bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana




    GERMAIN LIETAER is a full professor at the Catholic University of Leuven and teaches client-

    centered/eperiential psychotherapy and process research in psychotherapy!"e is also a staff #e#$er of a %-year part-ti#e post&raduate trainin& pro&ra# in client-centered/eperiential

    psychotherapy at the sa#e university!

    This $i$lio&raphical survey of $oo's (only) contains three parts!

    *art +, Client-centered/eperiential psychotherapy +.%.-+..! In this part only $oo's in their ori&inal

    lan&ua&e are #entioned! 0oo's fro# this period that have $een revised after +.. are #entioned only under*art 1! There are separate su$sections for the follo2in& lan&ua&es, En&lish Ger#an 3rench and 4utch!

    *art 1, Client-centered/eperiential psychotherapy +..5-1555!

    *art %, Related approaches +..5-1555! The #ain approaches covered are eistential interpersonal Gestaltnarrative-constructivistic fe#inist and inte&rative/eclectic 2ith #a6or client-centered input!


    1.1. English

    A"#$%#& '.& ( A"#$%#& K.(+.7)!Being intimate. A guide to successful relationships.Ne2 8or', Ar'ana!A)*+& D.(+.91)! Toward a technology for humanizing education. Cha#pai&n IL, Research *ress Co#pany!

    A,%& V.(+.:9)!Play therapy. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!

    A,%& V. (+.7;)! Dibs, in search of self. Personality development in play therapy. 0oston, "ou&htonMifflin!

    B#+$)& C.C.F.. (+.;)! Support for parents and infants A manual for parent organizations and

    professionals. 0oston, Routled&e < =e&an!

    B#+& A. 3.& ( P%& G. '.(+.7)! The counselor in the schools A reconceptualization. 0oston, "ou&htonMifflin!

    B5%& '. 6.& R7%& L. N.& ( 8)5;;& A. K.(+.7%)! !uantitative naturalistic research. En&le2ood CliffsN8, *rentice "all!


  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    C#)#& 8. R.(+.9%)!A sense of community. Colu#$us ", Merrill!

    C#)#& 8. R.& ( R#%)& C. R.(Eds!)! (+.7)!0an and the science of man. Colu#$us ", Merrill!

    C& C. A.(+.;1)! 1ounseling in 1atholic life and education.Ne2 8or', Mac#illan!D)yden! (Repu$lished in 0anta#

    0oo's+.5)! !

    G#$#& T.(+..)! Teaching children self2discipline.Ne2 8or', Ti#es 0oo's!G#$#& T.& ( B7

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana



  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    R#%)& N.(+.5)!%merging woman A decade of mid2life transitions. *oint Reyes CA, *ersonal *ress!

    R#)%& A& ( A>& A(+.9:)! rowing up human.Ne2 8or', "arper < Ro2!

    S%%"& '.(+.%)!Personality integration Studies and reflections.Ne2 8or', "u#an ?ciences *ress!S%%& A. S. (Ed!)! (+.:)! Proceedings of the 3irst $nternational 3orum on the Person21entered

    Approach (atepec Meico +.1)! Meico City Meico, Universidad I$eroa#ericana!



  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    B& U. (+.%)! Selbsta&tualisierung versus #erhaltens&ontrolleC Aufarbeitung der ?ontroverse 4ogers2

    S&innerzur ?larung theoretischer rundlagen der espr@chspsychotherapie. 3ran'furt a# Main, *eter

    Lan&!E7%5& '.& ( B%"-R5@%& K-6. (+.;)! Stationare ruppenpsychotherapie Prozesse, %ffe&te,

    #ergleiche. 0erlin, ?prin&er!

    E))%& P.(+.%)!%rlebnisorientierte Psychotherapie. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!E))%& U.(+.)!4ogers und Adler. "eidel$er&, Asan&er!

    E))%& U.& ( S$%& K.(Eds!)! (+.)!Personenzentrierte ruppenpsychotherapie. "eidel$er&, Asan&ererla&!F%5& H. '. (+.5)!Die %instellung in der Psychotherapie. Theoretische rundlegung und empirischeBefunde am Beispiel der espr@chstherapie. ?alB$ur&, Muller!

