bi year 4item-item yang telah diubahsuai

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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7/30/2019 Bi Year 4item-item Yang Telah Diubahsuai 1/5


Soalan 1- 4

1. Dinesh enjoys playing computer ___________.

A games C screen

B song D keyboard

2. He has a toothache because he likes to eat _____________.

A  junk food C ice cream

B chicken D vegetables

3. School prefect must wear a ______________.

A  bandanna C  bow

B scarf  D necktie

4. Johan likes to go _____________ trekking with his friends.

A  jungle C school

B  park  D house

Soalan 5, 6 dan 7

Puan Jamilah is preparing breakfast for her family. She is __________.

Encik Rahman, her husband, is drinking a ___________ while

reading the newspaper. Lisa is putting two ____________ into the


5. A cooking some noodles C collecting some eggs

B frying some eggs D  breaking the eggs

6. A glass of juice C carton of milk 

B cup of coffee D  jug of coffee

7. A slices of bread C loaves of bread

B slices of cheese D slices of tomato

Soalan 8 dan 9

7/30/2019 Bi Year 4item-item Yang Telah Diubahsuai 2/5

8. A The chef is serving the customers.

B The chef is eating his own cooking.

C The chef is looking at the chicken.

D The chef is putting the chicken into the oven.

9. A The nurse is checking the boy’s teeth.

B The doctor is taking the boy’s temperature.

C The boy is taking some medicine fro the doctor.

D The nurse is giving some medicine to the boy.

Soalan 11, 12, 14 dan 15

11. A Please help me packing my things.

B I’m going camping with

some friends.

C Can you please send me there?

D I am going to the market later.

12. A When will the rain stop?

  B I should walk in the rain.

C I can’t go back in the rain.

D You’ve no umbrella.

14. A Did you see my shoes?

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  B Why the shoes are here?

C Why are your shoes so dirty?

D Whose shoes are that?

15. A I shall drink your coffee.

  B I don’t like coffee.

C You can add as much sugar as you


D You’re right. We cannot take

too much


Soalan 16,17 dan 20

16. Do not put too much __________ in the bowl of noodles.

A salt C oil

B sand D soil

17. Danny is resting under the tree. __________ is feeling very tired.

A He C His

B Him D I

20. Siti is __________ coffee every morning.

A drinks C drank 

B drink  D drinking

Soalan 22 dan 23

21. Mother bought me a pair of__________.

A sneekers C sneaker 

B sneakers D sneeker 

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22. __________ are good for health.

A veggetables C vegetables B

vegetable D vegtables

Soalan 24

24. A Did you rinse your mouth after eating? asked mother.

  B “Did you rinse your mouth after eating?” asked mother.

C Did you rinse your mouth, after eating? asked mother.

D “Did you rinse, your mouth after eating?” asked mother.

Soalan 26-30

Study the pie chart. Then, write down five sentences which true or false about the chart in the

space provided.

 Kaji carta pai di bawah. Kemudian, tuliskan lima ayat yang betul atau salah mengenai carta pai

di ruang yang diediakan.

No Sentences True or False




7/30/2019 Bi Year 4item-item Yang Telah Diubahsuai 5/5



Soalan 31,32,34 dan 35

Based on the picture and the passage, fill in the blanks with correct answer. Berdasarkan gambar, isi ruang kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.

The children are in the kitchen. (31) They __________ making a salad for dinner.

Suraya (32) is __________ at the sink. She is washing some carrots and tomatoes. Rahim

is holding a (34) ___________ knife. He is using it to peel the onion. Encik Malik, their 

father, is watching (35) ___________ and smiling.

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