web view(record) several songs without the beatles. he ..... (prepare) a new record ... complete the...

Post on 01-Feb-2018






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Учебно-методические материалы

к курсу английского языка

для студентов очного отделения неязыковых вузов,

занимающихся по учебнику “Language to go”(Intermediate)

Нижний Новгород 2012

Language to go:Учебно-методические материалы к курсу английского языка

для студентов очного отделения, занимающихся по учебнику “Language to

go”(Intermediate). - Нижний Новгород: НГПУ им. К.Минина, 2012. - 79с.

Учебно-методические материалы подобраны с учетом требований ФГОС-ов

3 поколения для студентов-очников высших учебных заведений, которые

отводят большую долю времени самостоятельной работе студентов.

Материалы содержат дополнительные лексические и грамматические

упражнения к учебнику “Language to go”(Intermediate), а также ключи для

проверки правильности выполнения заданий.

Авторы-составители: Ю. М. Борщевская, канд.пед.наук, доцент кафедры ин. яз. НГПУим. К.Минина, Ю. В. Клопова ст. преподаватель кафедры ин. яз. НГПУим. К.Минина, Л. Ю. Никшикова канд.пед.наук,ст. преподаватель кафедры ин. яз. НГПУим. К.Минина

Рецензенты: Е. Ю. Илалтдинова, канд.пед.наук, доцент НГПУ им. К.Минина

Т.А. Ревягина, канд.пед.наук, доцент, доцент ГХИ ННГАСУ

Ответственный редактор: Ю. М. Борщевская, канд.пед.наук, доцент кафедры ин. яз. НГПУим. К.Минина



Пояснительная записка ……………………………………………………………………4Упражнения It’s absolutely true. ……………………………………………………………………………5Are you a morning person? …………………………………………………………………...6What’s in the name? …………………………………………………………………………..8Career paths …………………………………………………………………………………..10On the other hand …………………………………………………………………………….12Corporate spying………………………………………………………………………………13Teamwork …………………………………………………………………………………….15Nice to meet you ……………………………………………………………………………...16Australia ……………………………………………………………………………………...17Take it easy …………………………………………………………………………………...19Determination…………………………………………………………………………………21Money matters ………………………………………………………………………………..22The river ………………………………………………………………………………………24Radio wedding ………………………………………………………………………………..25Less is more …………………………………………………………………………………...26Looks good ……………………………………………………………………………………29Changes ………………………………………………………………………………………..32How polite are you? …………………………………………………………………………...33Going alone ……………………………………………………………………………………34What’s in the fridge? ………………………………………………………………………….36Airport …………………………………………………………………………………………37A star is born … or made? …………………………………………………………………….39The future of toys ……………………………………………………………………………..41I’ll call you …………………………………………………………………………………….42Do the right thing………………………………………………………………………………43Six and a half hours …………………………………………………………………………...45Achievement …………………………………………………………………………………..47Long walk to freedom ………………………………………………………………………...49Shaking hands …………………………………………………………………………………51Sunshine and showers …………………………………………………………………………53

Ключи ………………………………………………………………………………………..55


Пояснительная записка В новом образовательном контексте изменяется не только функция педагога, также изменяется и позиция обучаемого. Из пассивного объекта научения, получателя готовой учебной информации он трансформируется в субъект познавательной деятельности, активный субъект учения, самостоятельно « добывающего» необходимую информацию и конструирующего необходимые для этого способы действия. Инновационная составляющая образовательного процесса прослеживается в ряде изменений, среди которых мы отметим перераспределение времени между самостоятельной и аудиторной работой в пользу первой и формирование новой установки образования на развитие мышления и деятельности. Таким образом акцент в обучении перемещается с преподавания на учение как самостоятельную деятельность студентов в образовательной среде, что в самом общем виде прописано во ФГОСах 3-го поколения. Эти изменения предполагают реструктуризацию системы самостоятельной работы в вузе, иного уровня готовности преподавателя и студента к своим новым ролям, заданным инновационной образовательной парадигмой. Владение иностранным языком, в частности английским, является тем самым компонентом, который дает студенту возможность быть мобильным в международном образовательном пространстве. При объёме часов, отводимых на эту дисциплину в неязыковом вузе, потенциал иностранного языка как средства профессионального общения и роста может быть реализован при высоком качестве самостоятельной работы студентов.


It’s absolutely true.VocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.1. The stadium was really………………….. : everyone wanted to see the band.2. I was absolutely ……………………….after the journey.3. The exhibition was …………………….and I am dreaming of visiting it again.4. The weather was so …………………….that we couldn’t leave the house.5. The bus was ……………………… and we didn’t manage to get on.6. Jack was …………………….. and went to bed rather early.7. Your gift has given me ………………….. pleasure.8. It is a ……………………….. idea to go to London in two weeks.Exercise II. Chose the best variant.1. I’ve been working all day and now I’m absolutely ……… .


2. The film was really ……… . We left the cinema before the end.enormousdevelopingawful

3. I had to stand up all the way because the train was absolutely ……… .boilingpackedbusy

4. The food was quite ……… but I thought it would be better.gooddeliciousawful

5. There was an absolutely ……… documentary on TV last night.fascinatinginterestingenormous

6. I’m very ……… . I’m going to bed.badtiredexhausted

7. I don’t know how they can afford such a bid flat. It’s absolutely……… .enormousbigpacked

8. It was a ……… match. The best game of football I’ve ever seen for ages.enormousawfulfantastic

GrammarExercise I. Complete these texts using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets ( ).1. Beethoven......... (write) nine symphonies; he.........(write) another symphony when he died.


2. Last Saturday Tom wanted to make two salads. He................ (make) the first one in five minutes. He................ (make) the second one when his guests................(arrive), and they................ (help) him to finish it.3. The artist Gaudi ................ (design) several houses in Barcelona, Spain. Later he ................ (start) work on a church. He ................ (work) on the church when he ................ (die).4. Last month a bank robber................ (escape) while the police ................ (take) him to prison. Later they................ (catch) him again, and this time they................ (lock) him up without any problem.5. Philip's football team were lucky last Saturday. After twenty minutes they................ (lose), but in the end they................ (win) the game by four goals to two.6. John Lennon ................ (sing) and ................ (play) on many records with the Beatles. After that he ................ (record) several songs without the Beatles. He ................ (prepare) a new record when Mark Chapman ................ (shoot) him.7. The evening was getting darker; the street lights ................ (come) on. People ................ (hurry) home after work. I ................ (stand) in a queue at the bus stop. Suddenly somebody................ (grab) my bag.

Exercise II. A policewoman is interviewing Mary Croft about last Friday evening. Complete the conversation. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the words in brackets ( ).

Policewoman: What time .......... (you/get) home from work?Mary: At about six o'clock.Policewoman: And what ........................ (you/do) after you got home?Mary: I read the newspaper.Policewoman: Did anything happen while ........................ (read) the paper?Mary: Yes, the phone ........................ (ring).Policewoman: What ....................... (you/do) when your husband came home?Mary: I was watching TV, and I ........................ (drink) a cup of coffee.Policewoman: Did you and your husband stay at home?Mary: No, I ........................ (drink) my coffee. Then I put on my raincoat, and we ........................ (go) out at seven o'clock.Policewoman: Why ........................ (you/put) your raincoat on?Mary: Because it ........................ (rain), of course.

Exercise III. Find the second part of each sentence. Put each verb into the correct form.Vicky (have) a beautiful dreamWhen Andrew (see) the question,The train (wait)I (read) a library bookSarah (have) an electric shockWhen the doors (open),When the campers (wake),

when she (touch) the wire.when I (find) a $ 10 note in it.when the alarm clock (ring).the crowd (rush) in.he (know) the answer immediately.they (see) that the sun (shine).when we (arrive) at the station.

Are you a morning person?VocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. I am ………………….. and it was not difficult for me to ……………….. at 3 a.m. to catch

the train.2. Usually I ……………….. for a while at the weekends as it’s really difficult for me to get up

at once.3. Yesterday Tom missed his English class as he …………………….. .


4. In the evenings Rose always has a lot of things to do about the house and ………………………. .

5. Our boss …………………….today ; it’s better not to disturb him!6. After a busy day I …………………….. immediately.

Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. Helga is in a bad mood in the morning. She ……… .

got up in the wrong sidehad a lie-ingot out of bed on the wrong side

2. On Sunday morning you can ……… .stay up latehave an early nighthave a lie-in

3. Tom usually feels good in the mornings. He is ……… . an early-riser a morning person a happy person.4. Mary is very tired. She wants to ……… . fall asleep have an early night oversleep5. Brenda is always late for her work. She ……… every day. wakes up oversleeps has a lie-in6. Dan was dancing all the night. Now he ……… . is not able to keep eyes open is an early riser is eager to dance again7. I usually ……… at 10p.m. have a lie-in fall asleep oversleep8. It’s difficult to her to ……… early in the morning. wake up fall asleep have a lie-in

GrammarExercise I.Use the ‘full’ answers to write questions using Whoor What.

– …...…Who were you talking to on the phone? ………– (I was talking to) Elizabeth (on the phone).1. – ……………………………………………………….?

– ( The result of the game was) 2 – 0 to Italy.2. – ……………………………………………………….?

– Anita and Frank (went on a trip).3. – ……………………………………………………….?

– I’m not sure (what’s happening in this film).4. – ……………………………………………………….?

– ( I’m going to phone) Jane.5. – ……………………………………………………….?


– ( I watched) that new comedy programme (on TV last night).6. – ……………………………………………………….?

– John (sent these flowers).7. – ……………………………………………………….?

– ( I bought) a book (in that shop).8. – ……………………………………………………….?

– Some good news (has made Tom happy).

Exercise II. Read the story and then complete the questions.Two days ago Robert took his driving test. He failed it. Afterwards he met his friend Philip. He told Philip that he had failed his test. Then he said: ‘Don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret.’ Philip said: ‘OK, I won’t tell anyone.’ Later that day Philip met Linda for coffee and he said: ‘Robert failed his driving test.’ Linda laughed. ‘Poor Robert”, she said.1. – (What/Robert/do/two days ago?) – He took his driving test.2. – (What/happen?) –He failed it.3. – (Who/take/his/driving test?) – Robert.4. – (What/Robert/fail?) – His driving test.5. – (What/Robert/say/to Philip?) – He said: ‘Don’t tell anyone.6. – (Who/meet/Linda/for coffee?) – Philip.

Exercise III. Complete the questions for the following answers. Use the words in brackets ( ).1. – (Oswald/ kill) Who ……………………………………..? – He killed President Kennedy.2. – (Kennedy/kill) Who ……………………………………..? – Oswald killed Kennedy.3. – (the Nobel Prize/win) Who ……………………………..for physics in 1909? – Marconi.4. – (Marconi/invent) What ……………………………………..? – Short-wave radio.5. – (Everest/climb) Who …………………………………….with Hillary? – Sherpa Tensing.6. – (Prince Charles/marry) Who ……………………………………..? – He married Diana.7. – (Hiroshima/destroy) What ……………………………………..? – An atomic bomb.8. – (Churchill/smoke) What ……………………………………..? – Cigars.

What’s in the name?VocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. Do you like her new …………………?2. -Let’s go to the cinema tonight?

-It ………………………great! I am free this evening!3. His face seems familiar to me? He …………………….me of someone from my previous

working place.4. Oh! Such a nice dress! It……………………… you perfectly well!5. It seems to me the colour of the jacket doesn’t …………………….the skirt at all!6. What are your ……………………when you think about Tom?Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. My sister is called Rose, so it ……… me think of a flower.suggests sounds makes 2. He wears expensive clothes. He is sure it creates a strong ……… . picture image associations3. Her name is Maria. She was named ……… her grandmother.after


of for4. The name Vladimir always ……… me of a politician. sounds suits reminds 5. Her name ……… her personality. It means “ lively” so is she!suits goes with goes to6. The name Alexander ……… a very strong image.makes suits creates7. The name Pavel has religious ……… for me.sounds associations image8. His name really ……… him. goes suits suggests

GrammarExercise I. Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets ( ) and 'II or a form of be going to.► A: Are you going to watch TV tonight?B: Yes …..I’m going to watch….. (I/watch) my favourite programme at nine o'clock.1. A: What ..................................... (you/eat) tonight? What food have you bought?B: I haven't bought any food. A: Well, why don't you come to my house?………………………(I/cook) us something nice to eat.2. A: I'm going into the centre of town tomorrow. ................................... (I/buy) some newclothes. B: Oh, what............................................................. (you/get)? A:………………………........................................(I/look) for a T-shirt and some jeans.B: I'd like to go into the centre too. ………………………(I/come) with you.3. A: ..................................... (I/leave) work late tomorrow. There is a meeting at six p.m.B: Oh, I didn't know that. Well, ........................................ (I/see) you after the meeting.4 ........................................ (I/phone) Tom at six o'clock. I promised to phone him thisevening.5. A: Are you going to have a holiday in the summer?B: Yes, .......................................... (I/travel) around Europe with a friend.

Exercise II. You are at a party. Here are some of the questions you are asked. Reply using will or be going to.► A: Hi, nice to see you. Would you like a drink?

B: (I/have/a coke, please). …..I’ll have a coke, please……1. A: What are you doing these days?B: (Nothing much, but I/start/a new job soon) .........................................2. A: Would you like something to eat?


B: (Thanks, I/have/a sandwich) .........................................3. A: What are your plans for the weekend?B: (I/do/some shopping tomorrow and I/go/for a swim on Sunday)………………………………………….4 .A: Why is Maria standing by the piano?B: (She/sing/, I'm afraid) .........................................5. A: This cake looks delicious. Are you going to have some?B: (No, but I'm sure you/enjoy/it) ........................................6. A: How are you getting home?B: (David/give/me a lift) ........................................

Exercise III. Complete the conversations. Put in will or be going to with the verbs.► Vicky: Have you got a ticket for the play? Daniel:……I’m going to see…..(see) it on Thursday.► Harriet: The alarm's going. It's making an awful noise. Mike: OK, …..I’ll switch ……(switch) it off.1. Daniel:Did you buy this book?Matthew: No, Emma did. She...............................................................(read) it on holiday.2. Laura: Would you like tea or coffee?Sarah: Oh, I................................................................(have) coffee, please.3. Trevor:..................................................................I'm going to miss a good film on TV

because I'll be out tonight. Laura:.............................................................I (video) it for you, if you like.

4. Rachel: I'm just going out to get a paper.Emma: What newspaper....................................................................(you / buy)?

Career pathsVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. Next Friday he …………………….examination in Maths, so he is working really hard now.2. To do this job you must …………………………in chemistry.3. I am so happy! I have ……………………..examination and now I am having my holidays!4. He has passed all his examinations and ………………………….a medical

……………………. .5. When Tom ………………. ………………………he moved to a small town and started

writing poems.6. I ………………………….. University and soon I’ll become a teacher of Mathematics.Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. If you want to ……… good qualifications you should study hard.

take get have

2. Mary is very upset. She has ……… her exam.lost passed failed

3. Have you got a candidate ……… ?grades degree job

4. When did your friend ……… school?leave


graduate stop

5. Helga ……… to University by car.walks passes goes

6. Carl made his ……… through hard work.path to the top road to the top way to the top

7. My younger sister gets only good ……… at school.qualifications degrees grades

8. Don’t be so nervous! You’ll ……… your exam successfully.pass fail have

GrammarExercise I. Write the correct forms.► You're the luckiest person I know. ………luckiest…………………………► The situation is getting difficuiter. ……….more difficult………………….1. I was happyer in my old job. ................................................................2. I've got the most small office. ................................................................3. This photo is the goodest. ................................................................4. Last week's meeting was more short. ................................................................5. Money is the importantest thing. ................................................................6. Is Rachel elder than Vicky? ................................................................7. This game is excitingest than the last one. ................................................................8. Of all the students, Andrew does the more work..............................................................9. This month has been weter than last month. ……………………………………………10. The prices are more low here. …………………………………………..11. I feel more bad than I did yesterday........

