c55/dlcn/20/08/19) tac bao hiem du lich toan cau.pdf1 Ố Ế (Đính kèm và là bộ phận...

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(Đính kèm và là bộ phận không thể tách rời của Hợp đồng bảo hiểm Số:



(Attached and integral part of the Contacts No: C55/DLCN/20/08/19)

Tổ g Cô g g

PVI g g g

Tr g r g ô g ó q ị , ậ gữ ô g ị

g ĩ r g ụ ụ ố g e ã g í ạ g

Tr g g T T g ã

g p í ỳ ứ , PVI g

e ữ g q ị ạ g

This insurance policy is issued by PVI Insurance Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "PVI

Insurance") and includes the terms and conditions of the Contracy issued to the Insured. In the

absence of other provisions, terms not defined in this Appendix shall be understood in the manner

explained in the Contract.

On the basis of Shinhan Bank (Vietnam) Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Shinhan VN") has paid

or agreed to pay the first phase, PVI Insurane will insure the Insured under the conditions specified

in this contract.


1. ó g ĩ g , ô g g r

g g r ố ạ , g ,

nguyên nhân duy ậ g, ậ g í g

1. ACCIDENT OR ACCIDENT means an unexpected, unforeseen and accidental event entirely

caused by violence, from outside and visible, is the sole and independent cause that

resulting in death, disability or injury of the Insured Person.

2. Ề Ợ K VỰ SÂ r

g ị g ậ g ó ạ

hành khách, tuy , ỉ ụ g g g ó ạ


ó g g r , g x ố g

e ị r r g .

2. AIRPORT PREMISES BENEFIT is the benefit amount payable if the Insured sustains Bodily

Injury while upon any airport premises designated for passenger use, but only when the

Insured is upon such premises immediately before boarding, or immediately after alighting

from a Scheduled Flight on a Journey.

3. Ề Ợ Ế SÂ



g ị g ậ g ú

r g, g rè rè x ố g, ị ậ , g ậ

ô g g g r ă g ạ g e ị r ậ

ạ g g ậ ô g g, g ỉ ụ g :

a. Đ g ẳ g ụ í e ị r r g


b. Đ g r ỏ x ố g e ị r

r g

“Airport Transportation Benefit” is the benefit amount payable if the Insured sustains

Bodily Injury while riding as a passenger in, boarding, alighting from or being struck by, a

land Common Carrier Conveyance or a scheduled helicopter operated as a Common

Carrier Conveyance, but only:

a. When going directly to an airport for the purpose of boarding a Scheduled Flight on a

Journey; or

b. When leaving directly from an airport after alighting from a Scheduled Flight on a


3. AIRCRAFT RIGHTS TO THE AIRPORT shall be the payment to be paid by PVI Insurance if the

Insured Person is injured while traveling as a passenger inside, climbing or climbing, or

when struck by a public road transport or a scheduled operating helicopter operating as a

public transport, but only if:

a. Going straight to the airport for the purpose of boarding a scheduled flight on a trip; or

b. Being leaving the airport after getting off the plane from a scheduled flight on a trip.

4. ƯƠ Ậ Â g ậ

a. D ụ ạ g r ;

b. X r r g ậ ỳ g , g ạ r

ố r , q r rị ậ

ầ g ậ ó;

c. G r ổ r g ò g 180 g g x r ạ

4. BODYLY INJURY is physical injury

a. Due to a accident caused; and

b. Occurs solely and independently of any other cause, except for illness arising directly

from, or to medical or surgical treatment deemed necessary for such injury;


c. Causes damage within 180 days of the occurrence of the accident.

5. S Ố hay AIDS ó g ĩ g

í Tổ ứ T T G g : r g , ố í ,

rú , ã ầ , ứ g rú

ỳ ậ ố ó q x g g í

a. Ơ g g ô g g ạ ổ ,

r ã í , rú

b. K Ố g g ô g g ạ , g

ầ r g g í g

r g, ố ậ ó q ă g

5. ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY OR AIDS which may be described by the world's

Health organization of: Opportunistic infections, malignant tumors, HIV infection,

cerebrovascular disease schizophrenia, the devastating syndrome of the HIV virus, or any

illness or illness related to testing positive for HIV.

a. OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTION includes but is not limited to pneumonia, chronic enteritis,

viral and / or fungal infections.

b. MALIGNANT TUMORS include, but are not limited to, Kaposi's sarcoma, central nervous

system cancers and / or other malignant diseases which are considered to be direct causes

of death, illness or disability. is associated with loss of immunity.

6. ó g ĩ ụ g ô g g ã g g ô g g

ạ ạ g ó ô g

g g

6. TRAVEL BY AIRCRAFT means the use of a commercial aircraft of a commercial airline

licensed to operate legally as a passenger who has purchased a ticket (not a operator or a

crew member).

7. ƯƠ VẬ ó g ĩ g ậ

ô g g ô g g g x

ô g g ó , ó ị r ạ g g g ô g g

ạ , , , xe , xe , g ậ ô g g

ô g g g ậ

7. MEANS OF COMMON CARRIER means that public transports are legally licensed for the

regular public transport of public passengers who buy tickets and have a schedule of

activities including but not limited by aircraft, ships, ferry, train, bus, etc. Common carrier

does not include all rented vehicles.

8. Ư ó g ĩ q ố g g r q

ô g rú q í q q ố g ó


8. ORIGINAL COUNTRY means the country in which the Insured is granted citizenship or

permanent residence by the government of that country.

9. VẬ Ế K ó g ĩ :

a. T rạ g ứ g ò ỏ ậ g

ậ ứ g g g ậ ố gầ

ó ứ g rị ầ ;

b. rị ạ ị g, rạ g ứ g

ò ỏ ụ rị ụ


a. The Insured's health condition requires immediate transportation from the insured's

place of illness or injury to the nearest hospital where he or she can meet the medical

treatment required; or

b. After being treated at a local hospital, the insured's health condition requires moving to

Vietnam for further treatment or rehabilitation.

10. Ề V ó g ĩ ố í ậ r

g ậ ô g g ó ị r , g ạ í

q ị C í ổ ị r ó í

g ô g í r g T ị g ĩ

10. TOTAL EXPENSES OF TICKET means the amount of money charged for a scheduled

common carrier ticket, including all taxes or fees. Expenses incurred for changing the

schedule (if any) or similar charges will not be included in the full fare as defined.

