berita---~ bernama kei uaran april 1980 s f q ceso...

Post on 21-Mar-2019






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~------ BERNAMA KD~: NO:OI40/S0-0-------,_.."'"



o Darl Hatl K. Hat.

I Wowoncara 0 n;anA. KarIm hukor

2 PotpourrI

4 BERNAMA Photo ServicE!


F atur AWOfd Comp r/tiQI1

Q CeSO J urn 11m Adviser . 7 n 0'" C)mon

.--.. ~ S I f B "fuga .. Tejoima Osih - TOhnloh

9 We R member You, PAK LENiAN

10 CQre tOn DQr i Pensurus Besar

II 8illiGlrd

12 S mutolk

P ngafong: Hash/m Hassan

Penolong Kepodo Pengorong: Sobrlty.loafer

PemberitQ Bulan Inl: Zoharan Razok

P ny.larasl Nor/jan Mohd. Ncar

DA P.I .'Hil, T[ KE HA TI

" ", ' .. ,\1, '.'.,

Soyo p~rnah mende'ngar oran~, berk<:Ita oohwa oleh kerano negero kite sudoh merdek'd don bohoso Kito sudch berdoul(]t tidak perlu lagi kitel berlojClr boho a Ineg d" Bahaso ltu, kato mer&ko, ialoh bchoso Imperlolls don baho 0 orong put h yang menjalah telnah air klto dahulu.

AlcliCln lal n u,p;rtl Ii'll bukal'l §ohaja p neh d€ln an rn¢I~1 l;ln I< pal uan totapl luga m@rupekan iiafU bMf fI~ yaflflJ bel h mendlnclln kIm darlp da m@lan;kah kohadapCIn \,Jf\fyk m~HiIJr;tlJt Ilmu dl dalam dal'l dl I~lar Malaysia ehmgan UIUClii-\ucunyo, Ju~ iilI<ClI) ya/'lQ ltiIT'ICH::am Itu akan menyekat klta darlpada mencapcl I<lbolehan untuk bel'blncang dan berdebot dengan bljak dan Ifek tlf dI do 10m persldangan··per'sldo ngl;l 1'1 antaro bangso don aiens 1-0 ilnsl Intlrnasionol lalnnyo dl monel bohoSCl Inggeris maniadl bahclso mlsyuarat.

Demi sesungguhnyo, sebogai sahJ bal'lgsa yong sudoh merdeka hom~ir 23 tohun. Malaysia bukon sahajo perlu mempunyoi wargo negoro yang f':lsih di dalam bohosa ibundanya bohkan pintardi cJolc\m bohosa Inggerisdan lain-lain juga. Malongnya, hinggo kehari ini bilangon rakyat Malaysia yang berkebolehon di dalam bahosa Perancis, Spanl'ol, Jerman, Jepun, Russia dl:ln Arab, misolnya, cuma ada beberopa kerot soh<Jia. Keadaon ini perlu pihok yang berkenoon mengambil perhotian clan mernboikinya demi kepentingon Malaysia sendiri untuk sekotQng dan di meso hodopon.

6i.H:lt 6eRNAl\AA i ssyQ Ingin menyerw keq:~fQQQ petwSQs-petiJ9els seka Iion, terutQmt::l seKal1 mereka di Jabatan Pengorrang, agar sentiasa men9€lunai<an Glengen selUtl§lOi luasnya oohcse MGdaysia, tetapi Glisampin€l itu flacK kering'gala~ memperkustktln legi \xlhGlse In~~eris mer eke Glen mara s@tepaK Ig9i kel'\eGlGl~n elensen §@I'ikhtier untuk mempelejari di rnasa-mdsa lapJn~ mereka bahasd Peraneis, SpGlnyel, Jerman Jepun, Russia, MGlndarin dan 1011'l··loln la€li.

I " I'



W~rt6wan.BERNAtv\A di tv\9nila yang berado,di Ibu Pejabatbaru-baru ini. Beliau '~ula bertu'gas di Mqnila pada ihb Disember, 1'979. '. . ­

... 1 I� ~

:;). J

S.� Boleh saudara berikan sepatah kata tentang Manila?'

J.� (Dengan senyum sjmp.Jl~ Goram tak rnasin; cHi tok pedas: peda tak pahit, nyamok tak rnakonobat.

·r t

S.� A po pandangan soudoro tentong wanitd di Manila?

