chapter 7 pagerank · background web graph google’s matrix teleportation 1 − α personalised...

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Background Web graph Google’s matrix Teleportation 1 − α Personalised vector Sensitivity Proofs Local algorithms New

Chapter 7 PageRank

Angsheng Li

Institute of SoftwareChinese Academy of Sciences

Advanced AlgorithmsU CAS

1st, April, 2017

Background Web graph Google’s matrix Teleportation 1 − α Personalised vector Sensitivity Proofs Local algorithms New


1. Backgrounds

2. Web graph

3. Google’s matrix

4. Teleportation

5. Personalised vector

6. Sensitivity

7. Proofs

8. Local algorithms

9. Exrcises

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The new phenomena

Brin and Page, 1995 - 1998

1. The current-generation search engine

2. Billions of queries everyday

3. What is the principle behind?

4. How good is the current-generation search engine?

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The graph

• Massive directed graph

• Nodes: webpages

• Directed edges, hyperlines, including inlinks and outlinks

• The question: Rank the web pages by importance.

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The PageRank thesis

A page is important, if it is pointed to by many important pages.

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Brin and Page, 1998

Established the equation of the PageRank thesis.The PageRank of a page Pi , written r(Pi), is the sum of thePageRanks of all the pages pointing to Pi , that is,

r(Pi) =∑



|Pj |, (1)

• Bi : the set of pages pointing to Pi ,

• |Pj |: the number of outlinks from page Pj .

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Recurrence of the PageRank

rk+1(Pi) =∑


rk (Pj )

|Pj |

r0(Pi) =1n


The stationary solution of the recursive equation in Equation (2)gives rise to the PageRank of a graph G.

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Matrix representation

Hij =

1|Pi |

if there is an edge from node i to node j ,

0 o.w.(3)

|Pi |: The number of outlinks from node i .H = (Hij) is the PageRank matrix of G.

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PageRank solution

Let πT be a 1× n vector.Set

π(k+1)T = π(k)TH,

π(0)T = 1n eT,


where eT = (1,1, · · · ,1).For the equation (4), we require:

• convergence and the interpretation of the solution

• Uniqueness of the solution

• Invariance of π(0)

• The number of iterations of the convergent solution

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Rank sinks

1 2


All the PageRanks go to node 3.

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Matrix S

To solve the sink problem, define a vector a,

ai =

1 if node i has no outgoing links,

0 o.w.(5)


S = H +1n


where eT = (1,1, · · · ,1).Intuition : If node i has no outgoing link, then from node i , therandomly walks to any other nodes uniformly.S is the transition probability matrix of a Markov chain.

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Google’s matrix G

DefinitionDefine the Google’s matrix by

G = αS + (1− α)J,

where Jij =1n .

• J is called teleportation matrix

• 1− α is called the teleportation parameter.

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Recall: If G is a graph with λ = λ(G) < 1, then for A = AG,

A = (1− λ)J + λC,

for some C with ‖C‖ ≤ 1.We thus know that Google’s matrix is an expander. However,the parameter α is chosen arbitrarily. Of course, α determinesthe spectral gap of the graph.

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Properties of G - I

(1) G is stochasticIt is a convex combination of two stochastic matrices S andJ.

(2) G is irreducible.Every page is directly connected to every other page.

(3) G is aperiodic.Gii > 0. Every node has a self-loop.

(4) G is primitive.There exists a k such that Gk > 0Because: G is an expander. There is a unique πT such that

‖pGl − πT‖ ≈ 0

for a small l . – Power method works

Meng Wenxia
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Meng Wenxia
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Properties of G - II

(5) G is rank-one updated

G = αS + (1− α)1n


= α(H +1n

aeT) + (1− α)1n


= αH + (α1n

a + (1− α)1n

e)eT. (6)

• H is sparse• α 1

n a + (1− α) 1n e is dense, but only one-dimensional vector.

(6) G is artificial due to the choice of α.G may not well reflect the real world H.