11. V ó g ĩ r g ã , ữ g ă ó

ã í , g, g ạ g e q ị

ậ ă ó ứ rị g ố , g ậ ,

r g ị ị , ậ , ị ụ ă ó , e

ứ g

11. HOSPITAL means a hospital (except nursing homes, chronic care homes, nursing homes,

nursing homes) operating in accordance with the law on health care and medical

equipment for people with disabilities, equipped with diagnostic and surgical equipment,

medical care, and 24-hour health monitoring.

12. V ó g ĩ ậ rú ó

ă g , x ầ e ỉ ị g

g ó g ĩ g ụ r g ố g ó,

ầ g g í rị T g í

12. HOSPITALIZATION means to be admitted to a hospital as a registered inpatient, resulting

from a medical requirement and as directed by a lawful practicing doctor. One day of

hospitalization means 24 consecutive hours during which the hospital requires the

payment of the hospital bed and the cost of treatment for injury or sickness.


13. Ố , Ậ : rạ g ó

rạ g ứ ỏe g ầ rị

13. SICKNESS, DISEASE: A physical condition that is indicative of a condition other than

normal health that requires medical treatment.

14. ƯƠ ó g ĩ g í g g

T ạ g r ô g ụ g , g

g ậ g r g ò g 180 g g x r ạ

14. INJURY means the bodily injury suffered by the Insured due to an Accident and not subject

to any other causes, resulting in death or injury of the Insured Person within 180 days from

the date of the accident.

15. Ẻ/ Ẻ V S Ủ S V : L inhan Visa Platinum do

A Z g

e q ị

15. VISA PLATINUM VISA SHINHAN VN: Shinhan Visa Platinum card issued by Shinhan

Vietnam and ANZ Visa Platinum card for individual customers in accordance with Shinhan


16. Ư ƯỢ ó g ĩ í ụ; C g

ổ r x ố g í , r g

ó C ó g ĩ í ụ

Shinhan VN ó g rị, ạ ò ó ạ x r

16. THE INSURED means Shinhan Bank Visa Platinum and ANZ Visa Platinum Primary,

Family cardholders, Spouse, Children under 23 years of Primary cardholders.

In which, eligible cardholder is a Primary/ Family Cardholder of a valid, unexpired at the

time of loss.

17. ó g ĩ í x ỉ g ụ g

r g ị è ị g í x

ỳ í ị ầ ạ r ố ị g ĩ

17. LAPTOP COMPUTER means a laptop that includes parts or accessories such as standard

accessories that come with the laptop. Any computer or handheld device is excluded from

this definition.

18. Â ó g ĩ ứ ă g ạ g

r ổ r r r

ỏ ĩ

18. LOSS OF HANDS OR LEGS means the complete destruction of function or loss of one

hand from or on the wrist upwards or one leg from or on the ankle and above due to

complete and permanent removal.

19. ó g ĩ ĩ ô g ụ ă g g e


í g ạ ầ ố 00 er

í g ạ ầ ố 1000 er

í g ạ ầ ố 000 er

D í g ạ ầ ố 000 er

1 80

19. HEARING LOSS means permanent and irreversible loss of hearing.

If a dB = hearing loss at 500 Hertz

If b dB = hearing loss at 1000 Hertz

If c dB = hearing loss at 2000 Hertz frequency

If DB = hearing loss at 4000 Hertz

1/3 of (a + 2b + 2c + d) is greater than 80 Db

20. ó g ĩ , ĩ ô g ụ ị g

20. BLINDNESS means total loss, permanence, and irreversible vision loss.

21. K ó g ĩ ă g r r g ỳ r g ố

ạ ó : ô , ră g ô , gạ ò

, q ổ g r g gô gữ ã

rạ g ă g gô gữ

21. LOSS OF SPEECH means the loss of the ability to clearly pronounce any of three of the

four sounds that make up the following speech: lips, tones and lips, dull sounds and soft or

dull sounds, larynx or lumbar puncture in the brain and lead to linguistic disability.

22. V V ó g ĩ 1 g g ị ụ g x r

T ạ ạ ạ 1 g ó ô g ó g

rạ g ứ g

22. PERMANENTLY means a continuous period of twelve (12) calendar months from the date

of the Accident and at the end of the twelve (12) month period there is no hope of

improving the health status of the Insured.

23. Ợ ó g ĩ H ng b o hi m Du lịch Quốc T cho ch th

Visa Platinum c a Shinhan VN số C55/DLCN/20/08/19 ngày 14/05/2019 ký k t giữa

Shinhan VN và PVI và toàn b các phụ lục, s ổi, bổ sung (n u có) và các tài li u kèm

theo H ng.

23. INSURANCE CONTRACT means the Global Travel Insurance for Visa Platinum card

holders of Shinhan VN No. C55/DLCN/20/08/19 dated 14/05/2019 Signed between

Shinhan VN and PVI Insurance and all appendices. , endorsement (if any) and documents

attached to the contract.


24. Ủ Ợ ó g ĩ g g T T

(Shinhan VN)

24. CONTRACT HOLDER means Shinhan Bank Vietnam Limited (Shinhan VN)


25. Ợ ó g ĩ ó C g

g r g g ầ g .

25. INSURANCE CONTRACT means the summary issued to the contract holder is included in

the contract and is part of the contract.

26. Ẻ

Đ ụ g g r , g

Shinhan VN r g r g :

- T g ậ ô g g ó ị r

ụ r e ị r ó g , C /

g r ú g g ậ

ô g g ã g ;

- T í 80 í r gó ị r ầ

ó g , r g ậ

ô g g ó ị r ụ r g ó

C í r gó ó g ĩ g r gó

g ô g ị ô g,

g ố ị r í

e ị r ó r

ị r g r g ó

- Tr g r ng h p n u Ch th không s dụng Th í q ị

r , g ụ g T í g

r g ố ố 11 000 000 VND r g ,

C ố ố 11 000 000 D, r

g ậ ô g g ó ị r ụ r g ó


In order to apply the insurance, cardholders must use Visa Platinum card of Shinhan VN

to pay for one of the following cases:

- Paying for total fare cost of a common carrier with a specific schedule before departure

according to that schedule for the Insured, the Cardholder/ Insured will be insured when

traveling on the correct means of common carrier that cardholder pays by Visa

platinum card; or

Pay for at least 80% of the total cost of the journey/ tour before commencing that

journey for the Insured, traveling by all common carrier (with specific schedules) within

the length of the journey will be insured.

