bootlegshort_andrew riley

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Written by

Andrew Philip Riley

Inspired by,

Ian Fleming's 007: James Bond



Snowy London stretches out all a-glitter, and the Thames cuts like a dark ribbon through the heart of the city.


Massimo reeks of style, with patrons to match, dominated by giant columns and a warm ambience.

EVELYN OCTOBER (30), sultry, yet intimidating in or out of her perfect dress, sits at a table with the elegant KAT REIN (25), their hands together.

Kat draws her hand back leaving behind a napkin in October’s. She opens it and reads to herself. Smiles.

OCTOBEROctober. Evelyn October.

KATI didn’t ask for your name.

OCTOBERI thought you earned it.

KATKat. You’ll have to earn the last.

They stare with knowing eyes as LORD CAMPBELL (40s), an uptight politician, returns. October rises.

OCTOBERI was just leaving, Lord Campbell.

LORD CAMPBELLDon’t dash on account of me.

OCTOBERYour wife has quite a mind.

LORD CAMPBELLShe’s not my wife.

OCTOBERThen you won’t mind.

She kisses Kat on the lips, lingers there, and saunters away like she conquered England. Lord Campbell furrows his brow while Kat glows.


October glides from room to room, surveying the scene, feeling it out.

She takes out Kat’s napkin: HUTCH. LOWER LEFT CUPBOARD.


October inspects the bottom cupboard of the tall hutch in the corner. She finds a bottle of Glenlivet, and an empty envelope with no address, just a Shakespeare stamp.

A CLOSING DOOR in the hall stops her dead, and she steps back out of sight into the...


The main door opens and M, a lovely, weary workaholic at 28, enters and immediately dumps her purse, bag, and coat on the chair by the door. Doesn’t bother with the light.

She retreats to her bedroom for a moment, and returns in a silver robe, clicks on a lamp and cozies up with a book in a high back chair. She takes a sip from a tea cup--

SLAMS a fly with the book.

M examines the book. Empty. The fly twitches then flies off.


Something stirs from across the room. She peers into the darkness. Good long moment--SLAM! M jumps. Lamp CLICKS on.

October sits opposite M like a stylish shadow, bottle in hand.

M (CONT’D)The hell... did you get the fly at least?

OCTOBERAnd in the dark. Suppose that’s saying something.

MYou’re right. You’re a Double-O and your qualifying skill is insect exterminator.


OCTOBERAlways knew I had a future in the termination business. I mean, that is why I’m here.


You are an unsavory bastard. At least Bond has the manners to be visible when he breaks into my house--and what the hell are you doing here!?

She shoots up, chucks her book down, and stomps to the window.

OCTOBERI’m here for the scotch.

She takes a swig.

MNo. You’re here for Bond.


MHe’s been gone three months, and we haven’t a damn lead. Numerous sightings, but surveillance doesn’t bloody corroborate.

OCTOBERDreadful. Do you want him dead or alive?

MAlive, of course. The world needs him.

OCTOBERYou mean you need him. And the world feels just as cocked-up as when he was around... maybe less so.

MThis is an order, October. I’ve barely got my feet in the water at MI6...

OCTOBER“Youngest M ever.”


MYoungest M ever who lost Bond. SoI need you following my orders. Set an example, for God’s sake.

OCTOBERAnd what an example. You’ll assign an agent, me, who might forgo duty and kill him.

MVengeance is the great motivator. I need someone who will stop at nothing to find him.

OCTOBERJust stop short of killing him. My, you are desperate. But I’m not out for revenge. I’m better than vengeance, and he’s not worthy of mine.

Takes another swig.

MAnd I thought you’d be worthy of your number, Double-O Nine. To do what is necessary.

OCTOBERSpeaking of numbers, I think The Numbers might have him.

MThe moral mercenaries?

OCTOBERDo you know many people as immoral as Bond?

MHe’s had his moments. I don’t know what he did to you, but he’s not without conscience.

OCTOBERI don’t think it’s his conscience they care about. I think it hangs a bit lower. Probably impregnated one of their wives. Or all of them.

October gets up to leave with the bottle.



