capacitação de follow up

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Como avaliar experiências com o

Follow Up

Follow Up

Devemos entender a importância do Follow Up (FU) e sabermos utilizar tal ferramenta a nosso favor. Quando quebrarmos o mindset de que FU é apenas um processo a mais de auditoria e aprendermos a catalisar nossos processos de Delivery, aumentaremos nossa qualidade de serviço de forma natural.

Temos os FU enviados aos trainees dentro dos primeiros 7 dias úteis do mês, salvo a primeira semana, o que coleta informações que poderão facilitar o desenvolver do LEAD e do Coach do próximo mês. As respostas poderão nortear as conversas e resoluções de problemas, bem como mensurar a qualidade prestada pela AIESEC. Algumas considerações (inputs de análise de respostas) foram feitas em vermelho.

1ª semana - Avaliação

1) Did you have OPS done from sending comitee? How was it?

Analisar o entendimento de AIESEC do trainee. Caso OGX não estiver representando, precisaremos focar na cultura de AIESEC do trainee.

Avaliação do suporte do local comitee:

1) How long did you take to officialize the matching process since the begining of negotiation?

Analisar a agilidade do processo. 2) Did you receive alignment of expectations? Were they

accomplished? Saber se o que foi prometido no momento do alinhamento foi cumprido.

1ª semana - Avaliação

3) Did you receive the documents for VISA? (If applicable) 4) Did someone pick you up in the airport? 5) Did the local comitee find you host? 6) Did someone took you to the company in the first day of work? 7) How was the reception of the company? 8) Did you receive instructions and training from the company?

Analisar se a empresa precisa de um tracking maior da AIESEC para

garantir boa experiência profissional para o trainee.

1º mês - Adaptação

1) How was the support from AIESEC? Do you believe that AIESEC was presented in the first month of experience?

Análise crítica do suporte e coletar inputs para melhorias.

2) How is the development of your job inside the company?

Cumprimento de JD, recepção feita pela empresa, choque cultural na rotina de trabalho, principais dificuldades no trabalho.

3) How was your adaptation in the city?

Choque cultural, diferença de realidades.

1º mês - Adaptação

4) What were the main difficulties you faced? Coletar inputs para melhoria dos processos de delivery.

5) How is your relationship with other trainees? Interação e criação de um ambiente de troca de culturas.

6) Do you have any feedback for AIESEC?

7) From 0 to 10, evaluate your experience. Mensurável de sucesso, KPIs e qualidade do serviço. Utilizar os comparativos de evolução mensal para detecção de problemas e melhorias.

2º mês - Adaptação

1) What were the main difficulties you faced related to adaptation?

Análise crítica do suporte e coletar inputs para melhorias.

2) What did you do to overcome these difficulties? Did you receive any support from the company or from AIESEC about it?

Análise de perfil (resolução de problemas). Análise de suportes.

3) What are your expectations for the next 4 months?

Next Steps claros.

4) Do you have any other feedback for AIESEC?

5) From 0 to 10, evaluate your experience.

3º mês – Realinhamento de Expectativas e Next Steps

1) Based in your Job Description, what were the main activities developed during your exchange? What else would you like to be working with?

Verificar o cumprimento da JD e possíveis melhorias no trabalho.

2) How do you evaluate your relationship with the company? And with AIESEC?

Mensurável de suporte e qualidade do serviço.

3) What are the main changes that must happen to increase your development and your impact inside the company?

Next Steps e introdução a reflexão sobre impacto e desenvolvimento.

4) Do you have any other feedback for AIESEC?

5) From 0 to 10, evaluate your experience.

4º mês - Impacto

1) What is the main characteristic you developed so far in your exchange?

Reflexão sobre desenvolvimento, conexão com propósito da AIESEC.

2) How was your contribution for the company? Impacto local.

3) What are the technical and behavioral skills that have been developed will contribute to your professional future? What do you still need to develop?

Conexão com why GIP. Reflexão do intercâmbio com o mercado de trabalho. Next Steps.

4) Do you have any other feedback for AIESEC?

5) From 0 to 10, evaluate your experience.

5º mês - Legado

1) With people that you had more contact with, how do you think they will remember you?

Reflexão sobre impacto local e conexão.

2) Next month is your last month in the company, what do you think you can do to leave a mark?

Next Steps e impacto que ainda pode causar.

3) How will the members of AIESEC remember you?

Reflexão sobre relacionamento com a AIESEC.

4) Do you have any feedback for AIESEC?

5) From 0 to 10 how would you rate your experience?

6º mês – Avaliação de Experiência

1) What was the best thing about your experience? 2) How did you change throughout your experience? 3) Explain a little about your experience in the company where

you worked: Were you happy there? Did you feel comfortable working with your coworkers? Would you recomend another trainee to work there?

4) What were your biggest difficulties? 1. How was AIESEC’s support for these problems? 2. For problems related to the company, do you feel the

company was fair and both parties reached a mutal solution?

6º mês – Avaliação de Experiência

5) What did AIESEC do very well? 6) What do you think we could have done better? 7) Do you feel you developed leadship skills? 8) How do you think AIESEC can make the experience of our

future trainees better? 9) From 0 to 10 how would you rate your experience?

Foco: As respostas ideais devem envolver desenvolvimento de

Liderança, Potencialidades Humanas e Desenvolvimento de Competências técnicas, caso contrário, devemos mudar algo em nossos processos (ex: LEAD) para que o trainee tenha isso claro no final do intercambio.

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