Exercise II. Tom is a United fan. He never stops talking about them. Put in the superlative form of the adjectives.► Everyone's heard of United. They're the ….most famous….(famous) team in the world.► They've got a long history. They're the …oldest… (old) club in England.1. They've got lots of money. They're the.............................................(rich) club in the country.2. Their stadium is new. It's the.................................................(modern) stadium in Europe.3. United are wonderful. They're the................................................(great) club in the world.4. And what a team! It's the..................................................(exciting) team ever.5. They've got lots of fans. They're the.................................................(popular) team in the country.6. United have won everything. They're the.........................................(successful) team.7. They're good to watch. They play the..............................................(attractive) football.8. United fans are happy. We're the......................................................(happy) people in the world.


Exercise III. Complete the advertisements with the comparative form of the adjective.► Use Get-It-Clean and you'll get your floors ….cleaner…..► Elegant Wallpapers simply look ….more elegant….. .1. Watch a Happy Video and you'll feel............................... .2. Wear a pair of Fast Shoes and you'll be a...............................runner.3. Helpful Cookbooks are a................................guide to cooking.4. Wash your hair with Lovely Shampoo for............................hair.5. Try a Big-Big Burger and you'll have a.............................meal.6. Restful Beds give you a................................night.7. Wear Modern Fashions for a.........................look.

Exercise IV. Put the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective or adverb in the gaps in this conversation between two neighbours.

Geoff: I'm pretty sure my house is a bit (►) …bigger....... (big) than yours.Pete: Really? I thought mine was (1)........................ (big) in the street.Geoff: Oh. Anyway, my daughter Jo is (2)....................... (pretty) girl in her school. They had a

beauty contest last week. Pete: That reminds me. I saw you and Jo pushing your car last week. I must say my carworks (3)................................... (good) than yours.Geoff: Really? What's (4)........................ (far) you've ever driven? We've crossed America from

coast to coast in my car. Pete: Your wife didn't enjoy the journey, though, did she? You know, I think I've been(5).................................... (happy) married than you.Geoff: I'm not surprised. You've bought your wife (6)...................... (expensive) presents in

the world, haven't you?Pete: Well, I've got enough money. I suppose I work (7)....................... (hard) than you, don't I,and earn money (8)..................................... (quick)?Geoff: I think we'd have a fight if you weren't (9)....................... (tall) man in town.

On the other handVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. It ………………….. for me to compete with Jane, who is a professional tennis player.2. I did the task so quickly, it’s not a problem for me. I would say it’s

a………………………….. .3. It’s rather ……………………………..to explain the point, but I’ll try.4. The question is quite …………………………..! Why can’t you answer it?5. The material is far from being …………………………, it takes time to understand

everything!6. It’s really ………………………….for me to communicate with her after our argument.7. My hair is much more …………………………since I had it cut short.8. The company faces …………………………..competition.Exercise II. Chose the best variant.1. I started studying chemistry, but it was really ……… so I changed to an easier course.

hardstraightforwarda piece of cakepossible

2. If you speak Spanish, learning Italian should be relatively ……… as they’re both Latin languages.hardwell



3. I had no trouble installing that new software. It was ……… .hardmanageablea piece of cakecomplicated

4. It’s not ……… to get a permit to work in Australia, but it’s quite complicated.impossiblepossibletoughreasonable

5. Bringing up two children alone is ……… , but it’s not easy.impossiblemanageablea piece of cakedifficult

6. It’s very ………problem. You should be able to solve it.toughstraightforwarda piece of cakepossible

7. Running a marathon is ……… even if you are well prepared.no troubleimpossibleeasytough

8. It was ……… finding a flat in Rome. It only took me a day and a half.no troublecomplicatedimpossibletough

GrammarExercise I. Complete the sentence with the suitable form of can; could; be able to; manage to. 1. You …………… see the sea from our bedroom window.2. When Tom was 16, he …………… run 100 metres in 11 seconds.3. The fire spread through the building very quickly but everyone ……………escape.4. They didn’t want to come with us at first but in the end we …………… persuade them.5. Tom …………… drive but he hasn’t got a car.6. He can’t play tennis very well now but he …………… quite well when he was younger.7. – Did they find your house?

– Yes. It took them a long time but they…………… 8. He had hurt his leg, he ……………walk very well.9. My grandmother loved music. She …………… play the piano very well.10. The boy fell into the river but fortunately we …………… rescue him.11. I looked everywhere for the book but I …………… find it.12. I can’t understand Martine. I’ve never …………… understand him.13. …………… you speak any foreign languages?14. We tried hard but we …………… persuade them to come with us.15. – Did you win the match?

– Yes. It wasn’t easy but I ……………13

Corporate spyingVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. Someone ………………………my bike yesterday while I was posting a letter.2. The city center is always crowded with people and there is a big increase in the number of

…………………in the area.3. There are a lot of……………………..nowadays, that’s why it’s better to keep your car in the

special parking area.4. There are certain people who regularly ……………………………. things from the

supermarkets.5. Time and again ………………………… attack people particularly in the dark streets.6. The director was ……………………….stealing 1 million rubbles from the company.7. In Russia it is ……………………………to drive a car for people under 18.8. He …………………………the fact that he was guilty. But there was a witness of the

murder.Exercise II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

accused prisoner illegal committed sentenced evidence stole denied

1. The police still don’t have any idea who ……… the crime.2. The thieves ……… $100,000 worth of jewels.3. The former American football star O. J. Simpson was ……… of murdering his wife.4. Don’t you know it’s……… to make copies of CDs?5. I was sure Mark stole the money, but he ……… everything.6. The judge ……… the guilty man to 6 months in prison.7. I’m convinced he is guilty because there is a lot of ……… against him.8. The police are looking for a ……… who escaped from jail this morning.

GrammarExercise I. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the prompt words given.1. The traffic may be heavy on the motorway so let’s avoid it. (in case) 2. News of the explosion was covered up for fear of upsetting the negotiations. (in order)3. I took the country roads because I didn’t want to get stuck in traffic. (so as)4. They stopped because they wanted to look at the map. (to)5. As I don’t want to be misunderstood let me put it another way. (in order)6. We use this Allen key when we want to tighten the screws. (for)7. So that we don’t all get confused, I think we should establish clear aims. (in case)8. I always take my mobile phone because I’m afraid I can get lost. (so as)

Exercise II. Match each of the half sentences (1-6) with (a-f) and connect them using so that or in case.Example: Many people want to be pop stars so that people will recognize them on the street.

1. But the Spice Boys disguise when they go out

2. One group singer goes around in a Mickey Mouse mask

3. They always lock their bedroom doors at

a … female fans become jealousb … someone try to come inс… fans recognize themd… nobody should be able to guess who he is


night4. They never announce their immediate

plans5. Girlfriends are out of question6. They are not allowed to read newspapers

e … on one knows where they are goingf… they read a bad review

TeamworkVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. I ……………………..a lot of every day: I…………………………to my friends, find a lot of

information on the Internet and even watch films.2. When Jane advised me to …………………for the job I really was in doubts but still I went

to…………………….and was successful.3. After a year Iris managed to get a …………………..as she is a knowledgeable and skillful

worker.4. Mary is a secretary. Her duties are to …………………..e-mails, ………………….faxes,

organize ………………...and write …………………….. .5. The ………………………….was unsuccessful because he knew nothing about the company

and the position.6. What do you prefer to work………………… or on your own?Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. Have you ever worked in a ……… ?

band promotion team

2. Can you ……… a computer?work use write

3. He has recently ……… for a job.lostgot applied

4. Mark usually ……… meetings in English.speaks runs leads

5. When you are interviewed for a job you are a(an) ……… .worker applicant interviewer

6. Opening of a new office is an important ……… for our company.promotion party event

7. If you want to take part in a seminar, please, ……… a fax.send write receive

8. We worked hard to ……… an event at our school.


make spend organize

GrammarExercise I. James is talking about his life. Put the correct past participles in the gaps.I've ................ (see) a lot of beautiful places in my life, and I've ................ (do) a lot of interesting things. I've ................ (travel) in North and South America, for example. I've ................ (visit) all the big American cities. I've ................ (drive) across Mexico. I haven't ................ (be) to Argentina, but I've ................ (work) in Peru and Bolivia. I've................... (swim) in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. I've ................ (eat) in the best restaurants in Paris, and I've ................ (sing) Italian songs in Rome. I haven't ................ (make) much money in my life, but I've ................ (meet) a lot of interesting people and I've ................ (take) a lot of wonderful photographs!

Exercise II. Read the questions. If they refer to a recent event, put a tick (v). If they refer to someone's life rewrite the sentence using ever.1. Have you had coffee? ................................................. 2. Have you eaten elephant meat? ................................................. 3. Have you bought a newspaper? .................................................4. Have you flown in a military aeroplane? .................................................5. Have you washed your hands? .................................................6. Have you spoken to a prince or princess? .................................................7. Have you had anything to drink? .................................................Now write true answers to these questions, using either this morning or never.

Exercise III. Write this conversation using the Present Perfect and the words in brackets ( ).Rob: (you/ever/want/to work in another country?).........................................................................................................Brian: (Yes, in fact I/work/abroad.).........................................................................................................(I/work/in Ireland and in Brazil.) ........................................................................................................(What about you?/you/ever/have/a job abroad?).........................................................................................................Rob: (No, I/never/want/to leave my home town.)...........................................................................................................(I/live/here for twenty years, and I/never/think/of working abroad.)............................................................................................................Brian: (Really? Well, I/apply/for another job abroad.).........................................................................................................

Exercise IV. Make sentences with the Present Perfect and for or since.1. (I/not/play/tennis/last Summer.) .............................................................................................2. (I /know/her/more than ten years.).............................................................................................3. (I /not/eat/anything/lunchtime.).............................................................................................4. (you/live/in this town/a long time?).............................................................................................5. (Jill/be/a good friend/we were at school together.)


.............................................................................................6. (you/see/Jack/the party last week?).............................................................................................

Nice to meet youVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. It’s impolite to ask people who you don’t know well how big their ………………..is.2. Jacky has got ……………………….in clothes. All her things suit her perfectly. I think she is

a pattern for imitation.3. My grandmother is always watching TV and then she discusses ……………………………

with everybody she meets.4. Oh! You look nice! You hair is absolutely different! When did you have…………………..?5. I know you are a football fan? Do you know the yesterday’s …………………?6. She is so young! But when I see her she always complains of …………………… .Exercise II. Chose the best variant.1. John, ……… is my brother, Peter.


2. Let me ……… you to me friend, Sally.presentintroducecongratulateshow

3. ……… a lovely surprise to see you again.HowIsSoWhat

4. I haven’t seen you ……… ages.sinceduringforat

5. ……… nice to see you again.HowWhatHow muchSuch

6. ……… on passing your exams.Good newsCongratulationsRegardsGreat

7. It’s ……… to be here.finegladgreatpleased

8. It’s a beautiful day, ……… ?isn’t


wasn’tis itdoes it

AustraliaVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. Any driver must have a …………………….in his car to help an injured person in the case

of a road accident.2. When you go abroad it’s necessary to have a ……………………….to know what places of

interest to visit.3. If you want to spend your weekend somewhere in the countryside you should take

………………..not to get cold at night.4. If you go to the seaside and want to spend much time sunbathing, it’s necessary to

use………………..not to damage your skin.5. Usually there are a lot of mosquitoes in the forests and it’s recommended to

have……………………to protect yourselves.Exercise II. Match the definitions with the words from the box.

water bottle sleeping bag first-aid-kit money beltmosquito repellent guide book sun cream walking boots

1. They protect your feet.………2. It keeps flying insects away. ………3. It prevents your skin from getting burnt. ………4. You use it when you are thirsty. ………5. It gives you information about the place you’re visiting.………6. It keeps your cash hidden. ………7. It’s necessary in case you get injured.………8. It keeps you warm at night. ………

GrammarExercise I. Read the conversation and then choose the correct forms.Rachel: Have you heard about the pop festival?Vicky: Yes, (1) it’s/it'll be good if Express are playing. They're a great band.Rachel: Will you be able to go, Nick?Nick: If (2) I ask/I'll ask my boss, he'll give me some time off work, I expect.Vicky: How are we going to get there?Rachel: Well, if (3) there are/there'll be enough people, we can hire a minibus.Vicky: I won't be going if (4) it's/it'll be too expensive.Rachel: It (5) isn't costing/won't cost much if we all (6) share/will share the cost.Nick: If (7) I see/I'll see the others later on tonight, (8) I ask/I'll ask them if they want to go.

Exercise II. Comment on the situations. Use if + the present tense + will/can.► It might rain. If it does, everyone can eat inside.If it rains, everyone can eat inside.► The children mustn't go near Nick's dog. It'll bite them. If the children go near Nick’s dog, it'll bite them.1. Rachel might fail her driving test. But she can take it again.2. United might lose. If they do, Tom will be upset.3. The office may be closed. In that case Mark won't be able to get in.4. Nick may arrive a bit early. If he does, he can help Tom to get things ready.5. The party might go on all night. If it does, no one will want to do any work tomorrow.


6. Emma may miss the train. But she can get the next one.7. Is Matthew going to enter the race? He'll probably win it.

Exercise III. Match the sentences and join them with if, making all necessary changes.1. You lose your credit card.2. You get promoted.3. I drink coffee late at night.4. You don't pay the bill.5. I try to run fast.6. Someone enters the building

I don't sleep. You get a warning letter.You have to ring the bank. Your salary goes up. The alarm goes off. I get out of breath.

Take it easyVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. –Hi, Tony! Why do you look so sad?

– I’ve failed my exam.– ………………….! Everything will be OK!

2. I am going to ………………………….tomorrow! The trouble is that my mother is not well. So I’ll have to look after her!

3. Oh, Paul, you don’t look your best. You should ………………………..some kind of sport to be fit!

4. Who in the group …………………………..in the competition last Saturday?5. I’m sick and tired of this monotonous work. Let’s …………………….. for an hour or two!6. You …………… so much………………….. that I’m not sure you will be able to manage it.Exercise II. Chose the best variant.1. Kate’s not very keen ……… coming to our party.


2. I’m sick ……… living this tiny flat. When are we going to move?ofonfor

3. Robert ……… stand flying. It really terrifies him.doesn’tisn’tcan’t

4. Pam’s really ……… windsurfing. ontointoin

5. We worked hard. Now we need to ……… a break.givetakepass

6. You look exhausted. Sit down and take it ……… .oneasybreak

7. I’m getting fat. I’m fancy taking ……… jogging.onin


up8. Everyone wants to ……… in a competition and win a prize.

take parttake a breakplay

GrammarExercise I. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.1. Mark: I've always wanted to visit San Francisco. Sarah: Me too.............................................(I'd love) it some time.2. Harriet: Tom seems to enjoy watching football matches. David: Yes, .............................................................(he loves) United play.3. Trevor: I'm glad I don't work as late as Sarah does. Laura: Me too.........................................................(I wouldn’t like) such long hours.4. Matthew: I think I'll go and see this new film. Emma: Can I go with you?......................................(I’d like) it, too.5. Rachel: Do you want to come with me or wait here? Vicky: ………………………………………………(I'd prefer) with you if that's OK.6. Laura: I think queuing is my least favourite activity. Tom: I agree..................................................................................................... (I hate).7. Claire: Does Mark cook for you? Sarah: No, not often...............................................................................(he doesn't like).8. Reporter: Have you ever flown in a hot-air balloon? Mrs. Miles: No, but..........................................................................(I'd love) in one someday.

