科目名 course title topical lectures in chemical …...科目名 course title topical lectures in...

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科目名 Course Title Topical Lectures in Chemical Sciences and Engineering

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 佐田 和己 [Kazuki SADA] (Faculty of Science)

担当教員 Other Instructors

科目種別 Course Type

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 094064

開講学期 Semester Irregular 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6001

キーワード Key Words

Cutting Edge Researches in Chemistry, Foreign Lecturers, English Lectures

授業の目標 Course Objectives

A series of English lectures on cutting edge researches in chemistry will provide enough knowledge and information on understanding recent

progress in chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will learn the background and recent progress in cutting edge researches in chemistry. Communicating with English speaking lecturers

will be expected.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Invited English speaking lecturers will give lectures on their recent researches in various fields of chemistry and discuss their topics with students.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Assignments will be required by lecturers.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Class participation (more than 7 lectures) and report.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Advanced Lecture on Strategic Utilization of Elements

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 加藤 昌子 [Masako KATO] (Faculty of Science)

担当教員 Other Instructors Tetsuya TAKETSUGU (Faculty of Science), Kei MURAKOSHI (Faculty of Science),

Katsuyoshi IKEDA (Faculty of Science), Satoshi YASUDA (Faculty of Science), Kohei UOSAKI (NIMS),


科目種別 Course Type

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 094065

開講学期 Semester Semester III 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6010

キーワード Key Words

Strategic utilization of elements, Energy conversion, Artificial photosynthesis, Catalysts, Fuel cell, Nanoscience, Multi-electron transfer

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Development of efficient energy conversion systems using renewable energy sources and ubiquitous elements is one of the most important

subjects for sustainable development of human society. This course offers fundamental knowledge and latest information about strategic utilization

of elements and energy conversion from the viewpoints of inorganic and physical chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

The goal of this course is total understanding of significance of energy conversion based on the effective utilization of elements.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(1) Fundamental concept of strategic utilization of elements

(2) Homogeneous catalysts for artificial photosynthesis

(3) Photocatalysts and photoelectrochemisty

(4) Multi-electron transfer theory and catalytic chemistry

(5) Electrocatalyts and fuel cells

(6) Structure determination and spectroscopy applicable to nano-structure investigation

(7) Catalysts design by means of computational science

(8) Frontiers of energy conversion based on effective utilization of elements

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Homework will be handed out in the class.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance (mini-exam) and reports (homework)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Handouts made by the instructors will be delivered

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites


研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory





備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Internship

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 下川部 雅英 [Masahide SHIMOKAWABE] (Faculty of Engineering)

担当教員 Other Instructors

科目種別 Course Type

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 094066

開講学期 Semester Semester III 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Internship 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6202

キーワード Key Words


授業の目標 Course Objectives

By being engaged in actual work as an intern, students improve their skills and knowledge that they have been developing in classes.

到達目標 Course Goals

Through the internship, students get more knowledge on private companies or local governments, which will be the opportunity to examine oneself

and the meaning of vocation, and to practically design their own career. In order to construct one’s career voluntarily, a student will examine the

important matters in his/her career choices.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Students are required to work as an intern for about 2 weeks in private companies or local governments.

1. Guidance

2. Application for the internship

3. Matching students companies/institutes

4. Pre-study on the internship

5. Internship for about 2 weeks

6. Submitting a report on the internship, presentation materials, working certificate

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

A student is expected to submit (i) a report based on his/her experience as an intern and (ii) materials (slide copy or resume) he/she prepared for

the presentation in the workplace. Students are also requested to submit (iii) the certificate for working as an intern, issued by the companies or

local governments.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Report, Presentation Materials, Working Certificate

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Advanced Chemistry

講義題目 Subtitle (Functional Materials Chemistry)

責任教員 Instructor 加藤 昌子 [Masako KATO] (Faculty of Science)

担当教員 Other Instructors Lectures by instructors from NIMS

科目種別 Course Type

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 094071

開講学期 Semester Intensive Course 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_ELCOM 6402

キーワード Key Words

Photo functional material, Photocatalyst, Crystal chemistry, Electronic structure, Band engineering

