ceritra rakyat nya indonesia - english version

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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cerita rakyat indonesia timun mas dalam bahasa inggris ini berasal dari daerah jawa tengah mengisahkan tentang janda yang menginginkan seorang anak lalu didatangi raksasa yang bisa memberikan anak dengan syarat setelah usianya enam tahun harus diserahkan kepada raksasa untuk disantap. lalu raksasa memberikan biji mentimun yang kemudian ditanam kemudian berbuah salah satunya tampak besar berwarna emas lalu dengan hati-hati dibuka ternyata seorang bayi cantik. bagaimana kelanjutannya ?

berikut kisah lengkapnya dalam versi bahasa inggris

Timun Emas

Long time ago, lived an old women named Mbok Sirni. She lived by herself because her husband had long passed away and she had no children. Every day, she prayed so God would give her a child. One night, when she was praying, a giant passed her house and heard her pray. “I can give you a child on one condition,” the giant said to Mbok Sirni, “You must give the child back to me when it is six years old.” Mbok Sirni was so happy; she did not think about the risk of losing the child later and agreed to take the giant’s offer. The giant then gave her a bunch of cucumber seeds. “Plant it around your house.” The giant then left without saying anything else. In the morning, Mbok Sirni planted the seeds. The seeds grew within mere days, and blossomed plentifully.Not longer after that, a big golden cucumber grew from plants. Carefully, Mbok Sirni plucked the golden cucumber and carried it home. With caution and care, she sliced the cucumber. She was very surprised to see a beautiful baby girl inside the cucumber. She then named the baby Timun Emas (it means Golden Cucumber).

Years passed by and Timun Emas has grew to become a lovely and beautiful little girl. She was also smart and kind. Mbok Sirni loved her very much. But she kept thinking about the time the giant would take Timun Emas away from her. One night, Mbok Sirni had a dream. In order to save Timun Emas from the giant, she had to meet the holy man who lived in Mount Gundul. The next morning, Mbok Sirni took leave of Timun Emas to go to Mount Gundul. The holy man then gave her four little bags, each one containing cucumber seeds, needles, salt, and shrimp paste. “Timun Emas can use these to protect herself,” said the holy man to Mbok Sirni.

A few days later, the giant came to see Mbok Sirni about her promise. “Mbok Sirni! Where is Timun Emas?” shouted the giant. “My daughter, take these bag with you. It can save you from the giant. Now, run through the back door,” said Mbok Sirni. But the giant saw Timun Emas running to the woods. The giant was angry. Starved and enraged, he rushed toward Timun Emas. Mbok Sirni tried to stop him, but the giant was unstoppable.

The giant was getting closer and closer, so Timun Emas opened the first bag she got from Mbok Sirni. Inside the bag were cucumber seeds. She threw the seeds, and instantly they grew into large cucumber field. But the giant ate them all, giving him more strength. As the giant was getting close, Timun Emas took the second bag with needles inside and spilled the content behind her. The needles turned into bamboo trees, sharp and thorny. The giant’s body was scratched and bled.

“Aaargh, I’ll get you, Timun Emas!” shouted the giant as he tried to get himself out from the bamboo field. He made it and still chasing Timun Emas.

Timun Emas then reached the third bag and spilled the salt inside. The ground which the salt touched turned into a deep sea. The giant almost drown and had to swim to cross the sea. After some time, he managed to get out from the water. Timun Emas saw the giant coming, so she reached for the last bag. She took the shrimp paste and threw it. The shrimp paste became a big swamp of boiling mud. The giant was trapped in the middle of the swamp. The mud slowly but surely drowned him. Helpless, he roared out, “Help! Heeeeelp…!” Then the giant drown and died. Timun Mas then immediately went home. Since then, Timun Emas and Mbok Sirni live happily ever after.***


Cerita Rakyat dalam Bahasa Inggris ini sendiri sebenarnya adalah cerita Rakyat Indonesia asal daerah Padang, Indonesia yang mungkin sudah sering anda baca dalam versi bahasa Indonesia, yaitu cerita tentang anak durhaka Malin Kundang.

Meski selama ini sering teman-teman baca dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia. Namun kali ini cerita rakyat Indonesia ini sendiri sudah diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris, sehingga bisa teman jadikan sebagai bahan untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggris lebih dalam. Berikut adalah cerita selengkapnya:

Malin KundangOnce upon a time, on the north coast of Sumatra lived a poor woman and his son. The boy was called Malin Kundang. They didn’t earn much as fishing was their only source of income. Malin Kundang grew up as a skillful young boy. He always helps his mother to earn some money. However, as they were only fisherman’s helper, they still lived in poverty. “Mother, what if I sail overseas?” asked Malin Kundang one day to his mother. Her mother didn’t agree but Malin Kundang had made up his mind. “Mother, if I stay here, I’ll always be a poor man. I want to be a successful person,” urged Malin kundang. His mother wiped her tears, “If you really want to go, I can’t stop you. I could only pray to God for you to gain success in life,” said his mother wisely. “But, promise me, you’ll come home.”

In the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go. Three days ago, he met one of the successful ship’s crew. Malin was offered to join him. “Take a good care of yourself, son,” said Malin Kundang’s mother as she gave him some food supplies. “Yes, Mother,” Malin Kundang said. “You too have to take a good care of yourself. I’ll keep in touch with you,” he continued before kissing his mother’s hand. Before Malin stepped onto the ship, Malin’s mother hugged him tight as if she didn’t want to let him go.

It had been three months since Malin Kundang left his mother. As his mother had predicted before, he hadn’t contacted her yet. Every morning, she stood on the pier. She wished to see the ship that brought Malin kundang home. Every day and night, she prayed to the God for her son’s safety. There was so much prayer that had been said due to her deep love for Malin Kundang. Even though it’s been a year she had not heard any news from Malin Kundang, she kept waiting and praying for him.

After several years waiting without any news, Malin Kundang’s mother was suddenly surprised by the arrival of a big ship in the pier where she usually stood to wait for her son. When the ship finally pulled over, Malin Kundang’s mother saw a man who looked wealthy stepping down a ladder along with a beautiful woman. She could not be wrong. Her blurry eyes still easily recognized him. The man was Malin Kundang, her son.

Malin Kundang’s mother quickly went to see her beloved son. “Malin, you’re back, son!” said Malin Kundang’s mother and without hesitation, she came running to hug Malin Kundang, “I miss you so

much.” But, Malin Kundang didn’t show any respond. He was ashamed to admit his own mother in front of his beautiful wife. “You’re not my Mother. I don’t know you. My mother would never wear such ragged and ugly clothes,” said Malin Kundang as he release his mother embrace.

Malin Kundang’s mother take a step back, “Malin…You don’t recognize me? I’m your mother!” she said sadly. Malin Kundang’s face was as cold as ice. “Guard, take this old women out of here,” Malin Kundang ordered his bodyguard. “Give her some money so she won’t disturb me again!” Malin Kundang’s mother cried as she was dragged by the bodyguard, ”Malin… my son. Why do you treat your own mother like this?”

Malin Kundang ignored his mother and ordered the ship crews to set sail. Malin Kundang’s mother sat alone in the pier. Her heart was so hurt, she cried and cried. “Dear God, if he isn’t my son, please let him have a save journey. But if he is, I cursed him to become a stone,” she prayed to the God.

In the quiet sea, suddenly the wind blew so hard and a thunderstorm came. Malin Kundang’s huge ship was wrecked. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, and fell on a small island. Suddenly, his whole body turned into stone. He was punished for not admitting his own mother.


kita akan mencoba mengisahkan cerita dongeng rakyat sangkuriang bh inggris, artinya secara ringkas mengisahkan seorang pria yang tampan dan sakti bertemu wanita cantik. mereka jatsh cinta dan berkeinginan menikah. tetapi sang wanita baru menyadari ada luka di pelipis yang mirip dengan anaknya dulu yang hilang setelah ia pukul. sang wanita ingin membatalkan pernikahan dengan memberikan syarat kepada sangkuriang untuk membuatkan danau dan perahu dalam semalam. tetapi sangkuriang tidak bisa menyanggupi dan marah dengan membalikkan perahu yang setengah jadi.

perahu itu konon menjadi gunung “tangkuban perahu”.

berikut kisah lengkapnya dalam versi bahasa inggris


Long time ago in West Java, lived a beautiful girl named Dayang Sumbi. She was also smart and clever. Her beauty and intelligence made a prince from the heavenly kingdom of Kahyangan desire her as his wife. The prince asked permission from his father to marry Dayang Sumbi. People from Kahyangan could never live side by side with humans, but his father approved on one condition, when they had a child, the prince would transform into a dog. The prince accepted the condition.

They get married and lived happily in the woods until Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy. The prince then changed into a dog named Tumang. Their son is named Sangkuriang. He was very smart and handsome like his father. Everyday, he hunted animals and looked for fruits to eat. One day, when he was hunting, Sangkuriang accidentally killed Tumang. His arrow missed the deer he was targeting and hit Tumang instead. He went home and tells her mother about the dog. “What?” Dayang Sumbi was appalled. Driven by sadness and anger, she grabbed a weaving tool and hit Sangkuriang’s head with it. Dayang Sumbi was so sad; she didn’t pay any attention to Sangkuriang and started to cry.

Sangkuriang feel sad and also confused. How can his mother love a dog more than him? Sangkuriang then decided to go away from their home and went on a journey. In the morning, Dayang Sumbi finally stopped crying. She started to feel better, so she went to find Sangkuriang. But her son was no where to be found. She looked everywhere but still couldn’t find him. Finally, she went home with nothing. She was exhausted. She fell asleep, and in her dream, she meets her husband. “Dayang Sumbi, don’t be sad. Go look for my body in the woods and get the heart. Soak it with water, and use the water to bathe, and you will look young forever,” said the prince in her dream. After bathing with the water used to soak the dog’s heart, Dayang Sumbi looked more beautiful and even younger.

And time passed by. Sangkuriang on his journey stopped at a village and met and fell in love with a beautiful girl.He didn’t realize that the village was his homeland and the beautiful girl was his own mother, Dayang Sumbi. Their love grew naturally and he asked the girl to marry him. One day,

Sangkuriang was going on a hunt. He asked Dayang Sumbi to fix the turban on his head. Dayang Sumbi was startled when she saw a scar on his head at the same place where she, years ago, hit Sangkuriang on the head.

After the young man left, Dayang Sumbi prayed for guidance. After praying, she became convinced that the young man was indeed her missing son. She realized that she had to do something to prevent Sangkuriang from marrying her. But she did not wish to disappoint him by cancelling the wedding. So, although she agreed to marry Sangkuriang, she would do so only on the condition that he provides her with a lake and built a beautiful boat, all in one night.

Sangkuriang accepted this condition without a doubt. He had spent his youth studying magical arts. After the sun went down, Sangkuriang went to the hill. Then he called a group of genie to build a dam around Citarum River. Then, he commands the genies to cut down trees and build a boat. A few moments before dawn, Sangkuriang and his genie servants almost finished the boat.

Dayang Sumbi, who had been spying on him, realised that Sangkuriang would fulfill the condition she had set. Dayang Sumbi immediately woke all the women in the village and asked them to wave a long red scarf. All the women in the village were waving red scarf, making it look as if dawn was breaking. Deceived by false dawn, the cock crowed and farmers rose for the new day.

Sangkuriang’s genie servants immediately dropped their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they feared. Sangkuriang grew furious. With all his anger, he kicked the unfinished boat. The boat flew and landed on a valley. The boat then became a mountain, called Mount Tangkuban Perahu (Tangkuban means upturned or upside down, and Perahu means boat). With his power, he destroyed the dam. The water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and nowadays became a city called Bandung (from the word Bendung, which means Dam).


Loro Jonggrang Long time ago, there was a kingdom named Prambanan. All the people of Prambanan lived peacefully. But then, Prambanan kingdom was attacked and occupied by the Pengging kingdom. Prambanan then was ruled by Bandung Bondowoso of Pengging kingdom. He was a mean king. He also had great supernatural power. His soldiers were not only humans, but also genies.

The king of Prambanan had a beautiful daughter named Loro Jonggrang. Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. “You’re very beautiful. Would you be my queen?” asked Bandung Bondowoso. Loro Jonggrang was shocked. She didn’t like Bandung Bondowoso because he was a mean person. She wanted to refuse, but she afraid that Bandung Bondowoso would be angry and endangered the people of Prambanan. Then, she came up with a plan. “If you want to marry me, you have to build a thousand temples for me in just one night," said Loro Jonggrang. “What? That’s impossible!” said Bandung Bondowoso. But he did not give up. He consulted with his advisor. “Your Majesty can asked the genies to help built the temples,” said the advisor.

So, Bandung Bondowoso summoned his entire genies soldier and commanded them to help him built a thousand temples. The genies worked in unbelievable speed. Meanwhile, Loro Jonggrang heard from her servant that the building of a thousand temples was almost finished. She was so worried. But again, she came up with a great idea. She asked all of her servants to help her. "Please prepare a lot of straw and mortar. Please hurry up!" said Loro Jonggrang. “Burn the straw and make some noise pounding the mortar, quickly.” All those servants did what Loro Jonggrang ordered them; burning straw and pounding the mortar, making the genies think that the sun is going to rise.

“It’s already dawn. We have to go,” said the leader of the genies to Bandung Bondowoso. All the genies immediately stopped their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they afraid of. They didn’t know that the light was from the fire that burning the straw, not from the sun.

Bandung Bondowoso can’t stop the genies from leaving. He was angry. He knew Loro Jonggrang had just tricked him. "You cannot fool me, Loro Jonggrang. I already have 999 temples. I just need one more temple. Now, I will make you the one-thousandth temple." He pointed his finger to Loro Jonggrang and said some mantras. Magically, Loro Jonggrang’s body turned into stone. Until now, the temple is still standing in Prambanan area, Central Java. And the temple is called Loro Jonggrang temple.***

Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan Jaka Tarub was a handsome and diligent young man. He lived in a village near a lake. One day, when Jaka Tarub passed the lake, he heard some giggles and laughs of some girls who were bathing in the lake. He was curious, so he peeped through the bushes. There were seven beautiful girls in the lake. They’re fairies from the heavenly kingdom of kahyangan. Jaka Tarub saw a scarf near the bushes. It belonged to one of the fairies. Jaka Tarub then took it and hid it.

