

c) maddhya ameeriykkan samskaaram1


bhaaratiiyam aanu (Ka.Kaa.) .•3 4

The entire middle American culture is Indian.2 1 4 3

5. NP + PP + PP + be-copula.

In modern Malayalam this structure is found.


eg: atu intyayute praantannalil aanu (Ka.Kaa.).1 2· 3· 4

That is in India's border.142 3

The following three patterns are present in middle

and modern periods

6. NP + PP + PP + NP + be-copula.

eg: a) kaalcca atilninuu etrayoor 2 3

(Ka. Kaa. ) •

bhinnam aayirunnu4 5 --

(that) how far was the scene different from that.3 5 1 4 2

b) vasisthantit tiruvati. bhaktikalil2 •

oru kusal3

inRiyee yirunnaruluvoon aakinRitu (AM).-- 4 .- 5


(hon. ) had5

no interest4 3

in the

meterial life of his devotees.2

7. NP + PP + PP + PP + NP + be-copula.

09: a) vasisthan tiruvati keovalam• • 1 4 2

palaya janattil3

oru kusal inRiyee4

(AM) .





( han. ) had no interset6 5 4

in people3

because of their old age alone2

b) bhuvibhaagam1




jananibidam aanu (Ka.Kaa.).- 5 • 6

The area is well populated1 6 5


8. PP + NP + be-copula.

eg: a) atinu paniyaakinRitu (AM).1 '2 3

(it) is difficult for that.3 2 1

(It is very difficult).

b) atinRe phalam aayi (Ka.Kaa.).123

like any other4 2

The result of that is (As a result).213


9. PP + NP + NP + be-copula.

This occurs in modern Malayalam.

eg: ameeriykkayile1

caritrakaaranmaaril palarum2


abhipraayattinetiraaQu (Ka.Kaa.).3 4

Host of the historians in America are against2 1 4

this opinion.3

10. PP + PP + NP + be-copula.

Only in the middle period, this pattern is present.

eg: avanu-t;.e raajyattinkal1

deevootsavannalaal2 •

ramaniiyam aakinRitu (AM).'3 4

Because of the temple festivals2

became beautiful.4 3

11. PP + PP + NP + NP + be-copula.

This is present in the middle period.

his country1


eg: naalu samudrattinum bhuumi iRut aakinRitu.1 2 3 4 5

The land is the border of four seas.3 5 4 1 2

The following structures (12 - 16 except 14) are

found only in the modern period.

12. PP + NP + PP + PP + PP + be-copula.

eg: ameeriykkayile1

praaciina samskaarannal2 •



(Ka. Kaa. ) •

mannil svayam kuruttu4

valarnnat. ~--aanu


All the ancient civilizations of2



germinated and grown in that soil.4 5 3

13. PP + PP + NP + PP + NP + Neg + be-copula.

eg: atinu munpu1 2


baahyalookattootu yaatoru4 .

bandhavum illaayirunnu (Ka.Kaa.).567


that those (countries)1 3





with the outside world.4

14. NP + copula + NP

This pattern is available only in early Malayalam.

eg: padam aavitu janattinute irippi~am (B.K.).1 2 3

pad am is the place where people settle down.1 2 3

15. PP + copula + NP.

eg: ennaanu avarute vaadam (Ka.Kaa.).r- ·2 ' 3

Their argument is so (that is their argument) .3 2 1

16. PP + Copula + NP + Neg + NP

eg: ennaatlu1 2

avarute, vaadam3



(Ka . Kaa . ) .

That is their argument123

no, fad.4 5


17. PP + NP

In middle Malayalam, this structure is present.

eg: en tee ennute yavastha (AM).1 2

What is my state?1 ·2

18. NP + Adj + be-copula.

This pattern occurs in modern Malayalam.

eg: bhuuvibhaagam ativisaalam aanu (Ka.Kaa.).1 2 :3

The area is very vast.1 3 2

19. NP + PP + Adj + be-copula.

In middle Malayalam this structure is present.

eg: avan1

(AM) .


samartthabuddhiyutayan. .3


He is very intelligent and able.1 4 2 3


20. NP + PP + PP + PP + Adj + be- copula

This pattern is available in modern period.

eg: ii bhuuvibhaagam1




samskaara sampannam aanu (Ka.Kaa.).5 6

This piece of land is as civilized as any1 6 5 4



A scrutiny of the above listed 20 sub-types of

the copular construction shows that, there is a





the constituent structure

is difference in the





arrangement of constituents. Among these patterns, two

[sub type (1) and (4») are common for all the three

phases of Malayalam. Modern Malayalam has got the

majority of patterns i.e., sub-types - 3, 5, 9, 12, 13,

15, 16, 18, and 20. These patterns are different from

the others in the number of constituents.

has got only one pattern (sub-type 14).