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course is designed to acquire basic knowledge in functional materials chemistry, such as solid state chemistry, energy band structure, and

surface/interface nano structures, which are essential for the research and development of functional materials. Approaches in design and

construction of materials in nano, micro and macro scales will also be introduced for exploring photo functionality of materials.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will gain not only knowledge of materials design, synthesis and characterization, which form the basis of functional materials chemistry,

but also acquire problem-solving ability for exploring functionality of materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(1) Basics of photo functional materials and photocatalyst

(2) Band structure of oxide semiconductor

(3) Design and synthesis of photocatalyst

(4) Characterization of photocatalyst

(5) Application of photocatalyst

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

No specific requirements for this course, but recommended to read text books for solid state chemistry and crystallography at undergraduate


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System


テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Advanced Instrumental Analysis [先端計測化学]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村越 敬 [Kei MURAKOSHI] (Faculty of Science)

担当教員 Other Instructors Noboru KITAMURA (Faculty of Science), Manabu TOKESHI (Faculty of Engineering),

Hirofumi TANI (Faculty of Engineering), Satoshi Yasuda (Faculty of Science)

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103038

開講学期 Semester Semester III 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5242

キーワード Key Words

Molecular Spectroscopy, Microspectroscopy, Microscopy, Thermal/Mass Analysis

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course investigates basic concepts and characteristics of modern instrumental analysis methods for molecular and materials systems.

到達目標 Course Goals

The students will be able to learn basic concepts and characteristics of

- modern spectroscopy including microspectroscopy and molecular imaging

- scanning probe microscopy

- single atom/molecule spectroscopy

- thermal and mass spectroscopy

授業計画 Course Schedule

K. Murakoshi and S. Yasuda (3 lectures)

- Raman Microspectroscopy / Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy / Single Atom/Molecule Spectroscopy

N. Kitamura (3 lectures)

- Molecular excited-state chemistry / Molecular Spectroscopy (Reflection Spectroscopy) / Microspectroscopy / Microscopy

M. Tokoshi (1 lecture)

- Thermal and Mass Analysis

H. Tani (1 lecture)

- Chemiluminescence

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Basic analytical and physical chemistry in undergraduate level

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance and report

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Handouts will be provided

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Micro-Nanochemistry [マイクロ・ナノ化学]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 渡慶次 学 [Manabu TOKESHI] (Faculty of Engineering)

担当教員 Other Instructors Noboru KITAMURA (Faculty of Science), Kei MURAKOSHI (Faculty of Science),

Hirofumi TANI (Faculty of Engineering), Shinichiro FUJITA (Faculty of Engineering)

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103039

開講学期 Semester Semester III 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5242

キーワード Key Words

Microchemistry, Nanochemistry, Microchip, Biochip, Microreactor, Single Atom/Molecule Manipulation

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course investigates modern chemistry in micrometer - nanometer dimensions including microfabrication technologies in chemistry,

microchips/biochips, and microreactors.

到達目標 Course Goals

The students will be able to learn the basic concents and characteristics of

- Fundamental aspects in microfabrication techniques

- Chemical applications of microchips/biochips and microreactors

- Single molecular and atom manipulation techniques

授業計画 Course Schedule

M. Tokeshi (2 lectures)

- Historical background of micro-nanochemistry /State of the art technologies and recent topics in Microchips/Biochips

N. Kitamura (2 lectures)

- Microfabrication techniaues / Microchips / Miroreactors

K. Murakoshi (2 lectures)

- Single atom/molecule manipulation / Nanochemistry

T. Matsuda (1 lecture)

- Microreactors

H. Tani (1 lecture)

- Biochip

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Basic analytical and physical chemistry in undergraduate level

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance and report

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Handouts will be provided

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Modern Trends in Biomolecular Chemistry [生命分子化学特論]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 髙木 睦 [Mutsumi TAKAGI] (Faculty of Engineering)

担当教員 Other Instructors Kazuyasu SAKAGUCHI (Faculty of Science), Hideaki OIKAWA (Faculty of Science), Koichiro ISHIMORI

(Faculty of Science), Yota MURAKAMI (Faculty of Science), Seiichi TAGUCHI (Faculty of Engineering),

