cca lagos stave

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Analysis of situation CCA Lagos with morphological box


Analysis of situation CCA LagosInput dataCCA aims:

1. Develop a program that will reflect the diversity of practice, ideas and approaches in the contemporary visual art and culture.

2. Provide a public forum for the critical examination of ideas and cultural practices in the arts

CCA objectives (aka tasks for achieve this two aims, what CCA are doing now during last 8 years):CCA OBJECTIVES

- Develop new audiences for the visual arts by presenting a varied and stimulating program of lectures, seminars, workshops and exhibitions

- Organize events that encourage the intellectual and critical development and an awareness of artistic and cultural issues around the world

- Contribute to the development and professionalization of artistic production and curatorial practice in Nigeria and the West African region

- Collaborate with artists, curators, writers, theoreticians, organizations and institutions nationally and international

The STAVE team marked some triggering issuers for CCA. I made a list of them and for each issuers did my remarks:

1. Should CCA work with local resources or they are intangible? What do you mean “local resources”?

If it is art people and their collaborations, they exist now in Nigeria in general and in Lagos in particular. Bisi Silva and Jahman O.Anikulapo mentioned about it. I think, that they are familiar with virtually all of them and working with them for the foreign exhibitions (for example).

There are three institutes near the CCA center (Taiye Idahor (Project Coordinator): - we're right in the middle of three institutions, they're just around the corner, five, ten minutes away).

The CCA is working now with commercial galleries in Lagos and islands Ikoyi and Victoria (Bisi Silva and Jahman O.Anikulapo are talking about it, they mentioned the exhibition "pret-a-partager").

If we are talking about unofficial support – Bisi Silva, like the leader of CCA, has some kind of support from the local people. Although he (or the group of people) does not have influence in government.

If we are talking about young man and women: The CCA has informal art school, for all who wants to have education in contemporary art.

2. How much Lagos people identify themselves with CCA? If we are talking about usual (or simple) people it is not the question. Because the

core audience for the CCA is people of art. Here is the place for segments of population and further marketing analysis.

3. How strong is the Nigerian core audience? What are you mean: “core audience”? What segment of population: intelligent

people, people with special education, students, women (for example)? This issuer should combine with previous.

4. How good is their local network in Nigeria with other cultural and educational institutions?

For this issuer we have not had enough information for the analysis. We only have: the cultural sector is combined with entertainment and recreation production and it has increased for the last three years. Particular diversification is not opened for us. Plus we know about Nollywood and strong movie industry in Nigeria.

Educational institutes: Bisi Silva gives us information about British system of education (follow the British Beaux Arts Academy system from the 1950s, early '60s.) inside. There are no words about collaboration CCA with institutes.

We don’t know about classical museums, about theatres, opera-houses etc.

5. Does the Nigerian creative community find the questions of the Nigerian society in the curatorial program of CCA?

I think here is something with word order. I do not understand the meaning of this phrase. Could you explain?

Also I have some questions and statements for the analysis:

Input data: The art society immigrated 30 yeas ago. Bisi Silva mentioned about Brasil which has one of the largest African populations outside of the continent. And she was talking about the diaspora. I don't realize how strong the influence of diaspora for the situation in Nigeria. How much of them want to come back. I think we can neglect this data because 30 years is long period of time. This people can help Nigeria art society abroad. (not worth clinging to the past, should be put on youth)

The current situation in Nigeria (I mean economical, political, vital parameters) that in Intro of STAVE – good! But how high the immigration level from country nowadays? For the intelligent segment of population? How many supporters of contemporary art among the people are not figures of modern art?

CCA is a non-profit organisation with one leader Mrs. Bisi Silva. She is a strong and clever leader of this organisation. I admire in front of her. Just want to emphasize: it is not ordinary organisation. In real time this is a community of like-minded people jointed by Mrs. Bisi Silva.

I think that CCA is based using the patriotic idea of Nigerian society of art people in collaboration with intelligent sector of population. This is powerful heart of collaboration as a strong accent. Mrs. Bisi Silva is passionate personality (have you ever heard about russian historic writer Lev Gumilev?). She is leading people with love of country and pride of achievements and culture of their motherland. It is intensive emotional experience.

My opinion is the CCA not enough recourses for having an influence on the government of Nigeria. For example in the HAU (Berlin) the director of this theatre Annamie Vanackere is the relation’s specialist with the Government and the Department of Culture. It is her direct responsibility. Bisi Silva has not met the specialist for this tipe of tasks yet. It should be the net (an organization or group of people) with the main idea: to show economic attractiveness of Nigeria (may be a part of territory) for the government. This is from a theme about branding territory but simple: more people of art – more level of life – more investment – more multiplier effect. I mean the low level of criminal situation in the country. Even the partnership CCA with USA, Germany, Great Britain and France, Emirates could be turn as a profit for Nigeria (for the Lagos, for the culture etc.) if it will be informed the state about economical attractiveness side. The CCA need for protection from every week checks and small quantity of resources such as electricity, water, communication, etc. I’m not talking about the salary, because it should discuss inside the community CCA. There are a lot of legal forms: non-commercial partnership, fund…

I don’t know the rules for foreign people crossing the border of Nigeria. How long could be a period of time for staying in the country. Is it hard to get permission for staying inside for foreign people? Is it possible to know the quantity of flow per year?

What can Mrs. Bisi Silva say about attractiveness of the area? Is it possible to talk about touristic attractiveness? It can be real opportunity to collaborate with touristic organization inside Nigeria and abroad. If there are the commercial galleries it mean there is consumers (on the islands Victoria and Ikoyi). It is a whole science about presentation of country on the world scene. Globalisation is good but every country should have the boarders.

Question: is it possible to organize art events on the streets or squares in Lagos? It can be art festivals, performances and another forms of expression.

Question: is it possible to introduce the new course of contemporary art in educational system of institutes? It could be elective course for all students who want and have time during period of education or another form of implantation. The goals to attract attention to the contemporary art, to find new volunteers for CCA and to knock for the young people of Nigeria. It will have the “snowing ball from the peak” result for the art society.

The last for this: resources are always limited. The rescue of drowning handwork drowning, I mean it is needed to cooperate with government it will help to achieve goals. Even it will be with revolution in culture segment of state.


I think the box should have more parameters. Values need to be agreed with real situation, with goals of CCA. It needs to have more routine work with data. See my remarks up.

For STAVE - you should dig deeper!

Thank you for attention. With sincerely, Tatiana.

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