科目名 course title 物理化学先端lecture [advanced …...preparation for atkins’ physical...

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科目名 Course Title 物理化学先端Lecture [Advanced Lecture of Physical Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 武田 定 [Sadamu TAKEDA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Kazuki SADA[Kazuki SADA](理学研究院), Koichiro ISHIMORI[Koichiro ISHIMORI](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094011

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5002

キーワード Key Words

Condensed matter, Macromolecules, Molecular structure, Magnetic resonance

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Firstly, this course reviews a part of fundamental physical chemistry (physical properties of molecules and macromolecules, nuclear magnetic

resonance). Secondly, this course provides the skill of understanding advanced application of physical chemistry in material science.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students are expected to understand the important matters of physical chemistry and to apply them to design, synthesis, and study of functional

properties of new materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Session 1 (1 ~ 3) Instructor: Professor Takeda, Sadamu (Faculty of Science)

Basic concepts of solid state nuclear magnetic resonance, Magnetic interactions of nuclear spins and NMR spectrum. Basic principles of CP

MAS NMR (cross polarization - magic angle spinning - NMR)

(reference: ATKINS’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition; chapter 15, Molecular spectroscopy 3: magnetic resonance)

Session 2 (4 ~6) Instructor: Professor Sada, Kazuki (Faculty of Science)

Basic theory and physical properties of macromolecules

(reference: ATKINS’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition; chapter 19, Materials 1: macromolecules and aggregates)

Session 3 (7, 8) Instructor: Professor Ishimori, Koichiro (Faculty of Science)

Crystal structure, Electrical properties of molecules and solids

(reference: ATKINS’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition; chapter 18, Molecular interactions and chapter 20, Materials 2: the solid state)

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Preparation for ATKINS’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition; chapter 15 (Molecular spectroscopy 3: magnetic resonance), chapter 18 (Molecular

interactions), chapter 19 (Materials 1: macromolecules and aggregates), and chapter 20 (Materials 2: the solid state) or equivalent chapters of

previous editions. Review according to instructors.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Final paper for each instructor (75%), quiz and attendance attitude (25%)

Participation more than 70% is required for grading

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information


Students are requested to have basic knowledge of physical chemistry

科目名 Course Title 無機化学先端Lecture [Advanced Inorganic Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 加藤 昌子 [Masako KATO] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094012

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5010

キーワード Key Words

Metal complexes, Luminescence, Photofunctions, Structures, Coordination compounds

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course offers lectures on advanced research in the field of inorganic and analytical chemistry. Specifically, this class focuses on chemistry

of luminescent d-metal complexes which have been rapidly developing recent years. Fundamental concepts and latest progress in this field

will be discussed.

到達目標 Course Goals

The goal of this course is total understanding of photophysical and photochemical properties of luminescent metal complexes as well as their

structures. At the same time, students learn the sense of study in the fields of inorganic and analytical chemistry.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(1) Fundamental matters concerning metal complexes and inorganic-organic hybrids

(2) Basic concepts concerning photochemistry and photophysics on coordination compounds

(3) Fluorescent metal complexes: structures, electronic states, functionalities, and other properties

(4) Phosphorescent metal complexes: structures, electronic states, functionalities, and other properties

(5) Assembled luminescent metal complexes: structures, electronic states, functionalities, and other properties

(6) Structures, electronic states, and photofunctionalities of multinuclear complexes and metal clusters

(7) Miscellaneous examples of luminescent d-metal complexes

(8) Soft crystals created with photofunctional metal complexes

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Homework will be handed out in the class.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Mini-exam held in every class (20 %), attitude to learning in classes (20 %), and reports (homework) (60 %)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture 資料を配布する

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

金属錯体の光化学/佐々木陽一・石谷 治編:三共出版,2007


参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 基礎生物有機化学特論 [Introductory Bio-organic Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 及川 英秋 [Hideaki OIKAWA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094013

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5022

キーワード Key Words

secondary metabolites, biosynthesis, polyketide synthetase, terpene synthase, chemical biology, compound library

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Recent progress on the area related to organic chemistry and biological chemistry is extraordinary. Based on these background, in this lecture,

students learn nature’s strategy how to synthesize structurally complex biologically active compounds with various enzymes. In addition, they

learn and understand basic research methods on the chemical biology recently emerging research field.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students attend my lecture can understand recent results on boundary research area of organic chemistry and biological chemistry that are

not described in undergraduate course. And they can incorporate the knowledge studied into their research fields.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Low molecular weight molecule less than 1000 produced by various microorganism, plants and marine organisms reveal a variety of biological

activities and rich sources of drug candidates. Recently, reaction mechanisms of biosynthetic enzymes responsible for producing these natural

products have been elucidated, indicating that the organisms choose rather simple strategy to create structurally complex molecules. From the

organic chemical viewpoint, I will describe basic pathway of several important biosyntheses. In addition, I also discuss recently emerging research

field chemical biology by use of various bioactive compounds.

1 Catalysis in the biological reaction (basics of enzymatic catalysis)

2 Catalysis in the biological reaction (catalytic mechanism of enzymatic reaction with co-enzymes)

3 Biosynthetic pathways of representative secondary metabolites I (terpenes)

4 Biosynthetic pathways of representative secondary metabolites II (polyketides)

5 Biosynthetic pathways of representative secondary metabolites III (polypeptides)

6 Biosynthetic pathways of representative secondary metabolites IV (modifications)

7 Methodology in Chemical Biology I

8 Methodology in Chemical Biology II

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Before lecture, I recommend students to read the specified book. After lecture, described topics using delivered materials should be reviewed.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The attendance rate must be over 70% to be qualified to take the final exam. Evaluations will be made based on learning attitude (20%) and

report scores (80%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture 時に指定する

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

マクマリー生化学反応機構 ケミカルバイオロジー理解のために/John McMurry/著 Tadhg Begley/著 長野哲雄/監訳:東京化学同人,


医薬品天然物化学/Paul M Dewick/著 海老塚豊/監訳:南江堂,2004

有機化学 下巻/Paula Y. Bruice:化学同人,2015

Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach/Paul M. Dewick:Wiley,2009

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 生物化学先端Lecture [Intermediate Biological Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 坂口 和靖 [Kazuyasu SAKAGUCHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Rui KAMADA[Rui KAMADA](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094014

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5032

キーワード Key Words

Biomolecule, Protein, Protein Structure, Regulation of Protein Function, Folding, Molecular Recognition, Enzyme, Bioinfomatics

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The protein function is attributed to its 3D structure and is regulated via control of protein level, activity, and localization by interactions with

other biomolecules and posttranslational modification. The class focuses on fundamental aspects of the mechanisms for regulation of protein

function based on protein structures. This course also introduces frontier topics of protein function and structures and the course will help the

student to expand an understanding of fundamentals of protein structure and function.

In the latter part of the lecture, students participate in virtual research proposals on raising problems and their solutions related to protein

structure, function, and control, in Active learning method by the group.

到達目標 Course Goals

After successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

1. Understand the regulation mechanism of protein function based on protein structures.

2. Obtain basic abilities to search the problems in scientific fields and solve them.

授業計画 Course Schedule

In the first half of the course, the following items are outlined.

1. Basic structure and stability of protein

2. Molecule recognition of proteins and enzymes

3. Control of protein function

4. Complex formation and ligand binding

5. Protein structure / function prediction

In the second half of the course, we will conduct a virtual research proposal by the group on raising problems and their solutions related to

protein structure, function and control.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to review the material provided by the instructors.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Problem-based learning on a specific topics of this course (40%). Term examination (40%)

In addition, we also consider it as the important factor for assessment how actively students participate in each class (20%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Materials will be provided in each lecture

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

タンパク質の構造と機能/グレゴリー A. ペツコ, ダグマール リンゲ著 ; 宮島郁子訳:メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル,


“Protein Structure and Function”/Gregory A. Petsko and Dagmar Ringe:New Science Press,2004

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 実践的計算化学 [Practical Computational Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 武次 徹也 [Tetsuya TAKETSUGU] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Hajime ITOH[Hajime ITOH](工学研究院), Toshihiro SHIMADA[Toshihiro SHIMADA](工学研究院),

Junya HASEGAWA[Junya HASEGAWA](触媒科学研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094015

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5040

キーワード Key Words

Computational Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Molecular Orbital Theory, Density Functional Theory

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Computational chemistry has been a very important research technique in chemistry field. This course is for the students who have no

experience of calculation. Objectives of this course is to make the students master how to use calculation on their research issues in accompany

with understandings on general aspects of computational chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

1. Understand the basics of computational chemistry, theoretical chemistry, molecular orbital theory, density functional theory, excited state


2. Use Gaussian and GaussView.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. General Introduction of Computational Chemistry - Prof. T. Taketsugu

2. Computational Analysis of Organic Reactions - Prof. H. Ito

3. Physical Properties Calculations of Inorganic Materials and Organic Semiconductors - Prof. T. Shimada

4. Excited State Calculations - Prof. J. Hasegawa

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students should have a note PC with Windows 7 or later.

Calculation homework and reports.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The attitude at the lecture (20%) and report scores (80%) are evaluated.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

新版 すぐできる 量子化学計算ビギナーズマニュアル (KS 化学専門書)/武次 徹也 (編集), 平尾 公彦 (監修):講談社サイエンティ


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Gaussian プログラムで学ぶ情報化学・計算化学実験/堀 憲次, 山本 豪紀:丸善,2006


参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Notre PC with Windows7 or later and anti-virus application is necessary.

If many applicant, the student will be determined by lottery.

Campus licensed software will be used (no extra cost). No advance preparation is required. Students aiming to real skill acquisition are favorable.

科目名 Course Title 構造有機化学 [Structural Organic Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 鈴木 孝紀 [Takanori SUZUKI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Ryo KATOONO[Ryo KATOONO](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094016

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5052

キーワード Key Words

Structural Organic Chemistry

Host-guest complexation


Molecular response systems


授業の目標 Course Objectives

Various functions of materials can be derived by proper designing organic pi-electron systems. This course will provide students with the two

of the important concepts which are necessary to comprehend this area of organic chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will learn the background and basic idea to understand the various intriguing phenomena in the functionalized organic pi-electron

systems/organic solids.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Two major topic are as follows:

1) "Host-guest complexation and supramolecule formation"

2) "Molecular response systems and Chromism

The class instruction will be done in Japanese.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Printed material will be handed out in the class

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Presentations and reports

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 分子変換化学 [Molecular Transformation]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 南 篤志 [Atsushi MINAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094017

期間 Semester Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5060

キーワード Key Words

Natural products, biosynthesis

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Understanding of basic knowledge of the biological processes to synthesize biologically active natural products including polyketides, terpenes,


到達目標 Course Goals

Students are requested to understand the biosynthetic pathways and the function of enzymes responsible for the biosynthesis, and to apply the

knowledge to their own research subjects.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Biosynthesis of polyketides

・type I polyketide synthases

・type II polyketide synthases

・type III polyketide synthases

2. Biosynthesis of peptides

3. Biosynthesis of terpenoids

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Before lecture, I recommend students to read the specified book or research reports. After lecture, described topics using delivered materials

should be reviewed.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

It is required to attend at least 70% of the lectures. Evaluation as pass/fail will be based on the quality of reports (60%) and short tests (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 超分子化学 [Supramolecular Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 猪熊 泰英 [Yasuhide INOKUMA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Hajime ITOH[Hajime ITOH](工学研究院), Tomohiro SEKI[Tomohiro SEKI](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094018

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5102

キーワード Key Words

host-guest chemistry, intermolecular interactions, hydrogen bond, macrocyclic molecules, ion recognition, structure, stereochemistry, chirality

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The goal of this course is to understand the basis of supramolecular chemistry including driving forces of intermolecular non-covalent

interactions, molecular design and synthesis, higher-order structures, and functions as materials.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will be able to explain

1. the origin of non-covalent intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bond, CH-π interactions, dipole-dipole interactions, Coulomb interactions)

from the viewpoint of quantum organic chemistry

2. methods of structural analysis of supramolecular structures and their principles

3. methodology of efficient synthesis of macrocyclic compounds, rotaxanes, and catenanes, and their drawback and advantage

4. expected 3-dimennsional structures and functions from chemical structures of building units

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. what is 'supramolecules', intermolecular interactions

2. molecular recognition, ion recognition, host-guest chemistry

3. self-assembly, giant supramolecular structures

4. reactions and supramolecular chemistry

5. from current research topics

6. summary

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to prepare the lecture by reading textbook or handouts which will be delivered in class, and to read reference scientific

papers which will be introduced in the lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Evaluation will be based on report submission (50%) and examination (50%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

大学院Lecture 有機化学 Ⅰ.分子構造と反応・有機金属化学/野依良治ほか:東京化学同人,1999

超分子化学/Jean-Marie Lehn(著)、竹内敬人(訳):化学同人,1997

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学工学熱力学特論 [Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 藤田 進一郎 [Shinichiro FUJITA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094019

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5112

キーワード Key Words

Reaction rate, Reactor, Conversion, Selectivity, Ideal/non-ideal flow, Diffusion rate, Transport phenomena

授業の目標 Course Objectives

To design a suitable chemical reactor it is important to understand ideal and non-ideal flow patterns in the reactor and their effects on chemical

reactions. Basic models, concepts, and methods for the chemical reactions in ideal and non-ideal reactors will be explained. Mass transport

phenomena through the interfaces between solid-gas and solid-liquid phases are discussed using a simple numerical model. Study the derivation

of differential equations describing the mass transport phenomena with chemical reactions. Moreover, the effects of diffusion and reaction rates

on rate-limiting step are discussed, based on the Thiele modulus and Effectiveness factor.

到達目標 Course Goals

Understand the features of ideal and non-ideal flow reactors and mass transport phenomena with chemical reactions around the interface

between different phases and within porous catalyst.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Reaction kinetics and homogeneous reactions

2. Flow patterns in reactors

3. Continuous reactions in non-ideal flow reactors

4. Base of mass transport phenomena, Fick’s 1st and 2nd lows.

5. Simultaneous reaction and diffusion phenomena around the interfaces between different phases.

6. Simultaneous reaction and diffusion phenomena within a porous catalyst

7. Thiele modulus and effectiveness factor for the catalytic reaction.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Homeworks will be handed out in the class to understand the lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be based on reports (homeworks) and quizes. A:100-90, B:89-80, C:79-70, D: 69-60, F:59-0

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Chemical Reaction Engineering/O. Levenspiel:John Wiley & Sons,1999

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design/C. G. Hill:John Wiley & Sons,1977


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Chemical Reaction Engineering/O. Levenspiel:John Wiley & Sons,1999

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design/C. G. Hill:John Wiley & Sons,1977


参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Basic understandng of reaction kinetics and chemical reaction engineering is required. Students should have calculators for each class (for min-


科目名 Course Title 有機反応・構造論 [Organic Chemistry of Reaction Mechanism and Molecular Structure]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 大熊 毅 [Takeshi OHKUMA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Noriyoshi ARAI[Noriyoshi ARAI](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094020

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5122

キーワード Key Words

Molecular Orbital, Chemical Bonding, Reactive Intermediates, Stereochemistry, Molecular Recognition, Pericyclic reactions, The Woodward-

Hoffmann rules, Cycloaddition reactions, Electrocyclic reactions, Sigmatropic rearrangements, Group transfer reactions

授業の目標 Course Objectives

1. Pericyclic reactions are the third type of organic mechanism along with ionic and radical reactions. This course explains features of these

reactions using a basic molecular orbital theory without the mathematics. The Woodward-Hoffmann rules are introduced to analyze the

stereochemical outcome of a series of pericyclic reactions, including cycloaddition reactions, electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic

rearrangements, and group transfer reactions.

2. In the first half of this course, students learn the behavior of electrons in an atom and/or a molecule from a quantum theoretical point of

view, and understand the chemical bonding and the electronic properties of molecules. Based on this achievement, they learn the structure

and properties of chemical species, such as carbocations, carbanions, radicals, and carbenes. In order to understand the chemical behavior of

molecules, they also learn the stereochemistry that includes the concept of chirality, diastereomeric isomerism, and conformational analysis.

Finally, the molecular recognition through intermolecular interaction, mainly hydrogen bonding, is briefly explained.

到達目標 Course Goals

1. Pericyclic reactions include some of the most useful synthetic reactions, such as the Diels-Alder reactions, 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions, and

Claisen rearrangements. By learning to recognize the various types of pericyclic reactions and details of their mechanisms through the cyclic

transition structures, students will learn to predict whether these reactions are allowed in individual cases.

2. Our goal is understanding of

・ the chemical bondings and the electronic properties of molecules based on the behavior of electrons.

・ the structure and properties of chemical species , such as carbocations, carbanions, radicals, and carbenes.

・ the concept of chirality, diastereomeric isomerism, and conformational analysis.

・ the molecular recognition.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. The nature of pericyclic reactions (1): The basis and four classes of pericyclic reactions are introduced.

2. Cycloaddition reactions (2): A wide range of cycloadditions and their regio- and stereochemical properties are presented.

3. The Woodward-Hoffmann rules and molecular orbitals (2): The Woodward-Hoffmann rules based on the fundamental molecular orbital theory

are discussed.

4. Electrocyclic reactions (1): The reaction pathway and the stereoselective outcome are interpreted by using the Woodward-Hoffmann rules.

5. Sigmatropic rearrangements and group transfer reactions (1): [1,n] and [m,n] rearrangements of suprafacial or antarafacial type are examined.

The features of group transfer reactions are explained using two typical examples, diimide reductions and the ene reactions.

6. Electronic structure of atoms (1): The behavior of electrons in an atom is introduced based on the quantum theory.

7. Chemical bonding, molecular orbital, orbital interaction (2): Expression of molecular orbitals by the linear combination of atomic orbital and

their interaction are discussed, followed by an explanation of some electronic properties of molecules.

8. Structure and properties of reactive intermediates (2): Chemical structure and properties of typical reactive intermediates, such as

carbocations, carbanions, radicals, and carbenes are discussed.

9. Stereoisomerism, chirality, and conformational analysis (1): The way of expression of molecular chirality and stereoisomerism are instructed,

followed by introducing the relationship between structure and properties. The method for the conformational analysis is also discussed.

10. Molecular recognition (1): Molecular interaction through hydrogen bonding is briefly discussed.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

1. The first half of this course: Students are expected to review the lessons presented in the textbook as well as their own lecture notes.

Students are sometimes required to submit assignments.

2. The second half of this course: Students are expected to read relevant contents in the textbook previous to each class (apprx. 15 pages).

Students may have short exam or homework, if necessary.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grades are awarded based on attitudes through the course and regular assignments (20%) as well as examinations (80%). Students should

attend more than 70% of classes.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Pericyclic Reactions/Ian Fleming:Oxford University Press,1999

大学院Lecture 有機化学 I/野依良治 他:東京化学同人,1999

March's advanced organic chemistry: reactions, mechanisms, and structure, 7th Ed./Smith, M. B.:John Wiley & Sons,2013

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 反応工学特論 [Chemical Reaction Engineering]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 藤田 進一郎 [Shinichiro FUJITA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Yuta NAKASAKA[Yuta NAKASAKA](工学研究院), Takuya YOSHIKAWA[Takuya YOSHIKAWA](工


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094021

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5132

キーワード Key Words

Reaction rate, Reactor, Conversion, Selectivity, Ideal/non-ideal flow, Diffusion rate, Transport phenomena

授業の目標 Course Objectives

To design a suitable chemical reactor it is important to understand ideal and non-ideal flow patterns in the reactor and their effects on chemical

reactions. Basic models, concepts, and methods for the chemical reactions in ideal and non-ideal reactors will be explained. Mass transport

phenomena through the interfaces between solid-gas and solid-liquid phases are discussed using a simple numerical model. Study the derivation

of differential equations describing the mass transport phenomena with chemical reactions. Moreover, the effects of diffusion and reaction rates

on rate-limiting step are discussed, based on the Thiele modulus and Effectiveness factor.

到達目標 Course Goals

Understand the features of ideal and non-ideal flow reactors and mass transport phenomena with chemical reactions around the interface

between different phases and within porous catalyst.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Reaction kinetics and homogeneous reactions

2. Flow patterns in reactors

3. Continuous reactions in non-ideal flow reactors

4. Base of mass transport phenomena, Fick’s 1st and 2nd lows.

5. Simultaneous reaction and diffusion phenomena around the interfaces between different phases.

6. Simultaneous reaction and diffusion phenomena within a porous catalyst

7. Thiele modulus and effectiveness factor for the catalytic reaction.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Homeworks will be handed out in the class to understand the lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be based on reports (homeworks) and quizes. A:100-90, B:89-80, C:79-70, D: 69-60, F:59-0

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Chemical Reaction Engineering/O. Levenspiel:John Wiley & Sons,1999

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design/C. G. Hill:John Wiley & Sons,1977


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Chemical Reaction Engineering/O. Levenspiel:John Wiley & Sons,1999

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design/C. G. Hill:John Wiley & Sons,1977


参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Basic understandng of reaction kinetics and chemical reaction engineering is required. Students should have calculators for each class (for min-


科目名 Course Title 有機合成化学 [Advanced Organic Synthesis]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 石山 竜生 [Tatsuo ISHIYAMA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Hisanori SENBOKU[Hisanori SENBOKU](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094022

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5142

キーワード Key Words

Organic Synthesis, Molecular Transformation, Reaction Mechanism, Selectivity, Control of Stereochemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

"Selectivity" is one of important key words in organic synthesis. In this course, students learn several selectivities in organic transformations

and their reaction mechanisms for realizing these high selectivities. Moreover, there are many selective transformations in practical organic

synthesis. Some papers published in academic journals are picked up as examples for this course and students also learn how to explain the

reasons why these high selectivities can be realized from the basis of learned reaction mechanism.