Crack!!! Accidentally, Jaka Tarub stepped on a twig. “There’s someone!” said one of the fairies. “Let’s get back. Hurry!” she said. They pulled over and wear their scarf. “Where is my scarf?” one of the fairies couldn’t find her scarf. She was the youngest fairy called Nawang Wulan. They tried to search for it, but it was no where to be found. “We’re sorry, Wulan. We have to go back to kahyangan,” said the eldest fairy. “You’ll have to find it by yourself. We’ll wait for you in kahyangan,” she said in empathy. The other fairies then flew to the sky leaving Nawang Wulan behind. Nawang Wulan saw them leaving in tears. She was so sad.

“Excuse me …,” said Jaka Tarub, startling Nawang Wulan. “Are you okay?” he asked. Nawang Wulan moved backward, “Who are you?” she asked. “My name is Jaka Tarub. I was passing by and I heard you crying, so I came to see what happen,” Jaka Tarub lied. Nawang Wulan then told him about her problem. “I can’t fly without my scarf,” she said. Jaka Tarub then asked Nawang Wulan to come home with him. At first, Nawang Wulan refused the offer. But since she didn’t have anywhere else to go, Nawang Wulan then decided to follow Jaka Tarub.

Nawang Wulan stayed with Jaka Tarub in the village. A month passed, and they decided to get married. Nawang Wulan was willing to marry a human because she fell in love with Jaka Tarub. After a year, they had a beautiful daughter. They named her Kumalasari. They lived happily.

Jaka Tarub was also happy to live with Nawang Wulan and Kumalasari. Especially because he always got a lot of harvest since he married Nawang Wulan. He couldn’t even keep all of his harvest in the barn because it was always full. “It’s so weird. Nawang Wulan cooked everyday, but why is my barn always full,” Jaka Tarub mumbled to himself. He was so curious. One day, Jaka Tarub stayed at home. “I want to stay home today. I’d like to play with Kumalasari,” he said to his wife. “Well, I’ll go to the river to wash the clothes. Please keep an eye on Kumalasari,” asked Nawang Wulan. “I’m cooking rice now. Please do not open the pan cover before it’s done,” she said just before she left. “Could this be the secret?” Jaka Tarub thought. After Nawang Wulan left, he curiously opened the pan cover. He found only one single paddy. “How come?” he wondered.

Before lunch, Nawang Wulan came home. She headed to the kitchen to see the rice she had cooked. She found that the rice turned into only a few grains. “Did you open the pan cover?” she asked her husband. “I… I’m sorry. I was curious,” Jaka Tarub said as he realized his fault.

Ever since, Nawang Wulan had lost her power. She couldn’t cook rice with only a single paddy. Their paddy supply was slowly lessened. Their barn was almost empty. One day, Nawang Wulan went to the barn to get some paddy. When she took one of them, she found a scarf. “What’s this? This is my scarf,” said Nawang Wulan startled.

That night, Nawang Wulan asked her husband about the scarf. Jaka Tarub’s eyes widened, “You found it?” he asked. Jaka Tarub looked down and asked for her forgiveness. “Because I’ve found

my scarf, it’s time for me to go back to where I belong,” Nawang Wulan said. Jaka Tarub tried to stop her, but Nawang Wulan had made up her mind. “Please take good care of Kumalasari,” she said. “If she wanted to see me, take seven grains of candlenut and put it into a basket. Shake it as you play the bamboo flute. I’ll come to see her,” she explained.

Jaka Tarub promised to take good care of their daughter. He once again asked for forgiveness for all of his mistakes. “I’ve forgiven you, so you don’t have to feel guilty. I must go now. Take care,” said Nawang Wulan as she flew to the bright full moon.***

Lutung Kasarung Prabu Tapa Agung had led a kingdom in West Java for a long time. He was getting old and therefore wanted to choose a successor. But unfortunately, he had no son. He thought of choosing one of his daughters, Purbararang and Purbasari. But it wasn’t an easy choice. They were both very pretty and smart. The only difference was their temperament. Purbararang was rude and dishonest, while Purbasari was kind and caring. With those considerations, Prabu Tapa Agung finally chose Purbasari to be his successor.

Purbararang didn’t agree with her father’s decision. “It’s supposed to be me, Father. I’m the eldest daughter!” Purbararang said. Prabu Tapa Agung smiled. “Purbararang, to be a queen takes more than age. There are many other qualities that one must possess,” explained Prabu Tapa Agung wisely. “What does Purbasari have that I don’t?” Purbararang pouted. “You’ll find out when Purbasari has replaced me,” Prabu Tapa Agung answered.

After the discussion, Purbararang went back to her room. “Is there something wrong?” asked Indrajaya. Indrajaya is Purbararang’s future husband. “I’m upset! Father chose Purbasari as his successor and not me! I have to do something!” Purbararang said. Driven mad by her anger, she came to a witch and asked her to send rash all over Purbasari’s body. Before going to bed, Purbasari started to feel itch all over her body. She tried applying powder to her body, but it’s no use. Instead, the itching grew even worse. She didn’t want to scratch it, but she just couldn’t help it. In the next morning, there were scratch mark all over Purbasari’s body. “What happened to you?” asked Purbararang, pretending to be concerned. “I don’t know, sis. Last night, my body suddenly felt very itchy. I scratched and scratched, and this is what happened,” Purbasari answered. Purbararang shook her head. “You must have done something really awful. You’ve been punished by the gods!”

That day, the whole kingdom was scandalized. “What have you done, Purbasari?” demanded Prabu Tapa Agung. Purbasari shook her head. “I didn’t do anything that would upset the gods, Father,” she answered. “Then how can you explain what happened to your body?” Prabu Tapa Agung asked again. “If you don’t confess, I’ll banish you to the woods.” Purbasari took a deep breath. “Like I said before, I didn’t do anything wrong. And I’d rather be thrown into the woods than to confess to a deed I didn’t commit.”

After a short discussion with his advisor, Prabu Tapa Agung ordered Purbasari to be moved to the woods. Purbasari was very sad, but she couldn’t do anything to defy her father’s order. She was accompanied to the woods by a messenger. He built a simple hut for Purbasari. After the messenger left, suddenly a black monkey came to Purbasari’s hut. He carried a bunch of bananas. From behind him, some animals looked on. “Are the bananas for me?’ Purbasari asked. The black monkey nodded, as if he understood what Purbasari said. Purbasari took the bananas with pleasure. She also said thanks. The other animals that were looking on also seemed to smile. “Are you willing to be my friend?” Purbasari asked them. All the animals nodded happily. Although she was living by herself in the woods, Purbasari never lacked of supplies. Everyday, there were always animals bringing her fruits and fish to eat.

A long time had passed since Purbasari was banished to the woods, but her body still itched. At some places, her skin was even ulcerating. What am I supposed to do?” Purbasari sighed. The monkey who was sitting next to her stayed still, there were tears in his eyes. He hoped Purbasari would remain patient and strong.

One night, on a full moon, the monkey took Purbasari to a valley. There is a pond with hot spring water. The monkey suddenly spoke, “The water of this pond will heal your skin,” he said. Purbasari was surprised, ”You can talk? Who are you?” she asked. “You’ll find out, in time,” the monkey said. Purbasari didn’t want to force the monkey. She then walked to the pond. She bathed there. After a few hours, Purbasari walked out of the pond. She was shocked to see her face reflected on the clear pond water. Her face was beautiful again, with smooth and clean skin. Purbasari observed her entire body. There were no traces of any skin ailments. “I’m cured! I’m cured!” Purbasari shouted in joy. She quickly offered thanks to the gods and also to the monkey.

The news of Purbasari’s condition quickly spread to the kingdom, irritating Purbararang. She then accompanied by Indrajaya go to the woods to see Purbasari. Purbasari asked if she would be allowed to go home. Purbararang said she would let Purbasari return to the palace if Purbasari’s hair were longer than hers. Purbararang then let her hair down. It was so long, it almost touched the ground. But it turned out that Purbasari’s hair was twice longer than Purbararang’s hair.

“Fine, so your hair is longer than mine.” Purbararang admitted. “But there is one more condition you must fulfill, do you have a future husband who is handsomer than mine?” said Purbararang as she walked toward Indrajaya. Purbasari felt miserable. She didn’t have a future husband yet. So, without much thought, she pulled the black monkey beside her.

Purbararang and Indrajaya burst out, but their laughter didn’t last long. The monkey meditates and suddenly transformed into a very handsome young man, a lot more handsome than Indrajaya. “I’m a prince from a kingdom far away. I was cursed to be a monkey because of a mistake I committed. I could regain my true form only if there’s a girl who would be willing to be my wife,” said the young man.

Finally, Purbararang gave up. She accepted Purbasari as the queen, and also confessed everything she had done. “Please forgive me. Please don’t punish me,” Purbararang said, asking for forgiveness. Instead of being angry, Purbasari smiled. “I forgive you, sis,” she said. Soon after, Purbasari become queen. Beside her was the handsome prince, the former monkey known as Lutung Kasarung.***


The Hare and the Tortoise

Once there was a Hare who used to laugh scornfully at a Tortoise because he plodded along so slowly. “You never can get anywhere with those short legs of yours. Look at my long legs! They’re so swift no one would dare race me.”

All the animals of field and forest were tired of hearing the Hare brag. At last the Tortoise said, “If we were to run a race, I’m sure I would beat you.”

The animals were astonished for they knew the Tortoise was the slowest of them all, and the Hare, bursting into loud laughter, cried, “What a joke! That slowpoke thinks he can beat me! Come on, Mr. Tortoise, you shall see what my feet are made of. Why I can beat you before you are even half-started!”

“You’d better not be too sure,” cautioned the Tortoise

All the big and little animals gathered to watch the race. At the signal the Hare leaped forward in a great bound and soon left the plodding Tortoise far behind him on the dusty road. Looking back, the Hare could not even see the Tortoise after a little while.

“Hum-m, I’ve as good as won this race already,” the thought, “There’s really no reason to hurry.” So, as the sun was very warm, he decided to rest a bit under a shady tree. “I’ll come in away ahead of that Tortoise, anyhow,” he told himself.

Soon he was sound asleep. the little rest streched into a good long nap.Meantime, the Tortoise jogged steadily along on the hot, dusty road, ever so slowly, but surely, and soon he passed the Hare who was still peacefully sleeping.

Quietly the Tortoise plodded on nearing the goal. When the Hare finally woke up with a start, he saw the Tortoise just reaching the finish line far ahead and he could hear all the animals cheering the winner.

Boastful and careless, the Hare had lost the race. Now he would never again be able to count on his speed.

Moral of the story: Perseverance wins the race

Rabbits and Turtles - Turtles

Indonesian version

The day was sunny, but the animals in the forest did not notice the beautiful weather. They were disputing who can run the fastest. As always, the Rabbit and then brag. "Until now, I'm the fastest runner! I'll race with you guys. This prize is gold buttons." Squirrels, will you compete with me? " "Absolutely not, Rabbit," said Squirrel with amusement. "The foot-feet too long for me!" "Wolf, do you want to race with me?" The wolf shook his head. "So no one dared to compete with me? Stoat? Hedgehogs? ........ No one is going?" For a moment everything is silent, then a soft voice said, "If you want, I'll try it!"

Rabbit looked around, searching for the origin of that voice and then he saw the turtle crawled slowly across the field at the edge of the forest. Rabbit was amused but he tried to remain serious when answering the Tortoise. "Ah, my friend Turtles are good! Finally you also join with us!" "I have no reason to hurry," answered the Tortoise. "After all, today was wonderful." Rabbits showed him the glittering studs sun's overwritten. "Apparently, you're the only penantangku, Tortoise. Do you want to race with me to the woods across the stone bridge there? You have to admit that the prize is great!"

"The prize is very good, Rabbit; is really very good. And for me racing to the bridge across the forest was pretty decent. Yes, Rabbit, I'll race with you," answered the Tortoise slowly and carefully. Rabbit laughed uproariously. "The Slow, you are not serious is not it! You can not win if the race with me! You must be joking!" Other animals laughed. Turtle shook his head slowly. "I'm not joking, really!" Tortoise convince them all. "Now, who will give the cue to leave?" Rabbit was still laughing when they both lined up and waiting for the cue from an Owl. "Tu-whit tu-whoo!"

"Just vote" tu-whoo "out of the half when a rabbit darted Burang Ghosts like the wind through the trees. The tortoise is still creeping to the edge of the forest, but the rabbit was not seen again. "Come on, Turtle!" other animals cheered encouragingly with a laugh. "Can you run faster?" "I wonder why you'd want to race, Tortoise!" Stoat said. "All animals know that Kelincilah who will win!" Turtles are not happy to hear that mockery, but he did not want to show that his feelings hurt. In fact, he continued to crawl, he kept saying to himself: "Slow but steady wins the race, a slow but steady ...."

With the nimble rabbit ran through the trees, leaping over wooden stumps, slipped in between the plants shrubs. After a moment he paused and listened. There was no sound of any that follow it. He looked around. There was no sign of the Kura-kura. Rabbit laughed to himself. He has raced far beyond the

Tortoise. With lazy he walked a few steps away and then stopped. Now he was deep in the forest edge, and an old stone bridge that became the target race was in sight, not far from there.

But unfortunately, there was no beast of a rabbit watching won his victory. Rabbit, who likes to pretend, is not satisfied if no one was cheering his victory. So he decided to wait a while until there are other animals who were there. While waiting she began to lie down under a tree. He thought, if later on some of the animals had gathered he will continue to run into it and grab victory jembatana. But the day was very hot, Rabbit must shut his eyes to avoid the blinding sunlight. And it's very comfortable place to rest ................. Rabbit fell asleep.

Rabbit afternoon then woke up. The sun was not too hot anymore. The light began to fade behind the trees. Rabbits can feel the cool evening breeze started blowing. When he woke, he heard the sound of other animals, grunt and squeak with delight. "Gosh! They have been here to witness my victory!" he thought. "Turtles are poor. He must still lags far behind!" Rabbit stretched out, then be ready to run again.

Rabbits do not know, that as long as he slept soundly, with difficulty but steady. The tortoise kept walking across the forest. And rabbits have been asleep for a long time, long enough, so the turtles can slowly but surely go beyond it. -Rabbits do not realize that other animals were cheering the Tortoise and not him. Rabbits do not know that turtles are now living just a few steps away from the old stone bridge .....

Suddenly, Rabbit saw the Tortoise. With shock he realized what had happened. He did not believe was being stupid. But it is reality. Now, although he ran at full speed, no longer possible for him beyond the Tortoise! All animals were present to witness the tortoise wins the race!