J.� Semuanya Iowa-Iowa. Yang' mintd nak jodi orong gop 'pun Iowa.

S.� Jodiorong go jj saudara Iowa ke ?

J.� Nawal yang pilih ~ (Nawal iolah isted soudora Korim)

S.� Bagaimona tentang kehidupan harion ?

J.� Barang-borang semua mohal. Yang paling murah iolah garam - limo peso (Iebih kurong satu ringgit) boleh tohan tiga bulon.

S. -� Tentan'g pengangkuton owam, bagairoona ? J 4,� _ ~

10 J. , Traffic jom di Kuala Lumpur ni nothing berbanding dengon jam Manila.. S.� Hiburan?


J. Manila never sleeps.�

r 0Ii I J S. Ape yang soudara pdring rindukan semasa di'sana ?� I� t I

J.� Anak-anak, domino dan isteri .

S.� Ape yang paling menyiksakan saudara di sana?

J. Rokok. Satu kotok 20 batong Benson harganyakiro-kire $4. Hanya dijual v5 "di d~ _temptt - Sheraton dan Holiday Inn.

. ~v. "'_ h�

9~1 S. . Apa Y02g _mengkagumkan saudora ?�


j.� Presiden ~rcos. Dia p.;nya press conference Iive telecast. Wartawan boleh tonla t:lp:: soja dia iowob - backed with facts. ~kon minum masa press cOhference macam sini jugok.· Dia pUnya ka'stam very understanding. As usual, I lost, my baggage keys -- diotanya ap:: adCl dalam ? I kata foodstuff. Dla kato never (YIind, no. need to check.

S.� Apa pendapat orang Manila tentcJng Malaysia? t ~'''' ~i ~q . "� I \

J.� Semua orang Malaysia kaya-kayo. Setengah dari teloga di Malaysia berisi minyak . (ketawa)

S.� A po nasihat na~ Qeri kalau ada s pa-sopa ,nak pergi sana?� '.�

J. 'Bawa rokokbanyak-banyak. -- Norijah

"',� • L


. ?


Talking of kettlemanid, B)ERNAtv\A·s ~igh~h ke!tl~ is singing ot 3.45 p.m. sharp in the Penang Bureau. The Penang kettle club was formed late last year and we have� now graduated frorn Boh Teq to Milo., Our hospitality is also extended at the discretion of Kandfoh to guests ~omin9 at the right time.

J • (.

****************** o I

Perhaps the only report~r in Malaysia still gC!ing around on a bicycle is our Penang stringer saudara Murthi. His IO-speed, five-gear non-polluting machine is occasionally shared by saudara Anantharaja.


t TQlking or transport: Saudari 5dlbiah cah tell you how excif-ingand even romantic J

it could be taking a trishaw ride in Penang.' She has even struck up a deal with a young trishaw rider to take her from the ferry terminal to the BERNAMA office every morning on a $15-a-month 'Season' ticket. -- Hoo Ban Khee



r' ; I� ...... "I ,.. I J, IC'� As' things go, some of our senior staff of the Penang Bureau cO::.ln perhaps ,~kip

petition-writing and go on part-time lecturing in their r~tirement. Saudora B. K. Hoo has iust flnishedgiving a talk 0(\ BERNAMA New~ Agency and on Journalism i~ general to sf\J,dents toki~g a three,-ye9r course-on JournaJis.m,at the Han 'Chiono 'High School here. (The speech was carried intb~ local papers

, ")~v ,. i ,,~. .' with pix). udara Syed Imron also did a lecture to the Editl~rial staff'fof HItachi Electronics at Bayon Lepcs whc) are doing the company's house mago:dne.

• • J f •

.. - . i '"',.. } T , ..., , ,"l, ..... .t '. I _ 1 of •O;3(j 1" , . TheGM is happy with the inVitations because such talks hel{)boo~t up our corpbrate image. They are also mutually enriching to our staff and the parties j nvoived .

I ;;...


. I� ~~snle 3 Ape dah jOdi dengan Bahasa Melayu- 1 eniq :up' ,. . u· ....� ...)

Suatu had saya serta seorang rakan Melayu mosuk sebuah restoran Melayu hendak makan masakan Melayu.

r� ,[r.: :J 1'- [e .... ~ I : 1.... -..