Exercise II. Complete the conversation. Put in an infinitive or an-ing form.Matthew: Are we going to have a holiday this year?Natasha: Didn't we all decide....................................(spend) our holidays on a Greek island?Matthew: Lovely. I enjoy ................................. (lie) on the beach.Daniel: I'd love a holiday. I want ...................................................(leave) this place behind.Emma: I really dislike ............................................(sit) on the beach all day.Natasha: Well, I don't mind ............................................(tour) around somewhere.Emma: Matthew, you promised..............................................(go) to Scotland with me.We could............................................................................(hire) a car.Matthew: Scotland? Are you sure? But I can’t stand.............................................(drive) allthe time.Jessica: I'm afraid I can't afford .............................................(spend) too much money.Andrew: And I can't...........................................................(take) all that time off from mystudies.

Exercise III. Complete the conversations. Put in a to-infinitive or an -ing form.1. A: I hear you sometimes sail to France in your boat. B: That's right. I really enjoy.....................................2. A: You wear a uniform at work, don't you? B: Yes, I have to, although I dislike....................................it.3. A: Do you think they'll approve the plan? B: Yes, I'm quite sure they'll decide....................................it.4. A: Do you still work at the post office? B: No, I gave up.......................................there last year.5. A: I'm sorry you had to wait all that time. B: Oh, it's all right. I didn't mind.......................................


Exercise IV. Make sentences from the notes.1. Tessa / want / buy / a new coat / soon2. I / like / see / the Rocky Mountains / some day3. I / can't face / get up / at five /tomorrow4. yesterday / you / promise / carry on / shoot / the film

DeterminationVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. A friend of mine used to be ……………………..to smoking. Her ……………………..was

so strong that she was unable to ……………..it …………. until she got pregnant.2. He didn’t have enough ………………………..even to ……………………….smoking.3. All of a sudden she managed to………………..her bad habits, stopped being

…………………………on them.4. She spends hours in the shops, I think she is really …………………… .Exercise II. Put the words in the correct order.1. drinking / coffee / You / cut / down / your / need / to / on2. He’s/ chocolate / real / addict / a3. up / I / used / but / given / now / smoke / to / I’ve4. willpower / lot / It / a / of / quit / to / took5. on / dependent / I’m / totally / e-mail6. gambling / become / addicted / Some / people / to7. The / Mark / sweets / told / doctor / to / cut / on / down8. need / You / lose / a lot of / weight / to / determination

GrammarExercise I. Mrs Bell is a hundred years old. She's the oldest person in the village. A radio reporter is interviewing her. Put in used to with the verb.Mrs Bell: I've always lived in the village, but not always in this house.Reporter: Where ...............................................................(you / live)?Mrs Bell: When I was a girl, we lived at Apple Tree Farm....................................................................................(we / like) it there.Reporter: But life was hard, wasn't it?Mrs Bell: Oh, yes. Things................................................................(be) different from theway they are now. In those days ................................................................................ (we / not / have) electricity.Reporter: And ................................................................(you / help) with the farm work?Mrs Bell: Yes, ................................................................(I / look) after the hens.

Exercise II. Cross out all the sentences which are incorrect.1. When he was at primary school, Tony used to work very hard.2. Last year Peter used to get a new bicycle for Christmas.3. I didn't use to watch TV much, but I do now.4. When he was a teenager, my father used to buy all the Beatles' records.5. Paul used to go the cinema almost every weekend.6. Did Pamela used to go to the concert last night?7. Paul used to be really fit when he played a lot of volleyball.8. John use to spend a lot of money on that new jacket he bought last week.9. Kate didn't use to come to school yesterday because she was sick.10. Jane used to play tennis a lot, but she doesn't have time now.11. Did you use to go to the seaside for holidays when you were a child?


12. We used to live in Canada before we came here.

Exercise III. Complete the sentences to say what these people used to do and what they do now.1. Andrew/get up/seven o'clock/now/half past seven2. I/swim/before work/now/after work3. Dan/play/violin/now/guitar4. Anna/be/best friends/Angela/now/Cathy5. Susan/have/dancing lessons/now/riding lessons6. I/buy cassettes/now/CDs7. John and Jean/live/London/now/Cardiff8. David/drive/Fiesta/now/Jaguar

Exercise IV. Put a tick (V) beside the sentences in which would could replace used to. Put a cross (X) beside the others.1. Switzerland used to be part of Austria. 2. In the past several families used to live in the same house. 3. Family values used to be quite different in those days.4. It used to be quite normal for cousins to marry. 5. Generally speaking, these marriages used to succeed as well as any others. 6. People used to have different ideas about family relationships then. 7. The father used to farm and hunt and the mother used to look after the home.

Money mattersVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. What book have you ……………………..from the library?2. Could you …………………..me some money? I’ve left my wallet at home.3. Old people like to …………………..money, it’s important for them to know that they have

some, but they hate ………………it not to lose .4. Some people are inclined to ……………….money, as they are practical and hope to get

more, while others prefer to…………………it on unnecessary things .5. Reluctantly I agreed to lend the necessary sum to her, because she is always in………………… .Exercise II. Chose the best variant.1. A document from the bank which shows the most recent transactions you have made.

a bank accounta bank managera bank statement

2. If you have money in your bank account you are ………in the blackin the redin the blue

3. If you owe money to the bank you are ………in the blackin the redin the blue

4. Take money out of an account.deposit moneysave moneywithdraw money

5. Give money to someone for a limited period of time.lend money


borrow moneywithdraw money

6. An account where you put money for a long period of time and which usually pays higher interest.a current accounta savings accounta cheque account

7. A standard bank account that you use fore veryday transactions.a current accounta savings accountan investment account

8. If you put money into a company or organization, for example by shares, you are ………borrowing moneywithdrawing moneyinvesting money

GrammarExercise I. Put these words into the right order to make sentences. Do not add any words.1. he/ his / Mark/ lent/ car2. a / she/ Jim/ cigarette/ offered3. Mary/ he/ his/ showed/ to/ photographs/ holiday4. them/ sent/ you/ an/ have/ invitation/?5. her/ a/ birthday/ did/ present/ you/ buy/?6. I/ to/ gave/ some/ my/ of/ friend/ CDs/a7. when/ could/ you/ you/ me/ some/ get/ go/ to/ post office/ the/ stamps/?

Exercise II. Write the information in one sentence. Put the underlined part at the end of the sentence. Sometimes you need to.1. Daniel lent something to Vicky. It was his calculator. Daniel ............................................2. Mark sent a message. It was to his boss. Mark ..............................................3. Emma sold her bike. Her sister bought it. Emma..............................................4. Tom told the joke. He told all his friends. Tom..................................................5. Melanie gave some help. She helped her neighbour. Melanie........................................... 6. Ilona wrote to her teacher. She wrote a letter. Ilona................................................

Exercise III. Mark's boss at Zedco is Mr Atkins. He is telling people to do things. Put in to or for.1. Give these papers ................... my secretary. 2. Could you make some coffee ................... us? 3. Book a flight.................... me, could you? 4. Can you post this cheque........the hotel? 5. Don't show these plans...................... anyone. 6. Leave a message....................... my secretary.7. Fetch the file ..........................me, could you?8. Write a memo............................ all managers.

Exercise IV. Complete each answer using the words in brackets. Sometimes you need to use to or for.1. Matthew: Why is everyone laughing? (a funny story / us) Vicky: Daniel told...............................................................................2. Trevor: There's some fish left over, (it / the cat) Laura: I'll feed..........................................................................................


3. Mark: What are you doing with those bottles? (them / the bottle bank)Sarah: I'm taking ...............................................................................................................4. Trevor: How are things with you, Daniel? (a job / me) Daniel: Fine. Someone has offered.....................................................................................5. David: What about those papers you found? (them / the police) Tom: Oh, I handed .........................................................................................................6. Emma: It's pouring with rain, look, (my umbrella / you) Rachel: It's OK. I'll lend .......................................................................................................

The riverVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. A group of tourists ……………………… early in the morning to see as many places of

interest as possible.2. The excursion …………………….in the center, as it’s easy to get there from any part of the

city.3. The excursion ………………………….for seven hours and when we returned to the hotel

we were absolutely exhausted.4. The tourists were ………………………….. at the best hotel in the town.5. The next day when the bus …………………………they had to walk to the river port.6. They ………………………………their tour by boat.7. When Jill …………………………the bus at the hotel she was very much excited- her

expectations were justified.Exercise II. Match the verbs with the particles.put downset onget on go offbreak off carry upExercise III. Complete the text with the words from the previous exercise in the correct form.Once I went to see my friend in the campsite. I ................... at nine o’clock in the morning. On my way the bus ................... and I had to ................... . I ................... on foot. After five km a lorry driver gave me a lift. So my journey ................... for six hours. When I came to my friend I was really exhausted. Luckily he ......... me .......... for the night.

GrammarExercise I. Look at the past events in brackets ( ), and then write sentences using the words in the box. Use short forms of the Present Continuous for the future.I/eat/in a new restaurant tonight I/go/to the doctor tomorrowI/fly/to Florida in August I/study/English in London in May I/go/to a concert next Tuesday I/see/Mary this weekend

1. (You paid for an English course in London yesterday.)............................................................................................

2. (You booked a table at a new restaurant last week.)............................................................................................

3. (You bought a ticket for a concert last month.)...........................................................................................

4. (You telephoned your doctor this morning.)............................................................................................

5. (You paid for a holiday at a travel agent's last week.)24

............................................................................................6. (You talked to Mary on the phone this morning.)


Exercise II. For each situation write a sentence with the Present Continuous. Use the verbs in brackets.1. Mike and Harriet have accepted an invitation to Tom's party next week, (go)

............................................................................................2. Laura has agreed to be in the office on Saturday, (work)

............................................................................................3. Claire has just bought a plane ticket to Cairo dated 15 May. (fly)

............................................................................................4. Mark has arranged a meeting with his boss at four o'clock this afternoon, (see)

............................................................................................5. Matthew and Daniel have booked a tennis court for tomorrow afternoon, (play)


Exercise III. Put the verbs into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.Emma: ........................................... (you / do) anything tonight?Matthew: Yes, .............................................(I / go) to the station to meet my friend Richard..............................................(he / stay) here for the weekend, remember? His train ............................................(get) in at eight fifteen.Emma: Oh, of course. I'd forgotten about that.Matthew: Maybe we'll see you later. What .............................................(you / do) tonight?Emma: Oh, .............................................(I / go) to the cinema with Vicky and Rachel and a couple of other people. The film .............................................(finish) quite early, so .............................................(we / go) to a pizza place afterwards.

Exercise IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple.- My friends and I ................... (go) to the cinema on Saturday. Would you like to join?- Sorry, I can’t. I ................... (go) to Paris for the weekend. I ................... (visit) my grandma

there.- When your train ................... (leave)?- At 7.20 in the morning. It ................... (get) to Paris at 11.30.- How you ................... (get) to the airport? I ................... (give) you a lift if you want.- Thanks but Alan ................... (take) me. We have already arranged.- See you on Monday then.

Radio weddingVocabulary IComplete the text with the words from the box.

wedding best man fiancé honeymoon guestscivil ceremony reception groom

I went to my cousin’s Cathy 1……… last weekend. She married a nice guy Charles. I’ve never met him before although he’s been her 2……… for a couple of years now. Anyway, they invited all their friends and family and there were over three hundred 3……… in total. They’re not very religious, so it was a 4……… . Cathy looked lovely and she seemed to really enjoy herself, but Charles was the most nervous 5……… I’ve ever seen. After the ceremony we went


to the 6……… at the Royal Hotel. It was really good – the food was excellent, and Charles’s friend, Tony, who was the 7……… , made a very funny speech. And you’ll never guess where they’ve gone on 8……… Jamaica. I’m so envious.

Vocabulary IIExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. Paul and Alice …………………………when at University and soon after the graduation

they ……………………… .2. Alice ……………………..when she………………… about his bad habits.3. For a long time she couldn’t ……………………the misfortune, but then she pulled herself

together and found strength to divorce.4. His addiction to smoking ………………….my nerves! I can’t stand it!5. They quarrel all the time. They can’t ……………………..each other.6. They ……………………..after living together for more than twenty years and no one knows

why. They always seemed such a happy family!7. When they separated they realized that they couldn’t live without each other and

………………………… !Exercise II. Put the expressions in the box into the right sentence in the right form.

get married get to know get on one’s nerves get engagedget upset get back together get on with get divorced get over

1. I ……… when I was only 18. But I was the most beautiful bride.2. She ……… when her boyfriend told her she wasn’t the kind of woman he wanted to live

with.3. I ……… my in-laws. They are very good people.4. They were very happy at the wedding. But as they are so different they end up ……… .5. He never tidies up. It really ……… .6. After we got divorced, it took me a long time to ……… it.7. It’s not our tradition to ……… when we decide to get married.8. They married without ……… each other. I think they won’t be happy together.9. My parents divorced when I was 12, but after a while they ……… and now I live in a full

family. Less is more

VocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. If you leave the light on when you go out, you waste ………………… .2. When shopping you always buy everything without thinking – you waste a lot of ………………. .3. Instead of reading for your exam you are talking over the phone – you waste your ……………. .4. If you are driving all day long without rhythm and reason, you just waste ……………………… .5. People often waste ………………….without developing their abilities. 6. Wasting …………………….is one of the drawbacks of freshers in poetry.7. He doesn’t like sport. He is sure that it is a waste of …………………and …………………… Exercise II. Put the expressions in the box into the right sentence.

save your energy waste your energy use all recourses spend time waste an opportunity use paper

1. If you need a job try to …………… to find it: TV, newspaper, acquaintances.2. But it’s better to search ads on the net. It’ll …………….


3. Always answer the phone. Otherwise you can ……………. It may be your probable employer.

4. …………… preparing for the interview. Think of possible questions and answers.5. …………… to write what you are going to say.6. Getting angry is useless if you fail. Don’t ……………. You’ll do better next time. Exercise III. Choose the best variant.1. Don’t ……… your time! Do it right now! lose save waste2. If you want to ……… your money, don’t go shopping so often. spend save lose3. He usually ……… too much time doing his homework. takes wastes spends4. The office photocopier is a real waste of resources. May be we should ……… less paper. use save spend5. We ……… electricity when all the lights are on. save waste take6. There is a lot of furniture in your room. Why don’t you ……… the space? save spend waste7. To make their business more effective they should ……… the opportunities that technology provides. save spend use8. If you want to change something in your life, ……… your holiday travelling! waste use spend

GrammarExercise I. Complete the sentences, using should or shouldn't and the words in brackets ( ).1. ................................ (You/work) so hard. Have a holiday.2. I enjoyed that film. ................ (We/go) to the cinema more often.3. ................................ (You/park) here. It's not allowed.4. What ................................ (I/cook) for dinner tonight?5. ............................... (You/wear) a coat. It's cold outside.6. ................................ (You/smoke). It's bad for you.7. ................................ (We/arrive) at the airport two hours before the flight.8. ................................ (I/pay) now or later?9. Do you think ................................ (I/apply) for this job?10. What do you think ................................ (I/write) in this space on the form?