With some difficulty, Tortoise gentle smile walked the last two steps to the stone bridge. He had won. He was very, very tired and hot, but not the slightest concern. He had conquered the bunny who likes to brag that! Other animals rejoice. "Living Turtles! Good! Ye are the winner!" The voices sounded like music in the ears of tortoise who was panting exhaustion.

By ignoring the weariness, the Tortoise stepped back onto the bridge and stood there, beaming and proud and shyly waved to the crowd the animals. This is one of the happiest in his life.

Rabbits poor and stupid! What a shame he had to remember that every animal is asleep when watching through the Tortoise! What a shame because he had been defeated by the Turtles! How sorry he was bragging and big head! "This is where you, the Tortoise. This is the gift of gold buttons," he said quietly with floppy ears. "San congratulations!" Other animals laugh.

"It's okay, Rabbit," said the Tortoise with a friendly, "Keep the button again. I'm so happy today. But always remember: slow and steady will win the race, a slow but steady ........ ......"

Folklore Origins Reog Ponorogo

Folklore Origins Reog Ponorogo Originally from East Java Province

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Dewi Sanggalangit. She was the daughter of a famous king in Kediri. Because of her beautiful and gentle manner that many of the princes and kings who wanted to ask for her hand to serve as wives.

But unfortunately Goddess Sanggalangit not seem eager to settle down. Thus making both parents dizzy. Though both his parents are desperate for the presence of a grandchild. ? My son, until when are you going to reject every prince who came propose?? The king asked one day.

? Father? actually slaves have not been eager for a husband. But if the father is expecting, all right. But the servant asked for terms, the prospective husband's servant must be able to meet the desires of the slave.?

? So what's your wish?

? Servant not already know?

? Why? How weird? replied the king.

? I will meditate for guidance Gods. After that servant will go to the father to convey the desire servant.?

Thus, three days and three nights Sanggalangit Goddess meditated. On the fourth day he went to his father.

? Father, future husband servants should be able to present an interesting spectacle. Spectacle or a crowd that has not existed before. Such dances are accompanied by percussion and gamelan. Equipped with twin rows of horses as much as one hundred and forty-tail. Will be used as a wedding procession. Lastly must be able to present a two-headed beast.?

? Wah heavy syaratmu it!? replied the king.

Although the condition is permanent weight was announced to the entire crowd. Anyone can follow the competition. No matter the princes, sons of nobles or commoners.

Applicants who was passionate to marry Dewi Sanggalangit so discouraged. Many of those who resigned because he felt unable to meet the demand of the Goddess.

Finally, only two persons claiming to be able to meet demand Sanggalangit Goddess. They are the King of the Kingdom Lodaya Singabarong and King of the Kingdom Bandarangin Kelanaswandana.

Lord King was taken aback by both the king's fiat. Because King Singabarong is a strange man. He was a tiger-headed man. Savage and cruel character. Medium Kelanaswandana is a king who handsome and dashing, but had a strange habit, like the boys. The boy was regarded as pretty


But all already, Goddess Sanggalangit could not derail the requirements that have been announced.

Lodaya Singabarong King of the Kingdom ruled by ruthless and cruel. All wishes must be obeyed. Anyone of his people who disobey will certainly be killed. King Singabarong hulking. From the neck up tangible terrible tiger. Bushy and full of fleas. That's why he maintains an avid peacock pecking ticks-fleas.

He already had a concubine whose numbers aplenty. But not yet have a consort. According to this moment there is no woman who deserves to be queen, but Goddess Sanggalangit of Kediri. So He was hoping to meet the requirements posed by the Goddess Sanggalangit.

Singabarong king has ordered his servants to find the twin horses. Mobilize the artists and seniwatinya create an exciting spectacle, and a two-headed beast. But the job was not easy. Horse twins can be collected, but the spectacle with new creations have not been created, as well as two-headed beast has not been acquired.

So one day she called patihnya named Iderkala.

? Hi Patih you try to investigate how the Goddess Sanggalangit Kelanaswandana prepare request. We do not get lost quickly by Kelanaswandana.?

Patih Iderkala with some soldiers immediately went to the royal choice Bandarangin disguised as a merchant. They investigate the various efforts made by King Kelanaswandana. After conducting a thorough investigation over the past five days they returned to Lodaya.

? Dear lord. Presumably the Kelanaswandana almost succeeded in realizing the demand Sanggalangit Goddess. Servant see more than one hundred horses twins have been collected. They also have prepared an interesting spectacle, which is amazing.? Patih Iderkala reported.

? Oh woe! Then soon he can seize Sanggalangit Goddess as his wife.? Singabarong King said. ? And what about the two-headed beast, what are they prepared well?

? Only the animals that they have not been prepared. But it seems a little more they can find it.? Patih Iderkala continued.

Singabarong King became very angry. He got up from his chair and said loudly.

? Patih Iderkala! Start today to prepare soldiers equipped with weapons option. Every time they must be ready to rush to Bandarangin ruled.?

Thus, intended to seize the King Singabarong King Kelanaswandana effort. After a good preparation, the King ordered the soldiers Singabarong spies to investigate the trip to be taken from the King Kelanaswandana Wengker to Kediri. Singabarong King plans to invade and seize them in the journey of King Kelanaswandana operating results to be submitted himself to the Goddess Sanggalangit.

Kelanaswandana king who ruled the kingdom Wengker bodied handsome and dashing. He ruled

justly and wisely. But there are no good character, he likes to fondle the boy. He considered the boy a handsome and comely stature is like teenage girls. This is especially worrisome royal officials and priests. Causing grief for the people who must lose her son as King of satisfying lust.

Pujanggeleng duke's palace and the priest had tried to advise the King to leave his bad habits but their advice was useless. King still collect tens of boys are handsome.

On one day the King Kelanaswandana calling all royal officials and priests. He said that he would stop the habit if you can marry Dewi Sanggalangit of Kediri. Because he had a dream last night met the beautiful girl was in bed. According to the Gods girl that will stop the bad habit boys fondle.

All officials and ministers will approve the King who wanted to marry Goddess Sanggalangit. So when they heard the proposed requirements Sanggalagit Goddess, they were not daunted, all subjects of the empire, both the officials, artists, ordinary people willing to work hard to meet demand Sanggalangit Goddess.

It gets the support of all people within the not so long to prepare the request of King Kelanaswandana Sanggalangit Goddess. Only two-headed beast that has not been earned. Pujanggeleng duke who worked furiously to find the beast finally gave up, stating ketidaksanggupannya to the King.

? No why!? Kelanaswandana King said. ? Problem two-headed beast that I myself will look for it. Now, increase alertness, I smell a good indication of less than neighboring kingdom.?

? Mean Your Majesty? Pujanggeleng Patih asked curious.

? Why do not you pretend to be ordinary people, Mingle with people in markets and other crowded.?

The order was executed, then Patih Pujanggeleng understand the meaning of the King. Apparently there is an intruder from Lodaya kingdom. They are the soldiers choice masquerading as a traveling salesman. Pujanggeleng duke who also held a similar undercover probe could eventually be refined what it meant Lodoya soldiers came to Bandarangin.

Lodaya soldiers felt excited after getting the necessary information. He intends returning to Lodoya. But before passing the border, the men had surrounded her Patih Pujanggeleng, because the soldier was fighting the soldiers forced to kill Bandarangin.

Pujanggeleng duke to King Kelanaswandana.

? What do you get?? asked the King Kelanaswandana.

There are intruders from the kingdom Lodaya want probe of businesses eligible Sire Sanggalangit Goddess. King was about to rob the business Singabarong Majesty on the way to Kediri.?

? Damn!? Kelanaswandana King said. ? So King Singabarong will use a sneaky way to get Sanggalangit Goddess. Then we destroy the kingdom Lodaya. Prepare our troops.?

Meanwhile, King Singabarong a soldier waiting for a report of the spies sent to Bandarangin seems

restless. He immediately ordered the duke of Iderkala followed to the border. While he himself immediately went to the Castle to see the peacock, because at that moment his head was so itchy.

? Hi peacock! Quick patukilah the fleas in my head!? The king shouted with a shaky hold Singabarong itching.

Peacock that used to do its job immediately alighted on the shoulders of King Singabarong then pecking at the head lice Singabarong King.

Peck-peck of the bird peacock feels good, fun, like a cradle so that the King Singabarong complacent and eventually fell asleep. He did not know the situation outside the palace. Because there was no soldier who dared to report back to him. It was ordered to soldiers that if he was in Castle anyone to see and should not be disturbed, if the order was violated then the culprit will be punished to death.

Because he did not fall asleep knowing if outside the palace had come Bandarangin troops invaded and defeated soldiers Lodaya. Even Patih Iderkala sent to the border has been destroyed in advance due to cross paths with Bandarangin troops.

When the war was already spreading to the nearby palace of King Singabarong Castle then heard the sound awakened by the fuss. While they still hold the bird perch pecking her head lice, if viewed at a glance from the front of the King Singabarong like two-headed beast is a tiger head and peacock.

? Hi why do you fuss? shouted the King Singabarong.

There was no answer, except berkelebatnya shadow someone who is none other than King Kelanaswandana. Bandarangin king was before I know it was in the presence of King Singabarong.

King Singabarong shocked. ? Hi King Kelanaswandana want what you come here??

? Do not play dumb!? Kelanaswandana King said. ? Are not you going to rob my effort in meeting the requirements Sanggalangit Goddess!?

? Hem, so you already know!? Singabarong King said with a sense of shame.

Yes, so for that I come to punish you!? King said this issue Kelanaswandana miracle. Directed to the head of King Singabarong. Instantly the head Singabarong changed. Peacock perched on his shoulder suddenly become one with the head attached so that the two-headed King Singabarong.

King Singabarong absurdly angry, he pulled out and jumped to attack King keris Kelanaswandana. But King immediately swung the whip magic Kelanaswandana named Samandiman. Whips can secrete the heat and his voice like thunder.

? Jhedhaaar?!? Samandiman whip so exposed, the body of King Singabarong bouncing, thrashing around on the ground. Instantly her body felt weak and strangely enough his body suddenly turns into a strange animal, namely the two-headed tiger head and peacock. He can not speak and has lost his wits. The king immediately ordered the soldiers Kelanaswandana Bandarangin to capture

and bring into the country Singabarong Bandarangin.

A few days later the king sent a messenger that tells Kelanaswandana King Kediri that he soon arrived with the requirements Sanggalangit Goddess. King immediately called Goddess Sanggalangit Kediri.

? My son what you're really willing to become the wife of King Kelanaswandana??

? Father? if King Kelanaswandana servants able to meet the requirements?

? Of course, he will come with all the requirements that you ask. The problem now, do not you sorry to be the wife of King Kelanaswandana??

? If it already mate servants will receive it. Who knows the presence of servants would change his side's bad habits.? Dewi said Sanggalangit.

Thus, on the appointed day came the entourage of King Kelanaswandana with Reog arts as a companion. Kelanaswandana king came to the accompaniment of a hundred and forty-four horses twin, with the gamelan sounds, drums and trumpets that give rise to a strange mix of sounds strange, lilting melodious. Coupled with the presence of two-headed beast that danced wild but beautiful and interesting. Everyone who watched cheered with delight, they go unnoticed danced and pranced excitedly followed the sound of music.

Thus, in the end became the consort of King Sanggalangit Goddess Kelanaswandana and brought to Bandarangin in Wengker. Wengker is another name of Ponorogo so in the future art was called Reog Reog Ponorogo.

Crying Stone People's tales

West Kalimantan People's tale Crying Stone

In a remote village, there lived a girl and her mother. The girl was beautiful, but unfortunately he was very lazy. He did not want to help her mother earn a living. Every day she was just dressing up and admire the beauty in the mirror. In addition to lazy, she was also spoiled. Whatever he asked, should always be granted. Of course, this situation makes her very sad.

One day, her mother asked her daughter to accompany him to the market. "It's okay, but I do not want to walk together with my mother. My mother had to walk behind me," he said. Although sad, her mother said yes. So they both walk down the hill hand in hand. The girl walked in front, the mother walked behind her carrying basket.

Although they are mother and son, they look different. As if they did not come from the same family. How not? Her beautiful dress is very nice. Being his mother looked old and very simple dress.

On the way, no one greeted them. "Hey pretty girl, whether the person behind you is your mother?" he asked. "Of course not. He is a servant," she said. How sad to hear her mother. But he was silent. His heart was crying. That continuously. Any person who greeted and asked who the old lady with her, she always answered the maid.

Over time her mother's illness. He also prayed. "Yes, Lord, punish the child who is ungrateful," he said. Mother's prayer was heard. Slowly, her legs turned to stone. Changes that occur from the feet upwards. "Mother, mother! Forgive me. Forgive me!" he cried in panic. The girl kept crying and crying. But it's too late. Her whole body eventually becomes rock. Even so, people can still see him shed tears. Hence the stone was named "Crying Stones".

Dog and Deer Folklore

Folklore From Central Sulawesi Dog and Deer

They say the owners said the story, old animals did not have deer horns. Thus anjinglah has long horns and branches. Starting from this story and deer have long horns.

At one time, prolonged summer arrived, almost all non-aqueous dry river. All animals thirst and hunger for grass and crops do not grow more.

It is also sustained by a pair of deer go in search of water down the hill, the slopes of the mountain, until finally they find a river that still have water. Also many other animals-animals who have been there.

? Been too long we traveled around, only now we find water here. See, there are many other animals congregate.?, Said the buck to them.

Doe turned her face in all directions.

? Of course this place is crowded by other animals?, Said the doe.

A pair of deer was then dropped into a river. Doe suddenly took her husband's back and said,? Just look over there! Who the hell is here. Really good-looking he was, his horns are very beautiful and attractive. Well, it seems very strong indeed.?

The stag turned around, pay attention to newcomers who came down the hill toward the creek.

? That here it is a dog. He has long been our best friend but did not see you,? hart said.

When the dog has reached the edge of the river, he saw a deer and his wife.

? Hi, Deer! Why are you also here?? scolds the dog to his friend.

Yes, do not be surprised. Is not it very difficult to obtain water, food was not there. Airlah which makes us like this, go wandering all over the place to meet in this place?, Said the stag.

Then they fell into the river to drink quench your thirst. After drinking, they split up again.

? Where the dog is that?? Ask the doe to her husband.

Oh, it's there! Under the tree is resting. Maybe it was fatigue after the long journey?, Rejoined the stag.

? If so, let us also relax there with him?, Make the doe.

? Ah, you are! "

? Hey!?, Asks the male deer

"Why do you always look on the dog? But I do not will you see? Stag asked with exasperation.