Restoran itu bolehlah di'katakan 99 perotus Meldyu k~rana ban~-'unan 'ia 'ditempatkan I adalah� kepunyaan Melayu, ia di endalikanrpleh seorang tuanpunya Melayu dan z- q 01' olonq ~ , Q" I I ::>' 1 II I� I

- para- pekerianya Melayu be.laka • ,� ' .)9 Ie:-� ,,,,, ....<.

Ketika itu rest~r~n tersefut (?enuh drengan p'edanggan IMelayu.

Terpampang d} muka pintu kaca restoron yang berhawa dingin bergaris itu satu papan fand~ plpstik b~tunS.JI"fuIIY,bg9ked ",. ( ah sebabnY5l kurang,J perqtus Melayunya») ., \.... ~ ,<.-

Saya berto!lyal.-,dengan lembut ",kepada ~eor~ng petugas d.; ka(unter, "Tidakkah ada b1n.,g" agi tempbt uduk? It' .

r r " .. I vr L.i .. ., I - .

jawabnya, 'IEncik tidak bacakah ape yang ditulis diluar?" ~, , .. ...,J� ~,'Uv

r' I� i~ 1 ! . , I l ..:J \ ...

Kato saya dengan perasddn tersinggung; "I tu bererti sudah habis ditempeh.,

Kenapa tidak tul is 'sudah.. penuh I sa ja, kan lebih mudah difahami .,11 -- S. M. Yusof ..: .. ,f"; r"".... -� )")~ I' ','-... -' ' v r :>






When a Bernama photographer goe~ ~ut on assignment, he is lugging around a small ~fortunE; in' equ ipment,

too' _

The tw'o"camera bodies, four' I~ns'es, a mc,tor-drive 'unit, a fla~h attachment, some choi efilters~ not to menti~n rhoe bo'g.~11 that is carried, wejghing down heavily on his collar-bone, fs worth S,7,oqo plus, ~ays chief fbotogr?pher, Rosli Hurm'in.

, , .'

'We've spent a lot in setting up BPS and I dare say it is one?f the most well-equipped in the country, II 'Rosli says:

• I ~ ~ I :J •

IIln fact, in terms of the number of equipment per photographer, we are ahead of other� news med ia photo services II,

Rosli, who was a photogropher with the New Straits Times for 10 years before he joined BERNAN'IA to set up its photo service, says more tnan-$120, 000 was spent in equipping it.


This does not include the cost of building the air-conditioned and carpetted office­cum-darkroom sited in the basement of the MCOBA building,

'r~ln t� - .

Rosli says with only four photdgraphers including, himself, and two assistant photographers who also do the darkroom work, BPS is still under-staffed,

111 1 11 be asking for eight more o~er the nexf two y~ars, II he adds,

The photographers are all based 9f BERN,t(Nfo h~R~ ~of~ice i~ Kuala L~~pur whi Ie , stringers serve out in Sabah (two), Sarawak (one), Kota Bharu (one), Kuala Trenggonu

(two) and Kuantan (one).

Commenting on stringers, Rosli s"ays some of them hav~ a- tendency ,to toke for granted subjects which they are familiar with and in that way miss potential news value.

IIl l d advise stringers to be more observant of everday things in their localities which , may be ordinary to them but are of possible interest to the country-wide public, II says Rosli , I'� '

y.� "Photogra~hers should be committed to the rule of being alert for a good pix and having his camera ready for action at all times,lI


IIA photographer will only ')Ove himself to blame if a good picture presents itself in a matter of seconds '"hi!:: he has forgotten to puta fj 1m in his camera, II says Rosl; .

The BPS is only a fe'll months old but already it hos had a good response from subscribers •

v. .... , "Three out of four pixs we send out are used, II he says< , ..J

., I •

Bri,~f 'notes on BPS stoff: Rosli -- on,e of the two pioneer Malay photographers to joi n the Strdits Times, the other being Osman Yaakub who is sti II with NST; Salleh Osman -- eight years with NST beforeioining BERNAMAi Thom Choon Fatt -­'lids wfth UP I, Star and Echo: 10 years experience in all; Manon' -- six years with Dewan Bahasa dan Pustako; Adnan -- was with Universiti Kebongsaan for three years; Samy -- a free-lancer for three years. -- Zaharan Rozak.


, . \

Deadline - what a reporter gets when he phones a government official for comment on something considered 'sensitive'.

Dateline - what a reporter says bef"r~ getting into the bu'siness of ~sking a girl out for the, night. '

8y-1 ine - wliat'a reporter say's before making a fina I exit out of his steady'S 1ife.