11. ................................ (I/eat) any more cake. I've already eaten too much.12. This food is terrible. ................................ (We/complain) to the manager.13. Which shirt do you think ................................ (I/buy)?

Exercise II. Henry is cooking a meal. Give him some useful advice. Use you should or you shouldn't and the notes in the box.

Don't leave the meat in the oven for more than one hour.Cut the onions as small as possible.Use fresh herbs and fresh vegetables.Don't put in too much salt and pepper.Wait until the water boils before you put the vegetables into it.Heat the oven before you put the meat in.Cut the meat into four equal slices.

1. ................................ the meat in the oven for more than one hour.2. ................................ the onions as small as possible.3. ................................ fresh herbs and fresh vegetables.4. ................................ in too much salt and pepper.5. ................................ until the water boils before you put the vegetables into it.6. ................................ the oven before you put the meat in.7. ................................ the meat into four equal slices.

Exercise III. Use should or shouldn't and one of the phrases from the box in each dialogue.call an ambulance report it to the police move the person yourselfdrive home in her car touch anything do anything about itdecide for herself give you a new cup make him do lots of sportborrow money leave everything where it is ask someone to take herlet him eat so much

1. A: There is a house near my home where I often hear a child crying. B: You...........................................2. A: My daughter wants to marry a sailor. What should I do about it? B: In my opinion, you ........................................... Your daughter ...........................................3. A: If someone has a serious accident, what's the right thing to do? B: Well, you ................................................. . It's not a good idea to move an injured person. Instead, you .................................................to take the person to hospital.4. A: Last Saturday I bought some coffee cups but one of the handles was broken. What can I expect the shop to do? B: They ................................................. .5. A: My son is 12 years old and he's already very fat. B: Well, it's important not to eat too much, so you .............................................. Also, you ................................................. .6. A: If you come home and see that you've been robbed, what's the best thing to do? B: Well, you ................................................. . You ................................................. and call the police.7. A: Mary can't work because she's feeling sick. How can she get home? B: Well, she ................................................. . She ................................................. home.8. People ................................................. if they can't pay it back.

Exercise IV. Complete the second part of the dialogue using the correct form of the word in brackets ( ). Put to or not in the correct place if necessary.1. A: Should Henry stay in bed?


B: No, the doctor said he ................ (should) stay in bed.2. A: Can we move that cupboard? B: No, it's very delicate, so you ................ (ought) leave it where it is.3. A: Should we change these notices? B: No, the show is still on, so we ................ (should) change them until next week.4. A: You should tell the boss about the accident immediately. B: No, she's in a bad mood. I ................ (had better) tell her until tomorrow.5. A: Does the doctor say it's all right for Mrs Bradley to work? B: Yes, but she must be careful. She ................ (ought) lift anything heavy.6. A: Can they come before dinner? B: No, we haven't got enough food, so they ................ (had better) come after dinner.

Exercise V. Put in should, shouldn't, ought or oughtn't. (Look for the word to.)Vicky: I can't come out tonight, Rachel. I ........................... to do some more work. I'm behind with everything. I've got so much to do. Rachel: You ............................worry so much, Vicky. Don't panic. You ............................torelax sometimes. You ............................take a break.Vicky: I know I ............................panic, but I do. I can't help it.Rachel: Anyway, you're doing OK, aren't you? Your results have been good. You ............................be pleased. You ............................to invent problems for yourself

Looks goodVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. I’ve never had such awful coffee, it …………………like soap!2. That ………………..like a good idea! Let’s go to Greece for the holiday!3. He must be in love! He …………….happy!4. It ……………………..as if it has been wet!5. The flowers ………………..sweet.Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. Supermarkets use the ……… of fresh bread to make us want to buy. sound smell taste2. Don’t ……… the cattle, it’s very hot! taste take touch3. I like my mum’s pies. They ……… delicious. taste look feel4. The birds ……… pleasant in the garden. smell sound hear5. Helen has brown hair and green eyes. She ……… her mother. feels looks looks like6. She adores these flowers. They ……… sweet. look


smell taste7. A sea shell ……… like the sea. looks smells sounds8. I remember the ……… of that apple pie. It was delicious. sight touch taste

GrammarExercise I. Complete the sentences using the information in brackets ( ) and who or which.1. (I went to see a doctor. She had helped my mother.) I went to see the doctor …………….my mother.2. (A dog bit me. It belonged to Mrs Jones.) The dog ........................ belonged to Mrs Jones.3. (A woman wrote to me. She wanted my advice.) The woman .......................... wanted my advice.4. (A bus crashed. It was twenty-three years old.) The bus ...........................was twenty-three years old.5. (Ann talked to a man. He had won a lot of money.) Ann talked to the man …………….. .6. (Mary was wearing the red dress. She wears it for parties.) Mary was wearing the red dress ...............................7. (He's an architect. He designed the new city library.) He's the architect ................................

Exercise II. Complete the sentences using the information in brackets ( ) and that.1. (Jack made a table. It's not very strong.) The table ...............................is not very strong.2. (I read about a new computer. I had seen it on TV) I read about the new computer................................3. (Jane made a cake. Nobody liked it.) Nobody liked the cake ................................4. (Mary sent me a letter. It was very funny.) The letter................................ was very funny.5. (My sister wrote an article. The newspaper is going to publish it.) The newspaper is going to publish the article ................................6. (I met an old lady. She was one hundred and three years old.) The old lady ................................was one hundred and three years old.7. (I saw a house. My brother wants to buy it.) I saw the house................................

Exercise III. Complete the sentences with one of the phrases in the box and who or whose.interviewed me hadhad saved their sonbook won a prize last week car had broken down

has visited so many different countries wives have just had babies divorce was in all the paperscomplain all the time

1. The parents thanked the woman .................................. .2. The couple .................................. have got married again.3. It is very interesting to meet somebody ....................................................... .4. The person ........................................ asked me some very difficult questions.5. In my office there are two men .................................................................. .6. What's the name of that writer...................................................................?7. I don't like people .................................................................................... .8. We helped a woman ................................................................................ .


Exercise IV. Put in who or that only if necessary.1. The match ............. we saw was boring.2. Did I tell you about the people............. live next door?3. The horse ............. won the race belongs to an Irish woman.4. I love the ice cream ................ they sell in that shop.5. The book ................ I'm reading is about jazz.6. The woman ................ came to see us was selling magazines.7. We'll go to a restaurant................ has a children's menu.8. The factory................ closed last week had been there for seventy years.9. Have you read about the schoolgirl ................ started her own business and is now amillionaire?10. Ethel says that the house ................ Tom has just bought has a beautiful garden.

Exercise V. Combine the information to make news items. Make the sentence in bracketsinto a relative clause with who or which. Start each sentence with the, e.g. The man…1. A man has gone to prison. (He shot two policemen.)2. A bomb caused a lot of damage. (It went off this morning.)3. A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. (He discovered a new planet.)4. A footballer has been banned from playing again. (He took drugs.)5. A little girl has been found safe and well. (She had been missing since Tuesday.)6. A company has laid off thousands of workers. (It owns Greenway Supermarkets.)7. An old lady now wants to swim the English Channel. (She did a parachute jump.)

Exercise VI. Subject and object Comment on the conversations. Add a sentence with who or that as the subject of the underlined part.1. She's Tom's new girlfriend. ~ Who is? ~ That girl. She just said hello. That's right. The.............................................................................................2. The dog has been rescued. ~ What dog? ~ It fell down a hole. Haven't you heard? The..............................................................................................3. The story was untrue. ~ What story? ~ You know. It upset everyone. Yes, the ......................................................................................................................4. He's a film producer. ~ Who is? ~ That man. He interviewed Natasha. That's what I heard. The .............................................................................................Now comment on these conversations. Add a sentence with who or that as the object of the underlined part.5. The accident wasn't very serious. ~ What accident? ~ Oh, Daniel saw it. Yes, the ................................................................................................................................6. He's a billionaire. ~ Who is? ~ That man. Claire knows him. It's true. The .........................................................................................................................7. The vase was extremely valuable. ~ What vase? ~ You know. David broke it. That's right. The....................................................................................................................8. It's really nice. ~ What is? ~ The jacket. Melanie wore it at the party. Yes, it is. The ........................................................................................................................

Exercise VII. Who or whose? You are reading a crime story. One of these people has murdered the industrialist Colin Howard. Look at the detective's notes and write a sentence about each person. Use a relative clause with who or whose.1. George Paxton, company director - he had an argument with Colin 2. Vera Stokes, politician - her sister once worked for Colin3. Felix Reeves, journalist - his tape recorder was stolen


4. Graham Wilshaw, architect - he knew Colin at school5. Rex Carter, farmer - Colin bought his land6. Norman Bridge, lawyer - he looked after Colin's interests7. Sonia Goldman, house guest - her fingerprints were on the door handle

ChangesVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. If you want to have …………………try to keep fit and don’t have junk food.2. She is always ……………………..,even if the situation is difficult.3. I took up sport two months ago. And I’m full of ………………..now.4. There is terrible …………………outside. Can you go and have a look what it is?5. He’s been to many countries, he lives in a mansion and his car is very expensive, he is sure to

be a …………………man.6. Bill Smith is a well-known and a very …………………..journalist.Exercise II. Chose the best variant.1. Anna is a very ……… person. She never gets angry about anything.


2. There was so much ……… in the bar, I couldn’t hear what Dan was saying.noisynoiseenergeticstress

3. Taking exams can be a very ……… experience.wealthyhappinessstressstressful

4. Tom Hanks has had a lot of ……… in his career. He won two Oscars.successfulsuccessluckyenergy

5. In some countries people believe that wearing yellow clothes brings bad ……… .luckluckyhappinesssuccess

6. They can afford to live in a big, expensive house and drive a Rolls Royce. They must be ……… .stressfulhealthywealthwealthy

7. When I was younger I played lots of sports, but now I don’t seem to have the ……… .energetic



8. Kate was very ……… when I told her good news.happyhappinessluckynoise

GrammarExercise I. Write replies using the Present Perfect and just.Use these past participles: checked, eaten, made, remembered, rung, tidied1. We must find out the address. ~ It's all right, ............................................................................2. The children's room looks neat. ~ Yes, they've ……………………………………………….3. Is Daniel making some coffee? ~ It's ready ……………………………………………………4. What happened to that chocolate? ~ Sorry, ……………………………………………………5. Has Rachel got all the answers right? ~ Yes,…………………………………………………6. Have you told your sister? ~ Yes, I've ......................................................................................

Exercise II. Complete the dialogue. Use the Present Perfect with just, already and yet.Vicky: ............................................................ (you / not do / your project / yet), I suppose. Rachel: No, I haven't. ........................................................................(I / not / start / it / yet).Vicky: .............................................................(I / just / see / Andrew), and he says.............................................................(he / already / do) about half of it. Rachel: Well, he works too hard.Vicky: ..........................................................(I / not / finish / my plan / yet). Rachel: .............................................................(you / already / begin) to worry about it, haven't you? Take it easy. There's plenty of time. Vicky: .............................................................(we / already / spend) too long thinking aboutit. ............................................................ (I/not/do/any real work / yet) and ........................................................................ (I / just / realize) that there are only four weeks to the end of term. Rachel: OK. ..........................................................(I / just / decide) to start next week. Well, may be.

Exercise III. Complete the conversation using just, already or yet and the words in brackets ( ). Put the verbs into the Present Perfect.Julia: Are you having a good time here?Anna: Yes, I haven't been here long, and ................................(I/visit) a lot of interesting places.Julia: ................................ (you/visit/the Art Gallery/?)Anna: No, ................................ (I/not/do/that), but I'm going to do it.Julia: What about the theatre? ................................ (you/see/a play/?)Anna: No, but ................................(I/book/a ticket) for one. It's called The Friends. I rang the theatre five minutes ago. Would you like to come with me?Julia: Thanks, but ................................(I/see/that play). I saw it last month.Anna: ................................ (I/read) in the newspaper that The Adventurers are going to give a concert next week. Do you like them? Julia: Yes, I do. ................................ (they/make) a really good, new record. It came out acouple of days ago. Anna: I really want to get a ticket. Julia: ................................ (they/not/sell/all the tickets). Butbe quick! They're a very popular group.

How polite are you?33

VocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. When you leave don’t forget to ………………………..the gas and electricity.2. Such a nice tune! ……...........it …………………., please, I want to listen to it!3. The car …………………………as it rolled down the hill.4. I’m so tired, if you want to listen to music could you …………….it

…………………..,please.5. At 9 o’clock my granny ………………….the TV ……………….to listen to the latest news.Exercise II. Chose the best variant.1. ……… tell me your surname?

Would youDo you mindCould you

2. Would you mind turning down the music, please?No, of course not. I’m sorry.Yes, of course.That’s OK.

3. Do you mind if I ………smokesmokedam smoking

4. Can I ……… the air conditioning? I’m freezing.turn downturning downto turn down

5. Could you help me translate this letter?Not at all.Yes, of course.I would mind.

6. ……… borrow this video over the weekend?Could you Could IWould I

7. ……… not doing that, please? It’s driving me mad. Could youWould youWould you mind

8. Could I ……… you back next week?to paypaypaying

Going aloneVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. Keep me a company or I’ll go …………………………. .2. Not long ago Jack moved a new house. He feels ……………………..as he hasn’t made

friends with anyone in the neighbourhood yet.3. He is full of ……………………..about his future. He has no job, no children, no friends.4. Tomorrow I’m giving a lecture for the first time! I’m so ……………………..!5. The little girl was …………………by the thunder.Exercise II. Chose the best variant.


1. I was very ……… when I first arrived in Tokyo, because I had no friends and I missed my family.alonelonelyexhausted

2. I’d really like to spend a week ……… on a desert island, with nobody else around. Just me.alonelonelynervous

3. I don’t like my son being in the army. I’m ……… that something terrible will happen to him.experiencedlonelyworried

4. Sam’s very ……… because she’s going to meet her boyfriend’s parents tomorrow.exhaustednervouslonely

5. Hannah’s ……… to become a professional dancer, no matter what it takes.determinednervousexperienced

6. Martha’s been working all night. She’s completely ……… .exhaustedworriedscared

7. We had to make an emergency landing. All the passengers were ……… .aloneexperiencedscared

8. Werner’s very ……… - he’s done lots of different jobs and lived in five different countries.lonelyexhaustedexperienced

GrammarExercise I. Complete these sentences.1. If Sally lived in Brighton, she ......................... (she/be) near her parents.2. Fred would read more if ......................... (he/not/work) so hard.3. If Elizabeth didn't have to work in the evenings......................... (she/go) to concerts.4. Susan wouldn't go to work by car if ........................ (she/live) near a train station.5. Alan wouldn't be overweight if ........................ (he/not/eat) so much.6. If Peter didn't live in a flat, ........................ (he/have) a dog.7. Pam would definitely learn French if ........................ (she/get) a job in France.8. If Mark wanted to be healthy, ........................ (he/not/smoke).