- Journey package cost means the full package price of the journey purchased by the

Insured from a travel agent or otherwise, it shall include at least the full fare of the

Schedule of the journey and all accommodation costs for the journey (all travel/

accommodation schedules included in the journey).

- In the event that the Cardholder does not use the Card to cover the above expenses, but

use the Card to pay overseas expenses during the trip with the minimum amount of

VND 11,000,000. (In words: eleven million VND) at the exchange rate of Shinhan

Vietnam at the time of payment, from the moment the cardholder pays the minimum


amount of 11,000,000 VND, travelling by all common carrier (with specific schedule)

during the journey will be covered.

27. Ề K Ế Ư ó g ĩ

Đố g e C , ỳ rạ g ứ ó

g rị , ,

ố r g ò g 1 g r g g ; ó

g ầ rị ĩ g

r g ò g 1 g r g g

Đố g g ă , rạ g ứ ă ứ ó g

ã ầ g r g r ó ó g

rị r g ò g 1 g r g

ạ r


For travel insurance policies, any health condition for which the insured is medically

treated, diagnosed, examined or prescribed within the 12 months preceding the date of

effect of insurance contract; or for which the Insured needs medical advice or medical

treatment by a a lawful practicing doctor within 12 months prior to the effective date of

the contract.

For annual insurance contract, the health condition on which the Insured has claimed on a

previous journey or for which the Insured Person is treated or diagnosed within Twelve

months prior to the Insured Person's departure will be considered a pre-existing medical


28. Ơ ó g ĩ ỳ ô g ú g ó r ẳ g ạ

g ô g g ạ , g, g, ạ , ã ,

g , g , ô g ữ g g .

28. PUBLIC PLACES means any place where the public may enter and leave such as (but not

limited to) airports, shops, restaurants, hotel halls, beaches, golf courses, race tracks, offices,

etc. and similar places.

29. S Ề Ợ ó g ĩ ĩ ó , ã ă g

g e q ị ậ , g ạ g

g g ĩ ạ ĩ g

r ữ ô g g , g g

, g ă g g g r g

C , g ó q g g

29. LEGALY PRACTICING DOCTOR A doctor who is qualified, registered and licensed to

practice in accordance with the prevailing laws, and operates in accordance with the

content of the license and field be trained. Doctors who are physically or mentally able to

receive medical treatment may not be the Insured, the Insured's wife or husband, or the

Insured Person accompanying the Insured Person during the journey, or the relative person

with the insured.

30. Ư ó g ĩ , g, , , ,

g, ô g g ạ , ô g g ạ g; ụ g ạ , ụ g ạ


g, g ạ , ị e r , ị e r , r g

, ị, e ô ú

30. RELATED PARTIES means spouses, children, natural parents, spouse's parents,

grandparents, spouse's grandparents; grandparents, nieces / nephews, nieces / nephews,

grandchildren, nieces / nephews, nieces or nephews.

31. ƯƠ Ố ụ g

ố g ò ỏ rị ĩ g

ậ , g ĩ g x ị ô g ứ

ị ụ ầ ụ g ố g

ó g ĩ T g í ĩ g x ị

g í ạ g ậ , g g ạ

31. SEVERE ILLNESS OR SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS, when applied to the Insured, requires the

treatment of a lawful practitioner and therefore, the Insured is physically Is not healthy

enough to travel or continue the original journey. When applied to a relative, it means that

an injury or sickness is determined to be life threatening by a lawful practitioner and that

the Insured must interrupt or cancel the original journey.

32. Ố ó g ĩ ỳ ổ ó ậ ố rạ g ứ

g , ầ r g g

g r g ố ạ r g ó, g ầ

ă ó ĩ g ạ g r g ạ g

rị ạ ô g

ạ r ô g ị ạ r g

32. SICKNESS means any change that may be noticeable to the Insured's health status,

commencing or manifesting during the Insured's overseas during the duration of the

journey. The Insured needs the medical care of a doctor within the scope of his or her

license to treat an illness that leads to a complaint provided that sickness is not a condition

pre-exist and is not excluded by the Policy.

33. K Ủ Ố ó g ĩ ỳ g :

i. Đ ụ í í rị, ô g , g, ụ í

g g g ạ ụ g

g g í ạ g g ữ ,

ii. Đ ỳ g ó g , ạ

g ạ ó ỳ ổ ứ , g

ô g g í ố ô g í ứ ,

iii. T ị :

a. ă ạ g g g ,

b. ỳ ĩ ỳ í , g

q ố g ,


c. Lậ ổ, g, g g g í

í ô g í ứ g ă ạ ,

d. T g g í g ạ g ạ ,

, ó

33. TERRORISM means any action:

i. Taken for political, religious, ideological, or similar purposes, and includes acts of

violence or the use of unlawful violence or an unlawful act that is dangerous to

human life or tangible property, and

ii. To be performed by any person or group of persons, whether acting individually or

on behalf of or associated with any organization, but excluding the supreme

government (legal or non-official), and

iii. Made with intention:

a. Threatening or coercing civilians, or

b. Break any area of the economy of any government, state or nation, either

c. Subversion, influence, influence the action of a government whether legal or

informal government by intimidation or coercion, or

d. Influence the actions of a government by mass destruction, assassination,

hostage taking.

34. ƯƠ Ậ ó g ĩ T g í ĩ g

ô g g ạ g , g g ạ g ô g

g ô g ó g g

34. TOTAL DISABILITY means permanent Injury which leaves the Insured unable to engage

in business, occupation or other normal activities without a business or occupation.

35. Ế ó g ĩ r g

q r g r g

ạ g ứ r g ậ

ô g g r g C , e q ị

g r Đ C í ầ g

35. JOURNEY means the journey undertaken by the Insured departing from the departure

point to the destination and returning to the departure point with the departure date

within the term of the contracy. Any travel on any common carier during the journey will

be insured, subject to the terms of card payment above. The length of the journey will be

calculated starting from the departure date at the departure point.

36. ó g ĩ ó ậ g g, ạ , ạ r g

ứ g ạ q , ô g ú, g , q

36. PERSONAL ITEMS OF VALUE means items made of gold, silver, precious metals, fur,

watches, gems.


