by and bel3~esrr - south dakota public utilities commission · 2006-09-18 · 1, :- - * ,.% % * -...

Post on 06-Jul-2020






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;. ; 7 *+,i"* p: -f':3 &r $98 - 1 7 7 ,.I,, S Lou~se Auecuf

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1 600 56 f 62 i ; * ri:*.w saihr.1 fLi4

Nc3vernht.r 5 , 200 1

hP4. Debra Ellofson i$; Director %oath Dikot~~ Public IlJtiitities Commission State Capitol BuiPding 5M+ East Capitol .4ve. Picrre, SD 57501

K11: Request for Approval of Rec~procal 1'r:inr~;mfl and f emnitafirrrn :k~~~szs~:cf"c~: :?a::+ - 1

h i f i e 1 Comtnunications and Mcl-eod USA Tetecl/lrrt i?ttej.t?pa>"te:t%, BE, abbf iS~h~?-"u" C'ommuility Telephone. Inc.

Ileirt. his. Elofson.

Eui.toscd for f i l~ng icitli the Commission zrc ten (10) c;,p:cs of a Kc~rpjr*~~f l i - ~ i - + e ~ xriiZ

tc..rmrrriition Agreement executed b j Braohings h'frrl~icipal l i f r l # " z w i g i r t * - a Kr;tlstthk;B

<'otllflIuilicaeions and McLeod USA Telecom aekctopn'l.cltt, firs afk: i>+&rd.$i *3ft2fbkz~:-r;"

-f~.]ephonc. Inc. On hehalf of our t ~ v o con,palltes \cc ~ q u c i f : ~ k i , i i ? % ~ f +'I t h ~ a.;rslr-a;,in :.-: - : I - - -

to ~rhc 1 7 U S.C $ 152 ( e ) .

IYlcwse file and distribute these copies as necessary.

'I'iiank ~ L ) U for your assistance.

@&$*$*;;$ r p " "a%bWi.$$J

Ne&vork & Techmica1 Operations Manager

Cf: Laklt-aine Harding, Mc1,eod USA Telecomrnunrcritirtrrs Sl;,

*$~"4:%'43$9!:8i Reciprocal Transport and 'l'crmin:\$jrul A,

by and bel3~esrr

f2fi~'$lsrrrv;if 'I'i-stxspttrt aild 'i.crmination Agreerncnt by and I-~etiteen

$4r.r~ri'ki.srr?% Ilktnicipai 'I'tililtirs d.h.a Swiftci Communications and

%Or8 t i ~ 4 t 2% t f"rlcc.nrn b f c ~ t:t{,pn~~cnt, ilnr. and Dakota Community Telephone. Inca

$ 7 ,% !:el: 13'b'7hl~5 .~;tt~4pt1-t.I ( L F I ~ -I'errnlnat~on Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into % +;,i z i r i , + , > - ,:=, - - S.;trar.-k:t:trs hlrtntcijsa~l I.!tllrties d.b.a. Swiftel Communicat~ons ("CMRS

: L 1: r5;y -b;,cr ~i)Si,+c+- s ~ t i3~kk(!kii1gs, S11~lth Dakota and McLeudUSA Telecoln Develclprnent. d i *a z b r l ; ~ - i i 2 : , ~ b y J 6 F L i h : : ~ ~ i i ? ~ n t t y 'T-clcpl~r>nc, Inc. ("Carrier") with offices at SIOUX Falis. South

a - L $ & + 7 , s : f : - w $ 7 ' . , r S b -. adcr ,131il f 'nn-ILLS arc tach indix.tdually a "Parry" and are to2etl1er rhe / L r , * A . c : c T ; 1 f:zi i ~ 6 { l r " ~ [

'I'% i 5 : It.! .tk t_ Z I f i 5 1 ' 1 - c x r i . 1 ~ ~ IS I~cen~ecl by the Fcclcral Comrnunicat~ons Cornn-~ission - 2

" : % - : 1, ,t 2 ,r7sit:n:fz till t l i ; \ > ~ l ~ RLtciio Servtce pro\ ~der . C'arnei is a l(lca1 e-ichange carrier ZZ - .. 3.h q i- . iq-:i. 6 t h r\'iit!lt~~ib) t i ) ~ T ( I \ I C ~ C l e l ~ c ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ u n t c a t ~ o n ~ sen Ices in the State of South : *.& r.&J $

b**$,;t~2$~ 5 3 -- :trc P?;trtnc:* ctrrrc~itiy cstcnd al-rtningements to one another alIo\wng for the 7 , c,Tr-:.L, -:+ , F 5 + ~ ? $ I t , . i i ) ~ a , t f b < ' i i $5 t ref ;ni; to wir~lt 'ss and ~vireless to ~yireline trafic o~ .e r each other's I) 1 , , -- : ; id$% , .13iri ~Z:V.X cCtl ~ z ~ c h other's s~lbscnbcrs.

k~ :;r;.~,.p ; 'k.'., t ' r t r i t ~ ~ ,and C'MRS Provider agree to exchange wirel~ne to \sirejess and

, a , - - * .- . :_-,:% - T - ~ ~ j l ~ a i z t \ ~ * izniiic tirr fltc bcncfit O F the Parties. Senlices provided bv Camer to CbLRS q ' i r ~ i

-,:d:s: f X s r l;p:t+e~~~t'i~l :t~'il" prtn.idcd pursuant to t l ~ e receiving Party's status as a CMRS r n - *- r < ' .'%

x i I C1' !<":I .%%I. i t \c F2,)1?1t:\\ LVISEI t(n put in placo an arrangement for the mutual exchange and - i ei. ,b ;t ica!:;k;iqit--~!t~l i t ~?I'loc:ll t~ l~co in~nun~ca t ions traffic in accord with the Act. and ivhich is

,, ~..j. F- ag*>ds .mi,: .lrr> prct lc ~ L I S a r s i t i~ge~~~e~ l t s bet~veen the Parties relating to such traffic.

;4 31 8 : i- 45, rhc r3,~rtics ~ I : i c ) \t.lsli to establish an arrangement that compensates Canier f.. i :rr:si-:_;:!5~~ ' i ~ ' ; f . l G ( : I X % ~ S C J I appllc;ihle) that originates on CMRS Provider's nrtxvork and which :*,, !+: A m - a 5 b " f F , * ' - h ,+, -- - * 4 1 e r 5 !&IFW~ citrr;t'rl> RCIU ork.

