benjamin agamben

Post on 04-Apr-2015






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: -1. () 1941, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (1892-1940). , , .1) . , .2) 60 , , . , . (fever) . 1960 3) , . 1960 . , . , 1970-80 Cultural Studies . 1990 modernity metropolice canon , .4) () () . 1980 , (Giorgio Agamben) .5) (Carl Schmitt) 1) "To the memory of Walter Benjamin(1892-1940), the friend of a lifetime whose genius united the insight of Metaphysician, the interpretive power of the Critic and the erudition of the Scholar. (Gershom Scholem, Major trends in Jewish mysticism[1941], Schocken Books, 1995) 2) Jacob Taubes, Dana Hollander trans., The Political Theology of Paul[1987], Stanford UP., 2004, p.7. (1923-1987) Studien zur Geschichte und System der abendlndischen Eschatologie (1947) . , . (Judaistik) , / . 1 // , . . 3) Richard Wolin, Heidegger's Children : Hannah Arendt, Karl Lwith, Hans Jonas, and Herbert Marcuse, Princeton UP, 2001. 4) , , , : [1973], , 1979 , , Douglas Kellner, The Frankfurt School The Frankfurt School and British Cultural Studies: The Missed Articulation( . , , , , , 2005 . 5) . Jacob Taubes, op.cit.; David


, 1995 , .6) 10 . . , .7) 16 . 1930 , Ursprung des Deutschen Trauerspiels , . . , . . 8) .9) . . ( ) . . . ? (arcanum imperii)10) . , , . 1920 Zur Kritik des Gewalt Politische Theologie , , reine Gewalt, gttliche Gewalt .11) , - , Pan, Political Aesthetics: Carl Schmitt on Hamlet, Telos, no.72, Summer 1987, pp.153-159; Samuel Weber, Taking Exception to Decision: Walter Benjamin and Carl Schmitt[1992], in BENJAMIN'S abilities, Havard UP., 2008, pp.176-193; Susanne Heil, Gefhrliche Beziehungen: Walter Benjamin und Carl Schmitt, J.B. Metzler, 1996. 6) , , [1995], , 2008; , [2003], , 2009. 7) the Benjamin renaissance which by the way began with Carl Schmitt; his book Hamlet oder Hecuba is the first critical treatment of Benjamin's Trauerspielbuch, and the most interesting to date(Jacob Taubes, op.cit., p.7) 8) Walter Benjamin, Gesammelte Briefe I-II, Suhrkamp, 1960. Walter Benjamin, Gesammelte Schriften I3, Suhrkamp, p.887 1997 III ( ). 9) Jacob Taubes, op.cit., p.98 10) , 163 11) , 103-124 .


. . , . . () ? () ( )? () . , (dconstruction) . - - . - .12) . , . .13) , ? ? (GS II1, p.202-203)14) , . . . . Ex Captivatate Salus , . 2. . , ? Quare silites juristae in munere vestro? , 2004

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