– V


ạ ụ g g C

, g r g g r g ậ

c ô g g, e g g

q ị r

The coverage is applicable when the Insured commits a journey from the departure point. The

Insured will be insured during the period of journey on the common carrier, subject to the payment

card terms and the length of the journey as specified above.

Ề Ợ – V V ƯƠ Ậ


g ị T ạ g ô g ô g g g ậ g

r g ò g 180 g g x r ạ , PVI g r g g ạ r

C g r e g q :

If the Insured get the traffic accident resulting in an injury or death within 180 days of the

occurrence of the accident, PVI Insurance will indemnify the Insured under the Insurance policy

and follow the interests table below:

Maximum interest

g ổ

The Insured under 65 years old VND

g r

The Insured aged 65 and older VND

1. T g/ Death 100%

2. T g ậ ĩ Permanent total disability 100%

3. L ĩ ô g ụ ứ Total paralysis of Limbs 100%

4. ĩ ị

Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes 100%

5. ĩ ă g ụ g

Loss of two Limbs or total and irrecoverable loss of the use of two Limbs 100%

6. ĩ ă g ó g e /

Total and irrecoverable loss of speech and hearing 100%

7. ĩ ă g ó

Total and irrecoverable loss of speech 50%

8. ĩ í g / Total and irrecoverable loss of hearing:

a. Hai tai/ Both ears 75%

b. One ear 15%

9. ĩ ị g 1

Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye 55%

10. ĩ ă g ụ g 1 chi/


Loss of one Limb or total and irrecoverable loss of the use of one Limb. 50%

ức ớ ạ rác m c mỗ ì : VND ố

g ẵ

Aggregate limit per family limit per: VND (Twenty-one billion VND)

ớ ạ rác m ộp c mộ ạ : VND ( ră ă g

Aggregate limit per incident: VND (One hundred and five billion VND)

C ụ g ố q g :

The conditions applicable to this interest include:

1. Tr g r g ổ r g g q ậ q

ạ , ỉ r g ữ g q

ạ g q ó r

1. In the event that more than one loss is included in the interst table as a result of an accident,

only the maximum amount of the related sums stated in such interest will be paid.

2. ó g r g

x ầ ạ í ậ ã í

Visa Platinum Shinhan VN, í e x r ụ ó

g q r g x

, í e x r r

2. These interests come into effect when the insured person leaves his / her place of residence or

workplace frequently to commence his / her travel or at the time the transportation costs are

included in the Visa Platinum card of Shinhan VN, any claim that occurs after and continues to

be effective until the Insured returns to his or her permanent place of residence or place of

work, whichever occurs first.

3. g m:

a. ;


3. These interests include:

a. Airport transportation benefit;

b. Airport premises benefit.

Ề Ợ – Ế Ì Ã


Tr g r g ỳ g ậ g

ị r ã r g ạ x , ã ô g, g

g ô g, ó ậ g ậ

ỏ r ã ó r ỏ g

g g ố :

In the event that the Insured's flight or any means of transportation is delayed during the period of

insurance due to bad weather conditions, strikes, robberies, mechanical or mechanical failures


flight or other means of transportation and the cancellation or delay is completely beyond the

control of the Insured, PVI Insurance will indemnify the Insured with the sum insured as follows:

- Chi tr 2.100.000 VND cho m i 4 gi bị r ã c tính t lúc b ầu chuy e

lị r n khi chuy c s b ầu lại, ho c cho t i lúc kh i hành trên m t

g n giao thông thay th do hãng vận chuy n thu x p và tố 10 00 000 Đ,

- Payment 2,100,000 for 04 (four) continuous hours or more delayed, or in case of travel

expenses incurred by means of common carrier as a direct consequence of the delay of the

journey but only if the Insured must change the route due to canceled hold ticket

previously and Maxium 10,500,000 VND, or

- Tố 10 00 000 VND r g r g í ạ g g

g ô g ô g g ậ q r r ã g ỉ

g ỏ ị ỏ x ậ g ữ


- Maximum 10,500,000 VND in case of travel expenses incurred by means of common

carrier as a direct consequence of the delay of the journey but only if the Insured must

change the route due to canceled hold ticket previously.


Subject to:

1. T g ị r ã 0 ố g ụ , ú ầ

e ị r ầ ạ , ú

r g g ô g ã g ậ x / Time delayed

for more than 04 (four) continuous hours, from the start of the scheduled journey to the

actual departure of the journey, or until departure on one replacement of transportation by


2. r ã ô g g q ô g x ậ ạ

r ụ r ú g q ị ./ The delay does

not arise from the fault of the Insured forgot to confirm the reservation or pre-departure

procedures as prescribed.

3. r ã x ậ r x r ã ô g g ạ

g ã g ậ / booking ticket in advance is confirmed before the strike

affects the operation of the carrier.

4. G x ậ ã g ậ g è e ạ

ạ e ầ r g ó g r g , g ,

g ị r ã , ị r ã / Confirmation of the Carrier must be

attached to the complaint when it complies with this Interest Section of the contract,

stating the reason, date, time delay, or baggage delayed.

5. ô g g ạ ô g ã ô g ã x r ạ

g , ị g ầ

ỳ q í / No compensation for claims arising out of strikes or strikes

occurred at the time of signing of the contract or arising from the confiscation or

imprisonment of any governmental entity.


Ề Ợ 3 – Ậ Ý Ậ


ố ố 1 000.000 VND g

ậ ụ g q ầ g

Shinhan VN ạ ị ạ í 0 g g

í g ậ r , ầ ô g g ố

g ố ầ ậ ậ ô g q g ạ q ị

g r PVI Insurance will pay up to 12,000,000 VND for each insured to buy

essential personal items or clothes with Visa Platinum card of Shinhan VN when their luggage is

temporarily at least six hours have passed since they arrived in the destination due to delays,

misdirected or non-delivery of luggage. The maximum compensation for the "Baggage delayed"

section does not exceed the limit set for insurance policy.


Subject to:

1. r ã x ậ g ă ã g g ô g r

g ố , g ó ă ô g ị x

g /The delay must be confirmed in writing by the airline on the basis of

"Report of baggage delayed" or documents sent by the travel company.

2. r ã ô g ậ q g ữ ị ị q

q q q í Delay is not the result of arrest or

confiscation by the customs or other governmental authority.

3. g ứ g g g gố ó

g r g ó g g./The insured must prove by

document (including original legal purchase invoice) that details the purchase.

