cip journal 2

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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nº 02 /


Conselho EditorialO CIP Journal tem como proposta a publicação de Resumos Executivos de artigos científicos pesquisados pelo grupo de pesquisadores do Projeto CIP E&P, de Textos para Discussão da Comunidade Científica e empresarial e artigos científicos inéditos ou não de articulistas convidados que representem um avanço efetivo à inovação, produtividade gestão do conhecimento e avaliação de desempenho. Está aberta a trabalhos de áreas afins, embora priorize, em sua política editorial, os seguintes temas, que constituem os núcleos principais de sua abordagem: Inovação, Produtividade, Gestão do Conhecimento e Avaliação de Desempenho. As opiniões expressas nos textos para discussão e nos artigos são de responsabilidade exclusiva do(s) autor(es) que, ao submeterem artigo para publicação do CIP Journal, concordam que o CIP Journal passe a ter os direitos de publicação do artigo, por mídia impressa ou eletrônica. O idioma oficial deste periódico é o Português. No entanto, serão também considerados artigos escritos em Inglês e Espanhol.

EDITORJosé Rodrigues de Farias FilhoCoordenador do Projeto CIP E&P / UFF (TEP)

CONSELHO EDITORIALJosé Rodrigues de Farias Filho Coordenador do Projeto CIP E&P UFF (TEP)

Gilson Brito Alves LimaCoordenador do Projeto CIP E&P UFF (TEP)

Luiz Antonio CampagnacAssessoria Internacional - UFFMoacyr FigueiredoUFF (TEP - Rio das Ostras)

Ruben H. GutierrezUFF (TEP)

Fernando VieiraUFF (STA)

Sergio MecenaUFF (TEP)

Débora HerkenhoffMestranda em Engenharia de Produção UFF

Lúcia RabeloDoutoranda em Engenharia de Produção UFF

Nissia BergianteDoutoranda em Engenharia de Produção UFF

Fernanda TreintaMestranda em Engenharia de Produção UFF

Rodrigo CaiadoGraduando em Engenharia de Produção UFF

Sandro LordeloGraduando em Engenharia de Produção UFF

Fernanda ElvasGraduanda em Engenharia de Produção UFF

Felipe GramachoGraduando em Engenharia Mecânica UFF

Política Editorial



O Centro de Inovação e Produtividade - CIP tem a satisfação de apresentar para a sociedade o CIP Journal, que tem como foco principal veicular pesquisas sobre Inovação e Produtividade dentro de um contexto de Exploração & Produção. A idéia central deste veículo é possibilitar aos pesquisadores nacionais o acesso a um instrumento científico ancorado nas boas práticas da condução de jornais científicos. O CIP Journal se subdivide nas seguintes partes: 1) Resumos Executivos dos Artigos científicos selecionados na fase de exploração bibliográfica; 2) Textos elaborados pelos pesquisadores do CIP com o intuito de provocar a discussão sobre um determinado assunto; e 3) Artigos científicos elaborados por pesquisadores brasileiros, já publicados ou não em congressos, simpósios e demais eventos de cunho técnico e científico. O lançamento do CIP Journal no momento atual de consolidação do Centro de Inovação e Produtividade se faz muito oportuno. Sua importância justifica-se, principalmente, pela ratificação do papel do CIP como um instrumento de reflexão sobre os possíveis caminhos, dentro de um ambiente organizacional, para se promover níveis mais elevados de produtividade atrelados a um controle efetivo dos custos permitindo ganhos significativos de competitividade. Acreditamos que, desta forma, parte deste acréscimo de competitividade se dará pelo foco na Inovação de Valor e esta, sendo praticada pela integração harmônica entre a Universidade e a Empresa. Desta feita, várias ações estão sendo tomadas com este intuito, dentre elas, a de lançar e gerenciar um Jornal científico que acreditamos que seja uma das ações mais relevantes. Assim, ficaremos um pouco mais tranqüilos em sabermos que estamos conseguindo realizar algo em prol do sucesso empresarial brasileiro no sentido de verter, de forma organizada para a sociedade, conhecimento que vise fazer a diferença para os profissionais e, em conseqüência, para as empresas. Conclamamos assim, que os Pesquisadores e os demais Profissionais da indústria encaminhem artigos e textos para a discussão a fim de possibilitarmos um fluxo contínuo de conhecimento para todos. Outro fato da mesma relevância é a garantia do acesso de toda a sociedade aos conteúdos produzidos. Isso será possível em função do CIP Journal ter caráter eletrônico, ser divulgado para todos que se cadastrarem na página eletrônica do CIP, podendo ficar disponível para download na referida página. Enfim, espero que aproveitem a nossa iniciativa e tenham boas experiências a partir da leitura e que esta frutifique com retorno de sugestões para a melhoria do nosso CIP Journal.

Boa Leitura!


Sumário02 ............... Conselho Editorial02 ............... Política Editorial03 ............... Editorial04 ............... Resumos Executivos23 ............... Artigos Científicos

ContatosCentro de Inovação e Produtividade em E&PPraça Nilo Peçanha, 15 - São Domingos - Niterói - Rio de Janeiro - CEP 24.210-260Tel:


Resumos Executivos


Knowledge Management and Process Improvement: A union of two disciplines

AutoresBURKE, G. D.; HOWARD, W. H.JournalCross Talk: The journal of defense software engineeringAno2005

Proposta Central do Artigo:

O artigo se propõe a apresentar de que forma a melhoria de processos e a gestão de conhecimento podem ser integradas na busca de um melhor desempenho organizacional.

Modelo e/ou Metodologia e/ou Enfoque Desenvolvido no Artigo:

Para atingir o objetivo do artigo, os autores apresentam um estudo de caso na Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) dos Estados Unidos. Dentro desse estudo detalham as práticas construídas dentro da organização de modo a unir o projeto de melhoria de processos, já implementado, com uma metodologia de gestão do conhecimento.

Na intenção de fundamentar a importância dessas duas metodologias, unidas em um só projeto, os autores realizam uma breve revisão de literatura, abordando os conceitos de Gestão do Conhecimento e Melhoria de Processos, focando, principalmente, os principais motivos que determinam a adoção dessas práticas pelas organizações.

Achados ou resultados descobertos pelo processo de pesquisa:

Sob o ponto de vista da segurança nacional e economia, os Estados Unidos têm enfrentado uma série de desafios. Como a FAA controla o espaço aéreo americano através do National Airspace System (NAS), essas questões nacionais o afetam diretamente. Dessa forma, para eles, ser uma organização eficiente e voltada para o futuro, tornou-se essencial. Seus principais desafios eram:• Mercado altamente competitivo;• Reduções nas equipes que geraram a necessidade de substituir o conhecimento informal por métodos formais;• Diminuição do tempo disponível para experimentar e adquirir conhecimento;• Aposentadorias e grande mobilidade da força de trabalho levando a perda de conhecimento organizacional;• Pouco sucesso na captação de conhecimento tácito dos funcionários atuais.

Abstract The experience at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shows that process improvement and knowledge management complement each other well. Process improvement helps the organization increase its effectiveness through continuous examination with a view to doing things better. Once processes are documented, roles and responsibilities are readily identified and associated activities are performed. Legacy processes are modified to reflect organizational changes. Knowledge management facilitates communication among organizations, increasing information sharing and utilizing process documentation. This information sharing promotes organizational unity and allows FAA headquarters and regional operations to function efficiently.

Palavras-chave (o artigo não possui palavras-chave)




Nissia Bergiante(LabCEO)

Fernando Vieira(STA/UFF)


CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Núcleo Gestão do Conhecimento: Fernando Vieira,

Nissia Bergiante e Sandro Lordelo


06Estes desafios despertaram a necessidade de desenvolvimento de uma abordagem sistemática para tratamento de dados e informação.Para implementar a Gestão do Conhecimento, a FAA criou uma organização baseada em desempenho, a Air Traffic Organization (ATO). Os diretores dessa organização tinham por objetivo principal definir claramente as necessidades dos clientes, seus serviços e produtos.

Para alcançar este objetivo, era preciso quebrar as barreiras de comunicação e compartilhamento de conhecimento. Neste sentido, passou a fazer uso de web sites e portais de modo a manter as informações sempre disponíveis e atualizadas. Além disso, perceberam a necessidade de desenvolver em seus funcionários uma consciência sobre a importância de discutir e comunicar questões concernentes as mais diversas diretorias. Para atender a essa necessidade foram criadas diversas comunidades de prática de melhoria de processos, que buscavam o aumento do desempenho dos processos e o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de compartilhamento de conhecimento entre organizações. Seus principais objetivos eram:• Identificação dos processos que precisavam melhorar custos, cronogramas, e desempenho técnico dentro da FAA;• Identificação e implementação das melhores práticas;• Aceleração de aprendizado;• Compartilhamento das lições aprendidas;• Manutenção e compartilhamento de experiências;• Facilitação da colaboração nas/entre as equipes.

As equipes que compunham essas comunidades encontravam-se regularmente para desenvolver planos e definir abordagens para melhoria de processos do projetos que faziam parte.

A FAA percebeu que, enquanto a metodologia de melhoria de processos era boa para o planejamento e documentação de processos, a gestão do conhecimento seria essencial para a quebra de barreiras de comunicação e remoção de todo tipo de funil de informação. Isso era importante, na medida em que se notou que, em muitos projetos da FAA, não se conseguia manter todos os benefícios gerados pelas metodologias de melhoria de processos, mesmo quando se alcançava o seu objetivo principal. Com isso, a gestão do conhecimento passou a ocupar posição de destaque quando se buscava a melhoria de processos.

Foi então implantado um software colaborativo, ATO-EM Route and Oceanic service unit para armazenar informações e conduzir reuniões de redes. Atualmente, esse espaço virtual possui mais de 8000 membros, incluindo funcionários,

empreiteiros e parceiros. Esse número, segundo os autores, tem crescido a uma taxa de 500 usuários/mês.

Na FAA, a união da GC com a melhoria de Processos produziu uma grande mudança cultural. Na tentativa de melhorar seus processos internos, e empregar os conceitos de gestão do conhecimento, a mudança cultural se deu da seguinte forma:

Figura 1: Gráfico Melhoria de Processos x Gestão do Conhecimento

Essa percepção do impacto da implementação de uma metodologia de GC e Melhoria de Processos na cultura da organização é fundamental para o sucesso do projeto. Uma vez que estas disciplinas dependem, diretamente, da participação ativa dos indivíduos, entendê-los significa combinar suas necessidades às necessidades da organização promovendo, portanto, um ambiente propício às mudanças de ambas as partes. E a essência dessa transformação é sustentada pela cultura organizacional.

Limitações e/ou Implicações no Âmbito Científico e Metodológico da Pesquisa

O estudo de caso apresentado foi realizado dentro da FAA – Federal Aviation Administration, nos EUA, e os seus dois autores são membros dessa organização. Essa proximidade entre os autores e o caso apresentado pode trazer certo enviesamento dos resultados discutidos no artigo. A questão dos resultados seria melhor demonstrada se o embasamento teórico, construído na revisão de literatura, estivesse melhor desenvolvido. Entretanto, ao descrever a aplicação prática, com os exemplos dos projetos implementados pela organização, o artigo traz a luz importantes conceitos e aplicações, que, de fato, contribuem para a pesquisa científica sobre os temas abordados.

Implicações Práticas Advindas da Pesquisa

Uma das aplicações mais interessantes que se pode comentar da pesquisa ora apresentada, é o uso das comunidades de prática, não apenas como instrumentos de compartilhamento de experiência,

07mas como um local propício à discussão da melhoria dos processos internos da organização. Isso é importante porque traz para esta ferramenta de GC, um olhar diferenciado, no qual, os indivíduos que dela fazem parte tornam-se participantes das ações de melhoria dos processos nos quais atuam, construindo nesses profissionais, uma postura crítica diante de sua própria atividade. Para os autores, esse ambiente deve ser utilizado como alavanca para a excelência organizacional, gerando um compromisso entre seus participantes, no sentido de alcançar melhoras significativas em seu trabalho, atingindo, portanto, os objetivos da empresa de maneira mais eficiente.

Originalidade e/ou Valor da Pesquisa Realizada

A pesquisa é interessante sob o ponto de vista da percepção do nível de mudança cultural face à união da gestão do conhecimento às metodologias de melhoria de processo. Além disso, ao observar que a proposta foi construída dentro de uma organização militar, geralmente muito hierarquizada e avessa às mudanças, percebe-se uma grande originalidade no estudo. Torna-se ainda mais interessante quando se percebe que a decisão pela aplicação dessa metodologia partiu de uma preocupação com a

segurança nacional e a necessidade de maior efetividade nas atividades realizadas pela agência, diferentemente da maioria das empresas que se dispõe a buscar a GC e a melhoria de processos devido aos possíveis ganhos financeiros (ou minimização das perdas já existentes).

Entretanto, a respeito da discussão do uso da GC como ferramenta na melhoria de processos, pode-se dizer também, que não é inédita, sendo já pesquisada por diversos autores, tais como Kock< McQueen e Corner (1997), Armistead (1999), Malhotra e Segars (2001), Hallora (2003), Marques e Simon (2006) e Kalpic e Bernus (2006), por exemplo.

Conceitos-chaves Adotados pelos Autores na Pesquisa

Neste artigo os autores abordam os conceitos de gestão do conhecimento, melhoria de processos, indústria aérea, mudança cultural e pessoas.