到達目標 Course Goals

・Understanding selectivities and reaction mechanisms for realizing high selectivities in organic transformations.

・Verifying and understanding concrete selective transformations used in synthesis of natural products and highly functional organic molecules.

・Being able to discuss and explain reasons of selectivities in several organic transformations.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Oxidation of Organic Compounds

2. Reduction of Organic Compounds

3. Generation of Enolate and Aldol Reaction

4. Olefination Reaction including Wittig Reaction and Reaction of Ylides

5. Stereoelectronic Effects and Baldwin Rule

6. Cram Rule and Felkin-Anh Model

7. Radical Reaction and Cyclization

8. Protection of Functional Groups

9. Attend a seminor or a lecture

10. Drill problems on organic synthesis

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Before a lecture, students have to learn basic organic reactions, such as oxidation, reduction, aldol reaction and Wittig reaction, and their

mechanisms sufficiently.

After a lecture, students have to learn again organic transformations, their selectivities, and the reason why their selectivities can be realized,

which are given in the lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Examination (100%) (Senboku)

Attendance attitude (20%) and report (80%) (Ishiyama)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

大学院Lecture 有機化学 I 分子構造と反応・有機金属化学/野依良治他:東京化学同人,1999

大学院Lecture 有機化学 II 有機合成化学・生物有機化学/野依良治他:東京化学同人,1998

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

For attending this course, general knowledge on organic chemistry should be needed.

科目名 Course Title 無機材料化学特論 [Inorganic Materials Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 忠永 清治 [Kiyoharu TADANAGA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Mikio HIGUCHI[Mikio HIGUCHI](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094023

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5150

キーワード Key Words

Thin films, glass formation, powder preparation, sintering, microstructure and properties, Structural materials, Electric and electronic materials,

Optical materials

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course provides major processes for obtaining various ceramics such as thin films, powders, polycrystals, glasses and so on, which can

efficiently yield the excellent property of each ceramic material and lead to practical usage. Additionally, important and close relationship

between their physical and chemical properties and microstructure can be also understood. Students also learn the basic properties, production

and future issues of ceramic materials, such as structural materials, electric and electronic materials, and optical materials which are particularly

important among those produced industrially.

到達目標 Course Goals

1. Understanding of a basic relationship between a variety of functions of ceramics, material forms which can realize those excellent functions,

and various processes for fabricating each ceramic with specified material form

2. Understanding of the features of the physical and chemical processes to produce functional ceramics and factors to be controlled in each


3. Understanding various properties of ceramics such as brittleness, dielectric properties, electrical conduction, crystal optics and luminescence.

4. Understanding applications of ceramics to high strength and high toughness materials, piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics, semiconductors,

polarizers, phosphors, scintillators and solid state laser materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Preparation of Ceramics by solution process

2. Preparation of thin films by solution processes

3. Preparation of thin films by CVD and PVD

4. Glass formation and crystallization

5. Ceramic powder synthesis from gas, liquid and solid phases

6. Sintering and microstructure control of ceramics

7. Surface morphology control of thin films

8. Midterm examination

9. Fracture mechanism of ceramics: brittle and delayed fractures, role of dislocations in fracture.

10. High strength and high toughness materials: partially stabilized zirconia, nitrides and carbides.

11. Ceramic dielectrics: classification of dielectrics on the basis of point group, pyroelectics and ferroelectrics.

12. Ceramic dielectrics: piezoelectrics.

13. Ceramic semiconductors: conduction mechanism in ionic materials, thermistors, gas sensors.

14. Crystal optics: reflection and refraction in anisotropic crystals, optically anisotropic materials for polarizers.

15. Luminescence materials: luminescencec mechanisms, phosphors, scintillators, solid state laser materials.

16. Examination.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to read relevant contents in the text beforehand. After class, students are also requested to understand the lecture by

reading additionally the related bibliography and solving problems provided there.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

50%: reports, 50%: examination

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Sol-Gel Science: The Physics and Chemistry of Sol-Gel Processing/C.J. Brinker and G.W. Scherer:Academic Press,1990

Synthesis of Inorganic Materials 2nd ed/U. Schubert and N. Husing:Wiley-VCH,2004

Physical Ceramics -Principles for Ceramic Science and Engineering/Y-M. Chiang, D. Birnie III, and W. D. Kingery:John Wiley & Sons,1997

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

Basic understanding of Physical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Solid state chemistry and Inorganic materials chemistry is required.

科目名 Course Title エネルギー材料特論 [Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 幅﨑 浩樹 [Hiroki HABAZAKI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Chunyu ZHU (工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094024

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5162

キーワード Key Words

Energy conversion, Energy storage, ionic conductivity, hydrogen storage, solar energy conversion

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Secondary batteries, solar cells and fuel cells are of importance for efficient energy conversion and storage in the 21st century. In this class

students learn various functional materials, such as ion conductors, electrocatalysts and semiconductor materials, and their structural

characteristics related to their functionality.

到達目標 Course Goals

- Understand the fundamentals of semiconductor electrode reactions, ion conduction in solid materials and hydrogen storage

- Get necessary knowledge on materials design for energy conversion and storage.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Materials for fuel cells: Characteristics of various fuel cells and materials used in the fuel cells will be discussed.

2. Semiconductor electrodes: Based on a band model, fundamentals of photoenergy conversion on semiconductor electrodes will be discussed.

3. Ion conductors: Structural design and mechanism of ion conduction in inorganic solids will be introduced and discussed.

4. Hydrogen storage: Characteristics of materials for hydrogen storage will be presented and discussed.

5. Capacitors: Principles, applications and mechanisms of energy storage of various capacitors (electrochemical, electrolytic and hybrid

capacitors) will be presented and discussed.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are requested to prepare presentations of specific topics allocated to each student.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Presentations (50%) and exam (50%)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Students need basic knowledge on inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry.

科目名 Course Title 応用生化学特論 [Advanced Applied Biochemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 大井 俊彦 [Toshihiko OI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Masahiro FUJITA[Masahiro FUJITA](理化学研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094025

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5170

キーワード Key Words

Genetic information, protein structure, molecular mechanism, biosynthetic mechanism, animal cells, secondary metabolites, biopolymers,


授業の目標 Course Objectives

Synthesis, structure, function, and novel engineering subjects on of bio-molecules will be studied focusing on the fields of life science,

information, medicine, and environment.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students are expected to understand deeply the topics of genetic information, protein structure, animal cell cultivation, secondary metabolites,

biopolymers, and clean environments in the fields of life science, information, medicine, and environment.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1.Advanced concepts and cutting edge techniques to understand molecular functions and structures of biomolecules essential for life will be

introduced based on the basic theories and the applications. Recent progresses and future developments in molecular understanding of life

will also be discussed.

2.This lecture outlines methodologies to analyze structures and functions of protein that is a main molecule in biological activity of life, and

illustrates by examples in biochemical study.

3.Cells produce various proteins based on the genetic information for their maintenance and inheritance. Recent study revealed that small

RNA plays an important role in the cell. The production and the function of the small RNA will be introduced. The application of the small RNA

in medicine, such as cancer treatment, will be also discussed.

4.Cell adhesion process essential for animal cell and related signal transduction will be introduced.

5.Nature creates a number of structurally diverse and biologically active secondary metabolites. Based on knowledge of organic chemistry,

representative biosynthetic strategy will be introduced using uncovered data and be discussed on the view of problems concerning application

of organic synthesis.

6.Cells produce various kinds of polysaccharides, that play a critical role. Many proteins are associated with polysaccharide synthesis, and

biosynthetic mechanism including protein structures will be introduced.

7.All processes of synthesis, regulation and degradation of biopolymers are discussed in terms that how biotechnology contributes to the

global environments issues of 21th century.

8.The treatment of environmental problems through biological process means is known as bioremediation. The perspective of the application

based on the biological reactions will be overviewed.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are asked to submit a report on the subject which instructor give every time.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance ( > 70%) and reports.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 分子材料化学特論 [Molecular Materials Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 田島 健次 [Kenji TAJIMA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094026

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5180

キーワード Key Words

Molecular materials, Functional molecules, Eco-friendly materials, Polyhydroxyalkanoate, Nano-fiber, Bacterial cellulose, Collagen

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to acquire the creation methods for novel macromolecular materials by learning the molecular structures and

functions of biomacromolecules and their applications based on the examples.

到達目標 Course Goals

The goal of this course is to understand the relationships between the molecular structures of biomacromolecules and their functions and to

acquire the creation methods for novel macromolecular materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Guidance and introduction

2. Biomacromolecules as materials

3. Cellulose

4. Polyhydroxyalkanoate

5. Nano-fiber(collagen)

6. Nano-fiber(plant cellulose)

7. Nano-fiber(bacterial cellulose)

8. Creation of a paper

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students need to submit a paper on material applications of biomacromolecules.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Paper: 100 points

[Syu]: > ca.90 points, [Yu]: > ca. 80 points, [Ryo]: > ca.70 points, [Ka]: > ca. 60 points

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学計測学特論 [Instrumentation Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 長谷川 靖哉 [Yasuchika HASEGAWA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094027

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5192

キーワード Key Words

Chemical Information, elemental analysis, conditional analysis, structural analysis in nano- and micro-area.

授業の目標 Course Objectives

In this course, instrumentation chemistry containing elemental analysis, configurational analysis, structural analysis in nano- and micro-area

are introduced. Based on their studies, Students learn fundamental knowledges and various information about chemical analysis of organic and

inorganic materials.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students learn principle, variety and characterization of instrumentation chemistry for material analysis. Based on instrumentation chemistry

containing elemental analysis, configurational analysis, structural analysis in nano- and micro-area, students make the most of their knowledges

for construction of their chemical research.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1-2. introduction of instrumentation chemistry: importance for structural analysis on the material surface, classification of chemical instruments,

grounding in high-vacuum engineering

3. configurational analysis (TEM, SEM, AFM, STM)

4. elemental analysis (AES, EPMA, XPS, XRF)

5. structural analysis (XRD, EXAFS, HEED, LEED, SAXS)

6. photo-physical analysis (UV-Vis absorption spectra, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra, emission lifetime, Raman spectra)

7. MS spectral analysis (EI-MS, CI-MS, ESI-MS, MALDI-MS, SIMS)

8. examination

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Pre-examination for review of instrumentation chemistry

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The attendance rate must be over 70% to be qualified to take the final exam. Evaluations will be made based on (1) learning attitude (20%), (2)

exercise (10%), (3) final examination scores (70%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

Grounding in physical, organic and inorganic chemistry

科目名 Course Title 科学倫理安全特論 [Advanced Ethics and Safety for Science and Engineering]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 忠永 清治 [Kiyoharu TADANAGA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 角田 浩(東洋エンジニアリング(株))

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094028

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5400

キーワード Key Words

Engineering Ethics, Safty Engineering

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Students will learn fundamentals of ethics and safety engineering for scientists and engineers. In the ethics education, students will understand

the influences and effects of science and technology on society and nature, and the responsibilities that scientists and engineers owes to the

society. In safety education, students will learn risk avoidance, safety related laws and process safety design methods, through various examples.

By understanding these, students will deepen the knowledge to take responsible judgments and actions, that are essential to be a self-

independent scientist or engineer.

到達目標 Course Goals

By taking this course, students will be expected to

1. understand procedure to improve a process with consideration of safty, when a proces technology is introduced to the society to enrich the

human society.

2. undestand ethics and morals as a scientist or engineer.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Outline of Safety Engineering and Engineering Ethics(4 periods)

Learn the system of the safety engineering and the role and engineering ethics of scientists and engineers. Learn the purpose and outline of

the safety assessment method.

2. Safety engineering and process design (4 periods)

Learn the hazards caused by handled substances and risk-control techniques. The basis of process safety design.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Lecture materials will be distributed. Students will be required to submit a report to check the understanding level of the lecture content.

One credit for a lecture is given for 45 hours of study. Since the actual lecture is 90 minutes (counted as 2 hours) × 8 periods = 16 hours, the

cresit acquisition requires 3.7 hours preparation and review per period. Keep in mind this point and prepare and review the lecture materials

before and after the lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grade will be evaluated by the degree of accomplishment based on the submitted report. Attendance of 90% or more of the number of lectures

will be the condition of the grade evaluation. Grade will be evaluated by the attitude during lecture (20%) and report (80%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

教科書は特に指定せず、Lecture 時にプリントを配布する。

Lecture指定図書 Reading List


参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

This lecture will be given by an invited lecturer from industry.

Students who already got a credit of "Engineer ethics and safety" of Department of Applied Science and Eigineering cannot take this lecture.

科目名 Course Title 分子化学(先端物理化学) [Molecular Chemistry (Advanced Physical Chemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村越 敬 [Kei MURAKOSHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Tomohiro FUKUSHIMA[Tomohiro FUKUSHIMA]( 理 学 研 究 院 ), Hiro MINAMIMOTO[Hiro


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094101

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6002

キーワード Key Words

electronic structures, surface electronic structure, surface morphology, surface spectroscopy, catalysis

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Physical and chemical phenomena such as adsorption and catalytic reaction occur on the solid surface due to the interaction between molecules

and solids. Learn basic knowledge and latest research to understand these fundamental chemical properties.

到達目標 Course Goals

Understanding the intermolecular force and the structure and electronic state of the solid surface, understand the origin of the unique physical

properties of the surface / interface. In addition, we also acquire basic knowledge on advanced nanostructure analysis methods to understand

surface science from physicochemical point of view.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(1) Structure and electronic state of solid surface

(2) Foundations of atomic and intermolecular forces

(3) Outline of the latest surface / interface evaluation method (atomic force microscope, scanning tunneling microscope, etc.)

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Homework will be handed out in the class.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be evaluated based on attendance and homeworks.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 分子化学(有機構造化学特論) [Molecular Chemistry (Structural and Physical Organic Chemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 鈴木 孝紀 [Takanori SUZUKI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094102

期間 Semester Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6012

キーワード Key Words

Structural Organic Chemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Various functions of materials can be derived by proper designing organic pi-electron systems. This course will provide students with the two

of the important concepts which are necessary to comprehend this area of organic chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will learn the background and basic idea to understand the various intriguing phenomena in the functionalized organic pi-electron

systems/organic solids.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Two major topic are as follows:

1) "Disappearance of polymorphs": Intriguing behavior of crystallizaion, rapid/reluctant phase transition of crystalline materials

2) "Orbital interaction through bonds/through space": extremely long C-C bond, X-ray structural analysis, theoretically optimized structure

The class instruction will be done in Japanese.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Printed material will be handed out in the class

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Presentations and reports

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 分子化学(高分子機能科学) [Molecular Chemistry (Macromolecular Science)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 中野 環 [Tamaki NAKANO] (触媒科学研究所)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094103

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6072

キーワード Key Words

Polymer, Stereochemistry, Stereoregular, Conformation, Optically Active, Chirality, Helix

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Synthesis, structure, and properties (functions) of various polymers will be introduced. A focus will be on polymer chirality. In order to

understand the basic and advanced concepts of polymer stereochemistry, we will discuss examples of polymers and related small molecules.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students aim to learn basic and advanced concepts of synthesis, structure and properties of polymers. In addition, they understand chirality

of compounds including its nature, nomenculature, and application, further extend the chirality concept to polymers, and obtain deeper insights

on relation between polymers' chiral functions and their chiral structures.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Beginning from the basis aspects of polymer synthesis and its classification, we discuss polymer structure and functions with an emphasis on

chirality. The planned contents are as follows:

1. Synthesis and structure of polymers: classification of polymers from a synthetic view (2)

2. Polymer stereochemistry: stereostructures unique to polymers such as tacticity (stereoregularity) and helicity. Nomenclature, synthesis, and

analysis (2)

3. Synthesis of chiral polymers: asymmetric polymerization (2)

4. Functions of chiral polymers: structure-property relations (2)

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are asked to read through literature about polymer synthesis and polymer chirality and summarize the points they wish to discuss in

the class. After each class, they are asked to find and read newest journal articles that are related to the contents of class teaching and


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Evaluation will be conducted based on report papers submitted after all planned class teaching is finished, interim exam(s), and also on attitude

toward learning.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction (3rd Ed.)/Malcom P. Stevens:Oxford,1999



Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Circular Dichroism/N. Berova, K. Nakahishi, R. W. Woody:Wiley-VCH,2000

Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds/E. L. Eliel, S. H. Wilen:Wiley,1994

NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers/K. Hatada, T. Kitayama:Springer,2004

Circular Dichroism/N. Berova, K. Nakahishi, R. W. Woody:Wiley-VCH,2000

Macromolecular Design of Polymeric Materials/K. Hatada, T. Kitayama, O. Vogl:Dekker,1997

Protein Structure and Function/G. A. Petsko, D. Ringe:New Science Press,2004

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 分子化学(物質変換化学) [Molecular Chemistry (Catalytic Transformation)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 福岡 淳 [Atsushi FUKUOKA] (触媒科学研究所)

担当教員 Other Instructors Junya HASEGAWA[Junya HASEGAWA]( 触 媒 科 学 研 究 所 ), Kiyotaka NAKAJIMA[Kiyotaka


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094104

期間 Semester Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6032

キーワード Key Words

Catalysis, catalytic chemistry, effective utilization of resources, environmental issues, green chemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Catalysts are key materials for the effective utilization of resources and energy and for the resolution of environmental issues. In this course,

you will learn the fundamentals of catalytic chemistry such as adsorption, kinetics, characterization and green chemistry. You will also learn the

examples of homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic catalysts as well as the catalysis design for green chemistry. Use of computer in

catalytic research is also included. You will make a presentation of the allocated chapter with a handout.

到達目標 Course Goals

First you assume equilibrium and a rate-determining step for each elementary step, and then you will build a catalytic cycle and derive a

reaction rate. You will understand the characteristics of homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic catalysts. The principles and applications

of catalyst characterization will be shown to extend the methods to your own research. You will learn the numerical conversion of environmental

load in catalytic reactions and understand the necessity of green chemistry for environmental protection.

授業計画 Course Schedule

In this course, a textbook in English will be used. Each chapter will be allocated to a student to make a presentation.

1. Introduction, definition of catalyst, concept of green chemistry, how to quantify the environmental load, various kinds of catalysts

2. How to express reaction rate, activation energy, reaction order, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism, steady-state approximation

3. The Michaelis-Menten mechanism, consecutive and parallel first-order reaction, pre-equilibrium, initial reaction rates, volcano-shaped

pattern, catalyst deactivation

4. Homogeneous catalysis, elementary steps, electronic and steric effects of ligands

5. Asymmetric catalysis, industrial processes with homogeneous catalysts, homogeneous catalysis without metals

6. Heterogeneous catalysis, active sites, promoters and poisons

7. Catalyst characterization, catalyst preparation, reactors, biphasic reactions, industrial processes with heterogeneous catalysts

8. Enzymatic reactions, active sites and substrate binding models, proximity effects, reaction mechanism, applications of enzyme catalysis, non-

enzymatic biocatalysis, industrial processes with enzymes

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are requested to read the chapter of textbook in advance. Each chapter will be allocated to a student who should

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Presentation and reports

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Catalysis-Concepts and Green Applications/Gadi Rothenberg:Wiley-VCH,2017

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 分子化学(光化学) [Molecular Chemistry (Photochemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 上野 貢生 [Kosei UENO] (電子科学研究所附属グリーンナノテクノロジー研究センター)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094105

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6042

キーワード Key Words

Electronically Excited State: Fluorescence/Phosphorescence: Nonradiative Processes: Photophysical Processes: Photochemical Reactions:


授業の目標 Course Objectives

Characteristics of the excited state of molecules and the physicochemical processes from the excited states which are the basis of

photochemistry of organic molecules and inorganic metal complexes are studied.

到達目標 Course Goals

Characteristics of photochemical reactions and physicochemical phenomena are studied by learning the nature of the electronically excited

state of the molecules and various physicochemical processes from the excited states. Principles and usage of related spectroscopy are also


授業計画 Course Schedule

This course describes photochemical and photophysical processes of organic and inorganic compounds. Fundamental background of

photochemical experiments is also described. The main topics of the course is as follows.

