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� � ����������Vol. 32, pp. 461�469, 2004

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Figure 1. An interview form for patients receiving IFN


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����� �Table 2� ���� ��� ��������������������� 50�� 34��23�� 23������ �� �������������� ���������������!"#$���%&��' (�� �Table 3� )*+� ,�"#$(-.&/�0'1���� �234-.�56�+78�9:���;<=> � � � ?@4 8ABC) 4A�)�DE'1;������� �FG�H�IJ���14 �Table 4����0:�

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Figure 2. An interview form for patients receiving IFN-ribavirin com-

bination therapy

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Table 2. Frequency of Side E#ects in Patients Receiving

IFN-ribavirin Combination Therapy �2�Table 1. Frequency of Side E#ects in Patients Receiving

IFN-Ribavirin Combination Therapy �1�

:·¸¹ º»;f¼¥ �464


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Table 3. Frequency of Serial Change of Side E#ects in Patients Receiv-

ing IFN-Ribavirin Combination Therapy

Table 4. Frequency of Patients with Damaged Daily Life

MNOPQRSN�����» 465


��������������� IFN �������� ������������� �� ����������������� ������ �����! �"#� ���$%�&�����������&��� '�(�) 11(��*�+� ��,�- .��'�)/012����3���������� 4������� 56���2���78���9�:#� �����; < =�����>?1��@AB@C��!�� .#2�D �E�F������ IFN ��� "G#2H#$�%$)I�4��&JK12��8�9�� 4������1�'�1�LE�)� '�()�M*N#2+O#� ,��������#�� 0�� �����2�+4����2)�������,�- PQ����R-���4��?��2��� 4���� �,�- .��(��.�O��� S�TU� 3*� 1��,�- PQ���#2��4��/0#��������#�4��V��#2� W�X�6��+����12���� =�2��YZ�[=4���3\�]�^�� P[��4��_4 ���4���`�1�� -�X56ab�7�� 608�c9�� �d:��+�6eR�>�5� ���+���� f<� �34)g+����� ;�h���7�2)i<���=j#2)����� ���8���� �7��� k* ��>�� �?K�]���� W���i<l@b�A0��YZ�BC#�� fD]���m Fn���?�>��>+4��op0�������4��_4����� 0�� qCrsCt�7��E9�� ��� =�2�FG�uv����� wH��+#2#0��S�I��x6:#�� 9 .��3\�Jn�yK�Lz ��?�uM�4� )��?�{� W� � �:# +�3\���� 4� �#2�N|O ��>+�} W� ~&P���4���������4��_4 ����@AB@C��!�������� ��� 5����^��6� �K ���Q��E��)� 181- 14-�7.7������^K12��16�� ���R#� 35-��� 1-�ST-):2���� ����R�*U-���R������

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¯����6� ° 1��p±���4�� ����%$�²�4����³q�{�´ª²�K1�� 0��p���WCK12��µ¶ IFN �@AB@C�!���K� S�VU�;rK1�

Figure 3. A communication form connecting hospital

ward and outpatient clinic.

K·¸¹ º»s¼@¦ �466


C������ IFN ���� ��� ���� �� ������������ �!"#$�%�&� '()*+)�,- ���./�0�� 1234 �5678��&9:#0;�1<� 12�56#=�&>? �@A�$� BCDE�FGHIJ� ���KL&0�;��*M��

� �

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A Study on the Side E#ects of Interferon Treatment Using a

Questionnaire for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C

Noriko Motodate1, Mariko Akutsu1, Seiko Suzuki1, Kimie Yoshikawa1,

Yasuko Jinta1, Hiroshi Yotsuyanagi2, Michihiro Suzuki2,and Fumio Itoh2

An interview form was introduced for study of side e#ects, daily life� and work of patients withchronic hepatitis C who received interferon �IFN� treatment. The first interview form, introduced in June2001, was revised in December 2001. After that, side e#ects, daily life and work of the patients treated by

IFN-ribavirin combination therapy were analyzed. All the patients had some side e#ects. Common side

e#ects were skin itching followed by alopecia and edema. The frequency of each side e#ect is higher than that

on phase-III clinical trial, showing that the interview form can pick up side e#ects more accurately. Daily life

and work were damaged in one-third of the patients. However, no patient stopped treatment due to side

e#ects. Our experience shows the usefulness of interview form for intensive care and safe treatment.

Key words

Chronic hepatitis C, Interferon, Ribavirin, Questionnaire

1 Department of Nursing

2 Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterogy and Hepatology, St. Marianna University.

����������� 469


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