Qual a Tipologia do Artigo?

O artigo é um estudo de caso.


The application of knowledge and continuous learning to the implementation of collaborative work environments at


AutoresKNOPPE, R.; HOLLOWAY, S.JournalSociety of Petroleum Engineers Ano2008

Proposta Central do Artigo

O artigo se propõe a apresentar a implementação um ambiente colaborativo para facilitação do aprendizado contínuo na Shell. Preocupa-se também em descrever as principais características do modelo apresentado, bem como os principais resultados alcançados por essa implementação.

Modelo e/ou Metodologia e/ou Enfoque Desenvolvido no Artigo

É possível afirmar que não há uma metodologia científica na apresentação do artigo. O que se encontra é a observação direta dos resultados produzidos pela implementação (ainda que de forma inicial) desses ambientes de colaboração.

Não há uma preocupação com a revisão de literatura tornando o artigo uma descrição direta do que tem sido feito na organização. Obviamente, do ponto de vista prático, há um grande mérito do modelo apresentado, porém o leitor ressente-se de uma discussão acadêmica sobre a proposta exposta no trabalho.

Achados ou Resultados Descobertos pelo Processo de Pesquisa

Abstract Broad industry trends that are reshaping exploration and production (E&P) operations warrant a rethinking of traditional operating models as part of strategies designed to optimize the development and production of oil and gas assets. Shell E&P is introducing a new collaborative operating model as part of its global digital oilfield strategy. The collaborative model leverages the expertise of its global workforce through redesigned business processes and specially designed collaborative facilities to capture maximum benefits from its investment in smart digital oilfield technologies. Each collaborative environment shares a common, standards-based information technology (IT) architecture that can enable the linking of offices, platforms, and remote operation sites into a single global network providing real-time access to Shell E&P’s community of expert practitioners and a common, shared institutional knowledge base. An important contributing factor to Shell

Palavras-chave (O artigo não possui palavras-chave)




Nissia Bergiante(LabCEO)

Fernando Vieira(STA/UFF)



CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Núcleo Gestão do Conhecimento: Fernando Vieira,

Nissia Bergiante e Sandro Lordelo

E&P’s success in introducing collaboration has been its ability to effectively shape a culture of collaboration and teamwork through trust, knowledge sharing, and continuous institutional learning. This paper examines one key element in the success of these collaborative centres by adopting innovative methods that Shell E&P is using to more effectively capture and share its institutional knowledge and experience through a culture of continuous enterprise learning. While this organizational transformation remains work in process, initial findings confirm the initiative is delivering tangible results towards the goal of optimizing production and recovery from assets.

09A pesquisa aponta para os grandes desafios da indústria de Óleo e Gás, principalmente para a área do E&P – Exploração e Produção. Segundo os autores, as empresas perceberam que não há mais “óleo fácil” sendo então, extremamente importante a criação de tecnologias mais sofisticadas para uma maior recuperação dos ativos já existentes. Citam também os seguintes aspectos da realidade atual:1. Empresas globais, com plantas localizadas em áreas remotas do planeta;2. Poucas oportunidades para novos empreendimentos, gerando aumento de competição nas empresas já estabelecidas;3. As novas tecnologias necessárias para o atendimento a essa demanda crescente implica em maiores custos operacionais e àqueles relacionados às questões de meio ambiente;4. Envelhecimento da mão de obra aumentando o risco de perda do conhecimento e experiência (que não foram traduzidos do tácito para o explícito) fundamentais para superar esses desafios.

Para dar conta dessas novas demandas, a Shell tem utilizado uma iniciativa chamada de Smart Fields (algo como campos inteligentes), que tem por objetivo transformar os ativos globais em smart assets (ativos inteligentes) através do estabelecimento de tecnologias essenciais (core tecnologies) e da implementação de ambientes colaborativos de trabalho (collaborative work environments – CWE), que permitem que profissionais, onshore e offshore, e peritos de todo o mundo, trabalhem em conjunto para aumentar o desempenho da produção e recuperação de hidrocarbonetos através do value loop (ciclo composto de quatro etapas – aquisição de dados, interpretação e modelagem, geração de opções e tomada de decisão e por fim, execução.).

Os Smart Fields têm por objetivo principal fornecer aos seus colaboradores, as competências essenciais, para alcançar e manter otimizações necessárias, não apenas no curto prazo mas por todo o ciclo de vida do ativo.

Na implementação desses ambientes colaborativos (CWE), a Shell percebeu que a maior dificuldade residia no indivíduo, que não estava acostumado a trabalhar em um ambiente multidisciplinar, colaborativo, onde o compartilhamento de conhecimento e experiência é fundamental. Então, para construir uma metodologia integrada, adaptada a realidade da organização, a Shell contratou consultores experientes. Como resultado dessa metodologia alguns benefícios foram encontrados:• Melhoria da comunicação entre funções e disciplinas, bem como entre parceiros;

• Aumento da transparência nas análises, avaliações e tomada de decisão;• Ganho de produtividade e moral através do alinhamento dos objetivos compartilhados;• Projetos terminados mais rapidamente, com um custo menor, e com menor impacto nos recursos das unidades de negócio;• Padrões técnicos que reduzem os custos de integração e garantem a interoperabilidade dos CWE globais;• Melhoria contínua na velocidade e sucesso das implementações dos CWE’s.• Aumento do compartilhamento e reuso de soluções comuns para problemas relacionados às implementações comuns na Shell E&P;• Aumento da comunidade de profissionais experientes e praticantes da CWE dentro da Shell E&P;• Aumento da habilidade de resolver problemas através da participação de clientes e parceiros;• Inovação como ferramenta de melhoria contínua para futuras implementações de CWE.

Os autores consideram que, embora muitos desses benefícios tenham sido alcançados por outras unidades de E&P, dois elementos do programa utilizado pela Shell o diferenciam dos demais:• Melhoria e Aprendizado contínuo;• Melhores Práticas da Indústria.

Dentro deste programa de CWE está o CWE Blueprint, que é o repositório compartilhado de conhecimento e experiência adquiridos e refinados durante a implementação dos projetos da Shell E&P. Este repositório também conta com a experiência de parceiros, fornecedores e a indústria de E&P.

Durante o desenvolvimento dessa abordagem da CWE’s, a Shell E&P percebeu que possibilitar a mudança organizacional como instrumento de transformação do elemento humano requereria confiança e suporte às unidades de negócio. Para isso, era preciso demonstrar que o uso de metodologia e abordagem comuns ofereceria benefícios tangíveis para a implementação do Programa Global de CWE.

Como parte desses esforços de implementação, foi lançada a iniciativa de Gestão do Conhecimento e Aprendizado Contínuo (KMCL), que tinha por objetivos principais• Tornar a gestão do conhecimento e o aprendizado contínuo elementos essenciais para acelerar a captura, a aplicação e o compartilhamento de conhecimento e experiência;• Melhorar e acelerar futuras implementações de CWE;• Eliminar a reinvenção de soluções para problemas comuns, cujas respostas já foram encontradas por outras áreas;• Reduzir erros relativos a problemas

10recorrentes; e• Melhorar a capacidade dos SmartFields.

Cinco elementos compuseram a abordagem de Aprendizado contínuo:• Aprendizado baseado em equipes – através de um grupo de atividades distintas: Peer Assist (Aprender Antes), Action Review (Aprender Durante) e Retrospect (Aprender Depois);• Comunidade de Práticas – na qual se busca a participação, não apenas dos times do CWE, mas também parceiros estratégicos e membros de outros CWE´s.• Ativos de Conhecimento – composto pelo portifólio de know-how e melhores práticas do programa de Blueprint, além do conhecimento tácito dos indivíduos e da comunidade global que faz parte dos SmartFields e CWE´s. • Governança – sustentada por quatro prioridades: Alinhamento, Direção, Habilitação e Controle.• Tecnologia – criação da Shell Wide Web, web links, Wikis e Weblogs, Metadata e Procura, etc.

Para os autores, este aprendizado contínuo permitiria:• Implementação mais rápida dos CWE;• Rápida orientação para novos membros das equipes de implementação;• Compartilhamento de Conhecimento dentro da Shell E&P;• Padronização;• Arquitetura comum e plataforma técnica;• Gerenciamento efetivo dos recursos;• Eficiente alocação de capital;• Entrega Integrada.

Limitações e/ou Implicações no Âmbito Científico e Metodológico de Pesquisa

Quando o artigo foi publicado, a metodologia proposta pela Shell E&P estava em estágio inicial de implementação. Por conta disso, não há uma visão crítica sobre os resultados alcançados e se, de fato, os ganhos esperados ocorreram. Também não são encontrados testes ou análises mais aprofundadas dos impactos dessas mudanças pelos respectivos usuários, transformando o estudo um uma breve apresentação do modelo, sem uma avaliação crítica de suas possibilidades.

Implicações Práticas Advindas da Pesquisa

Primeiramente, por se tratar de um estudo de caso de uma empresa da indústria de Óleo e Gás, permite o levantamento de importantes demandas para essa indústria, e em particular, necessidades da área de Exploração e Produção, que é objeto de estudo dos

autores desse resumo. A partir do entendimento desse ambiente no qual essa empresa se insere, é proposto um modelo de trabalho colaborativo e sua respectiva metodologia de implementação. Neste sentido, a pesquisa então, preocupa-se em apontar os resultados positivos encontrados na utilização de um ambiente de trabalho colaborativo e uso de tecnologias essenciais à sustentação desses ambientes.

Assim, no caso específico tratado pelo artigo, pode-se inferir que a gestão do conhecimento e o aprendizado contínuo devem fazer parte de uma iniciativa maior. Trata-se de um escopo praticado por toda a organização, orientada por sua diretoria, e sustentada por uma mudança cultural voltada para a colaboração. Essa iniciativa deve ter como objetivo principal a integração do conhecimento e experiência existente em suas mais diversas áreas através da aplicação de tecnologias, redesenho dos processos de negócio e construção de instalações que possibilitem o trabalho colaborativo. Outro ponto que merece destaque é a idéia de envolver nos ambientes colaborativos, não apenas os funcionários, mas equipes de outras redes, clientes, parceiros e fornecedores.

Originalidade e/ou Valor da Pesquisa Realizada

O artigo é bem interessante por apresentar o que está sendo feito, na área do conhecimento e aprendizado, dentro de uma grande empresa como a Shell. Mais importante ainda, do ponto de vista do projeto CIP, por ter o estudo de caso dentro da área do E&P, retratando suas especificidades e necessidades.

Conceitos-chaves Adotados pelos Autores na Pesquisa

Os conceitos mais utilizados pelos autores são Conhecimento, Aprendizado Contínuo, Ambientes Colaborativos de Trabalho.

Tipologia do Artigo

O artigo é um estudo de caso.


Application of Lean Six Sigma in Oilfield Operations

AutoresBUELL, R. S.;TUMIPSEED, S. P.JournalSociety of Petroleum Engineers - Production Facilities (2004)Ano2004

Proposta Central do Artigo

O artigo resume a experiência e os resultados obtidos através da aplicação do Lean Six Sigma em operações de uma empresa de petróleo. Além disso, os autores buscam fazer uma breve apresentação do Lean, Six Sigma, e sistema ISO da Organização Internacional de Normatização, que conforme exposto no artigo, fornece suporte para implementação do Lean e Six Sigma.

Modelo e/ou Metodologia e/ou Enfoque Desenvolvido no Artigo

O artigo apresenta estudos de caso sobre as operações de upstream de uma grande produtora de petróleo que utilizando os conceitos de Lean Six Sigma e da ISO 9001 conseguiu implementar a melhoria contínua de forma sustentável.

Achados ou Resultados Descobertos pelo Processo de Pesquisa

Os autores conseguiram atestar a sinergia entre os conceitos do Lean Six Sigma e do sistema ISO nas operações de exploração e produção de petróleo. Eles verificaram que a aplicação destes sistemas oferece uma estrutura disciplinada que permite a obtenção de resultados mais rápidos, melhores, com menor custo e com mais segurança; no entanto esclarecem que todos estes resultados são fruto de um incentivo contínuo dado pela gerencia aos colaboradores à mudança dado, e ainda de visão, liderança, comprometimento, trabalho árduo, e aplicação sistemática das ferramentas estatísticas e de qualidade. Os benefícios podem ser obtidos em apenas um ano, mas para isso os conceitos devem estar ligados à rotina de melhoria de processos (não apenas os de engenharia) e solução de problemas.

Limitações e/ou Implicações no Âmbito Científico e Metodológico de Pesquisa

Apesar de não apresentar a metodologia clara, os autores afirmam que todos os resultados financeiros foram auditados e verificados por profissionais de contabilidade e finanças que não

Abstract This paper summarizes the experiences and results that improve business performance using Lean Six Sigma in North American and Asian upstream oil and gas operations. The background and history on Lean, Six Sigma, and Intl. Standardization Organization (ISO) systems are also provided. The role ISO-quality systems can play in supporting Lean and Six Sigma is explained and demonstrated with examples. The overviews of completed Lean Six Sigma projects are provided for well testing, rod-pump repair, water treatment, oil treatment, well stimulation, and production logging

Palavras-chave (O artigo não possui palavras-chave)


CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Núcleo Produtividade: Ruben H. Gutierrez,

Lúcia Rabelo e Felipe Gramacho




Lúcia Rabelo(LabCEO)

Ruben Gutierrez(TEP/UFF)

Luiz Antônio Campagnac(LabCEO)

12estavam envolvidos nos projetos de melhoria.