Early period

Middle period

has four patterns (sub-types - 10, 11, 17, 19) while

four.- types Dr.-e ehi:.lrecl J)y middle uncl mode("n periods


(sub-types - 2, 6, 7, 8). On the whole, thirteen patterns

are specific to modern Malayalam while a very few are

characteristic of earlier periods. This again shows that

there is a marked difference in the syntactic patterns of

Malayalam during its development.

III. Other verb types:

NP (NP) (pP) ( PP) ( pp) ( PP) (pp) (Ad j) (Adv) V (Neg).

This major type has the following subtypes.

1. NP + V.

This structur~ is available in all the three periods

of the history of Malayalam.

eg: a) kutikalai kutiyeeRRanam (BK).• 1· . 2 .

People should be settled.1 2

b) ambariisan yelunnarulattutanninaan (AM)1 . - . 2 •

, l\mbnr isha becJiI n 11 i H journey'1 2


c} addeeham visvasiccu. (Ka.Kaa.)1 2

He believed.1 2

2. NP + NP + v.

This structure is different from the similar copular

structure. Here the second NP is dominated by the VP

and always take a case other than the nominative.

This structure is available in all the three periods.

eg: a} asvadamakan kutirai siksikkuvitu (BK).1 2' 3

The horseman trains the horses.1 3 2

b} bhuumi saamantajanattaal1 2

niRayappe~~irikkinRitu (AM).3

'rhe land was filled with the people from1 3 2

princely states.

c} kolambas ameeriykka kar:1;-upit;iccu (Ka.Kaa.).• 1 2 3

IIColumbus discovered America ll•



3. NP + V + NP.

This pattern is common to all the three periods of

Malayalam language. However in modern Malayalam,

other than for focussing, verb occurs



eg: a) samasta raajaakkalute1 ..

muticcuulaamaniyi ... ~ 2·

seenayutayan (AM).3

He was an emperor among all the other kings2 1

and have the army.3

4. NP + PP + V.

eg: a) kutika1 paradeesattu£inRu poontu (BK).1 2 3

The people came from abroad.I 3 2

b) ~ankhu cakrannal karakamalattinkal1 · 2

dhariykkappettu (AM).3 . . •


(Holy) Conch and wheel were borne in (his)1 3

hands (He had the holy Conch and wheel in his2

hands) .

c) addechattinu intyayil ettaQam. (Ka.Kaa.)123

He had to reach India.1 3 2

5. NP + NP + PP + v.

eg: a) svaamyamaatya janapada durgga koosa•1

dandamitrannal prakrti enRu kii!colliitu (BK).. 2' 3 4

King, ministers, country, fort, treasury,1

punishment, kith and kin and other dependants2

of the palace are described.3 4

b) raajyam himavalkka~ata~am enRu1 2

toonRumaaRiru~Qitu (AM).4

The country1


looked like the valley of the4 3

Himalayas (the country rcpcmblcdthc Himalayan2

Valley) •

c) paRankikat1


avare intyanmaar egnu23'

viliccu• 4

The Spaniards called them142


In these sentences 'enRu' is treated, as PP.

Actually 'enRu' is the quotative form.

6. NP + PP + NP + V.

eg: a) rtvigaacaarya puroohita1


adandakarankalaa.. .2

(BK) •

brahma deeyankal3 '


The tax free land must·be distributed among3 4

the chief priest, masters,1

preists and

reciters, free of tax.2

b) avanute raajyam aneekam aayiram1 2

niRayappettirunnu (AM).4



His country was1

filled with4



{jewels)precious stones.3

c) addeeham1

(Ka . Kaa . ) .


prayaasannal3 .


He bore many difficulties (He suffered a lot).1 4 2 3

The above three patterns (4), (5) and (6) are

available in all the three periods.

7. NP + V + PP + NP.

This pattern is found in middle Malayalam.

eg: lookaavastha yirikkinRavaaRalakutu (AM).1 2 3 - 4

The beauty is like the state of the world (The4 2 3 1

present condition of the state is good).