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Computation of πT

Power method

π(k+1)T = π(k)TG

= απ(k)TS +1− α


= απ(k)TH + (απ(k)Ta + (1− α)e)eT/n. (7)

Suppose that 1, λ2, · · · , λn are the eigenvalues of G with1 > |λ2| ≥ · · · ≥ |λn|.Then:

G = G1 + λ2G2 + · · · + λnGn,

– G2i = Gi ,

– For i 6= j , GiGj = 0.Then

Gl = G1 + λl2G2 + · · · λl


Since λ2 < 1, Gl quickly converges to G1.Furthermore, for any probabilistic vector p,

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LemmaFor the Google matrix G = αS + (1− α)J,

|λ2(G)| ≤ α.

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λ(G) again

LemmaIf the spectrum of the stochastic matrix S is 1, λ2, · · · , λn,then the spectrum of the Google matrix G = αS + (1− α)evT is

1, αλ2, · · · , αλn,where vT is the personalised vector.

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Proofs - I

Since S is stochastic, (1,e) is an eigenpair of S. Let Q = (eX )be a nonsingular matrix that has the eigenvector e as its firstcolumn.Set

Q−1 =







Q−1Q =


yTe yTXY Te Y TX




1 00 I



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Proofs - II


Q−1SQ =









This implies that Y TSX contains the remaining eigenvalues ofS, i.e., λ2, · · · , λn.In addition,

Q−1GQ =


1 αyTSX + (1− α)vTX0 αY TSX



The eigenvalues of G are

1, αλ2, · · · , αλn.Since λ2 ≤ 1, αλ2 ≤ α.

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The role α

G = (1− α)J + αS.

If α is small, then 1− α is large, G is basically an artificialrandom graph, failing to reflect the real world matrix S.If α is large, then

• there is no unique stationary distribution

• even if there is a stationary distribution, it is hard tocompute

• the power method fails

Google’s choice : α = 0.85.

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Personalised PageRank

For a personalised probability vector vT,

G = αS + (1− α)evT.

The power method works as before.The stationary distribution is a personalised PageRank.Significance : Real applications.

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The stationary distribution

TheoremThe Pagerank πT(α) of Gα is

πT(α) =1



(D1(α),D2(α), · · · ,Dn(α))

where Di(α) is the i-th principal minor determinant of ordern − 1 in I −Gα.Furthermore, every Di(α) is differentiable for α.

Proof.By definition.

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TheoremIf πT(α) = (π1(α), π2(α), · · · , πn(α)), then

1. For each j,


dα| ≤ 1

1− α.



dα‖1 ≤

21− α


• If α is small, then the PageRank πT(α) is not sensitive.

• If α is large, then the upper bounds 11−α and 2

1−α are bothapproaching to infinity.

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dα= −vT(I − S)(I − αS)−2.

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Sensitive to H


dhij= απi(e

Tj − vT )(I − αS)−1

2.(I − αS)−1 →∞,

as α goes to 1.

πT is sensitive to perturbations in H is α ≈ 1.Therefore, if α ≈ 1, then πT is sensitive to small changes of thematrix H.

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Sensitive to vT

dπT(vT )

dvT = (1− α+ α∑


πi)(I − αS)−1,

D is the set of nodes that have no outgoing links.The same as before, as α goes to 1, (I − αS)−1 goes to∞.

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Summary of sensitivity

If α ≈ 1, then

1. Computing πT(α) is hard, since the power method fails

2. πT(α) is sensitive to the perturbation of H

3. πT(α) is sensitive to the personalised vector vT

Google’s tradeoff:

α = 0.85

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Proof of upper bounds - ITheoremIf πT(α) = (π1(α), π2(α), · · · , πn(α)), then

1. For each j,


dα| ≤ 1

1− α.



dα‖1 ≤

21− α


πT (α) is a probability vector, so



πi(α) = 1

givingπT(α)e = 1, eT = (1,1, · · · ,1).

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Proof of upper bounds- IIBy definition,πT (α) = πT (α)G(α) = πT (α)(αS + (1− α)evT ).By differential,

dπT (α)

dα= πT (α)(S − evT )(I − αS)−1. (12)

For (1). For every real x , xT⊥e, i.e.,∑

xi = 0, and for all realvector y , column vector,

|xTy | = |n


xiyi |

≤ ‖xT‖1 ·ymax − ymin

2. (13)

By Equation (12),


dα= πT(α)(S − evT)(I − αS)−1ej .