Implicações Práticas Advindas da Pesquisa

Outras empresas de petróleo podem utilizar os casos estudados como benchmark e buscar os mesmos benefícios obtidos, e ainda, utilizando o conhecimento desenvolvido pelos autores com a experiência em melhoria de processos, podem buscar melhorias em novos processos.

Originalidade e/ou Valor da Pesquisa Realizada

O artigo é de grande valia para empresas que tentaram aplicar um ou mais conceitos expostos pelos autores, mas não conseguiram resultados significativos.

Conceitos-chaves Adotados pelos Autores na Pesquisa

Os conceitos chave adotados foram: Lean, Six Sigma, ISO 9001:2000.

Tipologia do Artigo

O artigo é uma pesquisa teórica com estudos de caso.


Best Practices in Process Improvement

AutoresDOLAN, T.JournalQuality Progress, August 2003 Ano2005

Proposta Central do Artigo

O artigo tem como proposta realizar uma explanação geral das boas práticas em melhoria de processos. Apresentando os fatores críticos de sucesso para um projeto de melhoria de processos, abordando desde o planejamento, a utilização das diversas ferramentas e a análise de resultados.

Modelo e/ou Metodologia e/ou Enfoque Desenvolvido no Artigo

O artigo tem como base uma pesquisa online realizada com um grupo de profissionais regularmente envolvidos em projetos de melhoria de processos. Através do resultado dessa pesquisa o autor definiu alguns fatores de sucesso e erros que devem ser evitados num projeto de melhoria de processos.

Achados ou Resultados Descobertos pelo Processo de Pesquisa

Na pesquisa realizada, foram levantados os seguintes fatores que devem ser considerados num projeto de melhoria de processos:• Estabelecer a necessidade de melhoria – Identificar o problema, o processo que está causando o problema e identificar as melhorias;• Escolha da equipe – Os membros da equipe devem estar diretamente relacionados com o processo e serem os melhores em suas áreas;• Definição da estratégia e visão – É muito importante que a equipe tenha as metas bem definidas no início do projeto;• Comunicação – A comunicação entre todos os envolvidos no projeto e essencial para o sucesso do mesmo;• Escolha da ferramenta – Dentre as diferentes ferramentas de melhoria de processos, a equipe deve escolher a que mais se adapta para as necessidades da empresa;• Comemoração de resultados obtidos – O reconhecimento e comemoração das etapas vencidas ajudam na motivação dos envolvidos no projeto;• Construir para o futuro – Toda mudança

Abstract (O artigo não possui abstract)

Palavras-chave (O artigo não possui palavras-chave)



Felipe Gramacho(LabCEO)

Ruben H. Gutierrez(TEP/UFF)


REVISÃO DA RESENHA:Luiz Antonio Campagnac(LabCEO)

CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Núcleo Produtividade: Ruben H. Gutierrez,

Lúcia Rabelo e Felipe Gramacho

14é difícil de ser implementada e gera gastos para empresa. A equipe de melhoria de processos deve garantir o funcionamento das melhorias realizadas e na medida do possível fazer criar uma cultura organizacional para que todos na empresa tenham o compromisso com a melhoria contínua.

Limitações e/ou Implicações no Âmbito Científico e Metodológico de Pesquisa

O artigo abrange todas as áreas de um projeto de melhoria de processos, mas não se aprofunda em nenhuma. Apenas faz uma visão geral dos fatores de sucesso num projeto de melhoria de processos.

Implicações Práticas Advindas da Pesquisa

O autor apresenta uma metodologia muito consistente e elaborada para melhoria de processos, podendo ser seguida como um guia para realização de um projeto de melhoria de processos. Realizada através de uma pesquisa com profissionais da área, a metodologia desenvolvida apresenta os fatores positivos e negativos vivenciados pelos profissionais do mercado. O que acrescenta um grande valor a

seu conteúdo e validação para uso no mercado.

Originalidade e/ou Valor da Pesquisa Realizada

A pesquisa foca o lado humano da melhoria de processos. Foca a importância e a necessidade da aceitação e participação de todos no projeto de melhoria de processos, desde a alta gerência até os mais operacionais. Ressalta que a melhoria de processos deve ser uma ação integrada, com todos os que de alguma forma estão envolvidos no processo e não uma ação isolada dentro da empresa.

Conceitos-chaves Adotados pelos Autores na Pesquisa

Melhoria de Processos e Melhoria Contínua

Tipologia do Artigo

Artigo Científico.


Business process design by view integration

AutoresMENDLING, J.; SIMON, C.JournalVienna University of Economics and Business AdministrationAno2006

Proposta Central do Artigo

A proposta central do artigo é apresentar um modelo de desenho de processos de negócio através de uma analogia entre modelo de engenharia de base de dados por uma visão integrada e modelagem de processos. É apresentado também um estudo de caso com dois modelos de processos de negócio EPC - Event-driven Process Chain (cadeia de processos de eventos direcionados).

Modelo e/ou Metodologia e/ou Enfoque Desenvolvido no Artigo

É desenvolvido pelo autor um modelo com base na reengenharia de processos de negócio com a idéia de identificar os diferentes pontos de vista de cada pessoa que trabalha com uma base de dados. Cada pessoa é entrevistada e seu ponto de vista é documentado separadamente em um dos chamados esquemas de entrada. No estudo de caso EPC, que corresponde a uma linguagem de modelagem de processos empresariais representativas de tempo e dependências lógicas entre as atividades de um processo, foi apresentado o processo antes e após a melhoria proposta pelo modelo onde é possível analisar através de uma visão integrada da empresa.

Achados ou Resultados Descobertos pelo Processo de Pesquisa

O modelo de desenho de processos apresentado pelo autor tem como foco a união entre a engenharia de bases de dados e o desenho de processos de negócio. Como diferencial do estudo, são considerados os diferentes pontos de vista na modelagem dos processos das partes interessadas e pessoas que estão envolvidas diretamente com o processo.

Limitações e/ou Implicações no Âmbito Científico e Metodológico de Pesquisa

O trabalho apresenta duas limitações, a primeira é a diferença conceitual entre modelo de processos

Abstract Even though the design of business processes most often has to consolidate the knowledge of several process stakeholders, this fact is utilized only to a limited extent by existing modeling methodologies. We address this shortcoming in this paper by building an analogy between database schema design by view integration on the one hand and process modeling on the other hand. In particular, we specify a method for business process design by view integration starting from two views ofa process as input. We identify formal semantic relationships between elements of the two process views which are then used to calculate the integrated process model applying the merge operator. Finally, the integrated model is optimized using reduction rules. A case study with two EPC business process models from the SAP reference model demonstrates the applicability of our approach.

Palavras-chave (O artigo não possui palavras-chave)



CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Núcleo de Inovação: Ségio Mecena

e Ana Carolina Olivé



16e modelo de dados, o que dificulta uma aplicação direta deintegração de dados para desenho de processos. Segundo, foram utilizadas linguagens de programação para a modelagem dos processos e visto que é uma linguagem técnica, necessita de um conhecimento inicial para a leitura e entendimento do artigo.

Implicações Práticas Advindas da Pesquisa

A proposta do núcleo de inovação é otimizar os processos da cadeia de valor da PETROBRAS através a inserção de valor e redução de custos nestes (Blue Ocean Strategy).O artigo em questão tem sua aplicabilidade porque apresenta um modelo de concepção de processos de negócio e apresenta um estudo de caso mostrando a aplicabilidade do que foi proposto.Porém, por ser composta de linguagens de programação de bases de dados sua aplicabilidade no projeto em questão é reduzida visto que a modelagem necessária é em processos da cadeia de valor e não processos complexos do dia-a-dia.

Originalidade e/ou Valor da Pesquisa Realizada

O trabalho apresenta valor porque expõe um trabalho de modelagem de processos que considera os pontos de vistas das pessoas envolvidas com o processo em questão enquanto os modelos estudados anteriormente pela equipe não possuía esse atributo importante da reengenharia de processos.

Conceitos-chaves Adotados pelos Autores na Pesquisa

São utilizados os seguintes conceitos-chaves no trabalho:• Engenharia de processos de negócio;• Partes interessadas;• Bases de dados;• Cadeia de processos de eventos direcionados (EPC).

Tipologia do Artigo

O artigo se enquadra na seguinte modalidade: Pesquisa Teórica metodológica com estudo de caso.


Value Innovation: The strategic logic of high growth

AutoresKIM, W. C.; MAUBORGNE, R.JournalHaward Business Review on breakthrough thinking Ano1997

Proposta Central do Artigo

Os autores estudaram por cinco anos empresas com elevado potencial de crescimento e suas concorrentes com menos êxito a fim de descobrir como o primeiro grupo de companhias consegue alcançar um contínuo aumento sustentável de suas receitas e lucros.A diferença de abordagem não era uma questão de como os gestores das empresas escolhem uma ferramenta analítica ou um modelo de planejamento em detrimento de outro, a resposta está na forma que cada grupo abordou estratégia. As empresas que tiveram menos sucesso tinham o seu pensamento estratégico em permanecer à frente da concorrência enquanto que as empresas com elevado potencial de crescimento tentam tornar seus competidores irrelevantes através de uma estratégia chamada pelos autores de inovação de valor.São apresentados também estudos de caso de diversas empresas estudadas como Kinepolis, uma companhia de cinema na Bélgica; Accor, um hotel na França; Compaq, empresa de tecnologia em informática, entre outras.

Modelo e/ou Metodologia e/ou Enfoque Desenvolvido no Artigo

O artigo possui como enfoque principal apresentar o estudo feito pelos autores em mais de trinta organizações ao redor do mundo e explicar porque algumas atingem níveis de crescimento elevado enquanto outras não atingem o sucesso. Compararam-se os dois grupos de empresas através de dimensões relacionadas ao potencial de crescimento de empresas. Foram entrevistadas centenas de gestores, analistas e pesquisadores com a finalidade de se construir perfis de estratégia, organização e desempenho. Foram avaliadas cinco dimensões de ponto de vista estratégico:1. Indústria;2. Foco estratégico;3. Clientes;4. Recursos e capacidades;5. Produtos e serviços.

Abstract (O artigo não possui abstract)

Palavras-chave (O artigo não possui palavras-chave)



Ana Carolina Olivé(LabCEO)

Sérgio Mecena(TEP/UFF)



CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Núcleo de Inovação: Ségio Mecena

e Ana Carolina Olivé

18Achados ou Resultados Descobertos pelo Processo de Pesquisa

O artigo se propõe a estudar inovações de valor e apresenta como resultado principal uma comparação entre a lógica convencional de estratégia e a estratégia de inovação de valor. Essa comparação foi gerada através de entrevistas a gestores de empresa buscando identificar quais as oportunidades eles visualizam ou possuem e como eles entendem o risco.A partir deste resultado, os autores apresentam como é possível criar uma nova curva de valor para a empresa buscando essa partir da lógica convencional e alcançar a inovação de valor. São apresentadas quatro questões que traduzem a aplicação de inovação de valor:• Quais fatores que nossa empresa assume devem ser eliminados?• Quais fatores devem ser reduzidos abaixo dos padrões da indústria?• Quais fatores devem ser elevados acima dos padrões da indústria?• Quais fatores devem ser criados que a indústria nunca ofereceu?Os executivos devem responder esse conjunto de questões a fim de alcançarem um crescimento rentável. Inovação de valor é simultaneamente aumentar o valor para os compradores e minimizar os custos para as empresas.

Limitações e/ou Implicações no Âmbito Científico e Metodológico de Pesquisa

O artigo é de 1996, podendo estar defasado em relação às necessidades atuais das empresas. Além disso, os autores consideram a inovação de valor apenas em produtos e serviços e não apresentam como é possível inovar em processos.

Implicações Práticas Advindas da Pesquisa

O artigo em questão tem aplicabilidade prática

já que o método de desenho de processos que o núcleo irá desenvolver tem como base a inovação de valor. Outro fator relevante é que o artigo apresenta diversos estudos de caso firmando a aplicabilidade do modelo exposto.

Originalidade e/ou Valor da Pesquisa Realizada

O valor agregado da pesquisa está na comparação da estratégia de inovação de valor (criada pelos autores) com a lógica convencional de estratégia (competição acirrada por preço) que permite que uma companhia identifique em que ponto de maturidade está e alcance um crescimento elevado e sustentável.O estudo visa fornecer conhecimentos teóricos de inovação de valor e apresenta diversos estudos de caso de como as empresas que buscaram alcançar a inovação de valor conseguiram alcançá-la através da criação de uma nova curva de valor.Além de o trabalho ter origem de um instituto reconhecido mundialmente, este pode ser aplicável ao nosso projeto.

Conceitos-chaves Adotados pelos Autores na Pesquisa

São utilizados os seguintes conceitos-chaves no trabalho:• Inovação de valor;• Estratégia;• Curva de valor;• Crescimento elevado;• Competição de empresas.

Qual a Tipologia do Artigo?

O artigo se enquadra na seguinte modalidade: Pesquisa Teórica Metodológica com utilização de entrevistas e estudos de caso.


