
Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Aircraft Maintenance"Personal Minimums”

Checklist prior task performance

Before the Task; Do I have the knowl edge to per

form the task? Do I have the tech ni cal data to

per form the task? Have I per formed the task pre vi

ously? Do I have the proper tools and

equipment to per form the task? Have I had the proper train ing to

support the job task? Am I men tally pre pared to per

form the job task? Am I phys i cally pre pared to per

form the task? Have I taken the proper safety

precau tions to per form the task? Do I have the resources avail able

to per form the task? Have I researched the FAR’s to

ensure com pli ance?

After the Task; Did I per form the job task to the

best of my abil ity? Was the job or task per formed equal

to the orig i nal? Was the job task per formed in

accordance with appro pri ate data? Did I use all the meth ods, tech

niques, and prac tices accept able to the indus try?

Did I per form the job or task with out pres sure, stress, and dis trac tions?

Did I re inspect my work or have some one inspect my work before return to service?

Did I make the proper record entries for the work per formed?

Did I per form the oper a tional checks after the work was com pleted?

Am I will ing to sign on the bot tom line for the work per formed?

Am I will ing to fly in the air craft once it is approved for return to ser vice?12-Aug-13Prepared by: Eng.Ramez Enwesri

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