I kft*lidiIqiSICF, In consideration of the ~nutual provisior~s contained herein and , ::rlnt ;!,>,d b ~ ~ : i j t ~ ~ u ~ ~ I I I c cc-tt~s~cieratic)~~, the receipt and sufficiency of which arc her:by ,- G:.: +!;:&is $4, i-lfl<s Pnivtcitr and Carrier hcreby agree as f o l l o ~ ~ s :

J ? '.- - - . . L ,+~~S , fhis ;Igreeni~nt addresses the Parties' reciprocal cornpcnsatlon #. z>dJ3 ..2,,,.te - .,r ,- .FA-- + , 414 ifcicribe~t 111 3 251(b)(5) of the Act. If CMRS Provider elects to replace the ; : ~ ~ I q r : : + f ~ q f ~ ~ c ~ f 1rit11rcct interconnection with a two-way or one-way direct connection. t}le ,' a - d~%r i i . .PGZ~'C 5% "blibgli~f\;t\c i i 5~11;ir;itc ~ntcrconnection agreement related to the pro\iisiunlng anc] - 3 r r i s . By t h ~ s ,-Igreement, neither Party waives any other rights i t n ~ ; q F , " + ~ += Qg3:bcg- flag . ' i ~ - r r ~ r rules o f the FCC. under state statute. or pursuant to rules of the z - . i s 3 . , . 1 - , + 1 kitclr. rrghts nlay ~nclude CMRS Provides's rig111 to request unbundled nct~vork

3 [r:rt:;p~:t.ltlt~g 5~n_cj~ 'c .s t_ru~t~i)n Tlie terms and conditions of this Xgrecmzr?r sh:11; f3e .ir?-rcr~ t rF ;Dirq, z t ~ d ;[I\ ,1pj1i!cat7lt. Icru*r. rules. re~ultltions or guidelines that sut?seq~r??rl:~~ nxt)

? % fya,c:a;d'~l+ci! kst . ;jn> fi'tlcrnl i,r date gcn crnment authority. To the extent rcy ~iired by 311E 5111.33

z , L 3 i l i .., .*., ib- - ;~ri~-+i-~'rhcil lasa.. r-ulv. r-cgul;lt~ctn or guitfciine. t h e Parties :l,grce to negotiate tn gi,ctLi

7 J ; Y ~ , . ~ . r : i i .i:t .~$r'ccnicrit t r ) tnc>d~fk. In \vr~t~ng, an)' af'tected tenn and co~iciitton c3t' r i j r \ ++ i~C~:!ji7;: !:I b1211;: f111-.111 1nro ~ ( ~ j i ~ p l ~ a ~ i c c \t.ith such law. rulc. r r~pla t r t~n 01- guicIeiime.

- - b. l 1 IIC P;ZI-I~CS ;igree and understand that certarn pro\,isli~ns In ntiis : $ ~ T L ' ~ I J S ~ ~ E ~

,atx S1:isctt r31.t t l : ~ t:(-*V's First liepc~fl and Order. In the Matter of' Irnolcmcntarii~n itcgi~ k-r i : j i ? t y ~ t g ~ p c @ I'rt\vislons of tht: Tclecomrnunlcations Act oflc?%. C't' Dncket Xi,. t 1 t111g. 8, 1096 ("FCC' 1st Order") and the Second Report a ~ d Iljr(.fr+lr 3nt3

7 l < ~ \ t \ i ; t t ~ c i t 1 i i l C?p~nion and Order. In the Matter of the Inipien-tcnfa~it~~i of j]jb-Lg*c~J C"ji;arpt:ti~rg!l t'ri)\lsions - -.--- .- --- of the Telec301n1nurlications Act of 1906. C'C' Plt3cket N(;. 'ib.'l;;;,

t i ~ ! i t ~ ~ . S, IQi!O ("I'CC' 2nd Order"). To the extent that certain c ~ f the rules carat::rncii i r l rili:. I*$_'( ' t st Orcler and tire FCC 2nd Order: or any other FCC Order adopted ti; iltfplr:t)t,c:ri.

:lie : \ ~ r i1r.i. ~ i l t~ i i~ ; l t~ Iy cieemud by the courts to be not ei'fective. this Agrecrncrll s1i;rii 371:

zs~g*Jr!j;iri lo comport with the final court decisions and subsequent FCC r5,llcs c~rili;picJ i t h

r ' t t l ~ r i t : ' i , 7.vtth thc co~trt's decisions.

2 2 "l'hc Parties fi~rther agree and understand thar the ratcs titr 'Trziisprt;; ;xr;ti i c:i.t;tIrr;rtttln agreed to. as set forth in Exhibit A hereto. have not been ~lttcnnrrted t a i t . z ~ t l

~ t r i .I zltt.l:ili~: ci~sting ~notllodoIngy or conlpany specific cost srudirs and tklnx hfwy rltdt)

iru: ig tr:l h.2 :ir.ljus~etI uhcn an appropriate costing methodology consistent wi1E.r p 23Zri? :!Z t

{ i f ' !kc. :1ck IS tstabii.'ihed and cost infornation or an acccptahle cosr proxy I T I C I ~ C ! tihai'fi

~r"~t^tril!;ll!lt' fcflccPs thc costs of pro\ iding the Local Transport airit Tenninatiorr ~cm..~ ice?% OE'

F i ~rmtr Stqi-s rccs hccomcs available.

7 -. The Pzrt~cs enter into this agreement without pre.jutlicc to arly ? t i ~ i t i t ~ i ~

tl;,r;> i31;~j t:kr ~ i t 1 1 rcsptut to similar future agreements b ~ t ~ v e e n the 7 5 n r t . r ~ ~ rbr R i t t ~ rvqTtst:! 10 pt>s~?ir)ns they nl~ty hale taken previously. or may ti~ke in t iw LE~trrrc lil 31))

ic",:~si:itr~c, r i 'g t t l~ i r~r~ or orher public forum addressirig any matters. ~r~cludirxg ~ ~ i i t t i ~ r ; .

rc!;frt-i.i trl the rtiics ti., be charged for transport and tenniriatio~l of Itrcnl zrallic or 119~ ~j;jwx

i~ t ' ;~ i~ : ing t )n~c~~ts prescrtbcd by t h ~ s .A, t~eernen t .

.;. f "ilcttr Incans the Communications Act of 1933 (-17 L.S.C. \ 5 f i;! 2r;rj. r e ;ts , ir~i~att l i . i f . tnciud~ng t h e Tclecomrnunications Act of 1996. ;ind as tir,m tiirio 1:s ;ri:;;*

:r::~;,:fpr~'~cd 1n the duly authvrized rules and regulations of the FCC'.

2 7 . r _ "Ck1RS" or "Commercial Mobile Radro Ser7;iceU is as dclirrcit \is iiki* 'a,,::

.?nJ tht: ~ltlly :iuthor17e~i rules and regulations of the FCC.

- . =, % " C ' c l n t r ~ i ~ , s ~ c ~ n " mean:, t h c Sourh L1akc)ta Puhllc I i i i r ~ i c ~ C ' c l i ~ ~ : i ; i . * i a ::!

3.5 "1-ocal Traffic" means the completion o f wlr-clcss to t~vii-ciiifi~ : X R ~ a$ i i c i :~ :

i c l hvareless Trai'fic which originates and tern~inatcs xtrithin thc LC,-'I b:tr; i.r-ri ~l l i : $ i - i , ~ f t c ~ : ~

caf- the connecting cell site serving the wireless subscriber 3rd the ccri~rai a i a k i : is.:-

lltt .r~!i~nu c11tl-tlscr.

3.b "Mrqor Trading ,4reaW (MTX) means a gtngrriphrc i\rclL"tf rz*,irhlt.~ltr~r! r i :

!C,kti~I ~fcNa11y's Comrnerc~al Atlas and Marketing Gt~idtt iind uscrt 171' 1 1 ; ~ Y+t 't it$ iL-l.;.:::~i; (">IWS llccnse boundri~-~es for Ch4RS providcl-s for purl-tnces t ~ t ' f ; ; ~ f f ! i ~ ~ : r 2""; ijc+itQ 2i ' 1

tilt: k t .

3.7 "hlOU" means a minute o f use.