? It does. I really admire the dog's behavior, so ineffable beauty. Oh,?. It's great!, Doe replied by praising the dog's behavior.

? Is it more courageous me?? asked the buck on them.

? Well, of course not. But that clearly is very good horns. If you were horned like him, sure you will be far more courageous than the dog? hind answer

Stag silent for a moment. They try to find a reason.

? Better this way,? he said a moment later. If you want to see me with horns, I'll borrow the horns of the Dog. I'll be there first to work around this.?

Stag seems consumed by the seduction of his wife. He soon met the dog.

? Hey brother Dog. My wife wanted to see us run a race,? Stag said to lie.

The dog that did not want to disappoint his friend agreed to the proposal. They then went to the edge of the pasture for a race.

? If I had stood up and lifted my legs, then the two of you start running?, Doe gestured.

Stag and the dog then ran races, and in fact dogs can be defeated by the deer. The dog became upset defeat it. The stag was soon entertaining while around this.

? Here's your dog. You'd be able to defeat you because you wear the horns so larimu slow. Well, so what if I'm just now wearing horns. Then we raced again.?

The dog soon approve another proposal without a suspicious friend. He immediately let go of his horns and gave it to the stag. Then the stag horn dog wearing a large and beautiful branches.

Soon they were racing again. When the male deer saw the dog running full speed ahead, he ran but turned in another direction away from the dog. While the dog kept running and running. Because they felt would win, he looked back. What a surprise when the moose seen nothing behind it.

Conscious feel cheated, the dog ran back to hunt the deer with the rage. However, because the moose is more nimble and agile, the dog was unable to catch up. And finally, the horn that the dog was taken away by the deer.

That is why until now, when the dogs saw the deer must be immediately pursued him, because he wanted to take back the borrowed the moose horns. Until now the animals had stag antlers beautiful and sturdy, makes the deer look more manly.

Thus dogeng shaped this fable from South Sulawesi. One of the lessons we can learn from this story is not easy to believe in the words of the sweet mouth, so we'll quickly be persuaded to do the act which ultimately will harm themselves or others.


bawang merah & bawang putihOnce there was a beautiful girl named Bawang Putih. She lived with her father, her step mother and her step sister. Bawang Putih mother had passed away.

Bawang Putih step mother and her step sister, Bawang merah, didn’t like her. But they always pretended and act nicely to Bawang Putih if her father was at home. When his father was on duty, they thread Bawang Putih cruelly. They asked her to do all the house work while they sat and did nothing. Bawang Putih was very sad, but she couldn’t do anything about that. She couldn’t tell her father because her father didn’t know that.

One day, while her father wasn’t at home, Bawang Putih step mother asked her to wash their clothes in the river. Bawang Putih went to the river and started to wash all the dirty clothes. However she didn’t realize that one of her sister clothe floated to the river.

Then she went home. At home, her sister asked her, “where is my dress? Have you washed it?”“Yes, sister, of course” Said Bawang Putih searching the dress in her bucket.“Where is it?”“I am sorry Sis, I lost your dress,” said Bawang Putih.“Well you have to find my dress or mother will not give you dinner,” said Bawang Merah angrily.

Bawang Putih went back to the river, she tried to find her sister’s dress. She walked down the river bank and hoped that she would find the dress. Then she met a shepherd taking his cow a bath.“Hello sir? Can I ask you a question?” said Bawang Putih“Sure, what up?” answered the shepherd.“I lost my sister’s dress while I was washing our clothes, did you see it? It has white color, and makes from silk.”“I am sorry my dear, I don’t know.” Said the man.Bawang Putih was very sad, and kept looking for the dress.Then she met a woman washing clothes at the bank of the river“Excuse me mam, did you see a dress floating in this river recently?”“I don’t know my child, ask the old woman there, may be she knows it.” Said the woman.“Thanks, mam.”

Bawang Putih approached the old woman and asked her. “excuse me, granny. Did you see a dress floating on the river just now? I lost my sister dress while I was washing our clothes.”“Does it have white color and made from silk?”“yes, It is.” Said Bawang Putih happily. “Do you have it? Granny?” Asked Bawang Putih.“I kept it in my house. Follow me dear…” said the old woman.Bawang Putih followed the old woman to her house.“please have a sit child …”“Thanks granny , you’re very kind.” Not long after that.“here is your dress”“Thanks granny, thank you very much.”“And this, take this watermelon I give it to you…”“You’re very kind. How can I repay your kindness.”

Meanwhile in Bawang Putih’s house, her father was worry because she hadn’t come back. He was angry to his wife and said why his wife pushed to look for the dress.“Why did you have to push her to find the dress? I can buy Bawang Merah the same one,” said

Bawang Putih father.Bawang Putih step mother was quiet and didn’t say anything, so that Bawang Merah.

Then, came Bawang Putih. “Oh Bawang Putih, are you ok?” said her father. “I am fine father, and sis, here is your dress.” Bawang Putih Gave the dress to Bawang Merah.“And mother, a granny who found Bawang merah dress gave me this watermelon, lets open it..”Bawang Putih step mother took the water melon and cut it off. However there is no watermelon flesh instead there were some jewelries in it. They were very surprise.

Bawang Putih step mother was very happy and she excepted that she would have another water melon and find some jewelries in it so she asked Bawang Putih where was the old woman house.

The next day Bawang Putih step mother and Bawang Merah went to the old woman house. They asked another water melon. They pushed the old woman rudely. At last the old woman gave her water melon.

Bawang Putih step mother thought that she would not come back to her husband house, she thought that it would be better to live together with her daughter since now she had lot of jewelries.Then they opened the water melon that they thought that filled with jewelries. However they were wrong, there were no jewelries in the water melon, they found hundreds of poisonous snake, and the snake bit them. They cried for help but no one heard them. After what happen to her step mother and her step sister, Bawang Putih lived with her father joyfully.http://chronicle30.blogspot.com/2010/02/bawang-merah-and-bawang-putih.html

The Legend of Telaga Pasir

Folklore from East Java

ONCE upon a time, there lived a husband and wife in the jungle of Lawu Mountain, East Java. They were Kyai Pasir and his wife Nyai Pasir. They lived peacefully. Kyai Pasir was a farmer. He worked in a field. Nyai Pasir just stayed at home. Everyday she cleaned up the house and cooked for them.

It was a beautiful morning, Kyai Pasir left the house and went to his field. While he was walking, he stumbled upon something. He looked at the thing carefully, "What is this? Is this an egg? But what kind of egg is this? It's very big."

Kyai Pasir put the egg back to the ground. He continued walking. At home, Kyai Pasir told his wife about the egg. "Why didn't you bring the egg home?" asked Nyai Pasir.

"It's really big. I feel really strange about the egg," explained Kyai Pasir.

"If the egg is really big, then we both can eat. Please bring the egg home, Kyai," asked Nyai Pasir.

On the following days, Kyai Pasir went to the field as usual. He planned to bring the egg home as his wife's request.

Kyai Pasir was walking carefully . he did not want to stumble upon the egg for the second time. He looked around. And aha! He found the egg. He carefully brought the egg home.

"Nyai, this is the egg I told you."

"You are right, Kyai. The egg is big. I wonder what animal has this egg."

Nyai Pasit did not wait for long to boil the egg. And when it was done, they both ate the egg.

They both felt very full. And it made them very sleepy. Not long after that they fell asleep. In the morning Kyai and Nyai Pasir woke up as usual. Kyai Pasir took a bath then he went to the field.

On the way to the field, he felt his body so uncomfortable. He felt his body itchy. He stretched his body. Suddenly he felt his throat so hot. He badly needed water. He was screaming in pain. He was so shocked! he saw his skin changed into scales. Just like scales of reptile. He touched his head. He felt something was growing on his head. He was completely shocked. A horn was growing. And he also had a tail. His body slowly getting bigger. He changed into a dragon!

Meanwhile, at home Nyai Pasir also felt the same. She was so panicked. She was screaming. She was running to the field. She wanted to look for her husband. When she arrived at the field, she saw a dragon was moving his body on the ground.

Slowly Nyai Pasir also changed into a dragon. The two dragons were trying to walk but they were too weak to do that. They just could move their bodies on the ground. They moved their bodies so heavily and it made a very big hole. The hole was getting deeper and deeper. Soon water came out of the hole. The water came out very much. And it made a lake. Since then, people named the lake as Telaga Pasir. ***http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com/2011/07/legend-of-telaga-pasir.html

Keong Emas (The Golden Snail)

Folklore From Central Java

PRINCE Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran were husband and wife. They lived in a palace. Prince Raden Putra's father was the king of the kingdom.

One day, Dewi Limaran was walking around in the palace garden. Suddenly she saw a snail. It was ugly and disgusting.

"Yuck!" said Dewi Limaran and then she threw it away into a river.

She did not know that the snail was actually an old and powerful witch. She could transform herself into anything. The witch was angry to Dewi Limaran. The witch put a spell on her and changed her into a golden snail. The witch then threw it away into the river.

The golden snail was drifting away in the river and got caught into a net. An old woman was fishing and used her net to catch some fish. She was surprised to see a golden snail in her net. She took it and brought it home. When the old woman woke up in the morning, she was surprised that the house was in the good condition. The floor was mopped. And she also had food on the table. She was thinking very hard.

"Who did this to me? The person is very kind." It happened again and again every morning.

The old woman was very curious. One night she decided to stay up late. She was peeping from her room to know who cooked for her. Then, she could not believe what she saw. The golden snail she caught in the river turned into a beautiful woman. The old woman approached her.

"Who are you, young girl?"

"I am Dewi Limaran, Ma'am. A witch cursed me. I can change back as a human only at night," explained Dewi Limaran.

"The spell can be broken if I hear the melody from the holy gamelan," continued Dewi Limaran.

The old woman then rushed to the palace. She talked to Prince Raden Putra about her wife.

Prince Raden Putra was so happy. He had been looking for his wife everywhere. He then prayed and meditated. He asked the gods to give him the holy gamelan. He wanted to break the witch's spell. After several days praying and meditating, finally gods granted his wish. He immediately brought the holy gamelan to the old woman's house. He played it beautifully. And then amazingly the golden snail turned into the beautiful Dewi Limaran.

The couple was so happy that they could be together again. They also thanked the old woman for her kindness. As a return, they asked her to stay in the palace. ***

The Curse of Joko Bandung Folklore from Yogyakarta

A long time ago, there were two kingdoms. They were Pengging Kingdom and Prambanan Kingdom. The king were fighting. They were at war! Pengging's king was Joko Bandung. He was very strong and powerful. He had great martial art skill. He led the soldiers and fought bravely.Meanwhile, Prabu Boko, the king of Prambanan sent a giant to fight against Joko Bandung. The Giants name was Bandawasa.

Bandawasa was very big. Joko Bandung was not afraid with the giant. They were fighting. And finally Joko Bandung won the fight. Before he died, Bandawasa's spirit joined Joko Bandung's spirit. That made Joko Bandung became more powerful. He then added Bandawasa's name into his name. His name changed into Joko Bandung Bandawasa.

Joko Bandung and his soldiers were attacking the palace of Prambanan Kingdom. Joko Bandung was looking for Prabu Boko. He wanted to kill the king of Prambanan Kingdom. Joko Bandung was more powerful. He killed Prabu Boko.

Joko Bandung occupied the palace. He asked all Prabu Boko's family to gather. He met Prabu Boko's beautiful daughter. Her name was Roro Jonggrang. he fell in love with her. He wanted to marry her.

Roro Jonggrang did not want to marry him. She hated Joko Bandung. However she was afraid and did not have any courage to refuse the marriage proposal. She had an idea how to refuse the proposal.

She would ask Joko Bandung to build 1.000 temples only in one night. If he could build the temples, Roro Jonggrang would marry him. Joko Bandung agreed. He accepted the challenge. He was not worried, he would asked the genies and the spirits to help him.

Joko Bandung and his genies started to work. They build the temples one by one. Roro Jonggrang was really worried. She knew Joko Bandung could not finish building 1.000 temples before sun rose.

She was thinking very hard. She had to find a way how to stop the genies and the spirit fro building the temples. Suddenly she had an idea.

She asked all the girls to make a lot of noise by grinding the rice in the mortar. She also asked them to make fire. She hopped that the spirits and the genies would think that sun was going to rise.

It worked! The noise and the fire woke the cocks up. The cocks were crowing. The spirits and the genies thought that morning would come soon.

And they also thought the sun would rise soon. The spirits and the genies were afraid of the sunlight. They left Joko Bandung alone. Joko Bandung was very angry! He knew Roro Jonggrang was plying a trick on him.

"Why did you do that? If you do not want to marry me, why don't you just say it? You are just looking for an excuse to refuse me!" said Joko Bandung.

He continued, "You are so stubborn like a stone. I curse you to become a statue!"

Joko Bandung's magic power had changed Roro Jonggrang into a statue! Since then people named the temples that the spirit and the genies build as Sewu Temple. And the people also named the Prambanan Temple as Roro Jonggrang Temple.***

The Legend of Surabaya Folklore from East Java

A long time ago in East Java there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea. Actually, they were friends. But when they were hungry, they were very greedy. They did not want to share their food. They would fight for it and never stop fighting until one of them gave up.

It was a very hot day. Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat.“Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya.

“No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy! I had not eaten for two days!” said Sura.Then Sura and Baya fought again. After several hours, they were very tired. Sura had a plan to stop their bad behavior.

“I’m tired of fighting, Baya,” said Sura.

“Me too. What should we do to stop fighting? Do you have any idea?” asked Baya.“Yes, I do. Let’s share our territory. I live in the water, so I look for food in the sea. And you live on the land, right? So, you look for the food also on the land. The border is the beach, so we will never meet again. Do you agree?” asked Sura.

“Hmm... let me think about it. OK, I agree. From today, I will never go to the sea again. My place is on the land,” said Baya.

Then they both lived in the different places. But one day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise.

“Hey, what are you doing here? This is my place. Your place is in the sea!”

“But, there is water in the river, right? So, this is also my place!” said Sura.

Then Sura and Baya fought again. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up. He went back to the sea. Baya was very happy. He had his place again.

The place where they were fighting was a mess. Blood was everywhere. People then always talked about the fight between Sura and Baya. They then named the place of the fight as Surabaya, it’s from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile. People also put their fight as the symbol of Surabaya city. ***

Putri Bungsu and the Dragons Folklore from Aceh

ONCE upon a time, there were two dragons lived in Aceh. The dragons were male and female, they were husband and wife. The dragons really wanted to have a child. They always prayed to God to give them a child.