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Prof of upper bounds - III

Since πT(α)(S − evT)e = 0, set xT = πT(α)(S − evT) andy = (I − αS)−1ej .By Inequality (13),


dα| ≤ ‖πT(α)(S − evT)‖1 ·

ymax − ymin


Since ‖πT(α)(S − evT)‖1 ≤ 2,

|dπj (α)dα | ≤ ymax − ymin.

Since (I − αS)−1 ≥ 0 and (I − αS)e = (1− α)e, and hence(I − αS)−1 = (1− α)−1e.This shows that ymin ≥ 0.For ymax, we haveymax ≤ maxi ,j [(I − αS)−1]ij ≤ 1

1−α .(1) follows.

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Proof of upper bounds - IV

For (2).


dα‖1 = ‖πT(α)(S − evT)(I − αS)−1‖1

≤ ‖πT(α)(S − evT)‖1 · ‖(I − αS)−1‖∞≤ 2

11− α


1− α. (14)

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Given a graph G = (V ,E) and S ⊂ V , the conductance of S inG is:

Φ(S) =|E(S, S)|

minvol(S), vol(S).

The conductance of G isΦ = minΦ(S) | |S| ≤ n


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Andersen, Chung and Lang, FOCS, 2006.Define an operatorPush(u):

1. p(u)← p(u) + αr(u)

2. r(u)← (1− α)r(u)/2

3. For each v with v ∼ u,set

r(v)← r(v) + (1− α)r(u)/(2d(u)).

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Approximate PageRank

Given a node v ,

1. set p = 0, r(v) = 1, and r(u) = 0 for all u 6= v .

2. For every u, if r(u) ≥ ǫd(u), then:– Apply push(u).

3. Otherwise, Then output p and r .

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ACL local algorithm

1. To find the RageRank from a given input vertex v ,

2. To rank the pages by decreasing of the normalisedPageRank, i.e., pv

d(v) . Suppose that v1, v2, · · · , vl

is listed such that


d(v1)≥ pv2

d(v2)≥ · · · ≥ pvl


3. (Pruning) To take an initial segment of the list as acommunity associated with the given input v .Let j be such that

Φ(Xj) = minΦ(Xi) | 1 ≤ i ≤ l,where φ(X ) is the conductance of X in G, andXk = v1, · · · , vk.Output Xj .

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Question for local algorithm

For every query Q, we rank the set of answers for the query byPageRank, however, the list is a too long list.The question is to determine a short list of ranks as the outputof the query.Still open.

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The great idea

• The PageRank thesis

• The teleportation parameter 1− α.This is a great idea, which may be used in many otherareas, such as learning, data processing.The essence of the idea here is to make sure that theRanking matrix is a well-defined stochastic procedure sothat PageRank exists and can be computed.We may also regard the introduction of 1− α as amplifyingnoises, playing a role similar to that in the error correctingcodes.

• Google’s success: Making big money by randomness

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A grand challenge

• What is the principle for determining α? Is there a metric ofnetworks which determines the optimum α?

• What are principles for structuring the unstructured andnoisy data?

• Making money by connection and interaction???

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1. Amy N. Langville and Carl D. Meyer, Google’s PageRankand Beyond: The Science of Search Engine Ranking,Princeton University Press, 2006.2. Andersen, Chung and Lang, Local graph partitioning usingPageRank vectors, FOCS, 2006.

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Natural rank

The natural rank based on the structural information theory isthe answer.

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Exercise 1

Let X1, · · · ,Xn be independent random variables such that Xi isequal to 1 with probability 1− δ and equal to 0 with probability

δ. Let X =n∑

i=1Xi( mod 2). Prove that

Pr[X = 1] =

12 + (1− 2δ)n/2, n is odd,12 − (1− 2δ)n/2, n is even.


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Exercise 1 - proof 1Let Yi = (−1)Xi , and Y =


i=1Yi .

Assume n odd.Let Pr[X = 1] = α.Then

E [Y ] = 1− 2α.