    F%& A.(+.9)!?lientenzentrierte ruppenpsychotherapie. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!F#

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    =2iat'o2s'i E! (+.5)! Psychotherapie als sub;e&tiver Prozess. 3ilr eine sozialwissenschaftliche

    ?onzeption der esprtichspsychotherapieforschung. >einhei# und 0asel, 0eltB!

    6%?%& G. (+.9.)! 3amilientherapie und &lientenzentrierte esprtichsfilhrung in der socialarbeit.Munchen, =osel!

    6%5%& A.& ( S*55%& H. D. (+.5)!%rlebnisorientierte ruppenpsychotherapie (ols! +-1)! *ader$orn,

    @unfer#ann-erla&!6)%& 8. R! (+.9:)!Pra/is der esprtichstherapie. >ien, 0ohlaus!

    P3%& F. G.(+.9)!Die &lientenzentrierte Psychotherapie. Munchen, *feiffer!P%5%"& F.& N#%%& 6.& ( B#$%& U. (+.9)! Psychologie chronischer ?ran&heiten im ?indes2 und

    ugendalter. Munchen, *sycholo&ie erla&s Union!

    P;%;;%& 8. 6.(+.7)!Psychologie des &ran&en 0enschen. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!

    P#& U. (+.97)! Differentielle Psychotherapie $$ Der usammenhang von -ebensbedingungen und

    spezifischen Therapieeffe&ten im #ergleich von esprtichspsychotherapie und #erhaltenstherapie. 0ern,"u$er!


  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    8##$& '. K. (+.)!0enschliches Dasein als 0iteinandersein. ruppenarbeit nach personenzentrierten

    Ansatzen. =oln, Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie!

    %%& 6.(+.9.)!$ndi&ation zur esprtichspsychotherapie. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!

    1.2. French

    A%& L.(+.91)! 1ommunication et epanouissement personnel. -a relation d

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    ')*%)& L. (+.;)! ie&en en zorgen. Psychosociale begeleiding van patienten en hun familie. Leuven,


    L%5%& G.& 3 P& P$%)& '.C.AG.(Eds!)! (+.:)! 1lientcenteredpsychotherapie in beweging. Leuven, Acco!

    N%5%=##"& P.6.C. (+.77)! 7pleiding in gespre&svoering Beschri;ving en efKectonderzoe&. 4elft,

    Meine#a!P%5%)& H. (+.:)! 1lient2centered therapie en gedragstherapie een aanzet tot integratie. Lisse, ?2ets ye U=, *CC? 0oo's!

    H5%#*;& E.(+..)!$ntegrating spirituality in counseling. A manual for using the e/periential focusing

    method. Aleandria A, A#erican Counselin& Association!H+"& E.(+..)! The process of personal growth in encounter groups. @apan!

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    H#7%& C. 6. (+...)! espriichspsychotherapie2ein wissenschaftlich aner&anntes #erfahren. Die

    beharrliche Bloc&ierung einer bewiihrten psychotherapeutischen rundorientierung und ihre

    ?onseEuenzen fMr die Aus2, 3ort2 und =eiterbildung. 0onn Ger#any, 4eutscher *sycholo&en erla&!H$%& '. (+..1)! espriichspsychotherapie. =as sie &ann, wie sie wir&t und wem sie hilft. Mannhei#

    Ger#any, *AL!

    H*!H55%& A.(+..+)!Psychotherapie und psychosoziale #ersorgung. =ln Ger#any, G2G!

    H55%%& R. (+..)!Das Paradigma der "umanistischen Psychologie. %ntwic&lung, $deengeschichte und

    Produ&tivitat. >ien, ?prin&er!H55%%& R& P>#>)+& G.& S7ien, >UL#& C.& ( 676& 6. (Eds!)! (+...)! %/periences in relatedness roup wor& and the person2centred approach. Ross-on->ye U=, *CC? 0oo's!