3.8 "Nnn-Local Traffic" lneans the cornpier~frnl of' ~ ~ l l ~ i h f I ,\ f , t i i l , b,: &,I i *;I iirg

\ t ~ ~ . , l i l i ? t l ol'tht: Coilncctislg cell site scn'ing the w~rei~pss sub\crthri. ,rii<f itit- i!T~r!:,:S r::i:, . f i ) r thc lrlndllne end-user and the completion of inrcrhl?'.4 rc):i.rrtrilg trcrffii:, d L u ;l~;lil~::i,(; L:,

t C ' t ' I st Clrder, par. 1043, to whlch switclied access ctzar~c+ :ire :ysptl;::%i4a.,

3.9 "Rec~pracal Clompcnsation C'rctiir" firr PUI~C~~-%SC% 15; k h t . k k .b$l~:s'i~l<f;b . . ~ n i , f

P;isccl on current traffic trends means a monetary credzr, tllr .it~ralirte trs x%-z-~rt-;ij::~~ :$21FI ~vltrcfi is originated by a landline subscriber of C'clrr-tt'r :errt~iatircs :t - i r i ~ ~ ~ < i r i \ : ~ 1 li

I"bfRS Pro~rider. within the LCA.

3.1 0 "TrafEc" means all Local Traffic and Z l l e t r ~ - l _ r s ~ . : t l i p r $ ~ t i f t h t l ~ ~ r t iq.irs:ir: I::--- - - a

t w c : I';II-I!''S nehborji. and tennlnates on the other I'arty'. ncircc~rk.

3.11 "Transit Traffic" means any Tntf~ic th,nt r:n~ttsi;rt:~i $s.+i-? ~ i e i ;

le'rcci)mrnunicat~ons cnrner's network. transits C'arrier'.; ?t~%kiz:'k % ~ l b l i ! ~ b ~ l i i & ~l!ii$:.,:i(.-iu'~i

drlrf tennlnates to yet another telecornmunicatrons carries tatkcr tR;i?~ L.. :::i \CF

3.1 2 "Transir S e r ~ Ices" means rhr proi ;.t;i:ri.i rli Za:ttti j?zktI $:x, r t ~ e z ~ n ~ 6%-, I ~i; t

that provide a transport functlon h r Traftic urrgtn;stln$: i b k r t t C'2lR:k % ' : * i - : r l \ # n,,B terminntlng to a relecom~r;ui~lcations camcr t~thrzr thari I'::me~


F 4 1 "Term~natinn" or "Tenninrtt~." rncafta thc r : ~ t ~ t l i r ; ; ~ .:f r <<+,.;I i -b,; ; t% = . tenl?tnat~ng carrier's cnd-oftice switch. or finalonally cyzrlt ;dent: tct6;zfit;l: . t~itt 5:- ,L++:: : of such Traffic to the called party.

1 "Transport" means the transrnissrtrn ::rtcf airy IIL"~:~P%:L~? 1;:ji;jI ' f x - -+. 8i - t2-he

ky 3 Party of Local Traffic from the ~ r o i n t of' in te r~or tn ty i~ i i~~ Ilqt\\cr';~ ghc. $"+:::- 6 :i~.i;

jtCt.1prvcal Traffic: Exchancle. Each Pafly sh;iI! rc::ipr:>c:il!y T~+L;:~;:<G: -::x$ 4. - * ..__-----p L ?

-r * I S * r ; .~rrlti i . l , t tc kt.ft 1;s nr*t\i.r>rk Tr:iffic clnginating 011 the other Pafly's nthtrvo;L. Rc~*lprt-i:d I T ~ ~ ~ Y ~ L ' ."

:-t~ ?l,fiig~: a < l a f ~ f l ~ s ~ c ~ t f : ~ C Y C ~ I ~ ~ _ C C t-tf Traffic bett\*een Ch.fRS Prits.ider's ser!~:.c.ribccr :;it2 f .%T~;S;F*-

a, sr%l r;,::r.:, arid :in! Transit Scnrices which rnay be provrdcd Try C ' t ~ r r i ~ r $a Fe,qi:--zi; 3 %:!I-: a

ii~;ts~-ic-'rlit ivarl~ cl'nrt~cr's orirrcnt pmctice with CMRS Pro-i.ider. either Plirt>'s '1 r,$!i'it: e;!,:-, : * - - ~ i : r t $ m i rEjn-$ugk an ~ntcmcd~r i ry for lnterconncction with tlic othcr P;rrtyls -,tsic;r;, i < ~ ' - i p ~ i .:3

6 rtiilil: czsh,ii~gt per this Agreement covers only Trarlsport and 'rt.rf~inai:i~n .~~n~in; : = r ~ '~!Y,:TL- I [

i;~~"r?;r"~?; prcta.14iccl in assoclatlnr-1 ~ v i t h CMRS senices. CltJ?ct sen,icrs, inciud~ng ;tax) t!::v,-ts : r (~%,r , , p -+F:-r V ,rrlxcct xn;!npcri~ent cstahllshed between the Parties, shall be ct~$;crett fiy a %t.p:rrltt~* iis;:tri:s,:"

i $ 1 T I C 1 . The Transport and Termination senlcc?; a~r T ~ ; ~ ~ i h t i S ~ h ~ ~ - ! i ~ * i i g j ~ i ; i r g . i t ! ~ . t l

t ~ e ~ ~ q a t i d ~ ~ 31.c i~~tcndcd Fi?r wlreless to s\rireIinr or wireline to n.nrc!eslz, bur Ik:: - k % a r 4 * l t i i ~ ~ t i ' - -

Y%~:+:~~IILI ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ? ~ u . I Y ~ c ; I z I ~ ~ s . Sucll sen,rces \viII not be used tc) tent-tinnrl; . r t t k ~ ~ t:,rtsk; cif 11 ,rl:?i i v -

i '2rrier'r- ~h:fit-t.trl.; (SUCII BS .r\s ireline originated traffic) anti sen~ce:; u ~ t f i j 1 x 1 P ~ t r l : : f ~ : r r : i:k*rtl." f - S , = ~ , i . c5+;:c-:ritl:e ~i !>ru;lcfi of this :%cement. In addition zo an.: oaher r~mc+ili.r:~~ ~t,l i i , t i . . l i $' i t& %Ti;; - ; ' i I :r lw ~,A:I-.G ices hcix c lteen imprnpzrly used shall be cntitIei! r ~ t rt"i"ciirlT i l ~ ~ cZia~';?r., .~f:435,t, sl- 1' !+. *,6,a;,h ~r,il!f;c 656 the cntlre per-lnd of misuse. Any ini idcn~r~l scn tc r5 rc,g, t i t f t ' ~ l $ t x p , : ~ . ; 7 : , , - . - t 9 * ~

:q&i;rjttix ;turt ti:t>. ctc ) \srrll be hilled at the standard r a t e f ~ r thtzxc. sen icc.3.

i< f:ilcat and Non-Local Traffic. T h ~ s .Ag~tcrncr~t, a:; ina.t'iacfc~i f i ~ LS-.. I - C

; ;,\l>si;attr-i arid 'l'ennination of Traffic betureen the Prtrtlcs srad "l'rsnsrl: F m r ~ ' t i i fur tit$: t1 'c>: ,~; ! > e

r:t~ r 3 4tcd33e I A ~ c ~ z I 7'rafic is subject t t i the local Transpcu-t arid 7 r"na:instiitrn f tl-bf cf8:q": *.sf I"-: 6:fIs

.;trt Fxhibtr -3, a~tnb is not subject to s~vitched access chwges. Kun-t,itcd Traffic i,:, *a:ifbai,;: t $ 1 ~ t,,pilB~,v~"r

I ,rirr<~'s inrcrFtatc nr ~ntrastate tariffed s\xlitchcd acces:: chnqjt.5 cind Z ~ ' - D ~ ~ X I : * Lleiij k - b ! +:s'; -11.

r\ *\~chl~*i.c~ IS nppiicable. Transit Traffic IS subject to the pro\ isiilns el~;\i~r-if'~cd ~ $ 5 %chiti 1;t '!$L i- -.f

1 :\nc~llary traffic which incIuclcss ~vrrctcss -a'r$tfic %h.r~ c!i-;.qgr:rr,i i,fz

nnc~llary services ~ncluding, but not limited tct. drrccicrrp. l~$::i:+r,~r.i;t., " 1 1. It:#*! r ~ ; x ~ - ~ > t t ~ ~

citll remlnation (busy line interrupt and verify). Xf!lJ188S. Z,i:3$3, ;EX! r r s f ~ j t ~ ; x s t t * ~ t : -i i"i. i:-$

recpinn~ special billing l ~ i l l be exchanged ;mil ct.t:-rrgcd i 8a ~i;~2~lr;!;i~sizs ti:tS: : i i k *

appropriate tanfEs. local or switched access.