Exercise II. In the next few years:It is unlikely that astronauts will visit Mars.It is unlikely that governments will stop buying guns.It is unlikely that doctors will find a cure for cancer.It is unlikely that they will discover oil in Ireland.It is unlikely that young people will stop buying CDs.


Now use the predictions in the box to complete these sentences.1. If ............................................................... , the world would be safer.2. If ............................................................... , the Irish would be very happy.3. If ...................................................... , this terrible disease would disappear.4. If ............................................ , the popular music industry would disappear.5. If ..................................................... , we would learn a lot about the planet.

Exercise III. Imagine how life nowadays could be better. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets ( ), and any other words you need.1. People don't do enough exercise, so there is a lot of heart disease.

(more, less) If people................................, there................................ heart disease2. There are too many cars. The city is very polluted.

(fewer) If there ................................ , then the city wouldn't be very polluted.3. People drive too fast, so there are a lot of accidents.

(more slowly) If people ................................ , then there would be fewer accidents.4. People watch too much TV, so they don't have much time for reading.

(more) If people watched less TV, they................................ .5. Children have bad teeth because they eat too many sweets.

(fewer) Children would have better teeth if they ................................ .6. Not enough people travel by bus, so the roads are crowded.

(more) If ................................ , then the roads would be less crowded.7. People haven't got enough time to cook, so they eat a lot of 'fast food'.

(more, less) If people .................................they ................................ .

Exercise IV. Comment on these situations. Use a Second Conditional with would or could.1. Andrew is such a boring person because he works all the time.

You know, .......................................................................................................2. You can't take a photo because you haven't got your camera.

How annoying. .................................................................................................3. You can't look the word up because you haven't got a dictionary.

I'm sorry.............................................................................................................4. You don't write to your friends because you're so busy.

I've got so much to do.........................................................................................5. You can't play tennis because your back is aching.

It's a nuisance.......................................................................................................6. Claire won't marry Henry because she doesn't love him.

Of course, .............................................................................................................7. Nick can't find the way because he hasn't got a map.

Nick's lost, but........................................................................................................8. David has so many accidents because he's so clumsy. You know,..............................................................................................................

What’s in the fridge?VocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. A lot of people nowadays prefer ……………………………(2 words) because they work a

lot and have no opportunity to cook proper meal.2. It’s a good habit to use a ……………….. and a………………….. when you eat.3. I won’t cook meet tonight – Jane is coming for dinner and she is a

…………………………… .4. The meat was……………………….in the oven.5. Never use the same board to cut ………………..meat and other products.


6. Wine must be served cold, so keep it in the …………………….for an hour or so.Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. You can cut bread with a ……… . spoon knife fork 2. My sister is a ……… . She eats no animal products. vegetable vegetarian vegan3. My brother is overweight. He likes ……… food . fast fresh raw4. Maria is a good ……….If I could cook as well as she I’d open a restaurant. cooker chef cook5. We usually keep milk and butter in the ……… . frozen fridge freezer6. To ……… water we use a kettle. roast fry boil7. How many ……… should I put on the table? plates meals courses8. An ice- cream should be kept in the ……… . fridge frozen freezer

GrammarPut the verbs in brackets in the right form.1. My car is old, but I can’t afford ……… (buy) a new one.2. If you want to lower your blood pressure, you should avoid ……… (eat) salt.3. We’ve decided ……… (go) to Turkey on holiday.4. Tim finally managed ……… (pass) his driving test at the fifth attempt.5. They spend a lot of time ……… (decorate) their new house, and now it looks great.6. It was very kind of you to offer ……… (take) us to the airport.7. Erica gave up ……… (smoke) when she was pregnant.8. I’m twenty-eight years old, but my parents keep on ……… (tell) me how to run my life.9. Don’t waste time………(watch) this film. It’s really boring.10. We’re planning ……… (visit) the museum tomorrow.

AirportVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. When I travel by air I always visit …………………..before the flight to buy some make-up.


2. When you go abroad you must go through …………………………… .3. – have you looked at the…………………………..?- No? and what?- Our flight is delayed!4. May I have this small suitcase as …………………………..? There are only some documents

and private things. It is not heavy at all!5. – Excuse me, can I have the seat next to the window?- Let me have a look… Yes? Here is your …………………………….. .6. You will be waited by the representatives of the company at the ……………………………. 7. I enjoyed the flight: the pilot and the …………………………..were great, we managed to

land carefully in such awful weather conditions.Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. The plane was very comfortable. The ……… was friendly and polite. team cabin crew staff2. He is afraid of flights, so he ……… by train. uses travels gets3. They had a very interesting ……… round S. Petersburg. journey trip tour4. To get on the plane one should get a ……… . boarding- card uniform luggage5. My friend went on a business ……… last week. work trip tour 6. We were allowed to carry onto the plane only a ……… . hand luggage small bag heavy suitcase7. I wish you to have a good ……… . way trip travel

8. You can wait for the plane in a ……… . check-in desk hall departure lounge

GrammarExercise I. Write sentences about what these people had already done or had never done before. Use the Past Perfect and already or never.► Last summer Mary won a gold medal for the third time.She had already won two gold medals before that.► Last year Ken visited Scotland for the first time.He had never visited Scotland before that.


1. Last weekend Tom rode a horse for the first time.He ....................................................................................... before that.2. Last summer Jeff ran in a marathon for the sixth time.He ....................................................................................... before that.3. Last week Susan wrote a poem for the first time.She.......................................................................................before that.4. Last week Ann appeared on TV for the first time.She ......................................................................................before that.5. Last summer Tony played tennis at Wimbledon for the fifth time.He ....................................................................................... before that.6. Last year Jean wrote her third novel.She...................................................................................... before that.

Exercise II. In each case you have two events in the order in which they took place. Write the information in one sentence using the words in brackets ( ).1. The driver started the car. B: Lady James appeared.

(When Lady James/appear/, the driver/already/start/the car)2. A: We put the fire out. B: The firemen arrived.

(When the firemen/arrive/, we/already/put/the fire out)3. A: Jim finished the work. B: The manager came back.

(When the manager/come/back, Jim/already/finish/the work)4. A: I went to bed. B: Philip telephoned.

(When Philip/telephone/, I/already/go/to bed)5. A: Alice and Jack had lunch. B: Their children came home.

(When their children/come/home, Alice and Jack/already/have/lunch)6. A: Ian prepared the supper. B: His wife got home from work.

(When his wife/get/home from work, Ian/already/prepare/the supper)7. A: The thieves spent the money. B: The police caught them.

(The thieves/already/spend/the money, when the police/catch/them)

Exercise III. Add a sentence with the Past Perfect using the notes.► Claire looked very suntanned when I saw her last week.She’d just been on a holiday. ........................................................(just / be on holiday)1. We rushed to the station, but we were too late.

.................................................................................................. (the train / just / go)2. I didn't have an umbrella, but that didn't matter.

.................................................................................................... (the rain / stop)3. When I got to the concert hall, they wouldn't let me in.

.................................................................................................... (forget / my ticket)4. Someone got the number of the car the raiders used.

.................................................................................................... (steal / it / a week before)5. I was really pleased to see Rachel again yesterday.

.................................................................................................... (not see / her / for ages)6. Luckily the flat didn't look too bad when my parents called in.

.................................................................................................... (just / clean / it)7. The boss invited me to lunch yesterday, but I had to refuse the invitation.

..................................................................................................... (already / eat / my sandwiches)

A star is born … or made?VocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.


1. I was surprised to see that Edward Hill is still quite ………………….. .2. Valeriya dresses perfectly well, but she is not only………………………, but very ………………….and ……………………….. .3. Khvorostovsky is a …………………………opera singer.4. Last week I was happy to see a marvelous ballet in the …………………………..Bolshoi Theatre.5. Jack is ……………………..enough to cope with the task.6. Ron is a ………………………….. swimmer, he is in our school team.Exercise II. Chose the best variant.1. She’s very ……… business woman. She started her own company and now she’s a


2. Their new record is very ……… . I’ve never heard anything like it before.originaloriginalitylegendarypopularity

3. Everybody knows Tom Cruise. He’s a very ……… movie star.brilliantlegendaryfamefamous

4. I think he’s a very ……… writer, but his books don’t sell very well.popularsuccessfultalenttalented

5. Flared trousers were ……… in the 1970s.fashionableskilfultalentedfashion

6. Abba are the most ……… Swedish pop group ever, but I can’t stand their songs.brilliantpopularitypopularsuccess

7. The concert wasn’t just good. It was absolutely ……… .brilliantfashionablesuccessfulpopular

8. Pelé was a ……… Brazilian football player, who played in four World Cups.legendlegendarysuccessoriginal


Exercise I. Complete these sentences using the correct form of the verbs from the box. Use the passive form of the Present Simple or Past Simple. Then write questions.

build check found hold make produce repair sell speak write1. Scotch whisky......................... in Scotland. Where ...................................................2. The car........................ last week. When ...................................................3. The Olympic Games........................ every four years. How often .........................4. English ........................ in many countries. Where ...................................................5. 'Yesterday' ........................ by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Who .........................6. Car speeds ........................ by radar. How ...................................................7. The Channel Tunnel ........................ to connect Britain with Europe. Why .........................8. Souvenirs ........................ at all popular tourist places.

Where ...................................................9. The first Volkswagen Beetles ........................ in 1937. When ...................................................10. The Times newspaper ........................ in 1785. When ...................................................

Exercise II. You are telling a friend some news. Use the notes and complete the second sentence. Sometimes you need to use the active and sometimes the passive.► (Past Simple: Claire / go / to Florida / last month)You remember Claire? She went to Florida last month.► (Present Perfect: send / our luggage / to Australia) Bad news about our luggage. It's been sent to Australia.1. (Past Simple: Claude Jennings / win / the quiz competition) Did you hear about the quiz competition? It .....................................................................................2. (Past Simple: Mrs Miles / do / a parachute jump / last week) You know Mrs Miles? She .....................................................................................3. (Present Perfect: a bull / attack / David) Have you heard about David? He's .....................................................................................4. (Present Simple: Andrew / like / Jessica) Did I tell you about Andrew? He .....................................................................................5. (Present Perfect: throw away / your stamp collection) Bad news about your stamp collection. It's .....................................................................................6. (Present Perfect: Martians / kidnap / my neighbours)Did I mention my neighbours? They've .....................................................................................7. (Past Simple: five people / see / the ghost)Did you hear about the ghost? It...................................................................................................

Exercise III. Change into passive voice.1. People always admire such pictures.2. I left the dog in the garden. 3. Your friends have invited you to dinner tomorrow.4. She will have knitted the sweater by Monday.5. It surprised me to hear that they had given him the first prize.6. People used the tower of London as prison.7. Somebody has already boiled the kettle.8. Send your father to hospital. They will look after him much better there.9. One uses milk for making butter and cheese.10. They often laughed at Ann.11. Someone has broken my pen.12. People play football everywhere nowadays.13. I found out that my friend had sent the letter to the wrong address.

The future of toys41

VocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. I have a lot of cars, but my little sister doesn’t like them, she prefers …………………, like

all the girls.2. All modern children have computers and can’t imagine their lives

without…………………….. .3. When my friends visit me we construct something all the time, so my relatives always

present me with new…………………………. .4. When on the beach we play……………………. I am not sporty and hate active games

especially when it’s so hot!5. I have a lot of………………………….., but the disadvantage of them is that you can’t take

them somewhere not to lose small details.6. It is necessary to have great imagination to do ……………………………. .Exercise II. Match the definitions with the words from the box.

board game jigsaw puzzle cards dolls computer gamesconstruction kit skateboard chess

1. You throw a dice and move your pieces the number of squares on the dice. ………2. I admit I’m an addict. I spend hours in front of the screen. ………3. The most powerful piece is the queen. She can move in any direction. ………4. We used to spend hours building space ships and hours when I was a kid. ………5. It can be frustrating when all the pieces look the same. ………6. I used to play in the park, until I fell off one day and broke my arm. ………7. There are four skirts: diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades. ………8. I had a lot when I was young and they all had names and lived in a house. ………

GrammarPut the words in the correct order.1. don’t musician Kate a become think I professional will2. for with parents leave Ann might her Moscow3. if football I will team doubt win our4. return he book I my will expect 5. film you sure will this I’m like 6. later rain could It7. studies continue I my might8. out may me Sunday on ask He

I’ll call youVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. I never use my ………………………..in a traffic jam as I am sure that it’s dangerous.2. I……………., Mr. Harrison is not at his desk now, but you can

………………………………for him.3. Excuse me. Dorra Brown is speaking. Can you please ask Mrs. Jackson to

……………………..when she finishes the meeting?4. Excuse me. Is Tom Barnes in the office? - Just a moment. ……………………….,please, I’ll

try to ……………..you …………………. .5. I think that he is angry with me, he……………………..so quickly!6. I am sorry, the line is…………………., could you call again or I can …………………… .Exercise II. Chose the best variant.1. Hello. ……… Henry speaking.


I’mThis is

2. ……… John?SpeakingIsIs that

3. ……… speak to Frederic Lagrange, please?I’d likeI wantCould I

4. ……… I’ll just put you through.Hold on Hang upDon’t quit

5. Gemma’s busy at the moment. Could you ……… later? call her backcall back herback call her

6. I’m ……… he’s not in the office at the moment.regretafraidoccupied

7. You’ve been speaking to your girlfriend for forty minutes now! Will you please ……… ?hold on hang upput down

8. Thank you ……… .to callfor callfor calling

Do the right thingVocabularyExercise I. Complete the sentences with do or make.1. If you don’t have the best,…………………the best of what you have.2. You should observe the rule: try to ……………..a good impression when you meet a person

for the first time. There won’t be another chance!3. ……………………sure that your new partner is a reliable fellow or else you can get into

trouble!4. No one is perfect. We all can ………………….wrong things.5. You are great! You’ve ……………………..no mistakes in your dictation!6. Could you ………………….me a favour as to give me a lift to the station?Exercise II. Complete the sentences with do or make.1. Speaking with someone for the first time ………a point of learning his or her name.2. Don’t ……… mistakes while writing a letter of application.3. Scientists are planning to ……… experiments for testing a new medicine.4. She had to ……… a very important decisions last week.5. Parents should ……… an effort to promote more physical activities for their children.6. Try to ……… your homework yourself.7. Sometimes it’s difficult to ……… the right choice.8. You should know to ……… the best use of the latest technology.


GrammarExercise I. The Stanton Squash Club has decided that it is important for all club members to do these things:wear sports shoes and clean clothes have a shower pay before you play finish on timeBut these things are not allowed:disturb other players eat or drink outside the bar take club balls homePut have to, don't have to or mustn't in the gaps.►You don't have to wear white clothes, but you have to wear sports shoes.1. You ..................................... disturb other players, but you ................................be silent.2. You ........................ finish on time, but you ........................ start on time.3. You ........................ play with club balls, but if you do, you ........................ take them home.4. You ........................ eat or drink outside the bar, but you ................................buy your food in the bar if you don't want to.5. You ........................ have a shower, and you ........................ wear clean clothes.

Exercise II. Look at the signs and complete the sentences with don't have to or mustn't.ANTIQUES

Please feel free to come in.(No eating inside.)

Entry possible3O minutes before the concert.

No late arrivals allowed.

All vehicles – SLOW.Drivers of large vehicles,

wait for guard before crossing.

STUDENTSPlease be quiet - 4th-year

Exam in progress.

LIBRARYNo talking.

Please leave bookson tables.

SWIMMING POOLFree swim today.