Since Xi and then Yi are independent,

E [Y ] = (−1 + 2δ)n


(−1 + 2δ)n = 1− 2α

α =12+

(1− 2δ)n


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Exercise 1 - proof 2Proof.

(1 − 2δ)n = ((1 − δ) − δ)n







(1 − δ)i (−δ)n−i .

Case 1. n odd(1− 2δ)n = Pr[X = 1]− Pr[X = 0],

Pr[X = 1] =12+

12(1 − 2δ)n

Case 2. n even (1− 2δ)n = Pr[X = 0]− Pr[X = 1],

Pr[X = 1] =12− 1

2(1 − 2δ)n

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Exercise 2

Prove that if there exists a δ-density distribution H such thatPr

x∈RH[C(x) = f (x)] ≤ 1

2 + ǫ for every circuit C of size at most s

with s ≤√

ǫ2δ2n/100, then there exists a subset I ⊆ 0,1n ofsize at least δ

22n such that


[C(x) = f (x)] ≤ 12+ 2ǫ

for every circuit C of size at most s.

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Exercise 2 - Proof

Some problems?Leave this to Mingji

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Exercise 3

1. Let f : F→ F be any function. Suppose integer d ≥ 0 and

number ǫ > 2√

d|F| . Prove that there are at most 2/ǫ degree

d polynomials that agree with f on at least an ǫ fraction ofits coordinates.Significance?

2. Prove that if Q(x , y) is a bivariate polynomial over somefield F and P(x) is a univariate polynomial over F such thatQ(x ,P(x)) is the zero polynomial, thenQ(x , y) = (y − P(x))A(x , y) for some polynomial A(x , y).

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Exercise 3 - proof 1Suppose that

P1,P2, · · · ,Pl

are the all degree d polynomials that agree with f in at least ǫfraction of coordinates.For each i , define a vector vi by

vi(j) =

1, if Pi(j) = f (j),


for every j ∈ F.Then for every i ,

‖vi‖1 ≥ ǫ ·m,

where m = |F|.

ǫm ≤ 〈vi , vi〉 ≤ m

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Exercise 3 - proof 2


v =l




〈v , v〉 =l


〈vi 〉+∑

i 6=j

〈vi vj〉

≤ l ·m + (l2 − l)d .

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Exercise 3 - proof 3


〈v , v〉 =∑









≥ (∑


i vi(k))2




k vi(k))2


≥ (lǫm)2


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Exercise 3 - proof 4

This gives

l ≤ 1− dm

ǫ2 − dm

for ǫ >√

dm .

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Exercise 3 - proof 5For

ǫ > 2



l ≤ 2ǫ.

ǫ+ (ǫ− dm) + · · · (ǫ− (l − 1)d

m) ≥ 1


ǫ− (l − 1)dm

≥ 0

Solving this, we have

l ≤ 2ǫ.

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Exercise 3 - proof 4

Take Q(x , y) as a polynomial of y with coefficients beingpolynomials of x .Divide Q(x , y) by the linear function y − P(x), linear in variabley , giving

Q(x , y) = (y − P(x))A(x , y) + R(x)

By the assumption,

Q(x ,P(x)) = R(x) ≡ 0.

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Exercise 4

Linear codes We say that an ECC E : 0,1n → 0,1m islinear, if for every x , x ′ ∈ 0,1n, E(x + x ′) = E(x) + E(x ′)(componentwise addition modulo 2). A linear ECC can be seenan m × n matrix A such that E(x) = Ax , thinking of x as acolumn vector.

1. Prove that the distance of a linear ECC is equal to theminimum over all nonzero x ∈ 0,1n of the fraction of 1’sin E(x).

2. Prove that for every δ > 0, there exists a linear ECCE : 0,1n → 0,1m for m = Ω(n)/(1 − H(δ)) withdistance δ.

3. Prove that for some δ > 0, there is an ECCE : 0,1n → 0,1poly(n) of distance δ with poly timeencoding, and decoding algorithms.