4. ứ g ã r x /The

insurance shall terminate when the Insured return to the departure point.

Ề Ợ – Ý Â


Tr g g ạ r C g r , PVI g

g ỏ g x r ạ g

g ã e e ã ; g ữ g r r ã ,

g r g ầ g ạ

r g C g q ầ r g g

r g x e , r g ữ g ậ ứ T ậ

ữ g ứ ô g , g

g ữ / Under the coverage of the contract, PVI Insurance will indemnify the Insured for loss or

damage to personal baggage occurring abroad that the Insured has brought or has purchased,

including natural disaster risks (such as storms, earthquakes, etc.) beyond the Insured's control at

the destination as envisaged in the journey. Personal baggage includes clothes and belongings

worn by the Insured or carried, stored in suitcases or other containers. All items must be owned by

the Insured, not rented, borrowed or kept.


Tr g r g ỳ g r g ố g

ứ g ô g ữ , ạ g e g

x r g r g ậ ị / In the event that any belongings in the

Insured's personal baggage are proved to be economically impossible to repair, the superficial

complaint under the contracy will be treated as in the case of loss of baggage.

PVI ô g ị r q 1 000.000 VND ố ỳ ậ ó

ậ ậ G ạ g ố ố í x

(21.000.000 VND ỉ g í x g

g r g r g ; PVI ô g ị r

quá (42.000.000 VND g PVI Insurance will not be held liable for any item or group of

objects or objects (12.000.000 VND). The maximum compensation for a laptop is (21,000,000

VND) and only one laptop is paid per insured per policy in case of replacement and PVI Insurance

will not be held responsible over (42,000,000 VND) per person.

PVI ó g g ô ụ , ữ ữ ã r

í ò nhiên./ PVI Insurance can compensate by paying or

recovering, repairing after deducting depreciation and depreciation expenses.

C í ô g ụ g ố g r g g í

01 ă g x r ạ g ó x r g

ứ g ẳ g ạ ó gố gố ầ g /The

depreciation charge will not be applied to electronics purchased in less than 01 (one) year from the

date of the accident if the insured can produce evidence (such as original invoice or original

warranty card) when request a claim.

ạ g ị ị ỏ g r ã r g

g g ữ ã g g ô g ạ ã g g ô g r

ỳ ố g r ố g

ậ ã g g ô g g / Complaints due to loss of

baggage or baggage damaged or delayed while being held by the airline must be appealed to the

airline first. Any amount paid by this contract will be deducted by the Insured received from the

airline for the same event.

r q ô g ó q ẳ g ạ

ạ ã g g ô g ị r ạ x r ổ r g ò g g

x r ố ỳ ầ g g è x ậ g ă

ữ g q ó r ó ứ g ứ g g rị ậ ị

ậ ô g ó g ứ g g rị PVI xem

x q ị , ố ố ó g ậ 00 000

VND)./ The loss must be reported to the police or a competent police authority such as the hotel

and the airline responsible for the loss occurring within 24 hours of the occurrence of the accident.

Any claim must be accompanied by a written endorsement by the said agency and the voucher

proving the value of the lost item. Compensation for undocumented items will be considered and

decided by PVI Insurance, the maximum amount of compensation for all items is (4,200,000 VND).

g ụ g ầ r g

r g :


Insured must take all necessary measures to ensure that their luggage or belongings:

1. ô g ị ỏ g ạ ô g g/ not be left unattended / uncontrolled

in a public place

2. ô ứ g / always be protected with high alertness.

ậ ậ í ụ 1 ô g ầ , 1

q g ố g í ị è e / A pair or item will be

considered as an item (eg 1 (one) pair of shoes, 1 (one) camera and standard lenses and


PVI ô g ạ :

PVI Insurance does not cover the following property damage:

1. ữ g ạ ô g ạ : g ậ , xe g

g r g ị è , xe ô ô, , g , g ậ

, g r , q , ữ g ỏ g, ữ g ó ă ,

ổ, g ậ , r , ậ , í g

í x e g , ầ r g ị è , r í x

q ị r , , r g ứ , q , g , í rò g,

ứ g , , ạ ụ, ầ ră g, ră g g ./ The following types of property

will not be covered: animals, motor vehicles (including associated equipment), motorcycles,

boats, engines, other means of transport, ski boots, fruit, perishables, edible items, antiques,

works of art, paintings, fine art products, computers (including laptops; soft and

accompanying equipment, except notebooks as defined above), manuscripts, jewelery,

gems, watches, contact lenses, securities, souvenirs, musical instruments, bridges teeth,


2. T ị ỏ g ò , ầ ầ g, ậ

, , ỏ g ố ó g r q r x r g

q r ụ g./ Property lost or damaged due to natural wear and tear,

gradual deterioration, mites, insects, defects or damage caused by the process or during

the operation/use.

3. ỏ g ố r g ị , ạ r

ti g g r ổ ạ , ạ ạ , ạ g, , g

í q g ạ , ữ g g í

gă , ố g ạ r ữ g ó r , g ữ

ậ e q ị ị q ; ị e í

q ô g q , g g g , ậ r Loss or

damage to leased or leased equipment, loss or damage, directly or indirectly caused by

acts of rebellion, riot, revolution, civil war, seizure of authority forces, or other actions taken

by the government to prevent, protect or defend against such events, seizure or destruction

of articles pursuant to quarantine or customs regulations; confiscated by order of the

government or public authorities, the risk of counterfeiting or illegal trade.

4. ạ ố ã e ỳ g

ã ã g ậ , ạ hoàn./ Loss or

damage to property insured under any other insurance contract or reimbursed by the

carrier, hotel or other party.


5. ạ ố g ã g r ,

g q ậ r g / Loss or damage to the Insured Person's

baggage has been pre-sent, mailed or shipped separately.

6. ạ ố g ô g g

rô g g / Loss or damage to the Insured Person's luggage in a public

place and lack of care/supervision.

7. D g g ò g ó / Due

to insufficient care or protection to protect the property.

8. ạ ố g ó , g ỳ r g ị

ụ ụ ụ í / Loss or damage to business goods, samples

or any other equipment for business purposes.

9. ạ ố ữ rữ r g ă g , , ĩ CD

g ạ ./ Loss or damage to data stored in magnetic tapes, memory cards, CDs or

vice versa.