  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    Leuven 0el&iu#, Counselin& Centru# 0li6de In'o#ststraat +% %555 Leuven! (E-#ail,


    L%5%& G.& R#"=5)& '.& ( V B%& R(Eds!)! (+..5)! 1lient2centered and e/periential psychotherapyin the nineties. Leuven 0el&iu#, Leuven University *ress! (E-#ail,


    L%5%& G.& ( V K"5& D. N. (+..;)! 1reating contact, choosing relationship The dynamics of

    unstructured group therapy. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!P)& P.(+..7)!-e travail dye U=, *CC? 0oo's!

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    P55%)#& C. H.& ( H$#%& S. C. (+..9)! Successful psychotherapy A caring, loving relationship.

    Northvale N@, @ason Aronson!

    P)& P.(Ed!)! (+..1)!Pr@vention und esundheitsfrderung. Perspe&tiven fMr die psychosoziale Pra/is.=ln Ger#any, G2G!

    P)& P.& ( D%5%& D. (Eds!)! (+..)! esundheidsfrderung. wischen Selbstverwir&lichung und

    empowerment. =ln Ger#any, G2G!P%5%)& H.(+..1)!Psychotherapie bi; geesteli;& gehandicapten. A#sterda#, ?2ets < eitlin&er!

    P%5%)& H. (155+)! Psychotherapeutische ugange zu 0enschen mit geistiger Behinderung. ?tutt&artGer#any, =lett-Cotta!P;%;;%& 8. 6.(+..;)! Trans&ulturelle Psychiatrie. ?tutt&art Ger#any, Thie#e!

    P#%"& '.(+..%)! 7homem a caminho de si mesmo. 0elo "oriBonte Minas Geraes 0rasil, *aulinas!

    P#5%7%& C. (+..1)! 4elation d

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    S7%& '. (Eds!)! (+..5)! ur u&unft der &lientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. "eidel$er&

    Ger#any, Asan&er!

    S7urB$ur& Ger#any, Echter!S7ien, I*? of A*G! Availa$le

    fro# 222!pfs-online!at


  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    S#""%& N.& ( B#""%5& C.(+..;)!%ine anstiindige 3amilie. 3ran'furt a# Main Ger#any, 3ischer!

    S*%%%& G.-8.(+..:)!Das Differentielle $n&ongruenzmodell 'D$0+. "eidel$er& Ger#any, Asan&er!

    S*%%%& G.-8.(Ed!)! (1555)!5eue %rgebnisse der ambulanten und stationiiren espriichspsychotherapie.=ln Ger#any, G2G-erla&!

    S5>%& 8.(+..)! !uesting voices. La @olla CA, Center for ?tudies of the *erson!

    S5>%& 8.(1555)! Three voices. $nterviews into person2centered approaches with %rnie 0eadows, 0ariaBowen, Bob -ee. La @olla CA, Center for the ?tudies of the *erson!

    S5*)5)& R(+...)! egenlicht. Studien zum =er& von 1arl 4. 4ogers '()9U2()*:+. >ien, >U!S5*)5)& R(155+)!Auszeit. #erweilen bei sich selbst. >ien, 0oo's on de#and G#$tt!S5*)5)& R& ( H55%%& R(+..1)! (Eds!)!Perspe&tiven 4ogerianischer Psychotherapie. >ien, >U!

    S5"& U. E.(Ed!)! (+..1)!Beratung und ?risenintervention. 0aterialien zu theoretischem =issen im

    interdiszipliniiren Bezug. =ln Ger#any, G2G!S5"& U. E.& ( S7olf&an& M!

    *feiffer Trans!)! =ln Ger#any, G2G!S>$%)& '.(+..9)!Procesgerichte gespre&stherapie (Rev! ed!)! Leusden the Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!

    S>$%)& '.C.A.G.& H)& O. $%& L%5%& G.& ( V B%& R(Eds!)! (+..+)!-eerboe& gespre&stherapie.

    De clientgerichte benadering. Leusden theNetherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!T"=& N.& ( F%%& K(+...)! Terapia 1entrada no 1liente Teoria e PrQtica m caminho sem volta.*orto Ale&re Rio Grande do ?uI 0rasil, 4elphos!