Credit line - what a reporter says to the bar-tender of his regular pub before wobbling out after the lost drink. -­ NMN

***************** T ' 'II.


,0 Editorial staff a~e re.!J'linded that the above competition is open till Dec .31 this year. Remember to submit a copy of your feature to Jin. The same rules for the 1979 competition apply this yepr. Any doubts and queries .••ask Jin. The judges are now pondering submissions for lasi' year1s competition. Weill be getting the results next month and the winners their prizes in conjunction with BERNAMA IS




CESO J l ?


I ,

Mr. Graham Bezontlli II crri'le here on April 4 to serve for MO months as Phot9-jolJrnQlismAdviser ir, the Editorial Department.


Mr • Bezant, 36, last held the appointment of ADMI NISTRATI ON A ND ASS IG NMENT CO-ORDI NA TOR in the Photo Department of the TORONTO STAR, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has also served as Head Photographer and Asst. Picture Editor of the IND EP EN,D ENT NEWSPAP ER, Perth, West Australia.

- 't..)~ I ' In our agreeme_nt wi th CES 0 and the NP C (National ProdLlctivity Centre repres~ntative here), his term of reference will be :

- Cesols

it" • II He wi II serve in the Editorial Department as PHOTOJOURNALISM ADVISE R

for two months.

"He wHI advise staff (reporters, photo editors, news editors, controllers, head features desk, chief photographer, photographers and others) in their day-to-day task~ in photo journa Ii sm ..

IIHe will be required to give occasional talks oh subjects of photojournalism and supply notes for distribution to staff. II


The CESO Volunteer will be based in the News Room GNS. He will function only in an advisory capacity qnd will look into the follQwlng sub/ects:

:;..;­ L

., :;



Selecting events for pix coverage; briefing photographers in improving techniques;

,. l I I

How to sel ect the best 'picture, picture cropping and captIon writing;

(c) Photojournalism and the Law, libel, crime pictures, and aerial photography.

., 11 (

In his cable of ofceptance, Mr. Bezant has elSe? indicated that he would have consultations witnassociates in the-CANADIAN PRESS (CP), Canada's national ne_w~ age nc y before his arri va I here. Musa Scu II y .


n .J *****************



• , .,' .....� 4< J.

IIDid yo~ e~ioy ,/o~r tr~ip? H'Jw WelS it? II These were-the two roost popular questions "' '''put to me aHer coming back fro/n Cl IO~oy stay in Oman.

~ .. - oJ.

IIRelieved to be back. Home sweet horne. Nothing like. home II. Well, that should explain everything. One mlgh enjoy his stay in Oman, soy, for two or three days, but not for a week or as In my cdse, 10 dreadful days. Itls not that I dld1nt like the country, it is just that Oman Is totally dIfferent kind of land with strange surroundings and peculiar people. You woke up in the morning, looked OIJt of your hofel window, and. there it Is - the dry, barren lond baked by a merci less sun and the si~ht of the Arabian Seol,which can make you sea sick. You really miss the pleasant greens of your home land, the thick forests, the vegetation-matted hills dna the peo,ple whom you know through and through. .. Daily at the hotel you see the reserved expressionless faces of the Pakistanis, Sri Laokans and Indi.ans. )Working at j"he hotel, saving up money fron tK~ir h~ge salaries

• (and tips), they� go about doing their duties tirelessly. They give the impression that nohe of them are feeling at home. They are restless and appear"ed fo~be out of place. They arc eagerly waiting to be reunited with their families .in their home countries. One can liken them to indentured workers.

Practically everyday, after your appointments, when you have nothing to do, you g0. to the..motel disco-where the latest disco hifs blare from speakers. The disco is ustlally crowded with men: but the men far outnumber the women. ,.,

')1"I".• 'c

A few fun-loving Arab youths brihg along their girl-friends and swing to tne disco music. You feel bored stiff but try to enjoy the music by snapping your fingers and tapping your feet. All the same, it didtnt help to keep your mind off home.