One day the dragons were resting at the river side. Suddenly they saw a baby beside a basket. The basket was drifting by the current of the water.

"My husband, look! There is a human baby inside the basket. Let's save the baby!" said the mother dragon.

The father dragon immediately swam fast. He brought the baby to the side.

She was a baby girl. The dragons were very happy. They had a child. Although the baby was a human child, the dragons really loved her. They named her Putri Bungsu.

Days passed by, Putri Bungsu was adult. She was very beautiful. The dragons always took care of her. They also always protected her.

In mean time, putri Bungsu real parents were looking for her.

In the mean time, Putri Bungsu real parents were looking for her. There was an incident and accidentally Putri Bungsu was drifting in the river.

After years looking for her, Putri Bungsu's real parents finally found her.

"My child, thank God we finally found you. You are our daughter. We know it from the mark in your hand," said the mother.

The dragons were angry! they said Putri Bunsu was their daugter.

"No! She is our daughter! We have raised her since she was a baby. We loved her and she loved us," said the mother dragon.

Putri Bungsu's real parents and the dragons were arguing. They each claimed to be Putri's Bungsu's parents and they asked Putri bungsu to stay with them.

They were arguing and they did not get any solutions. Putri Bungsu's real parents asked for help. They asked Tuan Tapa to help them. Tuan Tapa was a holy man. He also had supernatural power.

Tuan Tapa then asked the dragons to let Putri Bungsu leave and stay with her real parents. The dragons were angry. They asked Tuan Tapa not to interfere.

Tuan Tapa realized that the dragons could not negotiate. Therefore Tuan Tapa challenged them to fight.

"If you win, you can keep her. However you have to let her go and stay with her real parents if you both lose the fight," said Tuan Tapa.

"Ha ha ha...No problem! We will win the fight!"

Then Tuan Tapa and the dragons were fighting bravely. Although he was alone and had to fight with two dragons, Tuan Tapa was very brave. he used all his skills to fight them.

And finally he won the fight! The father dragon was dead. The mother dragon was very sad and angry. She knew she could not win the fight. She escaped.

The mother dragon was very angry. She wagged her tail. It broke an island into two small islands. people named the islands as Pulau Dua.

The tail also wagged another big island into many small islands. People named the island as Pulau Banyak.

While the body of the father dragon changed into a big stone.People named it as Batu Hitam. And the blood dried into a big red stone, people named it as Batu Merah.***

The Legend of Laut Tawar Lake Folklore from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

A long time ago, there was a kingdom in Takengon, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. The king and the queen had a beautiful princess. Her name was Princess Pukes. She was single. The king and the queen wanted her to get married soon.

However they did not know that their daughter already had a boyfriend. The princess did not tell his parents because they did not approve their relationships. The princess really loved her boyfriend.

They did not want to separate. Therefore they secretly got married. Soon the king found out their marriage. The king was really angry. He asked the soldiers to lock her in her room.The princess could not meet her husband. She was locked for many days.

Meanwhile her husband always waited for her. The princess tried to escape. But she always failed. And finally she succeeded! She jumped through the window and ran towards the palace garden.

Unfortunately, she was caught! The soldiers immediately brought her to the king. The king was so angry.

“You really make me angry! You are truly ungrateful daughter. If you want to leave this place, leave now! You can meet your husband. But remember on the way you go, don’t look back. Something bad will happen to you if you look back,” cursed the king.

Princess Pukes was sad. She was really confused. She had to choose between her parents and her husband. She loved her husband and she did not want to be apart from him.

Sadly, she walked and left the palace. Some soldiers followed her. The king asked them to guard her.

While she was walking, Princess Pukes heard her mother crying. Princess Pukes wanted to see her mother for the very last time. But she remembered her father’s message, not to lookback or something bad would happen to her.

She could not hold it anymore. She desperately wanted to see her mother. Then she looked back. Surprisingly, thunder attacked the kingdom. It was a very bright day, but suddenly rain fell heavily.

The guards asked the princess to go to a cave. The rain was so heavy. The guards did not want the princess to be wet.

Later the princess went inside the cave. She was standing in the corner of the cave. And after the rain stopped, the guards asked the princess to continue walking. They called out the princess to go out.

“My princess, let’s go now. The rain has stopped. We can continue walking,” asked the guards.

But the princess did not respond. Again, the guards asked her to go out. But still the princess did not respond. The guards were so curious. They went inside the cave. They were surprised. The

princess had changed into a stone.

Meanwhile, the heavy rain had created a new lake. The lake was so big and then people named it as Laut Tawar Lake. People also can still find the stone of Princess Pukes. The local people say that when someone visits the stone and feels sad about the story of the princess, the stone will also cry!***

The Legend of the Seven-Headed Snake Folklore from Bengkulu

THE people of Kutei Rukam Kingdom in Lebong, Bengkulu, were happy. The Crown Prince Gajah Meram would marry a princess from Suka Negeri Kingdom. King Bikau Bermano asked his people to prepare a great party.

One of the wedding procession was the bride and the bridegroom had to take a bath in the bath Lake. when they were swimming, suddenly the prince and the princess were gone. The soldier immediately jumped into the lake. But they could not find the prince and the princess. They were absolutely confused why the prince and the princess suddenly disappeared.

The king was sad. He asked all the soldiers to swim. But still the prince and the princess could not be found. Later an old holy man came to the king. He said that the prince and the princess were kidnapped by the seven-headed snake. He was the king of the snake and he had many snake soldiers. The only person that could help was a young man who had great skills in martial arts and supernatural power.

The young man he meant was the king's youngest son. His name was Prince Gajah Merik. He was also the student of the holy man. The king was very touched when the Prince Gajah Merik was willing to find his older brother and his brother's wife.

The holy man gave Prince Gajah Merik was not afraid of them. Instead, he fought them bravely. The snake soldiers could not fight him. Gajah Merik was so powerful. He could easily kill the snake soldiers.

And finally he was face-to-face with the snake king. He was a seven-headed snake. He was very angry!

"Hey, you human! Why did you kill all my soldiers?" asked the snake king.

"They tried to stop me. I want to free my older brother and his wife."

"I will free them. But you have to do two things. First you have to make my dead soldiers live again. And second, you have to beat me of course. Hahaha."

With his power, Gajah Merik touched the dead snakes. Amazingly, they lived again. Then, the prince and the snake king were fighting.

Unlike the snake soldiers, the snake king was very powerful. He almost killed Gajah Merik. Fortunately, Gajah Merik had better skills. And after fighting for seven days. Gajah Merik won the fight. The snake king asked Gajah Merik to forgive him and let him free. Gajah Merik felt sorry and he let the snake king and his soldiers go away.

Later, Gajah Merik brought Gajah Meram and his wife back to the palace. The king was very happy. He also planned to make Gajah Meram to be the new king. However, Gajah Meram refused it. He said Gajah Merik was better to be the next king. He was very courageous and powerful. He also had great heart. He was willing to sacrifice himself.

Gajah Merik agreed to be the next king. But he asked his father to let the snake king and his soldiers to be his soldiers. The king agreed. Since then, the snake king and his soldiers became the soldiers of Gajah Merik.

Until now, people in Lebong, Bengkulu, believe that there is a seven-headed snake who guards the Test lake. They do not dare to say bad words when crossing the lake. Otherwise, the seven-headed snake will be angry!***

The Legend of Tes Lake Folklore from Bengkulu

THERE was a man lived in Kutei Donok village, Bengkulu. People call him Pahit Lidah. He was named Pahit Lidah because he had magical power. Whatever he said would come true. That was why Pahit Lidah was always careful with his words.

Pahit Lidah had a son. One day Pahit Lidah left his village. He wanted to open new rice field. He asked permission to the head of the village. The head of the village gave him the permission. Pahit Lidah went alone. His son still stayed at home.

After walking for several hours, he finally found a good place for his new rice field. He brought his hoe and started using it. He dug the soil and threw it to the Air Ketahun River. He was working days and nighst and he never stopped to rest. He was very powerful. He kept on hoeing the soil and always threw it to the river.

He had been working for two days and there was a lot of land covering the river. Slowly the soil blocked the water. The soil in the river made the water did not flow smoothly.

The villagers were restless. They knew if Pahit Lidah kept on throwing the soil to the river, finally the river would totally blocked by the soil. They were afraid that the water would overflow and their village would be flooded.

The villagers then reported this to the head of the village. After he knew the problem, the head of the village sent some villagers to meet Pahit Lidah. They had to persuade him to stop working and returned home.

“If he still does not want to go home, tell him that his son is dead,” said the head of the villagers.

Later the villagers left. They finally met Pahit Lidah. As planned, they tried to persuade him to stop working. However, Pahit Lidah ignored them. Then they told him that his son was dead.

“Impossible. My son is fine. He is still alive,” said Pahit Lidah.

They villagers gave up. They went home and reported to the head of the village.

“I’m sorry, Sir. Pahit Lidah did not want to listen to us. Maybe if you tell him, he will listen to you. He really respects you,” said one villager.

“Hmmm. Alright, I will go now,” said the head of the village.

The head of the village then found Pahit Lidah still hoeing the soil. Later he persuaded Pahit Lidah.

“Pahit Lidah, let’s go home now. Your son is dead,” said the head of the village.

Pahit Lidah stopped working. He really respected the head of the village.

Then he said, “Because you said that my son is dead, now I really believe that my son is dead,” said Pahit Lidah sadly.

“So, why don’t you go home now?”

“I will, Sir. I just need to hoe the soil a little more,” said Pahit Lidah.

After that, the head of the village left him. Pahit Lidah just realized his mistake. Pahit Lidah was so sure that his son was not dead, then his son was indeed dead. He was so angry. However it was too late. He kept on hoeing and throwing the soil to the river. And finally the land completely blocked the river and it made a new lake. People named the lake as Tes Lake.***

Mah Bongsu and a Snake Folklore from Batam

ONCE upon a time in Batam, lived an orphan named Mah Bongsu. She was a nice girl. Mah Bongsu was poor. To earn a living, she worked as a maid at a rich woman’s house, her name was Mak Piah. She had a daughter named Mayang. Mah Bongsu and Mayang were at the same age.

Mak Piah was a mean lady. She always asked Mah Bongsu to work hard, she often hit Mah Bongsu and sometimes she did not gave enough food to Mah Bongsu. Mah Bongsu was helpless. She could not do anything.

She was alone in this world and she did not have any other place to stay. Everyday she prayed to God. She wanted to have a better life. Mah Bongsu was washing the clothes in the river. Suddenly she saw a big snake swimming towards her. Mah Bongsu was scared. She wanted to run away. However, she saw the snake was wounded. It was bleeding. Mah Bongsu felt sorry to the snake. Carefully, she brought the snake home. She put the snake in her room and healed the wound.

When Mah Bongsu was healing the wound, a piece of the snake’s skin was removed. Mah Bongsu took it. Amazingly the skin turned into gold. Mah Bongsu was happy. Everyday the snake removed its skin and the skin always turned into gold. Mah Bongsu collected all the gold and save it. She wanted to sell it later. Mah Bongsu sold all the gold and she became a rich girl. She did not work for Mak Piah anymore. She was richer than Mak Piah. Mah Bongsu also helped all the poor people. She bought a big house and she brought the snake with her.

Mak Piah was very jealous. She was so curious. She wanted to know how Mah Bongsu got the wealth. Secretly, she went to Mah Bongsu’s house. She saw Mah Bongsu was healing a snake.

Later, Mak Piah asked her daughter, Mayang, to go to the river. She asked Mayang to find a wounded snake.

And when Mayang finally found a wounded snake, she brought it home. Sadly, the snake bit her and poisoned her. Mayang instantly died. Mak Piah was scared, she tried to run away. Just right before she left the house, the snake was able to bite her. And she also died then.

Meanwhile, the wounded snake at Mah Bongsu’s house was finally healed. Amazingly, the snake turned into a handsome man.

“ Thank you, Mah Bongsu.

Actually, I’m a prince. A witch cursed me into a snake . And thanks to you I changed into a man now. Because you already helped me, I want to propose you to be my wife. Will you marry me?” asked the prince.

Mah Bongsu was so happy. She accepted the proposal and lived with the prince. Since then people named the river where Mah Bongsu found her husband as Sungai Jodoh. It means the river of soul mate. ***

Bujang Katak Folklore from Bangka Belitung

There was an old woman. She lived alone in her hut. She was a poor farmer. She was getting older and getting weaker. She did not have husband but she prayed to god to give her a son. She hoped her son could help her work in the rice field.

“God, please give me a son. I really want to have a son although he looks like a frog”, prayed the old woman.

God answered her pray. She was pregnant. Later the baby was born. Surprisingly the baby looked like a frog. His head and his skin were like frog’s head and skin. At first, the old woman was sad. However, later on she was grateful to god. She raised her son with great love. The baby grew as a kind man. He was very strong and obedient to his mother. People called him Bujang Katak. Bujang means a young man and Katak means a frog.

Later Bujang Katak was adult. He wanted to get married. However he did not want to marry the girl in his village. He wanted to marry one of the king’s seven daughters’!

He told his plan to his mother. She was sad. She knew that the king would reject his married proposal. But she did not want to see her son sad. And later they arrived at the palace. Bujang Katak told the king about the married proposal.

“I really appreciate your courage young man. But I can not make any decision. I will ask my seven daughters to give their opinions and decisions”, said the king.

One by one all the seven daughters talked. The first daughter didn’t say good things about Bujang Katak. She insulted him. “You are so ugly. No wonder people call you Bujang Katak. You really look like a frog. I don’t want to have a husband who looks like a frog”, said the first daughter.

The second daughter also said bad things to him. “You are very poor. I don’t want to have a poor husband”. So the other daughters talked bad things about him.

Finally the youngest daughter had her turn to talk. She was the most beautiful and kindest daughter. She didn’t say bad things about him. She accepted Bujang Katak’s married proposal! “I will marry him, Father” said the youngest daughter to the king.

Everybody was surprised. All the elders’ sisters were laughing at her. The king was shocked! He never thought that one of his daughters would marry Bujang Katak. He wanted to cancel the married. So he asked Bujang Katak to do something very difficult.

“I will let you marry my daughter but you have to build a golden bridge from your house to this palace”, said the king.

Bujang Katak and his mother went home. His mother was very sad and confused.

“How can you build a golden bridge, Son?” she asked Bujang Katak. “Don’t worry, Mother. I will pray to God to help me”, said Bujang Katak.