1) Photochemistry in chemistry

2) Excited singlet and triplet states

3) Radiative (fluorescence/phosphorescence) and nonradiative processes (internal conversion/intersystem crossing)

4) Characteristics of absorption and emission (fluorescence/phosphorescence) spectra and physicochemical information obtained from spectrum


5) Spectroscopic measurement methods: emission spectrum, emission yield, lifetime, and dynamics of photochemical processes

6) Photochemical reactions

7) Photo-induced electron transfer

8) State-of-the-art of photochemical researches

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

It is desirable to take basic courses on physics chemistry and instrumental methods in analytical chemistry at the undergraduate school.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

It is evaluated from the viewpoints of activities (questions or discussions) in the lectures and the content/level of the report.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Recommended textbooks 1) "Principles of Molecular Photochemistry: An Introduction", N. J. Turro et al., University Science Books, 2009. 2)

「光化学 I」, 井上晴夫他著, 丸善, 1999.

科目名 Course Title 分子化学A(分子理論化学) [Molecular Chemistry A (Theoretical Chemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 武次 徹也 [Tetsuya TAKETSUGU] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Junya HASEGAWA[Junya HASEGAWA](触媒科学研究所), Satoshi MAEDA[Satoshi MAEDA](理学研

究院), Masato KOBAYASHI[Masato KOBAYASHI](理学研究院), Takeshi IWASA[Takeshi IWASA](理

学研究院), Gao Min[Gao Min](触媒科学研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094106

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6052

キーワード Key Words

Schroedinger equation, molecular orbital, Hartree-Fock theory, multiconfigurational self-consistent field theory, density functional theory,

potential energy surface, geometry optimization, intrinsic reaction coordinate, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Rotational-vibrational state,

Reaction dynamics, Molecular simulation

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course aims to provide elementary ideas and concepts in quantum chemistry. First, the basics of the electronic structure theory will be

addressed. Second, potential energy surface will be explained. Third, reaction-path-based dynamics, molecular vibrational theory, reaction

dynamics, and molecular simulation approaches will be given to learn the methodology in modern computational chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students are expected to understand the basic concepts in electronic structure theory, such as Schroedinger equation, wave function, molecular

orbital, angular momentum, Hartree-Fock theory, multi-configurational self-consistent field theory, density functional theory. Students are

also expected to achieve the basic ideas on the potential energy surface to understand the mechanism of chemical reactions and reaction

dynamics, such as potential energy surface, geometry optimization, intrinsic reaction coordinate, reaction path dynamics, and molecular

simulation. As a result, students understand

1. Scientific papers that describes quantum chemical computations of electronic structures and chemical reactions

2. Knowledges to design, perform, and understand the result of quantum chemical calculations

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Schroedinger equation, Hydrogen atom, Angular momentum

2. Slater determinant, Molecular orbitals

3. Hartree-Fock theory

4. Electron correlations, Density functional theory

5. Potential energy surface, Vibrational analysis, Geometry optimization

6. Transition state, Intrinsic reaction coordinate

7. Born-Oppenheimer approximation

8. Theory of molecular vibration and rotation

9. Reaction Path dynamics

10. Transition state theory

11. Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods

12. Ab initio Molecular dynamics approach

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to derivate the equations introduced in the class and to solve some exercises.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The attitude at the lecture (30%) and report scores (70%) are evaluated.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List


新版 すぐできる 量子化学計算ビギナーズマニュアル/平尾公彦(監修)、武次徹也(編集):講談社サイエンティフィク,2015

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 分子化学A(有機金属化学) [Molecular Chemistry A (Organometallic Chemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 澤村 正也 [Masaya SAWAMURA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Hajime ITOH[Hajime ITOH](工学研究院), Yasunori YAMAMOTO[Yasunori YAMAMOTO](工学研究

院), Yohei SHIMIZU[Yohei SHIMIZU](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094107

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6062

キーワード Key Words

Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysts for Organic Synthesis, Design of Reactions, Mechanisms of Organometallic Reactions, Structures of

Organometallic Complexes, Asymmetric Synthesis, Hydrogenation, Cross-coupling

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Spring Term: Objectives of this course is to acquire the basis for designing new metal-catalyzed organic reactions. To this end, students learn

that organometallic chemistry is playing important roles to solve problems in synthetic organic chemistry in various aspects and gain a systematic

understanding on how organometallic complexes participate in organic reactions.

Summer Term: This course is intended to familiarize the student with advanced concepts in organometallic chemistry. This course mainly

focuses on the organic synthetic reactions where the transition-metal-catalyzed process is a key step.

到達目標 Course Goals

Spring Term: The goal of this course is understand various modes of metal?carbon bonds and their reactivities in a systematic way based on

molecular orbital considerations.

Summer Term: The goal of this course is to provide graduate students with comprehensive understandings of organometallic chemistry. Students

will be familiar with various transition-metal-catalyzed reactions, reaction mechanisms, application of catalysis, basic concept of catalyst design.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Spring Term: The course goes forward along the recommended reading (Hegedus, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 9).

Summer Term:

1. Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Hydrides I

2. Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Hydrides II

3. Synthetic Applications of Complexes Containing Metal-Carbon sigma-Bonds I

4. Synthetic Applications of Complexes Containing Metal-Carbon sigma-Bonds II

5. Synthetic Applications of Complexes Containing Metal-Carbon sigma-Bonds III

6. Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Carbene Complexes

7. Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Carbene Complexes II

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be expected to have read the assigned materials prior to each class period.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendence rate over 70% is mandatory.

Spring Term: Evaluation is performed based on the score of final exam.

Summer Term: Midterm (30%) and final exam (70%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

ヘゲダス遷移金属による有機合成 第3版/L. S. Hegedus 著・村井真二訳:東京化学同人,2011

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory




備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用分子化学(化学エネルギー変換) [Applied Molecular Chemistry (Chemical Energy Conversion)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 坪内 直人 [Naoto TSUBOUCHI] (大学院工学研究院附属エネルギー ・マテリアル融合領域研究センター)

担当教員 Other Instructors Haruo KUMAGAI[Haruo KUMAGAI](エネルギー ・マテリアル)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094108

期間 Semester Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6102

キーワード Key Words

Material Balance, Enthalpy Balance, Chemical Equilibrium, Reaction Rate, Combustion, Steam Reforming, Energy Efficiency, Cold Gas

Efficiency, Heat Loss

授業の目標 Course Objectives

About 80% of total primary energy supply depends on oil, coal and natural gas, and this dependency will be almost unchanged in the not-too-

distant future according to a recent IEA (International Energy Agency) world energy outlook. It is thus probable that ultimately-efficient

utilization of fossil fuels is the best way to reduce CO2 emissions in a carbon-constrained economy. This course will provide students with

basic theories about chemical energy conversion systems of organic resources through the designing of an adiabatic fixed bed reformer for

methane steam reforming.

到達目標 Course Goals

・Understand the fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering, such as material balance, enthalpy balance, chemical equilibrium and reaction


・Eluciate methane steam reforming in a fixed bed reformer at adiabatic conditions.

All students are also required to present and discuss their own research subjects from a view of reactor designing.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Fundamentals of chemical reactor theory: Material balance calculation method

2. Fundamentals of chemical reactor theory: Enthalpy balance calculation method

3. Fundamentals of chemical reactor theory: Chemical equilibrium calculation method

4. Fundamentals of chemical reactor theory: Reaction rate calculation method

5. Simulation of properties of an adiabatic fixed bed reformer: Steam reforming and combustion of methane

6. Simulator development: Homogeneous gas phase reaction, gas-solid reaction, gas-solid catalytic reaction

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to read relevant contents in the text beforehand. After class, students are also requested to understand the lecture by

reading additionally the related bibliography and solving problems provided there.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grades are awarded based on regular assignments, presentation and discussion in the class.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

教科書は特に指定せず,Lecture 時にプリントを配布する。

Handout made by the instructor will be delivered.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Students are required to understand the basic knowledge of related Chemical Engineering Stoichiometry, Thermodynamics and Reaction

Kinetics in advance.

科目名 Course Title 応用分子化学A(分離プロセス工学) [Applied Molecular Chemistry A (Separation Process


講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 向井 紳 [Shin MUKAI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Isao OGINO[Isao OGINO](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094109

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6112

キーワード Key Words

Porous Materials, Adsorption, Membrane Separation, Chromatography

授業の目標 Course Objectives

To understand the basic principles of separation processes with a particular focus on processes using porous materials such as adsorption and

membrane separation.

到達目標 Course Goals

1. Understand the mechanisms which cause adsorption

2. Understand methods to obtain adsorption isotherms, and become able to describe the characteristics of the material from its isotherm

3. Understand general adsorption theories and adsorption equations, and become able to analyze adsorption isotherms using them

4. Understand the basic principles of various adsorption processes

5. Model and solve problems related to slurry and fixed-bed adsorption processes

6. Understand the basic principles of various membrane separation processes

7. Model and solve problems related to perfect-mixing and cross-flow membrane modules

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Overview of Adsorption Phenomena and Adsorbents

2. Adsorption Phenomena

3. Typical Adsorbents and Their Production Processes

4. Adsorption Mechanisms

5. Adsorption Isotherms

6. Adsorption Theories and Adsorption Equations (Henry Equation, Freundlich Equation, Langmiur Equation)

7. Adsorption Theories and Adsorption Equations (BET Equation)

8. Midterm exam

9. Overview of rate-controlled separation processes

10. Adsorption process (overview)

11. Adsorption process (slurry system)

12. Adsorption process (fixed-bed system)

13. Membrane separation (overview)

14. Membrane separation (perfect mixing module)

15. Membrane separation (crossflow module)

16. Final exam

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are encouraged to read the textbook and relevant materials ahead of time. Students are required to submit assigned homework.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The attendance rate must be over 70% to be qualified to take the final exam. Evaluations will be made based on (1) learning attitude (20%), (2)

quiz and homework scores (30%) and interim and final examination scores (50%). Quizzes and homework will be used to evaluate the level of

understanding of each class, and examinations will be used to evaluate the achievement level of basic skills related to this course.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Separation Process Principles, International Student Version, 3rd Edition/Seader, J.D. and Henley, E.J.:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,2011

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

現代化学工学/橋本健治、荻野文丸 編:産業図書,2001

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用分子化学A(プロセス工学) [Applied Molecular Chemistry A (Process Engineering)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 増田 隆夫 [Takao MASUDA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Yuta NAKASAKA[Yuta NAKASAKA](工学研究院), Takuya YOSHIKAWA[Takuya YOSHIKAWA](工


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094110

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6122

キーワード Key Words

Chemical Process, Mass Balance, Energy Balance, Process Flow Diagram, Process Simulation

授業の目標 Course Objectives

System design of chemical process is fundamentally lectured. Chemical processes are usually composed of “pre-treatment of feedstock unit

→ reaction unit → separation and purification unit”. Optimal condition of each unit would not match to that of whole process. Therefore,

firstly, how to fabricate units and to evaluation process are discussed. Secondly, process design is exercised using process simulator.

Students are grouped to three to four students, and each group designs different process by taking account of heat and mass balances, and

economy. Results of process design are presented, followed by discussion.

到達目標 Course Goals

Evaluate mass and heat balances of separation and reaction units and whole process by using simulator.

Design whole process using simulator.

Optimize whole process in view of economy.

Learn oral presentation skill.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Components of process (3 times) / Units (reaction, separation, heat-exchanger), optimization of whole process, process flow diagram.

2. Economic balance (3 times) / Capital cost

3. Fundamental design of chemical process (2 times) / Catalytic chemical process

4. Process design (3 times) / How to use process simulator, design of units in process.

5. Interim presentation (1 time)

6. Optimization of process (3 times) / Capital and running costs

7. Final presentation (1 time)

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Homework about simulation is strongly requested using computer. Time in class had better be used for solving questions generated in home


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Learning results are evaluated by using final report of process design and its presentation.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

教科書は特に指定せず,Lecture 時にプリントを配布する。

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Handout made by the instructor will be delivered.

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用分子化学A(触媒設計) [Applied Molecular Chemistry A (Catalyst Design)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 清水 研一 [Kenichi SHIMIZU] (触媒科学研究所)

担当教員 Other Instructors Shinya FURUKAWA[Shinya FURUKAWA](触媒科学研究所), Takashi TOYAO[Takashi TOYAO](触媒


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094111

期間 Semester Fall/Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMOL 6132

キーワード Key Words

Catalysis, surface chemistry, environmental catalysis, kinetics, industrial chemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

To understand recent research on the mechanism and design concept of heterogeneous catalysts, students should understand surface

spectroscopy and physical chemistry. The goal of this lecture is to understand spectroscopy, kinetics and thermodynamics in terms of catalysis

and use these basic knowledge for catalyst design and catalysis research. In addition, we discuss design concept and practical role of

heterogeneous catalysis in current catalytic processes for automotive emission control and organic synthesis.

到達目標 Course Goals

Exercises for understanding spectroscopy, kinetics and thermodynamics in terms of catalysis. Application of the knowledge to understand

recent catalytic research and presentation on it. We will also learn important catalytic processes in petroleum refining, petrochemical industry,

and emission control. In the presentation, students explain the role of the catalysis in the energy and environment technologies. Presentation

techniques of students will be improved.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Geometry of solid surface

2. Evaluation of catalytic activity

3. Characterization of catalyst I

4. Characterization of catalyst II

5. Design of solid catalyst

6. Catalyst preparation

7. Computational chemistry for catalysis

8. Intermediate exam

9. Environmental catalysis

10. Catalysis for fossil fuel conversions

11. Catalysis for industrial production of chemicals

12. Catalysis for green chemistry

13. Presentation

14. Presentation

15. Presentation

16. Final exam

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students should understand basic physical chemistry, reading textbooks. Using scientific electronic calculator, students' laptop, they solve

kinetic problems, draw solid surface and create a presentation file.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Intermediate exam (50%), final exam (20%), presentation (30%)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 物質化学(固体物性化学) [Materials Chemistry (Organic Solid State Chemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 原田 潤 [Jun HARADA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094201

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6002

キーワード Key Words

molecular materials, crystal structures, symmetry, intermolecular interactions, charge-transfer interactions, hydrogen bonding, band structures,

electrical conductivity, solid-state reactions, molecular motions

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course deals with chemistry of solid-state materials, which are aggregates of molecules and atoms. In this course, you can learn the

relationship between intermolecular interactions and structures/functions/physical properties of molecular crystals. You can also learn how

crystal and electronic structures of molecular materials are related to their physical properties and how molecular motions and reactions in

crystals can be understood in terms of crystal structures. This course also introduces some of advanced researches related to the topics.

到達目標 Course Goals

After successful completion of this course, you will be able to

1. Understand principles by which molecular crystals are constructed.

2. Understand the relationship between structural features of molecular crystals and their physical properties, molecular motions, and


3. Acquire basic idea of functional material design: from molecular design to crystal design.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The following topics will be lectured in order:

1-2. Molecular structures and symmetry of crystals

The relationship between shapes of molecules and the structure/symmetry of their crystals will be discussed.

3-4. Intermolecular interactions and molecular arrangements in crystals

Influence of charge-transfer interaction and hydrogen bonding upon crystal structures will be discussed. Guidelines for controlling the

molecular arrangement will be presented.

5-6. Electronic states of molecular crystals

Electronic structure (band structure) of radical crystals will be discussed. Neutral-to-ionic transitions and formal charge of component

molecules will be explained.

7-8. Chemical reactions and molecular motions in crystals

Chemical reactions and molecular motions in crystals will be illustrated and explained in terms of the crystal structures.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

You are expected to have basic knowledge of physical chemistry and need to review it beforehand. Reports will be assigned.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Unless there are special circumstances, more than 70% class attendance is required for the grade evaluation. The grade will be evaluated

according to the reports assigned during the course.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 物質化学(機能解析化学) [Materials Chemistry (Analysis of Physical Properties of Materials)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 武田 定 [Sadamu TAKEDA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094202

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6012

キーワード Key Words

Statistical mechanics, Magnetic susceptibility, Phase transition, Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, Molecular magnetism

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Firstly, this course reviews basic concepts and methods of statistical dynamics, i.e. Boltzmann distribution, magnetic susceptibility, and phase

transition based on Ising model. Secondly, this course provides the skill of understanding principles of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance

and magnetic interactions of nuclear spins, i.e. magnetic dipole interactions, nuclear quadrupole interactions, magnetic interaction between

nuclear spin and electron spin, which are important for understanding solid-state NMR spectrum.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students are expected to understand the basic concepts and methods of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and to understand the

applications of the solid-state NMR for new materials, which appear in the literatures.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Session 1 (1 ~ 4) Instructor: Professor Takeda, Sadamu (Faculty of Science)

Basic concepts of statistical mechanics

1. Concept of probability

2. Statistical dynamics of two-levels system

3. Magnetic susceptibility

4. Ising model and phase transition

Session 2 (5 ~ 8) Instructor: Professor Takeda, Sadamu (Faculty of Science)

Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance

1. Nuclear magnetic dipole interaction, molecular motion in the solid state and NMR spectrum

2. Nuclear quadrupole interaction, molecular motion in the solid state and NMR spectrum

3. Magnetic interactions between nuclear spin and electron spin and solid-state high-resolution NMR spectrum of molecular magnetic


準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Preparation for ATKINS’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition; chapter 15 (Molecular spectroscopy 3: magnetic resonance), Review and papers

according to instructor.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Final paper (75%), quiz and attendance attitude (25%)

Class participation more than 70% is required for grading

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Handout will be distributed

Students are requested to have basic knowledge of physical chemistry

科目名 Course Title 物質化学(ナノフォトニクス材料論) [Materials Chemistry (Nano-Photonics Materials)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 西井 準治 [Junji NISHII] (-)

担当教員 Other Instructors Yasutaka MATSUO[Yasutaka MATSUO](電子科学研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094203

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6032

キーワード Key Words

Photonic Materials, Photonic devices, Subwavelength Optics, Plasmonics, Optical wave Analysis, Nanofabrication, Nano spectroscopy,

Electron microscopy

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The purpose of this lecture is to understand the relationships between functions and structures of several materials and devices. Especially,

this lecture focuses on the fabrication and analysis of photonics materials and their applications to information network and digital appliances.

到達目標 Course Goals

1. Understanding on the relation between electronic structure and photonic function of several nanophotonic materials and devices.

2. Understanding on oxide-based photonic materials and metal—based plasmonic materials from the aspect of electronic structures, interactions

between photon and electron, optical wave propagation.

授業計画 Course Schedule

This lecture will review the photoncs materials, the device applications, and the engineering innovations in the avanced information society.

(1) Photonic materials

(2) Fundanentals on refraction, diffraction and interference,

(3) Optical communication devices and materials using optical diffraction

(4) Phtonic devices using optical phase.

(5) Plasmonics and its application for analysis

(6) Fabricaton methods of Photonic devices and Plasmonic devices

(7) Optical spectroscopy for device analysis

(8) Structure analysis of photonic devices by electron beam

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

The outline can be understood from the deliverd documents in each lectures.

The report works will be given at end of each section.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The academic results will be determined based on the attendance and reports.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

光エレクトロニクス入門/西原 浩、裏 升吾:コロナ社

第ニ版 応用光学 光計測入門/谷田員豊彦:丸善


参照ホームページ Websites


研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 物質化学(現代化学反応理論) [Materials Chemistry (Advanced Chemical Reaction Rate Theory)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 小松﨑 民樹 [Tamiki KOMATSUZAKI] (電子科学研究所 附属社会創造数学研究センター)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094204

期間 Semester Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6062

キーワード Key Words

chemical reactions, dynamics, nonequilibrium, collective motion, dynamical systems theory, equation of motion, differential equation

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Chemical reactions inevitable for maintaining living systems correspond to the change of rearrangement of atoms constituting molecules. Even

though the corresponding scale differs from that of the molecular level at the order of 10^20, the motion of the planets in our universe is also

regarded as that of molecules at the same footing. However, because the motions of particles are interacting with each other in complicated

fashions nonlinearly, the prediction of the future is apparently almost impossible due to arbitrary small uncertainty at the initial condition. People

will understand that mathematical science enables us to provide a special route in the phase space along which one can predict the fate of

reactions, and actually is utilized for controlling reactions and designing a route of a spacecraft to travel different plants with the minimum cost.

到達目標 Course Goals

We will understand the motion of particles from the viewpoint of the geometry of the phase space composed of the coordinates and the conjugate

momenta of particles. We will understand the history of the development of chemical reaction theories from the viewpoint of not chemistry but

Hamiltonian systems, and learn a set of problems forgotten in the history of chemistry. Then, we learn the so-called normal form and that even

under the existence of chaos there exists a deterministic regularized route in the phase space. We will learn the question of whether such

deterministic regularized route exists or not will shed light on the question of why reactions occur, i.e., chance and necessity of the changes,

which has been asked from the day of alchemy.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The lecture will be organized for students who have not learned chemical reactions theory and Hamiltonian dynamical systems more than

Newton’s law.