10. ạ , g , r , g

g, e , ữ g ă ó ổ , ă , , ác

ạ ứ g , í ụ g í ụ g, ứ g , g

xe, g g / Loss or damage in cash, bank notes, bonds, coupons,

stamps, convertible documents, documents, manuscripts, securities Credit card or credit

card replacement, identity card, driver's license, travel papers.

11. í ô g g í / The missing can not explain the reason.

12. Tổ ạ x r ứ ố ậ gã / Loss

or damage or disruption or breakage of fragile or fragile articles.

13. í x , ạ g ã ụ g í g / Used laptops, mobile

phones, are checked baggage.

Ề Ợ – Ợ Ú /7


Dị ụ r g ú ầ g :

PVI Global Assist Support Services include:

1. T ỉ ị ụ ;/ Medical advice / instruction;

2. T , g í q ;/ Advice on insurance, explaining interests;

3. Tr g ú ô g n./ support information.

V – Ề K



, G T G C T C L C A Đ G


T T G Đ A Đ :





1. ạ ạ , ô g, r , g g ạ g, , x

, g ố, ạ g, ổ ạ , ụ g ứ ạ q q C

r r ó ố ô g ố, ạ g g

, g q ố g ó q ụ g ứ ạ q ạ

ụ í , ị , í rị, g , ô g ữ g ụ í ;

1. Risks, strikes, wars, acts of foreign enemies, civil war, aggression, terrorism,revolution,

rebellion, use of military power to seize power. War is defined as declared war or non-

declaration of war, including the use of a sovereign state to use military power to achieve

economic, geographical and political purposes. , race, religion or other purposes;

2. ỳ T g í , ậ r g g r ,

, ă g :

ụ g, ó g í , rò rỉ g ạ r ạ g

ứ g ạ , ó g xạ ó g xạ;

, g e r ạ ó , ó ứ ố ứ

g ;

ó g í ạ ó , ó ứ ố ứ g

2. Any Injury, Sickness or Illness, directly or indirectly caused by, is attributable to, or increased


The use, release or leakage of direct or indirect nuclear materials resulting in nuclear,

radioactive or radioactive contamination; or

Dispersing, spreading of chemicals or biological preparations containing toxins or

containing pathogens; or

Release of chemicals or biological preparations containing toxins or contaminants

3. ố r ậ g , ị q q

ứ r ị , g ữ g ô g

ạ q ị C í r g ụ g

ò g ầ r ạ g e g , í

g ô g ạ ú g ã ó g ổ r ã

ô g, ạ ạ , ổ ạ ;

3. The unlawful acts of the Insured, property confiscated, seized or destroyed by customs or

authorities. The Insured's failure to comply or violate the provisions of the Government in

the application of necessary precautions to avoid claims under the Policy after the press or

the media the public has warned of the risk of strikes, riots, rebellions;

4. gă q ị ạ í ;

4. Prohibited acts or restrictions of the government;

5. g ô g ụ g ầ

r T g í g ỳ ạ e g



5. The Insured fails to take the necessary measures to protect his / her property or to avoid

injury or minimize any claims under the Policy;

6. g r g g r g , g

ữ g ạ g g r g ó g ó

ậ , q gó , r , ầ g ạ g ứ g

ậ , ạ g g ô g ô g r g

ó r ạ ỳ g ạ g ậ

pháp khác);

6. Sitting on a vehicle or driving a vehicle during races, engaging in professional sports

activities in which the Insured may receive remuneration, donations, grants, awards or

other types of certificates, air travel (excluding travel by airplane paid at any commercial

aircraft or other legal means of transportation);

7. g , ỳ g í ố ó q

g ;

7. Pregnancy, childbirth and any injury or illness related to pregnancy or childbirth;

8. T ó ị , ố g g í r g rí ỉ

, g ụ g ạ ố ô g e ỉ ĩ;

8. Suicide or attempted suicide, intentionally injuring yourself while insane or awake,

poisoning or using drugs or drugs not directed by a doctor;

9. ỳ ạ r g ;

9. Any medical condition that exists prior to participating in the insurance;

10. C q g ụ , A D , ó q


10. Sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, HIV infection and other Aids-related diseases;

11. ố ạ ầ , ầ g , g g ô g g ạ

m rí;

11. Mental or nervous system disorders or insomnia, including but not limited to dementia;

12. g ụ ụ r g q , ụ q ô g q ,

ạ g g g ạ g ậ , thuê hay

ô g g ô g r g g ầ ỏ, ụ

r ô g x ạ ổ, í, ạ ;

12. The Insured serving in the navy, army or air force, carrying out activities or participating in

testing of vehicles, hired or assigned to manual labor while outside offshore or mining,

aerial photography or the handling of explosives, weapons, ammunition;

13. í í ;

13. The mysterious disappearance;


14. g ô g ứ ỏe ị ạ ị ạ r

g ;

14. When the Insured is not healthy enough to travel contrary to the advice of a doctor;

15. ụ í ữ ă ó ;

15. When the purpose of the journey is for medical treatment or care;

16. ứ ổ , g í , ạ r x r

g ạ r g, q A g , C g ò

C g , Tr Tiên, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Yemen.;

16. Any loss, injury, damage or liability arising directly or indirectly from traveling within,

going to or traveling through Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, North

Korea, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Yemen .; and

17. ứ ổ , g í , ạ r g x r r

g g g :

(i) g g g ố;

(ii) T ổ ứ g ố;

(iii) g ô ú ;

(iv) g g í ạ , ó ;

17. Any loss, injury, damage or liability that occurs directly or indirectly by the Insured if the

Insured is:

(i) Persons participating in Terrorism;

(ii) Member of a terrorist organization;

(iii) Drug traffickers;

(iv) Nuclear, chemical or biological weapon supplier;

18. Đ u kho n loại tr các ch ă g

18. Exclusion Clause of Asbestos.

19. Đ u kho n loại tr trách nhi m v r i ro công ngh thông tin

19. Exclusion clause of liability for information technology risks

20. Đ u kho n loại tr s cố b t ngu n t mạng máy tính

20. Exclusion clause originates from a computer network

21. Đ u kho n loại tr nhi m phóng xạ, í c, sinh h c, sinh hóa h n t

21. Exclusion clause of radioactive contamination, chemical, biological, bio-chemical and

electromagnetic weapons

22. Đ u kho n loại tr các r i ro v chính trị

22. Exclusion clause of political risks

23. Đ u kho n loại tr và hạn ch do l nh tr ng phạt


23. Exclusion clause and restriction imposed by sanctions

V – , ƯƠ


í g ứ í q ị r g g

Premium and premium payment method are specified in the insurance contract.