Business Process Management in a Brazilian public research centre

AutoresSENTANIN, O. F.; et alJournalBusiness process management journal Ano2008

Proposta Central do Artigo

A proposta central do artigo é analisar como um centro de pesquisa pública brasileiro implementou o BPM (Business process management) destacando os desafios encontrados na fase de desenvolvimento. Considerando a impossibilidade de uma empresa voltar a fases anteriores, na sua trajetória rumo BPM, foi necessário o envolvimento de todo o pessoal do centro de pesquisa na busca da melhoria contínua, em um processo onde a mentalidade funcional deve ser quebrado e da visão baseada em processos tem de ser construída. Sabendo que nessa organização Esta organização fornece aos seus colaboradores, oportunidades de partilha de informação, avaliação e recompensas de acordo com os resultados atingidos pelas equipes, o que contribui para a motivação e determinação das equipes.

Para suportar as discussão sobre o assunto e análise da evolução do BPM na organização foi realizada e apresentada uma pesquisa bibliográfica.

Modelo e/ou Metodologia e/ou Enfoque Desenvolvido no Artigo

O objetivo do artigo é analisar como o BPM

Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse how a Brazilian public research centre implemented business process management (BPM) highlighting the challenges of change that have to be dealt with in the stage developed by this organisation.Design/methodology/approach – The first author of this paper accompanied the implementation of BPM in the research centre for 33 months in order to analyse documents and reports and have interviews with various managers and employees.Findings – The studied organisation developed an intermediate stage towards BPM. The progressive approach favours a better understanding of the challenges that have to be overcome in order to improve BPM in an organisation. Thus, the BPM approach can be effectively assimilated and practised by the centre’s staff.

Palavras-chave Business process re-engineering, Corporate strategy, Strategic planning, Organizational structures, Organizational change, Brazil



Débora Herkenhoff(LabCEO)

Moacyr Figueiredo(TEP/UFF)



CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Núcleo Avaliação de Desempenho: Moacyr Figueiredo,

Débora Herkenhoff e Fernanda Elvas

Research limitations/implications – The depth of the analysis carried out in the case study make more structured research possible.Originality/value – The challenges of implementing BPM in a Brazilian public research centre are investigated. This case study is based on a theoretical, empirical and maturity level approach. Thus, a particular case of implementing BPM which took place in a very specific context, not explored in the literature, is presented to the community interested in BPM.

20foi implementado no centro de pesquisa pública brasileira e qual nível de maturidade essa prática possui. Para tanto, buscou-se realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema BPM, seus desafios e alguns modelos de maturidade aplicados a BPM a fim de suportar a investigação, identificando parâmetros de pesquisa para estruturação das questões fundamentais na abordagem. Em seguida, buscou-se apresentar os esforços e os desafios relativos à execução de BPM no Centro de pesquisa pública brasileira e por último, analisar o progresso do BPM no Centro de pesquisa, destacando melhorias que podem ser feitas para alcançar estágios mais avançados.

Um dos autores acompanhou a implementação do estudo de caso durante 33 meses, contribuindo para a identificação de aspectos relevantes do BPM, relacionado a padrões e comportamento. Para facilitar as observações, motivar o entendimento de questões de BPM e facilitar a identificação de padrões, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com um total de 13 respondentes, dentre supervisores e responsáveis por projetos inovadores. Achados ou Resultados Descobertos pelo Processo de Pesquisa

A abordagem progressiva favorece uma melhor compreensão dos desafios inerentes no processo de melhoria do BPM em uma organização, contribuindo eficazmente para os funcionários do centro de pesquisa e profissionais do ramo.

Limitações e/ou Implicações no Âmbito Científico e Metodológico de Pesquisa

A pesquisa se limita, pois explora um contexto bem específico, o setor de pesquisa pública.

Implicações Práticas Advindas da Pesquisa

Por outro lado, o estudo de caso em um ambiente ainda pouco explorado, pode ser útil para profissionais e pesquisadores da área. Através do relato do estudo de caso, é possível realizar análise da aplicação do BPM e consequentemente utilizar as lições aprendidas desse projeto e definir estratégias para lidar com os desafios existentes.

Originalidade e/ou Valor da Pesquisa Realizada

O estudo de caso é baseado em teoria, pesquisa empírica e na abordagem de níveis de maturidade. Portanto, o caso de implementação de BPM num centro de pesquisa pública brasileiro, está inserido num contexto bem especifico, ainda não explorado na literatura, podendo ser útil para os profissionais e estudiosos da área de BPM. Além disso a profundidade de análise da implementação do BPM no estudo de caso apresentado contribui para a uma abordagem de pesquisa de campo bastante estruturada.

Conceitos-chaves Adotados pelos Autores na Pesquisa

Reengenharia, estratégia coorporativa, planejamento estratégico, estrutura organizacional, mudança organizacional e Brasil.

Qual a Tipologia do Artigo?

A tipologia do artigo pode ser caracterizada por um estudo de caso.


Evaluation of Metrics Framework for Product and Process Integrity

AutoresMCKEOWN, K. A.; MCGUIRE, E. G.JournalThe 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesAno2000

Proposta Central do Artigo

A proposta do artigo é apresentar um conjunto de métricas que podem auxiliar as organizações que se situam nos níveis 2 (dois) e 3 (três) do modelo de maturidade de desenvolvimento de software, CMM, assim como, pode ser de grande valia nos esforços das empresas que possuem classificação de nível 4. Essas métricas são caracterizadas por estarem focadas na manutenção da satisfação dos requisitos do cliente através de relatórios que certificam o cumprimento dos contratos entre provedor e cliente.

Modelo e/ou Metodologia e/ou Enfoque Desenvolvido no Artigo

Em sua introdução o artigo mostra que a análise de métricas pode ser um importante componente de geração de feedback e no controle de processos de desenvolvimento de software, mantendo as organizações capazes de verificar suas performances e mantê-las de acordo com as expectativas dos clientes. Entretanto, os programas de indicadores possuem uma notória dificuldade de implantação em várias organizações, em muitos casos, eles não progridem, se restringindo a simples medidas de cronogramas, custo e nível de esforço. Apesar de esses indicadores gerarem um guia de gerenciamento de projeto, eles freqüentemente não oferecem fortes evidencias de satisfação dos clientes.

O artigo mostra que dados coletados e analisados por organizações que possuem alto nível de maturidade, no modelo CMM, são usualmente utilizados para informar os clientes sobre os limites de controle e suas variações, além de apresentar as atitudes realizadas quando as variações ocorrem. Como resultado desses indicadores, existe uma crescente influencia das expectativas dos clientes na qualidade de várias áreas das companhias.

Assim, o texto apresenta em 7 (sete) seções os componentes de programas de indicadores presentes em várias organizações que prestam consultoria na área de Tecnologia da Informação (TI). Esses componentes possuem como foco as aspirações do cliente. Após a descrição de

Palavras-chave (O artigo não possui palavras-chave)



Fernanda Elvas(LabCEO)

Moacyr Figueiredo(TEP/UFF)


CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Núcleo Avaliação de Desempenho: Moacyr Figueiredo,

Débora Herkenhoff e Fernanda Elvas


Abstract Although nearly everyone agrees that the collection and analysis of metrics is highly beneficial to software development and maintenance organizations, this process remains difficult for many of those organizations. The purpose of this paper is to describe a practical set of metrics that are focused on customer satisfaction and that are easily understood by both customer and developer organizations. These metrics are evaluated against a process improvement framework that emphasizes business value and compared to criteria for appropriate metrics thathave been established by leaders in the software process improvement field. The goals and concepts related to these metrics are in compliance with the Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM®) for software.

22Quais são as Implicações Práticas Advindas da Pesquisa?

O artigo mostra que as organizações que tentam alcançar níveis de maturidades superiores no modelo CMM devem elaborar métricas práticas e analisá-las de forma consistente com objetivo de elaborar ações que resultem na melhoria continua da organização.

Qual é a Originalidade e/ou Valor da Pesquisa Realizada?

O artigo mostra que os indicadores possuem pequeno valor se não estiverem ligados com os objetivos de negócio das empresas. Além disso, apresenta a importância dos critérios de satisfação do cliente na constituição dos indicadores.

Quais são os Conceitos-chaves Adotados pelos Autores na Pesquisa?

Métricas, CMM, satisfação do cliente.

Qual a Tipologia do Artigo?

Pesquisa bibliográfica.

tais elementos o artigo é concluído com uma avaliação desses indicadores com base em critérios considerados como métricas efetivas.

Quais são os Achados ou Resultados Descobertos pelo Processo de Pesquisa?

O modelo de métricas apresentadas no artigo mostra como uma grande empresa de consultoria de TI está usando métricas para obter feedbacks dentro da própria organização e outros resultantes de seus clientes. Com a apresentação dessas métricas podemos observar a importância do alinhamento dos indicadores com os objetivos de negócio da organização e como é fundamental o papel da satisfação do cliente na composição dos indicadores.

Quais são as Limitações e/ou Implicações no Âmbito Científico e Metodológico de Pesquisa?

O artigo apresenta uma revisão teórica em relação aos componentes que formam os programas de métricas. Para isso o texto é dividido em partes se propõem mostrar um resumo geral de cada um desses componentes. Apesar de a descrição de cada elemento ser bastante abrangente, o artigo não expõe um estudo de caso que enriqueça a explicação dos elementos com informações sobre as práticas desses elementos nas organizações atualmente.


Artigos Científicos


Turning Innovative Ideas Into Commercial Equipment: The Approach at Petrobras

Paulo Sergio R. Alonso, Paulo Sergio Rovina, and Ronaldo Mascarenhas Lima Martins (Petrobras).

1. Introduction

PETROBRAS is a state owned company, normally referred as a government company, with shares traded in stockmarkets in Brazil, Europe and United States. As a government-owned company, controlled by the Brazilian federal government, it is subordinated to the laws and governmental controls that impose certain particularities to its performance in the free market system.The supply solutions, to be applied in a company of acknowledged leadership in deep waters, require innovative actions of equipment development, articulated in cooperation with its main suppliers in order to guarantee the availability of engineering solutions required to its complexity growing demands in a highly competitive market.Inside the PETROBRAS Procurement Department organizational structure, there is the EMAT, Materials Engineering Management and, subordinated to it, the Sectorial Management of Materials Development (DMT) which is responsible for the Technical Cooperation Agreement (TCA) established with equipment manufacturers or research entities, aiming to developing equipment or technologies that will be applied in the Company’s operational units.

DMT’s institutional mission is:


Fed by the demands of the business areas, as Exploration and Production, Refining, Gas & Energy, Research Center (Cenpes), Transpetro1 (maritime and pipeline transportation) and BR Distributor2 , DMT basically acts into two fronts: the development of new technologies (mainly the ones related to equipment) and the development of new suppliers.Usually the technological development process begins in one of the internal customers, with the identification of the need to develop a new material. Reflection of the result of PETROBRAS operational pioneering in the deep waters exploration, it is common that equipment for oil exploration and exploitation for the new borders are not on the shelves and, normally, not even designed. The instrument of the technological development through cooperation agreements with manufacturers has been largely applied in such circumstances. In similar cases, TCAs are established with one or more manufacturers interested and deemed qualified to develop the project engineering and to manufacture the desired equipment.

AbstractThis work presents the approach used at PETROBRAS to develop new suppliers in the local and international market as to provide innovative equipments to the deep water exploration and production activities. The task of pushing up the industry limits to foster the manufacturing of new prototype pieces of equipment at a commercial scale has been addressed by PETROBRAS for more than 15 years in a join effort between the Exploration and Production area and the Procurement Department. Significant results have been achieved especially in the development of new local suppliers.The paper presents a general overview of the PETROBRAS Technology Management Model and how the process of developing a prototype equipment is inserted into it. The main challenges of such developments and the solutions used to figure them out are discussed. The conceptual basis of the criteria and objective approach used to select a particular manufacturer to a specific project named the Innovation Potential Evaluation Index is presented also. At the end of the paper the results achieved so far in the increase of theregistered new suppliers and a portfolio of the equipment developed are presented as well as the perspectives for the increase of local content due to future initiatives.

CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Disponível em

25On the other hand, a program for the development of new suppliers normally starts within Procurement area itself, when it is observed that the supplier market of a certain item is not well regulated, either due to inexistence of competition, or to the low competitiveness of the registered suppliers. In this case, TCAs are established into with potential suppliers that might compose a portfolio of suppliers with quality and competitiveness proper to PETROBRAS.In both cases suppliers’ participation is fundamental in the engineering solution generation, sharing knowledge, risks and results.In the beginning of the negotiations with potential cooperators, Intention Protocols are executed, which establishes the materials that are the scope of the developments and the general conditions on which the TCAs shall be signed and directed.Aiming at guaranteeing the intellectual property of the information that shall be exchanged during the negotiation phase of a TCA, it is common the execution of a Confidentiality Agreement, where the parties’ liabilities are clearly established regarding the handling of the information received from the other party.

