bcube article year 2016

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B CUBE December 2015 B CUBE November 2016

B Cube November 2016 Edition


Penilaian Anugerah Kualiti Rektor (PAKAR)

oleh : Nur Afriza BakiPenyelaras Dokumentasi & Perlaporan

Unit Kualiti, UiTM(T) KRBB

Pada 14 Januari 2016, UiTM (Terengganu) Kampus Rekreasi Bukit Besi (KRBB) telah berjaya menghantar laporan pencapaian kampus untuk tahun 2015 bagi menyertai

pertandingan Penilaian Anugerah Kualiti Rektor (PAKAR) 2015. PAKAR 2015 merupakan pertandingan PAKAR kali kedua yang telah diadakan oleh UiTM(T), di mana pertandingan kali pertama diadakan pada tahun sebelumnya. Walaubagaimanapun, pertandingan kali ini merupakan penyertaan sulung dari KRBB.

PAKAR merupakan satu cetusan idea daripada Rektor UiTM(T), iaitu Prof Madya Dr. Abdol Samad Nawi. Objektif PAKAR adalah untuk menggalakkan pendokumentasian pencapaian bagi setiap bahagian dan fakulti di UiTM(T). Perlaporan ini seterusnya, akan digunakan sebagai sumber maklumat bagi penulis-penulis yang dilantik untuk menyiapkan laporan pencapaian keseluruhan UiTM(T) yang akan dipertandingkan di Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor (AKNC), yang diadakan secara tahunan.

Pertandingan PAKAR dipecahkan kepada 2 kategori iaitu peringkat fakulti dan peringkat bahagian, dan sebanyak 19 anugerah dipertandingkan. Model pendokumentasian bagi perlaporan PAKAR adalah berasaskan Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award. Justeru itu, terdapat 8 anugerah bagi setiap kategori akan dipertandingkan.Kriteria 1 KepimpinanKriteria 2 Perancangan StrategikKriteria 3 Tumpuan PelangganKriteria 4 Pengukuran, Analisis dan

Pengurusan Pengetahuan Jabatan

Kriteria 5 Fokus kepada Tenaga KerjaKriteria 6 Fokus Kepada OperasiKriteria 7 HasilKriteria 8 Inovasi

Selain itu, anugerah lain adalah merupakan juara bagi setiap kategori dan juara keseluruhan.

Di bawah pimpinan PM Dr. Hjh. Khalipah Ibrahim, Penolong Rektor dan Puan Marshahida Mat Yashim, Ketua Unit Kualiti KRBB, laporan PAKAR 2015 kampus telah berjaya merangkul empat anugerah dari lapan anugerah kriteria iaitu, Kriteria 3, 5, 7, dan 8. Tambahan pula, dengan hasil usaha gigih dan kerjasama penulis-penulis laporan yang terdiri di kalangan pensyarah dan juga staf KRBB, telah melayakkan KRBB untuk menjadi juara bagi kategori bahagian. Walaubagaimanapun, KRBB tidak

berjaya untuk merebut anugerah bagi juara keseluruhan, kerana ianya telah dimenangi oleh Fakulti Perakaunan yang merupakan juara bagi kategori Fakulti.

Hasil kemenangan KRBB ini telah mendapat perhatian dari berita tempatan, iaitu Sinar Harian dan telah dipaparkan di dalam edisi bertarikh 11 Mac 2016. Semoga kejayaan di PAKAR 2015 kali ini, akan menjadi pemangkin

bagi KRBB untuk terus berdaya saing, seterusnya berjayak merangkul juara keseluruhan pada pertandingan PAKAR yang akan datang.

Experiencing Industrial Training AbroadPrepared by: Nurul Hanna Hj. Mas’aud

Industrial training is one of the requirements upon completing the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering program at

UiTM. The industrial training must be at least 15 weeks. Students will be attached to the government departments, firms or companies, as well as to be exposed to the technologies used in certain company or country, actual working environment and culture whereby students will come across many challenges and problems.

I did my industrial training at SAEAH ENG., which is situated at 125-3bunji, Danggok-ri Jillyang-eup, Gyeongsan Si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South, 712-832, Rep of South Korea from 17th March 2009 until 30th June 2009. This training taught me a lot in terms of many things, including working culture, working environment, as well as social skills. Besides, this program makes me to recognize the worth of working together in a group

and to apply the knowledge in the real situations.

I would like to share about the challenges that I faced through the program. Communicating with Koreans is the most challenging part because most of them are not able to talk or even understand English. Even though we had learned Korean language before we went to Korea, the one-month classes were not enough for us to master the language. Therefore, we needed to use body language to understand each other. Besides that, in the factory, I was the only lady working in the station. Thus, I had to do everything that men did in order to impress the management. Other than that, different countries have their own working culture. In Korea, they do not allow the workers to talk while working unless it is related to work. The workers also always work under pressure since they are pursuing the quantity of the product. In addition, for me, their life is more focus on their job. They work until late night almost every day. One more thing, as Muslims, we need to perform solat. There are small numbers of Muslims in Korea, especially in urban areas like Daegu.

