brainstorm some useful words and expressions: may/can i help you? what can i do for you? is there...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Brainstorm some useful words and expressions:

May/Can I help you?

What can I do for you?

Is there anything I can do for you?

I’m looking for sth. for sb.

I’d like to buy sth. for sb.

clerk greet people

Brainstorm some useful words and expressions:


size( 尺寸,大小 )

kind( 种类 )

style( 款式 )

price( 价格 )


Customer( 顾客 )


What colour do you want?

We have other colours. We have …

We don’t have any other colours.

I like the colour very much.

I don’t like the colour.

Do you have any other colours?


Customer( 顾客 )

SizeWhat size do you want?

What size is your friend?

Try it on, please. Does it fit? Is it all right?

We have other sizes.

We don’t have other sizes.

I think he’s the same size as Brian.

I’d like Size eight/Size “S”.

Can I try it on?

It’s too small/big.

It doesn’t fit me.

It fits me well.

Do you have any other sizes?


Customer( 顾客 )


What kind do you want?

We have other kinds.

We don’t have any other kinds.

I like the kind.

I don’t like the kind.

Do you have any other kinds?


Customer( 顾客 )


What style do you want?

We have other styles.

We don’t have any other styles.

It looks nice.

I like the style.

I don’t like the style.

Do you have any other styles?


Customer( 顾客 )


That’s cheap.

That’s not expensive.

What about this one? It’s only …

How much is it?

How much does it cost?

Is it on sale?

That’s a little expensive.

That’s too expensive.

Do you have anything cheaper?

Do you have any others? I want a cheaper one.

Here is the money.

Brainstorm some useful words and expressions:

I’ll buy/get/take/have it.

I’ll think about it.

I don’t think I’ll take it.

Language notes:

2. a clothing store/shop

5. try on try on the jacket = try the jacket on

1. get/buy sth. for sb. = get/buy sb. sth.

3. excited exciting

I’m so ________ to watch the football game.

The football game is so _________.



try it on try them on

4. the same size as 和……一样尺寸 与……大小相同

6. fit sb. well fit fit fit fit fitted fitted

Language notes:

1. I don’t think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway.


2. another the other

I don’t think I can come back on time.

I will go home anyway. Anyway he is a good boy.

3. blow out birthday candles blow blew blown

4. present gift

5. bright green


1. 我想为我的朋友买份生日礼物。

I’m _______ ______ a birthday ________ for my friend.

2. 请试一下这双鞋子。

Please ______ ______ this ______ ______ _______.

3. 这条牛仔裤不合适。还有其它尺码的吗?

This pair of jeans doesn’t ________ me.

______ you _______ any other______?

4. 妈妈给我在服装店买了新衣服。

Mother bought me some new clothes in a _______ _____.

looking for present

try on pair of shoes


Do have sizes

clothing store


1. 李明喜欢吹生日蜡烛。

Li Ming likes ___________ _________ birthday candles.

2. 我不喜欢这种颜色,但我喜欢这种样式。

I don’t like the ________, _______ I like the ________.

3. 我认为无论如何李明也不会要那件夹克。

I _____ _____ Li Ming would like that jacket _________.

4. 李明不喜欢鲜绿色的衣服。

Li Ming hates __________ green clothes.

blowing out

colour but style

don’t think anyway


Listen and catch the answer:

What are Jenny and Brian talking about?

Read carefully and answer the questions:

1. What does the word “tonight” mean?

2. Do you know one thing Brian will do tonight? What is it?

3. Why is tonight special?

4. What will they have for dinner?

5. Who is cooking the food in the kitchen now?

6. Will they get anything special for Grandma?

What are they?

Language notes:

2. I know one thing (that) you will do tonight.

3. have Thanksgiving dinner

1. mean meant meant

What do you mean by …? 你说……是什么意思?

What do you mean by “quick”?

What does “quick” mean?

4. something special


something else anything interesting nothing new


Listen to a song and catch the answer:

What is this song about?

It’s about birthday celebration and Thanksgiving celebration.

Language notes:

1. get/come together 团聚 聚会

When do your old classmates usually get together?

2. feast of autumn 秋天的宴会


1. 今晚我们将聚在一起庆贺珍尼的生日。

We’ll _______ together to celebrate Jenny’s birthday ________.

2. 今天我们将要举行感恩节宴会。

Today we will _________ Thanksgiving _________.

3. 那个词是什么意思?

What does that word ___________?

4. 你的家人也给你生日礼物。

Your _______ send you ________ on your birthday, too.


have dinner


family presents


1. 我爸爸常给我买一些好吃的东西。

My father often buys me ___________ __________.

2. 你有什么有趣的事要做吗?

Do you have ____________ ___________ to do?

3. 我没有什么新鲜事可告诉你。

I have ____________ ____________ to tell you.

4. 祝你生日快乐!

__________ ____________ ______ ______!

something delicious

anything interesting

nothing new

Happy birthday to you

A task:

Make a dialogue, then write it down.

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