We will take an ample of time to accept questions from students and ask students to write a short report on which you must write what you

learned at each lecture and what the most difficult to follow were.

0: An introduction of Hamiltonian dynamics: from the viewpoint of phase space

1: An overview of the history of chemical reactions: from dynamical system viewpoint.

2: Chemical reaction theories based on turnstile structure of the phase space

3: Universal chemical reaction theories based on high-dimensional phase space geometry (normally hyperbolic invariant manifold)

4: Breakdown of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds: alternation of degree of freedom between reactive and nonreactive degrees of freedom

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

I make a timeslot of Q&A, and ask a report to write any questions he/she feel during each lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading is mainly based on the report on the exercises that were given in the class, and based on activity (how much he/she made questions

as a report) in a class as well.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

I do not supply any books, but hope that all students learn how the interdisciplinary research between chemistry and mathematics is potentially

deeper than the design of a spacecraft pathway, and that students actively imagine and dig what type of new research may exist in between

chemical reactions and the other research arena.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites


研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 物質化学A(ナノ物質化学) [Materials Chemistry A (Mesoscopic Material Chemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 佐田 和己 [Kazuki SADA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Akira KAKUGO[Akira KAKUGO](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094206

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6052

キーワード Key Words

Self-organization, Molecular Networks, Molecular Machine, Molecular Assembly, Supramolecular Chemistry, Gel, Nanoporous Materials,

Crystals, Kinesin, Myosin, Dynein

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Self-organization and complex system are key concepts for designing structure and function of materials. This course will provide fundamentals

of self-organization from two different viewpoints; supramolecular chemistry and biomaterials. In particular, it is divided into two topics; (I)

molecular networks and (II) bio-molecular machines.

(I) Molecular Networks

The first part will focus on construction and properties of molecular-level network structures; lattice inclusion compounds, porous coordination

polymers, polymer gels, organo- or hydrogels from low-molecular-weight gelators. Some applications of all these materials such as separation,

catalysis, storage will be given.

(II) Bio-Molecular Machines

The latter part will be offered for students who want to learn about the system of bio-molecular machines. In this course, students will get a

chance to come to know about: (1) basic information on bio-molecular machines and their working principle, (2) integration mechanism of bio-

molecular machines into highly organized structure, (3) correlation between the structure and dynamic property. Furthermore, this course will

focus on industrial applications of bio-molecular machines by way of making use of genetic engineering technique and nano-biotechnology.

到達目標 Course Goals

Firstly this course reviews fundamentals of molecular network structures and bio-molecular machines with respect to self-organization.

Students will be able to acquire basic knowledge both on preparation and molecular design of network structures and on bio-molecular machines,

understand their construction and working principle in advanced applications of physical chemistry and material science.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(Topic I) Molecular Networks provided by K. S.

1. Introductory for Molecules, Informations, and Self-Organization

2. Lattice Inclusion Crystals: Organic Self-assembled System

3. Macrocyclic Compounds as Host Compounds

4. Zeolite and Related Inorganic Nanoporous Materials

5. Metal-Organic Frameworks as the third Generation

6. Chemically-crosslinked Gels

7. Physical Gels including Low-Molecular-Weight Organogels

(Topic II) Bio-Molecular Machines by A. K.

1. Introduction to bio-molecular machine

2. Generation mechanism of energy (ATP) through photo-synthesis

3. Self-organization of bio-molecular machine

4. Working principle and industrial application of bio-molecular machine

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will read reviews and the primary literature on each topic, and submit questions for instrutor after every classes and some written

reports on the topics.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance more than 70% classes is requisite for evaluation of the credit. The grade is evaluated in the following three items;(1) learning

attitude (30%), (2) report (10%), (3) examination or paper (60%). Understanding for each class is evaluated by report, and the basic knowledge

for the subject is by term examination or paper.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用物質化学(有機物性化学) [Applied Materials Chemistry (Physical Chemistry of Organic Materials)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 小泉 均 [Hitoshi KOIZUMI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094207

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6100

キーワード Key Words

polymers, glass transition, rubber elasticity, viscoelasticity, creep, stress relaxation, Time-temperature superposition principle, weather

resistance of polymers

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Mechanical properties of polymers and their dependence on the molecular structure, temperature and time are taught. The mechanisms of the

fracture and chemical deterioration of polymers are also taught. The objectives of this course are to understand characteristic properties of

polymers and the relationship between durability of polymers and their chemical and physical structures.

到達目標 Course Goals

The goals of this course are to understand characteristic properties of polymers, such as rubber elasticity, and viscoelasticity, and to get

fundamental knowledge for developing novel polymer materials or using polymer materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The lectures about the following subjects and short tests after the lectures are given.

The lesson plan:

1. Characteristics of polymers,

2. Rubber elasticity,

3. Dependence of elasticity of polymers on their structures,

4. Viscoelasticity,

5. Time-temperature superposition principle,

6. Stress-strain behavior and strength of polymers,

7. Weather resistance of polymers,

8. Final examination.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Review the lessons with distributed handouts.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The grade is given with the sum of 30 % of the average score of the short tests and 70% of the score of the final examination.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

教科書は用いない。毎回,Lecture 内容をまとめたプリントを配付する。

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用物質化学(界面電子化学) [Applied Materials Chemistry (Interfacial Electrochemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 伏見 公志 [Koji FUSHIMI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094208

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6112

キーワード Key Words

Electrode structure, interfacial reaction, charge transfer process, mass transport process, electrochemical methods,micro-electrochemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The reactions occurring at interfaces between electrolyte and materials, i.e., electrodes are discussed. Students learn electrode reactions from

views of interfacial thermodynamics, charge transfer kinetics, and mass transport process at the interface. They then proceed to principle and

application using electrochemical methods as well as physical chemistry at the interface.

到達目標 Course Goals

Discussions start from basic aspects of electrochemistry, mainly for electrode structure including atomic level surface, electric double layer,

electrode potential, etc. and are extended to interfacial reaction such as charge transfer process and mass transfer process. The goal of this

course is supply details of electrochemical methods both to evaluate and to apply electrochemical reaction. Students are finally required to

present and discuss electrochemical or interfacial subjects as well as their own research subjects.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1-3. Fundamentals of electrochemistry; electrode structure, electrode potential, non-Faradaic and Faradaic processes, energy conversion,


4. Outline of electrochemical methods; apparatus, electrochemical cell, and electric circuit used in electrochemistry

5-6. Polarization technique; controlling processes of interfacial reaction (charge transfer process and mass transfer process), cyclic

voltammetry,hydrodynamic method, microelectrode technique

7. Transient technique; potentiometry, ammerometry, coulometry, AC impedance spectroscopy, electrochemical sensor

8. Presentation; electrochemical theory and methods in newest research topics are introduced and discussed.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are requested to read relevant contents in the textbook beforehand. Students are also expected to study recent journal articles in

interfacial electrochemistry and prepare presentation materials to be used in class discussions.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Presentations(50%) and reports(50%)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Electrode Dynamics/A.C. Fisher:Oxford University Press,1996

Lecture指定図書 Reading List


Electrochemical Methods, Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd ed./Allen J. Bard, Larry R. Faulkner:Wiely,2001

Analytical and Physical Electrochemistry/Hubert H. Girault:EPFL Press

参照ホームページ Websites


研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用物質化学(無機物性化学) [Applied Materials Chemistry (Inorganic Solid State Chemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 鱒渕 友治 [Yuji MASUBUCHI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094209

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6122

キーワード Key Words

Sintering, Thin film, Single crystal, Nano materials, Morphology

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Inorganic solids are known to show various properties depending on their constituent elements and crystal structure. Additionally, from the

viewpoint of “material” their morphology and microstructure must be optimized to achieve their applications. This lecture will be dealing with

preparation process of sintered body, thin film, single crystal, and nano materials for inorganic materials. We will also discuss how their physical

properties relate to their morphology and micro structure.

到達目標 Course Goals

To understand a relationship between various properties and microstructure. To learn preparation methods of sintered body, thin film, single

crystal, and nano materials. To understand fundamental mechanism of diffusion, nucleation, crystal growth, and grain growth.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction: properties and morphology of inorganic solids

2. Sintering: solid and liquid phase diffusion, sintering of metal nitrides

3. Thin film: deposition process, vacuum deposition, vapor and liquid phase deposition

4. Single crystal: crystal growth mechanism, various crystal growth process

5. Nano material: properties, nano particles, composites, assemblage

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are encouraged to read the handouts which will be given prior to each class.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Examination 30% (on each lecture) and final report 70%

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites


研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用物質化学(電子材料化学特論) [Applied Materials Chemistry (Physical Chemistry of Electronic


講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 青木 芳尚 [Yoshitaka AOKI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094210

期間 Semester Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6130

キーワード Key Words

Energy devices, semiconductors, ion conductors, heterojunctions, defect thermodynamics

授業の目標 Course Objectives

solid state electrochemical devices including solid oxide fuel cells, all solid state battery, hybrid solar cells

到達目標 Course Goals

Fundamentals of all solid state electrochemical devices.

To understand the phenomena at solid electrolyte-electrode interfaces.

Band structures at meta/semiconductor hetero junctions.

Interplays between ion and electron carriers in solid state electrolytes.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction of band theory

2. Correlation between catalytic activity and electronic properties of Pt ORR catalysts

3. Fundamental of electrochemical impedance analysis of interfacil polarization

4. Correlation between elecronic carriers and defects in metal oxides

5. Design of solid state ionics devices based on interfacial properties

6. Novel solid state energy devices with the inter-plays between ion and electron carriers.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are encouraged o understand the working principals of fuel cells and all solid state batteries, fundamentals of defect thermodynamics

and basic concepts of electronic properties at hetero-interfaces.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The scores are determined by (1) questions or discussion after lectures (30%), (2) learning attitude (10%) and (3) reports at end of semester

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Physics of semiconductor devices/S. M. Sze

電極化学 上/佐藤教男

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用物質化学A(機能固体化学) [Applied Materials Chemistry A (Solid State Chemistry of Functional


講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 島田 敏宏 [Toshihiro SHIMADA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Taro NAGAHAMA[Taro NAGAHAMA](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094211

期間 Semester Fall/Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6142

キーワード Key Words

First part (3rd semester):

-Interface, thin film, crystal growth, nanojunction, spintronics, magnetism, electronic devices -

Second part (4th semester):

-Structure and functions of solid state materials -

-Ligand field theory, semiconductors, solar cells, lasers, non-linear optics, phase transition kinetics, electron correlation, ultra hard ceramics,

plasmonics, superconductivity etc. Some theoretical methods will also be introduced.

授業の目標 Course Objectives

First part (3rd semester):

Study the electronic and magnetic properties of thin films and nanostructured materials. Several fabrication methods, i.e. MBE, sputtering,

PLD are introduced. The relation between the function of the nano-materials and electronic states and magnetism will be explained.

Second part (4th semester)

Study the relationship between the structure and function of solid state materials.

Obtain deep insights in the atomic scale about the chemistry and physics behind the practical technologies, such as magnet, solar cells, lasers,

thermal camera and CD-R/W. Basic theoretical technique will be introduced.

到達目標 Course Goals

First part (3rd semester):

Learn the electronic states in the solid state materials; band structure and magnetic interactions. Understand the development of the new

functional devices and fabrication process.

Second part (4th semester):

The first goal is to understand the "heart" of chemistry and physics of solid state functional materials and obtain the ability to design and crate

new materials. The second goal is to understand what is written in literature with theoretical description. The lecture and the homeworks

will be organized to achieve this goal.

授業計画 Course Schedule

First part (3rd semester):

1. outline of the nanostructured materials and thin films

2-4 electronic states in solid; band theory.

5-6 magnetic properties of solid

7 fabrication process of nan-structure and thin films

8 development of the devices: spintronics

Second part (4th semester):

Topics other than the list can also be lectured according to request.

1. Introduction to solid state chemistry / physics and thermoelectricity

2. semiconductors focused on solar cells

3. transparent conductors (oxides, nanowires, graphene)

4. advanced ligand field theory and basics of photophysics - lasers,

nonlinear optics, optical fibers

5. interfaces: workfunction and chemistry of semiconductor junction devices

6. phase memory materials (DVD-R/W, shape memory alloys)

7.ferroelectrics and shape memory alloy

8. thermography and strongly correlated electron systems

Theoretical technique will be introduced every time.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Preparation: read the handout posted on the website (URL will be given at the first lecture).

Review: solve the problem given in the lecture and write brief reports.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading is based on the quiz given at each lecture and the final report.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Inorganic chemistry/D.F. Shriver and P.W. Atkins:Oxford University Press,2006


No need to purchase the book. We use handouts.

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用物質化学A(応用材料化学) [Applied Materials Chemistry A (Applied Inorganic Materials


講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 忠永 清治 [Kiyoharu TADANAGA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Tetsuo UCHIKOSHI[Tetsuo UCHIKOSHI]( 物質・ 材料研究機構 ), Takashi TAKEDA[Takashi

TAKEDA](物質・材料研究機構), Katsuya KATO[Katsuya KATO](産業技術総合研究所), Norihito

KIJIMA[Norihito KIJIMA](産業技術総合研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094212

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELMAT 6150

キーワード Key Words

Nanoparticle, nano- and meso-porous materials, Functional inorganic material, Bio-ceramic composites, Bulk material, Materials processing,

Nanostructural analysis, Functional characterization

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The relation between the functionality of materials, especially inorganic functional materials, and their electronic state, nanostructure and

macroscopic form such as bulk will be lectured. The appearance mechanism of various functionality obtained by controlling the composition

and microstructure of the materials, the processing methods of functionality-designed materials and the characterization techniques of the

materials will be addressed. The prospects for industrial application in the future will be discussed by taking up some topics, including the

synthesis of nanoparticles and nanocomposites, the synthesis of nano-porous oxides and nano-porous oxide-biomolecule composites, the

synthesis of electrode materials for lithium ion batteries, and the synthesis of phosphor materials for white LEDs.

到達目標 Course Goals

The relation between the materials properties and nano/micro-structures drawing the required functions to the maximum will be understood.

In addition, the basic science and skills for materials processing and analysis will be mastered. The task to find a topic for oneself and investigate

it will be given to the students as training to select and treat information scientifically.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Lectures will be given by Professor Tetsuo UCHIKOSHI, Professor Takashi TAKEDA (NIMS),Professor Katsuya KATO and Professor

Norihito KIJIMA (AIST).

The following contents will be lectured using the documents edited for the class by the lecturers:

1.Introduction: Structure and functionality of nanomaterials.

2.Processing technique: Powder synthesis via gas, liquid or solid phase reaction and processing chemistry of bulk materials.

3.Property and characterization: Characterization of particle and powder, nano-micro-macro structure of bulk materials. Evaluation of electric,

electrochemical, magnetic, optical, mechanical and catalytic properties.

4.Summary: Industrial application and future prospects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Role and the possibility of nanomaterials in the

sustainable society.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Review the distributed documents and blackboard demonstration contents, and ask any questions at the next class.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Your attitude in classes (20%) and reports (80%) will affect your final grade.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

http://www.nims.go.jp/, http://www.aist.go.jp/

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Some documents will be distributed if necessary.

科目名 Course Title 生物化学A(Ⅰ) [Biochemistry A (I)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Masayuki TAKAHASHI[Masayuki TAKAHASHI](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094301

期間 Semester Fall/Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELBIO 6002

キーワード Key Words

genetic information、DNA、RNA、Protein、Chromatin、chromosome、motor protein, muscle contraction, cell motility, cytoskeleton, cell shape

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Cells differentiate into various cell types, each of which has specific function and cell shape, through regulation of their gene expression. The

course will provide students with an overview of the molecular mechanisms of expression and maintenance of genetic information and the

function of various proteins involved in the change and maintenance of cell shape.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students are expected to deeply understand the molecular mechanism of gene expression and maintenance through chromatin structure and

the molecular mechanism of muscle contraction and various cell motile processes.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1) The role of chromatin structure in the regulation of genetic information

2) Epigenetic regulation of gene expression and iPS cells

3) Telomere regulation and cell senescence

4) Transposons and their regulation

5) Molecular mechanism of muscle contraction and its regulation?

6) Structure and mechanism of motor proteins?

7) Dynamics of cytoskeletal proteins?

8) Molecular mechanism of cell migration?

9) Molecular mechanism of cell division?

10) Morphological changes of neuronal cells

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to review the material provided by the instructors.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

20%: Reports, 20%: Short tests, 60% examination

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 生物化学A(Ⅱ) [Biochemistry A (II)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 髙岡 晃教 [Akinori TAKAOKA] (遺伝子病制御研究所)

担当教員 Other Instructors Yasuyuki FUJITA[Yasuyuki FUJITA](遺伝子病制御研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094302

期間 Semester Fall/Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELBIO 6012

キーワード Key Words

Cell growth, growth factor, extracellular matrices, cell adhesion, cyotoskeleton, cell movement, oncogenesis, cytokines, signal transduction,

genetic alterations, disease pathogenesis, microbial infection, immunology, basic medicine, cancer, basic skills for paper-writing, experimental

techniques of molecular biology/immunology

授業の目標 Course Objectives

For human being to exist in this world, certain homeostatic systems need to be established to maintain such complex structures and functions

of our body under the living conditions. Needless to say, these processes involve a number of physiological mechanisms composed of numerous

molecules in a very sophisticated manner. In the lecture series, this homeostatic regulatory system will be dissected at a molecular level. The

attended students are supposed to acquire basic knowledge as to how these complex molecular webs are spatially and temporally regulated to

intricately control and maintain our body.

In this world, we are surrounded by various microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and virus that often invade our body. In addition, several

factors including chemicals and UV mediate genotoxic stress inducing DNA damages. Thus, our body is continuously subjected to a variety of

internal and external stresses. To counteract them, several molecular mechanisms have been evolved that properly recognize these stresses,

activate intracellular signaling pathways and induce various cellular responses. In turn, the disruption of these homeostatic systems could cause

diseases such as cancer and infection. The attendees will also learn these disease-causing mechanisms at a molecular level.

Hence, the goal of this lecture series is to understand the fundamental homeostatic mechanisms that control our life and to look at two sides

of the same coin: how they are regulated and what happens when they are derailed. For one side of the coin, the two topics will be taught: 1)

cell proliferation and 2) immune system. Then, for the other side of the coin, the students will learn the outcome of deregulation of the respective

process, namely 1) cancer and 2) infection or immunodeficiency-inducing disease.

到達目標 Course Goals

The following three goals are targeted in this lecture series.

1) To understand mechanisms for establishment and maintenance of our body by assembling fragmented information on various biological

processes into systemic and comprehensive structures of knowledge at molecular, cellular and individual levels.

2) To understand the positive and negative regulatory systems maintaining homeostatic conditions of our body.

3) To understand how functional deregulation of molecules leads to the onset of diseases or pathological situations.

By achieving these goals, the attended students are supposed to obtain fundamental understanding on the structural and functional mechanisms

for various biosystems. Furthermore, they are expected to be able to take ‘chemistry’ from a new angle and to acquire additional dimension

for creativity.

授業計画 Course Schedule

As shown below, this lecture series consists of two sections. In the section 【1】, the students will learn various regulatory systems for cell

proliferation and study how the deregulation of these systems will lead to cancer. The section【2】 will focus on homeostatic regulatory

mechanisms, especially on immune systems and infection. Two professors, Fujita and Takaoka, will be responsible for the respective section.

The detailed schedule for the lectures will be informed at the first lecture.

【1】Molecular mechanisms of oncogenesis ; Y. Fujita

1. Molecular mechanisms of cell transformation

2. Signal transduction pathways controlling cell proliferation

3. Cell-cell adhesions

4. Extracellular matrix and cell adhesion

5. Cytoskeletons and cell movement

【2】Homeostatic regulation by host defense(Immune system & infection);A. Takaoka

(1) Macroscopic presentation of human body including a anatomical structure, biochemical, physiological functions of each organs

(2) General introduction of host defense (innate immunity and adaptive immunity, basic knowledge of antibody molecules and their clinical

application, roles of immune cells and their activation mechanisms)

(3) Soluble factors (e.g., cytokines) that regulate the immune system, and their mechanisms of action

(1) Fundamental knowledge of pathogenic microbes (e.g., viruses and bacteria)

(2) Diseases and pathological conditions as a result of breakdown in life system (e.g., infectious diseases, cancers) and molecular mechanisms

for disease pathogenesis (genetic abnormalities and immunodeficiency)

(3) Therapeutic principle that is based on a molecular abnormality responsible for a disease (e.g., gene therapy)

(1) Basic and application of experimental methods that are often used in the research field of molecular biology/immunology

(2) Overview of manuscript process (from submission to revision, resubmission, and acceptance)

(3) Essentials to a high-quality paper

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

There is no obligatory assignment that students have to prepare or review during this course. We think that what is essential is that students

can maximally concentrate their attentions on each class and find something interesting to move them to spontaneously explore it further. We

therefore will make maximum efforts to make each class attractive and to support students to learn the topic of each class in an extended


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Basically, the score of written examination that is conducted at the end of this course is regarded as a major factor for assessment (EXAM

SCORE). To take this exam, students requires more than 60% attendance during this course (ATTENDANCE). In addition, we also consider

it as one of the important factors for assessment how actively students participate in each class (PARTICIPATION). The course employs the

grading system that is generally used for the student assessment in this university: Excellent plus, excellent, very good, good, and not good.