Luckily, the lunch hour break was perfectly at Zohor time, so we can perform our solat. Last but not least, in terms of food, it becomes very sensitive. Most of the companies in Korea provide a café for their workers and everything is fully supported by the company. Hence, as Muslims, we had to take an egg with rice for lunch every day. As a result, I lost weight for about 10 kilograms.

The most exciting part was we went to several places in Korea. We spent time every weekend to explore Korea. We went to Seoul, the capital city, and explored the Muslim area, which is known as Itaewon, where there is a big mosque in that area. Then, we also had time to visit one of the historical towns in Korea named Gyeongju. Not to forget, we experienced the three seasons while in Korea which are end of winter, spring and early summer.

Overall, this is the most valuable experience and I will not forget this memorable episode in my life.

Kisah Seorang Bapaoleh: Shahrul Hisyam Marwan

Tersebutlah suatu kisah seorang bapaPerkerjaanya mendidik anak bangsaAgar menjadi orang yang bergunaMembawa Malaysia ke persada dunia

Bapa ini banyak kerjayanyaMenceburi wataniah menunaikan tanggungjawab untuk Negara Di universiti pula menjadi pendidik tanggungjawabnyaDi rumah perlu membimbing isteri dan anak-anaknyaSebagai anak perlu tunaikan tanggungjawab kepada ibunya

Pada suatu hari dirinya dalam dilemaKerna hatinya sedang gundah gulanaMemikirkan hasrat rakan-rakan seperjuangannyaYang ingin menganjurkan program bersamaRakan pula mengharap penyertaannya

Sebelum meterai keputusan buat rakannyaIngatannya melayar seluas samuderaMemikirkan masa dengan anak_anaknyaMasa dengan keluarganyaMasa dengan rakan - rakannyaSeringkali terbatas kerna tuntutan kerjaya

Masa untuk rakan-rakan ingin jua diluangkanPabila wajah anak bermain di layar ingatanHasrat untuk bersama rakan dilupakanAnak anak juga perlu di beri perhatian

Waktu dihitung ditambah ditolakkanTinggallah 4 jam waktu yang dapat diluangkanBuat anak anak yang dicintai dan dikasihkanHatinya meruntun bimbang akan kasih yang dicurahkanBuat anak syurga yang belum mengerti erti kehidupan

Setelah difikir difikir dan difikirkanAkhirnya dia menemui jawapanKerna ingin menghargai rakan-rakan seperjuanganRakan rakan yang banyak membantu dalam kehidupan pendidikanAkhirnya dia menyertai misi mencandat sotong di lautan

Tanggal 19 Mei 2016 bermulalah kisah rakan-rakan iniSeramai 12 orang menyertai misi iniSetiap orang mempunyai impian yang tersendiri Begitu juga dengan tuan empunya diriSeumur hidupnya 30 tahun 5 bulan inilah pertama kali

Mereka bergerak sekitar jam 7 petangMenuju destinasi yang dirancangSepanjang perjalanan ke lubuk sotongPelbagai ragam, rintangan dan cabaran yang datangSetibanya di lokasi hanya tinggal beberapa orangYang mampu bertahan mencandat sotong Lantaran di lambung ombak bergelora

Dalam kegelapan malam mengapai impianDibawah sinaran purnama membina kesungguhankedinginan malam tidak dihiraukanKerna ingin menawan kejayaan

Penat lelah tidak dirasaiSemangat setiakawan menelusuk di sanubariBak kata pepatahAlang-alang menyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lenganAda yang muntah, ada yang pening semuanya dirasai Namun misi mencandat tetap diterusi

Detik demi detik berlalu pergiHasil tangkapan telah digengamiDiagihkan dengan adil dan saksamaAda yang berjaya ada yang tidak berjaya Semua menerima habuan yang saksamaTiada yang iri hatiMalah merasa kepuasan dihati

Di subuh yang heningMereka membawa rezeki pulangUntuk dinikmati keluarga tersayangSebuah kisah ekspidisi yang akan dikenang Ianya amat bermakna buatnya

Ingatlah rakan rakan juga insan yang perlu diberi perhatianBarulah hidup sentiasa ceria

Catatan : Moga kita semua mampu menjadi seorang insan yang sentiasa menghargai semua orang di sekeliling kita termasuklah rakan-rakan