OCTOBERApologies, but I won’t find your pet. Without the desire to kill my hunt would have teeth but no heart, and vengeance demands the heart.

MNot that, the--

OCTOBERNo worries, mum. I have a piss-poor memory and you’re not at all hospitable. I wouldn’t come back to your secret flat if you asked me.

She leaves with the bottle. M checks her empty tea cup. Sighs.

MKeep the bottle.


October steps out to a snow-soft London. Dead silent. Street lights cut sharp relief over the blanketed cars.

October strolls to the center of the street, finishing off the bottle, and looking the envelope over, focusing on the Shakespeare stamp.

When she replaces it in her pocket she WHIRLS AROUND with her silenced gun drawn. Scans the hushed scene.

A WHITE CAT lopes across the street.

OCTOBERPuss on the prowl.

She replaces her gun, takes a few steps, stops--chucks the scotch bottle at a DARK FIGURE surging from the shadows to escape.

October glides across a snowy hood, her foot grazing his arm.

But he cuts sharp down an alley, and October slides on the ice past the opening.

She finds her feets, but when she rounds the corner the Dark Figure stands there, still as the snow.


He drops to his knees, then to his face. Thick red blood seeps into the pure white snow.

The beautiful, treacherous, and American BECALA (35) steps out from the shadows, pressing a small silenced gun to October’s temple.


OCTOBERBecala. Shame I’ll never know who my admirer was.

BECALAI’m your admirer. That was a Mr. Thirty One.


(beat)They were following M.



BECALAIt is so good to just smell you again, be this close...

Becala breathes in October, savors her.

OCTOBERIsn’t it a touch risky being out and about with eyes on you.

Becala glances at a nearby camera on a post.

BECALAI have my ways. But you’re worth the risk, and part of the reason I come around. Do you know the other reason?

OCTOBERBecause God hates me.

BECALATo help you in your greatest need. And I know what you need... him, dead by your hands. I won’t do it.



I wouldn’t dare take such a gift from you.

The white cat reappears and trots up to rub her head into October’s shin.

BECALA (CONT’D)I think she likes you.

OCTOBERI hate cats.

Becala targets the cat now hopping in the snow. With her free hand, Becala takes out Kat’s napkin note.

BECALAI hate competition.

She drops the napkin, and rests her head on October’s shoulder. October looks sidelong at Becala.

Becala SHOOTS the cat.




The brand new MI6 tower stands tall, thin, and modern overlooking the glistening Thames, shadowing the former MI6, now a somber shell with a memorial at its center.


The exterior may dazzle, but inside this place is next to empty but for some boxes and desks, everything awash in unexciting white and gray, splashed with aqua accents.

M’s secretary, MISS JONES, responsible yet playful, sits on her desk holding a tablet.

October sneaks up behind her.

MISS JONESYou’d make a terrible cat burglar, Miss October.

OCTOBERSeeing as I hate cats, it should come as no surprise--



She sees the tablet, and a camera view of behind Miss Jones, clearly showing October.

OCTOBER (CONT’D)That’s cheating, Miss Jones.

MISS JONESSpying isn’t a competition, but I always win, as James would say...

She trails off, remembering.


(re: boxes)Would you mind?

OCTOBERWhy? Did M order me to set an example? Prickly, red-faced, anal M? That’s a metaphor for something sexual.

MISS JONESYou know what else is a metaphor?


She mimes scissors with her fingers. Miss Jones brings her lips dangerously close to October’s but just before they connect...


...she shoves a box in October’s hands.

BECALA (O.S.)(British accent)

I’ll take that off your hands.

October absentmindedly hands it over to her, until she realizes what she just heard. October drops the box.

MISS JONESAh, the transfer. You can keep Miss October busy for a spell.

BECALA(British accent)



How the hell!? Miss Jones walks away, and October glares at Becala.

OCTOBERHow did you get in here?

BECALAAs I said, I have my ways.

OCTOBERYes, but you’re a rogue CIA agent.

BECALADeep ghost operative. I don’t exist. Think MI6 would have anything on me.

OCTOBERYes, but...

(sees her badge)Not even I have that kind of clearance.