  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    T#>& C.(+..)!Depression und Dependente Persnlich&eitsstrung ProzeVanalyse der Therapeutischen

    Beziehung im 4ahmen station@rer ruppenpsychotherapie. Gtin&en Ger#any, Cuvillier erla&!


    Ger#any, 4A3!

    85)7ye U=, *CC? 0oo's!

    2. RELATE4 A**RAC"E?, +..5-1555

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    Mainly, eistential Gestalt interpersonal-psychodyna#ic narrative constructivistic fe#inist and

    inte&rative 2ith #a6or client centered input!

    A=#")& E. 6.(+..%)! The freedom of the self The bio2e/istential treatment of character problems.Ne2

    8or', *lenu#!A$%)#& H. (+..9)! 1onversation, language and possibilities. A postmodern approach to therapy. Ne2

    8or', 0asic 0oo's!A**%="& S. (1555)!%vocativeness. 0oving and persuasive interventions in psychotherapy. NorthvaleN@, @ason Aronson!

    A5%)& 6. F.& ( 65& O. R. (Eds!)! (+..;)!Psicologia "umanista Aportes y orientaciones. 0uenos

    Aires Capital 3ederal Ar&entina, 3undacin Universidad a 4istancia "ernandarias!B7& H. A. (Ed!)! (+..)! 7ptimal responsiveness "ow therapists heal their patients. Northvale N@,@ason Aronson!

    B% 6%& '. (+..1)!"et zelf2in2relatie. 5ieuwe psychologie voor vrouwenhulpverlening. Eindhoven

    the Netherlands, 4e Els!B%#& V. (+..;)!Psicoterapia centrada no corpo. ?ao *aulo 0raBil, Ed! Loyola!

    B5#& E. III& F. (+..7)! "arry Stac& Sullivan, interpersonal theory and psychotherapy. London,

    Routled&e!B%"& 8.(+..;)!3ocusing. Selbsthilfe durch ?orpererfahrung.

    B55& S. '.& ( F#$& R. . (+..:)! Therapeutic change. An ob;ect relations perspective.Ne2 8or'/London,

    *lenu#!B#)"& 6.(+..%)! =er&boe& empathie. 0aarn the Netherlands, Nelissen!B#>"*& R. (+...)! "elen door delen. %/perientiele interpersoonli;&e therapie. Theorie, methodie&,

    onderzoe&. Maarssen the Netherlands, Elsevier/4e Ti6dstroo#!

    B#>"*& R.& ( B#>"*& S. (+..;)!Psychosociale therapie voor &ind en gezin. Bouwstenen vooreen geiNntegreerde &ind2en gezinsgerichte e/perientiele methodie& in de;eugdhulpverlening. Utrecht the

    Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!

    B#>"*& R.& ( V%)& S. $%. (+..1)!"andboe& psychosociale therapie. Theorie en pra&ti;&. Utrecht the

    Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!B%& P. R. (+..9)! The heart of being helpful %mpathy and the creation of a healing presence. Ne2

    8or', ?prin&er!B=% A))& '. (Ed!)! (+...)! 0artin Buber on psychology and psychotherapy. %ssays, letters, anddialogue. ?yracuse N8, ?yracuse University *ress!

    B%5& '.F.T. (+...)!Psychotherapy isniley!

    C$>%& C. (+..9)! etting in touch A guide to body2centered therapies. >heaton IL, Theosophical

    *u$lishin& "ouse!C

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    C"7#& A. P.& ( K%57ads2orth!C#%+& G.& ( C#%+-S7

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    E)%& R. G.& 6#)$& '. E.& ( T5"& R L. (+...)!Beyond empathy A therapy of contact2in2

    relationship. *hiladelphia, 0runner/MaBel!

    F%$%& B.& ( R#& R (Eds!)! (+..:)!Beyond the hot seat. estalt approaches to group. "i&hland N8,Gestalt @ournal *ress!

    F%& N. (+..%)! The validation brea&through. Simple techniEues for communicating with people with

    NAlzheimerashin&ton 4C, A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!