B CUBE December 2015 B CUBE November 2016

Words from the Chief Editors

We have almost come to the end of 2016….how time flies ( s i g h ! ) … s i n c e the past few days, many of our friends have been knee-deep in work, c o m p l e t i n g their Annual P e r f o r m a n c e Report, or

famously known as Laporan Prestasi Tahunan(LNPT), as well as Online Performance Appraisal (OPAL) system, which both require each individual person to report his/her performance in one particular assessment year. This is a daunting task unless one has a good system of documenting his/her work throughout the whole year…..so, a good habit of keeping all the relevant documents is part and parcel in an academician’s life!June-October 2016 Semester has been filled with lots of activities, both academics and non-academics ones. The semester began in June, with four classes of new students from each faculty. The weeks were filled with lots of university activities, including the celebration of Eid Fitr, the Community Service Responsibility (CSR) project, the official visit from the new Vice-Chancellor of UiTM, the academic visits from the academicians and students of a university in Thailand

and the students and teachers from the schools in Terengganu, the Qurban Day, the Bubur Asyura Cooking Competition and so on and so forth. The students from both faculties also held many students’ activities and these made the campus to be busy day and night and the campus life became so alive even it is situated in a quite remote area.1st November 2016 is a date to be remembered when our campus experienced a new change in the administration. After three years of being a strong and supportive leader as the Assistant Rector of UiTM(T) Kampus Bukit Besi, overcoming all the challenges in developing the campus, Associate Professor Dr. Khlipah Ibrahim had to leave us behind for her new post as the new UiTM(T) Deputy Rector (Academics). We are so grateful for all her guidance and efforts which she has given. Currently, the position of the Assistant Rector of Bukit Besi campus is held by Dr Sarifah Fauziah Syed Deraman and we hope she will continue the efforts in developing our new campus and will keep on striving to overcome all the odds during her efforts in building up UiTM(T) Kampus Bukit Besi to be a renowned campus in Malaysia as well as in the world! To all the readers of BCube, we leave you with a beautiful quote to ponder and it is from Stephen Hawking: However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. We pray that 2017 will be a productive year, especially for BCube. We would like to thank the former editorial board for all their efforts and supports to the bulletin and we also like to welcome the new editorial board which we are confident that they will put their best efforts to make BCube as a well-accepted and actively published in-house bulletin.May we see you again in 2017 with lots of interesting articles!

Norkamruzita Saadon-The Chief Editor for BM articlesHalimaton @ Nor Ashikin Mohd Yusof-The Chief Editor for English

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What is Mathematics?

I want to know what Mathematics means to people from different background and how does it

influence their life. I asked them and here are their answers.I started with a six-year-old kindergartener,Mathematics is a book and exam. That’s all. To a sixty-one-year old retiree, Mathematics is ‘ilmu hisab’ or ‘kira-kira’.A teenager from a secondary school told me,Mathematics is like a game but you play with numbers. A diploma student said that,Mathematics is an imagination as we can calculate everything even the non-existence.A housewife must know Mathematics

too,Otherwise who will manage the budget expenditure for the whole family?An engineer thinks that Mathematics helps to justify the design integrity, cost estimation and project schedule. Precisely. One IT expert explained to me,Logic thinking in programming requires excellent Mathematical understanding. The same goes to reading units in Linux scripting and translating data to text in byte, kilobyte up until petabyte.A Chemist agreed that Mathematics is important,A slight mistake in a chemical measurement or miscounting the number of elements in a compound will cause a hazardous catastrophe. From the perspective of an Administration and Diplomatic

Officer as a policy maker,Mathematics is subjective.A businessman considered Mathematics as equal to money,A difference of one cent will determine your profit or loss from a trade deal.Finally I asked myself what is mathematics,And I said…all of the above

Noor Syazana Binti NgarisanUiTM Bukit Besi, Terengganu.

Chief Editor (English) Editors (English) Halimaton @ Nor Ashikin Binti Mohd Yusof Hanith Bin Iskandar Editors (Bahasa Malaysia)Advisor Wan Azrina Binti Wan Azaman PM Dr. Hjh Khalipah Ibrahim Nurul ‘Uyun Binti Ahmad Chief Editor (Bahasa Malaysia) Helmisyah Bin Ahmad Jalaludin Norkamruzita Binti Saadon Layout/Graphic Hanith Bin Iskandar


Penulis: Mohamad Ridzuan b. Mohamed Rashid, Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringUiTM (T) Bukit Besi Campus

One section of the reprocessing industry that may not be as popular, but just as significant, is scrap metal recycling. Scrap metals can come from everywhere,

for example: garage, kitchen, workshop, damaged cars and vehicles, stove top, nuts and bolts, spark plugs, factories, nails and all different kinds of scrap metal. Those scrap metals are made from worth material in market today such

as copper, steel, aluminum, brass, iron chromium, nickel, and others, but they are usually thrown in the trash due to the lack of awareness and knowledge for metal recycling.