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Exercise 4 - proof 1

Let A be an m × n 0,1 matrix which defines a linear ECC.The distance of A is:

δ = minx 6=x ′

1m· |i | yi 6= y ′

i |


yi = ai ,1x1 + ai ,2x2 + · · · ai ,nxn


y ′i = ai ,1x ′

1 + ai ,2x ′2 + · · · ai ,nx ′


This is

δ = minx 6=0

1m· |i |yi = 1|.

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Exercise 4 - proof 2

Remove the condition that E is linear.Given a vector y ∈ 0,1m, define the δ-ball of y to be the set ofthe vectors z ∈ 0,1m such that the distance between y and zis less than δ.Denoted by Bδ

y . Then

|Bδy | ≤


mδ ·m


= o(1) · 2H(δ)·m

In increasing order, for each x ∈ 0,1n, we define E(x) to be ay ∈ 0,1m such that Bδ

y disjoins all the δ-balls associated withthe codewords of x ′ < x .Suppose that m ≥ n

1−H(δ) . Then the definition above neverstops, since there are at least 2n many disjoint δ-balls in0,1m.

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Exercise 4 - proof 3

Consider now the linear ECC.Each linear ECC is given by an m × n matrix A.Two approaches:Case 1. Consider the random matrix A.With nonzero probability that A is such an ECC.Case 2. Counting the number of linear ECC that have distance< δ.

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Exercise 4 - proof 4Consider the first approach.Let A be a random m × n matrix.We say that x = (x1, x2, · · · , xn) is a witness showing that A hasdistance < δ, if x 6= 0 and there are < δm many j such thatyj = 1, where

yj = aj1x1 + · · ·+ ajnxn.

For each j , define

Yj =

1, if yj = 1,

0, otherwise.


Y =m∑


Yj .

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Exercise 4 - proof 5Then for each j ,

E [Yj ] =12

E [Y ] = µ =m2

Clearly, all Yj ’s are independent.By the Chernoff bound, for ǫ = 1− 2δ,

Pr[Y < δm] = Pr[Y < (1 − ǫ)µ]

≤ [e−ǫ

(1− ǫ)(1−ǫ)]


≤ 12c·m ,

for some constant c.

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Exercise 4 - proof 6

By the union bound,the probability that A has a witness for distance < δ is


which is ≈ 0 if

m = Ω(n).

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Exercise 4 - proof 7

Consider the Reed-Solomon code

RS : Fn → Fm

It is an ECC with distance δ1 = 1− nm .

For every x = (a0,a1, · · · ,an−1) ∈ Fn,

RS(x) = (z0, z1, · · · , zm−1)


zj =



ai ji

j ∈ F.

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Exercise 4 - proof 8

Let |F| = 2k .Then each element f ∈ F is interpreted as an element inGF (2k ).For x ∈ F

n, we interpret it as an element in 0,1k ·n. Weencode RS(x) by

WH(z0),WH(z1), · · · ,WH(zm−1)

This is an ECC from 0,1k ·n to 0,1m·2k.

Choosing k such that m · 2k is a polynomial of k · n.

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Exercise 5

1. Recall the spectral norm of a matrix A, written ‖A‖ to bethe maximum ‖Av‖2 for unit v . Let A be symmetricstochastic, i.e., A = AT, and every row and column of A hasnonnegative entries summing up to 1. Prove that ‖A‖ ≤ 1.

2. Let A, B be symmetric stochastic matrices. Prove thatλ(A + B) ≤ λ(A) + λ(B).

3. Let A, B be two n × n matrices.(a) Prove that ‖A + B‖ ≤ ‖A‖+ ‖B‖.(b) Prove that ‖AB‖ ≤ ‖A‖ · ‖B‖

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Exercise 5 - proof

For 1.First,

‖A‖ ≤ n2.

Second, for every such A,

• A2 is symmetric stochastic matrix

•‖A2‖ ≥ ‖A‖2.

• If there is an A such that ‖A‖ = 1+ α for α > 0. Then thereis such a B with ‖B‖ unbounded.

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Exercise 6

Let G be an (n,d , λ)-expander graph, and B be a set of verticesof size at most βn for 0 < β < 1. Let X1,X2, · · · ,Xk be arandom walk of k steps in G from X1 that is randomly anduniformly chosen.