5.2 For hilling purposes. if either P : t y is i ~ l ~ ~ k l ~ ~ .'i:~ ~:ilfttr*i$! .ri? S ~ < C J ~ ; - : : C ~ $

traals the Trnfiiic cleli\,ered by CMRS Pro\vrdc.r 3s 1-ijc:rl Tr;tis$i':'ri. r:t *i. i; iolri (.,'.it E :. >:5n,

C'3tR.S Proxider will provlde Carrier wlt11 a Percent fnfere;;de I ir iii6\, i i : ; , : i . t ~ , : i hi.:l-l: rc:pr.esents the esr~mated portion of interMTA Traffic Jt.Bivrlrt.i_i iy t '*if %<,% f ' i + r " ?,it * i k;%:

factor w111 be pro\.ided and updated on n sernt-ai'inu:ii i'+,$~r:~ ? i s 4:&3:@8$2$:'t$: .; L i - t l i mc~nths after Con~mission approval of this .+Igren~~cnt.

b. Local Transport and Termination Rafcf. f'kfRS 5'"~wtdz:r +it@! f .,;::xr - j = , ~ ; :

n-ct.~pmcally and s~~nmetr ical ly ccjmpensrtte one another firs I,crc,al 'Fr9f!ic t < : i ; % ? . - s c i 45::-5"

* I ~ur<,ipc~tix.e s~hscribers and end-user custonlers. T l ~ c Mi_)! ' ~"aic fisr iiic I t:rrrirnitfr;rat ,;g;t.: i r.i:i.. ;=+-::

o t' ~tl t 'h 1.0cal Traffic is set forth In Eshib~t .4 atlacl2e.d hcri:trr. ( 'orri~2- 5% $ 0 3 $.it: t~:%/=,*ii;'tib~& j / : i

:Ilzas/lring ttlc total monthly minutes of use tcnwinaitng inti! ik rrciwcig4. d i i s i r z 5 ckgjt.:i f f . r c ' r - - : t , i t :

. - i" uFB%L :: x '-4w'u;irctl I I S ; ~ ~ l>t'gins u hcn ( 'jCIKS t'roi icier'\ rncthilc .;-.b~rchlng c l f !ILL' 14 --~g~~;ijcij '-1, :- - * , 5 : ; t ; " i ' 1 . rCi"pirll,lEtn,g c~tlcf-of'fic~~ that the call has been al~cwcreii. l least~red ui:lgt. cndc. i i ix i ' i3

' : * t t i z $ \ : i ? k-% file iti<>btllc \\$ii~\1111g ofiicc 01. C ~ ~ ~ C O I ~ I I ~ C ~ I O I ~ h> 1 1 1 ~ C J I ~ ! ~ Y l l i ~ :?F::s.:T"

,~.,;-n:~r,~i' r s i ' :fx: r f i : x c : i ~ i l i l t : ~ t i ~ ) i l hipa1 fronl the terminating end office i-amer wr!i itnl> c;*drge i =,J&L_~ ii"ri\k:ilt"r f t w r l c t~ i , i l n1~t ts~trc~j minutes ot' use andior frai-t~ons rhercrrf c k f ct+i1!j3Ietct: 'tiis.

' -$*:I :~CC~. 1 % : w-c ~ 1 1 1 hc i~gp-cr;iteci at the end of the billlng cyclc and rr~ufided t i 1 thc I-IC' ;~~C\+ ,.% f i i t k

% * r;<n:;nk 52:it. 1%-15 coliectlng rcvcnues shall be responsihlc fix repurtlng arrd rcmirirliy -3::

< G y 9 i $ L 5 t ~ 5 2 e a . !a*$.~=s *i5>L~~cl3tci~ illsrc~v1tll.

- r r ru~s i t Services. If Camer perfomx Transit Scniccs. C'lt-iRS P ~ F - ~ I L ! c P - .;it,:; -- ->-----

. .PG6-,x . 4 , , 4 t s " t . - , 4 ~ ~ : t fc?,p~~i'r t i ) ~ nt-iginatcd Transit Traffic at the T r a n s ~ ~ R a ~ e ser f r ~ h or1 t.sf??hz! .I" ,$:-ti

rr:'I:~::: $ , I 'i.IRS i'sox 1 ~ 1 ~ r for 7'r;lnsit Sen.~ces shalj be llmlted to the :fiter~l~'c.rii;ilc I*.rl l ,:i

%tc-; s X c > E & : ? ! ' iqti~: C',ksi-tcr to the tennlnating tclccommunicatir~ns carrier. CIarricr i;h;tii ucp;: frnri. iri::i;.%t!) thc ;?ltii?tlllt of usdge associated with Transit Traffic on any billing tr: t'hIRS r ) l i i - : r f t : .

t ~~wn~tfen tbs:rjuest. Carrier sl~all provide to CMRS Prnkgider the idenrtty cif the ra.r-imrir*,::tr;~~ +,;;irj::r, efrv t:rui?ungcs and rc>ure milcs associated with any Tra~xsit Scrvicc;~ tt.t.i~cS1 IT^,:) k:' $r~+f**ir?t:1;? ~mcfr-r (his A~I-eemen t.

5 , -- T3c --- ibllnlmus Traftic. In the event the Traffic temlinrrtcci t ) i ~ tE'rc I3:i~ttr:r' i r+- 'p8~$vk 4:

wfwk*:ts i- dc n-tlnlmus such that the total MOU fir xvh~ch clthcr F '~ i r t ) i s crr:;eii-t,i r l - 7,it~t~i'c:iii.',ftirrl~ ib ICSS t hn i~ 3.000 blOU for a three month period (c~r I.O(J0 XIO! Pitr :t iirtc* c ; ; t t t . i s t ,

;Y I S ! ',irrter tjr ChlIiS Pro~rider bilis monthly). the Parties agree that the ctrljy C:Tbitljlik)il ,ii 'ac::t

i i r ~ t u i i [ r, : t?it 'ix I!] hc In the foni? of the reciprocal Transport and Tcnx~nat~t-~rr .;LT' ICC: P t n r a ; t j ~ a !