No eating.No drinking.

1. You ........................go in.2. You ........................ eat inside.

3. ........................ arrive half an hour early.4. You ........................ arrive late.

5. Small vehicles ........................ wait.6. Drivers of large vehicles ........................ cross alone.

7. Students ........................ make a noise.8. Third-year students ........................ take the exam.

9. You ........................ talk in the library.10. You ........................ put the books back on the shelves.

1. Swimmers ........................ pay today.2. Swimmers ........................ eat or drink by the pool.

Exercise III. Put the words in the box in the gaps. Don't add any other words.Does she have to has she has must mustn't have does she

Mark: We .......................to get up early tomorrow.Bob: Why?Mark: Have you forgotten? Angela ..........................to move to a new flat tomorrow, and I promised we would help her.Bob: ............................ have to move out by a particular time?Mark: No, there's no rush. She doesn't ..........................leave her old flat before the afternoon, but there are lots of things that ............................ to pack, so we ........................... get there fairly early.


Bob: Why ............................ have to move, by the way?Mark: She said that I .............................tell you because she wants to tell you herself, when she sees you tomorrow.

Six and a half hoursVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. The jet took off …………………., so we were at the hotel as it had been planned.2. Planes are never late because the flights are …………………… .3. I’m sure that watching TV more than an hour a day is just a ……………………… . It’s

better to read something.4. Like all teenagers he would like to ……………………more………..……..playing computer

games.5. It usually ………………………to solve a problem. You should analyze everything.

Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. I always arrive for work ……… . in time at time on time2. We are a friendly family and we like to ……… time together. organize waste spend3. He is always pressed for time, so all his journeys are carefully ……… . timed limited timing4. My mum thinks playing computer games is a ……… . waste for time spend of time waste of time5. Sometimes I’m absolutely exhausted ……… I get home. on time to the time by the time6. She tries to keep fit. She ……… her time at the gym. spends takes wastes7. When he doesn’t have to go to work he likes having ……… . more time long time time off8. Her journey to the office ……… a long time. needs takes gets


GrammarExercise I. In each question, complete the second sentence (or pair of sentences) so that the meaning is the same as the first sentence (or pair of sentences).1. Larry is older than Meg but she is taller than he is..................................................... , she is taller than he is.2. In spite of the fact that it was dangerous, many people helped in the rescue.Many people helped in the rescue although..........................................................3. Many people continue to smoke cigarettes although there is a serious warning on every packet...................................... the warning on every packet, many people continue to smoke cigarettes.4. There were several stronger teams but it was Greece that won the cup. There were several stronger teams. ...................................., it was Greece that won the cup.5. Although London is more expensive than the rest of Britain, many people prefer to live there.Many people prefer to live in London despite .........................................................6. My work is interesting but it is not well paid. ......................................................... it is not well paid.7. Although Amy complained about the exams, she got very good marks. Amy complained about the exams. ...................................., she got very good marks.

Exercise II. Complete each sentence with although, however and one of these clauses: it didn't break, it's really quite modern, no one laughed, she turned it down. Make any necessary changes.1. I dropped the dish...................................................................................2. The house looks old................................................................................3. Emma was offered a job..........................................................................4. The joke was funny..................................................................................

Exercise III. Put in although or in spite of.1. My sister got the job, ......................................she didn't expect to.2. ......................................I told the absolute truth, no one would believe me.3. Daniel forgot his passport......................................having it on his list.4. ......................................it was sunny, it was quite a cold day.5. The goods were never delivered......................................the promise we had received.6. Henry asked Claire to marry him......................................he's a lot older than her.7. ................................it was rush-hour time, the roads weren't at all busy.8. I managed to do some studying..........................all the noise.

Exercise IV. Complete the report by putting in the correct linking words. ...................................... the ground was very wet, it was decided to go ahead with United's gameagainst City. United were 1-0 winners ......................................not playing very well.......................................the poor conditions, City played some attractive football. .....................................they just couldn't score. ......................................they lost, their fans gave them a big cheer.

Exercise V. Join each pair of sentences. Be careful where you put the words in brackets.1. Nick used to smoke. He seems to be in good health. (although) 2. I couldn't sleep. I was tired. (despite)3. Trevor didn't notice the sign. It was right in front of him. (although)4. Matthew doesn't know any French. It was one of his school subjects. (however)5. Henry's friend is a millionaire. He hates spending money. (despite)6. We couldn't get tickets. We queued for an hour. (in spite of)


AchievementVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. He is sure to…………………..because he has been working so hard all this time.2. Sherlock Holmes …………………….many murder cases.3. In early childhood she set up a goal to become a doctor and at last she……………………

her…………………. . Now she is successful .4. The team trained hard last month and managed to………………………. .5. Jack wants to start his own business but first he has received all the necessary

…………………. .6. If you want to pass all your exams successfully you should …………………..all the

material.7. You should ……………… your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation to speak English

fluently.Exercise II.Chose the best variant.1. I need your help in ……… this problem.


2. Charlotte is ……… to be a pilot in the Air Force.trainingrevisingachieving

3. What would you like to ……… in your career as a journalist?winachievesolve

4. I can’t come out with you tonight. I have to ……… for my maths test tomorrow.repassrevisetrain

5. Michael Johnson ……… the 200m race in a new world record time of 19.32 seconds.passedgainedwon

6. My son ……… a certificate when he finished that bicycle training course.receivedachievedwon

7. We are going out tonight to celebrate. Pam’s ……… all her exams.receivedpassedachieved

8. The Walkman personal stereo was ……… by Sony.inventedachievedsolved

GrammarExercise I. Five friends have just finished some jobs. Look at the table.


ACTIVITY NOWNeil sweep the floors he is sweatingRachel cut the grass she is tiredPaul do the washing-up he has soft handsCarol peel the onions she has red eyesTim defrost the fridge he has cold hands

Complete the dialogues from this information. Use the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous.►Neil, why are you sweating? ~ Because I have been sweeping the floors.►Is the lawn finished? ~ Yes, Rachel has cut the grass.1. Paul, why are your hands so soft? ~ Because I .................................................2. Are the onions ready for the pan? ~ Yes, Carol .................................................... them.3. Rachel, you look tired. ~Yes, I .................................................4. Tim, your hands are very cold. ~Yes, I .................................................5. Are the floors clean? ~Yes, Neil .....................................................them.6. Why are your eyes red, Carol? ~ Because I .................................................7. Are the plates clean? ~Yes, Paul ............................................8. Is the fridge all right now? ~ Yes, Tim .................................................

Exercise II. Put the verbs in brackets ( ) into the gaps in the right form. Use the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous.► Ellen: Where are you and your family going to live? Ian: Well, we've been talking (talk) about that for weeks, but we haven't decided (decide) anything yet.1. Tina: Excuse me. Have you ........................ (stand) in this queue for a long time? Larry: Yes, I've ........................ (queue) for almost an hour.2. Sara: Why are you crying? Joe: Because my brother has ........................ (have) an accident. He's ........................ (break)both his legs.3. Susan: Excuse me. Has someone ........................ (leave) this bag here? Wally: I don't know. I've ........................ (sit) here all afternoon, but I haven't ........................ (notice) it until now.

Exercise III. Look at these conversations and put in the correct form of the verb. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Simple.►Sarah: I feel really tired.Mark: It's because you have been doing (you / do) too much.Sarah: Well, at least I have finished (I / finish) that report now and I can relax.1. David: Someone................................................................(leave) the ladder outside, look. Harriet: I expect that's Mike.................................................................(he / clean) the windows. I don't think................................................................(he / finish) yet.2. Laura: You've got mud on your shoes. Trevor: It's all right, I'll take them off.................................................................(I / work) in thegarden. Laura: Yes, it looks a lot tidier. Well done. ................................................................(you / do) agood job.3 Tom: ................................................................(I / hear) that you and Harriet are building agarage. How long................................................................(you / do) that?


Mike: Oh, for about a month now. (we / do)................................................................abouthalf of it.

Exercise IV. What would you ask in these situations? Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Simple.►Your friend is wearing glasses. You've never seen him with glasses on before. Ask him how long ...How long have you been wearing glasses?►Nick is playing computer games. Ask him how many ...How many computer games have you played?1. You meet a group of people walking across country. Ask them how many miles ...2. Some workmen are digging up the road outside Sarah's house. Ask her how long ...3. Laura is taking lots of photos of you and your friends. Ask her how many ...4. You have just woken up from an afternoon sleep and seen that it is raining. Ask your friend how long ...

Exercise V. Write out the sentences in brackets ( ). Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Simple.1. He’s late again. (How many times / he / arrive / late this month?)2. What a good week! (We / sell / much more than we expected.)3. It’s still raining. (It / rain / for hours.)4. (How much money / you / spend / this week?)5. That noise is awful. (They / drill / holes in the wall all the morning.)6. Are you still here? (How long / you / sit / here?)7. (How many people / Jane / invite / to her party?)

Long walk to freedomVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. I was………………to travel abroad, it has been a dream of my life.2. All the …………………were rude with the prisoners except one, who tried to remain polite

and patient with them.3. David’s stepfather punished the boy and kept him in the ……………….. . It was a dark, wet

place and he was very frightened.4. When at last the pupil made some progress, Judy couldn’t conceal her joy and

………………….. .5. Mary said to him to come in and sit down in an ………………………….manner. She has

always been very strict and no one dared to talk to her.Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. An arrested person is usually taken to a ……… . camp prison court2. People kept in prison are called ……… . prisons suspects prisoners3. This man was ……… of stealing money. blamed committed accused4. Prisoners live in ……… .


rooms cells cages5. ……… is the time a criminal spends in prison. evidence a sentence a suspect6. As a rule ……… keep discipline in prison. warders policemen lawyers7. The suspects weren’t arrested as there wasn’t enough ……… . time sentence evidence8. Prisoners are not ……… to leave their cells. forbidden asked allowed

GrammarChose the best variant.1. In Britain women over 30 ……… to vote until 1918.

weren’t letweren’t alloweddidn’t allow

2. I once worked in a hamburger restaurant, where ……… to wear a horrible uniform.we hadthey made uswe must

3. The customs officer ……… my suitcase.made me openmade me to openmade open me

4. My parents weren’t very strict. They ……… what I wanted. made me dolet me doallowed me do

5. Of course I ……… smoke at home. Cigarettes were totally forbidden.wasn’t allowed tohad todidn’t have to

6. You’re lucky! My parents ……… do anything I wanted to.didn’t make medidn’t let medidn’t allow me

7. Until recently, every young man in my country ……… do military service. It was obligatory.had towas allowed towasn’t allowed to

8. ……… women do it, though. How unfair!It wasn’t allowed


They didn’t makeThey weren’t made

Shaking handsVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. We have decided to ………………………….with the employers about our wage claims.2. We do not ……………much ……………….. with them, they seem unreliable.3. We found out that we have similar ideas concerning business, …………………business

cards to stay in contact.4. Nick has been ………………..a new job in Spain.5. I am so happy! We …………………………(2 words) with a huge company to deliver

wood.6. We discussed everything again and ………………………….(2 words) at last.Exercise II. Choose the best variant.1. He is the person for us to ……… business with. make offer do2. Don’t forget to ……… business card with your new partners. share exchange negotiate3. They have ……… us some useful ideas. suggested offered asked4. Running business meetings you have to ……… a good impression. do exchange make5. This company has recently ……… with the local council for building a new hotel. exchanged spoken negotiated6. It’s necessary for our manager to ……… contact with their lawyer. do stay make7. He was accused of ……… a bribe. offering doing making8. Mary ……… business trips every month. goes on does goes to

GrammarExercise I. Chose the best variant.1. I’ll be very surprised if he ……… the exam.


will pass passes

2. If I ……… the lottery, I wouldn’t carry on working.wonwinwouldn’t win

3. If you ask him nicely, John ……… you move the furniture.helpwill helpwould help

4. If somebody published your book, you ……… a lot of money.makecan makecould make

5. You ……… a lot better if you gave up smoking.would feelfeelfelt

6. Will you get a bottle of wine if you ……… to the supermarket?gowentwill go

7. If we don’t stop making so much noise, the neighbours ……… the police.phonewill phonewould phone

8. If Oscar ……… me to lie for him, I don’t know if I’d agree.askwill askasked

Exercise II. Complete the conversation. Put in the correct form of the verb. You may need to use will or would.Matthew: I haven't forgotten your birthday, you know. If you like, …………………………….(I / book) a table for Thursday at our favourite restaurant.Emma: My birthday is on Wednesday, Matthew. You're playing basketball then, aren't you? If you cared for me, ..................................................(you / not/ play) basketball on mybirthday.Matthew: What's the difference? If ..................................................(we / go) out on Thursday,it'll be just the same. If ..................................................(I / not / play), I'd be letting the team down. Emma: Yes, I suppose ...............................................(it / be) a disaster if you missed one game. Well, if ..................................................(you / think) more of your friends than you do of me, you can forget the whole thing. Matthew: I just don't understand you sometimes, Emma. Emma: If .................................................. (you / think) about it, you'd understand. And I think..................................................(it / be) better if we forgot all about my birthday.Matthew: Don't be silly, Emma. If you get into one of your bad moods, ........................................ (it / not / do) any good.Emma: If you were interested in my feelings, ..................................................(I / not / get) intoa bad mood.


Sunshine and showersVocabularyExercise I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. According to the weather forecast it’s going to be ……………..- you won’t see the sun, and

it’s likely to………………. for two days. So don’t forget your umbrellas.2. We couldn’t see the road signs because of sick …………………….. .3. ………………… rains may turn to …………………….in the central part of Russia. So try

to avoid going out of town during the weekends.4. It’s going to be ………………..(2 words) at the weekend, so why not go to the river?5. The roof of the house was damaged after the yesterday’s ……………………… .6. Don’t forget to put on your jacket and take a scarf, there is a ………………......(2 words).

Exercise II. Match the definitions with the words from the box.thunderstorm snow fog clouds showers windsunshine sky

1. It’s white and cold and you need it to ski. ………2. In good weather they’re usually white. When it’s going to rain, they are grey or black.

……… 3. Short periods of rainfall. ……… 4. Flashes of light and loud noises in the sky, usually accompanied by heavy rain. ……… 5. On a sunny day it’s blue, but in Britain it’s often grey. ……… 6. Movement of air in the atmosphere. It makes flags fly. ……… 7. Thick cloudy air near the ground that is difficult to see through. ……… 8. It’s warm and bright and makes people feel happy. ………

GrammarExercise I. Read this conversation and then report what Claudia and Nicole said.Nicole: How long have you been in France?Claudia: Six weeks.Nicole: Are you enjoying your stay?Claudia: Yes, I'm enjoying it a lot.Nicole: Have you been here before?Claudia: Yes. I've been to France many times.Nicole: What are you doing here?Claudia: I'm on holiday.Nicole: Are you staying in a hotel?Claudia: No, I'm staying with some friends.Nicole: Where do they live?Claudia: They have a flat in the city centre.Nicole: How long are you staying?Claudia: I'm leaving in March.Nicole: Can you speak French very well?Claudia: No, I can't. I'm going to have some lessons.Nicole: I'll teach you.1. Claudia said ..........................................................................in France for six weeks.2. Claudia said ........................................................................ her stay a lot.3. Claudia said ............................................................ to France many times.4. Claudia said ............................................................................ on holiday.5. She said .......................................................................with some friends.6. She said ................................................................ a flat in the city centre.7. She said .................................................................................. in March.