2. History of the development of new materials and suppliers in PETROBRAS

In a recent past, the technological development of materials and new suppliers has adopted procedures consistent with the applicable legislation and the direction of PETROBRAS’ superior managements. Thus, we can point out the following steps/facts:

• From 1989 to 1993 (Law 8666/93)3 – AFM (Material Supply Authorization) pioneering contracts, with experimental lots supplied for factory acceptance tests and field tests;• After 1993 – principle of isonomy, inferring that the PCMs (Materials Purchase Orders) were bid in competitive processes, imposing difficulties in its use for the development of new suppliers/materials. So, afterwards, there is the beginning of the use of Technical Cooperation Agreements (TCAs) for the commercial development of new equipment and services, where the PETROBRAS and the Cooperatorhave a common objective to develop and homologate a new material;• In 1995 it is published in the Official Gazette of theFederal Government (DOU)4 a list of materials that need to be field tested in order to be homologated and included in the companies’ supply line;• 2003 - the PROMINP is created (National Oil and Gas Industry Mobilization Program), which is a governmental program aiming at the promotion of actions for the increase of the local content of goods and services in the great enterprises of the oil and gas industry in Brazil, levering competitiveness of

the national suppliers for the international market standards;• 2006 - IPINOVAÇÃO (Potential Index of Innovation) is adopted as a decision supporting tool when selecting a cooperator for the establishment of a Technical Cooperation Agreements (TCAs).

Currently, under the support of Decree # 2745, dated of 08/24/19985 , PETROBRAS gained greater decision autonomy in the hiring processes, what has also impacted in the technological development hiring processes carried through the DMT, without modifying, however, its central philosophy of cooperating with the technically and industrially qualified manufacturers and assuring the supply of essential items for achieving PETROBRAS objectives.

3. Current Modus operandi

The DMT approach focus on the equipment throughout its life cycle, from its conception until its demobilization, modifying the usual and little efficient focus of considering only the purchase price as a comparison parameter among suppliers. According to J.M.Juran, “there is a rooted practice to purchase based on the original price”, which we can call “cultural resistance.”DMT aims at valuing in its projects aspects such as the increase of equipment availability through the introduction of reliability concepts in the analysis and execution stages of the development projects, as well as in the cases where more than an alternative is presented as a solution for the same problem. Other factors, such as energy consumption, costs associated to the non-availability, maintenance costs, began to be weighed and to compose the technical analyses of the development projects, together with the traditional purchase and development costs.From the customers demand, DMT designs strategies for assurance of the supply, either by developing new materials, adjusted to the new technological borders connected to the exploration in progressive deeper waters, or by making new suppliers available for items already existent in the enrollment, where it can be noticed the high complexity and/or low competitiveness of the supplier market.A simplified schematic picture can be noticed in figure 1,comprising the main stages of a typical process.In short, when a demand is identified, DMT team goes to the market to search for a ready solution (or almost ready), and when it is not found, it starts the second action, which is to search an competence to develop. After identifying this ability, it is established a TCA for the development of the engineering, models are constructed for laboratorial

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26tests of developed concepts and, in case of success, there is the development of the production line to manufacture a prototype.The prototype, which shall have all characteristics of the final product (in its theoretical conception) is manufactured, factory tested and taken to the field for being tested under operational conditions. An acceptance criterion predefined in the technical

Figure 1 – Flowchart of the business development process of new equipment or new suppliersNote: ASD - Alternative Supplier Development; TD – echnological DevelopmentSource: ALONSO (2004)

specification is verified and, if it is accomplished, the product is considered approved, or homologated, starting to integrate PETROBRAS enrollment as an item that can be supplied by that manufacturer.A complete register of the development and homologation process is filed on an information system, for which DMT is responsible, and which is accessible by all PETROBRAS’ technical team.

Figure 2 – New supplier development philosophy at PETROBRASSource: ALONSO (2004)

The involvement of the science and technology institutions or universities is quite common in the development processes, as a manner to lead scientific

and technical knowledge that are eventually lacking in the companies identified as qualified only in the industrial aspects of the equipment to be developed.In this case, it is allowed the establishment of specific Development Agreements, or, also, tripartite TCAs, among PETROBRAS, the university and the company which holds the industrial capacity. Figure 2 illustrates the philosophy of the process.In the previous figure we can notice the roles that fiteach involved agent in the development process. When the supplier holds its own technology or has a research center, the role of the anchor university is exempted, being the supplier itself responsible for the development of the conceptual and basic project of the new equipment, working jointly with PETROBRAS’ technicians.In general, the DTM projects aim at assuring the supply of PETROBRAS’ essential items and look for the optimization of the industrial processes costs through the development of materials and suppliers.Through the TCAs, the DMT intends to reach, evidently, the following general results:

• Cost optimization of materials’ life cycle.• Reduction of purchase cost• Reduction of transportation costs • Reduction of operational, installation and maintenance costs• Increase of technological autonomy• Increase of competitiveness in supplier market• Increase of the consumption of PETROBRAS’ products

PETROBRAS’ experience with TCAs shows that the success in the qualification of new technologies is intrinsically linked to two main factors:

• Integrated Planning among customers - functionalareas that benefit from the new technology - and the qualification process manager;• The technology delivering to all potentially beneficiary assets, including planning, training, risk,management and standardization. After the qualification of the equipment it is necessary to assist the operation, control the execution and monitor the risks to register and widely disclose the lessons learned.

To assure the increase of the technological autonomy, the TCAs are based on guidelines about information handling, intellectual and industrial property and copyrights issued by PETROBRAS’ legal and information departments with competence for this purpose,that means the Legal Department and the Center of Research (Cenpes). CENPES, besides being responsible for technical researches, also manages PETROBRAS’ technological programs and is the keeper of the intellectual property rules and concepts.Recently, new demands from the Natural Gas business

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area modified the focus of DTM developments. Theprimordial objective, in these cases, became the development of engineering solutions that would implement the consumption of the natural gas produced or imported by PETROBRAS focusing in the relevance that is currently given to the this fuel in the Brazilian Energy Matrix.This new way to develop technology reached an unknown path for the DMT, as until then it was developed materials for application in PETROBRAS operational units. The external user vision became an integrant part of the assemblies of the strategies, and also the business optics and external risks to PETROBRAS, started to be incorporated.In this field, co-generators, greenhouses, engines and mobile devices for measuring the vehicular natural gas quality are good examples of development programs directed towards outer PETROBRAS 6, aiming to lever the natural gas market.The “necks” to solve In general, the DMT actions aims at solving two types of difficulties (or necks):

• the technological difficulties• the market difficulties

In case of the technological difficulties, we have a material that normally lines up to the technological border, where there is no supplier in the market. Normally this type of development is associated to high operational and technical risks.In such cases the identification of the developmentneed can originate itself in the operational business unit, in Cenpes (Research Center) or even in the supplier itself (that offers its innovation to PETROBRAS).But in the market difficulties, the action of DMT occurs due to the low competitiveness of the market (national and foreign targets), or to the convenience of increasing the national content in the new construction projects (exclusively focused in national suppliers), as in refineries or platforms.In this case, they usually are mature technology equipment, associating low risk to the development of the engineering solution. The identification of the development need can originate itself in the operational business unit, Petrobras’ supplying team or even in the supplier (who offers its capacity to PETROBRAS).

4. Adopted Tools

In order to make DMT’s activity feasible, some contractual instruments proper to the developed activities have been selected, each of them proper to each stage of the development project and supplementing themselves in its functions and scope. Thus, we have:

• Confidentiality Agreement - executed in the initial

phase of information exchange, when there are privileged information; it guarantees both parties’ information;• Intention Protocol - executed when there is the real interest of the parties to develop materials jointly. It has a wide character, limiting the premises and intentions of the parties in the potential developments and establishes which family of materials could be the target of future TCAs.• Technical Cooperation Agreement - applied in the final stage, when the specific interest of the parties on a certain subject is clearly defined. It is used for the development of new equipment or alternative suppliers, for items already included in PETROBRAS’ portfolio.• Technological Development Agreement - applied in technological developments with ICTs (scientific and technological institutions) in subjects whose development is in the initial phase and did not reach,in this phase the industry. It is used to develop newequipment, generally with a change of the current technological level (disruptive change). It requires, in a subsequent phase, the establishment of a TCA for the development of the product (prototype manufacturing phase)

5. Assumptions of the Cooperation Agreements

The success of a TCA is based on some assumptions, from which it is almost impossible to deviate, namely:• PETROBRAS and manufacturer‘s common interest,in this case a potential Cooperator on the scope of development;• the costs of research, information handling and treatment, prototypes and tests must be shared between PETROBRAS and Cooperator, in a clearly established form;• the opportunity to enter into a TCA must be openedto those who evidence technical qualification to perform the development of the scope;• the prototypes for the field test has a definitive character; in case they are approved, they will be operating industrially during the projected useful life cycle, after the qualification test period.

6. Content of Cooperation Agreements

The TCAs usually have their scope entailed to an initial lot from where samples for laboratory (or factory) tests are taken and to an experimental lot, preferably not connected to the operational needs, usually called field prototypes, which will be taken to the selected location for the performance of the installation and operation under real work conditions.In the TCAs the amount of samples and prototypesmust represent the minimum required to provide

28statistical confidence to the bench and field test results to be performed.As a basic point that differentiates the TCAs from the pioneer agreements (development contracts), is the transference of resources, connected to the approval by proper performance (project analysis, bench and field tests, certification of third part) of the Cooperator in each development stage.To guide the development process there is a technicalannex that defines the characteristics of the material to be developed, operational conditions, methods, procedures and acceptance criteria of the assays to be carried throughwith the prototype.

7. Onus and bonus in the Cooperation Agreements

The TCAs have the inherent and inalienable risk of the technological development processes. PETROBRAS usually bears the costs of the equipment that will be taken to field test (prototype). In order to assure the agreement cooperative nature, the cooperator shall pay for the costs of its staff, physical facilities, operational costs, depreciations and etc. In the TCAs there shall not be forecasted any profit and only the expenses incurred during the development must be reimbursed.In the future, when the prototype becomes a product, the company shall be entitled to receive profits derived from the commercialization of the material (Martins 2003) that has been developed.PETROBRAS shall undertake the assumption of the risk resulting from the installation of the prototype in its operating units and eventual risks associated to the failure (material, human, environment, loss of profits, etc).

8. Preliminary analysis of a project for Cooperation Agreement

During a TCA negotiation phase, some points must be focused in order to minimize the risks inherent to any development process. Thus, it is primordial to have a clear vision regarding the previous knowledge accumulated by the parties about the technology related to the scope of development, as well as the parcel of knowledge to be added to the project by each of the parties.There must be developed a judicious analysis of Cooperator’s industrial capacity and the same shall occur with regard to the engineering and project qualification aspects. The decision supporting tool developed and used by PETROBRAS, named Potential Innovation Index (IPINOVAÇÃO) raises industrial and engineering qualifications, as well as the practice and experience to handle technological innovation subjects by the potential cooperator.The IPINOVAÇÃO was developed in a partnership project

between PETROBRAS and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). This systematic weighs the scores provided to the supplier in different aspects deemed important for the development of a technological innovation.During the process of validation of the IPINOVAÇÃO

systematic, a roll of about 50 suppliers, that have already been successful in the development of TCAs with PETROBRAS, were evaluated promoting a sensitivity analysis of the computerized system, which has provided to the system a history anchor and credibility for future applications. It will be further detailed in the following topic.For the items developed for internal use in PETROBRAS (productive processes), it is necessary to have a clear notion of the product’s demand, being convenient to evaluate the external market in parallel, that means, other operators inside and outside Brazil. Such aspects aim at subsidizing the Cooperators in their decisions takings about the convenience of the project, basing the decisions of commercial nature, including ownership of results and avoiding future surprises.In the specific equipment developed to stimulate the natural gas consumption, it is critical to have a clear vision of the market and external customer’s expectations.In those processes that generate patentable results, it is required to clearly verify what are the rights intended on the results by Cooperator, by PETROBRAS, and which implications such rights may have to PETROBRAS’ operations and technological autonomy, including the creation of a competitive differential.

9. Decision supporting tool - IPINOVAÇÃO

The complexity of the conceptual models and the little strength of the indexes that allow the evaluation of the innovation intensity in a company are normally pointed as difficulties to measure the aggregate value to the business results deriving from a new product or developed service, due to a change in market’s technological trend. In order to better ground the choice of suppliers to work in projects that involve innovation aspects, PETROBRAS, jointlywith the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, developed the systematic of the Potential Innovation Index (IP INOVAÇÃO) (Fonseca 2005).The structure of the calculation formula of the Potential Innovation Index (IPINOVAÇÃO) is based on a questionnaire, developed from seven macro indicators, to be answered by the companies applicant to be PETROBRAS cooperators with the objective of characterizing the innovative potential of the contracted companies as partners through TCAs. The objective is the elaboration of a referentialbackground for PETROBRAS strategic decisions in the context of its integrated action of development of goods and services for the oil and gas sector.