%?"i :tic laf11~'r I'art\r'. and no b~llings will be issued by eltlzrr Party.

qI, [Ls j~rocnl Compensation Credit. If CMRS Provider is ~~na'tsit. t i t i1ctc;:itit q: irirt:

;li':;~~~uif 11f ~ ~ r c l r r l e ti) ullrcless Traffic it tenninates from C':';inisr. r he n~or~thlty r~rirrrite-~ ; a ri;t4

f e : t ~ i f t ~ ~ t t ~ ~ f irxtir i_'RIRS Provider's network f?om Csmer's network fix- p~q7115e.s ctftf~i:% a$gfi:~-i?ii+fji; ' c .isril Bri: trscij to dctcm~ine the Reciprocal Compensation Credit dttc Ch4RS Pn~t klcf . i B f 1 1 ~ i - ;i ${I

956' ~+:iie:iF:lt~tl \:sing the formula set forth in Exhibit A.

0, 1 Thc resulting number shall be multiplied 13y thr: XICIt r:iit: ti fE~~ ir i? l t i t i :*

r i : ~ monlhly Reciprocal Cornpensat~on Credit. The Reciprcxaf C~~mp,*li;s;ts~~>~; z ' ~ c Y ~ ; ?

thc l'ru~ispon and Termination will appear on the mant11ly \>if1 i?;r;rrc.d 1%;) C8,lt-nc;.i. E n .r irrcljir agalns: amounts due and payable from CMRS Pro1 idor to C';irner,

0 . Should Trsftic patterns change so that rncx-t. wircltlrxc { r t ~rrcIc:3%. fr,t ' tsi, :*. be.a:lg renr~lriared by CMRS Provider, the Reciprocal C'ompi:n,zixtiutri i, red:{ ..JJ,L:! ha;

chabzyod ts reflect such difference. The amended Reciproc;tl C'njiniyacrrir;t~i<?;j: i :;ttr; ..4reik;

bc brtscd on the results of a Traffic study conducted f i r a represeriraaa\c :+,ri?tr:lb= S-L! t i t$?* :

wiihn the Carrier's sewice area. If the Parties are unublc TCr TC;;C~Z ag+rcci~:,rriat t i i ~

ilcl~quat'). of ' the sample. the methodology fur the Traffic ~tui!?;, trr 141c ilpprr~-~t:xPaatc per~cnragest t~ be used. eirher Party may request rcsotutltnt $$f riru J:--+i~:it~. i"-, C ~ ~ X I I ~ I S S I C I ~ .

E t i 13Aj~"ng and CCt~lIcctlon Fecs, C a n e r shall h1l1 C'>IIIS I'rto tdci rbn t . i r f z ~ : L i s ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ; i * ,

3 - P i,[:i ir1t:rl) hit.51:~ fibs scrx.tccs pn)x ~ded under this Ageenienr In acti>n-li~nic ~ k t r f ; rlrt. 2 l r i! r ;:r

%.ltLr t4tnf.j ut: r:t.hibrt A. C'arner shall lncluded sufficlcnt detail 11; l i i lni.c,lccs i c ? ct~;i!;ic: I t

I'rt~v~,Eisr> tt1 reasc~nat>f y \ cl-I 15 the accuracy c.f the usage and ch;tl-gcs. ("5lRi; Prcbr ri!cr -lii:: i 7 .s> s ,=t ,$a.ti at. tnvt>icc\ within thirty (30) days of receipt of the statement. In tkc escnr r b f LI <ii:+yl~iti t a ; t , :

\!I%' ilitlritilit t r f ' t t i t lnxolce. C'MKS Provider shall pay the undisptrteci p ~ ~ i ? ~ t m n ; f ~ ~ i I 4t:t!! I , 8 1 kr-

rirq:~;;ed ttlr Filj' the ci~sputed portion pending an investigation anti rcsrrtutinrt trf*ti:c L ! X ' . ~ ~ P ; I Q

I O . 1 In the event CMRS Provider elects to rne:lsust. rhe v+:rzi;ra:: i d s i i r ;!ti.. - *I-roffic tenninatcd to it by Carrier. CMRS Provider w!'rl directly i r r h . c t . t l ; c t " : r~~ : r : ??_b i * ~ f r : :

Traffic applying the MOL; rate contained in Exhibit .A ratf~cs thzt: ~ . S Z E F Z L I C F E tit-,' F:.i'r!j"~i\i:-:I

I 'r:n2pt.nsation Credit in Section 8. The billing and pa>mrnr prf;vrs;c:ri$ :4xt14 2:m$: p xLz~~i*I : ,

sc.1 thrtl.r in ihis Section 9 shall apply if ChilRS I'ro\.~der elects it; ~Eir~lct k i i r '.';tit+" %:, :rrfcIitiun, CMIiS Provider shall nut]@ Carrier that i t it?ttntfs f i r %Pfrr*ili i'tdl G3i :i:fZbFI - , 4 : ~ . ~ 1 .

Tral'f?'lic at icast S I X ~ J ~ ( 6 0 ) days in adsvance of the tirst hi!l.

E I . ELfect~ve Date. This Agreement is subject t c * ~plsr~i'a'ai t ~ . ) ~ 6 5 e I ' r i t ; : \ :~t , , : I - : :

f ' X f WS 131-(-jvicJer and Camer will work cooperatively to lake ;!tl stcyts'. ? ~ r i t f j f i c : ; -v: f r .

crp~xLfriinti~sly prosecute a joint applicat~on before the ('om~.rat.r~ltv~ ~t~krt ' ig .i~m.>-~ -ti : t ~ : I g ~ ~ ~ r ~ i a n t . Each Party sfla11 be responsible for thar ujs-r; zr~+* iuid k141,p~"1t"4''+ o l q ci;: i i ,: s

$~fu~;irrt~ng :~pprw al n t ' th~s Xgeement from the Co~nmissicm.

12. T'erm. -- Subject ro the termination proilsirm.1 c'uf'ztat~i;cd i z ~ rtrgs ..'kgt.;.-ra:ciz *iK> rt:rm tlt'thls Agreement shall be one ( I ) year fiom the efri'ciric. datc azri', .;!:,ti! ; i i i t ! t :~ i , it: ;,$;t;-!

&rr abnsccu~ive one ( 1 ) year tern~s until either Party grves the otfrcr fr:it.t) st t m a i qg:%~;~s i ~ d ; : ~ .I$:, %rrttuk'l nntioe of tennination, which termination shail be c f k t ' f i t , ~ ;!a ~-LF?-;I r t f '$ jk ' :)r$J:i:~. yt ;zTxi:k

1.3, Termination Upon Default. Either Party m:ny rsn3rnn::tc faRz% : % k : y k k ~ l r l ~ ~ i :i; - b-;~!,- tbr in part in the event of a default by the other Party. pn.rvidcd hxatiscLtnr. th,tt Bale E E : E ~ ~ S & :,I ,$;ti;;..