BECALATisk. A Double-O and I outrank you in a matter of days.

OCTOBERThis isn’t your first day!?

BECALAOf course not. Evelyn, where have you been?

OCTOBERYou have the clearance, find out.

M enters the room, and comes right up to the pair.

MAh, Double-O Nine, I see you’ve met our new operative, a transfer from MI5, Miss Kat Blanche.

October has that look... Clever.

M (CONT’D)She tells me she has come across pertinent information concerning Bond’s whereabouts. I think she’ll be a fine asset, don’t you?

Becala holds out her hand, but October doesn’t budge.


M (CONT’D)Well, I can see you’ll get on famously. October, meet me in my office after Miss Blanche has debriefed you.


(beat)Wait. I already told you I’m not--

But M won’t stop for anything, and marches right out.

BECALAShe doesn’t call you Evelyn. I’ll have to remedy that later as we must part. Such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow.

October grabs Becala’s arm and yanks her close.

OCTOBERDo you know where Bond is, or are you just fucking with me?

BECALAThere’s some fire. Would you burn him with it if I did?

October releases her.

BECALA (CONT’D)So cruel. Don’t worry love, I still think the world of you. What would it do without you?

She taps Miss Jones’s tablet as she leaves October stew in recent events. October doesn’t move for a moment, but then takes up Miss Jones’s tablet.

The view of the desk and October appears. Nothing special. She rewinds the footage. We don’t see what she sees when her eyes go wide.

OCTOBERHow the? Bitch.


M chats with Miss Jones by a mountain of boxes, and about a dozen busybody employees. October BURSTS in.


MISS JONESYou scared her off already, Miss October--

OCTOBERWhere is she?

MIf you’re looking for Miss Blanche, she just--you’re joking?

OCTOBERPut the building on lockdown.

MWe’re not fully operational, we can’t lock it down.

OCTOBERThen you really are useless.

M feels the judgmental gaze of her peers.

M(chin up)

I give the orders around here, October.

OCTOBERYou wanted me to find your little boy... here I go.

October starts off, but--


October halts immediately, the whole room frozen.

M (CONT’D)Report to my office and remain there until I say otherwise. If they evacuate this building you will not move. If God orders you to follow him, you deny him. If the building comes down around you they had better find you in the rubble of my office!


The Thames glimmers as it slices through merry ol’ grey London.



A modern cafe smacking of old world charms. Cakes, pies, tarts, and scones adorn the vast display case, with vats of jams at the ready.

October sits alone with a scone and a book (M’s book), a few patrons about. One PATRON sits one table over behind a newspaper.

M storms in and plops down in front of October, glaring at her while she continues to read.


OCTOBERIt’s a mystery, really.

MThree days! Three days you’ve been doing whatever and whoever the hell knows what without authorization, IN LONDON! right under our noses. It would be impressive if it wasn’t so bloody infuriating.

OCTOBERI was talking about the scones, darling. Liquid.

She takes a bite, and M rips it from her hand.

MYou left my office.

OCTOBERNo. I never made it to your office. Much more rebellious.

M leans back.

MLook at you, so blase about everything. If only I could be so content with so much at stake.

KAT (O.S.)You could, my dear, if you allowed yourself to relax.

M turns to the newspaper patron, and folds the paper down to reveal a smirking Kat. That smirk vanishes when M tears the paper from her hands.


OCTOBERM, play nice. She’s merely an informant.


OCTOBERUntil you give me your last name, I fear you will never be anything more.

KATYou’ve yet to earn it.

OCTOBERAnd how might I do that? You’re so cryptic about everything--

M shoots straight up, knocking her chair back. It stops the whole place cold. M tugs her top tight, recomposes herself.

MMiss October, may I see you in private?

She turns on her heel like a soldier, and marches to the bathroom in back.

OCTOBERKat, if you’ll excuse me...

KATThe lady demands, you must obey, chevalier.

October follows M to the back.


October enters the large handicapped stall--M rams her against the wall, pins her arms to the tile. October is the epitome of calm.

M draws October’s arms over her head and clamps them at the wrist with one hand. With the other she feels around her collarbone, under the hem of her shirt, her neck...