8. NP + PP + PP + V.

This is available in all the three periods.

eg: a) uurkal onRooroonRinnutavumaaR irippitu (BK).'1' 2 3 4

The villages must be mutually1 4



each other.2

b) bhaktarkal janattihkal ku§al inRiyee1" 2 3

yirikkinRitu. (AM).4

The devotees are not1 4

physical \'lOrld.2

interested in3


c) avar svapnattil poolum vicaariccirunni11al' 2 3 4

(Ka. Kaa . ) .

They did not think about (it) even in their143


In this pattern, the PPS have adverbial function

which modify the verb.


9. NP + PP + PP + NP + V.

This structure is available in modern Malayalam only.

og: paRankikal•1

speyinil ninnu ka~al maafggam2- 3


tiriccu (Ka.Kaa.).5

The Spaniards started their journey from Spain1 5 4 2

by the sea.3

10. NP + PP + NP + PP + V.

This pattern occurs only in early Malayalam.

eg: graamabhftakanmaaf1

uluvitu (BK).5

taan vaideehakanmaar2 3'


The village servants or the traders shall1 2 3 4

(the land).

11. NP + PP + PP + pp + V.

This is found in early Malayalam.



eg: avaral thankal tankal doosattaal olivitu (BK).l' 2' 3' '4 5

They left because of their own fault.1 5 2 3 4

12. NP + PP + PP + PP + NP + V.

eg: oru dhaarana entu kaaranattaaloo nammute manassil1 '2 '3 - '4

sthaanam piticcittuntu (~a.Kaa.·).5 • 6 •• ••

One notion has got fixed in our minds due to some1 6 5 4 2


13. PP + V.

In middle and modern Malayalam this pattern is


eg: a) enRaal entaavutee (AM).1 2

But what (it) might be (But what will happen).1 2


b) ivite yatniykkunUu (Ka.Kaa.).i 2

(He) is trying here.2 1.

14. PP + NP + v.

This pattern is available in all the three periods.

eg: a) ippoon janapadaprakrti collukinRitu (BK).1 . 2' 3

Now the state of the country is being told.I 2 3

b) atinu apaayam varinHitu (AM) •1 2 3

Danger is coming to it (It· is in danger) •2 3 1

c) avareppaRRi yaaton... uum aRiyeentataayittilla. (Ka.Kaa.)1 2 .. 3 •.

It is not necessary to know anything about3 2



15. pp + pp + v.

This type is found -in early and modern Ma1aya1am.

eg: a) maRRuci1arkku veenkikkotuppitu (BK).1 . 2' 3

(He) should take (the land) and give it to2 3


b) enki1ee avite ettumaayirunnu11u (Ka.Kaa.).1 2 3 -- ..

Reaching there was possible only (by that321

way) •

(Then only he would have reached there).

16. PP + NP + PP + v.

This pattern is found in middle and modern periods.

ego a) raajyattinkal1



uluvaak i nHi Lll. (l\M).• 4

In his country,1

temple festivals2



celebrated quite often.4 3

b) ateettutarnnu yuuRoopyanmaar aa1 • .-- 2'

bhuukhanda~~alil kutiyeeRi. (ka. kaa.).3' . . 4

After that1


17. pp + PP + NP + V.

the Europeans migrated2 4

to those

This occurs in early and modern periods.

ego a) en(nuuRu).. 1

uuru~aya natuvattu sthaaniiyam... . 2 3

ceyvitu. (BK).4

(He) should establish a atthaaniiyam (capital)4 3

in the middle of eight hundred villages.2 1

b) Kristaabdam 1492-il ii sambhavam nataDDu.1 2 3 - 4

( Ka. Kaa.).

This incident took place in 1492 AD.3 4 2 1


18. pp + pp + pp + v.

This is found only in the early period.

ego ulaakil maRRucilarkku veenkikkotuppitu. (BK) •.1 2 3 4

He should take away the land from those who do3

not till it and give it to others.1 4 2

The following patterns (19 - 27 except 23) are

available in modern Malayalam.

19. PP + NP + NP + PP + Neg.

ego cila1

raa jyaiu1al2 •

Keettukeelvi.. .3




Some countries are not even heard about.1 2 5 4 3

20. PP + NP + NP + PP + V.

ego eliyattusmittu ... tutaiu1.iya• 2


caritrakanranmnnr. ii abhipraayattootu tel1um3 • 4

yoojiykkur~.n_illa. (Ka.Kaa.)5


But some historians like Eliot Smith do not1 2 4

agree with this opinion.5 3

21. PP + PP + NP + PP + v.

ego nammute1 .

drstiyil.. i ameeriykkayu~e caritram3

aDDumutalkee aarambhiykkunnullu. (Ka.Kaa.).4 5 -- .•

To us, the history of America begins only from2 1 3 5 4

that day.