Party ncttifies the defaulting Party in writing of the allcgcti def~nttle innti tiwr cCiQ. ii~~;)ti:~;::> > + . : t e *

cIncs nut cure the alleged default within thiny (20) c;~lcridstr- 4;~:. i~cii~:~ lh)i ~ x ~ t r s : , - .: I - . .-. 1 tl~'1-cllf:

14. Liability Upon Termination. Tet-n~~tiat~c~n of' 1 2 7 1 5 1 ~ Agrrer~~elri? c;t ;!:a ; IF : ;\ -:.: - r . f i fin. any cause shall not release e~ther Party f?om any t~ahsl i~y th'fizc1i ;:i ~ j t c , " : I + > Y ~ . a $ ! % ~ 1 , ~ 3 c ' . :; i7

; i i~t3l ly accrued to the other Party or ~vhlch thereafter ;rccraae?, $3 art: S ; * L ; T C _ ( :1 ~ $ 3 5 - * c : ,

~rrrlission occumng prior to the tenninat~on rclatirlg fo zn c?Isi!;;;r~rcltr tkflir 5 ::. c* , _ _ j _ x k ~ 7 -* P ~ J . A , : a;

r h ~ s Agreement. The Parties' obl~gations ullcier t h ~ s A~*~i .c t~c:" r f :'L ~YIG!F lb'i . E f i ~ 1: I r , i r t , i ;:+ = L, u~tcnded to continue beyond the termination c~r cxpirairon a t i f " r r ~ .t?~_1;eriz:c*:t ~ l , i a : J ,

ecnniriarlon of tllis ,4greernent.

i i 15. General Responslb~lit~es of 1';iflics. Each Par? 1% r C C ~ ~ ~ r i ~ - , ~ i i ~ ~ ;-J p r ~ , , ~ , .=I; - i+

i ~ ~ ~ t h t n ~ t s respzctl\.e netusork \I h ~ c h ':re necesslry f;)r rrxttfitig ; I I Z ~ j: 8 i t ? ; i T, 1 = * L & I , 32 . - * - rhc other Party's nehvork. IT a Part) makes a ~ h a n g e ln r\s -;aIez& ;v:,fgr. b C b , 1":. I

' . rhe exchange of Traffic under this 4g~eenicnt. the PL~FI~ , satnkkrxg ~ f k w r-h;istz!r: .*ii:ui, ::*- 3% -,

1 f4. ,-%~s~q~m>enls. SUCC~SSOTS and A~slrmees~ ,AL P;,~rtg ITI;~;~ zt;r a>.%tyi la: 'c,.~z ,:;: rl,r.t ;

!$p-tc7met^lt wrtjiour the prior it-nrttn conscnt of the crthe~ F3any. ~ , h i ~ 3 1 ~~~~ : " . i " l a t 1 i l ; &*:

iini.tsi~rj~l;rhly ivithhelcl or delayed. Notv;~thstandins thc forcgorrig. a $;t:*f:. r'i;+r: F . . ~ , A - i": :':: rig~-c~incnt. or any portion thereoi; without consent to any cntj!) $ h i t h + i i i i t ~ r ~ ! : * , :; s~; 5-* 5 j

*. in txr~drr curni-ncx~ ccrntrol. ~vi th the aysigning Party. Any sztch :155ll,l?'I;Tl;:Ill sf;,%;& 1 3 1 ? L T i , j8 ; -

i . . , s ----' ( . i ;:ffl.t.t ill- linlit the rights and obligations of the Partics under tt-trt ,-2st~r'herrli*nt I f-l: = : '* >hall hr;. billding upon and inure tcr the benefit of thc Pzrtrc~ hc;r"~<, :tjtil i h c ~ :.r*i::.r r ~ ~ l i q - - i e . r* L ,- -: ~ t i i C i .L>>Ign5.

17. fonfidentialitv. ~ePariiestothis.-l~~ct.mcrrrr~~n~gr~~~~:i?i~~-::.~F:-;;~i~rij.r~i: 5-e

eep-cs<slt:ihiCb may come into po~scss io~i crf' cot~kiifcntlnt arlritor p:tipr'~i-~.:~;- d , ~ ~ . r . I $ , ' ~ t;: r i , ~ r : i " - L~r!rcr'.c I-tusiness or ~~~~~~~~~ks as a result of this Agrecmcnt. f-.;iicE I%r.r> d;fl;;rCT. :rf Pt37 , iVte . - r c i { -

~lii;i a:~cl iz~forn~atrnn as strictly confidential and to use S X C ~ d,xt,i ;am! u;tii~it:=,irii1~z~i i~,;"+ :t .: ?i,:

pUqql9irSC ( r f pcrfomiance under this A~reement . Each Pirrry ;tprcc.s nt:t, irs c l a c : c i * ~ - ~ cE. :~s :r:

;arlilrzn:ttinn about the other Party's business v.-itl~out fir51 %cct~r?ng iht: ;?-a?r!z;i .:-:r-t'7trt : t ? ; l a

I1,srr>. unlesc such disclosure is reqz~~red by iatiiful st~t-tpctcna io~frt ~-,I:~cT

1 . Buslness Records. Each Pa@ i i ; rttspi~rssit~lt. rbr tEsc :l-ti_.;ri..,i+,x:r - 3 : ::- k k . ~ i ,.

f~tjhiltiftted ti) ill6 other Party. Cpon reasor~able notice.;t-r Ejsr~y ilr 18s ; ~ ~ ~ I O E C P I : P C ~ S r e f i ~ ~ " i ~ ; : r ~ t f r <

3hai3 3 1 3 5 ~ the right to conduct an on-pren-tise rc\ scur ct f tfrc P G I c ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ci;~$:i ~ \ ~ * > - . ~ ' k % a ~ ^ r i PC; i ? k t h : j 7 ~ :

I%srIy "ri ,assure conlpliance with the provisiix~s i>f rhrs Agri.~.t.~rcnt, f ! r~ ~ett ii IF! i : z r - t ,'! ,:A,*

e.;,srnrnrttion and verification of data imrolvlng rec~rr~l:2. 4;>ltcq~~.,, i ~ ~ a s ~ r ~ f i t t i * " : t i i 4 1 ~

rrr!~rnrtartru~ related to the s e n ~ c e s perfijmmed by eit1it.r Pltrfy ,L% £1 ~ ~ i i : : f ~ i t 4 . k \.I:,C.J:X r t r ; rv,: ?: t-: .5 rni t i i r : in crrnnection with this Agreement. Each Pangs nzhr :r: :MZ:-S f t t f rb i s i t . i f i .r: !, : . r

1 crifica~iiln rt-;l\lew purpose is linlitcd to dara nut in t'.x~c55 tr l ' ~L%:PZ:C i 1.9 r ~ f i ~ = i l ( I ~ :;; i

I',tr'ty's sight to request a review is limited to once t'\rep.c rwr)iti;- 1 1 > I !:r,;r-it!$>.t i i:*- it' + u : , n:cjut.sting a verification review shall fully bear its r~tvn cd~i4tr; 2sbc:~f~r~cd k t 4 trtiel:;~::i,?- .ica.

rcxscw. T11e Party being reviewed will provide rcasunablt. asccr;s trs ~ X F ; ~ C ~ Y I ~ : P ? , t i i t ! :tyqlB,i,~!:;.,+

in-fimnaimn at no charge to the rev1 ewing Party during norrr~;cl 4~ussr.i.cwi ! ~ t r o , ~ ~ l :

0 . Force Maleure. Neither Party shall be li,itaic. Gcr .as;> %t.' i i ig s - r c'ni;,:;i+ ::i

~lcrktsnlnncu of an); part of' this Ageernen1 from a n y c;kiisk.t EIcy*~:ttf B Z i rc.,ilil g ~ : ~ ~ i t ! ~ &,, ,rc :,u; 1,;

:ncluding. \vitht>ut limitation, acts of nature, acts of cixit ~ r l - ~ l " ; e i f r ~ ~ , i ~ " ~ , i~i iB::pf l~:~-' , ; ~ ~ ~ t q ~ ~ ~ r n ~ : : . ~ ,

h(X tr,.i~ltntiijns, embargoes, epidemics. terrorist 3 ~ 1 5 , riots, ~~sktr~cc;:iit~+~ i . , : : 2 3 ~ ~ ~ , , L + ~ : * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ; : L * ~ ~ ,

