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  • 8/13/2019 CC4_MSQpdf



    Tick & Flick booklet

    Get y o u r t ea m t o

    d o w h a t y o u w a n tt h em t o d o b ec a u s et h ey w a nt t o d o it .Everyone has met the manager from hell. Themanager who belittles, who doesnt communicate

    clearly, whos ineffectual. But what are thefactors that set the good managers apart fromthe poor? Can a managers style create a positiveimpact on performance, productivity and profits?Our research shows that by taking a particularapproach to a given situation or environment, amanager can really improve employee morale andperformance.

  • 8/13/2019 CC4_MSQpdf


    The Managerial Style Questionnaire throws light on this for individual managers. By completing thisexercise, a manager will identify which styles he or she relies on most and when those styles are mostand least effective. We all know that a managers behaviour directly affects employee motivation; it isessential that they understand the relationship between their style and their work environment.

    This questionnaire comes in the form of a tick & flick booklet. Its easy and practical to use andis especially effective when used in developing individuals awareness of how they lead, or aspart of development coaching activities. It takes between 30-45 minutes to answer the 36questions. It is available in English and some other languages.

    Managers can use the MSQ to:

    assess which managerial styles they believe they use.

    gather feedback from others on the styles they typically use.

    identify the differences between their own and others perceptions, andreflect on what they want to do about those differences.

    W h a t s y o u r s t y le ? S ix o f t h e b e s t .

    Ba s e d o n w o r k b e g u n a t H a r v a r d Un i v er s i t y b y t h e e m in e n t

    p s y ch o lo g is t s L i t w in a n d S t r in g e r, t h e H a y G r o u p h a s id e n t i f ie d

    s ix m a n a g e r ia l s t y le s :

    1 . C o e r ci v e : e m p h a s is o n im m e d ia t e co m p lia n ce f r o m em p lo y e e s .

    2 . A u t h o r i t a t i v e : e m p h a s is o n p r o v id ing lo n g t e r m v is io n a n d

    le a d e r s h ip .3 . A f f i l i a t i v e : em p h a s is o n c r e a t in g h a

    r m o n y.

    4 . D e m o cr a t i c: e m p h a s is o n g r o u p co n se n s u s a n d g e n e r a t in g

    n e w id e a s .5 . P a ce s e t t in g : e m p h a s is o n a cco m p lis

    h in g t a s k s t o h ig h

    s t a n d a r d s .6 . C o a ch in g : e m p h a s is o n p r o f e s s io n a l

    g r o w t h o f e m p lo y e e s .

    M a n a g e r s ca n h a ve a r ea l a n d la s t in g im p a c t o n p e r f o r m

    a n ce b y

    ch o o s in g t h e r ig h t s t y le s in t h e r ig h t s i t u a t io n s .

    Tick & Flick booklet

  • 8/13/2019 CC4_MSQpdf



    If y o u p l a n t o u s e t h eMa na g ement S t y l eQu es t io nna ir e , y o u w il lneed t h e f o l l o w ing :

    One copy of the MSQ Participant Version and one copy of the MSQ Profile and Interpretive Notes for each individualwho is going to measure their managerial styles.

    One copy of the MSQ Employee Version orPeer/Colleague Version for each individual who isgoing to be asked to provide feedback.

    The MSQ Trainers Guide, which gives a thoroughoverview of managerial styles, guidance ongiving feedback to participants and ideas fordevelopment work and facilitation aroundmanagerial styles.

  • 8/13/2019 CC4_MSQpdf


    Tick & Flick booklet


    A f l ex ib l e t o o l t h a tg et s r es u l t s .This tool is cost effective, quick, and easy to useanywhere: in the workplace, classroom, or in anaway-day venue. It can be used in the followingways:

    for self-assessment and to gather feedbackfrom others.

    to establish a benchmark and see if perceptions change over time.

    in senior and middle manager development


    during periods of organisational change ordevelopment.

    within one-to-one coaching.

    alongside the Organisational ClimateExercise to provide a bigger picture of managerial behaviour and impact.

    alongside the Managerial SituationChecklist, which helps managers assessthe styles demanded by their job and

    compare them to their own preferredmanagerial styles.

    Hay Grouptel: + 44 (0)20 7856 7575email: /solutions

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