    F)& C!(+..1)! Der Sinnbegriff der -ogotherapie und %/istenzanalyse und seine BedeutungfMr die

    0edizin. *faffen2eiler Ger#any, Centaurus!F)iley!G%)5%& '. S. (+...)! Stic&ing together %/periential activities for family counseling. *hiladelphia,

    Accelerated 4evelop#ent!

    G=%5& 6. C.& ( E3)& K. (1555)! Psychotherapy supervision. An integrative relational approach to

    psychotherapy supervision. 0uc'in&ha# U=, pen University *ress!G)=%& B. G. (+..9)!4elationship enhancement family therapy.Ne2 8or', @ohn >iley!

    G$$& S.(+...)! roup wor&. A counseling specialty (%rd ed!)! Upper ?addle River N@, *rentice "all!

    G))"& N.& ( K5%)& L.(+..5)! roup wor&. A humanistic approach. London, ?a&e!G#?%?& A. 6. (+..;)! De la sombra a la luz Desarrollo "umanoTranspersonal. MJico 4istrito

    3ederal MJico, @us Universidad I$eroa#ericana!

    G#$& 6. (+..7)!A time to say good2bye. 0oving beyond loss. >atsonville CA, *apier-Marche *ress!G%%

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    H>##$& I.N.H.& ( P%)& 6. (Eds!)! (+..)! Self e/periences in group $ntersub;ective and self

    psychological pathways to human understanding. London, @essica =in&sley!


    U=, *CC? 0oo's!

    "ersen M! < an "asselt ! 0! (Eds!)! (+..)!Basic interviewing. A practical guide for counselors andclinicians. Mah2ah N@, La2rence Erl$au#!

    H& C.& ( OB%& K. 6. (+...)! "elping s&ills 3acilitating e/ploration, insight, and action.

    >ashin&ton 4C, A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!H#==)& T. (Ed!)! (+..1)! %/periential training. Practical guidelines. London/Ne2 8or',


    H#$)5#7& T. L. (1555)! 4e2e/amining psychology. 1ritical perspectives and African insights. London,

    Routled&e!H#)%& R& ( T#55#& N.(Eds!)! (+..9)!$mplausible professions. Arguments for pluralism and autonomy in

    psychotherapy and counselling. Ross-on->ye U=, *CC? 0oo's!

    H#)5#& G.(+..%)!Being and belonging. roup, intergroup and estalt.Ne2 8or', @ohn >iley!H#>%& D.(+..%)! 7n being a client. nderstanding the process of counseling and psychotherapy. London,


    H#>%& '.(Ed!)! (+..+)!-ehrbuch der psychologischen und sozialen Alternswissenschaft, Bd. %, "ilfe und

    nterstiitzung fMr altere 0enschen (pp! +:5-+7:)! "eidel$er& Ger#any, Asan&er!H#+5& 6. F. (Ed!)! (+..)! The handboo& of constructive therapies $nnovative approaches from leading

    practitioners. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!H==%& 6. A.& %5 . (+...)! The heart and soul of change. =hat wor&s in therapy> >ashin&ton 4C,

    A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!

    H+7%& R. (+..+)!Between person to person. Toward a dialogical psychotherapy. "i&hland N8, Gestalt

    @ournal *ress!H+7%& R. (+..1)!wischen 0enschen. Ansatze zu einer Dialogischen Psychotherapie. =ln Ger#any,

    Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie! (Translation) !

    H+7%& R& ( '7#=)& L. 6. (+..;)! The healing relationship in estalt therapy. A dialogic / selfpsychology approach. "i&hland N8, Gestalt @ournal *ress!

    I7%)& 8(Ed!)! (+..9)!%mpathic accuracy.Ne2 8or', Guilford!

    I3%+& A E.& B$;#$ I3%+& 6.& ( S"%-6#& L. (+..7)! 1ounseling and psychotherapy. Amulticultural perspective (:th ed!)! 0oston, Allyn < 0acon!

