cap1 rr

Post on 28-Oct-2014






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Me (Lala) and Regina are good e-friends, so we decided to do a Round Robin thing between the two of us. We’re following the concept of the Awesomesauce legacy, although it’s going to be a little different, since it’s a Round Robin and all.

Once upon a time, there was a Lady who had been chosen to participate in a Round Robin. She didn’t know what that was but her life couldn’t get more miserable and she agreed.

Since this wasn’t a standard legacy, she was able to purchase a home with flowers. And yes, dear reader, I do believe it was the reason why I took this picture of Derek being tortured by the hail.

Her name was May Major, by the way. She (was forced to like) liked blue, just like her children would like purple. It was written.

“Oh, your blue shirt really suits you, Mr. Gilbert”

“Should see how your dress fits you from the back, hun”

I know, they are moving really fast. It’s legacy love, nothing wrong with that. The stalker seems to like it.

Yes, really fast.

Did you know that the Llama in the back is Florbela? (Hanzi’s wife) That’s the reason why I never show her in the family parties. She’s a freaking llama!

“With this ring I thee wed you”

“With this ring I thee wed you, too”

This was when I panicked.

“Why Lala?”

Oh shut up, no way you can hear me! I was telling my readers a fairy tale, stop ruining everything!

“You can go back to your fairy tale, Lala, we’re busy”

So, they lived happily ever after.

“No, we didn’t. You’re hiding Gilbert’s stats.”

Will you wait? I’m trying to focus here.

PINK! She’s wearing pink.

“I have to, you couldn’t help you lazy butt to download me some blue athletics”

Have a nice day at work.

“Are you sure my husband will be fine? You seem to ignore him a lot”

Yea, yea, shut up May.

Congratulations, May. Your filthy husband impregnated you. Just now, that I was trying to break you two up.

“You wouldn’t…”

You don’t know what I can do.

Reasons why I hate this jerk:1- He’s a natural blonde but has black hair. 2- He’s part of a stereotype of men who are in their 40s/50s and still live with their moms3- Besides May, he has three girlfriends

Oh and he sleeps awake!

Why did I marry him in? Because I thought he was like Seymour, but obviously he’s the bad guy.

Yes, Lisa, you’re one of the richest families in Blue Water and still you’re cleaning your neighbor’s house. I appreciate your help, now that May is pregnant and all..

“I’m neat.”

No, seriously, you cleaned it all. Stop it!

“It’s fine, I like to help little legacy families. They always flirt with my husband, but that’s okay.”

I know right? I once made you marry my simself’s son and your husband married his sister. I like the latine genes in you guys.

Yay, children.

So there’s two of them. Jermaine and Owen. Named by my boyfriend after soccer players.

I know that Owen is (obviously) after Michael Owen, as for Jermaine… Meh, dunno.

What’s up? Have you realized that I hate you?

“No, I’m sick. My… That…Monster!! She’s… Here!”

Who the nanny?


Oh, your mother. Go ahead, greet her.

“I missed you so much, Gil, I love you. Oh look, you look like your 20 years old when you’re days away from being an elder like me!”

“Meh, you’re cute. Could be more if you looked like my son.”

“What, she’s still here, Jermaine? And she has Owen? To the rescue, son.”

“What’s my mom doing here, May Major?!”

“She’s here for the twins’ birthday. She’s really cool, you know?”

“Yea, right…”

They are so cute. Jermaine is the first and Owen is the second.

With the birthday party over, May and Gil finally had some time for their selves.

…but not too long after the sexy times, they had to teach the twins their basic skills.

New Kitchen.

New living room.

New bedroom.

This is the reason.

“You made me do it!!!”

Truth is, Denise loves May while she doesn’t care about her son or grandsons.

Wee, another birthday!

The regular guest photo. We have a smiling Brandi (Bonita and Lana’s teacher), a poker-faced Richard, a cheerful father and a bored romance Sim.

Owen’s room.

Jermaine’s room. It has so much more personality.

Trust me, I wouldn’t punch your in-law. She’s tough.

“And trust me, Lala, she’s all falling apart!”

You bore me Gilbert. Please, be interesting.

Crystal, what are you doing here? That’s spoilerish for those who read my legacy.

“I’m trying to scare your little Simmies away.”

Try not to kill them, bitch.


“Cool, she’s paying attention to us”

Which one are you?

“I don’t know.”

“Please Lala, pay attention now. I’m Jermaine and he is Owen.”

I’ll try to remember the shades on your hair.

“Goo goo da da. I’m happy when it snows”

Why the sunglasses?

“I always got my stunnaz on*”

*It’s a song by Jagged Edge, lol.

“Puzzles? I hate puzzles Owen.”

“What? Are you saying that Broadway is in London?”

Lol, the face!

“Shut up Lala, you’re the one who hasn’t seen a musical except for High School Musical. Shame on you!”

Yea, shame on me. I’ve seen Fame too, the old Fame!

“Oh, then I guess I won’t say mean things to you. The old Fame is a good movie. I got to see boobies”

*silent and embarrassed mom*

“So, do you girls like football?”

Way to get a girlfriend, Jermaine.


“She fell, hasn’t she?” *laughs*


Still boring.

Oh, now that’s just cute. What’s your father doing in your bed?

“Sleeping, I guess. I hear him snoring”

Why do you break everything, Owen?

“I guess I’m just cute.”

Ah, you know my weakness.

Denise is our maid. She cleans, she fixes, she cooks and she annoys.

See what I mean? She fixes!

And she annoys.

Hehe, I admit, I like to see the fire dance. It’s so full of life! So expressive!

“Put it out, put it out!!”

Family jogging. They always do this together. I just think is so cute. May definitely wins, she’s a tad younger.

Lamp head, you’re a lamp head. And when there’s a storm, you have no bread.

I rock, I rap. I’m awful I know.

What’s wrong Den?

“He doesn’t want me.”


“I cried just to make him feel sorry. I’m an evil lady”

Worse than Crumplebottom.

The end More will be out soon.

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