22. PP + PP + PP + NP + V.

ego innatte1



panaamakarayitukku katannu. (Ka.Kaa.).4· . 5--

From today's Mexico, towards the south, Panama1 2 3 4

strip is crossed.5

23. PP + NP + PP + PP + V.

In early and modern periods this pattern is available.


ego a) ooroo uurkal nuuRukuti pdhamam aayirippitu.2 . .1 3 4 5

(BK) .

Each village can have a minimum of hundred1 2 5 4 3


b) pakseei

ava niraa"sayil2 - 3



(Ka .Kaa. ) •

But it ended in disappointment only.1 2 5 3 4

24. pp + pp + PP + NP + PP + v.

ego atinu munpu avite kuRe aadima nivaasikal1 2 3 . 4-'

maatrameeuntaayirunnullu. (Ka.Kaa.).5 . . 6 -- ..



there were only a few3 6 5



25. PP + PP +PP +PP + NP + V.

ego saptasamudrannalkkum appuRattul' 2

. ..lnnane



atbhutaraajyannal untaayirikkum. (Ka.Kaa.).5 •• • 6


the seven seas there might be1 6



mysterious countries like this.5 '3

26. PP + PP + NP +PP + NP + V-neg.

ego pakse itilppinne ameeriykkayile1 • 2 3

maRRu bhuukhandannalootu yaatoru4 .' 5

untaayittilla. (Ka.Kaa.)." 6·'



But after thi.s the1 2


of l\merica

had no contact with the other continents.6 5 4

27. PP + NP + PP + pp + pp + pp + V.

ego akkuuttattil cila ~aakhakal pattu patinaayiram'i 2' 3

varsannalkku munpu ameeriykkan'·4' 5

bhuukhandannalileeykku vyaapiccu.6 . " . 7

(Ka. Kaa. ) .


of years ago some of4 5



spread towards the American continents.7 6


The following patterns (28 to 33) occur in early

period only.

28. PP + NP + NP + Adv + v.

eg: antattinkal1

antapaala durggahkal- . .2


valiyaay ceyvitu (BK).-4 5 .

On the frontiers (he) should erect the fortresses1 5 2

as the entrance to the country.4 3

29. PP + NP + Adv + v.

eg: avaralkku nilam amainc~ kotuppitu. (BK).I' 2 3 • 4

Definite areas of land was given to them.3 2 4 1

30. NP + Adj + V,

eg: janapadam puurvam aayollitu (BK).1 2 3

The country is settled before.1 3 2


31. NP + Adv + v.

eg: kutikalaikkontu poontu (BK).° 1 ' 2' 3

(He) should bring people.231

32. PP + pp + PP + Adv + V.

eg: avaralkku enRum veenkaatavaaRu amaincul' 2 3 4

(BK) .


Definite area of land should be given to them4 5 1

permanently.2 3

33. Adj + V.

eg: 8uudrapraayam aayirippitu (BK).1 2

(The country) should be populated with Sudras2 1

(servants) .

34. Adj + Adj + Adj + Adj + Adj + NP + PP + V.

This pattern is present in the middle period.


eg: accutan anantasayanan sriipundariikaaksan1 2 •. 3 .

~aaraaya~a swaami ~riipurusoottaman4 • 5

~riipa~caayudhahhal poolu .. mim {AM).6 • 78'

tiruvatiyute. .

(He) may overcome even the great penta weapons of8 6

the mighty God Vishnu.1 - 5

35. NP + Adv + PP + NP + V.

eg: niilameegham- 1 .

nirannu vanniRannina-- -...2



nallavaanai ttalavannalaal niRayppettirunnu (AM).4 • 5" • --

(It) was filled with elephants which was like the5 4 3

blue clouds arrayed.1 2

36. PP + NP + Adv + PP + NP + V.

eg: anjanamalaiyaa1


peRRaaraikkinakkee3 • 4

nallavaanaittalavannalaal niRayappe~~iruDUu (AM).5 . . 6


It was filled with elephants (which were black)6 5

as those born from the black mountains.2 3 . 1

37. PP + NP + PP + Adj + V.

eg: ooroo1

(BK) •


annuuRukuti3 •




village can have a maximum of five2 5 4



The above stat~d sub-types of the type III

constructions reveal that there is a structural difference

in the constituent sentences of the major syntactic

patterns of Malayalam during the three periods.