As soon as waste becomes difficult to handle, there are smart people. formally known as scrap metal artists. change this trash into awesome arts. These talented artists require a lot of patience and skills, creating art from recycled metal materials which takes even more time and accuracy. A

well-finished art done in special techniques results to a very nice and unique scrap sculpture. No hesitation, scrap metal is turning into an exceptional medium for the artists and sculptors all over the world. They have played their role to help teach the community to keep an eye out for those chances to take scrap metal and bring it to the exciting place.

Besides that, with recycled art, there are so many other ways which can protect the environment and make it green. The effects will not be seen today but it will impact our next generations. If we would not consent about a green legacy in the future, then who else would be?

REFERENCESuktawee, N. (2012). Scrap Metal Art Thailand. Retrieved from http://www.scrap-metal-art-thailand.com/ scrap-metal-art-sculptures-custom-made- statues-in-stock..htmlScrapsculptures (2012). It’s Time to Go GreenRetrieved from https://scrapsculptures. wordpress. com/2012/08/15/its-time-to-go-green/

B CUBE December 2015 B CUBE November 20166 3

Advantages & Disadvantages in Modern Teaching and Learning Methodby : Nurul ‘Uyun Ahmad

In a formal education, teaching and learning process is compulsory to be conducted in class. The process which is synonym with

the teaching-learning-in-classrooms between students and teachers, definitely requires a non-stop effort towards preparing the comprehensive and effective education. In education, the term of teaching process is also known as ‘Pedagogy’ for primary students, whereby ‘Andragogy’ is for adult students, which both terms refer to the psychological study of learners, principles and methods of teaching. An effective teaching can only be accomplished when the teachers can ensure their students achieve the understanding of each learning outcome in each subject (Sharifah, 1983). This matter can be attained by concerning on the choreographing of teaching structure in both classroom organization and learning contents. These two elements need to be creatively carried out in teaching and learning process to attract the attention of the students so that they can maximally comprehend all the learning inputs delivered by teachers in classes.

In modern teaching and learning style, incorporating the Information and Communication Technology or ICT substance in teaching and learning process definitely brings some benefits in the student learning process. Yusri (2004) commented in his report, even though he is partly agreed on the computer utilization in teaching and learning process which can indisputably ease the students and teachers, to ensure the teachers are able to excellently educate the students via this approach is still a long argumentation. Using ICT as the medium of teaching and learning process is not as easy as what teachers and students think, especially for the teachers. Teachers need to be up-to-date while governing themselves with sturdy computers and gadget skills with all safety aspects while using them. They also need to quickly understand how these instruments may help in teaching and learning process. Among the efforts that the teachers can do to inculcate an effective education in class via ICT is the teachers need to identify and discover some software applications that relates to their subject which might help them while teaching. The teachers should also practice some exercises using the software in advance and never forget to identify their limitations so that when the students ask them, they can entertain the students with the best solution or answer.

Simulation is believed can help both teachers and students in the learning process. According to Prensky (2001), facilitation from the teachers is required in a classroom so that the simulation can effectively be used to guide the students. Yet, the advantages of conducting simulation in class are many, such as the teachers could successfully create learning opportunity and practice that

might otherwise never be able to be formed in the traditional classroom, and also learning experiences that are genuine models of the real world situation allow for students to understand the real world situation. In addition, this teaching technique permits the students to make more than a few correct answers instead for “one” correct answer. This may result when the teachers construct a partial simulation to the students and pose more interesting questions. The students then manipulate the simulation to construct solutions and eventually they may come out and compare a few multiple interesting solutions.

Gaming is by now a common activity in our culture which is more than 45 million homes have video-game consoles (Feller, 2006). Therefore, one of the most noticeable benefits to use this technology for learning is that the students are already familiar with the interfaces and the language of interacting with and utilizing them. Generally, the gamers have well-developed skills including improved visual perception, as stated in random initial reports. Digital games, whether computer, game console or handled-based, are characterized by rules, goals & objectives, outcomes & feedback, conflict, competition, challenge, opposition, interaction, and representation of the story (Prensky, 2001). Klopfer (2008) claimed that games are purposeful, goal-oriented, rule-base activity that the players perceived as fun. They are distinguished by two elements: (1) an interactive virtual playing environment, and (2) the struggle of the player against some kind of oppositions. While additional high quality research on the effects of gaming is needed, there are important reasons for educators to engage with digital games. Through this method, teachers should allow the students to form teams in order to increase teamwork and tactic effort skills instead of just having an individual competition. The students who are involved in games during a class session would have the ability to process information rapidly, at the same time and from a range of different sources simultaneously. Other than that, they are also able to decide which one is significance to them.

Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Socrates, Blog, MySpace, Google Drive etc. are among the best interactive teaching aids that can be used for educational purposes. Even though these social networks are not purposely developed for classroom employment, Facebook personalization and its privacy settings are the best criteria for teachers to embed this as an education aid. Teachers can create their own personal social network within the Facebook site and invite the students to enthusiastically join their group in this social naetwork. According to Klopferet al. (2009), this free network should be wisely used among the participants so that all the teaching materials can be effectively shared and discussed in communicating about assignments and the contents of their work. Through this site, students can also send their

assignments or projects in which the soft copies will be automatically in online storage. Open discussions between teachers and students or students with their peers are definitely practical to be implemented via this site. They may share their ideas online, which allow more chances for teachers to see their students’ work and learning progress. Other than that, when a teacher makes an announcement to a particular students’ group, possibility to gain the students’ feedback is higher.

The non-face to face teaching and learning and online-based learning are some ways in increasing cheating in learning process. Via these techniques of teaching and learning through ICT and gadget, every effort must be monitored to ensure its effectiveness for both students and teachers. In the first class, all teachers are encouraged to clearly state the blended or online academic policy in the course syllabus so that the students can follow the rules and regulations stated. Although the learning outcomes remain the same while the method of learning is different, the measurement of student’s achievement may not vary. There is some software which can help teachers to supervise their student’s work such as Thumbnail View which allows teacher to quickly view each student’s screen in a computer lab or any other wireless places. At a glance, it is easy to see which students are on or off the task. Other than that, the monitoring way using the anti-plagiarism software “Turnitin” can be incorporated in every online course drop box, where students will only submit their genuine written work. Lastly, teachers can precede with the traditional strategies to assess their student’s performance including preparing a test or a quiz that requires the students to complete the test and quiz at one time (no re-entry) or setting shorter times for the test or quiz completion.


Sharifah Alwiah Alsagoff (1983). IlmuPendidkan: Pedagogi. Kuala Lumpur: Heinemann Educational books (Asia) Ltd.

Prensky, M (2001). Digital Game-based Learning. New York: McGraw Hill.

Yusri Mat Johor(2004),PenggunaanKomputerDalamPengajaran Sejarah Tingkatan Tiga. KertasProjekIjazahSarjana, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Jenkins, H., Purushotma, R., Clinton, K., Weigel, M., & Robinson, A. (2006). Confronting the Challenges Of Participatory Culture: Media Education For The 21st Century. Chicago, IL: The MacArthur Foundation.

Facer. K. (2003). Computer Games and Learning. FutureLab.

Feller, B. (2006). “Scientist Says Video Games Can Reshape Education”. The Seattle Time; October 18, 2006.

Klopfer, E. (2008). Augmented Learning: Research and Design of Mobile Educational Games. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Klopfer, E., Osterweil, S., Groff, J. & Hass, J. (2009). The Instructional Power Of Digital Games, Social Networking, Simulations and How Teachers Can Leverage Them. The Education Arcade, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“Hati ini, Allah yang pegang”

Hasil Nukilan: Nurul ‘Uyun Binti Ahmad

Seorang pelajar siswi tersenyum-senyum dari sebalik tiang gajah menyusur yang jaraknya 40 meter kehadapan. Saya, seorang yang rabun ayam, masih belum dapat mengecam dengan tepat siapakah empunya senyuman itu.

Saya berjalan mendekatinya.

“Eh, kamu rupanya Intan!” sambil menepuknya perlahan-lahan.

“Hai madam....” ucap Intan dengan senyuman manjanya.

“Subhanallah, cantiknya kamu bertudung. Alhamdulillah! Sejak bila ni Intan?” saya gembira tidak terkata.

Intan tidak menjawab soalan saya tetapi, dengan pantas, dia memaklumkan bahawa abangnya telah meninggal dunia pada minggu lepas akibat serangan jantung. Saya mengucapkan takziah atas pemergian insan yang disayanginya serta mengingatkannya agar terus mendoakan Allahyarham abangnya.

Kami berjalan beriringan melalui susur gajah tersebut. Saya sempat mengusik Intan yang semakin ayu dengan bertudung serta

mendoakannya agar beristiqomah dengan penghijrahannya itu. Nasihat saya disambut baik oleh Intan dengan tersipu-sipu malu. Namun, pertanyaan saya ‘sejak bila?’ tadi masih tidak berjawab dan menjadi teka-teki buat saya.

Kami berpisah di hadapan bilik rehat kerana saya ada urusan di sana, manakala Intan meneruskan langkahnya.


Saya menoleh ke belakang mencari arah suara Intan.

“Madam! Terima kasih! Saya tak nak susahkan abang saya tanggung dosa saya lagi! Doakan saya madam!” Intan melambai-lambai dengan senyumannya yang meleret-leret itu. Dia berlari-lari anak menaiki tangga. Saya tersenyum. Teka-teki yang bermain di benak saya secara automatiknya telah terjawab.

Memberi Hidayah dan Taufiq itu bukan urusan kita, akan tetapi kewajipan kita adalah untuk tidak pernah berhenti menyampaikan kebaikan kepada manusia lain.