8. She said ........................................................................ French very well.9. She said ............................................................................ some lessons.10. Nicole said ................................................................................. Claudia.

Exercise II. Complete the sentences with said or told.1. She................ she wasn't feeling very well.2. Alex ................ me that he would buy the tickets.3. They ................ that the train was going to be late.4. She ................ him that she was very angry with him.5. She ................ him that she couldn't help him.6. Who ................ you that I was leaving? It's not true!7. They................ us that they were leaving in the morning.8. He ................ that he didn't know what was wrong with the car.9. She ................ she had four sisters.10. She ................ me that Tom worked in a factory.11. He ................ me that he was a doctor, but he ................ Anna that he was a dentist.

Exercise III. Complete the conversations using the words in brackets ( ). You will also need a pronoun (e.g. me, him, them) and the word not. Use the Past Simple.1. A: Did you tell the children to clean the car? B: (Yes, but I/tell/to use too much water.)

B:............................................................................................................2. A: Did you ask Bill to come to the meeting? B: (Yes, and I/tell/to be late.)

B:............................................................................................................3. A: Did the doctor tell Sue to keep warm? B: (Yes, and she/warn/to go outside the house.)

B:............................................................................................................4. A: Did you ask Michael to post the letters? B: (Yes, and I/tell/to forget the stamps.)

B:............................................................................................................5. A: Did the policeman advise everyone to stay indoors? B: (Yes, and he/tell/to go near the

windows.) B:............................................................................................................6. A: Did the dentist advise you to eat carefully? B: (Yes, and she particularly/warn/to eatnuts.) B:............................................................................................................

Exercise IV. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. Use each word once.advise ask order remind tell warn

1. The official said to Gerry, 'Go to Room 23.' The official................................ to Room 23.2. 'Girls, you mustn't touch these wires. It can be dangerous,' said the guide.

The guide ................................the wires.3. The bus is all right, Anne, but it's better for you to take the train,' we said.

We................................ the train.4. 'Bring the money, Simon. Don't forget,' Mrs Walters said.

Mrs Walters ................................the money.5. 'This is the police,' the voice said. 'Spectators must leave at once.'

The police ................................at once.6. I said, 'Please come in, Mr Tufnell.' I ................................ in.

Exercise V. Use the words in brackets ( ) to write a question, and then complete the reported question.1. (Where/have/Maria/go/?) Question: ...............................................

Reported question: I asked......................................................................2. (Do/Jim/often/play/football/?) Question: ...............................................

Reported question: I wondered if .......................................................54

3. (What/have/the children/eat/?) Question: ............................................. Reported question: She wanted to know.............................................

4. (Where/be/Mark/going/?) Question: .................................................... Reported question: I asked ...............................................................

5. (When/be/the next bus/?) Question: ................................................... Reported question: We wanted to know..............................................

6. (Have/Ann/see/this film/?) Question: ................................................... Reported question: Tom asked ..........................................................


It’s absolutely true.VocabularyExercise I.1. packed2. exhausted 3. fascinating 4. awful5. crowded 6. tired7. enormous 8. fantasticExercise II.1. exhausted2. awful3. packed4. good5. fascinating6. tired7. enormous8. fantasticGrammarExercise I.1. wrote; was writing2. made; was making; arrived; helped3. designed; started; was working; died4. escaped; was taking; caught; locked5. were losing; won6. sang; played; recorded; was preparing; shot7. were coming; were hurrying; was standing; grabbedExercise II. didyou get; did you do; you were reading; rang; were you doing; was drinking; drank; went; did you put; was rainingExercise III. Vicky was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang.When Andrew saw the question, he knew the answer immediately.The train was waiting when we arrived at the station.I was reading a library book when I found a $ 10 note in it.Sarah had an electric shock when she touched the wire.When the doors opened, the crowd rushed in.When the campers woke, they saw that the sun was shining.


Are you a morning person?VocabularyExercise I.1. a morning person/wake up2. have a lie-in3. overslept4. stays up late5. has got out of bed on the wrong side6. fell asleepExercise II.1. got out of bed on the wrong side2. have a lie-in3. a morning person 4. have an early night5. oversleeps6. is not able to keep eyes open7. fall asleep 8. wake upGrammarExercise I.1. What was the result of the game?2. Who went on a trip?3. What’s happening in this film?4. Who are you going to phone?5. What did you watch on TV last night?6. Who sent these flowers?7. What did you buy in that shop?8. What has made Tom happy?Exercise II.1. What did Robert do two days ago?2. What happened? 3. Who took his driving test?4. What did Robert fail?5. What did Robert say to Philip?6. Who met Linda for coffee?Exercise III.1. Who did Oswald kill?2. Who killed Kennedy?3. Who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1909? 4. What did Marconi invent? 5. Who climbed Everest with Hillary? 6. Who did Prince Charles marry? 7. What destroyed Hiroshima? 8. What did Churchill smoke?

What’s in the name?VocabularyExercise I. 1. image2. sounds3. reminds


4. suits5. go with6. associationsExercise II.1. makes2. image3. after4. reminds5. goes with6. creates7. associations 8. suits GrammarExercise I.1. are you going to eat; I’ll cook2. I’m going to buy; are you going to get; I’m going to look; I’ll come3. I’m going to leave; I’ll see4. I’m going to phone5. I’m going to travelExercise II.1. …I’m going to start a new job soon.2. …I’ll have a sandwich.3. I’m going to do some shopping tomorrow and I’m going to go for a swim on Sunday.4. She is going to sing, I’m afraid.5. …I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.6. David is going to give me a lift.Exercise III.1. is going to read2. ’ll have3. ’ll video4. are you going to buy

Career pathsVocabularyExercise I. 1. is taking2. get qualification3. passed4. got/ degree5. left college6. Am leavingExercise II.1. get2. failed3. degree4. leave5. goes6. way to the top7. grades8. passGrammar


Exercise I.1. happier2. the smallest3. the best4. shorter5. the most important6. older7. more exciting8. the most9. wetter10. lower11. worseExercise II.1. richest2. most modern3. greatest4. most exciting5. most popular6. most successful7. most attractive8. happiestExercise III.1. happier2. faster3. more helpful4. lovelier5. bigger6. more restful7. more modernExercise IV.1. the biggest2. the prettiest3. better4. farther5. happier6. most expensive7. harder8. quicker9. the tallest

On the other handVocabularyExercise I.1. is impossible2. piece of cake3. complicated4. straightforward5. simple6. hard7. manageable8. toughExercise II.


1. hard2. straightforward3. a piece of cake4. impossible5. manageable6. straightforward7. tough8. no troubleGrammarExercise I.1. can2. could3. was able to/ managed to4. were able to/ managed to5. can6. could7. were able to/ managed to8. couldn’t9. could10. were able to/ managed to11. wasn’t able to/ didn’t manage to/ couldn’t12. been able to13. Can14. weren’t able to/ didn’t manage to/ couldn’t15. was able to/ managed to

Corporate spyingVocabularyExercise I. 1. stole2. muggings3. car thieves4. steal5. muggers6. accused of 7. illegal8. deniedExercise II.1. committed2. stole3. accused4. illegal5. denied6. sentenced7. evidence8. prisonerGrammarExercise I.1. In case the traffic is heavy on the motorway let’s avoid it. 2. News of the explosion was covered up in order not to upset the negotiations. 3. I took the country roads so as not to get stuck in traffic. 4. They stopped to look at the map.


5. Let me put it another way in order not to be misunderstood. 6. We use this Allen key for tightening the screws. 7. I think we should establish clear aims in case we all get confused. 8. I always take my mobile phone so as not to get lost. Exercise II.9. in case - c10. so that - d11. in case - b12. so that - e13. in case - a14. in case - f

TeamworkVocabularyExercise I. 1. use a computer/send e-mails2. apply/an interview3. get a promotion4. send/receive/events/reports 5. applicant6. in a teamExercise II.1. team2. use3. applied4. runs5. applicant6. event7. send 8. organizeGrammarExercise I.seen; done; travelled; visited; driven; been; worked; swum; eaten; sung; made; met; takenExercise II.1. v2. Have you ever eaten elephant meat? 3. v4. Have you ever flown in a military aeroplane? 5. v6. Have you ever spoken to a prince or princess? 7. vExercise III.Rob: Have you ever wanted to work in another country?Brian: Yes, in fact I have worked abroad. I have worked in Ireland and in Brazil.What about you? Have you ever had a job abroad?Rob: No, I have never wanted to leave my home town.I have lived here for twenty years, and I have never thought of working abroad.Brian: Really? Well, I have applied for another job abroad.Exercise IV.1. I have not played tennis since last Summer.2. I have known her for more than ten years.3. I have not eaten anything since lunchtime.


4. Have you lived in this town for a long time?5. Jill has been a good friend since we were at school together.6. Have you seen Jack since the party last week?

Nice to meet youVocabularyExercise I. 1. salary2. good taste 3. last night’s TV programmes4. your haircut5. results6. her bad healthExercise II.1. this2. introduce3. What4. for5. How6. Congratulations7. great8. isn’t it

AustraliaVocabularyExercise I. 1. first-aid kit2. guide book3. sleeping bag4. sun cream5. mosquito repellentExercise II.1. walking boots 2. mosquito repellent 3. sun cream 4. water bottle 5. guide book 6. money belt7. first-aid-kit 8. sleeping bag GrammarExercise I.1. it’ll be2. I ask3. there are4. it’s5. won’t cost6. share7. I see8. I’ll askExercise II.


1. If Rachel fails her driving test, she can take it again.2. If United loses, Tom will be upset.3. If the office is closed, Mark won't be able to get in.4. If Nick arrives a bit early, he can help Tom to get things ready.5. If the party goes on all night, no one will want to do any work tomorrow.6. If Emma misses the train, she can get the next one.7. If Matthew enters the race, he'll probably win it.Exercise III.1. If you lose your credit card, you will have to ring the bank. 2. If you get promoted, your salary will go up. 3. If I drink coffee late at night, I won't sleep. 4. If you don't pay the bill, you will get a warning letter.5. If I try to run fast, I will get out of breath.6. If someone enters the building, the alarm will go off.

Take it easyVocabularyExercise I. 1. Take it easy2. take the day off3. take up4. took part5. take a break6. have taken….work onExercise II.1. on2. of3. can’t4. into5. take6. easy7. up8. take partGrammarExercise I.1. I’d love to visit it sometime.2. … he loves watching United play.3. I wouldn’t like to work …4. I’d like to see it, too.5. I’d prefer to come with you…6. I hate queuing.7. … he doesn’t like cooking.8. I’d love to fly …Exercise II.to spend; lying; to leave; sitting; touring; to go; hire; driving; to spend; takeExercise III.1. I really enjoy sailing.2. … I dislike wearing it.3. … they’ll decide to approve it.4. … I gave up working …5. … I didn’t mind waiting.Exercise IV.


1. Tessa wants to buy a new coat soon.2. I’d like to see the Rocky Mountains some day.3. I can't face getting up at five tomorrow.4. Yesterday you promised to carry on shooting the film.

DeterminationVocabularyExercise I. 1. addicted/addiction/give …… up2. willpower/ cut down3. quit/ dependent 4. addictedExercise II.1. You need to cut down on drinking your coffee.2. He’s a real chocolate addict. 3. I used to smoke but I’ve given up now.4. It took a lot of willpower to quit.5. I’m totally dependent on e-mail.6. Some people become addicted to gambling.7. The doctor told Mark to cut down on sweets.8. You need a lot of determination to lose weight.GrammarExercise I.Where did you use to live?We used to like it there.Things used to be different?In those days we didn’t use to have electricity.And did you use to help with the farm work?Yes, I used to look after hens.Exercise II.Incorrect sentences are: 2, 6, 8, 9Exercise III.1. Andrew used to get up at seven o'clock but now he gets up at half past seven.2. I used to swim before work but now I swim after work.3. Dan used to play the violin but now I play the guitar.4. Anna used to be best friends with Angela but now she is best friends with Cathy.5. Susan used to have dancing lessons but now she has riding lessons.6. I used to buy cassettes but now I buy CDs.7. John and Jean used to live in London but now they live in Cardiff.8. David used to drive Fiesta but now he drives Jaguar.Exercise IV. The sentences in which would could replace used to are: 2, 4, 5, 7

Money mattersVocabularyExercise I.1. borrowed2. lend3. to deposit /withdrawing4. to invest /to waste5. in the redExercise II.


1. a bank statement2. in the black3. in the red4. withdraw money5. lend money6. a savings account7. a current account8. investing moneyGrammarExercise I.1. He lent Mark his car.2. She offered Jim a cigarette. 3. He showed his holiday photographs to Mary. 4. Have you sent them an invitation?5. Did you buy her a birthday present? 6. I gave some of my CDs to a friend.7. Could you get me some stamps when you go to the post office? Exercise II.1. Daniel lent Vicky his calculator. 2. Mark sent a message to his boss.3. Emma sold her bike to her sister.4. Tom told the joke to all his friends.5. Melanie gave her neighbor some help. 6. Ilona wrote her teacher a letter.Exercise III.1. to2. for3. for4. to5. to6. to7. for8. toExercise IV. 1. Daniel told a funny story to us.2. I’ll feed it to the cat.3. I’m taking them to the bottle bank.4. Someone has offered a job to me.5. I handed them to the police.6. I’ll lend my umbrella to you.

The riverVocabularyExercise I.set offstarted offwent onput upbroke downcarried ongot offExercise II.


put up; set off ; get off ; go on; break down; carry onExercise III. set off; broke down; get off; carried on; went on; put upGrammarExercise I.1. I’m studying English in London in May.2. I’m eating in a new restaurant tonight.3. I’m going to a concert next Tuesday.4. I’m going to the doctor tomorrow.5. I’m flying to Florida in August.6. I’m seeing Mary this weekend. Exercise II. 1. Mike and Harriet are going to Tom's party next week.2. Laura is working on Saturday.3. Claire is flying to Cairo on the 15thof May. 4. Mark is seeing his boss at four o'clock this afternoon.5. Matthew and Daniel are playing tennis tomorrow afternoon.Exercise III. Are you doing …I’m going …; He is staying …; His train gets …What are you doing …I’m going …; The film finishes …; we are goingExercise IV. are going; am going; am visiting; does leave; gets; are getting; will give; is taking

Radio weddingVocabulary I1. wedding2. fiancé3. guests4. civil ceremony 5. groom6. reception7. best man 8. honeymoonVocabulary IIExercise I. 1. got engaged/ got married2. got upset/ got to know3. get over4. gets on5. get on with6. got divorced7. got back togetherExercise II.1. got married 2. got upset 3. get on with 4. getting divorced 5. gets on my nerves 6. get over7. get engaged


8. getting to know 9. got back together

Less is moreVocabularyExercise I. 1. electricity2. money3. time4. resources5. opportunities6. paper7. time/energyExercise II. 1. use all recourses2. save your energy3. waste an opportunity4. Spend time5. Use paper6. waste your energyExercise III.1. waste2. save3. spends4. use5. waste 6. save7. use8. spendGrammarExercise I. 1. You shouldn’t work so hard. 2. We should go to the cinema more often.3. You shouldn’t park here. 4. What should I cook for dinner tonight?5. You should wear a coat. 6. You shouldn’t smoke. 7. We should arrive at the airport two hours before the flight.8. Should I pay now or later?9. Do you think I should apply for this job?10. What do you think? Should I write in this space on the form?11. I shouldn’t eat any more cake. 12. We should complain to the manager.13. Which shirt do you think I should buy?Exercise II. 1. You shouldn’t leave the meat in the oven for more than one hour.2. You should cut the onions as small as possible.3. You should use fresh herbs and fresh vegetables.4. You shouldn’t put in too much salt and pepper.5. You should wait until the water boils before you put the vegetables into it.6. You should heat the oven before you put the meat in.7. You should cut the meat into four equal slices.