The distribution of the sub-types vary in each period.

Out of the thirty seven sub-patterns, seven (sub-types

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 14) are common for all the three

periods in the history of M~layalam. Early Malayalam

have te~ sUb-pattern$ (sub-types - 10, 11, 18, 28, 29, 30,

31, 32, 33, and 37) and modern Malayalam have ten


sub-patterns (sub-types 9,12, 19, 20, 21, 22,

24, 25, 26, and 27). Middle period has got only five

sub-pa t terns (sub-types 3, 7 , 34, 35 and 36) .

Among the rest, two patterns (subtypes 13 and 16) are shared

by middle and modern Malayalam and three sub-types

(sub-type 15,17 and 23) by early and modern Malayalam.

This shows that each period has specific patterns in its

syntactic structure. Early Malayalam have ten, modern

Malayalam have eleven and middle Malayalam have five sub

patterns characteristic to each period. This shows that

there is a marked difference in the syntactic patterns of

Malayalam during its development.


There are three major types of base sentences and

each type has sub types. All the three major types are

present in early middle and modern periods. All the sub

patterns are not available in all the periods, and their

frequency of occurrence also varies. The occurrence of

NP + NP + V structure is more frequent in all the three

periods. This shows that copular constructions is a

common feature of Malayalam syntax irrespective of the

diachronic variations. But, compared to the early

period, in the middle and the modern



the occurrence of copulClr type is more in number.

PCltterns common to the three periods are less in number.

Certain patterns are present only in one period

(refer chart II). Certain patterns occur in two periods.

Long structures, having a number of post positional

phrases in the beginning of a sentence is a feature

of modern Malayalam (pp + pp + pp + PP + NP + V) i. e. ,

PP + NP + V,.1-4

4) +. NP + V sentence

structure is very rarely seen in the early period.

'rhe (Adj 1-'5)+ NP + pp +vstructure characterise the middle

period. Within thc carly period, short structures Clre

more frequent than long sentences. In middle period also

except in certain cases, short structures are common.

In modern period, both short and long structures are

in use. In early period, the number of constituents

(in long pattern) is the result of adjectivization

i. e . , a series of adjectives are attached to the

subject NP.

Table I

Fn'qlu'lIq List of Basc SI'lItl~nl'I's

In ILady, Middlc alld Modcl'lI Malayahllll


No.Major Types


IL.Ma. Mi.Ma. Mo.Ma.

I (PP)NP(NP)(PP)(PP)(PP)(PP) be-exist I 10 9

II (PP)NP(NP)(PP)(PP)(PP)(Ncg.)(V) Copu. \9 31 3\

III (PP)NP(NP)(PP)(PP)(PP)(PP)(Adj)(Adv) V neg. 60 61 60

Sll b type of I

I NP+NP+be-exist I 7 32 NP+PP+NP+be-exist 2] I'P I NPI be-exist I 24 PP+NP+NP+PP+be-exist I5 PI' INP-I PP-I-NP+be-exist I() PP I NI'l PI' IPPI-I'i> I NP Ibe-exist I7 PP+PP+PP+PP+PP+NP+bc-exist 1

Sub typc of II

8 NP+NPI-Copu. 12 II 9

9 NP+Copu.+NP 310 NP+PP+Copu. I 3\I NPI PPIPP+Copu. I12 NP+PP+PP+NP+Copu. 1 I13 NP+Copu. I14 NP+PP+PP+PP+NP+Copu. I I15 NP+PP+NP+Copu. 4 10 116 NP+Adj.+Copu. 717 NI' II'P I Adj, ICOpll. 3IH NI'+PPIPP+PP+Adj.+Copu. I19 NP+Adj.+Adj.+Adj.+Adj.+Copu. I20 PP+NP+Copu. I I21 PP-I-NPINP+Copu. 122 PP+PP+NP+Copu. I23 PP+PP+NP+NP+Copu. I24 PP+NP+PP+PP+PP+Copu. 125 PP+PP+NP+PP+NP+Neg.+Copu, I26 PP+Copu.+NP 127 PP+Copu.+NP+Neg.+NP 1

Tlllbc lA

Frequency List •.•...