Dari Abdullah bin Amr r.a., bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda;

“Sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat” (HR. Bukhari)

Cellulose and starch are two very similar polymers. Both are made from the same monomer which is glucose, and have the same glucose-based repeat units. The difference between cellulose and starch is how both of them are oriented. Cellulose has every glucose molecule pointing in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, starch is oriented with every glucose molecule pointing in the same direction. Figure 1 shows cellulose and starch structures.

Figure 1 : Cellulose and starch structures (Source : Reece, J. B. (2013))

Based on Figure 1, starch is made from alpha-glucose. This is an isomer of glucose in which the hydroxyl (-OH) group attached to carbon number 1 is below the plane of the ring. Meanwhile, cellulose is composed of beta glucose molecules. Beta glucose is an isomer of glucose in which the hydroxyl group attached to carbon 1 is above the plane of the ring. It means that, the glucose units in starch are connected by alpha linkages, and that the glucose units in cellulose are connected by beta linkages.Human can eat starch, but can’t digest cellulose. The human body contains enzymes that will break starch down into glucose. However, humans don’t have enzymes that can break down cellulose. Since both polymers have different structure, cellulose is a lot stronger than starch. Cellulose doesn’t dissolve in water as the way starch will, and doesn’t break down easily.

References :Buck, B. What is the difference between cellulose and starch, Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/ on 11 May 2016. Gottschall, E. G. (1994). Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet. Retrieved from http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/ knowl edge_base/detail/ on 10 May 2016.Reece, J. B. (2013). Campbell Biology, 10th Edition. Benjamin Cummings Publishing. Shokri, J. and Adibkia, K. (2013). Application of Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives in Pharmaceutical Industries, Cellulose - Medical, Pharmaceutical and Electronic Applications, Dr. Theo G.M. Van De Ven (Ed.), InTech Corporation.

Cellulose Vs StarchDr.Sarifah Fauziah Syed Draman

B CUBE December 2015 B CUBE November 20164 5


Oleh Hasmida binti Mohd Noor Previously, we have learnt that Skinner’s Behaviourist theory indicated that input of the knowledge must be done by the

process of habit formation especially drilling and imitating. Proposing a different view, Chomsky, who is an influential linguist and philosopher, believes that every child possesses innate knowledge of language particularly in detecting and reproducing the language. The doctrine holds that our mind is born with ideas and knowledge, not in a ‘blank state’ at birth. It is believed that children born were equipped with Language Acquisition Device (LAD) or later known as Universal Grammar (UG) by current linguists. This device consists of all the principles that cannot be acquired through experience (Sawani, n.d). When the target language is exposed to the child, he will make hypotheses based on what he has observed silently. The inborn knowledge that is believed to exist in every child will help him to come out with his own hypotheses. By checking whether he has learnt correct structure of language through observing, listening and communicating to adult, he later made amendments to the hypotheses if they are proven wrong. Therefore, the Innatists believe that language learner is an active participant and the learning process is a creative process as the learners have to adapt and make their hypotheses, checking and rechecking to ensure that they have learned correctly and set the parameters of their language competence. As this theory is mainly concerned with the first language acquisition, what has troubled my mind is, whether the children have direct or indirect access to UG when learning second language. If the knowledge really exist when they were born, just like their acquisition of first language, there should not be much problem in acquiring second language. Unfortunately, if they cannot have the access to the device, the process of learning second language might be facing

some difficulties. According to Flynn (1988), “UG has at least some effects on second language acquisition, and there is no consensus regarding the difficulty learner still has when acquiring the second language grammar if they have access to UG, or why they have difficulty”. Meanwhile, Sawani (n.d.) also states that the proponents of this view claim that a given second language can be learned from a grammar book or by drilling, and are supported by other linguists by claiming that second language learners have the abilities to reinterpret the principles of their first language to suit the target language, but the limitations are not resettable. Quoted from Cook and Newson (1998) through Sawani (n.d.), the advocators of this view have turned to alternatives that look at learning as general problem solving combined with the knowledge of the first language. Another influential theory that is in highlight (relies on innate language ability) is Stephen Krashen’s (1981) Monitor Theory that consists of five hypotheses:1. Acquisition-Learning hypothesis: Krashen (1981) holds that the acquisition of second language occurs when we are exposed to the target language and comprehend it. The process of acquiring is subconscious and natural but the process of learning is done through a conscious process of study. Krashen (1981) believes that fluency in second language is based on what we have acquired, not what we have learned. That is why he views that acquisition is more crucial than learning. 2. Monitor hypothesis: In order to produce excellent output, Krashen (1981) suggests that the acquired system will initiate learners to speak spontaneously while the learned system will monitor the language used by making changes. However, the process of monitoring will only happen if the learner is concerned about producing correct language, has much time to check and has learned related rules.