Toshihiko OOI (Faculty of Engineering), Kenji TAJIMA (Faculty of Engineering)

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103040

開講学期 Semester Semester II 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5250

キーワード Key Words

Genetic information, protein structure, molecular mechanism, biosynthetic mechanism, animal cells, secondary metabolites, biopolymers, bioremediation

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Synthesis, structure, function, and novel engineering subjects on of bio-molecules will be studied focusing on the fields of life science, information,

medicine, and environment.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students are expected to understand deeply the topics of genetic information, protein structure, animal cell cultivation, secondary metabolites,

biopolymers, and clean environments in the fields of life science, information, medicine, and environment.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1.Advanced concepts and cutting edge techniques to understand molecular functions and structures of biomolecules essential for life will be introduced

based on the basic theories and the applications. Recent progresses and future developments in molecular understanding of life will also be discussed.

2.This lecture outlines methodologies to analyze structures and functions of protein that is a main molecule in biological activity of life, and illustrates by

examples in biochemical study.

3.Cells produce various proteins based on the genetic information for their maintenance and inheritance. Recent study revealed that small RNA plays an

important role in the cell. The production and the function of the small RNA will be introduced. The application of the small RNA in medicine, such as

cancer treatment, will be also discussed.

4.Cell adhesion process essential for animal cell and related signal transduction will be introduced.

5.Nature creates a number of structurally diverse and biologically active secondary metabolites. Based on knowledge of organic chemistry, representative

biosynthetic strategy will be introduced using uncovered data and be discussed on the view of problems concerning application of organic synthesis.

6.Cells produce various kinds of polysaccharides, that play a critical role. Many proteins are associated with polysaccharide synthesis, and biosynthetic

mechanism including protein structures will be introduced.

7.All processes of synthesis, regulation and degradation of biopolymers are discussed in terms that how biotechnology contributes to the global

environments issues of 21th century.

8.The treatment of environmental problems through biological process means is known as bioremediation. The perspective of the application based on the

biological reactions will be overviewed.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are asked to submit a report on the subject which instructor give every time.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance ( > 70%) and reports.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Modern Trends in Physical and Material Chemistry [総合化学特論Ⅰ]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 武田 定 [Sadamu TAKEDA] (Faculty of Science)

担当教員 Other Instructors

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103041

開講学期 Semester Semester I 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5201

キーワード Key Words

Physical Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Chemical transformation of matter, Photochemistry, Materials manufacturing engineering, Process

engineering, Catalysis design, Chemical energy conversion, Solid-state materials science, Inorganic chemistry, Nanomaterials chemistry, Nano

ceramics, Electrochemical interfaces, Mineral processing science, Electronic materials, Ceramic materials science

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Lectures on scientific research in physical chemistry and materials chemistry will be given in English. In this course, the basic concepts and an

overview necessary for understanding the advanced research are introduced, followed by explanations of cutting-edge researches in various fields

of chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Through a series of lectures in various fields of chemistry in English, students will learn a broad perspective and an international sense in chemical


授業計画 Course Schedule

Lectures will be provided by young assistant and associate professors in the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. A schedule

of lecturers and titles will be informed in the first lecture of the course.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Assignment is required for every lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

class participation and report

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Modern Trends in Organic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry [総合化学特論Ⅱ]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 武田 定 [Sadamu TAKEDA] (Faculty of Science)

担当教員 Other Instructors

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103042

開講学期 Semester Semester II 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5201

キーワード Key Words

Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Organic Structural Chemistry, Bio-organic Chemistry, Synthetic Polymer Chemistry,

Chemical Biology, Biological Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Biophisycal Chemistry, Regenerative Medicine, Biocatalyst Chemistry, Bio-inorganic

Chemistry, Bioanalytical Chemistry, Genetic Regulation, Disease Regulation

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Lectures on scientific research in Organic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry will be given in English. In this course, the basic concepts and an

overview necessary for understanding the advanced research are introduced, followed by explanations of cutting-edge researches in various fields

of chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Through a series of lectures in various fields of chemistry in English, students will learn a broad perspective and an international sense in chemical