V – V ƯƠ




T ạ g 01 ă q ị ạ

g m.

T ạ ầ g C ầ r g

ạ g g r r g g

ó C ú e q ị

The period of Policy is one (01) year as stipulated in the insurance contract.

The insurance period for each journey starts on the date the Journey begins within the

insurance term of the Policy (as specified in the Policy Contract) and will remain in effect

until the journey end (subject to the length of the journey).

2. V Ư


Tr g g ó r g r g , r g ò g 0 g

g x r ố ó ạ , C g ô g

cho PVI g ă T ô g g

ạ ã ô g PVI ó

ô g x ị g T ạ rữ ạ ă

g x r

As soon as possible, and in any event, within 30 days of the occurrence of the accident,

which may result in a claim, the Policy holder must notify the PVI Insurance in writing of

the insurance event. The notice of the Insured or their representative will be deemed to

have been notified to the PVI Insurance if there is sufficient information to determine the

Insured. The time limit for filing a complaint is one year from the date of the insurance




ậ ô g ạ , PVI g g

ữ g g ầ g ứ g x r ổ


g ầ g ầ g ạ o

PVI r g ò g 1 g ậ g ầ ó

PVI Đ g , ạ g ầ g ỉ r g ò g 1 g ,

g è e ữ g g ứ g g ă q

, ữ g ố g ứ ổ PVI

ầ g ứ e ầ PVI, g

PVI ỳ ứ g ầ ứ g

ạ r g ạ 0 g ậ ầ ó

Upon receipt of the notice of complaint, the PVI Insurance will provide the Insured with a

claim form to prove the loss. The Insured must complete the claim form and return it to the

PVI Insurance within 15 days of receipt of the request from the PVI Insurance. Also, when

returning the completed claim within 15 days, the Insured must submit with written

evidence regarding the insured event, the circumstances and the extent of the loss that PVI

Insurance are entitled to compensation. At any time and at the request of the PVI

Insurance, the Insured must submit to the PVI Insurance any necessary documents to prove

the insurance claim within 60 days of receipt of the request.

4. K T S K Ẻ V Ề Ế


g í , g g PVI

ạ g ứ g ậ , ô g g ứ g e ầ PVI,

ầ , g x r

ứ ĩ g g ỏ

ậ Tr g r g g g, r ậ ó q ị

, PVI ó q g g í

PVI ô g r g,

r ỉ ị Tr g r g ô g ố g g ữ ĩ

PVI ĩ g g ,

ĩ a PVI ô g ậ ó g rị r g ố g

g , ỳ g r g

At its own expense, the Insured shall provide the PVI Insurance with all types of certificates,

information and evidence upon request of the PVI Insurance, and upon reasonable request,

the Insured shall arrange for accessing health chekup by a doctor to practice medicine with

legal stading appointed by PVI Insurance and Insured. In case the insured dies, unless there

is rgulations provided for by law. The PVI Insurance has the right to conduct forensic

examinations at its own expense and the PVI Insurance must be notified before shrouding

or cremating, in the name and place of the designated investigation. In the event of

disagreement between the PVI Insurance's doctors and Insured’s doctor, the opinion of the

PVI Insurance's doctor shall be recognized and binding force on the Insured or their heirs,

as beforehand in selected cases.

5. Ề



T g g ụ g r g ò g 1 g

g ậ ầ ầ g ạ

After receiving a complete and valid dossier (complaints required to be provided in Section

VIII of this Wording), if PVI agrees to pay for the damage, PVI Insurance will pay the

Insured within 15 days after PVI Insurance receive a complete, valid dossier and within the


V – Ề K


1. Ủ Ề K :


Tạ g ó , g ó

ứ ạ ô g ậ ỳ ố g ó

ỏ g ạ C , ô g, ỳ ầ g

ô g

At the time this Policy takes effect, the Insured must meet all health requirements for travel

and not be aware of any circumstances that may result in the cancellation or interruption

of the Journey, Otherwise, any claim will not be paid.

2. :


Tr g r g g e g

ị r , r e g r

trong kinh doanh, do PVI g C , PVI xe

g ó g e ỉ g ó ứ q

In the event that the Insured is insured under more than one travel insurance policy, unless

insured under a business travel assistance policy issued by the PVI Insurance for the same

Journey, The PVI Insurance will see that person as the Insured under only one policy with

the highest insurance coverage.

3. Ơ V Ề :


í r g g


The payment of insurance premiums or compensation payments will be made in VND.

4. :


Tr g ỳ ạ , ổ g x ị

g x r T g í í g g ó


In any claim, the Insured's age will be determined based on the date of the Injury or

Sickness incident from the date of his or her birth.

5. SỰ Ế Ú V K Ậ , Ế V SỰ :


T ạ r g ạ g , g

xú ố ậ , ậ , g g

g ó g ó

e g

g ô g r g ò g g

g ị í , ị , ị ỏ g g ậ

g r ó ạ x r T g í ố g

ậ , g ị g ị

T g í T ạ e g

ị í r .

If the Accident is remained off the scope of this Policy, the Insured is exposed to the

elements of weather and climate, and therefore, the Insured is exposed to the event that

the Insured may is paid the indemnity, the event will be insured under the terms of this


If the Insured's body is not found within 365 days after the date of the missing, sinking, or

damaged aircraft or other means of transportation that the Insured travels on them at the

time of occurrence Such injury and circumstance is covered, the Insured shall be deemed to

have died as a result of an Accident covered by this Policy at the time of the loss.

6. Â Ủ Ủ Ợ :


ô g ỳ q ị g

ầ g e g r ô

Failure to comply with any provision of the Policy will void the entire claim under the


7. Ủ Ế :


Tr g r g , C ô g q 0 g

ụ í g i hành g r m kh i hành.

In any case, the length of a Journey will not exceed 90 consecutive days from the date of

departure from the point of departure to the date of return to the point of departure.