Sub tYJlc:of III E.Ma. Mi.Ma. Mo.Ma.28 NP+NP+V 17 15 1729 . NP+V

10 9 630 NP+PP+V 4 5 431 NP+NP+PP+V1 13 132 NP+PP+NP+V 2 3 633 PP+NP+V 3 4 334 NP+V+NP'

435 NP+PP+PP+V3 1 436 PP+I)PI'NP+V3 137 NP+Adj.+V 2

38 NP+Adv.+V 239 Adj.-t-V

240 PP+NP+NP+Adv.+V 241 PP+NP+PP+Adj.+V 242 PPINP1PP+V

1 343 PP-IPP IVI 2

44 PP+NP+PP+PP+V 1 245 NP+Adv.+PP+NP+V246 PP+V1 I47 NP+PP+NP+PP+V 148 NP+PP+PP+PP+V 149 PPIPPIPP+V 150 PP+NP+Adv.+V 1

51 Adv.+V1



164 Adj.+Adj.+Adj.+Adj.+Adj.+NP+PP+V 1

Table IIl>isCillcCive l)nCtcnlS ill rCll"'y, Middle lllld Modenl Mllinyallllll


Mnjor E.MII. Mi.Mil. MIl.MII.Types

I I. NI'+I'I'+NI'+be-exisl I. 1'I'+NI'+NI'+I'I'+be-exisl2. PP+N P+PP+N I'Ihe-ex isl:l.I'I'INI'II'I'II'\'I\'pINI'lhc-exist4.1'1'+1'1'+1'I'+1'P+I'I'+N I'


lJ I. PI'+I'P+NP+bc-eopu. I. Nl'+be-eopu2. PP+PP+NP+NP+be-copu. 2. NP+PP+PP+be-coplI3. NI'+I'I'+Adj.+be-copll. 3. I'I'+NP+NP+he-e0l'll4. NI'+Adj+Adj.+Adj.+Adj. 4. I'P+NI'-I-pl'+I'I'+1'1'

+be-co(Ju. +V-copu5. PP+PP+PP+NP+NP

+bc-eopll6. I'p+I'I'+N p+pp+N I'

+Neg+bc-eopll7. PP+coplI+NP8. PP+eopll+NP+Ncg+NP9, Np+Adj+be-copli10. NI'-I 1'1'-1 1'I'+!'I'+Adj


III I. NI'II'I'INI'II'I'IV I. NI'IVII'I'INI' I. NI' 11'1' 11'1' INI'I V2. NI'+I'I'II'I'-II'I'+V 2. NI'l Adv.-I-I'I'+NI'+V 2. NI'-I-I'I'-II'I'II'1' INI'I-V3. PI'+PP+PP+V 3. PI'+NP+Adv.+PP+NP+V 3_ I'I'+I'I'+PI'+NI'+V4. pp+NI'+NI'-I-Adv.+V 4.Adj.+Adj .+Adj.+Adj.+AcIj. 4. 1'1'-1-1'1' 11'1' 1Np 11'1' I-V5. I'p-INI'+Adv.I-V INp-II'I'I-V 5.I'I'II'I'II'I'II'I'INI'IV6. NI'+Adj.+V 5. NP+V+NP 6_ PI'-I-I'I'+NP-I-I'I'-I-NI'7. NP+Adv.+V +V-Neg_8. Adv.+V 7 _1'1'-I-NI'-I-pp-t-pp+pl'-I-I'1'9. Adj.+V I-V10_ PI'+NI'+I'I'+A~j.+V 8. 1'1'-I-NI'-I-NI'-I-PP+Ncg_

9. pl'+NP+NI'+PP+V10. I'I'+PI'+NI'+PI'+V

Tuble IIICommon Pllttcrn~ in ElIl'ly, Middlc lind Modcm MlllllYlIllllJI

Mujor E.MII; Mi.MII. & Mo.MII. E.MlI. & MI.MII. E.MII.& MIl.MII. MI.MII & Mo.MIITypes

1 I. NP+NI'+be-cxist I. PP-I-Nl'+bc-cxisl

II I. NP+NP+be-eopu. I. NP+PP+bc-eopu.2. NP+PP+NP+bc-copu. 2. NI'+I'!'+I'!'+Nl'+hc-cop.u.

3. Nl'+I'I'-f-\'I'+PI'+NI'+be-copll.

4. I'I'-I-N I'-I-hc-eopu.

III I. NI'+V I. I'P+Pl '+N1'+V I. I'I'-I-N 1'+1'1'+V2. NI'+NI'+V 2. I'I'+NI'+I'I'+I'I'+V 2. I'I'+V3. NI'+I'I'+V 3. 1'1'+1'1'+V4. NP-INpll'l'-I-V5. NP-lj'I'-1 NI'-I-V6. NI'+I'P+I'I'+V7. I'p+NI'+V

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