    '%)& S. (+...)! $ntroduction to developmental play therapy Playing and health. London, @essica


  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    '#$& '. V.& K*& A G.& 6%& '. B.& S53%& I. P.& ( S%+& '. L. (+..+)! =omen

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    L5?& '. E.(+..%)!%/istential family therapy sing the concepts of #i&tor 3ran&l. Northvale N@, @ason


    L>%7%& '.(+..;)!Balancing empathy and interpretation 4elational character analysis. Northvale N@,@ason Aronson!

    L%%& R.& ( 8ashin&ton 4C,

    A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!N%"%+%& R. A.& ( R)& '. D.(Eds!)! (1555)! 1onstructions of disorder 0eaning2ma&ing framewor&s

    for psychotherapy. >ashin&ton 4C, A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!

    N%)#-'#%)& R(+...)!$ntroduction to counseling s&ills. Te/t and activities. London, ?a&e!N%3)& E.(Ed!)! (+..1)! estalt therapy Perspectives and applications.Ne2 8or', Gardner!


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    P55%)#& C. H.& ( 85)& C. E.& '. (+..7)! Theories of psychotherapy (Rev! ;th ed!)! Ne2 8or',

    "arperCollins Colle&e!

    P+%& 6.(+...)!5arrative therapy. London, ?a&e!P%%=%& '. 8.(+..9)! 7pening up.Ne2 8or', Guilford!

    P%))#& A.& ( C$%& '. S.(Eds!)! (+..+)!0oving psychotherapy Theory and application of Pesso system

    /psychomotor therapy. Ca#$rid&e MA, 0roo'line 0oo's!P%5%"& F.& ( P%5%"& U. (+..5)! Training mit aggressiven ?indem. Munchen Ger#any,

    *sycholo&ie erla&s Union!P#)5%& E. (+..;)!A population of selves. A therapeutic e/ploration of personal diversity. ?an 3rancisco,@ossey-0ass!

    P#)5%& E.& ( P#)5%& 6.(Eds!)! (+...)!3rom the radical center. The heart of estalt therapy. London,

    Analytic *ress!P#5%%& G. H. (+..1)! Der 0ensch ist &ein =agelchen. estaltpsychologie2estalttherapie2Selbstorganisation2?onstru&tivismus. =ln Ger#any, Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie!

    P#5)& '.& ( C##*%& 6.(Eds!)! (+...)! The plural self 0ultiplicity in everyday life. London, ?a&e!R%& R P.(+..;)!Dealing with the problem of low self2esteem 1ommon characteristics and treatment inindividual, marital6family and group psychotherapy. ?prin&field IL, Charles C Tho#as!

    S=%& P.(1555)!Attachment and adult psychotherapy. London, @ason Aronson!

    S;& '. D.& ( G%%=%& L. S. (Eds!)! (+..+)!%motion, psychotherapy and change.Ne2 8or'/London,Guilford!

    S;& '. D.& ( 6& '. C. (1555)!5egotiating the therapeutic alliance. A relational treatment guide.

    Ne2 8or', Guilford!S7

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana




    V H3%& 8.& ( P%))#& A. (+..5)!"et ge&wetste zelf. Pesso2psychotherapie als terugweg naar zichzelfLeuven 0el&iu#, Acco!

    V%))%& A. (+..5)! De binnen&ant van het gespre&. -uisteren naar mensen. Tielt the Netherlands,

    Lannoo! (Translation)V%))%& A.(+..5)!%couter l

  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    V%5?& '. C.& ( K%"& G. (1555)! 1omprehensive guide to interpersonal

    psychotherapy.Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!8%>##$& '. (1555)! Toward a psychology of awa&ening Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the path ofpersonal and spiritual transformation. 0oston, ?ha#$hala *u$lications!

    8%)5& 8.(1555)! Spirituality and psychotherapy. 1rossing the line between therapy and religion. London,

    ?a&e!8%)5& 6.'())L+.Active communication. *acific Grove CA, 0roo's/Cole!


  • 8/11/2019 bibliografie psihoterapie centrata pe persoana


    %555 Leuven 0el&iu# e-#ail, &er#ain!lietaerpsy!'uleuven!ac!$e

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