Then Bujang Katak prayed days and nights. One night, amazing things happened. His frog’s skin removed from his body. His head also changed. He became a very handsome man. His mother burned the removed skin. Amazingly the skin changed into gold. They had a lot of gold. Slowly they built a bridge using the gold.

Finally the bridge was built from they house to the king’s palace. The youngest daughter was very happy. Her husband was very handsome and also very rich. He had a lot of gold. All her sisters were jealous. They were even more jealous when the king asked Bujang Katak to be the new king.***

Kelingking Folklore from Bangka Belitung

A long time ago in Bangka Belitung lived a husband and a wife. They were poor and they did not have any children yet. Days and nights they prayed to God. They really wanted to have a child.“God, please give us a child, even though he is only as big as a little finger,” prayed the husband.Their dream came true! The wife was pregnant.

However they were surprised when they saw the baby. He was so small. He was as big as a little finger.

“You prayed to God to give us a child, although he is as big as a little finger right? Be thankful to God. Let’s love him. How will you name him then?” asked the wife.

“You are right. We have to be grateful. Well, I will name him Kelingking,” said the husband. Kelingking means little finger.

Time passed by and Kelingking did not grow much. His body was still physically small compared to other kids. Though he was so small, Kelingking ate like adults. He ate much food. And that made his parents really worried. They were poor and sometimes they could not eat because they had to give their food to Kelingking.

“I cannot hold it anymore. I want to put Kelingking in the jungle. Let him live there. I think he can survive,” said the father.

In the morning, Kelingking and his father went to the jungle. When they arrived, the father asked Kelingking to cut down a very big tree. When Kelingking was busy cutting down the tree, his father silently went home. The father thought that Kelingking could not cut down the big tree. The father was sure that Kelingking would be lost in the jungle. But he was wrong! In the morning Kelingking suddenly showed up in front of the house. And he brought the big tree also!

“Father, where do you want me to put this big tree?” asked Kelingking.

The father was surprised. He asked Kelingking to put the tree in the backyard. Kelingking then went inside the house. As always he ate all the food and that made his father got angry. He then had another idea.

“Kelingking, let’s go to the mountain. I need a big stone from there.”

Kelingking was an obedient kid. He followed his father to go to the mountain. When they arrived, his father pointed a big stone. The stone was as big as their house!

“I want you to bring that big stone to our house,” asked the father.

When Kelingking was trying to bring the stone, the father immediately ran home. At night, when the father was sleeping , suddenly he heard Kelingking’s voice.

“Father, I’m home. Where do you want me to put this big stone?”

This time Kelingking’s father realized his mistake. It was true that Kelingking’s body was small and he ate much food. But he was a nice kid and he had great power. With that power, they could get a job and had a lot of money. The father then apologized to Kelingking. Since then they always worked together. ***

Umpit and the Wild Hogs Folklore from Bangka Belitung

A long time ago in Bangka, lived a hunter. His name was Umpit. He was called Umpit because he always went hunting using his blowpipe. The villagers liked him very much. Umpit often hunted the wild hogs. Those animals often destroyed the villagers’ plantation. After Umpit killed the wild hogs, the villagers gave him some money.

Pak Raje was the richest man in the village. Nobody liked him. He was very stingy. He did not like to donate his money. One day he asked Umpit to hunt the wild hogs. Umpit agreed. At night he was prepared and waited at the Pak Raje’s plantation. While he was waiting, suddenly seven wild hogs entered the plantation. Umpit prepared his blowpipe.

Then, whoosssh! One of the hogs was shot. Amazingly, the hog disappeared. Umpit could not find the hog anywhere. However he found blood shed on the ground. He followed the blood trail. It went to the jungle. Finally the blood trail stopped in a big cave. Slowly he entered the cave. Then he heard a voice.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Umpit. I’m looking for a wounded hog. I shot it using my blowpipe.”

“So, it’s you! You are the man who hurt my daughter!”

Slowly a woman appeared in front of him.

“Come, follow me,” said the woman.

She then pointed a girl. She was wounded. Her leg was bleeding.

“She was not a real hog. We are the goddess of the jungle. I will forgive you, but you have to cure my daughter.”

Umpit was so scared. He did not know that it was not the real hog. He then took some leaves. He knew some medication because his parents taught him before.He put the leaves on the wound. After a while, the girl was cured. The woman then gave Umpit a present. Umpit immediately went home. He ran very fast.

At home, Umpit immediately opened the present. Wow! He got jewelries, gold and diamond. Umpit sold the jewelries and now he became a rich man.

Pak Raje heard that Umpit had become a rich man. He asked Umpit how he became rich. After he knew all about it, he borrowed Umpit’s blowpipe. He waited at his plantation, and he shot a wild hog. He followed the blood trail and arrived at the cave. He met the woman and the injured girl. Pak Raje was asked to cure the girl. But he could not do that, and that made the woman angry. She asked all the wild hogs to attack Pak Raje.

Pak Raje ran very fast. He went to Umpit’s house. He asked Umpit to help him from the wild hogs. He agreed to help if only Pak Raje donated some of his money. Pak Raje said yes and he also promised he would be helpful to the villagers. ***

Putri Pinang Gading Folklore from Bangka Belitung

A long time ago in Belitung, there were a couple of husband and wife. The husband was a fisherman. The husbands name was Pak Inda and the wife’s name was Bu Tumina. They lived alone in their house. They did not have any children.

Pak Inda always went fishing in the morning. And in one morning as always he went to the sea. On the way there, he stumbled on a stick of bamboo.

"This is dangerous. Someone may get hurt with it," said Pak Inda.

He threw the bamboo to the sea. Then he continued walking. Again, he stumbled on a bamboo.

“Why are there a lot of bamboos here?” asked Pak Inda to himself.

He wanted to throw the bamboo to the sea. Before he did that, he looked at the bamboo carefully.

"I think this is the same bamboo I threw awhile ago. How can it be here again? "Pak Inda was confused.

He then threw the bamboo to the sea. Amazingly the bamboo kept on coming back to him. He knew that this bamboo was different from other bamboos so he brought it home. At home, Pak Inda told his wife about the bamboo. Bu Tumina suggested him to put the bamboo in a box. They put the box in their bed room. In the morning, they heard a baby crying. Pak Inda and Bu Tumina looked everywhere to find the baby. Finally they found a baby girl inside the box where they put the bamboo. However the bamboo was gone.

Pak Inda and Bu Tumina were very happy. They named the baby girl Putri Pinang Gading. Pak Inda and Bu Tumina took care of her with great love. Even though Putri Pinang Gading was their only child, they did not spoil her.

They taught her to be independent. They also taught her how to protect herself from wild animals. That was why Putri Pinang Gading grew as a great girl. One day, a giant bird attacked their village. The bird was wild. It hurt many people. Nobody dared to kill the giant bird. Putri Pinang Gading knew she had to do something. She wanted to kill the bird.

"Be careful my daughter. We love you very much and we don’t want anything bad happen to you. Here, take this arrow with you. The arrow has poison and it can kill the bird. Just aim it at the bird’s heart," said Pak Inda.

He knew his daughter could do that.

She was skillful with arrows. Putri Pinang Gading then went to the village. She was waiting for the bird. The villagers were scared. They asked her to be careful. Suddenly, the giant bird was flying right above her. The bird tried to attack her. Putri Pinang Gading then prepared her arrow. She aimed at the bird’s heart.

Wooosshhh! The arrow hit the bird’s heart! The bird fell on the ground and died instantly. The villagers were very happy. They thanked Putri Pinang Gading for her great action. On the ground where the giant bird fell, bamboo plants grew. The bamboos were poisonous. Later the villagers named the area as Membalong. It means poisonous bamboos. Membalong is now a district in Bangka Belitung. ***

Ni Timun Mas and I Lantang Hidung

Folklore from Bali

NI Timun Mas was a beautiful girl. She lived with her mother in a house near a jungle. Ni Timun Mas always helped her mother. When her mother worked in a rice field, Ni Timun Mas always stayed at home to clean up and cook. she was not allowed to go to the rice field. Her mother was afraid that a giant would kidnap her. Yes, there was a giant lived in the jungle. His name was I Latang Hidung. He loved to eat young people!

Her mother always went home in the afternoon. She always asked Ni Timun Mas not to open the door while she worked. Her mother would sing a song, "Ni Timun Mas, I'm home. Please open the door" Then Ni Timun Mas opened the door.

Sadly, it happened. I Lantang Hidung came to see the house. The giant was hungry. He banged the door. Ni Timun Mas was so scared. Because the door was not opened, the giant left. He was sure there was somebody in the house. He was hiding behind the trees.

And when her mother went home, the giant knew that the door would be opened when a song was sung. He planned to come back and he would sing the song. Ni Timun Mas told her mother about the giant. She was very happy that the door was not opened. Unfortunately, they did not know that the giant already knew their secret.

On the following afternoon, I Lantang Hidung came. The giant sing the song, "Ni Timun Mas, I'm home. Please open the door." He imitated Timun Mas mother's voice.

Of course Timun Mas thought it was her mother who came home. She opened the door and suddenly I Lantang Hidung grabbed her. The giant kidnapped her and brought her to his house in the jungle.

When her mother arrived, she was so shocked. The door was opened and her daughter was not home. She ran and cried. While she was looking for her daughter, she met a man. He was beating a cat. She felt sorry. She bought the cat from the man and kept the cat. Then she continued her journey, this time she saw a mouse was beaten by a man. She saved and bought the mouse. Later, she met a man who was beating a dog. Again, she saved and bought the dog. And finally she met a man who was trying to kill a snake. She also saved and bought the snake.

It was already dark. The mother decided to go home. She would look for her daughter later in the morning. At night, she remembered she remembered her daughter. She cried. The animals she saved were looking at her. They were carious. The cat asked her.

"Why are you crying?"

The mother was surprised. The animals could talk like humans. She explained that a giant kidnapped her daughter. The animals were so sorry. They wanted to reply her kindness. They would free Ni Timun Mas from the giant.

The animals went to the jungle. They saw the giant was sleeping and Ni Timun Mas was tied with a rope. They set a plan. The mouse would bit the rope. The cat would observe and told them when the giant woke up. The dog and the snake were ready to attack the giant.

They started to do their plan. The mouse slowly bit the rope. It started to loosen up. Finally she was free. Unfortunately, the giant woke up. The cat immediately told his friends. The mouse asked Ni Timun Mas to follow him. The dog and the snake immediately attacked the giant. The dog bit and the snake squeezed the giant, The giant was loosing so much blood. He finally died.

The animals and Ni Timun Mas arrived home. Her mother was very happy. She did not worry animore because the giant was dead, Since then, Ni Timun Mas, her mother and the animals lived peacefully. ***

The Legend of Singaraja

Folklore from Bali

SRI Sagening was the king of Klungkung Kingdom, Bali. He had a lot of wives. His last wife was Ni Luh Pasek. She was the most beautiful wife and that made the other wives were jealous. They often told bad things to the king. Sadly, the king was influenced and he finally asked Ni Luh Pasek to leave the palace. Ni Luh Pasek was very sad, but she had no other choice. She became very sad when she knew that she was pregnant! Ni Luh Pasek arrived at a village. An old man felt very sorry with her condition. His name was Jelantik Bogol. He was a holy man and had supernatural power. He married Ni Luh Pasek. And when the baby was born, Jelantik Bogol named him I Gusti Gede. He loved I gusti Gede just like his own son.

I Gusti Gede grew as a strong man. He also mastered a lot of skills such as martial arts and supernatural power. His step father taught him the skills. One day his step father asked him to go to a jungle in Den Hill. It was the place Ni Luh Pasek was born. Jelantik Bogol asked him to go there to get more supernatural power. Before he left, his step father gave him two weapons, a spear and a keris, it's a traditional wavy double-bladed dagger. I Gusti Gede did it. He went to the Den Hill and meditated. While he was meditating, a spirit of the jungle came to him. The spirit spoke to him.

"You will be a great king. Go to Panumbang beach, help the people there."

I Gusti Gede continued his journey. When he arrived at Panombangan Beach, there was an incident. There was a ship from Bugis sinking at the beach. The people had tried to help, but they did not succeed.

I Gusti Gede wanted to help. He asked the people to stay away from the ship. He prayed and took out hos weapons. Suddenly, two big spirits came out of the spear and the keris.

I Gusti Gede asked the spirits to pull the sinking ships back to sea. The people could not see the spirits. They only saw I Gusti Gede moving his hands. The spirits slowly pulled the ship. In just a minute, a ship just back in the sea. The owner was very happy. He gave some of his wealth to I Gusti Gede. People were amazed with his power. they named him as I Gusti Panji Sakti.

I Gusti Panji Sakti went back to Den Hill. He started to build a village. People came one by one. I Gusti panji Sakti protected them from bad people. Slowly the village became a kingdom. I Gusti Panji Sakti became the king and he named the kingdom as Sukasada.

sukasada became a big kigdom, I Gusti Panji Sakti planned to make another kingdom. He opened up a new area. It was full of buleleng trees. Therefore he named the kingdom as Buleleng Kingdom.

He also build a great palace. People named it Singaraja. Singa means lion and Raja means king. With his power I Gusti Panji Sakti was like a lion. He always protected his people from bad people. While he became a king, Buleleng Kingdom was safe and prosperous. ***

The Legend of Catu Island Folklore from Bali

A long time ago there was a village in Bali. The people worked as farmers. One of the was Jurna. He was a diligent farmer. He always had a great harvest. However he was never satisfied. He wanted to have better and better harvest.

"I will promise to gods. If they give me better harvest than I have now, I will give them offerings and I will share the harvest to the neighbors," said Jurna to his wife.

"I agree, But remember, you have to keep your promise," said his wife.

Soon, Jurna had better harvest. He had more rice than he had before. He was happy. And as promised, he prepared offerings to the gods and he also shared to his neighbors. They were very happy.

Jurna was not satisfied. He wanted to have better and better and more harvest. Therefore he promised to gods that he would double his offerings and his sharing to the neighbors.

His wish came true. His harvest was much better than before. The other farmers were amazed. They were also very thankful because he shared his harvest to them.

One day, Jurna went to his rice field. When he arrived, he saw a pile of soil on the ground. It looked like a catu. Catu was made of coconut shell. People used catu to measure the amount of rice. At home, Jurna talked about a soil which looked like a catu to his wife. She had an idea.

"Let's make catu from rice," she said. Jurna agreed. Later they formed the rice just like catu. On the following day, Jurna went to his rice field. He saw the soil catu was getting bigger.