1. Prove that for every subset I ⊆ [k ],

Pr[(∀i ∈ I)[Xi ∈ B]] ≤ (1− λ)√

β + λ)|I|−1.

2. Conclude that if B < n/100 and λ < 1/100, then theprobability that there exists a subset I ⊆ [k ] such that|I| > k/10 and ∀i≤|I|Xi ∈ B is at most 2−k/100.

3. To show that every BPP algorithm that uses m coins anddecides a language L with probability 0.99 into analgorithm B that uses m + O(k) coins and decides thelanguage L with probability 1− 2−k .

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Exercise 6: Proof - I

For each i , 1 ≤ i ≤ k , letBi : the event Xi ∈ B. For I ⊆ [k ], let I = j1 < j2 < · · · ji. Then:

Pr[∧i∈IBi ]

= Pr[Bj1] · Pr[Bj2 |Bj1] · · · · · Pr[Bji |Bj1, · · · ,Bji−1]. (15)

Define B to be a linear transformation from Rn to R

n that keepsthe values indexed in B. That is, for (u1,u2, · · · ,un), define

(Bu)i =

ui , if i ∈ B,

0, otherwise.

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Exercise 6: Proof - II

For every probability vector p,(i) Bp is the vector whose coordinates sum to the probabilitythat a vertex i is chosen according to p, is in B.(ii) The normalised Bp is the distribution of p conditioned to theevent that the vertex is in B.

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Exercise 6: Proof - III

Let pj be the distribution of Xj conditioned on the eventsBj1 , · · · ,Bji . Then:

p1 =1

Pr[Bj1]· B1

p2 =1

Pr[Bj2 |Bj1 ]Pr[Bj1 ]BAB1

pi =1

Pr[Bji |Bji−1, · · ·Bj1] · · ·Pr[Bj1]



Pr[Bj1 ] · · ·Pr[Bji |Bji−1· · ·Bj1]p

i = (BA)i−1B1.

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Exercise 6: Proof - IV

Pr[∧j∈IBj ] = Pr[B1] · · ·Pr[Bji |Bji−1· · ·Bj1 ] = ‖(BA)i−1B1‖1.

Let A = (1− λ)J + λC for some C with ‖C‖ ≤ 1.Then BA = (1− λ)BJ + λBC.Noting:(i) ‖B1‖2 ≤


(ii) ‖BJ‖ ≤√β, ‖B‖ ≤ 1, ‖BC‖ ≤ 1.

(iii) ‖BA‖ ≤ (1− λ)√β + λ


|(BA)i−1B1|1 ≤ ‖(BA)i−1B1‖2 ·√


≤ ((1 − λ)√

β + λ)i−1. (16)

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Exercise 7

(1) Give a probabilistic polynomial time algorithm that given a3CNF formula φ with exactly three distinct variables ineach clause, outputs an assignment satisfying at least a 7

8fraction of φ’s clauses.

(2) Give a deterministic polynomial time algorithm with thesame approximation guarantee as Exercise 1 above.

(3) Show a polynomial time algorithm that given a satisfiable2CSP instance φ over binary alphabet with m clausesoutputs a satisfying assignment for φ.

(4) Show a deterministic poly (n,2q)-time algorithm that givena qCSP-instance φ over binary alphabet with m clausesoutputs an assignment satisfying m/2q of the constraintsof φ.

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Exercise 7 - proof


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Exercise 8

(5) Suppose that G = (V ,E) is an (n,d , λ)-expander. Showthat for any S ⊂ V of size ≤ n

2 , the following holds:


[u ∈ S ∧ v ∈ S] ≤ |S|n




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Exercise 8 - proof- 1


[u ∈ S& v ∈ S]

= Pr[u ∈ S] · Pr[v ∈ S | u ∈ S].


Pr[u ∈ S] =sn,

where s = |S|.Recall the expander mixing lemma, for any X , and Y ,

|e(X ,Y )− vol X · vol Yvol G

| ≤ λ√

vol X · vol Y .

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Exercise 8 - proof -2

For X = Y = S, using the lemma,

Pr[v ∈ S | u ∈ S] ≤ 12(1 + λ).

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