~+;irdlytaakes, nuclear acctdents. tlocrds. power blackouts, otlrcr rnitjtw cna.;irg~r~~tii+r:f,sl, ,"i :"7;7,:72, * -

oi' U E Z ~ I S U ~ ~ I ~ severe weather condit~ons (collecti\.e!>. 3 ''Force 3f;ycure E:enrWj

I . No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Xgrecmcnt ~dt%c*i; ~ i ~ i [ ' ~ I ' E . ) Y ~ ~ s " ;z~c j-ran --. -: *+ t

p:irtl;. assignee or successor to this ,Igreement and shall rzot bf: c~~t'rsrrcicaf B r h 78e.t Y I B C 3 ~ : - ,ti i i

tiztrct parties with any remedy, claim. liability. rri'imburse~ncnt. c:ltase tzf';~ol:li~it~, i;: ri;lip:$ ~ 3 3 % : J r ,.T

* " 2 1 . Notices. Notices &\,en by one Party to the other Pan) ua~tlcr %it;% -'zg,uiz.i-..:?ir:r:i .:r ;.; 1% In iv~iting to the addresses of' the Part~cs Set fort11 aboi t. :md shalf be 4 % k ijcittr,i~e~iJ ;T: * : ~ Y s $7~-

.ttt r d~li\.er.e~I by express dsli\.ery senice. ( i i i ) mailed. cc~?ilicri m ~ i ! 1 5 r tls.+a t:,.i.s~..% s ~ 5 - j-!

pirGnige prepaid. rctu~n receipt requested: or ( i ~ r ) dell\ ercd h> fctici~r t f i ) " % i t > -,:iL i ; 2~ t::~*$* C : ; ~ , S ~ ;

i t ~ ~ d ~ l * lfxis ilgreoment shall he ecective upon the receipt trl' tIie F Y I ~ ,A.EI> !?a;: ?;*<+; z ~ ; t ~ = - . :C> ,; iii%'il:rciit ~tdriress by notifying the other Pany in *,vntrns of- hitch tfif4'~-rcn$ ,*:ifdri-- ; e ; i " : ~ :a'~i:.r;-;

pr~tvicisd in this Section.

22. Governin.g Law. For all claims undcr thks r'ipccrsicisr: th'rr it;-c i:s;<t! ir! 'e- i a \ + T L -

f v ~ t l ~ t i ~ the jt~risdiction of thc FCC or go\.crned by fcdrrat lat-5. tisc 15;aa-rgc.t ,trrr.r.c r h i : c.;'::,cI:;~, I;..: ~ ~ z t : l ~ clrti~ns shall be governed by the FCC and thc Act. For ali elrrirn*; :rn&~ rt?;:% ,%;-r~a:c~i~,~j: .id +:

' L ,ire hascd upon issues within the jurisdiction of the Cotnrn:ssi$~~a (11- prpr c,rr.ii~.;f kt- tr,a:;s ,.: 3 - . i.

Ptlrtlcs srgree that the jurisdiction for all such claims shall he \vtiI.r rjttcli f-crlt$r::fc+:.-h :I ..I: ?: bT:i'

rcmcdy for such claims shali be as provided for by such C'itsrrtr7rl;brr-~t1. f r t z - F I ~ ! ~ : Z C L - ~ ~ L , t - ?

1lgrct.ment shall be governed by the donlestic laws of i h l : t;iarc t j f 5+ra:~f~ i'l.Sb;Y -T::_ ,2 i b S :

rcl'crcnce to conflict o f law provisions.

23. Entire A ~ ~ e e m e n t . This Agrceniel~~ ctrnslilutts sht: cn i":.irt ies and supersedes ail prior ora! or xrit tcn ngrecr ncn,rs, tte~otiatic.)ns, understandings, proposals and undertakings sit11 re: ~IC~.L"O f-

24. Amendments. This Ageement mas, not hc n:ttdl!ic,4 P ~ F ;:~xit:i~ic+t -.JE!,C: ; ) i t , i i c &- . - wstrcrl instrument executed by both Parties. .-'in? a~rlet~rlnkcr-~a, mt~~i f z ; , , f~~ ' . ' t ; ; L I F ..*r:jq3hi;tti: i i o3

thts Agreement shall be filed with the C o ~ n m ~ s s ~ o n ai-lr! ;jpp8- rsirrl I%)* tltf f &!!:'id:.>% - F - .:I - X I :( - .i {

rclyu~rcrl bl- appl~mble law.

25. Counterparts. The underslped signatorici; rc,.i;~i.t.sent :B+c:L. i:,i~i- if^ tk~ : L b ; i j i : j l f :;) iii

execute this Agreement on behalf of their respccfix.~ curnp,tiu%=*sn Ebtk ,%p~;:w;i . !-- executed i n separate parts which together will constiturc a s i n @ ~ ~ I E I I C ~ ~ , ? ! % * ~ %l!

IN WITNESS W csecoted as of this aqg day o - 310 1 .


"C'MRS Provider" "Carrier" &?-ouIii~lgs MunicipaI Utilities d.b.a. I\'Ici.cociT-'St1 TcIucr u;n i;)cqs ejnipr;;c:at, B.t:,

and Dakt$ta rr,.rnnttnsurry 'E '~h:~#~r~ ic I$%%:

By: _ *>-

Piit~ne: Q S ~ Q ~ Narnt: I)a\*11,1 R . 6 srrret

(Print or Type) (T'ntit trr 'T:<ptrr []ale: A U ~ I I S ~ 29 , 2081 9

I);itc- 1/3c/c I


Transport and Termination Raec

i . The "Transport and Ten~~inarion for Local Traffic under the Xgrccrfie~i d i d 1 I;;: $>av;@4 rm utj;xge csrrsltive rate multiplied by thc total minutes of use rr~coriiiny irr the &:!icrnpriig ?:ch&!<itztc.

3i~1tnher of Access Lines fctr Carrier h4OU Rate

f.f-5ilO lines 401 to 900 lines 901 to 1,500 lines t,501 lines or more

1 ,u + Car.rrier shall provide written notice to ChfRS Provider upnrr tks c f f ~ i t t ' ; ~ k k - i g ~ { k t

Ik:t;r tis;rtx~nlc'i~t sclting forth its total number of access fines and the basis of' s;lfJ ~ i i i i t i i : t t t ? i ~ r $ h i '

;w;~I+L"s (it: dcttmlining the applicable ICIOU Rate. Oil or befi-zrt: kiay I CPF C S C ~ y ~ i r r let:: c,.,rti+t;, f :arr;iez shzi5-1 provide to CMRS Provider written notice to update its tirrnl nulnttcr c.8 n~'t:r_~++i irrxc*

- c y $f-ir: ~ E ; J ~ S : ~ ~ F ;.: x.t:l tire basis of said calculation. Any dispute between the Parties r i t i l r ~ m t ~ i ~ F ',rrricr ;LCC'CSS Iirles shall be resolved by the Commission.

Ro:ci&rocaf C u ~ n p e ~ s a t i s Credit - Calculation <**a- **IU-

1 . I'hc millutes of use of wireline to wireless Tsatfic fbr pt~rpc~st~s r ~ i ' 1 1 1 0 ~ - J&Bt:c;ptbt:.i;

k'is+.r\rr:r*ls;rciun Credit shall be calculated by multiplying the total n~onthiy r.;rint~rc.~ 4 + i tlie F F Y

%%ire9,c:+s tv tvircline Traffic delivered from CMRS Provider's ncrt~t~rk & ~ r it:rri'i;n&i!t~rn irjto C',~r~-v.*r'\, ncrwork by a factor of 0.17.