Overall, the following two major points are considered to comprehensively and fairly make the final assessment:

1) EXAM SCORE: 80%


テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


はじめ、時には最新の関連学術論文を用いるなど、多様な資料を必要に応じて Lecture用のプリントとして作成し、Lecture を展開してい


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

前項目にも記したように偏らずに広い範囲で多様な教科書や資料を提供したいため、Lecture 指定図書は敢えて設定しない予定であ


参照ホームページ Websites

http://www.igm.hokudai.ac.jp/oncology/, http://www.igm.hokudai.ac.jp/sci/

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

The information on Fujita’s lab and Takaoka’s lab can be obtained through the following websites, respectively:

http://www.igm.hokudai.ac.jp/oncology/, http://www.igm.hokudai.ac.jp/sci/

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 生物化学A(Ⅲ) [Biochemistry A (III)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 内田 毅 [Takeshi UCHIDA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094303

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELBIO 6022

キーワード Key Words

Absorption Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy, Optical Activity, Raman Scattering, Magnetic Resonance, Single-molecular Detection

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Spectroscopies have been revealed detailed structures of biological molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and other related molecules. This

course will provide students with basic theories of spectroscopies and knowledge about their biological applications.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will learn the background and basic theories of various kinds of spectroscopies for analyzing structures and functions of biological


授業計画 Course Schedule

[1st Half]

Explain the basic theory of some spectroscopies.

Week 1: Orientation and Introduction

Week 2: Basic Theory of Mass Spectroscopy in Biochemistry

Week 3: Basic Theory of Absorption Spectroscopy in Biochemistry

Week 4: Basic Theory of Infrared Spectroscopy in Biochemistry

Week 5: Basic Theory of Raman Spectroscopy in Biochemistry

Week 6: Basic Theory of Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Biochemistry

Week 7: Basic Theory of Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy in Biochemistry

Week 8: Basic Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Biochemistry

Week 9: Basic Theory of Single-Molecule Detection and Other Spectroscopic Techniques in Biochemistry

[2nd Half] Explain the application of the spectroscopies to bimolecular studies.

Week 10: Protein Folding

Week 11: Biological Application of Absorption Spectroscopy

Week 12: Biological Application of Raman Scattering

Week 13: Biological Application of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Week 14: Biological Application of Nuclaer Magnetic Resonance

Week 15: Examination

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Assignment is required for every lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

quiz, 40%; examination, 60%

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Methods in Molecular Biophysics/Serdyuk, I. N.,他:Cambridge,2007

アトキンス物理化学(下)/P. Atkins:東京化学同人,2009

生体分子分光学入門/尾崎 幸洋、岩橋 秀夫:共立出版,1992

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 生物化学A(Ⅳ) [Biochemistry A (IV)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 谷野 圭持 [Keiji TANINO] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Takahiro SUZUKI[Takahiro SUZUKI](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094304

期間 Semester Fall/Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELBIO 6032

キーワード Key Words

Carbocation, Lewis acid, Enol silyl ether, Allylsilane, Electrophilic addition reaction, Carbon radical, Radical reduction, Radical addition

reaction, Radical cyclization reaction

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The chemistry of enol silyl ethers as well as allylsilanes provides powerful methods in modern organic synthesis. The reactions of these

compounds usually proceed through cationic intermediates, and it is very important to know the properties of carbocation species. This course

increases students’ understanding of useful carbon-carbon forming reactions mediated by Lewis acids.

This lecture also discuss about the features of carbon radicals such as the relationship between structure and stability, typical generation

methods, and the addition to the multiple bonds. The attainment target is acquirement of practical knowledge, which enable comprehension of

the complex synthetic schemes.

到達目標 Course Goals

At the end of the course each student should be able to:

1. explain the relationship between structure, stability, and reactivity of various carbocation species.

2. explain the “scope and limitations” in reactions involving carbocation intermediates, comparing with those in reactions of carbanion species

or organometallic compounds.

3. discuss the mechanism of the reactions mediated by a Lewis acid by assuming appropriate reactive intermediates.

4. explain the relationship between structure, stability, and reactivity about various carbon radicals.

5. explain the “scope and limitations” about the reactions using radicals in comparison with the common ionic reactions.

6. discuss the mechanism of the cascade reactions involving radical species.

7. suggest appropriate schemes involving a several-step transformation for the synthesis of small organic molecules.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. general properties of carbocation species

2. methods for generating carbocation species

3. preparation and reactions of enol silyl ethers

4. preparation and reactions of allylsilanes

5. reactions of vinylsilanes and alkynylsilanes

6. Prince reaction and carbonyl-ene reaction

7. alkylation reaction using organometallic reagents

8. basic property and generation of radical species

9. radical reduction by using alkyltin hydrides

10. radical reduction by using low valent metal salts

11. addition reactions of carbon radical with alkenes

12. radical cyclization leading to carbocycles or heterocycles

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are requested to take enough time to go over each subject noted down during the lecture. A full understanding of the reaction

mechanisms is especially important.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

based on a mid-term examination (50%) and a term examination (50%)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Textbooks are not assigned.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用生物化学(生合成工学) [Applied Biochemistry (Biosynthetic and Metabolic Engineering)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 大利 徹 [Toru DAIRI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Yasuharu SATOH[Yasuharu SATOH](工学研究院), Yasushi OGASAWARA[Yasushi OGASAWARA](工


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094305

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELBIO 6102

キーワード Key Words

microorganism, natural products, biosynthesis, genes, enzymes, bioinformatics

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Understanding of basic knowledge and techniques essential for biotechnology/bioengineering with microorganisms. 1. Principle of bioinformatics,

2. Michaelis Menten kinetics of enzyme reaction, 3. Outline of primary/secondary metabolites and metabolic pathways.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students are requested to understand papers about the microbial metabolites/metabolic pathways and the enzymes responsible for them, and

to apply the basic knowledge/technology to their own research subjects.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction

2. Principle of bioinformatics

3. Michaelis Menten kinetics of enzyme reaction-1-

4. Michaelis Menten kinetics of enzyme reaction-2-

5. Review of the primary metabolic pathway.

6. Diversity of the primary metabolic pathway in microorganisms

7. Review of the representative secondary metabolites and their biosynthetic pathways

8. Examples of microbial production of useful compounds based on biosynthetic engineering and metabolic engineering

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are requested to understand papers related to biochemistry and summarize its contents concisely.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The percentage of attendance and quality of reports.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

マクマリー生化学反応機構 : ケミカルバイオロジー理解のために/John McMurry, Tadhg Begley 著 ; 浦野泰照 [ほか] 訳:東京化学


Antibiotics : actions, origins, resistance/Christopher Walsh:ASM Press,2003

レーニンジャーの新生化学/レーニンジャー, ネルソン, コックス [著] ; 中山和久編集:廣川書店,2010

バイオインフォマティクス, 2nd Edition /David W. Mount 監訳:岡崎康司、坊農秀雅 :株式会社メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショ


参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

Students are requested to have basic knowledge of biochemistry

科目名 Course Title 応用生物化学(生命システム工学) [Applied Biochemistry (Biosystem Engineering)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 松本 謙一郎 [Kenichiro MATSUMOTO] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Chiaki HORI[Chiaki HORI](工学研究院), Tomohiro HIRAISHI[Tomohiro HIRAISHI](理化学研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094306

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELBIO 6112

キーワード Key Words

授業の目標 Course Objectives

到達目標 Course Goals

授業計画 Course Schedule

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用生物化学A(生物計測化学) [Applied Biochemistry A (Analytical Biochemistry)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 谷 博文 [Hirofumi TANI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Manabu TOKESHI[Manabu TOKESHI](工学研究院), Akihiko ISHIDA[Akihiko ISHIDA](工学研究院),

Masatoshi MAEKI[Masatoshi MAEKI](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094307

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELBIO 6122

キーワード Key Words

Molecular recognition, Enzyme assay, Immunoassay, Biomolecular interaction, Analytical biochemistry, Microanalytical devices, Lab on a chip

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Basics and applications of analytical chemistry exploiting highly sophisticated molecular recognition in biological and biochemical processes such

as enzymatic and immuno- reactions will be introduced. Development and applications of microanalytical devices for biochemical and

biomedical analyses will also be presented.

到達目標 Course Goals

-Understanding of the basics of molecular recognition in biological and biochemical process, and application to analytical chemistry exploiting

biomolecules as a probe.

-Understanding of the fundamentals and techniques of the microanalytical devices for biochemical and biomedical analyses.

-Design for a suitable bioanalytical system for a target molecule.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Biological and biochemical reaction exploited in analytical chemistry: Chemical analysis, molecular recognition in biological and biochemical

reaction, biomimetics, biochemical and biological analyses, selectivity and sensitivity, spectrophotometry, fluorometry, bioluminescence

2. Enzyme assay: Structure and activity of enzyme, kinetics and equilibrium of enzyme reaction, assay for enzyme activity using synthetic

substrate, substrate assay using enzyme, enzymatic cycling method

3. Immunoassay: Basic of immunoreaction, antibody, antigen, hapten, epitope, immunoprecipitation, immuno-enzymometric assay, labels in


4. Nucleic acid analysis: Fundamental and type of nucleic-acid hybridization, Detection techniques of nucleic-acid probe, Analysis of nucleic-

acid sequence, DNA chip

5. Biochemical and biomedical analysis using microanalytical devices: micro total analytical system, microarray, Lab on a chip, Application to

clinical and biomedical analysis

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to read the handouts that are given at least in a weak ahead. Students are also requested to review each lecture and

study the journal articles quoted in the lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Contribution to the class, presentation, and/or report will be assessed.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

テキストは指定せず,適宜Lecture 資料を配布する。その他,参考となる文献を適宜紹介する。

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

It is advisable to master biochemistry, analytical chemistry, and instrumental analysis in advance.

科目名 Course Title 応用生物化学A(機能性高分子特論) [Applied Biochemistry A (Advanced Functional Polymer)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 佐藤 敏文 [Toshifumi SATOH] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Takuya YAMAMOTO[Takuya YAMAMOTO](工学研究院), Takuya ISONO[Takuya ISONO](工学研究


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094308

期間 Semester Spring/Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELBIO 6132

キーワード Key Words

Polymer synthesis, Precise polymerization, Controlled/Living polymerization, Radical polymerization, Cationic polymerization, Anionic

polymerization, Coordination polymerization, Functional polymer, Polymer structure, Polymer design, Polymer solution, Phase separation


授業の目標 Course Objectives

To utilize polymeric materials and to design new functionality, the methodology of the polymer synthesis must be understood. To learn various

polymerization-methods and the various polymerization mechanisms is mainly studied as the basics of the macromolecular synthesis, and to

understand the latest macromolecular synthesis method is a goal. Moreover, students study and understand the precise syntheses based on

the free-radical polymerization, the cationic polymerization, the anionic-polymerization, and coordination polymerization, which is used for the

design and synthesis of functional macromolecules.

到達目標 Course Goals

Our goals are to learn various polymerization-methods and the various polymerization mechanisms and to understand the latest macromolecular

synthetic method. Moreover, students learn the precise synthesis based on the living polymerization, which is used for the design and synthesis

of functional polymeric materials as a goal of this course.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Polymerizations by Zieglar-Natta.

2. Polymerizations by metallocene catalysts.

3. Metathesis polymerization

4. Ring-opening polymerization leading to environment-conscious polymer and medical polymer

5. polycondensation and chain-growth polycondensation leading to engineering plastic and electrofunctional polymer

6. Radical polymerization: characteristics of radical polymerization and the primary structure of the resulting polymers.

7. Anionic polymerization: characteristics of anionic polymerization and the primary structure of the resulting polymers.

8. Cationic polymerization: characteristics of cationic polymerization and the primary structure of the resulting polymers.

9. Functional materials by assembly of polymers with designed architectures.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are required to carefully read distributed handouts, if any, beforehand and submit reports for assigned problems by specified dates.

Also, students present a report for problems after the class ends.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

In principle, students who attend 70% or more classes are graded. The final grade is determined by his/her learning attitude (20%) and reports

(80%). The reports are evaluated based on the student’s understanding on the synthesis and design of polymers and the logic of the writing. A,

100–90; B, 89–80; C, 79–70; D, 69–60; F, < 60.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


サイエンティフィク)を参考にしていただきたい。 The documents will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

大学院 高分子科学/野瀬卓平・中浜精一・宮田清蔵:講談社サイエンティフィック,2000

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用生物化学A(動物細胞培養工学) [Applied Biochemistry A (Cell Processing Engineering)]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 髙木 睦 [Mutsumi TAKAGI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Masashi FUJIWARA[Masashi FUJIWARA](工学研究院), Eisuke TATSUMI[Eisuke TATSUMI](国立循環

器病研究センター研究所), Hiroshi HOSODA[Hiroshi HOSODA](国立循環器病研究センター研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094309

期間 Semester Fall/Winter 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELBIO 6140

キーワード Key Words

Cultivation, animal cell, mammalian cell, pharmaceuticals, large scale, bioreactor, regenerative medicine, animal cell cultivation, scaffold, cardiac

blood vessel

授業の目標 Course Objectives

It is difficult to produce protein together with sugar chains such as therapeutic antibodies and interferons by chemical reaction and cultivation

of microbe. Industrial cultivation of animal cells in large scale becomes very important for the production of such products. The aim of this

subject is understand of history, industry field, adhesion, scaffold materials, media, cell analysis, and reactors about animal cell cultivation.

Animal cell cultivation is essential for regenerative medicine. Engineering subjects in animal cell cultivation for regenerative medicine such as

scaffold materials, effective culture methods, automation, and quality control of cells will be introduced.

到達目標 Course Goals

Understanding of the basics and practical engineering issue about the large scale production of pharmaceuticals by animal cell culture.

Understanding of engineering subjects for the practical cultivation of animal cells for regenerative medicine.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. History, industry

2. Comparison of animal cells with microbes

3. Cell adhesion

4. Scaffold materials

5. Cell analysis

6. Media

7. Osmotic pressure

8. Reactors

9. Outline of regenerative medicine

10. Construction of hybrid artificial lung

11. Ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic cells

12. Cultivation technique for cartilage regeneration

13. Tissue engineering for cardiac blood vessel

14. Tissue engineering for brain regeneration

15. Industrialization of regenerative medicine

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Self-review is recommended.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance ( > 70%) is essential.

All students are asked to receive mid-term and term-end examinations.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

セルプロセッシング工学/高木 睦:コロナ社,2007

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学研究先端Lecture [Topical Lectures in Chemical Sciences and Engineering]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094401

期間 Semester Irregular 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6001

キーワード Key Words

Cutting Edge Researches in Chemistry, Foreign Lecturers, English Lectures

授業の目標 Course Objectives

A series of English lectures on cutting edge researches in chemistry will provide enough knowledge and information on understanding recent

progress in chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will learn the background and recent progress in cutting edge researches in chemistry. Communicating with English speaking

lecturers will be expected.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Invited English speaking lecturers will give lectures on their recent researches in various fields of chemistry and discuss their topics with


準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Assignments will be required by lecturers.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Class participation (more than 7 lectures) and report.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 総合化学研究先端Lecture [Internship]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 仙北 久典 [Hisanori SENBOKU] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094403

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Internship 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6202

キーワード Key Words

Internship(domestic and oversea)

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Students improve their skill and knowledge by being engaged in an actual work relating their future career.

For overseas internship, students develop global vision by their experience overseas, gain expertise and experimental techniques which seem

to be hard to obtain in Japan.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students start to contact with where to do internship, then improve skills of communication, language, research practice, research network and

community formation etc, so that they can raise consciousness as an engineer or a researcher.

For overseas internship, students should try not to keep the experience at only level of basic studies, try to apply the experience to collaborative

researches with a practical level in the future.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The program will be generally conducted following the schedule below.


2.Application (not equal to Registration)


4.Internship for about between two weeks and two months

5.Submission of a report for the internship, presentation

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students need to do preliminary search and to prepare ecperiments in advance.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Basically, students must submit a report and do a presentation (in English language for overseas internship).

They will be evaluated by the above elements.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List


参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学産業実学 [Industrial Practice in Chemical Processes]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 西田 まゆみ [Mayumi NISHIDA] (触媒科学研究所)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094404

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5200

キーワード Key Words

Practical Science of Chemical Industry, Research and Development, Chemical Technology, Industry-academia Collaboration

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Invited lecturers have a background in science and are working at the forefront in industry as well as academia. They share their experience,

success and /or failure to educate how the things you learn at universities will help you in the future and what is requested by companies.

The aim of this course is to grasp the image of working in industry and consider your future and the way in which you relate to the society.

到達目標 Course Goals

The Course Goals are to study the real necessity of chemical technology for the society, how researches should behave in industry, and

consider research ethics, ensuring safety, environmental protection, the importance of transmission of information, and to cultivate a wide field

of view.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Invited lecturers are researchers as well as managers working at the forefront at a company and an national research institute. The concrete

plan of lectures is as follows;

1. Forefront of research and development of companies

Explanation on the product development including its background as well its social significance

2. Outlook and Task of chemical research

Explanation on future outlook and agenda-setting・research strategy by point of global view including concrete examples.

3. Chemist image pursued in the society

Explanation on the necessary capability for chemical researchers who are to be involved in research in future and items which need to be

studied during school days based on their experiences of the lecturers

4. Explanation on the weight of responsibility and its efforts of the chemical technology towards environmental protection.

Consideration on the chemical technology which contribute to establishing sustainable society including food issues and energy problem.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

No homework

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

As a general rule, the percentage of your attendance rate should be more than 75%.

An absent report should be submitted in advance.

The test conducted in the each lecture is evaluated.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

教科書はとくに指定せず、Lecture 時はパワーポイントを使用する。

Textbooks are not used. Slides prepared with PowerPoint are used.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title マイクロ・ナノ化学 [Micro-Nanochemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 渡慶次 学 [Manabu TOKESHI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Kei MURAKOSHI[Kei MURAKOSHI](理学研究院), Kosei UENO[Kosei UENO](電子研・グリーンナノテク),

Hirofumi TANI[Hirofumi TANI](工学研究院), Shinichiro FUJITA[Shinichiro FUJITA](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094405

期間 Semester Fall 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5222

キーワード Key Words

Microchemistry, Nanochemistry, Microchip, Biochip, Microreactor, Single Atom/Molecule Manipulation

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course investigates modern chemistry in micrometer - nanometer dimensions including microfabrication technologies in chemistry,

microchips/biochips, and microreactors.

到達目標 Course Goals

The students will be able to learn the basic concents and characteristics of

-Fundamental aspects in microfabrication techniques

-Chemical applications of microchips/biochips and microreactors

-Single molecular and atom manipulation techniques

授業計画 Course Schedule

M. Tokeshi (2 lectures)

- Historical background of micro-nanochemistry /State of the art technologies and recent topics in Microchips/Biochips

K. UENO (2 lectures)

- Microfabrication techniaues / Microchips / Miroreactors

K. Murakoshi (2 lectures)

- Single atom/molecule manipulation / Nanochemistry

H. Tani (1 lecture)

- Biochip

S. Fujita (1 lecture)

- Microreactors

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Basic analytical and physical chemistry in undergraduate level

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Learning attitude and report

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 生命分子化学特論 [Modern Trends in Biomolecular Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 髙木 睦 [Mutsumi TAKAGI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Hideaki OIKAWA[Hideaki OIKAWA]( 理 学 研 究 院 ), Kazuyasu SAKAGUCHI[Kazuyasu

SAKAGUCHI]( 理 学 研 究 院 ), Yota MURAKAMI[Yota MURAKAMI]( 理 学 研 究 院 ), Takeshi

UCHIDA[Takeshi UCHIDA](理学研究院), Kenichiro MATSUMOTO[Kenichiro MATSUMOTO](工学

研究院), Toshihiko OI[Toshihiko OI](工学研究院), Kenji TAJIMA[Kenji TAJIMA](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094406

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5230

キーワード Key Words

Genetic information, protein structure, molecular mechanism, biosynthetic mechanism, animal cells, secondary metabolites, biopolymers,


授業の目標 Course Objectives

Synthesis, structure, function, and novel engineering subjects on of bio-molecules will be studied focusing on the fields of life science,

information, medicine, and environment.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students are expected to understand deeply the topics of genetic information, protein structure, animal cell cultivation, secondary metabolites,

biopolymers, and clean environments in the fields of life science, information, medicine, and environment.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1.Advanced concepts and cutting edge techniques to understand molecular functions and structures of biomolecules essential for life will be

introduced based on the basic theories and the applications. Recent progresses and future developments in molecular understanding of life

will also be discussed.