"Hmm...I will make rice catu bigger than this," said Jurna himself. He asked his wife to make bigger rice catu. He felt very satisfied. He wanted to show his rise catu to his neighbors. He hoped that his neighbors would prise him as a rich man. And they did! All the neighbors praised him. Jurna became arrogant. On the next day, Jurna went to his rice field. He hoped the soil catu were not getting bigger and bigger. But he was wrong. Strangely, the soil catu was bigger.

"Don't worry, I have much rice. I can make rice catu bigger," said Jurna arrogantly. While he was making the rice catu, he was thinking how the neighbors would prise him.

And his wish came true. All the neighbors were so amazed by the size of the rice catu. They all said that Jurna was very rich. Jurna became more arrogant.

Then Jurna went to his rice field. He hoped the soil catu would stop growing. But he was wrong. Again, it became much bigger than before. Jurna was really upset. He made rice catu bigger than before.

It always repeated. Every time he went to his rice field he always found the soil catu became bigger and bigger.

His wife always reminded him to stop making rice catu. She said that their stock was getting lesser and lesser. She asked him to stop wasting the rice.

But Jurna ignored her. He was only thinking how he could make his rice catu bigger than the soil catu. Soon he lost all of his rice. He became poor. He regretted his bad behaviour. Meanwhile the soil catu became very big. It was like a hill. People then named it as Catu Hill or Bukit Catu. ***

Putri Luh Cendrasari

Folklore from Bali

PRABU Maha Sila was a king. He had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Putri Luh Cendrasari. Many young men fell in love with her. They wanted to propose her to be their wife.

The king asked his daughter to choose carefully. Some of the men were princes from other kingdom. The king did not want to make the men disappointed and it would start a war.

Putri Luh Cendrasari understood. She held a competition. She would marry a man who could bring her the eyes and the scales of a white dragon. All the participants agreed. They started to look for a white dragon.

It was not easy to find a white dragon. Some of them climbed the mountains and some of them swam in the sea. However they still could not find the white dragon. One by one the participants gave up.

One of the participants was Manik Angkeran. He was not a prince. He was just a villager. Manik Angkeran really wanted to marry Putri Luh Cendrasari. Actually the princess also fell in love with Manik Angkeran.

She really hoped he could win the copetition. Manik Angkeran went to his teacher in his cave. The teacher was meditating. Manik Angkeran told his teacher about Putri Luh Cendrasari and the competition.

"What will you do to win the competition?" asked the teacher.

"I will do anything, Master. If I have to sacrifice my soul, yes... I will do it, said Manik Angkeran."I really admire your persistence. I can see that you really love her. And I also really love you, Manik Angkeran. And I will do anything to make you happy."

The teacher continued, "Actually I am a white dragon. Gods allowed me to be human," said the teacher.

Later an amazing things happened. The teacher slowly turned into a white dragon. Manik Angkeran was very surprised. He did not know that his teacher actually a white dragon.

The white dragon took out his eyes and shook his body. The scales fell off. He gave his eyes and his scales to Manik Angkeran. Then the white dragon disappeared. He went back to heaven.Manik Angkeran was very sad. He lost his beloved teacher. He immediately went to the palace. The princess was happy. The winner was Manik Angkeran. They soon got married.

Not long after that the princess was pregnant. Everybody was happy except Manik Angkeran. He knew he had to fulfill his promise. He would die soon.

Manik Angkeran was talking to Putri Luh Cendrasari. Suddenly he fell down. Putri Luh Cendrasari saw the gods took manik Angkeran's spirit.

She cried. She asked gods not to take her husband. She told gods that she wanted to follow her husband. She also wanted to die.

The Gods answered, "It's not your time to die. You are pregnant."

"But I really want to be with my husband," said the princess.Actually the gods did not want to take Manik Angkeran's spirit. They just want to test the princess if she really loved him, knowing that he was just a villager, The gods answered her request. Slowly Manik Angkeran came back to life.

He lived again. Since then Manik angkeran and Putri Luh Cendrasari lived happily ever after.***

A Loyal Farmer Folklore from Bali

A long time ago, there was a small village in Bali. The villagers were farmers they were very happy. Gods gave them fertile land. They always had great harvest. There were no poor family in that village.

One day, a young man came to the village. He came from a very far place.

He went to the richest farmer in the village. The richest farmer's name was Jero Pasek.

"My name is I Tundung. I came here to work, Sir. I promise I will work hard."

"Hmm...Okay, I will let you work in my rice field. But remember, I will ask you to leave if you are lazy." said Jero Pasek.

I Tudung was very happy. He did not want to disappoint Jero pasek, his master. He worked diligently. Jero Pasek was very grateful. The harvest was much better. Besides cultivating, I Tundung also look care of the animals, such as chickens, ducks, goats and cows. The number of the animals also increased. Jero Pasek become richer.

Jero pasek planned to ask I Tundung to cultivate his field in Kangin Hill.Unlike the land in the village, the land in Kangin Hill was not fertile.

However, I Tundung accepted it very happy. He felt that Jero Pasek had already trusted him. He wanted to repay his trust by giving him great harvest.

The land in the hill was arid. It was very dry. However, I Tundung was never gave up. There was a small spring. I Tundung made irrigation. He used the water in the spring and flew it through the irrigation.

It worked! The land was not dry anymore. The plants grew very well. And again they had great harvest. Now the whole hills are green, thanks to I Tundung.

Unfortunately, their happiness did not last long. A thief stole the harvest and the animals.Sadly, I Tundung was never able to catch the thief. The harvest and the animals kept on missing, Jero Pasek was angry.

"I'm very disappointed in you. I have lost a lot of harvest and animals!"

I Tundung was sad. He went to a temple to pray. While he was meditating, he heard a voice.

"I know your problem and I can help you."

"Thank you. I'm willing to do anything as long as I can protect my master's harvest and animals." said I Tundung.

"I will change you into a big black snake. You will live in the hill and you can protect the harvest and the animals."

I Tundung agreed. he did not want to make his master disappointed and angry at him. Slowly, he changed into a big black snake.

Meanwhile, Joko Pasek was looking for I Tundung. And when he arrived at his field, he saw a big black snake. He was so surprised when the snake was able to talk!

"Don't be afraid, Sir. It's me, I Tundung. From now on, I will always protect your harvest and your animals."

Jero Pasek was very sad. He never meant to ask I Tundung to do anything. But it was to late.***

Kebo Iwa Folklore from Bali

ONCE upon a time in Bali, a man and his wife were praying. They have been married for a long time but did not have any children. They asked God to give them a child. They prayed and prayed.

God finally answered their pray. The wife, then, got pregnant and they had a baby boy. They were very happy.

The baby was extraordinary. He was very much different from other babies. He ate and drank a lot. Day after day he ate more and more. His body was getting bigger and bigger. And by the time he was a teenager, his body was as big as a buffalo. People then started to call him Kebo Iwa.

Because of his eating habit, Kebo Iwa’s parents spent a lot of money to buy his food in large amount. They finally went bankrupt. They gave up and asked the villagers to help them provide the food.

The villagers then worked together to cook and build a big house for Kebo Iwa. He was like a giant. He could not stay in his parents’ house anymore because of his big body. Sadly, after a few months, the villagers also could not afford to cook him the food. They then asked Kebo Iwa to cook his own food. The villagers just prepared the raw materials.

Kebo Iwa agreed and as an expression of his gratitude to the villagers, he built a dam, dug wells, and he also protected the villagers from animals and people who wanted to attack their village. He did those things by himself.

Meanwhile, the troops of Majapahit were planning to attack Bali. They knew about Kebo Iwa. And they also knew that they could not conquer Bali with Kebo Iwa there. Kebo Iwa was more powerful than they were.

Gajah Mada, the Maha Patih (Chief Minister) of Majapahit then planned something. They were pretending to invite Kebo Iwa to Majapahit to help them dig some wells. They said that Majapahit was suffering from a long dry season and needed much water. Kebo Iwa did not know the plan, so he went to Majapahit.

When Kebo Iwa was busy digging a very big well, the troops covered the well. Kebo Iwa had difficulty in breathing and buried alive. He died inside the well.

After the death of Kebo Iwa, Bali was conquered by Majapahit. Until now, people still remember Kebo Iwa because he had done a lot for Majapahit and Bali. The stone head of legendary Kebo Iwa can be found in Pura Gaduh temple in Blahbatuh. ***

Manik Angkeran Folklore from Bali

A long time ago, lived a very rich family in Bali. The father was Sidi Mantra. He was very famous for his supernatural power. He lived happily with his wife and his only child Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran was a spoiled son. He also had a bad habit. He liked to gamble.

Because of his bad habit, his parents soon became poor. They always advised Manik Angkeran to stop his bad habit, but he never listened to them. Instead he kept on begging to his parents to give him a lot of money.

The parents then did not have the heart to see him begging. Sidi Mantra then went to Agung Mountain. There lived a mighty dragon with his great supernatural power. He could provide jewelries to those who could say the right prayers and ring the bell. Sidi Mantra had the bell and he also knew the prayers.

"My name is Sidi Mantra. I have a problem. My son likes to gamble. He made me poor. And now he asks a lot of money. I want to give him some, but now I want him to promise to stop his bad behavior," explained Sidi Mantra after he met the dragon.

Sidi Mantra then said the prayers and rang the bell. Suddenly, jewelries came out from the dragon's body. He was very happy and immediately brought the jewelries home. This time Sidi Mantra wanted Manik Angkeran really to stop gambling.

The son then promised. But soon he broke the promise and he did not have some money again. He heard that his father got the jewelries from the dragon living in Agung Mountain. So he stole his father's bell then went there.

After arrived in Agung Mountain, Manik Angkeran rang the bell. The dragon knew him.

"I will give you anything you want but you have to promise to stop gambling. Remember the karma!" then the dragon gave him the jewelries.

Manik Angkeran was very happy. Suddenly he had a bad idea. He wanted to kill the dragon and stole all his jewelries. The dragon knew his plan and with his great power he killed Manik Angkeran. Sidi Mantra was very sad. He asked the dragon to bring his son back to life. The dragon agreed but they had to live in different places.

After few moments, Manik Angkeran lived again. Then Sidi Mantra used a stick to make a big line

between them on the ground.

From the line, water flowed. Soon it became a river. Finally it became a strait. It separated Java and Bali. People then named the strait as Bali Strait. ***http://winrymarini.com/indonesianfolklore.htm

Lion who thinks he was Goat

There is an Indonesian folktale that describe the story of a lion, the animal that considered as the king of the jungle, who rose as a goat. So he become like a goat, he act like a goat, he eat like a goat, until someday, he realize who he really are.

The lion kid story

Once upon a time. In a jungle far away. There is a lion baby, his mother died after he born to the world. Baby lions are weak without the protection of its mother's inside, hungry and colds, the lion ask for help with his last strength. Meanwhile, a group of goats came across the place. A goat mother heard the baby lion's cry. He felt pity to see a weak lion baby and live alone.

The mother instinct to care for and protect the baby appears. The goat mother approached and tenders the lion baby with great warmth and affection. Having the warmth of affection that he needs, the lion baby does not want to part with the female goats. He continued to follow the mother goat to go anywhere. The baby lion is accepted as a part of the goat big family.

Day by day and children grow and big lion in the care of mother goats and sheep live in the community. He was feeding, eating, drinking, and playing with the kids the other goat. His behavior is like a goat. Even the young lion make a sound like a bleating goat

that is not the roar! He felt that he was the goat, not unlike the other goats. He did not ever feel that he is a lion.

One day, there was a tremendous noise. A wolf goes hunting wild goats for prey. Goats panic. All fear. Older goat who also fears the lion asked the child to face the wolves.

"You're a lion, you could face the wolf! Give him a huge roar and he will definitely running scared!" the elder goat said to the lion baby. The baby lion is already looks great and sturdy, but since the little lion lives in the middle of the goat community, he did not have learn about how to became a lion, nobody teach him. The lion scared to the wolf and took shelter behind the biggest goat. He screamed bloody murder and what came out of his mouth is bleat sound, just like the other goat was not roaring. The lion could not do something when one young goat is attacked by the wolf and taken away.

The elder goat is very sad because one of her children were taken by wolves. He looked the young lion with suppuration and angry feelings, "You should be defending us! You should save your brother! Should be able to drive out the evil wolf!

Son of the lion can only be lowered his head. He does not understand why they blame him for the wolf. He was already afraid of the wolf as the other goats. The young lion felt so sad because he could not do anything.

The next day the wolf came again. Back hunt the goats to eat. This time the mother goat was caught and has been gripped by a wolf. All goats were brave enough to help. The young lion was angry to see his goat mother had been gripped by a wolf. A wolf is very surprised to see there is a lion in front of him. He let go his grip. The wolf was trembling with fear! Guts out! He resigned; he felt that day was the end of his life! With great anger the lion boy cried aloud, it's just a goat sound with strange accent. Then he retreated to the rear.

Viewing behavior of young lion, the wolf is ferocious and cunning immediately knew that that was before him was a mentally lion goat. It makes no difference with the goats. Immediately his fear disappeared. He growled angrily, and planned to eat the lion first.

Feeling that he was goat, the young lion crash his head like a goat, the wolf has been prepared with strong horses. With a little twisted the wolf tore the lion boy's face with its claws. The young lion fell and woe, such as goat moaning. The mother goat witnessed the event with great anxiety. Parent goat wondered why a stocky lion was defeated by a wolf. Is not the lion is the king of the jungle?

Without giving the slightest mercy the wolf attacking the young lion, who are still moaning. The wolf was ready to finish off the lion. At that critical moment, the mother goat who did not have the heart, with all his might hit the wolf. The wolf darted off. Lion awake.

And at that moment, an adult lion's roar came up with a vengeance.

All goats scared and docked! The young children also fear the lion and come closer. While the wolf run. As an adult lion about to pounce on the goat herd, he was surprised in the midst of the goat herd there is a young lion.

Some goats flee, others ran away. The young lion ran away too. The lion was still stunned. He wondered why children join lion ran away following the goat? He pursued young lion and said, "Hey you do not run! You're a lion, not a goat! I will not prey on young lion!

But the young lion were kept running and running. Adult lions continue to pursue. He did not chase a herd of goats, but instead pursue cubs. At last the lion was caught. The young lion who think he was goat fear the lion.

"Do not kill me, please...!"

"You're a lion, not a goat. I did not kill the young lion! "

With a struggling young lion said, "No I am a goat! Please release me! "

Lion child struggled and cried out loud. His voice was not a roar but bleat sound, just like the sound of goats.