授業計画 Course Schedule

Lectures will be provided by young assistant and associate professors in the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. A schedule

of lecturers and titles will be informed in the first lecture of the course.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Assignment is required for every lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

class participation and report

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Introductory of Physical Chemistry [基礎物理化学特論]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村越 敬 [Kei MURAKOSHI] (Faculty of Science)

担当教員 Other Instructors Koichiro ISHIMORI (Faculty of Science), Tetsuya TAKETSUGU (Faculty of Science)

Satoshi MAEDA (Faculty of Science), Satoshi YASUDA (Faculty of Science),

Hiroshi TAKEUCHI (Faculty of Science)

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103029

開講学期 Semester Semester I 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5212

キーワード Key Words

Molecular orbital theory, Symmetry, Spectroscopy, Surface, Equilibrium and Kinetics

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The purpose of this course is to understand the fundamental concepts of molecular orbital theory, symmetry, spectroscopy, surface, equilibrium as

well as kinetics in physical chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

Goals are to develop skills to solve problems in physical chemistry and acquire the capacity how the knowledge is applied for chemical application.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Molecular orbital theory (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 11)

Molecular orbital theory, homonuclear diatomic molecules, chemical bonding

2. Molecular symmetry (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 12)

The symmetry elements of objects, applications to molecular orbital theory and spectroscopy

3. Spectroscopy I: rotational and vibrational spectroscopy (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 13)

General features of spectroscopy

4. Spectroscopy II: electronic transitions and Spectroscopy III:magnetic resonance (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 14, 15)

The characteristics of electronic transitions, the fates of electronically excited states, the effect of magnetic fields on electrons and nuclei,

nuclear magnetic resonance

5. Processes at solid surfaces (Atkins’ Physical Chemistry 8th edition, Chapter 25)

Structure of solid surfaces, the extent of adsorption, heterogeneous catalysis, processes at electrode

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

The grade will be determined from reports and attendance.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Introductory Inorganic Chemistry [無機化学特論]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 小林 厚志 [Atsushi KOBAYASHI] (Faculty of Science)

担当教員 Other Instructors

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103030

開講学期 Semester Semester I 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5232

キーワード Key Words

coordination chemistry, solid state chemistry, material chemistry, nano materials, nano science, catalysts, bioinorganic chemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are: To understand the properties, structures, and functionalities of the coordination compounds which play

important roles in the various fields such as materials, bioinorganic chemistry, and nano science, To get the latest information of cutting-edge

research concerning inorganic and coordination chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

The goal of this course is total understanding of the importance of coordination compounds from the viewpoints of coordination structures and

electronic states, and to develop the ability to predict structures, properties and reactivity of coordination compounds. At the same time, students

learn the sense of study in the fields of inorganic and coordination chemistry.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(1) General theory: Importance of inorganic and coordination chemistry

(2) Solid state and material chemistry of coordination compounds –synthesis and structures

(3) Solid state and material chemistry of coordination compounds –properties and functions

(4) Nano materials and nano science based on coordination compounds

(5) Synthesis and functions of inorganic/organic hybrid materials

(6) Catalysts –homogeneous systems

(7) Catalysts –inhomogeneous systems

(8) Bioinorganic chemistry

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Exercise in Atkins and Shriver, Vol. 2, Inorganic Chemistry, Kagaku-Dojin Publishing Co., Inc.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance (mini-exam), reports (homework), and final exam

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Atkins and Shriver, Vol. 2, Inorganic Chemistry, Kagaku-Dojin Publishing Co., Inc.

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Introductory of Biological Chemistry [基礎生物化学特論]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MRUAKAMI] (Faculty of Science)

担当教員 Other Instructors Akinori TAKAOKA (Institute for Genetic Medicine), Yasuyuki FUJITA (Institute for Genetic Medicine)

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103032

開講学期 Semester Semester I 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5250

キーワード Key Words

cell growth and differentiation, gene expression, epigenetics, signal transduction, oncogene, immunity, infectious disease

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The class focuses on fundamental aspects of moleculare mechanisums that underlie basic biological phenomena such as cell growth, cell

differentiation and immunity. In addition, how disorder of the regulatory mechanism causes diseases including cancer and infectious disease will be