2.This lecture outlines methodologies to analyze structures and functions of protein that is a main molecule in biological activity of life, and

illustrates by examples in biochemical study.

3.Cells produce various proteins based on the genetic information for their maintenance and inheritance. Recent study revealed that small

RNA plays an important role in the cell. The production and the function of the small RNA will be introduced. The application of the small RNA

in medicine, such as cancer treatment, will be also discussed.

4.Cell adhesion process essential for animal cell and related signal transduction will be introduced.

5.Nature creates a number of structurally diverse and biologically active secondary metabolites. Based on knowledge of organic chemistry,

representative biosynthetic strategy will be introduced using uncovered data and be discussed on the view of problems concerning application

of organic synthesis.

6.Cells produce various kinds of polysaccharides, that play a critical role. Many proteins are associated with polysaccharide synthesis, and

biosynthetic mechanism including protein structures will be introduced.

7.All processes of synthesis, regulation and degradation of biopolymers are discussed in terms that how biotechnology contributes to the

global environments issues of 21th century.

8.The treatment of environmental problems through biological process means is known as bioremediation. The perspective of the application

based on the biological reactions will be overviewed.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are asked to submit a report on the subject which instructor give every time.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance ( > 70%) and reports.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 総合化学特論Ⅰ(Modern Trends in Physical and Material Chemistry) [Modern Trends in Physical and

Material Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094407

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5241

キーワード Key Words

Advanced Physical Chemistry, Catalytic Transformation, Photochemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Chemical Energy Conversion, Separation

Process Engineering, Process Engineering, Catalyst Design, Analysis of Physical Properties of Materials, Nano-Photonics Materials, Inorganic

Solid State Chemistry, Mesoscopic Material Chemistry, Interfacial Electrochemistry, Physical Chemistry of Electronic Materials, Solid State

Chemistry of Functional Materials, Applied Inorganic Materials Chemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Lectures on scientific research in physical chemistry and materials chemistry will be given in English. In this course, the basic concepts and an

overview necessary for understanding the advanced research are introduced, followed by explanations of cutting-edge researches in various

fields of chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Through a series of lectures in various fields of chemistry in English, students will learn a broad perspective and an international sense in

chemical researches.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Lectures will be provided by young assistant and associate professors in the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. A

schedule of lecturers and titles will be informed in the first lecture of the course.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Assignment is required for every lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

It is required to attend at least 70% of the lectures. Evaluation as pass/fail will be based on the level of attendance (20%) and submitted reports

(each time, 80% in total).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 総合化学特論Ⅱ(Modern Trends in Organic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry) [Modern Trends in

Organic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094408

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5251

キーワード Key Words

Structural and Physical Organic Chemistry, Macromolecular Science, Organometallic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Organic Materials,

Genetic Regulation, Disease Regulation, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Biophisycal Chemistry, Biosynthetic and Metabolic Engineering,

Biosystem Engineering, Analytical Biochemistry, Functional Polymer, Cell Processing Engineering

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Lectures on scientific research in Organic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry will be given in English. In this course, the basic concepts and

an overview necessary for understanding the advanced research are introduced, followed by explanations of cutting-edge researches in various

fields of chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Through a series of lectures in various fields of chemistry in English, students will learn a broad perspective and an international sense in

chemical researches.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Lectures will be provided by young assistant and associate professors in the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. A schedule

of lecturers and titles will be informed in the first lecture of the course.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Assignment is required for every lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

It is required to attend at least 70% of the lectures. Evaluation as pass/fail will be based on the level of attendance (20%) and submitted reports

(each time, 80% in total).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 基礎物理化学特論 [Introductory of Physical Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 石森 浩一郎 [Koichiro ISHIMORI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Kei MURAKOSHI[Kei MURAKOSHI](理学研究院), Goro MARUTA[Goro MARUTA](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094409

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5002

キーワード Key Words

Molecular orbital theory, Symmetry, Spectroscopy, Surface, Equilibrium and Kinetics

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The purpose of this course is to understand the fundamental concepts of molecular orbital theory, symmetry, spectroscopy, surface, equilibrium

as well as kinetics in physical chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Goals are to develop skills to solve problems in physical chemistry and acquire the capacity how the knowledge is applied for chemical


授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Processes at solid surfaces (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 25)

Structure of solid surfaces, the extent of adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis, processes at electrode

2. Spectroscopy I: rotational and vibrational spectroscopy (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 13)

General features of spectroscopy

3. Spectroscopy II: electronic transitions and Spectroscopy III:magnetic resonance (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 14, 15)

The characteristics of electronic transitions, the fates of electronically excited states, the effect of magnetic fields on electrons and nuclei,

nuclear magnetic resonance

4. Molecular orbital theory (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 11)

Molecular orbital theory, homonuclear diatomic molecules, chemical bonding

5. Molecular symmetry (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 12)

The symmetry elements of objects, applications to molecular orbital theory and spectroscopy

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

To be announced.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The attitude at the lecture (30%) and report scores (70%) are evaluated.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Physical Chemistry 10th edition/P. W. Atkins, Julio De Paula:Oxford University Press,2014

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 無機化学特論 [Frontiers of Inorganic Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 小林 厚志 [Atsushi KOBAYASHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094410

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5012

キーワード Key Words

coordination chemistry, solid state chemistry, material chemistry, nano materials, nano science, photocatalysts, bioinorganic chemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are: To understand the properties, structures, and functionalities of the coordination compounds which play

important roles in the various fields such as materials, bioinorganic chemistry, and nano science, To get the latest information of cutting-edge

research concerning inorganic and coordination chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

The goal of this course is total understanding of the importance of coordination compounds from the viewpoints of coordination structures and

electronic states, and to develop the ability to predict structures, properties and (photo)reactivity of coordination compounds. At the same

time, students learn the sense of study in the fields of inorganic and coordination chemistry (typical concepts are listed below).

1) Ligand-field theory

2) Marcus Theory

3) Nano-science of coordination compounds

4) Importance of metal complexes in applied chemistry and biochemistry

授業計画 Course Schedule

(1) Basics and application of ligand-field theory

(2) Ligand exchange and electron transfer of metal complexes

(3) Photo-induced electron transfer and artificial photosynthesis

(4) Important effect of impurities -in the cases of solar and fuel cells-

(5) Interesting properties of nano materials and porous materials

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Exercise in Shriver & Atkins' Inorganic Chemistry (Oxford University Press)

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance (mini-exam, 30%), report&presentation (30%), and final exam (35%). More than 70% attendance is required to earn this credit.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

シュライバー「無機化学」(下)第4版/田中、平尾、北川 訳:東京化学同人,2008

Shriver & Atkins' Inorganic Chemistry/Peter Atkins:Oxford University Press,2010

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 有機化学特論 [Special Lecture on Organic Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 谷野 圭持 [Keiji TANINO] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Hajime ITOH[Hajime ITOH](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094411

期間 Semester Summer 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5262

キーワード Key Words

basic organic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, polymer chemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course aims to introduce participants to the latest trends and progresses in organic chemistry and related sciences. The class is opened

to the students who have not studied the specialized course of organic chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

On completion of this course, students should be able to understand the recent trends and future problems in physical organic chemistry,

organometallic chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, and polymer chemistry.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Lecture 1. Electroorganic synthesis

Lecture 2. Introduction to asymmetric reduction reactions

Lecture 3. New methods for functionalization of organic compounds: the boration approach

Lecture 4. How to understand the schemes of natural product synthesis

Lecture 5. The C-H--O hydrogen bond: the role and future in controlling the alignment of molecules

Lecture 6. Lessons from enzymes for designing chiral catalysts

Lecture 7. Nature's way to synthesize natural products: Comparison between chemical synthesis and enzymatic synthesis

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

While preparation is not required, students are expected to comprehend the lecture for preparing reports.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

It is required to attend at least 70% of the lectures. Evaluation as pass/fail will be based on the level of attendance (20%) and submitted reports

(twice, 40% each).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Textbooks are not assigned.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 基礎生物化学特論 [Introductory of Biological Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Akinori TAKAOKA[Akinori TAKAOKA]( 遺伝 子病制 御研 究所 ), Yasuyuki FUJITA[Yasuyuki


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094412

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5020

キーワード Key Words

cell growth and differentiation, gene expression, epigenetics, signal transduction, oncogene, immunity, infectious disease

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The class focuses on fundamental aspects of molecular mechanisms that underlie basic biological phenomena such as cell growth, cell

differentiation and immunity. In addition, how disorder of the regulatory mechanism causes diseases including cancer and infectious disease will

be discussed.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students to be able to understand the basic regulatory mechanisms of gene expression, cell growth and immune system and developing

mechanisms for the related-diseases.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(1)Regulatory mechanisms for gene expression during cell differentiation: Transcription factor, Transcription factor network, Chromatin


(2)Regulator mechanism of cell growth and senesence: cell growth signal, apoptosis and immortalization of the cell, oncogenes and tumor

suppressor genes in tumorigenesis

(3)Signal transductions in the host defense system: Signaling pathways to activate immune responses and molecular pathogenesis underlying

infectious diseases and immunodeficiency, cross-interaction between host and microbes

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to review the material provided by the instructors.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

20%: class participation, 80%: examination

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

細胞の分子生物学 第5版/B. Alberts 他:ニュートンプレス,2010

Molecular Biology of the Cell, the 5th edition/B. Alberts, et al.:Garland Science,2008

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 分子物理化学特論 [Molecular Physical Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 佐藤 信一郎 [Shinichiro SATOH] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094413

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5100

キーワード Key Words

Quantum Mechanics, Perturbation Theory, Stark Effect, Zeeman Effect, Photoabsorption and Emission

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Quantum theory is essential to understand molecular physical chemistry. The lecture is intended for graduate students who have a general

background in elementary quantum dynamics, and concentrates on the perturbation theory to give students a deep and essential understand

on the interactions between molecular system and external fields such as electric, magnetic, and photon fields.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of the semester you should be able to:

-Apply the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics to solve simple model problems.

-Analyze experiments that probe the quantum mechanical nature of matter to gain insight into the

structure and dynamics of atoms, molecules, and nanomaterials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

I. Steady-state perturbation theory: first-order perturbation theory including degenerate system and second-order perturbation theory

II. Stark effects of hydrogen atom: the first-order interactions for 2s, 2px, 2py, 2pz degenerate states and the second-order interaction for

1s state. The polarizability of hydrogen atoms will be discussed on the basis of the second-order perturbation theory.

III . Time-dependent perturbation theory

IV . Photoabsorption and emission processes will be discussed on the basis of time-dependent perturbation theory.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are requested to read relevant contents in the textbook beforehand: page ranges will be announced at

least in a week ahead.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The attendance rate must be over 70% to be qualified to take the final exam. Evaluations will be made based on (1) learning attitude (20%), (2)

reports (80%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

現代量子化学の基礎/中島威 藤村勇一:共立出版,1999

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 物質構造解析学特論 [Structural Analysis of Inorganic Materials]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 忠永 清治 [Kiyoharu TADANAGA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Toshihiro SHIMADA[Toshihiro SHIMADA](工学研究院), Yuji MASUBUCHI[Yuji MASUBUCHI](工学

研究院), Akira MIURA[Akira MIURA](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094414

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5110

キーワード Key Words

x-ray structure analysis, electron microscope, neutron diffraction, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, solid-state NMR

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Crystal structure analysis is required to understand the property of materials. X-ray, electron and neutron diffractions will be introduced for

the structural analysis especially in inorganic solids. Structural analysis of inorganic solids by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and solid-state

NMR will also be introduced.

到達目標 Course Goals

X-ray diffraction theory will be introduced to understand the relation between crystal structure and electron density distribution. Electron

microscopy will also be applied for the analysis of inorganic materials. Neutron diffraction is useful to analyze the magnetic structure and the

position of light elements. The principle of X - ray absorption spectroscopy and the difference from the diffraction method will be discussed.

Structural analysis of inorganic materials using solid state NMR will be introduced.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. What is x-ray? : Its generation, diffraction, scattering, absorption of x-ray etc.

2. X-ray diffraction for inorganic solids: powder diffractometor, qualitative and quantitative analyses, lattice parameter determination, crystallite

size and distortion, crystal orientation etc.

3. Neutron diffraction: Difference from x-ray diffraction.

4. X-ray absorption spectroscopy

5. Electron microscopy: Transmission, analytical and scanning electron microscopies for microstructure and electronic structure analysis.

6. Solid State NMR

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Report submissions are required to apply structural analysis methods for the materials under investigation by each student.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance of more than 70% of the lectures will be required for the evaluation. (1) report(20%) and (2) End of term examination (80%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

これならわかる X 線結晶解析 これならわかる X 線結晶解析/安岡則武:化学同人,2000


参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory




備考 Additional Information

Physical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Solid state chemistry and Inorganic materials chemistry are required.

科目名 Course Title 材料環境化学特論 [Corrosion Engineering]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 安住 和久 [Kazuhisa AZUMI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094415

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5120

キーワード Key Words

Metallic Materials; Complex Materials; Functional Materials; Corrosion Protection.

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Degradation of materials used in many structures and functional devices is very important issue to sustain and develop our modern society.

Understanding the degradation mechanism, predicting the lifetime of materials, and suppressing the corrosion are therefore one of the major

subjects of engineering. In the lecture, theory of corrosion phenomena, examples of typical corrosion and degradation, strategies of corrosion

protection, development of degradation resistive materials, and evaluation methods of corrosion rate and lifetime will be introduced.

到達目標 Course Goals

・Understanding the practical corrosion phenomena based on the physical chemistry

・Learning how to treat the corrosion-related phenomena quantitatively.

・Understanding the various engineering techniques applicable to various practical problems.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction : Importance of corrosion phenomena and corrosion protection.

2. Theories in corrosion science : Local cell model of corrosion reaction, kinetics of electrode reaction, thermodynamics of the corrosion

phenomena and Paurbaix diagrams, concept of passivity, determination methods of corrosion rate including Tafel’s law, DC polarization method

and AC impedance method.

3. Classification of practical corrosion : Characteristics of uniform corrosion, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, pitting corrosion, grain

boundary corrosion, selective corrosion, erosion corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen embrittlement and high temperature corrosion.

4. Corrosive environments : Characteristics of various corrosion environment as moisture (water system), air, soil, concrete, (micro)bio-

system, dew point corrosion, corrosion in oil and natural gas, corrosion inside the electronic devices, and so on.

5. Corrosion protection : Corrosion resistive materials (characteristics of carbon steel, low-alloy steels, stainless steels, titanium, aluminum,

copper, and amorphous alloys), methodological approaches (coating, lining and inhibitors).

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to read text booklet before and after the lecture. Students are also required to put in a report for every lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Reports (homework is given at each lecture) (60%), contribution to the discussion at the class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

テキストは指定 Web サイトよりダウンロードする。

Lecture指定図書 Reading List



参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Basic knowledge of thermodynamics and electrochemistry are required.

科目名 Course Title 生物資源化学特論 [Bioresources Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 惠良田 知樹 [Tomoki ERATA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094416

期間 Semester Spring 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 5130

キーワード Key Words

Biomacromolecules, Biodegradable polymer, Bio-related waste, Recycle technology

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Biomacromolecules has been well known as the materials which compose the cells and tissues, and can be categorized as protein, nucleic acids

and polysaccharides. In this lecture offers the physical and chemical structure and properties of those macromolecules and how to utilize in


到達目標 Course Goals

The general knowledge of the natural macromolecules such as protein, polypeptides, nucleic acids and polysaccharides from the structural and

functional points of view, not only the idea about those macromolecules but also the advanced analytical methods on the relatively complex


授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Basic idea of the bioresources and its categoraization.

2. Bioresource as the functional material.

3. Polysaccharides I: The structure and utilization of the Cellulose, starch

4. Polysaccharides II: The structure, function and utilization of the Chitin, Chitosan, Glycoaminoglycan and et al.

5. Structural protein: Collagen, Silk fibroin, Keratin.

6. Recycle technology of the biowaste (Food industry)

7. Recycle technology of the biowaste (Woods and pulp industry)

8. Nucleic acids and biotechnology.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

The report and presentation about the journal article related on the lecture topic will be required from time to time.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Report and class participation.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle 物理化学特別講義 2019 [Physical Chemistry 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 村越 敬 [Kei MURAKOSHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 田原 太平(理化学研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094501

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6402

キーワード Key Words

light matter interaction, coherence and relaxation, nonlinear optical process, optical spectroscopy

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Learning the basis of optical spectroscopy for condensed-phase molecules. Learning a theoretical framework to have a unified view for light

matter interaction and understanding the principle of linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy

到達目標 Course Goals

Obtaining a basic standpoint for overviewing a variety of linear and nonlinear spectroscopy as well as the relevant optical processes

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Classical picture of light mater interaction

2. Quantum picture of light matter interaction

3. Optical transition and coherence

4.Spectral bandwidth and relaxation

5.Nonlinear polarization and nonlinear optical processes

6. Unified view for spectroscopy 1: Purturbation theory using time evolution operator

7. Unified view for spectroscopy 2: Diagramatic representation

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to have basic knowledge about calculus, linear algebra and quantum mechanics

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Comprehensively evaluate course status including attendance and report.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites


研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle 無機分析化学特別講義 2019 [Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 加藤 昌子 [Masako KATO] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 塩谷 光彦(東京大学)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094502

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6402

キーワード Key Words

Supramolecular Metal Complexes, Supramolecular Chemistry, Intermolecular Interactions, Coordination Asymmetry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The aim of this course is to understand basic and frontier chemistry on the design and synthesis of supramolecular metal complexes which are

formed by intermolecular weak interactions. Synthetic chemistry of supramolecular metal complexes based on the reversible noncovalent binding

has expanded the possibility of chemistry. In this course, the basis and recent trends of supramolecular synthetic chemistry will be explained

focusing on precise design of artificial supermolecules which has been inspired chiefly by supermolecule-based biological systems.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will gain fundamental and cutting-edge knowledge regarding chemistry of supramolecular metal complexes. I would like to communicate

exciting feelings when you walk around the borderline between “desired” and “unexpected” supramolecular chemistry. The students will also

acquire a new concept and ideas for their studies.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Basic chemistry on intermolecular weak interactions

2. The principles of molecular recognition and self-assembly

3. The basis of coordination chemistry and supramolecular metal complexes

4. Precise design and synthesis of supramolecular metal complexes

5. Functionalization of supramolecular metal complexes

6. Front lines and future prospects of supramolecular chemistry

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Homework will be handed out in the class.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Mini-exam held in each class (20 %), attitude to learning in classes (20 %), and reports (homework) (60 %)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle 有機化学特別講義 2019 [Organic Chemistry 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 鈴木 孝紀 [Takanori SUZUKI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 若宮 淳志(京都大学)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094503

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6400

キーワード Key Words

Molecular design, Pi-electron compound, Structural organic chemistry, Main group element chemistry, Perovskite solar cell

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The class instruction will be done in Japanese.

到達目標 Course Goals

The class instruction will be done in Japanese.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The class instruction will be done in Japanese.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

The class instruction will be done in Japanese.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The class instruction will be done in Japanese.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle 生物化学特別講義 2019 [Biochemistry 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 高橋 達郎(九州大学)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094504

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6402

キーワード Key Words

授業の目標 Course Objectives

到達目標 Course Goals

授業計画 Course Schedule

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering IA - 2019 [Leading and Advanced

Molecular Chemistry and Engineering IA - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 村越 敬 [Kei MURAKOSHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Hogan YU (Simon Fraser University)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094511

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6401

キーワード Key Words

Molecular spectroscopy and microscopy, Bioanalytical Chemistry, Optical biosensors, Electrochemical biosensors, Microfluidic and microarray


授業の目標 Course Objectives

By the end of this course the students will be able to ;

1. understand the basic principle of modern microscopy for imaging microassasys and microarrays.

2. understand the basic principle and state-of-art techniques in surface analysis.

3. understand the basic principles of biosensors and their applications.

4. improve the scientific presentation skills.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, the instructor will be able to

1. provide the students an overview of the modern techniques that are essential for today's bioanalytical and materials chemistry research.

2. improve the students' capability of understanding scientific lectures in English.