The lion adult wonder. How any young lion could voice goats and sheep mentality? With a furious lion he dragged the boy into the lake. He must show who actually the lion child is. Once in the clear lake water, he asked the young lion saw his own shadow.

Then compare with the adult lions.

When he saw the shadow of himself, the son of the lion was shocked, "Oh my god, my face and body is same with you. Same with the lion, the king of the jungle! "

"Yes, because you actually cubs. Not the goat! ""So I'm not a goat? I was a lion! ""Yes you are a lion, king of the forest is authoritative and feared by the whole forest! Let me teach how to become a king of the jungle! " Lion adults said

Adult lion then lifted his head with dignity and with a loud roar. The young lion imitate the lion then, and with a loud roar. Yes roaring, vibrating throughout the forest. Not far from there vicious wolf that ran faster and faster, he fears the lion roars from the young children

Son of the lion was again shouted triumphantly, "I was a lion! Forest king gallant! "

The mythical origin of Irrawaddy doplhin

Irrawaddy dolphin is a kind of small dolphin species that lives in fresh water, unlike his cousin the real dolphin who lives entirely in the salt water/sea. They are live in several fresh water area, particularly a bay or rivers that connected to the sea. One of the habitat of the Irrawaddy dolphin is the Mahakam rivers in East Borneo. This is a legend from the area. About the origin of the Irrawaddy dolphin in Mahakam rivers.

In East Kalimantan there is a famous river of Mahakam River. In the river there are fish that are very distinctive shape that is Irrawady Pesut Mahakam (Orcaella brevirostris) is a freshwater dolphin Indonesia. Body robust, small and triangular dorsal fin and the head rounded / blunt reply with a small eye. Classified as a small dolphin, the Irrawaddy dolphin has an adult length of 2.0 to 2.75 m, 1.0 m. The dolphin baby is very active, sometimes jumping low). Actually Irrawaddy Dolphin is not fish but mammals of water as the dolphins and whales. According to the residents around the river Irrawady is not just any fish but is a human incarnation.

The story in the days of yore in the Mahakam, there is a village inhabited by several families. They live as farmers and fishermen. Every year after harvest, the villagers usually customary to throw a party filled with a wide range of performances and artistic


Amid the people living in hamlets, there is a family living in harmony and peace in a simple hut. They consist of a husband and wife and two sons and daughters. Needs of their lives are not too difficult to achieve because they have a garden planted with various kinds of fruits and vegetables. So did all kinds of difficulties can be overcome by a wise, so they lived happily for many years.

At one point, the mother was attacked by a disease. Although some people have been treated by a physician, but the mother never recovered until she eventually died. After the death of the mother, the family lives in sorrow. They are hold deep sorrow of losing people they loved so much. The father became withdrawn and morose, while her two children are always overwhelmed with a sense of confusion, not knowing what to do. Their house and their garden are now no longer maintained. Some village elders have tried to advise his father to not dissolve in sadness, but their advice can not make any change. This situation lasts long enough.

One day in the village feast was again held customary harvest. Various performances and entertainment is held again. In one of the stage show, there is a girl that very beautiful and fascinating, she always attracted the village youth when she was in action. Hearing such news, it also stirred the heart of the father to watch too, he want to see what kind of the show is so highly praised among villagers and turn many youth so crazy

That night was the seventh night of the event, held the crowd. Slowly his father walked over to the venue where she will play. He deliberately stood in front so it can be clearly witnessed the game and face the girl. Finally the show began. Unlike the other spectators, the father was not much amused laugh or praises the girl's appearance. Yet occasionally there is also the father smiled a little. The girl threw a cheery smile to the audience who praised him as well as a tease. One time, the girl sees the father, it happens many times. Both of them fall in love each other without know when the love is start to begin in their heart. Many people, especially the villager's youth did not expect that the young girl would want to marry him, who already have two child.

Soon after, with the approval of both parties and the blessing of the elders they get marriage just after the customary feast in the village over. And also was the gloom over the family, now they began preparing a new life. They began working on activities that previously they did not try again. The father returned diligent farming with the help of her two children, while her stepmother stayed at home preparing food for their family. And so on down for months until their life bright again.

Peoples of the village saw a happy family, but nobody know the truth that the brother are live in a different situation. The two children were fed only after there are leftovers from his father. The father can only tolerate his wife's actions; he can not do anything because she really loved her. Finally, the whole

household organized in the hands of the young wife who is greedy. The brother work hard every day tirelessly and even told to do things beyond their capabilities.

At one point, his stepmother had made an evil plan. He told both his stepson to look for firewood in the forest."Both of you, go another pile of firewood today!" Ordered the mother, "There should be three times more than you earn yesterday. And remember! Do not go home before the wood is much collected. Understand?! "

"But, Mom ..." his son replied, "Why do you need so much wood ...?. Our wood stock is still quite a lot. We could take another more when the stock are almost empty.

"What! You have dared to argue with me? Do you want me told your father that you were lazy! Come, go now!! " the stepmother angry.

The young boys then pulled his sister's hand to get going. He knew that his father had influenced by his stepmother, so it is useless to argue because they will get blamed too. After bringing some supplies, they departed into the forest. Until dusk approached, the wood they have collected is not sufficient as required by their stepmother. They was forced to spend the night in the forest, in a former villager cottage to continue their work in the next day. They can sleep despite the hunger is still wrapping their stomachs.

The next morning, they started collecting as much wood. By midday, the hunger was unbearable again; finally they lay on the ground for several moments. And without knowing, an old man came up to them."What are you doing here, kids?!" The old man asked them. Both the poor child was then told everyone, including the behavior of their stepmother and their circumstances that have not eaten rice since yesterday until it was no longer able to continue the work.

"Well ..., you go down that way." The old man said, pointing toward the hedge grove. "There are many fruit trees. Eat all of it until you are full. But remember; do not search again the next day because it will be in vain. Go now! "

After saying thank you, both sisters are rushing toward the place. It was true what was grandfather said before, there are many different kinds of fruit trees. Durian, jackfruit, similar to jackfruit, mango and papaya fruit that have been fully matured scattered on the ground. Other fruits such as bananas, rambutan and coconut are visible hanging from the tree. They then eat the fruit until the body feels fresh again. After resting a while, they can return to continue the work to collect wood in accordance with the requested his stepmother.

By late afternoon, they have successfully installed it into the house. They arranged the wood without diligently. Once completed, then they got into the house to report to his stepmother, but were surprised when they saw the house that has been empty.

Apparently their father and stepmother had left the house. All property within the house have been fully taken along, this means they are leave both of them and never come back again to the house. The young brother only cries. Hearing the cries of the two, the surrounding neighbors came to the house to know what the hell was going on. They were shocked after learning that both his father and stepmother of the children had been moved secretly.

The next day, the children are determined to find her parents. They announce the plan to the nearest neighbor. Some neighbors who pity then exchanged fire wood with the stock of food for the journey of two brothers. By

midday, they went looking for their father and stepmother.

It has been two days they are running but have not found their parents, while food supplies had run out. On the third day, they came in a hilly area and were seen by their smoke billowing in the distance. They immediately headed toward the place was just asked the residents probably know or see both their parents.

They finally come across a decrepit cottage already. It seemed an old man sitting in front of the cabin. Two sisters and pay homage to the old man and saluted.

"Where are you guys? What do you mean to come to my place far this remote?

"Sorry" The boy said, "We are currently looking for our parents us. Do you ever seen a man and a young woman through here? "

The old man paused as he wrinkled his forehead; apparently he is trying hard to remember something."Hmmm ..., a few days ago there was a husband and wife who come here." "They bring a lot of stuff. Are they that what you're looking for? "

"No doubt" The boy said excitedly, "They must be our parents! Which way they go, sir? "

"At that time they borrow a boat to cross a river. They said they wanted to settle there on the other side and want to create a cottage and a new plantation. Try your search on the other side. " "Thank you, sir ..." said the elder son is, "But ..., can you help us across the river?"

"I am already old kids ... I don't have the strength to paddle a boat!" Said the grandfather with a chuckle, "If you want to catch them, use an existing boat alone on the edge of the river."

Both of them have the courage to take boats the grandfather. They promised to return the boat if it has managed to find their parents. After saying thank you, they then boarded a boat and headed across. Both are oblivious to the hungers that convolute their stomachs because of a sense of joy upon learning the existence of their parents. Finally they reached the other side and the boat moored in a creek. After two days walking on an empty stomach, then they meet the edge of a hamlet that is rarely populated.

They both saw a newly built cottage. Slowly they approached the cabin. With feelings of anxiety and doubt the brother get up in the stairs and calling out the occupants, while the little brother walked around the cabin until he found a clothes horse who is behind the cabin. He also remembered his father's clothes; after he approached then rest assured that it was indeed his father's clothes. Immediately she ran to her sister as she showed her father had found clothes in the back. Without thinking again they entered the cottage and the cottage was indeed contained the belongings of their father. Apparently their parents were in a hurry to leave, so in the kitchen there is a pot that is placed over the fire that is

still burning. Inside the pot there is a rice that become porridge. Because the starved stomach, the brothers finally ate the rice porridge. His sister who just followed into the kitchen is surprised at what he was doing, she immediately grabbed the pot whose contents were low. Starved, she immediately ate rice porridge at once along.

Because the porridge that is still hot, their body temperature rises. In circumstances such abysmally, they ran to seek the stream. They hug each banana trees they encountered on either side of the road to the river, the banana tree become wither. Once they arrived at the river bank, they immediately jump into it. Almost at the same time, the residents of the cottage that was indeed the father of the brother were astonished when he saw many banana trees around their cottage becomes withered and charred.

But they were very surprised when entered into the hut and encounter a pack and two sabers belong to her two children. The wife continued to examine the contents of the cottage down to the kitchen, and she could not find a longer pot that had been left behind. He then reported it to her husband. They then hurried down from the hut and follow the road to the river on the left-right that there are many banana trees that have withered and charred.

Arriving on the banks of the river, they saw the two creatures that move to and fro in the water while spraying water from his head. Mind the husband remembered the sequence of events that might once have anything to do with family. He was surprised because all of a sudden his wife was not there beside him. Apparently she disappeared mysteriously. Now the husband realized that his wife is not a common human ancestry. Since their marriage, the wife does not ever want to tell their origins. He almost becomes the victim of a wicked witch. Thanks to the children who have eaten the porridge

Not long ago, the villagers came flocking to the riverbank to witness the oddity that had just happened. Two fish whose head is similar to the human head is moving to and fro in the middle of the river as he occasionally appears on the surface and squirted water from his head. The people that are in place it estimates that the water bursts of two entities was hot that can cause the baby fish die if exposed.

By Kutai people, the fish are named pesut (Irrawady dolphin). While communities in the interior of the Mahakam named Bawoi fish.


From mosquito to the Kingdoms

This is one of many folklore from Indonesia. It is a story of a King with one of his people. The king palace is a safe place for the people to report and also asking for any help from the authority. One of his people will replace him someday. This story reflects the other side of a kingdom which already begun its democracy concept.Once upon a time, in unknown region, lies a kingdom. The king was living with the empress and her son and daughter. People loved him. The palace is open any time to visit anyone. The kings want to hear people's opinions and complaints directly. Even children can play around in the yard around the palace.

In that country, lives also a widow with her only son who likes to play around the palace. Each time he went to the palace, he always brings her favorite animal, a mosquito. The mosquito was tied and he holds the other side of the tie. The mosquitoes will run follow the child wherever it goes. One day, its already afternoon, the boy was playing around the courtyard. Due to busy playing, he forgot it was already dark. Good king reminded him and told him to go home.

"Your parents are certainly anxious waiting," said the king."Yes, my lord," she said, "for I must hurry home, I will leave this mosquito in the palace.""Tie it on a pole near the stairs," replied the king. The next day, the boy came to the court. He was very surprised to see the mosquitoes being pecked and swallowed by a chicken. He sad because mosquitoes his lovely pets. He complained about the incident to the king because it belonged to the king rooster.

"Take that chicken instead," said the king.

The boy thanked the king. The rooster was tied with rope and taken anywhere. That afternoon he was back playing in around the palace. Rooster just released so that roam freely back and forth. Every time the rooster saw the women servants to pound rice are behind the palace, he ran there. He pecks of rice scattered on the mat next to the mortar, even many times he tried to steal rice in the mortar pit.

The servant king drove it so as not to interfere with their work. However, not long before

chickens came again and with greedy attempt pecks of rice in a mortar.

They dispel the chicken with a pestle that they hold. One of them is not only dispelling, but slapped on the head of the pestle and the chicken. Not long later, the chicken died. The young boy sad to see her favorite chicken died. He came to the king asking for justice. "Take the pestle instead of a dead chicken!" Said the king

The boy knelt before the king and expressed his gratitude for the generosity of the king.

"I leave the pestle here because at home, my mom and I do not have a place to store it," he begged.

"Hold the pestle on jackfruit tree," said the king. Jackfruit tree leaves was lush and dense fruit.

The next day, when it was already dusk, he intended to take the pestle it to take home. However, the pestle was found broken and lying on the ground. Beside it rolled a huge jackfruit and smells fragrant.

"The jackfruit is apparently the cause of my broken pestle" he said, "I will ask this jackfruit instead of my pestle to the king!"The king smiled at his request. "Take it if you like" said the king."But, it was already dark!" The boy said. "I have to quickly get home. If late, my mother will be angry with me. I leave this jackfruit in the palace. "

"It's okay," said the king, "put the jackfruit next to the kitchen door!" The delicious smell of jackfruit spread to the whole palace. One of kings princess also smell it. Taste even arises.

"I want to eat that jackfruit!" said the princess while tried to find where the jack is located. "If the jackfruit is still hanging on the branch, I will climb to take it!"

Of course the princess does not bother climbing because of jackfruit is already beside the kitchen door. He immediately took a knife and jackfruit that was cut open and eats your heart's content.

We certainly can predict the next occurrence. The boy demanded compensation to the king. At first the king confused, but he gracefully announce, "When your mosquito pecked rooster, the rooster replaced. When the rooster died a pestle, I handed it to you. Similarly, when you pestle broken, crushed by jackfruit, the jackfruit is becomes yours. Now, because my daughter eat your jackfruits, there is no other way than ask you my daughter"

The king's daughters have the same age as the boy. However, they have not grown so it is not possible immediately wed. As adults, both married. King celebrated the feast royally.

After the king died, the son-in-law replaces the throne. His mother was also invited to stay at the palace.http://www.squidoo.com/

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