OCTOBERAll you had to do was ask.

M rips off a transparent strip from October’s neck.


MWho’s listening?


MYou disobey my order, go off range for days--we weren’t able to track you. You could walk right up to MI6 and no one would know until they saw you face to face. There were sightings, but you didn’t show up...

(catching on)...on any surveillance.

In a flash, October spings M against the wall, hand around her neck.

She plays with the edge of M’s skirt, about to travel up, but she pulls down her own pants and sits on the toilet.

M (CONT’D)Double-O Nine! Would you prefer some privacy?

OCTOBERI believe I’ve had my fill the past few days.

She points to the transparent strip in M’s hand.

OCTOBER (CONT’D)It’s a sort of jammer. Wear this on your person and it calibrates to your biometric readings. From there it hacks any network to erase you from being recorded in real time.


OCTOBERI call it The Void. You’re there, but not. Some kind of next-gen times ten quantum computing system. You know, that ol’ chestnut.

October holds up the envelope. M snatches it from her.


OCTOBER (CONT’D)From Bond, I wager. Hand delivered. A Shakespearean quote only revealed through a special chemical.

MWas this in there?

OCTOBERNo. On me, courtesy of Miss Kat Blanche.

MI thought you weren’t pursuing Bond.

OCTOBERI’m not. But if he’s using The Void to take a vacation, I want to spoil it for him.

(beat)You didn’t notice the envelope was gone when I stole your scotch.

MI didn’t think to check. It’s been a while. He would place there anything he deemed for my eyes only.

OCTOBERAnd only you two know this?

M nods as it dawns on her just as it does October. October pulls her pants up to rush out, but M’s already ahead of her.


M storms out. Kat’s gone. October pushes past M, spots Kat’s unfinished scone.

OCTOBERShe always finishes.


October flies outside, looks one way, but the SCREECH of tires from the other direction draws her attention: A WHITE VAN books it down the street.

M steps outside and sees the van.




Every building on this street has at least one light on. Only one sits completely in the dark, a void.


October enters the darkened entryway like a wraith. Silent.


October holds back. In the center of the room, tied up, mouth gagged, sits Kat. October holds her silenced gun up.

M sticks her head over October’s shoulder...

MWhat the hell? Bastards.

...and shoves past October to Kat’s aide.

OCTOBER“And thus I clothe my naked villainy with odd old ends stol’n out of holy writ and seem a saint, when most I play the devil.”

MRichard the Third. You’re not implying Bond did this?


October SOCKS Kat across the face and she topples to the floor.

MThe hell--

October clutches M by the throat and forces her to the window.

Placing a finger to her mouth, October indicates with her eyes something below outside. M looks past the drapes to two black cars.


M (CONT’D)(soft)


October nods.

M (CONT’D)(soft)

They didn’t do this.(re: Kat)

She’s one of them.

October nods.

M (CONT’D)(soft)

Miss Blanche? She found The Void in the envelope before you. But why bring her, us here? To die?


M furrows her brow in confusion.

OCTOBER (CONT’D)To draw Bond out for me.

MWhy would he care about her?

October releases M’s neck.

OCTOBERI’m sorry.

M smiles. October SMASHES her head into the window. Glass showers onto the sidewalk. Down below car doors fly open.

M fights back, but October strikes her face a few times, and takes her down with a hurricane force gut punch. She drags the unconscious M next to Kat.


The Numbers. MR. ONE through MR. SIX, clad head to toe in black, move up with hushed precision. They arrive at the...


They stagger their position down the hall, and hustle one by one at intervals until they come to the right door.


Mr. One tests the knob, which opens at his touch. He inches into the darkness, Mr. Two, Three, and Four following. Mr. Five and Mr. Six remain at in the hall.


Mr. One stands half there staring at M and Kat face down on the floor, the light from outside a spotlight on their stark naked bodies. Mr. Two looks over his shoulder.

MR. TWOMiss Twenty-Five. I told you she was here.

MR. FOURExile.

Mr. Three immediately checks the bodies.

MR. ONEOnce a Number, always a Number, Mr. Four. She will be avenged.