Exercise III. Use should or shouldn't and one of the phrases from the box in each dialogue.1. B: You should report it to the police.2. B: In my opinion, you shouldn’t do anything about it. Your daughter should decide for

herself.3. B: Well, you shouldn’t move the person yourself. It's not a good idea to move an injured

person. Instead, you should call an ambulance to take the person to hospital.4. B: They should give you a new cup.5. B: Well, it's important not to eat too much, so you shouldn’t let him eat so much. Also, you

should make him do lots of sport.6. B: Well, you should leave everything where it is. You shouldn’t touch anything and call the

police.7. B: Well, she shouldn’t drive home in her car. She should ask someone to take her home.8. People shouldn’t borrow money if they can't pay it back.Exercise IV1. shouldn’t stay2. ought to leave3. shouldn’t change4. had better not tell5. ought not to lift6. had better comeExercise V. ought; shouldn’t; ought; should; shouldn’t; should; ought not

Looks goodVocabularyExercise I. 1. tastes2. sounds3. looks4. feels5. smellExercise II.1. smell2. touch3. taste4. sound5. looks like6. smell7. sounds8. tasteGrammarExercise I.1. … who helped my mother.2. … which bit me …3. … who wrote to me…4. … which crashed…5. … who had won a lot of money.6. .. who designed the new city library.Exercise II. 1. … that Jack made…2. … that I had seen on TV.3. … that Jane made.


4. … that Mary sent me…5. … that my sister wrote.6. … that I met …7. … that my brother wants to buy.Exercise III. 1. … who had saved their son.2. … whose divorce was in all the papers…3. … who has visited so many different countries.4. … who interviewed me had …5. … whose wives have just had babies.6. … whose book won a prize last week?7. … who complain all the time.8. … whose car had broken down.Exercise IV. 1. – 2. who3. that4. – 5. – 6. who7. that8. that9. who10. – Exercise V. 1. A man who shot two policemen has gone to prison. 2. A bomb which went off this morning caused a lot of damage. 3. A scientist who discovered a new planet has won the Nobel Prize. 4. A footballer who took drugs has been banned from playing again. 5. A little girl who had been missing since Tuesday has been found safe and well. 6. A company which owns Greenway Supermarkets has laid off thousands of workers.7. An old lady who did a parachute jump now wants to swim the English Channel. Exercise VI. 1. The girl who just said hello is Tom’s new girlfriend.2. The dog that fell down a hole has been rescued.3. Yes, the story that upset everyone was untrue.4. The man who interviewed Natasha is a film producer.5. Yes, the accident that Daniel saw wasn't very serious.6. The man who Claire knows is a billionaire.7. The vase that David broke was extremely valuable.8. The jacket that Melanie wore at the party is really nice.Exercise VII. 1. George Paxton who had an argument with Colin is a company director.2. Vera Stokes whose sister once worked for Colin is a politician.3. Felix Reeves whose tape recorder was stolen is a journalist.4. Graham Wilshaw who knew Colin at school is an architect.5. Rex Carter whose land Colin bought is a farmer.6. Norman Bridge who looked after Colin's interests is a lawyer.7. Sonia Goldman whose fingerprints were on the door handle is a house guest.



Exercise I. 1. good health2. calm3. energy4. noise5. wealthy6. successfulExercise II.1. calm2. noisy3. stressful4. success5. luck6. wealthy7. energy8. happyGrammarExercise I.1. … I’ve just remembered.2. … they’ve just tidied their room.3. … Daniel has just made it.4. … I’ve just eaten it.5. … she has just checked them.6. … I’ve just phoned her.Exercise II. You haven’t done your project yet…I haven’t started it yet.I have just seen Andrew. … he has already done about half of it.I haven’t finished my plan yet.You have already begun …We have already spent … I haven’t done any real work yet and I have just realized …I have just decided…Exercise III. I have already visited…Have you visited the Art Gallery yet?I haven’t done that yet.Have you seen a play yet?I have just booked a ticket for one.I have already seen that play.I have just read …They have just made …They haven’t sold all the tickets yet.

How polite are you?VocabularyExercise I. 1. turn off2. turn up3. turned over4. turn down5. switches on (turns on)Exercise II.


1. Could you2. No, of course not. I’m sorry.3. smoke4. turn down5. Yes, of course.6. Could I7. Would you mind8. pay

Going aloneVocabularyExercise I. 1. alone2. lonely3. worries4. nervous5. scaredExercise II.1. lonely2. alone 3. worried4. nervous5. determined6. exhausted7. scared8. experiencedGrammarExercise I.1. … she would be…2. … he didn’t work …3. … she would go …4. … she lived …5. … he didn’t eat…6. … he would have…7. … she got…8. … he wouldn’t smoke.Exercise II. 1. If governments stopped buying guns, …2. If they discovered oil in Ireland, …3. If doctors found a cure for cancer, …4. If young people stopped buying CDs, …5. If astronauts visited Mars.Exercise III. 1. If people did more exercise, there would be less heart disease.2. If there were fewer cars, …3. If people drove more slowly, …4. … they would have more time for reading.5. … if they ate fewer sweets.6. If more people travel by bus, …7. If people had more time to cook, they would eat less fast food.Exercise IV.1. You know, Andrew wouldn’t be such a boring person if he didn’t work all the time.


2. How annoying. I could take a photo if I had your camera.3. I'm sorry. I could look the word up if I had a dictionary.4. I've got so much to do. I would write to my friends if I wasn’t so busy.5. It's a nuisance. I could play tennis if my back wasn’t aching.6. Of course, Claire would marry Henry if she loved him.7. Nick's lost, but Nick could find the way if he had a map.8. You know, David wouldn’t have so many accidents if he' wasn’t so clumsy.

What’s in the fridge?VocabularyExercise I. fast foodfork/knifevegetarianroastingrawfridgeExercise II.1. knife2. vegan3. fast4. cook5. fridge6. boil7. plates8. freezerGrammar1. to buy2. eating3. to go4. to pass5. decorating6. to take7. smoking8. telling9. watching10. to visit

AirportVocabularyExercise I. duty-free shopspassport controlflight-information screenshand luggageboarding carddeparture loungecabin crewExercise II.1. cabin crew2. travels3. tour


4. boarding- card5. trip6. hand luggage 7. trip tour8. departure loungeGrammarExercise I.1. He had never driven a horse before that.2. He had already run in a marathon fifth times before that.3. She had never written poems before that.4. She had never appeared on TV before that.5. He had already played tennis at Wimbledon four times before that.6. She had written two novels before that.Exercise II. 1. When Lady James appeared the driver had already started the car.2. When the firemen arrived, we had already put the fire out.3. When the manager came back, Jim had already finished the work.4. When Philip telephoned, I had already gone to bed.5. When their children came home, Alice and Jack had already had lunch.6. When his wife got home from work, Ian had already prepared the supper.7. The thieves had already spent the money, when the police caught them.Exercise III. 1. The train had just gone. 2. The rain had stopped.3. I had forgotten my ticket.4. They had stolen it a week before.5. I had not seen her for ages.6. I had just cleaned it.7. I had already eaten my sandwiches.

A star is born … or made?VocabularyExercise I. 1. popular2. fashionable/successful/talented3. famous4. legendary5. skillful 6. brilliantExercise II.1. successful2. original3. famous4. talented5. fashionable6. popular7. brilliant8. legendaryGrammarExercise I.1. Scotch whisky is made in Scotland. Where is Scotch whisky made?2. The car was repaired last week. When was the car repaired?


3. The Olympic Games are held every four years. How often are the Olympic Games held?4. English is spoken in many countries. Where is English spoken?5. 'Yesterday' was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Who was 'Yesterday' written

by?6. Car speeds are checked by radar. How are car speeds checked?7. The Channel Tunnel was built to connect Britain with Europe. Why was the Channel Tunnel

built?8. Souvenirs are sold at all popular tourist places. Where are souvenirs sold?9. The first Volkswagen Beetles was produced in 1937. When was the first Volkswagen Beetles

produced?10. The Times newspaper was founded in 1785. When was the Times newspaper founded?Exercise II. 1. It was won by Claude Jennings.2. She did a parachute jump last week.3. He's been attacked by a bull.4. He likes Jessica.5. It's has been thrown away.6. They've been kidnapped by Martians.7. It was seen by five people.Exercise III. 1. Such pictures are always admired.2. the dog was left in the garden. 3. I have been invited to dinner tomorrow.4. The sweater will have been knitted by Monday.5. It surprised me to hear that he had been given the first prize. / It surprised me to hear that the

first prize had been given to him. 6. The tower of London was used as prison.7. The kettle has already been boiled.8. Send your father to hospital. He will be looked after much better there.9. Milk is used for making butter and cheese.10. Ann was often laughed at.11. My pen has been broken.12. Football is played everywhere nowadays.13. I found out that the letter had been sent to the wrong address.

The future of toysVocabularyExercise I. 1. dolls2. computer games3. construction kits4. cards5. board games6. jigsaw puzzlesExercise II.1. board game 2. computer games3. chess4. construction kit 5. jigsaw puzzle 6. skateboard7. cards


8. dolls Grammar1. I don’t think Kate will become a professional musician.2. Ann might leave for Moscow with her parents.3. I doubt if our football team will win.4. I expect he will return my book.5. I’m sure you will like this film.6. It could rain later.7. I might continue my studies.8. He may ask me out on Sunday.

I’ll call youVocabularyExercise I. 1. mobile phone2. am afraid/leave a message3. call me back4. hold on/put…through5. hanged up6. busy/ take a messageExercise II.1. This is2. Is that3. Could I 4. Hold on 5. call her back6. afraid7. hang up8. for calling

Do the right thingVocabularyExercise I. 1. do2. make3. make4. do5. made6. doExercise II.1. make2. make3. do4. make5. make6. do7. make8. doGrammarExercise I.


1. … mustn’t… don’t have to2. … must … don’t have to…3. … don’t have to … mustn’t4. … mustn’t … don’t have to5. … must … mustExercise II. 1. don’t have to2. mustn’t3. don’t have to4. mustn’t5. don’t have to6. mustn’t7. mustn’t8. don’t have to9. mustn’t10. don’t have to11. don’t have to12. mustn’tExercise III. have ; has ; Does she ; have to ; she has ; must ; does she ; mustn't

Six and a half hoursVocabularyExercise I. 1. on time2. carefully timed3. a waste of time4. spend……… time5. takes timeExercise II.1. on time2. spend3. timed4. waste of time5. by the time6. spends7. time off8. takesGrammarExercise I.1. Although Larry is older than Mag …2. … it was dangerous.3. In spite of / Despite …4. … However, …5. … the fact that it is more expensive that the rest of Britain.6. Although my work is interesting, …7. … However, …Exercise II. 1. … However, it didn’t break.2. … although it’s really quite modern.3. … However, she turned it down.4. … However, no one laughed.


Exercise III. 1. although2. Although3. in spite of4. Although5. in spite of6. although7. Although8. in spite ofExercise IV.Although; in spite of/ despite; In spite of / Despite; However; AlthoughExercise V.1. Although Nick used to smoke. He seems to be in good health. 2. I couldn't sleep despite being tired. 3. Trevor didn't notice the sign although it was right in front of him. 4. Matthew doesn't know any French. However, it was one of his school subjects. 5. Despite the fact that Henry's friend is a millionaire he hates spending money. 6. We couldn't get tickets in spite of queuing for an hour.

AchievementVocabularyExercise I. 1. pass the exam2. solved3. achieved …… ambition4. to win the race 5. certificates6. revise7. work onExercise II.1. solving2. training3. achieve4. revise5. won6. received7. passed8. inventedGrammarExercise I.1. … have been doing the washing-up.2. … has peeled them.3. … have been cutting the grass.4. … have been defrosting the fridge.5. … has swept them.6. … have been peeling the onions.7. … has done the washing-up.8. … has defrosted it.Exercise II. 1. … been standing…; … been queuing…2. … had …; …broken …3. … left …; … sitting …; …noticed …


Exercise III. 1. … has left…; … has been cleaning …; … he has finished yet.2. … I have been working…; … You have done …3. I have heard … ; … have you been doing that? … we have done …Exercise IV.1. How many miles have you walked?2. How long have they been digging up the road?3. How many photos have you taken?4. How long has it been raining?Exercise V.1. How many times has he arrived late this month?2. We have sold /much more than we expected.3. It has been raining /for hours.4. How much money have you spent this week?5. They have been drilling holes in the wall all the morning.6. How long have you been sitting here?7. How many people has Jane invited to her party?

Long walk to freedomVocabularyExercise I. 1. eager2. warders3. cell4. satisfaction,5. authoritativeExercise II.1. prison2. prisoners3. accused4. cells5. a sentence6. warders7. evidence8. allowedGrammar1. weren’t allowed2. we had3. made me to open4. let me do5. wasn’t allowed to6. didn’t let me7. had to8. They didn’t make

Shaking handsVocabularyExercise I. 1. negotiate2. do……….business3. exchanged4. offered


5. have made a contract6. made a dealExercise II.1. do2. exchange3. suggested4. make5. negotiated6. make7. offering8. goes onGrammarExercise I. 1. passes2. won3. will help4. could make5. would feel6. go7. will phone8. askedExercise II. … I’ll book…; … you would not play…; … we go…; … I didn’t play…; … it would be …; … you think …; … you thought …; … it would be …; … it won’t do…; … I would not get…

Sunshine and showersVocabularyExercise I. 1. cloudy/ rain2. fog3. heavy/ showers4. bright sunshine5. thunderstorm6. strong windExercise II.1. snow 2. clouds3. showers4. thunderstorm5. sky6. wind7. fog 8. sunshineGrammarExercise I.1. … she had been …2. … she was enjoying …3. … she had been …4. … she was …5. … she was staying …6. … they had …7. … she was leaving …


8. … she couldn’t speak…9. … she would teach …Exercise II. 1. said2. told3. said4. told5. told6. told7. told8. said9. said10. told11. toldExercise III. 1. Yes, but I told them not to use too much water.2. Yes, and I told him not to be late.3. Yes, and she warned her not to go outside the house.4. Yes, and I told him not to forget the stamps.5. Yes, and he told them not to go near the windows.7. Yes, and she particularly warned not to eat nuts.Exercise IV.1. The official told Gerry to go to Room 23.2. The guide warned the girls not to touch the wires.3. We advised Anne to take the train.4. Mrs. Walters reminded Simon to bring the money.5. The police ordered to leave at once.6. I asked Mr. Tufnell to come in.Exercise V.1. Question: Where have Maria gone?

Reported question: I asked where Maria had gone.2. Question: Does Jim often play football?

Reported question: I wondered if Jim often played football.3. Question: What have the children eaten?

Reported question: She wanted to know what the children had eaten.4. Question: Where is Mark going?

Reported question: I asked where Mark was going.5. Question: When is the next bus?

Reported question: We wanted to know when the next bus was.6. Question: Have Ann seen this film?

Reported question: Tom asked if Ann had seen that film.


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