3. Natural Order hypothesis: As it goes naturally, the process of acquiring second language is believed to be in predictable sequences. 4. Input hypothesis: By stating the formula of comprehensible input (CI) = i+1, Krashen (1981) states that learner’s focus is on meaning, not the form. Comprehensible input will be high if new knowledge is beyond the learners’ existing knowledge. 5. Affective Filter hypothesis: As cited in Cook (1993), Krashen (1985) has stated that “a mental-block, caused by affective factors, prevents input from reaching the LAD”. Thus, a learner who is anxious and stressed may filter out input and this will lead to less input available for acquisition.This Monitor theory can be assumed as a kind of “language policeman.” The second language learner could, in certain conditions, uses his Monitor to check the language he produced. As an example, a learner could use a consciously learned grammar rule about adding +s to third person present tense verbs (e.g. “She dives”) to find mistakes in his English.

References: Brown, H. D. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. (5th Ed.). Pearson Education.

Cook, V. (1993). Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. London: Macmillan.

Flynn, S. (Eds.). (1988). Linguistic theory in second language acquisition. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Krashen, S. D. (1981). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. English Language Teaching series. London: Prentice-Hall International (UK) Ltd.

Sawani F. M. (n.d). Views on Language Acqusition: A Differentiated Analysis. PhD Report, University of Essex. Retrieved from: http://privatewww.essex. ac.uk/~fmsawa/views_on_language_acquisition. htm

Isu yang saya ketengahkan di dalam buletin kali ini adalah isu yang sudah biasa kita dengar iaitu penipuan sewaktu peperiksaan akhir di kalangan pelajar. Malah mungkin ada di antara kita yang menganggap isu ini adalah

satu isu lapuk. Walaubagaimanapun masalah ini adalah isu semasa yang tidak pernah selesai dari generasi ke generasi di mana-mana institusi pengajian di seluruh dunia. Ia bukan sahaja berlaku di universiti terpencil tetapi juga berlaku di universiti ternama dunia.

Di Amerika Syarikat, 64 pelajar Kolej Dartsmouth telah digantung pada tahun 2015. Pada tahun 2014 pula, 603 aktiviti penipuan peperiksaan dilaporkan berlaku di University of Georgia di mana 70% daripada mereka telah mengaku salah. Selain itu, Harvard juga telah merekodkan penipuan peperiksaan pada tahun 2012 di mana 125 pelajar yang mengambil peperiksaan kelas kerajaan telah disiasat. Kes penipuan peperiksaan berlaku sewaktu peperiksaan akhir setiap semester berjalan samada membawa masuk nota, meniru atau kedua-duanya sekali. Walaupun peringatan sentiasa diberikan oleh pengawas peperiksaan tentang larangan membawa masuk nota ke dalam dewan peperiksaan dan pelajar sendiri tahu implikasi sekiranya tertangkap, namun masih ada pelajar yang masih berani mengambil risiko dengan membawa masuk “toyol” ke dalam dewan peperiksaan

Setiap kali diajukan soalan mengapa mereka meniru semasa peperiksaan, jawapan yang biasa diberikan adalah “tidak sempat habiskan semua topik”, “bimbang gagal dan tak tamat mengikut tempoh” kerana penilaian berterusan rendah bagi pelajar tahun akhir. Pelbagai taktik yang digunakan oleh pelajar dalam melakukan kegiatan yang tak bermaruah ini. Ada yang membawa masuk lembaran nota kecil dan diselitkan di celah helaian kertas jawapan atau menyelitnya di dalam tandas, ada yang menulis nota ditangan, di kalkulator, menulis nota di baju dan pakatan sulit berkongsi jawapan sesame sendiri terutama yang melibatkan soalan objektif. Semua taktik ini adalah taktik lapuk yang mudah dikesan oleh pengawas peperiksaan.

Walaubagaimanapun, seiring dengan perkembangan kecanggihan teknologi, teknik penipuan peperiksaan juga semakin canggih hingga sukar dikesan oleh pengawas peperiksaan. Generasi celik teknologi maklumat sudah mula menggunakan peranti pintar untuk menipu dalam peperiksaan. Antara peranti pintar yang digunakan oleh pelajar untuk menipu dalam peperiksaan ini adalah telefon pintar, jam pintar, cermin mata pintar, berkomunikasi sesama

mereka menggunakan Bluetooth Earbuds dan menggunakan Ipod nano. Kes terbaru penipuan peperiksaan berlaku di Rangsit University, Thailand di mana polis Thailand telah membuat sidang media untuk membuka kertas siasatan terhadap lima suspek yang menipu semasa peperiksaan dengan menggunakan jam pintar bagi permohonan kemasukan ke kolej perubatan, pergigian dan farmasi di universiti itu. Teknologi mewujudkan pelbagai peranti canggih yang digunakan untuk menipu, teknologi juga mewujudkan perkakasan yang boleh digunakan untuk menghalang penipuan pintar ini. Antaranya adalah penggunaan signal-jammer yang boleh menyekat sementara liputan telekomunikasi dan juga penggunaan kamera CCTV yang boleh mengenal pasti riak wajah serta emosi pelajar dalam skop yang luas. Secanggih mana peralatan yang dicipta untuk menyekat kegiatan penipuan peperiksaan ini, ia tetap tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah ini kerana pelajar pasti mencari alternatif lain yang lebih licik dan kreatif untuk menipu.

