chun-shan chien - malamegi · 2020. 7. 20. · nuova collezione “chun-shan chien”. l’artista...

Post on 11-Mar-2021






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C H U N - S H A N C H I E N


Malamegi è l ieta di presentare la nuova collezione “Chun-Shan Chien”.

L’art ista Taiwanese, c i presenta 11 opere tra singol i e composiz ioni .Tutte in ediz ione l imitata e stampate su cotone.

Le del icate e bell issime opere,sono frutto dell’estrema passione dell’art ista per la natura e le sue forme.

Real ist iche ma astratte, le opere r i f lettono i l culto della madre natura e i l suo punto di v ista f i losof ico sul rapporto tra uomo e natura.

Gl i or iginal i sono prodott i con l’uso di matite acquarellabi l i , che l’art istausa magistralmente, immergendosi in un sentimento simile al lo Zen,

dove la creazione è pienamente spir i tuale.

Malamegi is del ighted to present thenew collect ion: “Chun-Shan Chien“.

The Taiwanese art ist presents 11 works among singles and composit ions.All l imited edit ion and printed on cotton.

The del icate and beauti ful works are the result of the extremepassion of the art ist for nature and i ts forms.

Real ist ic but abstract , the works reflect the cult of the mother nature and i ts phi losophical point of v iew about the 

relat ionship between man and nature.The originals are produced with the use of watercolor penci ls, 

which the art ist uses masterful ly, immersing herself in a feel ing of Zen, where creat ion is ful ly spir i tual .

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6 76

THE LEAF OF ROSEPrint on cotton fabric73x53 cm + frameEdition of 14



ROSE PETALPrint on cotton fabric3 pieces - 20,8x30 cm each piece + frameEdition of 10

1312 1312 13


THE LEAF OF ORIENTAL CHAIN FERNPrint on cotton fabric73x53 cm + frameEdition of 14


THE LEAF OF THE BIRD’S NEST FERNPrint on cotton fabric51x51 cm + frameEdition of 14

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THE PETAL OF CALCEOLARIAPrint on cotton fabric51x51 cm + frameEdition of 14



THE LEAF OF LOTUSPrint on cotton fabric47x47 cm + frameEdition of 14

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ROSE PETAL #2Print on cotton fabric3 pieces - 20,8x30 cm each piece + frameEdition of 10

32 3332 33


THE LEAF OF VESSEL FERNPrint on cotton fabric73x53 cm + frameEdition of 14

36 37

3938 3938

THE LEAF OF ELEPHANT BUSHPrint on cotton fabric48x48 cm + frameEdition of 14

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42 4343

THE ROSE PETAL IN ROSE VALLEYPrint on cotton fabric73x53 cm + frameEdition of 14

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46 474746

MINI PETAL COLLECTIONPrint on cotton fabric9 pieces - 10x14,5 cm each piece + frameEdition of 20

C H U N - S H A N C H I E N


Chun-Shan Chien is an artist, born in a diverse cultural in Taipei, Taiwan. In her childho-od, the artist spent a lot of time drawing with pencils after class. In studying an un-dergraduate degree, she explored both Chinese and Western painting technique. After graduating from the Art and Craft Education Department of the Normal University, she studied a MA degree of the Art Administration at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. Until 2017, she decided to use watercolour pencils and a water-based medium to create again. The style of her artwork is across from realistic to semi-abstract. Her inspiration is from plants, children book, and poems. It reflects the worship of mother nature and her philosophical point of view about the relationship between human and nature.

In the Art World, the watercolour pencil was never considered as a professional art me-dium. Interesting, there are many licensed quality watercolours pencils produced, but there is still a rare medium for an artist to create their work. Utilising watercolour pen-cils help me diving deep in my subconscious. I use it to draft a lot and record some ima-ge I encounter in meditation. Perhaps it is a child often-use medium, so it would bring me back to an initial Zen-like feeling, where I can feel free to create without any hesita-tion.

My artwork wants to inspire people to see the beauty within themselves and other life forms. “Each line design by nature means something.” This was when I first time disco-vered the simulation between the tree and the structure of rose petal. Our life experien-ce, including growth and death, can be reflected that we are part of nature. It may look like I enlarge the pattern of each plant, but the truth is each life form on the earth is somehow connected by mimicking each other.


collectionC H U N - S H A N C H I E N

Villanova di Dan Daniele del Friuli (Ud) ITALY - 33038 Via Zara 122/124Tel. +39 043 218 413 47 - -

Art DirectorMassimo Toffolo

ConceptMargherita Jedrzejewska


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