MR. TWOString up the son-of-a-bitch who dared do this. Public hanging, I say.

MR. ONESomeday they will bring that back. For now we’re shadows fighting for the light.

MR. FOURThis was all set up to draw him out. Why else use her?

MR. THREEMr. One? A moment.

Mr. One joins Mr. Three who shows him M’s face.


MR. THREEAnd Miss Twenty-Five. That damn woman must be stopped.

A NOISE from the entry hall.

MR. ONEStratford.


No answer. Guns up. Pause. They FIRE seven or eight soft shots. A body drops halfway into the room. Mr. Five.

OCTOBER (O.S.)Upon-Avon.

BOOM! Mr. One’s leg shot. Blood sprays. He clutches at it.

October drops Mr. Four to the floor, neck broken. More SHOTS as October shoves Mr. Three into Mr. Two and Mr. One, who trips over Mr. Five.

Then, she finishes off Mr. Three by vice clamping his windpipe. Done with him, she drags Mr. Two into the next room.

All we hear are solid BRACING HITS, CRUNCHING BONES, SHARP HUFFS and GROANS--all over in seconds. Mr. Two HURLS October back out, and she slides across the floor.

Mr. One grabs a gun, points it at October, but she knocks the gun up so when he FIRES he takes Mr. Two’s head off.

Before Mr. One can take another shot, October snaps his amr. Agony.

OCTOBER (CONT’D)Where’s Bond?

MR. ONE(wincing)


OCTOBERThen I’m his successor.

M (O.S.)(strained)

The hell you are.

M lifts her head up, struggling to turn over.

OCTOBERStay down. You’re still playing the part.

MR. ONEYou set this up? You’re as crazy she is.


OCTOBERBecala? She set us up. She knew I could get at least one of you to talk, tell me where Bond is if he didn’t come himself.

MR. ONE“To thine own self be true, and it must follow as night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”

OCTOBERWhy would your boss come for her? Why would Bond come for her?


Mr. One repeats the quote like a mantra. October slides her hands up to Mr. One’s neck.

OCTOBER“Once more unto the breach, dear friends...”


About to snap Mr. One’s neck, October refrains.

Using the moment, Mr. One frees himself from October, and leaps through the broken window. TWHACK! he hits the car below.

We hear him open and close the door, fail at starting the car, CURSE, start it up the second time, and then peel out.

October glares at M who drops her head, unconscious.

OCTOBEROnce more.


M, in a silver robe, lies facing the back of a couch, her face bruised. She opens her eyes--it stings--and turns over to find October staring right at her.

October sits at a small table with watercolors next to a piece of paper taped to a bit of board that leans against a small bust of Shakespeare.


OCTOBERI still need to capture your most intriguing feature.

MMy bloodied face, I presume?

OCTOBERYour ass. Could you go back?

MCould you go back to hell?

OCTOBERNot before Bond.

MWhatever Bond did to you I didn’t deserve that.

OCTOBERTrue, but it did save your life. You’re no field agent, M. You would have got us both killed.

M swallows that one hard. October swipes a few strokes on the paper.

MIs Kat dead?

OCTOBER(shakes head)

Told me her last name, though I’m not sure if I earned it.

MIsn’t it Twenty-Five?


M opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out at first.


OCTOBERFrom one of his early misadventures. She’s the real Kat Blanche. She tracked him for years as a Number, but needed more so she joined MI5. But Bond didn’t want to be found.


M stands up, turns to the window.

OCTOBER (CONT’D)When she got closer, he got a hold of The Void to well, avoid her. That’s why she came to me. She was going to use my vengeance the same way you wanted. But then Becala kidnapped her to draw Bond out so that when I showed up, and we met face to face, I’d kill him.

MBut he’s your father, too.


MOh. No?

OCTOBERI certainly hope not. He got me pregnant and forced me to terminate the pregnancy.

MOh. I don’t know! That’s dreadful.

OCTOBERYes, but that doesn’t make me want to kill him.

They pause, let the tension deflate.

MAt least we know he’s still on our side, playing The Numbers as a double agent.

OCTOBERYou sure? If he walked in this room right now, how would you know?