I was taken for a non-Muslim on roo occasions. At a Museum in Mutrah, near Muscat, the women officer who showed-us round, treated me somewhat coldly as if I_~e~e an olien 9,eing; Near one of the exhibits,. there was an inscription fro~:..the Quran w,hich I. recited aloud impulsively. The officer, not beli~vil1g whRt.she. heard, turned her face towards me and asked: lI you are e Muslim? II

I said I was, and a II of a sudeen she begal'} to warn towards me. ,- ' :

On another occasion, while on a plane from Muscat to Salalah, an Omani youth sitti ng beside me bagan shifting uneasi Iy in his seat. He was uptight and glowered at me and all of a sudden exclaimed right in my face: Il you Muslim? he seemed desperate Iy in need of an appeasing answer. When I said yes, he shook his head in disbelief and asked the question again just to make sure he heard right. I replied again in the affirmative. He laughed mockingly and said: II),OU Muslim, no, no, no.


"He refused to believe me anj I had~to repress the urge to punch him in the face:� I was burning inside. Not being toh;n ct my wor~, I recited the.Kolirroh Syahadat�

zn� and several verses of the Quran iwst to convince him that I wa~ a Muslim. Then only he realis~ that Islam was not the property of only fhe Arabs -' Sye'd Imran.

... .. , . ) \


Seramai sembilan pe'tugas b~ru teloh mula berkhidmat di Ibu Pejobot BERNAfv\A. b~ru,:,bor"'u ini. Diucapkan selomat \;>ertugqs don.. 'welcome to BERNAtv\A. J kepada K ...·Roghov~<?n,(Penteriemoh), Maulud Abd .-Wahid (Pelayon Pejobot), Khodijoh AOd. Roof (Jurutoip), Asioh Yusof (Pegawai Berita II), Izham Shuhoimi Ahmod dan Foridoh Hoshi m (wartowan), pemberita-pemberito kodet Isabella Groce Hiew, Azjz Ahmad Shariff don Leslie Lim Cheng Lee.

,D~I,o~pada itu saQrang pente;jernoh, 0;' Kim Seng, telah meletakkon jowatan sesudah berkhidrTlO-t selama honyo sebulan. Apabilo ditonya oleh Ketua Pengarang

I, me2g6pa }~a hEmdok berhent"i, jawobnyo: IIBoring. No actioh here 1.,11

.. , ."


" JO •••• ~ Telah disqmpoik~n oleh saud~ri . Rohoni Bochee don~Ratna Melon etos'�

'~umbOngan yang telah dlberikar ct1eh semua berikutan dengan kemotian yang� dialami oleh keluarga mereka. Ayah saudari Rohani telah meninggal dunia� ROda 5hb Mac.�

I "'. ) I

****** ** *** *** **** *.

, I o • r" \ .,) . v~ TAHNIAH

.) . u,capan tahniah kepada saudara Shomsudih Omardin yang mendapat seorong caho¥amata perempuan 5 Mac lalu, diberi noma Sharizaa·. K'01-0 Shamsu'd'in, S'harizpa clilahirkan ;elepas ibunya Sawiyah mengandung hanya sel<:lrro tujuH bulan. Shukorlah Sharizaa sekarang dalam keadaan yang sihat.

. (

*********~********* ,. ,>c.

~ I • I .lr

or� 0



Suloiman Pateh Akhir, who joined BERNAMA in 1970, passed away two weeks ago (Sunday, Morch 9) of a head attack at his rl"lother's house in Jalan Anak Gasing, Petaling Jayo.

On that day, Pak Leman, a bachelor, as usual had dinner ot his mother's place. After Iisteni ng to the 8.30 p.m. news, he decided to return to his Ladang Seaport home, in Subang-Sungai Way, but he could not start his car.

He walked the little distance to the main road hoping to catch a cab but after failing� to do so he returned to his mother's house to spend the night.

A while later, a male relative heard him reciting the kalim:lh,"Asyadu allahillah haillalah, wa-asyadu ana mUhamadu rasullahlah" in a low voice.

This was repeated some moments later in an even lower tone. Concerned, the male relative went into the room to check and found Pak Leman strangely still.

He informed Pak Leman's mother and an ambulance was called, but Pak Leman was already dead when it arrived.

1 ">e

Allcihyarham Sulaiman'Pateh Akhir'was buried at th'e Muslim cemetery in Petaling , Jaya after zohor pra yers the following day.

Born in Klang on July 18, 1928, Pak Leman was a IItrue old-world gentleman II having been educated at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar and the University of Western Australia. But for vdrious reasons a degree escaped him.

u Dq'"� In this respect he'once told Pak Hashim Hassan that although he was generally satisfied with his life, his one regret was his failureCto meet his late father's expectation of him being as academically good if not better than his younger brother, Ishak.

Ishak is now Tan Sri Ishak, the Director-G enera I of the Economic Planning Unit in the Prime Minister's Department.