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Table 1 shows the roll of macro indicators or subindexes:

Organizational and Technological ManagementPeople ManagementTechnological and Information InfrastructureEngineering and Industrial Qualification InfrastructurePlacement in the marketResultsSocial ResponsibilityTable 1 - IPINOVAÇÃO Sub-indexes

For each one of these sub-indexes it is adopted a weight, which varies from 1 to 5, which will be used in the IPINOVAÇÃO formation, aiming to evidencing the induction, in the companies, of the development of the value links of the innovation productive chain, which is directly related to the generation of competitiveness in PETROBRAS cooperators in the development of goods and services. The definition of the weights ascribed to each sub-index depends on the particular question intended to be evaluated. A high weight attributed to the Organizational and Technological Management sub-index, for example, favors the core of the innovation generation process by potential collaborators and their partners, created by the existing innovation structure.On the other hand, the issue of Infrastructure in Engineering and Industrial Qualification aims at representing the vision that the market has of the company, within the scope of the acknowledgment of its function through the compliance of the demands through innovation, as well as the qualification of its professionals, which is critical for the inclusion of competitiveness, and expertise in engineering and industrial qualification.The issues of Technological Infrastructure and of Information and Social Responsibility – measure the aspects highly dependent on modern means and methods owned by the company.The IPINOVAÇÃO calculation is made on the basis of the combination of points gotten in the seven sub-indexes, resulting a factor that varies in accordance between 0 and 1 according to the following formula:

Thus, from the application of the questionnaires, tabulation of answers and analysis of results there shall be calculated the IPINOVAÇÃO, being possible to visualize the dispersion of the companies applying to be PETROBRAS cooperators, as exemplified in figure 3.

10. Rights over the results of the Cooperation Agreement

The definition of PETROBRAS interests over the results occurs according to the applicability of the developed material and its potential to generate competitive differential for the company. Essential items that can decide a bid for the exploration of a field with the granting authority (in Brazil, the ANP (National Oil Agency)), are usually target of retained rights to PETROBRAS, or at least, rights over the decision of to whom the cooperator is allowed to commercialize the product of the development.

Figure 3 – IP INOVAÇÃO dispersion example

In a practical form, two alternatives are presented as the most used in the rights on the TCAs results. When there is total development of the technology with the entity of pure and applied research, just as it occurs with the excellence centers of the universities, it is usual that the rights on the results belong 100% to PETROBRAS and there is an eventual licensing for the Cooperator/Developer or for suppliers interested in manufacturing the developed material.When the development is characterized as an improvement of a material already dominated and developed by the Cooperator, in this in case normally a manufacturer, the rights become owned jointly, after definition of a proportionality according to the amounts of resources invested, such as for example: financing or knowledge added to the project. In this case, it is normally assured to Cooperator the full licensing, which gives it the freedom to trade the TCA’s result with third parties, upon the payment of royalties.

11. Results Obtained 1993-2006

Since it was organized in the beginning of the 90’s - the strategy of joint development between PETROBRAS and its technological base main suppliers - it has been already recorded more than 600 developments of materials and equipment, in its great majority for offshore application, considering the demands for the engineering solutions for production in progressively deeper waters. About 400 new suppliers have been developed, being 60%

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of the total national suppliers and the remaining, foreign suppliers. The sum of investments applied in Technical Cooperation Agreement in the period reaches US$ 600 million. It is also noteworthy the success rate reached by this set of developments, which historically surpasses the mark of 95% of successes in the developments. Some figures shown here can illustrate DMT’s activity during the year of 2006, according to update of Dec/06.

• Total of Cooperation Agreements executed: 60;• Total of agreements executed in partnership with universities: 40;• Total of Cooperation Agreements in final negotiationphase: 30;• Technical Support/homologation, without requiring a TCA: 150;

Within a varied set of projects, it must be pointed out some examples of materials either developed or under development:

• Subsea valves• Submersible centrifugal pumping• New flexible lines• New umbilicals• Shared Action Manifolds• Wet Christmas Tree for 2500m• Natural gas co-generators• Automatic device for coke drum opening• High and low temperature catalyzers• Systems of intelligent industrial actuators• Clays for QAV percolation• Mobile system of natural gas measurement• Industrial valves• Coated pipelines• Low cost intelligent well completion systems• Adsorptive materials

During 2003 a new source of developments occurred at PETROBRAS with the alignment to the governmental program PROMINP, which, basing itself on PETROBRAS’ action as a great national operator and for being a controlled company by the federal government, started to function as anchor of the program, so that, under competitive bases and with technological adherence, therecould be developed suppliers of goods and services installed in Brazil, with the objective of replacing importation and generating job and income in the country.The PROMINP does not only aim at meeting, throughnational suppliers, the demands of the oil operatorsinstalled in Brazil. It also targets to creating world class suppliers that can export goods and services to other markets linked to the Oil and Natural Gas Industry.

12. Technological pull

Inside this scenery, another interesting figure is thetechnological pull. This situation is characterized when an excellence center develops an engineering solution and transfers it to a manufacturer, sponsored by a cooperation agreement. Knowing the technology, the company qualifies itself to industrialize such solution.As a result of the qualification for manufacturing thefirst solution and consolidation of the result as a market product, the company horizons open in the new scene and, from the domain of the engineering and industrial processes of the original project, it starts to develop new projects of same nature, with a higher technological aggregate, unfeasible before the first technological movement.

13. Conclusion

Being provided with a privileged market vision, the area of Materials Engineering of PETROBRAS, at theProcurement Department, has been acting from long date in fine tune with the Research Center, technological management of several business areas and even operational teams, making the connection among them, manufacturers, science and technology institutions and universities, qualified to face the challenges of the development of new materials and technologies.The Cooperation Agreements, Contracts of Development and Intention Protocols are efficient instruments for the achievement of the objectives of the technical and commercial development of new equipment and services, meeting PETROBRAS needs. They allow that new manufacturers or services providers are included in the suppliers enrollment and that new technologies and/or materials are incorporated to the ones currently available for Company’s operational use, qualifying it to fulfill its mission of technical pioneering and respect for the environment.

14. References

1. Alonso, Paulo Sérgio R. – “Estratégias Corporativas aplicadas ao Desenvolvimento do Mercado de Bens e Serviços: uma nova abordagem para o caso da indústria de gás natural no Brasi”l - Doctorate Degree Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPE/UFRJ, Engenharia de Produção, Março de 2004; 2. Fonseca, Marcus Vinícius de Araújo, et al – “Desenvolvimento do Índice Potencial de Inovação (IP INOVAÇÃO)” – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Technical Report– 2005; 3. Martins, Ronaldo M.L., article in magazine PRODFOR, Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Espírito Santo, FIEES, Vitória, September /2003.


The New Deepwater Oil and Gas Province in Brazil: Flow Assurance and Artificial Lift: Innovations for Jubarte Heavy OilGiovani Colodette, Carlos A.G. Pereira, Cézar A.M. Siqueira, Geraldo A.S.M. Ribeiro, Roberto Rodrigues,

João S. de Matos, and Marcos P. Ribeiro (Petrobras)

1. IntroductionThe Jubarte Field is located in the North part of the Campos Basin, about 80 km offshore from the State of Espírito Santo, at a water depth between 1,000 and 1,500 m (Figure 1).The field discovery occurred in January 2001, where an interval containing oil of 17 °API was identified in sandstones from the Maastrichtian period.During the evaluation phase, a study based on the concept of value information supported the decision to drill a horizontal appraisal well. In February 2002, the well was drilled, having a horizontal length of 1,070 m, being completed with an open-hole gravel-pack. The result was a well productivity index 13 times higher than the one obtained by the vertical well. An Extended Well Test (EWT) was proposed and approved which allowed collecting complementary valuable information.In the EWT, which started in October 2002, PETROBRAS made use of the FPSO Seillean, a dynamic positioning vessel with a rig capable of performing light workover operations. The well was connected to the FPSO through a 5.625 in ID drill pipe riser. Using an innovative solution, a 900 HP and 25,000 bpd capacity Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) has been installed above the wet Xmas-Tree. In case of ESP failure, the drill pipe riser should be recovered by the FPSO for pump retrieval and replacement. The good results obtained in the EWT led to its continuation in a Pilot Phase, which lasted until January 2006.After the Pilot Phase, PETROBRAS has now started the Jubarte Phase 1 production with the FPSO P-34. This new development phase comprises four production wells and will provide an expected oil production of 60.000 bpd. One of wells presents an innovative installation of the ESP on the seabed, another well has a downhole ESP installed, and the remaining two wells produce with gas lift. Gas lift backup can be used in the ESP wells in case of pump failure, while waiting repair.The definitive Jubarte production system (Phase 2), to be implemented in 2011, will comprehend 11 new wells plus the 4 wells from Phase1, and 7 water injection wells, connected to the FPSO P-57. During this production phase, all production wells will run ESPs installed on the seabed as the main artificial lift method and gas-lift as backup.In summary, the strategy of development for the Jubarte Field foresees three distinct phases of production, which are presented in Table 1.Following, relevant aspects on artificial lift and flow assurance for all phases of the Jubarte project are covered. Special attention is dedicated to the innovative aspects implemented throughout all phases of the field development.

2. Jubarte Pilot Phase

In the year 2002, the Evaluation Plan for the Jubarte area was initiated. It comprehended the accomplishment of a EWT to perform technical and economical analysis of the production.The well 3-ESS-110HPA was then drilled with a horizontal extension of 1,070 m being completed with gravel

AbstractThe Jubarte field, in the Campos Basin, Brazil, was discovered in January 2001. It is located about 80 km offshore from the State of Espírito Santo, under water depths between 1,000 and 1,500 m, containing oil of 17 °API and viscosity of 14 cP at reservoir conditions.This work presents a review of the artificial lift and flow assurance aspects faced by PETROBRAS in the exploitation of Jubarte heavy oil, starting from the features of the PilotPhase. It details all the challenges posed and innovations proposed and implemented for Phase 1 field development, as well as expectations for the subsequent Phase 2.

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Figure 1 – Jubarte Field Location

pack.Because of the good results obtained, PETROBRAS decided to declare the field’s commerciality and convert the EWT into a Production Pilot in December 2002. A full review of this production phase can be found in [1].In the EWT and the Pilot Phase, PETROBRAS used an FPSO (Seillean) with Dynamic Positioning (DP) system. The ship was located just above the well in a water depth of 1,300 m. The capacity of the unit processing plant is approximately 3,500 Sm³/d (22,000 bpd) of liquid. The production offloading was done by shuttle tankers. Figure 2 shows the production scheme during EWT and Pilot Phase.For this production system, the main innovation was the installation of an ESP above the X-mas Tree, inside a 9.5/8” capsule (47 lb/ft, ID 8.681”, 40 m long). The production flowed from the pump into a column of Drill Pipe Riser of 6.5/8” (ID 5,625”). The system had a security device used for emergency disconnection (EDP - Emergency Disconnect Package) in case the ship deviated from its original position.The pump system installed was composed by:

• two electric induction motors in series, each one of 450 HP;

• two sections of mechanical protector, totalizing six chambers, out of which four were of bag type and two were of labyrinth type;

• one gas handler;• one multi-stage centrifugal pump;• electrical connector and surface and

subsurfacepower cable;• Variable Speed Drive (VSD).

Table 1 – Development strategy for the Jubarte Field

The Pilot Phase was locked up on January 12th, 2006. The artificial lift method (ESP) improved production to daily rates superior than 22,000 bpd. The gathered data became an important factor to subsidize the development planning of the subsequent phases, since it reduced uncertainties, for instance, the one related to the efficiency of the ESP installed above the Xmas-Tree. In this aspect, it must be mentioned that the equipment operated with free gas volume fractions at intake greater than 22%.

Figure 2 –Production scheme during EWT and Pilot Phase (FPSO Seillean)

3. Phase 1 General Description

In Jubarte Phase 1, four (4) horizontal satellites wells produce to the FPSO Juscelino Kubitschek (P-34). This production phase does not comprise water injection into the reservoir. P-34 is anchored

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33in the definitive location (Figure 3) with all the wells connected to it.

Figure 3 – P-34 anchored in location

Reservoir Characteristics. The sandstones of the Jubarte Field are characterized by their high values of porosity and permeability. The petrophysical porosity and the horizontal permeability reach average values of 23% and 1,200 mD, respectively. The viscosity of the oil in reservoir conditions is 14 cP and the reservoir temperature is 76 ºC. Such characteristics had guaranteed a high Productivity Index for the well that produced during the EWT/Pilot, and for all other wells of Phase 1.The extrapolated original static pressure was 289.9 kgf/cm2g. After one year of production in the Pilot Phase, this value did not experience any significant alteration. The bubble pressure of the fluid determined in laboratory (PVT) is 183.7 kgf/cm2g. The large difference between the static pressure and bubble pressure opens the possibility of having ESPs installed on the seabed.Fluid Characteristics. The oil, formation water and produced gas properties are shown in Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4, respectively. The Jubarte fluid can be considered as heavy-oil and presents low gas-oil ratio. Such characteristics also favor the use of ESPs.

Table 2 – Jubarte Oil Characteristics

Table 3 – Formation Water Properties

Table 4 – Gas Chromatography Analysis

Well Engineering. In Phase 1, the production wells were made of a 7” production column (26 lb/ft, ID 6,276”). Long horizontal lengths, around 1,000m, were targeted, in order to grant high productivity indexes. Sand control was done using Open Hole Gravel Pack (OHGP). This technology proved to be effective during the Pilot Phase.Subsea Layout. The subsea layout, shown in Figure 4, was designed to avoid interference with the installation of the definitive unit (Phase 2), thus facilitating the future transition between the two phases. This premise implied on having Phase 1 flowlines following a downhill profile which favors the occurrence of terrain induced slugs. All production flowlines are insulated flexible pipes of 6 in. diameter, with Thermal Exchange Coefficient (TEC) smaller than 6 W/mK. Service lines are flexible pipes of 4 in. diameter.For the wells using ESPs as lifting method, a specialumbilical integrated with power cable was developed. Beyond its conventional functions as hydraulic control, chemical injection and electric signal carrier, the structure comprises the electrical supply cable. This new concept allows to minimize the number of risers in the FPSO, as well as to optimize the subsea layout.Artificial Lift. Generally speaking, ESPs present higher production potential than the gas lift. Besides, it also makes possible to accelerate production and, consequently, profits. Another advantage is that ESPs are usually indicated in applications where it is needed to lift large amounts of water and heavy viscous oils. Furthermore, the Jubarte fluid characteristics favor ESP applications, as seen before.