MThe look in his eyes.

(beat)And if Bond walked in right now, what would you do?

OCTOBERFinish painting your ass. Now turn back over.


A KNOCK at the door. They give each other a look. Can’t be. October puts a finger to her mouth. Ssh. She checks the door, and backs up as it opens to...


Becala enters with a gun to October’s face.


OCTOBERIs there ever a time when you’re not pointing a gun at me?

Becala points the gun at M and SHOOTS. M doubles over and clutches at her stomach. Becala’s gun keeps October at bay.

BECALANow he’ll come.

OCTOBERDammit, Becala! Leave her out of this.

BECALAYou won’t kill him, and he’s too much of a coward to come out for his own daughter, so I’ll dangle the only other woman he will expose himself for.

She presses the gun right into October’s forehead.

BECALA (CONT’D)Forgive me, my love, but since you’ve been so ungrateful, I will have to take this gift from you.


Enough. I’ll go.

M leans against a table, barely able to stand. October rushes to her.

OCTOBERSit down, you bloody oaf.

MIt’s fine, Evelyn. I’ll go with her. I’ll...


She glances at October’s painting. It’s not of her ass, but of her hands. Delicate. She looks at October, sharing one last moment before Becala tugs her away.

M (CONT’D)(strained)

What Mr. One said... the quote... it’s code for...

OCTOBERAn extraction point. As night the day. Greenwich. Prime Meridian.

Becala winks, and SLAMS the door. There’s a click, a high pitched hissing, and then silence.

October tests the knob. Doesn’t budge.


In the back of a luxurious Maybach, Becala keeps her gun trained on the bleeding M.

MYou know she doesn’t love you.


MWhy do you pursue her then?

BECALAIt’s all about the chase, isn’t it? If I caught her, I’d probably just kill her.

MDo you think she’d kill Bond?

BECALA(gives her a look)

She didn’t tell you, did she?

MShe did.

BECALAThat he raped her?

That hits M like a ton of bricks as a BLACK CAR RAMS into their rear like ten tons, jerking them forward.


MDouble-O Nine?

BECALAWrong number.

An SUV jets out in front and stops their car cold. NUMBERS pour out of the SUV with sub-machine guns.

BECALA (CONT’D)That was rather expedient of them.

M holds up the transparent strip.

MISS ELEVEN places a device on the driver’s door, unlocking all of the doors. She yanks the Driver out and shoots him on the spot.

M shudders, but Becala’s calm as can be. She tucks her gun away, and lets MR. THIRTEEN drag her out. From there he’s all hers.

She grips his balls and throat, SLAMS him into the car, and HURLS him into Miss Eleven.

Becala climbs into the driver’s seat. On M’s end, MR. TEN clutches at her leg--she kicks his face, and crawls to the other side. We see Mr. Ten get pulled out of sight.

M reaches for the door when the one behind her SLAMS.


Becala guns the car forward, banking hard right to wedge through the black SUV and a parked car to flee down an alley.

BECALA (CONT’D)Curious, how did you escape, lover?

OCTOBERRoom service.

October checks M’s wound. It’s a mess of blood.

MShe told me.

October continues to tend the wound.

M (CONT’D)I wouldn’t blame you if you did, but I won’t let you kill him.


That’s when October looks square in her eyes. Becala slams on the brakes when another SUV blocks the way out.

Becala reverses at lightning speed, but a dozen Numbers block the way back. They open fire, dozens of bullets tearing up the alley.

M (CONT’D)Why aren’t they hitting us?


One bullet blows out the back window.

The Numbers part for Becala to pass between them, but another car shoots out to block the exit. Becala screeches the car to a halt, and whips her gun out, training it on M.

The back passenger window of the car rolls down to reveal a man in shades.


He removes his sunglasses, locks eyes with M as she searches for what she was hoping for... but can’t find it.

MCan’t be.

Then Bond’s eyes fix on October, their stare unbreakable as The Numbers surround their vehicle. October, too, is searching for something in his eyes. But...

October rips the gun from Becala’s hand, and just as The Numbers come together...

Double-O Nine slips a SHOT through the closing gap at Double-O Seven--




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