3. improve the students' confidents in communicating with the instructor and fellow students.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Lecture I: Modern optical microscopy

Lecture II: Surface analysis: from composition to morphology

Lecture III: DNA microarray biochips to microfluidic techniques

Lecture IV: Electrochemical biosensors

Seminar: Mobile electronics as point-of-care diagnostic tools: from disc player to smartphone

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

to be announced

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate your achievement of the course goals through

1. Daily course quizzes. 20%

2. Course discussions on specific topics. 40%

3. Short presentations on selected literature. 40%

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture notes will be distributed at the class.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering IB - 2019 [Leading and Advanced

Molecular Chemistry and Engineering IB - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 村越 敬 [Kei MURAKOSHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors David LEWIS (Flinders University), Hidenori NOGUCHI[Hidenori NOGUCHI](物質・材料研究機構)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094512

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6401

キーワード Key Words

nanao-particles, functionalistion of surfaces, organic electronics, solar cell, polymer properties.

授業の目標 Course Objectives

By the end of this course you will be able to ;

1. understand the basic principle of polymer materials for device applications.

2. understand basic principle and state-of-art techniques on organic electronics.

3. understand basic principles of nanoparticles.

4. understand the challenges of commercialising research.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. understand the basic properties of polymers and why polymers behave as they do.

2. understand the underlying principles of nanotechnology.

3. understand how to synthesise and functionalise nanoparticles with polymers.

4. understand the challenges in converting research to a commercial product.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Lecture I and II: Nanotechnology – what is it and where is it going?

Lecture III and IV Fundamentals of Polymeric Materials

Lecture V: Functional Nanoparticles – synthesis to functionalisation

Lecture VI: Materials and Processes in Organic Solar Cell Fabrication

Lecture VII: What can be so difficult in commercialising research? The commercial realities!


Seminar: Nanotechnology and Polymer Science; Converting research and ideas into new products and technologies

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be expected to have some basic chemistry and physics background.

You will be asked to write brief answers to questions posed at th eend of the lectures.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate your achievement of the course goals through

1. Daily course quizs. 50%.

2. Course discussions on specific topics. 50%.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

to be announced

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

This course will be provided as part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute., For more information (invited lecturers, course details, etc.), please

visit the website below:, https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/courses/CourseDetail=G008

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory




備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IIB - 2019 [Leading and Advanced Materials

Chemistry and Engineering IIB - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 加藤 昌子 [Masako KATO] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Vivian Wing-Wah YAM (University of Hong Kong)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094513

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6401

キーワード Key Words

luminescence, photochemistry, photopysics, supramolecule, metal complexes

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course is designed to acquire basic knowledge in coordination chemistry and photochemistry/photopysics of coordination compounds, and

applications as new materials towards device, photocatalytic, and bio-medicinal fields.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will gain not only knowledge of photofunctional coordination and supramolecular chemistry, but also acquire problem-solving ability

for exploring functionality of metal-based materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Day 1 Lecture 1: Introduction – Luminescent metal-based materials

Day 1 Lecture 2: Basic concepts and principles of photophysics and photochemistry

Day 2 Lecture 3: Energy transfer and electron transfer processes

Day 2 Lecture 4: Nature of selected excited states

Day 3 Lecture 5: Utilization of luminescent metal-based materials for energy

Day 3 Lecture 6: Utilization of luminescent metal-based materials for biomedical applications

Day 4 Lecture 7: Discussion

Day 4 Lecture 8: Open Seminar

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

To be announced

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified subject regarding "luminescent metal-based materials" (60%).

Assessment how actively students participate in each class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Handouts will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019 [Leading and Advanced Materials

Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 坂口 和靖 [Kazuyasu SAKAGUCHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Kazunari YAMAURA[Kazunari YAMAURA](物質・材料研究機構), Yoshihiro TSUJIMOTO[Yoshihiro


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094514

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6401

キーワード Key Words

Solid state chemistry, superconductivity, strongly correlated electrons, magnetic properties

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Solid-state chemistry is a common background for developing research fields such as quantum materials, materials engineering, and condensed

matter science. By mastering knowledge of solid-state chemistry and deepening your understanding, you can strengthen research abilities and

activities in the latest fields. This course is designed as an introduction to solid state chemistry useful for materials development for hands-on

properties mostly for superconductivity and correlated electrons properties.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to

1. present fundamental knowledge of solid state chemistry.

2. carry out a laboratory work for solid-state materials synthesis.

3. reveal the lattice structure and local coordination of solid-state materials by diffraction.

4. explain fundamental magnetic properties and practical functions of solid-state materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction for solid-state and crystal chemistry

2. Introduction for materials synthesis and phase diagram

3. Structure principles and structure characterization of solid-state compounds

4. Magnetic and electrical properties of solid-state compounds

5. Introduction for superconductivity

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

No specific requirements for this course, but recommended to read text books for solid state chemistry at undergraduate level.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Written assignment on a specified topic in solid state chemistry or related fields (60%).

Class participation (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IA - 2019 [Leading and

Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IA - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 佐田 和己 [Kazuki SADA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Kostas Sarakinos (Linkoping University), Akira KAKUGO[Akira KAKUGO](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094515

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6401

キーワード Key Words

Atomic Layer, Crystal Growth, Thin Films, Metal, Epitaxy, Nucleation, Layer-by-Layer, Polymers, Self-assembly, Supramolecular Chemistry,

Organogels, Organic Crystals, Soft Crystals, Kinesin, Tubline, Microtubles

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Atomic or molecular level thin films are key materials for modern technology and related science. Learning the thin films should be of

importance for material researchers. In particular, this lecture covers science and technology of both physics and chemistry aspects.

In the former, definition of thin films for surface physics and engineering is provided with reference to specific examples of applications and

devices founded upon thin films. Then, physical- and chemical-vapor deposition techniques used for thin-film synthesis are discussed on a

conceptual level, and film-formation stages. The atomic-scale mechanisms that lead to vapor condensation on solid substrate surfaces are

discussed from the view point of thermodynamics and kinetics. The atomistic theory of nucleation of the thin film is introduced and explained.

The concept of epitaxy, both homo- and heteroepitaxy, is also introduced for film morphological evolution such as 2D and 3D islands. Strategies

for manipulating growth of morphology evolution using surfactants, energetic ions, and temporally modulated vapor fluxes are also discussed.

Finally, revisiting the film-formation stages, the atomic-scale processes that control film morphological evolution are discussed. Film

morphologies are then classified in the framework of the so-called structure zone models (SZMs) which describe the effect of growth temperature

and impurity concentration of fundamental structure-forming processes.

In the latter, starting from the applications of the polymer thin films in the daily life, the fabrication of polymer thin films and layer-by-layer

method fro hybrid polymer thin film are discussed. Then, the topics moves to chemistry of molecular assemblies. Many examples of two

dimmensional crystallization of organic molecules on a substarte are reviewed in relation to formation of organic crystals and fibrious aggregates.

Their formation are discussed from the view point of the nucleartion-growth theory similar to the formar part. The role of the moelcualr

structures and weak intermolecular interactions are also discussed. Finally, one-dimensional biological molecular assemblies such as

microtubles are reviewed.

到達目標 Course Goals

Atomic or molecular level thin films are key materials for modern technology and related science. Learning the thin films should be of

importance for material researchers. In particular, this lecture covers science and technology of both physics and chemistry aspects.

In the former, definition of thin films for surface physics and engineering is provided with reference to specific examples of applications and

devices founded upon thin films. Then, physical- and chemical-vapor deposition techniques used for thin-film synthesis are discussed on a

conceptual level, and film-formation stages are explained. The atomic-scale mechanisms that lead to vapor condensation on solid substrate

surfaces are discussed from the view point of thermodynamics and kinetics. The atomistic theory of nucleation of the thin film is introduced

and explained. The concept of epitaxy, both homo- and heteroepitaxy, is also introduced, followed by a discussion on shape evolution of

2Dislands and 3D film morphological evolution. Strategies for manipulating growth of morphologicalevolution using surfactants, energetic ions,

and temporally modulated vapor fluxes are also discussed. Finally, revisiting the film-formation stages, the atomic-scale processes that control

morphological evolution in polycrystalline films are discussed. Film morphologies are then classified in the framework of the so-called structure

zone models (SZMs) which describe the effect of growth temperature and impurity concentration on fundamental film structure-forming


In the latter, starting from the applications of the polymer thin films in the daily life, the fabrication of polymer thin films and layer-by-layer

method fro hybrid polymer thin film are discussed. Then, the topics moves to chemistry of molecular assemblies. Many examples of two

dimmensional crystallization of organic molecules on a substarte are reviewed in relation to formation of organic crystals and fibrious aggregates.

Their formation are discussed from the view point of the nucleartion-growth theory similar to the formar part. The role of the moelcualr

structures and weak intermolecular interactions are also discussed. Finally, one-dimensional biological molecular assemblies such as

microtubles are reviewed.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(Topic I) Thin films, atomic and physical aspcet

Lecture 1: Introduction to inroganic thin-film science and technology

Lecture 2: Thin-film nucleation from the view point of thermodynamics and kinetics

Lecture 3: Growth evolution and growth manipulation of epitaxial films

Lecture 4: Growth and microstructural evolution of polycrystalline films

(Topic II) Thin films and related molecular assembly, organic and biological aspect

Lecture 5: Fabrication of polymer thin films basic and applications

Lecture 6: Two-dimensinal crystal growth of organic molecules on the substrate

Lecture 7: Growth of organic crystals and fibrous aggregates

Lecture 8: Fibrous aggregates of biomacromolecules and its applications

PBL(Problem Based Learning) type discussion will be done in the two topics.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will read reviews and the primary literature on each topic, and submit questions for instructor after every classes and some written

reports on the topics.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance more than 70% classes is requisite for evaluation of the credit. The grade is evaluated in the following two items;(1) reports on each

class with learning attitude (40%), (3) term examination or paper or PBL presentation (60%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIA - 2019 [Leading and

Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIA - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 坂口 和靖 [Kazuyasu SAKAGUCHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Jianxin LI (Nanjing University), Yota MURAKAMI[Yota MURAKAMI](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094516

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6401

キーワード Key Words

Interdiscipline; Natural Products; Bioactivity; Chemical Biology; Drug Target; Discovery

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The outline includes an introduction:

1. The main types and major biological activities of natural products.

2. New drugs and drug targets.

3. The intersection of chemistry and biology.

4. The objectives and tasks of chemistry and biology.

5. Examples of bioactive natural products and target discovery.

到達目標 Course Goals

1. To understand the basics of natural products and the importance of drug discovery.

2. To master the characteristics of chemical biology and its role in human health.

3. To learn the importance of bioactive natural products in the discovery of new drug targets.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Day 1: The bioactive natural products and the importance.

• Introduction of importance of natural products.

• Main types and main bioactivity of natural products.

• Famous natural products closely related to human survival.

Day 2: Chemical biology and drug discovery.

• Basic knowledge on chemical biology.

• The main process of drug discovery.

• Drug target discovery and the relations with human health.

Day 3: The natural product based drug discovery.

• Interactions between bioactive natural products and protein.

• The main method of discovering biological proteins that interact with natural products.

• Drug target validation.

Day 4 & 5: Important samples.

Introduce typical and important examples on natural products and novel drug target discovery.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Scan through a few of the articles in the reading list.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Problem-based learning and assignment on a specific topics of this course (60%).

In addition, we also consider it as the important factor for assessment how actively students participate in each class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

1. Nature, 561, 189-194, 2018.

2. Biotechnology Advances, 36(6), 1559-1562, 2018.

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory




備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIC - 2019 [Leading and

Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIC - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 及川 英秋 [Hideaki OIKAWA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Tao YE (Peking University)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094517

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6401

キーワード Key Words

Natural Products, Organic Synthesis, Stereochemistry, Drug Discovery

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Natural products can be broadly defined as the set of small molecules derived from the environment that are not involved in primary metabolism.

Many of today’s small molecule therapeutics trace their origins to natural products, estimated variably as providing or inspiring the development

of between 50–70% of all agents in clinical use today. Although nature provides us with many natural products that have interesting medicinal

properties, the amounts of these compounds that is isolated is usually quite low, making their development into useful medicinal agents very

difficult. The total chemical synthesis of these compounds is therefore important and has been a key tool in drug discovery and development.

The synthesis allows verification of the primary structure proposed on the basis of studies of the marine natural product, and can be employed

to study and address some of shortcomings of natural products through manipulation of pharmacological properties, structure activity

relationship studies, and the preparation of drug candidates for mechanistic studies.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to

1. understand advanced retrosynthesis principles for the synthesis of complex molecules.

2. have an advanced knowledge about synthetic strategies.

3. make a new synthetic plan for target molecule using selective transformations.

4. understand key principles behind enantio- and diastereoselectivity, and asymmetric approaches.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The aim is to get advanced knowledge for synthesis of natural products.

Retro-synthesis and synthesis of different classes of natural products important for their structure and/or bioactivity. Complex natural products

are chosen to illustrate the evolution of the state-of-the-art of the field.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

No required textbooks. Handouts will contain reference to the primary literature. Students need the preparations for discusion about organic


Students will be asked to choose two total synthesis papers on the same natural product. Analyse each route, identify the key steps, and write

a report explaining important aspects of these syntheses.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified topic regarding to "Total Synthesis of Natural Products" (60%).

In addition, we also consider it as the important factor for assessment how actively students participate in each class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition

Workbook for Organic Synthesis: Strategy and Control

Classics in Total Synthesis: Targets, Strategies, Methods

Classics in Total Synthesis II: More Targets, Strategies, Methods

Classics in Total Synthesis III: Further Targets, Strategies, Methods

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 化学特別講義 [Advanced Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019 [Leading and

Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Tamiki KOMATSUZAKI[Tamiki KOMATSUZAKI], Masayuki TAKAHASHI[Masayuki TAKAHASHI](理

学 研 究 院 ), Yohei SHIMIZU[Yohei SHIMIZU]( 理 学 研 究院 ), Yukihiro TAKAHASHI[Yukihiro

TAKAHASHI]( 理 学 研 究 院 ), Kenta KOKADO[Kenta KOKADO]( 理 学 研 究 院 ), Masaki

YOSHIDA[Masaki YOSHIDA](理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094518

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6401

キーワード Key Words

Biochemistry, Biological Physics, Molecular Biology, Organic chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Complex Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

1) Know the way to synthesize molecular functional materials for electronics.

2) Know a fundamental theory and a molecular design for thermoresponsive polymers, and their applications.

3) Know the details of transition metal complexes showing stimuli-controlled reversible color-changing phenomena.

4) Know one of the most striking consequences in single molecular biology, termed as molecular individuality or dynamic disorder.

5) Know a power of catalysts for novel molecular transformations.

6) Know the molecular basis of the cellular motile events and the differential roles of nonmuscle myosin II isoforms on cell migration.

7) Know the basics of epigenetic regulation of the genome and its involvement in production of iPS cells and tumorgenesis.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. understand basics of chemistry for making useful molecules/materials .

2. understand methods to investigate the behavior of biomolecules and molecular mechanisms of various reactions in living cells.

3. understand basics and progress of structural organic chemistry.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Day 1

Catalysts for novel molecular transformations. (Y. Shimizu)

Day 2

A fundamental theory and a molecular design for thermoresponsive polymers, and their applications.(K. Kokado)

The way to synthesize molecular functional materials for electronics. (H. Takahashi)

Day 3

The details of transition metal complexes showing stimuli-controlled reversible color-changing phenomena. (M. Yoshida)

The molecular basis of the cellular motile events and the differential roles of nonmuscle myosin II isoforms onon cell migration. (M. Takahashi)

Day 4

One of the most striking consequences in single moleculebiology, termed as molecular individuality or dynamic disorder. (T. Komatsuzaki)

The basics of epigenetic regulation of the genome and its involvement in production of iPS cells and tumorgene. (Y. Murakami)

Day 5

Discussion (Y. Murakami)

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Reports of two lectures (100%)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

This course will be provided as part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute., For more information (invited lecturers, course details, etc.), please

visit the website below:, https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/courses/CourseDetail=G028

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Recommended Course (Course highly recommended to be taken together with this course):

Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IA, IB

Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIA, IIB, IIC, IID

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle 有機プロセス工学特別講義 2019 [Chemical Process Engineering 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 増田 隆夫 [Takao MASUDA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 河瀬 元明(京都大学)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094521

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6412

キーワード Key Words

Catalytic chemical reaction engineering, catalyst chemistry, chemical process

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Catalytic chemical reaction engineering is fundamentally lectured for engineers working in chemical process.

到達目標 Course Goals

The goal is to master methods for analyzing reaction mechanisims, and evaluating heat and mass balances, which are necessary to design

industrial process with catalysts.

授業計画 Course Schedule

This class is an intensive course. Scientific calculator and white sheets are brought with each student.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Preparation for class is not required.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grade is evaluated on the basis of assigned report.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture 時にプリントを配布します。

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

It is recommended to master physical chemistry and chemical reaction engineering.

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle 物質化学特別講義 2019 [Materials Chemistry 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 長谷川 靖哉 [Yasuchika HASEGAWA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 田中 一生(京都大学)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094522

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6412

キーワード Key Words

Optically-functional material, element, polymer

授業の目標 Course Objectives

In this course, material designs based on optically-functional molecules and polymers are presented. Synthesis and fundamental chemistry in

each topic are explained, and their applications, such as luminescent devices, refractive-index films and stimuli-responsive materials, are

demonstrated. Moreover, recent progresses in the development of modern materials containing inorganics or heteroatoms are also illustrated.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students are required to understand fundamental chemistry and design concepts of modern optically-functional materials. Furthermore,

students are expected to realize applicability of various elements for material designs based on the series of information presented in this course

regarding recent research examples.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Photo-reactive polymers (Basic of photochemistry, resist materials)

2. Bioprobes (Luminescent probes and multi-modal probes with luminescence and MR properties)

3. Bio-related materials (DNA nanotechnology)

4. Photochemistry in transparent films (Refractive-index materials)

5. Organic light-emitting devices (Principle, parts and properties)

6. Organic-inorganic hybrids (Sample preparation through sol-gel reaction, robust optical materials consist of silica)

7. Inorganic polymers (Boron-containing conjugated materials)

8. Element-block materials (Luminescent materials consist of POSS or carborane and other applications)

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are requested to review the contents with the handout.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

According to the presence and report, the score will be calculated.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Students are recommended to have basic knowledges in organic chemistry and photochemistry.

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle 生物機能高分子特別講義 2019 [Advanced Applied Biochemistry 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 渡慶次 学 [Manabu TOKESHI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 高井 まどか(東京大学)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094523

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6412

キーワード Key Words

授業の目標 Course Objectives

到達目標 Course Goals

授業計画 Course Schedule

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture 時にプリントを配布します。

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering II - 2019 [Leading and Advanced Molecular

Chemistry and Engineering II - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 伊藤 肇 [Hajime ITOH] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Eunsung LEE (POSTECH)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094531

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6411

キーワード Key Words

Organometallics, Organic Chemistry, Organofluorine Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Radiochemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Fluorinated compounds have been of great interest for many applications such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fluoro plastics (Teflon), and

18F-labeled radiopharmaceutical imaging agents because of the benefits from fluorine’s unique properties such as thermal and oxidative stability

and lipophilicity to enhance bioavailability. For example, strong C-F bonds on the fluorine-containing material such as Teflon®, Nafinon, and

PFA (perfluoroalkoxy) enable a low polarity, small surface tension and reflective index, which are desired properties of waterproof and insulating

materials. Approximately 25% of current pharmaceuticals and 30% of agrochemicals contain fluorine. Although there was considerable demand

for facile preparation of fluorinated compounds, the methods have been significantly developed only for the past two decades. From these

lectures, I will discuss the early fluorination history and then move on the recent development including reagent based and transition metal

catalyzed fluorination. In addition, [18F]fluorination methods will be discussed. Finally, the efforts to disconnect the strong C-F bonds will be

described for useful applications.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to

1. understand the importance of C-F bonds in many applications.

2. design a new synthetic route for fluorinated organic molecules.

3. have knowledge about radiochemistry.

4. understand different views on C-F bond cleavage.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The first aim is to get advanced knowledge for fluorination of organic compounds.

The second aim is to understand application of organofluorine compounds.

1. Early Fluorination

2. Fluorination Reagents

3. Nucleophilic and Electrophilic Fluorination

4. Aliphatic and Aromatic fluorination

5. Fluorination for Positron-Emission Tomography (PET)

6. Activation and functionalization of C-F bonds

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students need the preparations for discussion about fluorination.

You will be asked to write two pages (A4) of report at the end of each lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified subject regarding to "Development of Synthesis and Reaction of Organofluorine Compounds " (60%).