8. Ế :


a. Đ g ỉ g í e ậ

b. ỳ r q Đ g g q ầ

q ứ : 1 g g, ò g r ầ í;

ô g g g r g ò g 0 g g


g ô g r x r , r g ó q

tra ó r g q ạ Tò ó q ạ T C í . The loser

must pay arbitration charges.

a. This Contract is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Vietnam.

b. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be resolved in the following

manner: (1) negotiation, conciliation in good faith; (2) if it is unable to negotiate within

thirty (30) days of the date on which one Party notifies the other Party of the dispute,

one of the Parties shall have the right to refer such dispute to the competent Court in

Ho Chi Minh City. The charge shall be paid by the losing party.

9. Ư Ậ Ề Ư :


g g g

g g

The indemnity for death of the Insured shall be paid to the Insured's heirs.

10. Ế Ề :


g g r g g

r g ậ ô g g, e

g g ã q ị r ầ

r g q ị r

This insurance also covers one-way journeys while the Insured travels on a Common

carrieration, subject to the principle of payment card above and the first point of departure

is from Vietnam and the length of the journey is stipulated above.

11. Ề :


Tr g r g PVI ạ ó q q

ầ ạ ô g

ạ g , PVI ạ ó q

q ầ g ố PVI

ạ ó q ã r g ã

ậ rị

In the event that the PVI Insurance or its authorized representative is authorized to pay or

make a payment for request of a medical claims not covered by the Policy, the PVI

Insurance or the Authorized representative to demand the Insured's claim to pay all

amounts paid by the PVI Insurance or the authorized representative to a health center that

the Insured has been admitted for treatment.

12. Ợ :



g , ổ ổ g, , ,

è e ố g ă ạ g ỳ

gô ạ ó g ĩ ụ g ạ ứ ầ

g ó g ĩ ụ ậ ỳ Tr g r g ó

, , q ị g è e

ó g rị ỳ ố g ầ ô g è e

g ô g ạ

ụ g ó ố ụ g q g ô g ó

ạ ó q ổ g r ỳ q ị

g ô g ó ỳ ổ ố g ó

r ạ ó q ậ

ậ ổ g

The insurance policy, the amendments, the insurance rules, the declaration, the enclosed

documents and written statements will form the insurance policy. Any words or expressions

that have a specific meaning as interpreted in any part of this Policy shall have the same

meaning in any other place. In the event of a conflict, the terms, conditions and provisions

of the attached Policy shall prevail. Any claim by the claimant not covered by the Policy

will not invalidate the coverage or be used as a document when there is a legal proceeding

relating to the Policy. . No agent has the right to change the Policy or waive any of the

provisions of the Policy. No changes to the Policy will be effective unless approved by an

authorized representative of the PVI Insurance and the approval is amended later.

13. K Ợ :


í g ô g e ậ q

ị ạ g , ó ậ í

g g ĩ ô ụ g , , ạ ỉ

ụ g ố ữ g g í ố x r ó

If the premiums of the Policy are not paid in accordance with the terms of the Policy, then

the PVI Insurance will receive a premium which will mean the restoration of the Policy, The

coverage will only apply to subsequent injuries or illnesses.

14. Ợ :


g ó ụ ậ PVI

è e í r PVI e ứ í

ó ạ ụ

The policy can be renewed with the approval of the PVI Insurance with the terms attached

to pre-paid premiums to the PVI Insurance according to the premiums in force at the time

of renewal.

15. Ã :


g ô g ị ã

The compensation of PVI Insurance will not be interest.


16. Ậ Ề :


g g í ỉ e ậ

This policy is interpreted and regulated in accordance with Vietnamese law.

V – Ì K Ế V Ợ



Tr g r g g , g ó g g ó g


(84-28)38 275 328

er ỳ , ứ r g r

g ầ r ố g ố g ứ g ậ

g ạ ậ ố r g ú


In case of the overseas emergency, the Insured may call the hotline 24/7:

(84-28) 38 275 328

Of the International SOS at any time, anywhere in the world for assistance. The insured should

explicitly state the policy number or phone number when making a phone call to facilitate the

coordination of the assistance.



Tr g r g ầ g, g ầ ó g ầ

g q e , x ò g xe

g ỉ g ầ g, í è ứ g

ầ ă ò g gầ ị ỉ

Ngay sau kh x r ố ầ g, r g ò g 0 g , ô g g

ă g :


rụ sở : S 9 , Võ ị Sá ,K , ờ ấ , ê ò , ồ

Vă p ò k vực : S 9, ờ s , ờ 8, ò Vấp

: 0251. 6290 9118 Fax : 0251.6290 9108

ờ : ông rầ ă

r ở p ò ểm ờ

S : 0942.0678.09

ời nh n : Ông Trần H ă

Email: dangth@pvi.com.vn

Hoặc liên h ể c ớng dẫn: 1900 54 54 58


In the case of claim, the Insured should obtain a claim from PVI Insurance by email, fax or from

the employee (see contact details below).

The Insured will complete the claim form, attach all the documents requested and send it to the

nearest PVI Insurance office (address below).

Immediately after the occurrence of the event led to the claim, within 30 days, the written notice

must be sent to:


Head Office: No. 119B, Vo Thi Sau street, Area 1, Thong Nhat ward, Bien Hoa City,

Dong Nai

Tel: 0251. 6290 9118 Fax: 0251.6290 9108

Recipient: Mr. Tran Hai Dang

Head of Humnan Insurance Dept

Telephone: 0942.0678.09

Email: dangth@pvi.com.vn

Or contact Hotline for instructions: 1900 54 54 58



1. Đ ầ g ã ỉ Completed Claim form.

2. ứ g ă ô g g

g ụ g / Copy of Citizen Identification / Citizenship / Passport

3. g ậ ô g g T g

/ Copy of common carrier Tickets / Boarding Passes

4. ứ g ứ g e g g Invoice /

voucher proving compliance with term of using payment cards

5. Documents proving the length of the journey./ h ng t ch ng minh d i c a chuy n


6. Documents evidencing the circumstances of the loss and the amount of the claim/ c

ch ng t ch ng minh ho n c nh t n th t s ti n hi u n i

7. ă x ậ , g ị A ./ A

written confirmation of the legitimacy and validity of the Visa Platinum cardholder of

Shinhan Bank.

r g ô g ổ g

ụ g ứ g ầ g ạ

cầ g C ứ g ầ ó ổ e g r g

This compensation scheme does not change the terms of the policy and is used as a reference for

the required documents for each type of claim. Required documents may vary from case to case.

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