Ilhil<:: "ith BEfit IAtM. prJ~ l<::rron '.'£f./<::d 'J", forl'.:ign correspondent for a year in J'JI-o'Jrt'J in 1'i75 nh<::r<:: h'~ hrJrj 'J rni')or hl;:lJrt attack ·"hi Ie riding a bus.

'He is now gone. And we, his collea'3ues Will always remember him as " 0 very nIce fellow who never impose himself or scrounge en others". He wos quiet and unassuming, He was friendly to all and he always had a kind word for everybody •

. r • t ~

AI~hou9h qul~t, he could also be.a liv'ewire at socIal gothe-rlngs. Colleagues recall 0 BERNAtM annual dInner ond donee ot Inton Bowl In Jolon Ampang some yeors ago when Pol< Lemc:ln livened up the party by spontaneously danc:lng wIth a lody guest In the limelight. But Pok Hoshlm Honon, our Ketua Pengarong, remembers hIm as one who faIthfully adheres to 011 the tenets of Islam.

Zaharan Rozak

****************** • 1 . "v


Tun Adam Malik - NaibPresiden Indonesia -telah meminta Pengurus Besar

".� Encik Dol Rami i supaya ,menyampai~an dukaci.t,a dan condolence kepada� keluarga Allahyaraham Sulait'DOn Pateh Akhir yang meninggal baru-boru ini. Pertemuan antara Tun Adam dan Encik Dol adalah di acara Penyampaian

• Pengh?rgaan Yayasan Tun Rozak pada Mac II~ Allahyaraham Pak Leman " . pernah berkenalan dengan Tun Adam Malik ketika beliay menjad,i wakil

J I .

Bernama di Jakarta. Tun .Aldam berkata sekiranya beliau baroda di Malaysia ketika Pak Leman dikebumikan, beliau ingin sekali menziarahi pengkebumian Pak Leman. Ucapan takziah beliau j'elah d,isompaikan oleh Encik Dol kepada

J J ~ , ~

Tan Sri Ishak Pateh Akhir, adik Allahyaraham. ,

1in Ul *******~************

Perhatian -- Kelab Kakitangan BER~-,JAt\M akan mengadokan majlis tohlil bag; AliahyarhamPak Leman di Bilik Latihan pcida 3 April, jam 7.30 malam. Semua di jemput.




The Subs dl;:sl-: rec.entl/-orgonised a billiard tournament for editorial staff in the southern wing of'the building (comprising subs, sports and economic desks staff).

Saudara Syed Ja mi I of the subs won the tourna ment; runner-up was saudara A mat f\Aakmur of sports and third saudara Jeafer Hussein of the subs.

Saudara Othman Taib consented to donate the first prize; Saudara Zailani Sulaimon the second and Soudari Fuziah Ayub the third. Saudari Karrima Seth agreed to donate a prize for the wooden spoonist.

The participants take this opportunity to thank the organisers of the tournament and the prize donors. -- Govind.


Kelab Kakitongon BERNAtllA mengucop syabas dan taniah kepado ohli-ahlinya di meja penyunting, ekonomi dan sukan otas inisiatif mereka menganjurkan pertandingan "jolok bola" Kalah'mati oogi' merebut hadiah-hadiah dari saudari Karrimo Seth, Fuziah Ayub, -saudara Othman Taib dan saudara Zailoni Sulaimon.

KK B mengucap setinggi -ti nggi terimo kepado mereka yang menghulurkan hodioh­hadioh itu. (dengar-dengor khabar ramai logi yang sedia untuk menghulurkan hadiah-hadiah menarik bagi apa jua pertondingan sekal i pun).

" KKB mengalu-galukan sebarang inisiatif ahlinya untuk mengada apa jua pertandingan

'bagi mempereratkon lagi persahabatan antara para pertugas Ibu P ejabat mohu pun biro atou wakil negeri., '

bi II iard ada dom; no pun ada

~in-ball, carrom, darts don bola sepak tidak ketinggalan

datanglah, marilah tunjukkan'kepcindaian anda

asalkan jangan boju dan seluar dalam digadaikan.

• 'I ....,,)- Sabrey Jaafar . 08 . ­********************



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Dicetak dan diedarkan oleh BERNAMA Bangunan MCOBA, 42, Jalan Syed Putra, P . O. Box 24, Kuala Lumpur 01-02, Malaysia.

. ~.

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