到達目標 Course Goals

Students to be able to understand the basic regulatory mechanisms of gene expression, cell growth and immune system and developing

mechanisms for the related-diseases.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(1) Regulatory mechanisms for gene expression during cell diferentiation: Transcription factor, Transcription factor network, Chromatin


(2) Regulator mechanism of cell growth and senesence: cell growth signal, apoptosis and immortalization of the cell, oncogenes and tumor

suppressor genes in tumorigenesis

(3) Signal transductions in the host defense system: Signaling pathways to activate immune responses and molecular pathogenesis underlying

infectious diseases and immunodeficiency, cross-interaction between host and microbes

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to review the material provided by the instructors.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

20%: class participation and quiz, 60%: examination

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

セメスターを通してプリントを配布する。 Handouts will be distributed throughout the semester.

講義指定図書 Reading List

“Molecular Biology of the Cell the 5th edition” by B. Alberts et al., Garland Science, 2008, ISBN 0815341113

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Molecular Physical Chemistry [分子物理化学特論]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 佐藤 信一郎 [Shin-ichiro SATO] (Faculty of Engineering)

担当教員 Other Instructors

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103033

開講学期 Semester Semester I 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5210

キーワード Key Words

Quantum Mechanics, Perturbation Theory, Stark Effect, Zeeman Effect, Photoabsorption and Emission

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Quantum theory is essential to understand molecular physical chemistry. The lecture is intended for graduate students who have a general

background in elementary quantum dynamics, and concentrates on the perturbation theory to give students a deep and essential understand on

the interactions between molecular system and external fields such as electric, magnetic, and photon fields.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of the semester you should be able to:

-Apply the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics to solve simple model problems.

-Analyze experiments that probe the quantum mechanical nature of matter to gain insight into the

structure and dynamics of atoms, molecules, and nanomaterials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

I. Steady-state perturbation theory: first-order perturbation theory including degenerate system and second-order perturbation theory

II. Stark effects of hydrogen atom: the first-order interactions for 2s, 2px, 2py, 2pz degenerate states and the second-order interaction for 1s

state. The polarizability of hydrogen atoms will be discussed on the basis of the second-order perturbation theory.

III . Time-dependent perturbation theory

IV . Photoabsorption and emission processes will be discussed on the basis of time-dependent perturbation theory.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are requested to read relevant contents in the textbook beforehand: page ranges will be announced at

least in a week ahead.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Quiz and reports

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Linus Pauling and E. Bright Wilson, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (McGRAW-HILL) ISBN 0-07-Y85557-9

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title Structure Analysis of Inorganic Materials [物質構造解析学特論]

講義題目 Subtitle How the structure is analyzed in inorganic solids?

責任教員 Instructor 吉川 信一 [Shinichi KIKKAWA] (Faculty of Engineering)

担当教員 Other Instructors

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103034

開講学期 Semester Semester I 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5260

キーワード Key Words

x-ray structure analysis, electron microscope, neutron diffraction

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Crystal structure analysis is required to understand the property of materials. X-ray, electron and neutron diffractions will be introduced for the

structural analysis especially in inorganic solids.

到達目標 Course Goals

X-ray diffraction theory will be introduced in relations to crystal structure and electron density distribution. Electron microscopy will be also

applied for the microstructure and surface morphology observation. Neutron diffraction is useful to analyze the magnetic structure and the position

of light elements.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. What is x-ray? : Its generation, diffraction, scattering, absorption of x-ray etc.

2. Powder x-ray diffraction for inorganic solids: powder diffractometor, qualitative and quantitative analyses, lattice parameter determination,

crystallite size and distortion, crystal orientation etc.

3. Electron microscopy: Transmission, analytical and scanning electron microscopies for microstructure and electronic structure analysis.

4. X-ray crystal structure analysis: Laue condition, reciprocal lattice, structure factor, electron density distribution, temperature factor etc.

5. Neutron diffraction: Difference from x-ray diffraction.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Report submissions are required to apply structural analysis methods for the materials under investigation by each student.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Examination at the end of semester. Superior > 90, Excellent > 80, Good > 70, Allowed > 60.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Printed sheets will be delivered.