Sememangnya pelbagai langkah perlu diambil untuk mengatasi masalah penipuan dikalangan pelajar ini. Menurut Prof. Datuk Dr Mohammad Shatar Sabran (Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni) Universiti Putra Malaysia, tindakan undang-undang perlu diperketatkan selain mengenakan tindakan tatatertib yang lebih tegas terhadap pelajar yang menipu di dalam peperiksaan supaya pelajar mengakui bahawa meniru di dalam peperiksaan adalah satu kesalahan yang sangat besar.Sebagai pengawas peperiksaan, tugasan kita mengawas peperiksaan ini akan menjadi semakin mencabar apabila melibatkan pelajar generasi muda ini. Mungkin pada masa ini, isu penipuan menggunakan peranti pintar ini masih berlaku lagi di kampus kita. Namun, kita hendaklah sentiasa berhati-hati dan sentiasa mengawasi tingkahlaku pelajar setiap kali semasa peperiksaan berjalan. Akhir kata,sebagai pensyarah pula, kita hendaklah sentiasa mengingatkan pelajar tentang implikasi berat yang mereka bakal hadapi sekiranya ditangkap menipu di dalam peperiksaan. Pensyarah juga perlu sentiasa menasihati pelajar agar mereka tidak memperjudikan masa depan mereka sendiri dengan menipu dan meniru.


Che Wan Badrul Alias, Peranti pintar bantu pelajar menipu, meniru. Berita Harian, Isnin,16 Mei 2016.

Aku Seorang PendidikHasil Nukilan: Shahrul Hisyam Marwan

Aku seorang pendidikTidak pernah mengenal erti penat lelahPenatku terubat dikala melihat anak didikku BerjayaBerjaya memahami apa yang disampaikan olehkuBerjaya mengaplikasikan ilmu yang ditimbaBerjaya mencapai keputusan cemerlang

Seorang pendidik tidak boleh berputus asaAndai ada yang menemui kegagalanAkan ku cari mana puncanyaLalu kuperbaiki kesilapan laluAgar ianya tidak akan berulang kembaliKerna anak didikku adalah amanatku

Aku seorang pendidikIngin melihat anak didikku mencapai kejayaan lebih darikuKerna kejayaan mereka melambangkan kejayaankuTanggungjawab seorang pendidik amat beratNamun akan ku laksanakan amanah ini seikhlas hatiPasti satu hari nanti kan ku peroleh kejayaan

Duhai anak didikkuBelajarlah dengan bersungguh-sungguhIngatlah jasa dan keringat ibu ayah di kampungJanganlah kamu hampakan merekaKejayaan anda adalah kebanggaan mereka


Passwords: Don’t Leave Home Without Itby Hanith Iskandar UiTM (T) Bukit Besi

Almost every human being in the world is sort of labelled with numbers and words. We are labelled with names in alphabets and we are also labelled with numbers like our ids, account numbers, addresses and many more. As a matter a fact, we need to remem-

ber these labels of ours for vari-ous uses. With the advent of tech-nologies, not only numbers should be remembered but also passwords should be firmly re-tained in our brain. This is because

without passwords it is hard for us to access many things via online services such accessing e-mails, online banking transactions and such. Creating strong passwords is essential nowadays as people have become so very clever these days and they can hack easily

into system with not much difficulty. In order to have strong passwords, there some things to include so that they can stand brutal attack from hackers. It is ad-visable to have at least 8 characters passwords with the inclusion of some of either uppercase, lowercase, number or punctuation. To enhance the passwords we can also include look alike charac-ters like O in Oscar with 0, lower-case I with upper-case I and the letter S with the sign $ Nonetheless, there are things that we can avoid to secure our passwords. We can avoid words like what we can find and quite familiar in the dictionary and personal information like names and birthdates. All upper-case, all small-case or all numbers should not be taken as passwords as well. Also, keyboard patterns like qwerty and 12345678, repeating characters like mmmm3333 and last but not least, it is advisable to use different passwords for different services. As a conclusion, easy passwords are easy to remember, yet, it opens up to threat of being hacked. To better help a person to retain and remember the passwords, various password storing tools can be used for example 1Password for Mac operating system or KeyPass for Windows. Bottom line is do not be afraid of using online services that ask for passwords and keep on updating your passwords from time to time for your utmost safety reason.

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