9 m ~ ~ f 4 2 e Rate

1, $O.r3C105 per MOU per route mile

South Dakota Public Utitities Gommissirsrt

WEEKLY FOklNGS For the Period of November 2,2001 through November 7,%BOf

ti you need ;a complete copy of a filing faxed, overnight expressed, or majiarl fo yau, ptao@@ cantact Delaine Kolbio within five business days of this Rfhg. Phone: 605-4734705 F;sxr



GTo 4 -049 In the Matter of the Complaint fired by fda Lagga, Scstfanb, Ss&-h Dabfa, ag&.iir%st MCf WorldCorn Regarding Unauthorized Switching of Bcmiccs,

Conmta~nant states that she continuously receives caHs from MCI askrng her to c!~acg% ner i f i Y 9 ~ i?:%:1:*~3--

servce to b4C! Each tlme Complainant states that she told the ca!ler that $!re drb not ~iiiz'i m ~:!~ZVK;F

providers To Compla~nant's knowledge, she d ~ d not change her iong drstance pinu@%: !a 5&C.:i Csrnplarnant became aware that her long distance had been cha~ged '+$hen she eiEe~?pied m 27:?8Q ;I ?:e- 2 distance call and she had no long distance service on her line. Camphalraant res)we$itl% $13:: ti.^!? Canmisston revtew the tape of her conversation with the MCI representzttve and pat %imcMws a p !2!2:: Gompiainant also requests that all charges be removed and that she be awafried $2 583 00 " ~ t m MCi f : ~ the undire harassment, mental angush and the many sleepless ratghts they hawe ca"r%w Bar

St&! Analyst: Mary Healy SiaR Attorney: Karen Cremer Date Docketed. 1 1106101 Intervention Deadline NIA

CTOl-050 In the Matter of the Complaint filed by Margaret Undewoed, Pierr@, 9sa"I DB%%G%&~ against Talk America, Inc, Regarding Failure to Cancel Tel~ttrnrnarjwi~~Pio~i?% Services.

Cornpiainant states that she is receiving unauthorized billings by Talk Arnerhza, inc a?afi?p~2-~ikat 'e~/ll'*)*>i'

states that the company told her that they would remove the monthly c h ~ r g ~ m a rsfukir-d %er r?-f;ifiP*n:y 2-;: on the next bill she was charged again and not given a refund. CarnpEa~nirnt ritzl,ss s4if+3 v~a?k:% ;Y$ ; ~ ~ = : z i n ~ i ~

closed and a complete refund of all charges.

Staff Analyst: Charlene Lund Staff Attorney. Kelly Frazier Date Docketed: 1 1107!01 interventi~n Deadline: NIA


&LO1 -026 In the! Matter of the Filing by Otter Tail Power Company f o r Approv3laf ar'i Elec~aFe: Sewice Agreement for the Supply of Bulk Interruptible Ptawer b r r t w ~ e ~ Tai; Power Company and Valley Queen Cheese Factory, irfs,

On November 2, 2001, the Commission received a filing from Otter Taii POVIE: c ; l , smp~; I- ;>-:ar: : J ~ : : . A ~ ~ :

w~th South Dakota Codified Law 49-34A The Agreement is entered rnto parsiianr ts C3o.: 'Pa ; ?J &,.-- Interruptible Service Tariff, as on file wlth the Commission

Staff Analyst: Dave Jacobson Staff Attorney: Kelly Frazier Date Docketed: I 1/02/01 Intervention Deadline: 1 1/23/02

Report and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Enhanced Communications Network, !nc.'s Faiitdre fa Subn3i.r o Report and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of erbia Network, Inc.'s Failure to Submit a iaeparg and Pz$ tkka Grr,$s Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Internet f eiephone Company's Failurn to SubmPIIZI i% Rtsg30r"E 3 ~ 6 Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of JATO Operating Two Corp.'s Failure to Submit a R~pert and P&y the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of LDC Telecommunications, ine.'s Failure fs Subnft a Rsplmra lrrtd Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of NewPaZh Holdings, Inc.'s Failure 19 Submit a Re~tae ar":6 Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Osark Tetecorn, Inc.'s Faiiure to Submit a Rapafi and Pay the G w w Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of PAM Oil, inc. dlbla PAM Cammurrication&' Fei!%trr% to S~arBi-rrit a Report and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of BNV, Inc. flWa, Inc. Ukla Park '% Visw, fu.ic,'g F%ir$ur@ 10 Submit a Report and Pay the Gross Receipts 7ax,

In the Matter of ServiSense.cclm, Inc.'s Failure to Submit 8 Rape@ 8rzr;i Qny a&@ Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of SouthMel Telecornm Services, In@!s Falium to S~bmrt a W&?;aag 113d Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Special Accounts Billing Group, inc,'s Fahm %a Strbmkt Repan and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Telera Comrnunicatiorrs, Inc." Faiiurs 40 SubmB ix Rspa~rr and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Telicor Inc.3 Failure to Submit a RieporZ end Pay f h ~ Gra$% Receipts Tax.

In the Mattar of Telscape USA, fnc.'s Failure to Submit a Fopad ~wd Pa>+ tf.9 Receipts Pax.

lm the Matter of Teltrust Communications Servicesl tne." Faiiraryiem Fs 8ukkli%ie 4

Report and Pay the Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of TotalAxcess.cum, Inc.'s Failure Oa Subfrz%$ a Raper$ agfd Fag Gross Receipts Tax.

In the Matter of Vee Em, lnc. f/k/a Speer Virtual Medh, Ltd,'~ FxEOir8"~ t a 6~hn-lin s Report and Pay t he Gross Receipts Tax.



oaeaorA caMMerNlw TELEPHONE, INC. 1

On November 7, 2001, Brookings Municipal Utilities d b.a S&iffef Comrt9tiinr~113~"i~ :%evl;le$~ files5 f ~ r approval by the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission ((5ammts%i0rfj 8 teCipr.f;-~ch,,81 @ansport and termination agreement between McLeodUSA Telecotn Devefoprrtzn: irtc fF;?titt!,t:~a c

and Dakota Community Telephone, Inc (DCT) and Swiftel.

On November 8, 2001, the Commission electronically transmitted nrl3.tfce af this 3;Ir:r~ . T te rnte~@sted individuals and entities. The notice stated that any person wishing lo Cem"stmf3nZ QG t 3 ~ psrticsi request for approval had until November 27, 2007, to cia so. Na csmmenfs V,WE ?a~tsi

At its duly noticed January 3, 2002, meeting, the Commission masidered w$~et?"ior so $:ppt~:& the agreement beheen Swiftel and McLeod and DCT. Commissiora Slag reeejf;.om@~i@f5d 1~0~8vikb

The Comm~ssion has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to GDCt Ciraglar 4941. nncs rk:o Federal Telecommunications Act cf 1996. In accordance with 4'1 tf 8 C 252gei(3$, thb Cammission found that the agreement does not discriminate against o Zs~a~~mmt~c?~co~0~6rr,fc that: ts not a party to the agreement and the agreement ~s consrslenr with ths pk~t3khe j,r.,ia:g:g c:o?wenience, and necessity. The Commiss~on unanimously voted tci apprsve !ha agrt2~2n~~@-i;/ if r:L f her~fore

ORDERED, that the Commission approves the agreement. f7,

Dated at Pierre, South Dakota, this <Y'" day of Januay. 2002


The underslgned hereby certifies that this document has been served !oday upon all parties of racord in this docket, as l~sted on the docket servlce l s t , by facsimile or by first class mail, in properly

Rate. /



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