In addition, we also consider it as the important factor for assessment how actively students participate in each class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Organotransition Metal Chemistry: From Bonding to Catalysis/John F. Hartwig

The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals/Robert H. Crabtree

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019 [Leading and Advanced Molecular

Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 安住 和久 [Kazuhisa AZUMI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Hiroki HABAZAKI[Hiroki HABAZAKI]( 工 学 研 究 院 ), Kiyoharu TADANAGA[Kiyoharu

TADANAGA](工学研究院), Kei MURAKOSHI[Kei MURAKOSHI](理学研究院), Ichizo YAGI[Ichizo

YAGI](地球環境科学研究院), Hisayoshi MATSUSHIMA[Hisayoshi MATSUSHIMA](工学研究院),

Satoru TAKAKUSAGI[Satoru TAKAKUSAGI](触媒科学研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094532

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6411

キーワード Key Words

Nanostructure, Functionalization, Catalyst, Fuel cell, Solid battery, Photo-electrochemistry, High-speed atomic level microscopy

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Electrochemistry is an one of basic science supporting our modern society in various fields. Advantage in electrochemistry is that chemical

reaction can be controlled via operation of electric parameter as voltage and current. This concept is applied to wide application from basic

engineering such as battery, plating, corrosion and refining to advanced science in atomic level reaction, photo-synthesis, catalysts and

innovative new functions. In this lecture, seven researchers working in electrochemistry-related field present fundamental principle, function,

mechanism and recent topics of selected subject.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, students will be able to

• understand fundamental concept of electrochemistry,

• know how electrochemistry is used in many scenes in our life,

• explain how Li-ion battery and fuel cell work to supply high energy,

• imagine how atomic level phenomena provide macroscopic functions,

• and think about new ideas using advanced electrochemistry for future.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Seven professors will lecture on various topics. In the final lecture, student will discuss about the subject their interest in related to lectures.

• Concept and basics of electrochemistry (Jun.25)

• Controlling nano-scale physico-photo-electro-phenomena (Jun.25)

• Controlling nanostructure of surface to provide new functions (Jun.26)

• Very-fast atomic-scale imaging (Jun.26)

• Exploration into the horizon of catalyst (Jun.27)

• Deep understanding of fuel cell (Jun.27)

• Development of innovative all-solid-state battery (Jun.28)

• General discussion (Jun.28)

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be asked to write a report at the end of each lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be done based on report for each topic.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering I - 2019 [Leading and Advanced Materials

Chemistry and Engineering I - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 島田 敏宏 [Toshihiro SHIMADA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Nicolas CLEMENT (CNRS)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094533

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6411

キーワード Key Words

Nanotechnology, Molecular Devices, Electronics, Bioanalysis

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Molecular scale electronic devices are one of the dreams of chemist and electronic engineers. It is becoming possible to make and use those

devices for the application to medical/biological analysis. The technology must be something combining top-down lithographical approach and

bottom-up molecular self assembly. In this lecture, we start from basic physics and chemistry of molecular-scale devices, such as electronic

rectification at nanojunctions, ballistic transport, tunnel effect, and molecular recognition. Then we will review the technologies for the

molecular-scale device fabrication. Prof. Nicolas Clement is one of the young leading figures in this field. Application and future prospects will

be discussed.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. explain the basic concepts in nanodevice fabrication.

2. explain basic physics and chemistry behind molecular-scale electronic devices.

3. know how to make international collaboration.

4. design molecular-scale devices for bioanalysis.

授業計画 Course Schedule

This course is focused on two subjects: principles and fabrication techniques for molecular-scale devices.

In the principle part, we will provide three lectures on basic knowledge about electronic transport at nanoscales and influence of the molecular

structures to it.

In the fabrication part, we will provide three lectures on lithography and self assembly.

Finally the application to the analytical devices will be given.

The course is organized as follows:

1. Introduction: molecular electronics

2. Basic concepts of electronic transport in nano and molecular junctions

3. Micro-nano fluidics

4. Top down device fabrication techniques

5. Bottom up device fabrication techniques

6. Application of molecular / nanofluidic electronic devices to bio analytical chemistry

7. Lab tour, showing equipment for nanomaterials synthesis and various characterization techniques

8. Seminar by Prof. Nicolas Clement

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

It will be provided after each classes, if any.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be based on the final reports requested to submit some period after the lecture.

Participation to the class (such as short quiz) will also be considered.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

This course will be provided as part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute., For more information (invited lecturers, course details, etc.), please

visit the website below:, https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/courses/CourseDetail=G041

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IIA - 2019 [Leading and Advanced Materials

Chemistry and Engineering IIA - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 忠永 清治 [Kiyoharu TADANAGA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Li LU (National University of Singapore), Akira MIURA[Akira MIURA](工学研究院), NATALY


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094534

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6411

キーワード Key Words

Electrochemical devices; Electrolyte; Electrode; Nano-structure; Batteries

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Recently, safe, low cost, high energy density, and long-lasting electrochemical devices for energy conversion and energy storage are highly

required for the application to mobile devices, electric vehicles, and energy storage system for the renewable energy. Development of novel

materials and morphology control of these materials are key issues. The aim of this course is to describe the importance of electrochemical

devices and materials science involved in the development of such electrochemical devices.

Fundamental concepts in electrochemical energy conversion and storage are firstly overviewed, and then the materials chemistry for the

electrochemical devices will be described. Preparation process for materials of electrochemical devices, effect of nano-structures in electrodes

for lithium and sodium ion batteries, development of all solid-state lithium secondary batteries are also described.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. explain and compare the electrochemical energy conversion and storages systems.

2. understand the basic requirements for materials used in electrochemical energy conversion and energy storage devices.

3. explain the effects of nanostructures on the properties of electrochemical devices.

4. understand and discuss materials and electrochemical devices in future energy storage system.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Following topics will be covered during this course.

1. Fundamental concepts about electrochemical energy conversion and storage

2. Introduction of inorganic materials science for electrochemical devices

3. Introduction to defects chemistry – dopants in materials for electrochemical storage

4. Nanostructured materials applied to electrodes for lithium and sodium ion batteries

5. Fundamentals of solid electrolyte

6. All-solid-state lithium/sodium secondary batteries

7. Overview of recent trends in materials for electrochemical devices and future energy storage system

8. Students presentation on topics in electrochemical devices

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be expected to download class notes from WEB page and read designated chapter in advance.

Students should read some papers on electrochemical devices during this course and make presentation.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grade will be determined by how well one’s achievement in this course through

1. a report on nanostructured materials in electrochemical devices (weightage 80%), and

2. a presentation on one’s research or some topics in electrochemical devices (weightage 20%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

"Recent Advances in Energy Storage Materials and Devices", Li Lu edited, Materials Research Forum LLC, ISBN 978-1945291265 (2017).

"Ceramic Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Li Batteries", M. Kotobuki, S. Song, C. Chen, and Li Lu, World Scientific Pub Co Inc ISBN: 978-


参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

Other Instructor: Li LU (National University of Singapore)

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IIC - 2019 [Leading and Advanced Materials

Chemistry and Engineering IIC - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 島田 敏宏 [Toshihiro SHIMADA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Fei CHEN (Wuhan University of Technology), Taro NAGAHAMA[Taro NAGAHAMA](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094535

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6411

キーワード Key Words

ceramics, gradient materials, solid electrolytes, all-solid-state battery, energy storage, spintronics

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The modern life is impossible without using materials and chemical technology. In this course, we will shed light on the ceramics and composite

materials, by inviting a leading researcher Prof. Fei CHEN from China. Ceramic applications are limited due to materials properties. Through

the compounding of ceramics and other materials, such as metals and organic materials, the application fields of ceramics are greatly enriched.

He will introduce the applications of ceramic composites in the energy field, including grid scale energy storage, all-solid-state battery, and

explain the basic ideas behind the modern processes and the fundamentals of the functions. Prof. Fei CHEN had studied in MIT and has become

a famous professor in China. Profs. Shimada and Nagahama will talk about the related inorganic materials and their properties.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. explain the basic concepts in electronics, mechanical and energy applications of ceramics and composite materials.

2. explain the basic chemistry and physics behind ceramics preparation and materials processing.

3. know how to study and work in overseas.

授業計画 Course Schedule

This course is focused on two subjects: materials processing and functions. In the materials processing part, we will provide three lectures and

one lab tour including short demonstration experiments. The materials function part, we will provide four lectures. The course is organized as


1. Introduction: How ceramics materials are used in the modern life.

2. Basic concepts behind the fabrication technology in atomic scales - interplay between the thermodynamics and kinetics, with the aid from


3. High energy processes focusing on grid scale energy storage

4. Electronics and optical properties focusing on semiconductor circuits

5. Electrochemistry properties focusing on solid electrolytes and solid batteries

6. Spintronics

7. Lab tour, showing plasma CVD, high pressure synthesis and various characterization techniques

8. Seminar by Prof. Fei CHEN

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

It will be provided after each classes, if any.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be based on the final reports submitted some period after the lectures.

Participation to the lecture (short quiz etc.) will also be used for evaluation.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

参照ホームページ Websites

This course will be provided as part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute., For more information (invited lecturers, course details, etc.), please

visit the website below:, https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/courses/CourseDetail=G049

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IID - 2019 [Leading and Advanced Materials

Chemistry and Engineering IID - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 幅﨑 浩樹 [Hiroki HABAZAKI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Byungjin CHO (Chungbuk National University), Chunyu ZHU (工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094536

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6411

キーワード Key Words

Inorganic nanomaterials, nanoporous materials, nanocarbons, energy conversion and storage, nanoelectronics

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Diverse inorganic nanomaterials are becoming more and more important in modern technology. In this lecture, we invite Prof. Byungjin Cho

from Chungbuk national University, Korea, who is a leading young scientist in advanced inorganic materials. Th synthesis, characterization,

functionalization and device applications of a range of nanomaterials are briefly introduced to get fundamental knowledge on 1D and 2D

nanomaterials with various functionalities. Basic concepts for electronic and energy applications will be proposed in this lecture.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. explain the basic concepts for diverse applications of inorganic nanomaterials.

2. explain the synthesis methods of diverse inorganic nanomaterials and their applications.

3. explain the basic chemistry and physics behind the fabrication and characterization of nanomaterials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

This course is focused on fabrication, properties and applications of advanced inorganic materials. The course is organized as follows:

1. Introduction: How inorganic nanomaterials are used in modern technology.

2. Synthesis of 2D nanostructures

3. Characterization methods for physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials

4. Diverse applications of 2D inorganic nanomaterials

5. Fabrication and applications of nanocomposite materials

6. Self-organized fabrication of nanostructured materials and their applications

7. Lab tour, showing various characterization techniques of nanomaterials

8. Seminar by Prof. Byungjin Cho

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

To be announced

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be based on the final reports submitted some period after the lectures.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Not required. Handouts will be distributed.

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IB - 2019 [Leading and

Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IB - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 山本 拓矢 [Takuya YAMAMOTO] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Michael TURNER (University of Manchester), Toshifumi SATOH[Toshifumi SATOH](工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094537

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6411

キーワード Key Words

polymer chemistry; conjugated polymers; organic electronics; OLEDs, OFETs, solar cells

授業の目標 Course Objectives

On successful completion of this course students should be able to: (i) Understand how to prepare conjugated polymers with control of the

microstructure; (ii) Understand how the polymer microstructure influences the polymer electronic and optical properties; (iii) Describe the

operation of light emitting diodes, transistors and solar cells and (iv) Understand how the conjugated polymer microstructure and morphology

can influence the performance of organic electronic and optoelectronic devices.

到達目標 Course Goals

The goals of the course are to: (i) Provide students with a solid underpinning of the synthetic methods used to prepare conjugated polymers;

(ii) Introduce students to the relationship between conjugated polymer structures and electronic/optical properties; (iii) Provide students with

a basic understanding of how OLEDs, OFETs and OPV device operate and (iv) Enable students to relate the structure of conjugated polymers

to the performance of the material in a device.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1st lecture:

• Introduction to course

• Introduction to polymers

• Introduction to bulk electronic properties

• Organic conductors and applications of conducting polymers

2nd lecture

• Organic semiconductors, applications of conjugated polymers

• Organic electroluminescence, conjugated polymers for OLEDs, device efficiencies.

3rd lecture

• Donor acceptor polymers, polymer blends, thin film morphology

• Conjugated polymers for organic photovoltaics, power conversion efficiencies and figures of merit

4th lecture

• Extended conjugation in conjugated polymers

• Organic electronics and conjugated polymers for OFETs, device performance.

Seminar: Conjugated polymers of many shapes and sizes: rings, chains and nanoparticles.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified subject regarding to "Novel Synthesis of π-Conjugated Polymers" (100 %).

We consider it as the important factor for assessment of three short tests (90%) and final report (10%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture notes in PDF files will be provided.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

References suitable for this course:

(1) M.P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry - An Introduction, OUP

(2) A. R. West, Basic Solid State Chemistry, Wiley.

(3) W. J. Feast, J. Tsibouklis, K. L. Pouwer, L. Groenendaal, and E. W. Meijer, Polymer, 1996, 37, 5017.

(4) R. H. Friend, R. W. Gymer, Holmes, AB, J. H. Burroughes, R. N. Marks, C. Taliani, D. Bradley, D. A. Dos Santos, J. L. Bredas, M.

Logdlund, and W. R. Salaneck, Nature, 1999, 397, 121-128

(5) D. Braun, Materials Today, 2002, 5, 32-39.

(6) C.D. Dimitrakopoulos, D.J. Mascaro, IBM J. Res. & Dev., 2001, 45, 11.

(7) H. Sirringhaus, Adv. Mater., 2014, 26, 1319-1335.

(8) I. Osaka and R.D. McCullough, Acc. Chem. Res., 2008 41 (9), 1202-1214.

(9) I. McCulloch, M. Heeney, et al. Nat Mater, 2006, 5, 328-333

(10) C. B. Nielsen, M. Turbiez, and I. McCulloch, Adv. Mater., 2013, 25, 1859-1880.

(11) X. Guo, A. Facchetti, and T. J. Marks, Chem. Rev., 2014, 114, 8943-9021.

(12) J. Mei, Y. Diao, A. L. Appleton, L. Fang, and Z. Bao, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 6724-6746.

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIB - 2019 [Leading and

Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIB - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 佐藤 敏文 [Toshifumi SATOH] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Guey-Sheng LIOU (National Taiwan University)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094538

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6411

キーワード Key Words

functional high-performance polymers, polyimides/metal oxides hybrids, triphenylamine (TPA), optical, electrochromic, and optoelectronic


授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course aims to be a comprehensive, authoritative, and general interest to the polymer chemistry and provides the understanding on (i)

high-performance polymers and their representative nanocomposites (ii) specific functionality and its relations to molecular structures, and

characterization skills of these advanced functional polymers.

到達目標 Course Goals

Get knowledge on (1) How to prepare and characterize the high-performance polymers and their hybrid films via sol-gel approaches and their

related application; (2) A variety of strategies and approaches for obtaining the high-performance polymers with different specific functions; (3)

The characterizations and relationships between the structural units and functions in the polymer chains and the investigation of some advanced

applications in terms of their unique functionality. Overall, to build up the background in polymer chemistry and related polymeric physical


授業計画 Course Schedule

1st lecture: Highly transparent polyimide hybrids for optoelectronic applications

1. Preparation and modification of polyimides.

2. Functional organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites via sol-gel reaction.

3. Titania-, Zirconia-based nanocomposites and AgNws/polymers hybrid film.

2nd lecture: Recent advances in triphenylamine-based electrochromic derivatives and polymers

Triphenylamine-containing electrochromic materials revealing significant color changes by electrochemically induced redox reactions are

attractive with great potential for low energy-consumption displays, light-adapting mirrors in vehicles, and smart window applications. These

materials have experienced an exponential growth of research interests and have rapidly developed into an emerging field. In this lecture, the

newly developed triphenylamine-based derivatives and polymers in the past few years are summarized, with emphasis on the synthetic

approaches as well as their potential applications.

3rd lecture: Triphenylamine-based Materials for Electrofluorochromic Devices

The term "electrofluorochromism (EFC)", which deals with the electrically driven reversible optical changes in the fluorescence, has only

recently been coined by combination of two functions of electrochromism and photoluminescence in one molecular chain. How to design the

materials with both electroactive and PL-active characters are necessary for such interesting application.

4th lecture: Solution-processable triarylamine-based high-performance polymers for polymeric memory devices

By carefully designing the polymeric structures based on the switching mechanisms, different types and memory characteristics can be produced,

and these memory properties show extremely high endurance during long-term operation, which makes these high-performance polymers very

suitable materials for memory applications.

Seminar: Design and Preparation of Triphenylamine-based Polymeric Materials Towards Emergent Optoelectronic Applications

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Three short tests and final report

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified subject regarding to "high-performance polymers for advanced applications".

We consider it as the important factor for assessment of three short tests (90%) and final report (10%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture notes in PDF files will be provided.

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

Recent advances in triphenylamine-based electrochromic derivatives and polymers (Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 3001-3018)

Highly transparent polyimide hybrids for optoelectronic applications (React. Funct. Polym., 2016, 108, 2-30)

Triarylamine-based high-performance polymers for resistive switching memory devices (Polymer Journal, 2016, 48, 117-138)

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 応用化学特別講義 [Advanced-Applied Chemistry]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IID - 2019 [Leading and

Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IID - 2019]

責任教員 Instructor 松本 謙一郎 [Kenichiro MATSUMOTO] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Sudesh KUMAR (Universiti Sains Malaysia)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 094539

期間 Semester Intensive 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6411

キーワード Key Words

biobased plastics, biodegradable materials, biosynthesis, biomass

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Development of bio-based materials is important and urgent research target as an essential piece of the sustainable social system. Tropical

area plays important role in the biomass production due to its huge capacity of the production. It should be noted that large portion of the

biomass is used for human foods and animal feed, which is also indirectly used for the human food production. In fact, the increasing demand of

animal protein is a serious issue in terms of global food problem. Recently insects attract research interest as a potent solution of the problem.

Based on the background, we should know about the components of edible and non-edible biomass for better design of bio-based material

production. For practical use of the materials, their physical properties are a critical issue. The physical properties of the polymer materials are

determined by structure of the molecules. Thus, fine regulation of synthetic system is required. On the other hand, it should be noted that

biomass is complex mixture and normally is not suitable as starting substance for chemical synthesis. Thus, biological process plays an important

role in the conversion of biomass into useful materials. This lecture focuses on bacterial polyester polyhydroxyalkanote (PHA). PHAs are

processed into film and fiber with pliable property and used as bio-based and biodegradable plastic. In industrial scale production, the cost of

downstream process greatly contributes to the total cost of the production. This course aims to study broad range of field involved in PHA

including feedstock, a basic mechanism of biosynthesis, downstream processes, and polymer chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

1. Know the global problems of food, energy and materials

2. Learn about the biomass production

3. Learn the biological and chemical methods to utilize biomass resources

4. Understand the basic biology and chemistry of polyhydroxyalkanoates

5. Know about the latest technology using insects

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction to the concept of sustainability

2. Life: from microbe (single cell) to human and impact on resources (food, energy, materials)

3. Single cell protein (SCP) and other sources of protein

4. Problems caused by plastics

5. Introduction to PHA: synthesis and properties

6. Challenges in the large scale production of PHA

7. Applications of PHA (environment, medical, diagnostics, cosmetics)

8. Sustainable production of PHA

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be expected to download class notes using ELMS and read designated chapter in advance.

You will be asked to write a page (A4) of essay at the end of each lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate your achievement of the course goals in the report.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 総合化学実験指導法 [Laboratory Exercise in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 武次 徹也 [Tetsuya TAKETSUGU] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Provided by supervisor

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number

期間 Semester Full-year 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Labs, practical training 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students 1~2

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5302

キーワード Key Words

Teaching skills: teaching assistant

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Graduate students are requested to teach undergraduate-level laboratory experiments. This course examines how to gain teaching abilities

and skills in conducting chemical experiments.

到達目標 Course Goals

Through the course, the students will be able to gain proper abilities and skills to teach undergraduate-level chemical experiments.

授業計画 Course Schedule

On the basis of evaluation of student's achievements, the course offers on-the-job-training to

- gain fundamental principle/knowledge on a given chemical experiment and abilities/skills to operate/conduct the experiment

- gain teaching abilities/skills to undergraduate-level students

- play leadership in teaching and laboratory experiments

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Daily preparatory works for teaching

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Evaluate based on daily achievements (50%) and seasonal reports (50%)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 総合化学実験研究法 [Laboratory Exercise in Chemical Sciences and Engineering III]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 武次 徹也 [Tetsuya TAKETSUGU] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Provided by supervisor

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number

期間 Semester Full-year 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class Seminar 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students 1~2

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 5312

キーワード Key Words

Experimental skills: Teaching skills: Presentation skills

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Students are requested to gain proper knowledges and experiences on various chemical experiments and to manage his/her scientific

researches. This course examines how to manage various chemical researches and to present student's achievements in both Japanese and


到達目標 Course Goals

Through the course, students will be able to

- gain experimental and presentation skills/abilities

- play leadership in research works

授業計画 Course Schedule

On the basis of evaluating student's achievements, the course offers the on-the-job-training to

- understand fundamental principles of chemical experiments

- gain experiences in chemical experiments

- gain presentationabilities/skills in both Japanese and English

- play leadership in each research fields

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Daily preparatory works on laboratory experiments

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Evaluate based on daily achievements (50%) and seasonal reports (50%)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

top related