講義指定図書 Reading List

Elements of x-ray diffraction, by B. D. Cullity

Introduction to x-ray powder diffractometry, by R. Jenkins and R. L. Snyder

参照ホームページ Websites


研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Physical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Solid state chemistry and Inorganic chemistry are required.

科目名 Course Title Corrosion Engineering [材料環境化学特論]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 安住 和久 [Kazuhisa AZUMI] (Faculty of Engineering)

担当教員 Other Instructors

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103036

開講学期 Semester Semester I 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5260

キーワード Key Words

Metallic Materials; Complex Materials; Functional Materials; Corrosion Protection.

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Degradation of materials used in the structure and devices is very important issue to establish the sustainable society. Understanding the

degradation mechanism, predicting the lifetime of the materials, and suppressing the corrosion rate are therefore one of the major subjects of

engineering. In the lecture, theory of corrosion phenomena, examples of typical corrosion and degradation, strategies of corrosion protection,

development of degradation resistive materials, and evaluation methods of corrosion rate and lifetime will be lectured

到達目標 Course Goals

• Understanding the practical phenomena based on the physical chemistry

• Learning how to treat the corrosion related phenomena quantitatively.

• Understanding the various engineering techniques which are applicable to various practical problems.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction : Importance of corrosion phenomena and corrosion protection.

2. Theory in corrosion science : Local cell model of corrosion reaction, kinetics of electrode reaction, thermodynamics of the corrosion

phenomena and Paurbaix diagrams, concept of passivity, determination methods of corrosion rate including Tafel’s law, DC polarization method

and AC impedance method.

3. Classification of corrosion : Characteristics of uniform corrosion, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, pitting corrosion, grain boundary

corrosion, selective corrosion, erosion corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen embrittlement and high temperature corrosion.

4. Corrosive environments : Characteristics of various corrosion environment as moisture (water system), air, soil, concrete, (micro)bio-system,

dew point corrosion, corrosion in oil and natural gas, corrosion inside the electronic devices, and so on.

5. Corrosion protection : Corrosion resistive materials (characteristics of carbon steel, low-alloy steels, stainless steels, titanium, aluminum,

copper, and amorphous alloys), methodological approaches (coating, lining and inhibitors).

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students are expected to read the text before and after the lecture. Students are also required to put in a report for every lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Reports (homeworks) and attendance

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

The text can be downloaded from the Web site.

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

Thermodynamics and basic knowledge of electrochemistry are required.

科目名 Course Title Bioresources Chemistry [生物資源化学特論]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 惠良田 知樹 [Tomoki ERATA] (Faculty of Engineering)

担当教員 Other Instructors

科目種別 Course Type Basic Classes in Graduate-level Science and Technology

開講年度 Year 2014 時間割番号Course Number 103037

開講学期 Semester Semester I 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class Lecture 対象年次Year of Eligible Students

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code BGST_BAS 5250

キーワード Key Words

Biomacromolecules, Biodegradable polymer, Bio-related waste, Recycle technology

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Biomacromolecules has been well known as the materials which compose the cells and tissues, and can be categorized as protein, nucleic acids and

polysaccharides. In this lecture offers the physical and chemical structure and properties of those macromolecules and how to utilize in industry.

到達目標 Course Goals

The general knowledge of the natural macromolecules such as protein, polypeptides, nucleic acids and polysaccharides from the structural and

functional points of view, not only the idea about those macromolecules but also the advanced analytical methods on the relatively complex


授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Basic idea of the bioresources and its categoraization.

2. Bioresource as the functional material.

3. Polysaccharides I: The structure and utilization of the Cellulose, starch

4. Polysaccharides II: The structure, function and utilization of the Chitin, Chitosan, Glycoaminoglycan and et al.

5. Structural protein: Collagen, Silk fibroin, Keratin.

6. Recycle technology of the biowaste (Food industry)

7. Recycle technology of the biowaste (Woods and pulp industry)

8. Nucleic acids and biotechnology.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

The report and presentation about the journal article related on the lecture topic will be required from time to time.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Report and class participation.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Handout made by the course instructor will be delivered.

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

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