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Figure 4 – Phase 1 Subsea Layout (FPSO P-34)

However, the definition of the adequate artificial liftmethod throughout all the field production life is a complex task that involves a great amount of associated variables and uncertainties. In this way, Phase 1 was delineated to serve as intermediate stage for data acquisition, with the purpose of assisting the optimization of the concession definitivedevelopment. Thus, among Phase 1 main objectives is to evaluate uncertainties related to the reservoir behavior and to the efficiency of the different technologies available for artificial lift, namely, ESPs and gas lift.As for ESPs, the good results reached in the Pilot Phase made PETROBRAS personnel confident to look for alternatives that would make possible technically and economically enable their use in the Jubarte development. So, it was defined to evaluate two distinct configurations in two Phase 1 wells:

a) an ESP outside the well, in a pumping module on the sea bed; andb) an ESP inside the production wellbore.

In both arrangements, it will be possible to operate with gas lift (GL) as a backup while waiting the ESP repair, in case of a pump failure. Then, both ESP wells had been equipped with mandrels and orifice gas lift valves. This redundancy intends to minimize production losses, improving the operational factor of the lifting system. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the two concepts for ESP installation.A detailed discussion on the aspects of both ESP configurations will follow. For the remaining two wells of Phase 1, the artificial lift method used was the gas lift. ESP on the Seabed inside a Pumping Module. The technology of the selected artificial lift system for the well 7- JUB-02 HP was a 1200 HP ESP mounted inside a pumping module, installed vertically in a hollow pile, 30” diameter x 40 m length. Further details in this ESP arrangement can be found in [2]. The well was equipped with a gas lift set to provide

Figure 5 – Production System for 7-JUB-02 HP – ESP on the seabed

a back-up lift method (Figure 5).The pumping system is composed of an adaptive base (PAB) and a recoverable pump module mounted 200 m away from the well. The pumping module was designed so as to allow a by-pass of the ESP, if desired. Its parts, base and module, can be installed separately or together. The developed system also allows to perform pigging operations; for such, it is necessary the use of the by-pass.

Figure 6 – Production System for 7-JUB-06 HA – Downhole ESP

The original conceptual design considers the possibility of the module (ESP) to be recovered and/or installed by cable, using a special boat. However, studies are still being conducted in order to make this flexibility possible. The main benefits brought by the system are the reduction of the costs and times of intervention, besides the elimination of workover tasks in case of need of pump replacement. Another advantage of the designed system is to make it possible to use ESPs of greater power and lift capacity (larger diameter), without increasing the production well diameter.The project was carried through a Technology

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Cooperation Agreement (TCA), and the test of the first prototype will occur during the production period with P-34.

Figure 7 – ESP System installed in Pumping Module

Figure 7 illustrates the system. It consists of a horizontal satellite well connected to P-34 through flexible pipes and a recoverable module. The Figures 8 and 9 display pictures of the prototype taken during plant integration tests. Figure 10 registers the installation moment. Currently, the technology is considered available for application in other company projects.

Figure 8 – Pump Adapter Base (PAB)

Figure 9 – Integration Tests (stack-up)

Figure 11 shows some constructive details of the system assembly. Looking at this figure, it is easy to notice that this set of ESP components requires the use of a shroud. The function of this accessory is to promote motor cooling. The shroud consists of covering pipes and a proper adapter (shroud adapter).

Figure 10 – Pumping Module installation by SS-61 rig

Figure 11 – Details of Pumping Module Assembly

The amount of gas to be handled by the pump is related to the admission pressure. As the intake pressure increases, the density difference between the gas and the liquid decreases, allowing lifting greater gas percentages. In this aspect, the water cut has a great influence in the intake pressure, because of formation water specific gravity (Table 3). On the other hand, if the amount of water increases, the admission pressure will decrease.Figure 12 shows the results of the studies led by Dunbar and Turpin related to this phenomenon. These empirical correlations are based on homogeneous models and allow evaluating whether the equipment will operate in a steady and satisfactory form (region above the curve) or not. In the


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unstable operation zone (region below the curve), the success probability becomes reduced, increasing failure risks. Independently of which region the system operates, in the Jubarte case the maximum admissible amount of free gas at ESP intake was limited to 35% in volume. This number considers the use of a gas handler device and is in compliance with the limits recommended by the manufacturers. The gas handler is a piece of equipment designed to homogenize the fluid before the pump intake, compressing the free gas back into the liquid phase.

Figure 12 – Dunbar and Turpin Correlations

Due to the risks associated to gas locking, this ESPconfiguration was also studied in a laboratory scale model, and some design improvements on the system were adopted as a result of these experiments.High Power and High Reliability ESP. Another producer well (7-JUB-06 HA) was also equipped with ESP. However, it was installed downhole. A shroud device was used as well. The well was also equipped with a gas lift back-up system composed of a mandrel and an orifice valve.Figure 13 illustrates the conception of this production well, which consists of a horizontal satellite well connected to P-34 through flexible pipes. A horizontal Xmas-Tree proper for ESP installation was used, developed on-purpose to be applied in this project.In summary, the ESP installed in this well is part of a R&D project focused on the development of an engine-pump set of high power (1,200 HP) and high reliability, with capacity to lift great amounts of liquid in deep and ultra-deep waters. The expectation is that the equipment will operate without failure(s) for at least four years, and maybe even six years. Toassure this performance and equipment lifetime, a rigorous quality control program for the pumping system has been prescribed, considering factory acceptance tests (FAT), stackup tests and string tests. A new methodology for testing, with rigorous test conditions were specified, including vibration analysis of the assembled equipment.

The tracking and performance analysis of the downhole ESP during Phase 1 will be performed by means of measured variables by the equipment sensors and by the parameters of the variable speed drive (VSD).

Figure 13 – ESP System of high power (1,200Hp) and high trustworthiness

In summary, the ESP installed in this well is part of a R&D project focused on the development of an engine-pump set of high power (1,200 HP) and high reliability, with capacity to lift great amounts of liquid in deep and ultra-deep waters. The expectation is that the equipment will operate without failure(s) for at least four years, and maybe even six years. Toassure this performance and equipment lifetime, a rigorous quality control program for the pumping system has been prescribed, considering factory acceptance tests (FAT), stackup tests and string tests. A new methodology for testing, with rigorous test conditions were specified, including vibration


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analysis of the assembled equipment.The tracking and performance analysis of the downhole ESP during Phase 1 will be performed by means of measured variables by the equipment sensors and by the parameters of the variable speed drive (VSD).An important particularity of the JUB-06 system is the existence of a manifold for chemicals injection, connected at the sensor base. This device makes possible to inject chemical products upstream the pump intake by means of a capillary tube, incorporated to the power cable (Figure 14). Currently, the use of a multiple purpose product that accumulates the functions of demulsifier and anti-scale is foreseen. To prevent risks of cable damages, special completion accessories have been used, among of which we can distinguish:

• special gas lift mandrel with protection for the power cable and that allows orientation (Figure 15);

• adjustable union with function of swivel to allow the necessary adjustments of extension and the production column rotation with the set (ESP) already installed in the column. In summary, the device function is to make it possible to align the power cable with the electric connector housing, and also to allow absorbing cable recesses (Figure 16);

• DHSV with protection for cable passing (Figure 17).

Currently, the ESP set is installed downhole waiting the interconnection of the well to P-34. With the intention of preserving the ESP downhole set, the production column and the capsule have been delivered filled with a fluid of oil base (n-paraffin) with a density similar to diesel.

Figure 14 – Power Cable with Integrated Capillary for Chemical Products Injection

Flow Assurance. In Jubarte Phase 1, flow assurance is obtained mainly by means of thermal insulation of the flowlines. Facilities for fluids replacement and pigging are also available.The Jubarte oil is considered to be very stable regarding precipitation of asphaltenes. Although the fluid does not present paraffinic characteristics, the production systems connected to P-34 have been conceived in a way that pigging for organic deposits removal was predicted. The insulation system guarantees that the flowing temperature inside the

Figure 15 – Gas Lift Mandrel with Cable Protection

Figure 16 – Adjustable Union (swivel)

pipe and in its wall is always greater than the Wax Appearance Temperature (WAT) plus 3 °C. This limit value was established after analyzing the relation between the enthalpy developed in the crystallization process and the latent heat of paraffin.Regarding hydrate formation, the Jubarte oil and itsemulsions have no tendency to form hydrate blockages. Therefore, the standard PETROBRAS procedures for hydrate prevention in start-up and blow-down operations were implemented and no major problems are expected involving hydrates.


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Figure 17 – DHSV with Cable Protection

Some of the most relevant features regarding FlowAssurance on Jubarte Phase 1 will be reviewed next.

Inorganic Deposition (Scale). When opening the ESP that operated in the Jubarte Pilot Phase, it was evidenced the occurrence of scale deposition on the pump impellers and on the gas handler. Samples of the deposition were collected and tests were performed for characterization of the incrustation.The scale deposition potential is increased significantly by the pump conditions, which accelerate the kinetic of sulphates precipitation. The temperature and the largest available superficial area at the pump impellers increase the precipitation and facilitate the nucleation and the crystals growth.The incrustation on the impellers causes a sensible degradation in pump performance and increases the risk of locking. To reduce the precipitation potential in the production equipment of the wells with ESPs connected to P-34, continuous injection of an anti-scale chemical product through the umbilical and the chemical injection manifold was prescribed. The strategy is to use a multiple purpose product that simultaneously performs the functions of demulsifier and scale inhibitor.To further prevent scale deposition, the impellers and diffusers of the ESP have been supplied coated with Teflon. The coating, besides making the nucleation and the growth of scaling difficult, aims at improving physical properties of the material, such as reducing surface roughness and granting better pump performance. The Teflon coating also protects pump parts against aggressive chemical

agents and ambient factors.

Sand Production. The sand production must be controlled in order to avoid the premature consuming of the components and mobile parts of the pump. Besides, high sand contents may cause pump locking.As mentioned before, Open Hole Gravel Pack (OHGP)was used in all wells of Phase 1. Based on Pilot Phase results, it is expected that this technology is sufficiently effective for controlling sand production. Independently, the installed pumps make use of special shims of high resistance to the abrasion (AIR), in tungsten carbide and zircon, used in a ratioof 1:2 (Figure 18).Emulsion Viscosity Effects. Experimental data of theJubarte fluid show an exponential increase in the viscosity due to the effect of steady water-in-oil emulsion formation. Next to the incorporation limit (60% in volume), emulsion viscosity experience an increase higher than seven times above the crude viscosity. This expressive increase on viscosity reflects directly in the power of the pumping equipment.

Figure 18 – High Resistance Shims

Another important point to stress is that the stability of water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions is directly related to the physico-chemichal characteristics of the oil, and Jubarte oil favors the formation of stable emulsions. Also, the probability of stable W/O emulsion formation, already higher for heavy oils, can be higher in ESPs-equipped Jubarte because of the elevated shear rates at the pumps. Because of this, and also to comply with process (oil-water separation) requirements, continuous injection of demulsifier upstream of the ESP will occur, through the specially designed umbilicals (Figure 14).

394. Artificial Lift Expectations for the

Definitive Production Phase (Phase 2)

As presented in Table 1, the definitive production phase(Phase 2) comprises the use of a spread mooring type FPSO, connected to 11 new satellite producing wells, plus the 4 wells that will be transferred from P-34. Phase 2 also comprises 7 injection wells, so to increase the field recovery factor and to keep the pressure in the reservoir.In Phase 2, all wells will operate with an ESP installed on the sea bed as primary artificial lift method, having the possibility of a back-up gas lift system (a system similar to the one shown in Figure 7). The nominal Brake Horse Power of the pumps was specified in 1500 HP, and pumps of greater diameter will be used. The lifting technology to be used is equal to the one developed in Phase 1, except by small modifications.Since Phase 1 does not consider water injection in the reservoir, Phase 1 accumulated production will generate a significant reduction in the field pressure. Therefore, the lifting configuration adopted for Phase 2 requires a special attention in what refers to the minimum requirements of intake pressure and free gas fraction in ESP intake conditions.

5. Conclusions

The present work described the artificial lift and flowassurance technologies that will be tested during the Phase 1 development of the Jubarte field, specially focusing on the wells that will have ESP as primary lifting method.The reservoir characteristics, confirmed by the results acquired with the ESP in the Pilot Phase, have motivated the efforts towards the use of ESPs for artificial lift, and cost reduction arguments favored the arrangement having the ESP installed inside a pumping module on the seabed. This technology is indicated to be the lifting method of definitive development phase because of potential reduction of costs related to the workover operations. In parallel,

the contingency back-up by gas lift increases the project flexibility, as it minimizes eventual impacts of ESP failures in produced volumes. As a result, the solution proposed so far seems to be the most robust, flexible and trustworthy.Regarding Flow Assurance, the most relevant aspects have been evaluated and preventive measures have been adopted. Special focus was put on those Flow Assurance issues that present greater interaction with the ESPs. No evidence of potential major problems was found, as long as these preventive strategies were implemented.

6. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank PETROBRAS for thepermission to present these results in this work. Ourgratefulness is extended to all colleagues who, directly or indirectly, have helped in the development of solutions that made the exploitation of Jubarte viable. The authors would also like to thank FMC Technologies, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes Centrilift for authorizing the use of some of the figures displayed in this paper.

7. References

1. Bezerra, M.F., Pedroso Jr., C., Pinto, A.C.C. & Bruhn C.H.L. “The Appraisal and Development Plan for the Heavy Oil Jubarte Field, Deepwater Campos Basin, Brazil. OTC 16301, 2004.2. Rodrigues, R., Soares Jr, R., Siqueira, J. M., Giacomim, C. A. P. & Spinelli, G. R.: “A New Approach for Subsea Boosting – Pumping Module on the Seabed”, OTC17398, 2005.

SI Metric Conversion Factors

in x 2.54*E + 01 = mmHP x 7.460 43*E – 01 = kWkgf/cm2 x 98.0665*E + 00 = kPa

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A Vessel Created for Innovations

Alberto Fukai, Carlos Alberto, F. Oliveira, Fernando Bortoli Machado, Marcos Antônio Dadalto, and Roseane Barcelos Santos (Petrobras).

1. Introduction

The development plan for the exploitation of the Jubarte Oil Field, discovered in January 2001 and located approximately 80 km off the Espirito Santo State coast, southeastern Brazil, will be made in 3 production steps: Pilot Phase, Phase I and Phase II (see Figure 1) under water depths between 1,000 and 1,500 m.This paper will focus on new concepts for process and oil production facilities installed on FPSO P-34 as well as the condition to gather new technologies during operational lifetime.

2. Pilot Phase

The first step of production for Jubarte Field with a crude oil with 17 °API and 14.5 cP at reservoir condition at 1350 meters water depth is a challenge that PETROBRAS has overcome step-by-step using early production concept to demonstrate the reliability of innovative solutions.

AbstractConsidering the challenges associated to the first development of a 17° API oil field in deep waters, Petrobras has defined a strategy for the Jubarte Field Development Plan in 3 steps, in order to gather information throughout each step with the view to reduce risks for the following ones.The first step, called Production Pilot, produced a rate of 20.000 bbl/d from one well to FPSO Seillean, from December 2002 to January 2006.The second one, called Phase I, will produce four wells to FPSO P-34, which has been adapted to be installed at 1000 - 1500 m water depth and to process 60.000 bbl/d of 17º API oil. The production is planned to start by the end of 2006.Phase II will be the final development project, including 15 production wells, 7 (previously estimated) injection wells and FPSO P-57, which was designed to handle 300.000 bbl/d ofliquids and to process 180.000 bbl/d of oil. The production of Phase II is planned to start in the second semester of 2010.The main information Petrobras wants from Phase I is the aquifer strength, artificial lifting and heavy oil offshore processing facilities.FPSO P-34 has a long history as a pilot for many new offshore developments for E&P, so it was chosen to attend the Jubarte field in Phase I.The strategy was to adapt P-34, maximizing the use of the existing systems. The long lead items were purchased during the bidding phase of the main adaptation contract, through PETROBRAS engineering and procurement departments. This strategy aimed to reduce overall schedule, despite the creation of more interfaces to be managed.To test new technologies, an offshore full scale lab was foreseen to be operating for the next generation of Process Plant technology. Application of high-power and high-rate ESP artificial lift devices, installed on the sea bed, and inside the well, in-line electrostatic coalescer and specially designed vessels internals are just few of the new concepts applied.This paper describes the main modifications and adaptations made in P-34 in order for it to be prepared to face the new challenge it was designated to deal with.The process plant solution is presented considering free water knockout separator, oil stabilization on the oil dehydrator, the FPSO arrangement and main utilized facilities. The technological solution for assuring the oil quality is discussed.This paper describes in details the technology gaps identified and the solutions on the works for making this heavy oil production system, in deep to ultra-deep water, a successful business.

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41In this phase during 2002-2003 with the production of the well 1-ESS-100 by the FPSO-Seillean the following concepts were proven.

-Gravel pack for sand production control in a 1,075 m long horizontal well,-High production rate of heavy and viscous oil with high potentiality of foam production and it was necessary to injection one more silicone product-ESP powered by a 900 HP installed above a wet Christmas tree connected to the FPSO via a drill pipe riser.The well production average rate of 20,000 bpd was obtained during nine months with no failures.

Figure 1 – Jubarte Oil Field location map

3. Phase I - FPSO P-34


FPSO P-34 is a ship that was originally constructed in 1959, named Juscelino Kubitschek ship, 33,000dwt, it was modified in 1972 for 52,000dwt. It was renamed Presidente Prudente de Moraes (PP Moraes) Ship in 1967 and it was being used as a ship up to 1977 when it was converted into the second FPSO in the world, with 60,000bpd process plant capacity, after the first oil in February of 1979. P-34 was renamed Juscelino Kubitschek in 2006 and one more time modified to produce in the Jubarte Field a challenge for Petrobras. (Figure 2)

Main Characteristics of the vessel:

Length: 231.10mBreadth: 26.00mDepth: 16.87mDraft: 12.81mClass Notation: Maltese Cross 100 AT Mooring Crude Oil Process & Storage Tanker - Maltese Cross LMC Classification Society: Lloyd’s Register of Shipping.Port of Register: Panama.Flag: Panama

Figure 2 – FPSO Juscelino Kubitschek (P-34)


Tower-Yoke - Although conceptualized in 1975, the system only began operating in February of 1979. A Tower-Yoke consists of an anchor point, a tension riser with a universal joint connection at bottom and a rigid Yoke joining the tanker to the riser top. The tanker is connected to the Yoke through hinges, and connected to the rigid riser via an articulated joint that allows relative pitch and roll motion. The articulated joint is attached to the riser top by a roller bearing that allows the yoke and the vessel to weathervane.The riser incorporates buoyancy chambers that tend to maintain the riser in a vertical position and thus provide the restoring force to keep the tanker on station. The riser is connected via a universal joint to an anchor base on the sea bed. The base is secured by means of ballasting.Its main characteristic was the technical complexity and high technological conception. (Figure 3)

Figure 3 – Tower Yoke on FPSO P-34 (1975)

CALM System - This system operated during eight months. The production wells flowed to the vessel by floating hoses. The submarine manifold and well control systems were hydraulically powered from

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42a special dynamically positioned boat. A radio link between the boat and FPSO–PP Moraes operated sub sea control valves on CALM system. During thistime the adaptation of a rigid yoke and a new CALM was under construction.The fixed platform (PGP-1) was ready to receive all wells from the floating unit; therefore there was no reason to keep this unit on location.The principal disadvantage of this system was high OPEX, despite low CAPEX.CALM-Yoke - The main difference of this system was the rigid Yoke connecting the Vessel to the CALM buoy. Sub sea control changed to direct hydraulic driven. Oil processed and stored inside tankers was shipped to another CALM system where a shuttle tanker was connected by conventional hawsers.This system operated during 17 months (to June of 1985), when it was moved to a shipyard at what time the fixed platform (PGP-1) normalized its production.Early Production in the Albacora Field - CALM BUOY - The same system redeployed to the Campos Basin in 1987. A diesel engine driven compressor had been installed for gas export.The purpose was the exploitation of a giant oil field. The target was the Pilot system for the Albacora Field, located over an area with water depths ranging from 600 ft up to 6,000 ft. P.P.Moraes was installed at a water depth of 670 ft. A Submarine system received the production from 14 wells connected to two submarine production manifolds. Using flexible lines, the production was directed to the CALM buoypassing through a toroidal swivel to the process plant. Separated gas was compressed to another platform (PGP-1) 40 km away. The sub sea control was multiplexed-hydraulic, to control the operation of 168 submarine valves and 36 swivel paths.Problems related to high friction at the Vessel/Yokeconnection were experienced. This condition caused the main bearing to fail. An auxiliary bearing was installed on site. This avoided docking for repair for three years.Early Production in the Barracuda Field - Turret System - in 1996-1997 the same tanker vessel, Presidente Prudente de Moraes Crude Oil Tanker Ship, was converted to an internal Turret System and renamed as Petrobras-34 (P-34).Its main characteristics are the use of offloading in tandem and break of many world records, like the deepest anchored turret, the highest number of rises direct connected to an FPSO, and the swivel stack with the highest number of path. After the successful operation of these new concepts on P-34 there was a boom of FPSO all around the world, since first idealized in 1993.The risers system comprises 34 flexible risers individually connected to the FPSO: 11 for the production, 11 for gas-lift, 11 for hydraulic control and one for gas export. All risers were installed in a free hanging catenary configuration.

The Process Plant had a capacity of processing 60,000 bpd of 27 °API crude designed for liquid-gas separation, the whole produced water was exported together with the stabilized oil, there was no produced water facilities. There were 2 production separators out of which one sized for 30,000 bpd, 1test separator for 10,000 bpd and 1 atmospheric separator. The heating system was able to raise the temperature from 9.5°C up 40°C. The artificial lift method used dehydrated gas to lift gas via turbine driven compressor with nominal capacity of 600,000 m3/d (measured @ 20 °C & 1.033 kgf/cm2 abs) with discharge pressure of 117 kgf/cm2 abs. The produced gas was exported via dedicated gas engine driven compressor with 480,000 m3/d (measured @ 20 °C & 1.033 kgf/cm2 abs). The cooling medium system used was an open circuit with sea water. The heating medium system was a hot water closed circuit with a Waste Heat Recovery Unit (WRHU) installed on the exhaust of the gas lift turbo compressor and with a hot water furnace.


This production phase started by the end of 2006 and FPSO P-34 was refurbished in order to process 60,000 bpd of 17 °API crude oil. The design basis for the process plant was:

• Four production wells, two with gas lift and two with ESP(Figure 4)• Production fluid arriving temperature at FPSO is 25 ºC.• Maximum liquid flow rate 60,000 bpd with maximumBSW = 50%• Production separator operating condition = 7.5 kgf/cm² gand 90 °C• Electrostatic treater operating condition = 4.5 kgf/cm² gand 135 °C• Gas lift flow rate = 600.000 m3/d @ 20 ºC e 1,03 kgf/cm2abs• Gas lift pressure = 150 kgf/cm² g• Maximum produced water flow rate = 30,000 bpd• There is no water injection

Figure 4 – Production Wells Configuration

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434. Oil processing

In order to comply with the new requirements the process plant has been modified. Two new first stage separation trains had been installed, one for 40,000 bpd to receive up to three wells and the other to receive one well with capacity of 20,000 bpd with VIEC installed inside this vessel. The latter was a revamped from the one the existing production separator. The crude stream is heating from 25°C to 90°C using one produced water-crude oil heat exchanger in series with one oil-oil heat exchanger for the 40,000 bpd and oil heater using hot water for the 20,000 bpd.The oil-water emulsion stream from the production separator is heated to 135 °C. The flashed gas (V-TO) is separated at 4.5 kgf/cm2g in a degasser vessel before being sent to the electrostatic treater where the BSW is reduced to less than 0.5 % vol and the salt content to less than 570 mg/l. The oil is stabilized in order to avoid vaporization in the cargo tanks. Some procedures were necessary to prevent the steam explosion problem changing the control process philosophy (Fail open to Fail close). The specified oil from the electrostatic treater is sent to an oiloil heat exchanger were it will be cooled by the inlet feed to the separator passing by the fiscal meter system, in accordance with Brazilian Regulation Agency (ANP) and finally the oil is cooled by seawater to 60 °C.

5. Produced Water Treatment

The produced water streams from the produced separator and from the test separator are sent to the hidrocyclones via differential pressure. The produced water stream from the electrostatic treater is pumped to hidrocyclones in order to avoid vaporization to occur them.The aqueous stream from the hidrocyclones is combined to be sent to the produced water–oil heat exchanger where it cools from 90°C to 66°C., afterwards it goes to the flotation unit, where the oil content in the water is reduced to less than 20 ppm. Before disposal overboard the stream is cooled by seawater to 40 °C.

6. Gas compression and dehydration

The gas from the production separators is sent to the existing Safety Gas K.O. Drum in order to retain any liquid carry-over that could cause damage to the compression and fuel gas system.Due to the Jubarte field characteristics the existing compressor has received one additional stage to achieve a discharge pressure level of 150 kgf/cm2 g. The gas leaving the Safety Gas K.O. drum goes to the compressor system and to the fuel gas system.

The excess is flared under pressure control.The existing tri-ethylene-glycol dehydration system was replaced by a new one in order to comply with the gas dew point requirements.

7. Artificial Lift system

Two wells have gas lift technique. The other two wells have ESP with high power motor (1200 HP). One of the ESP is a conventional installation inside the well; the second ESP was installed in a auxiliary well adjacent to production well. The gas lift method was kept only to minimize the required modification on P-34. The Jubarte field exploitation studies have demonstrated that the best method is the ESP. The ESP for P-34 has chemical injection before each one, that injects the chemical product with two chemical functionality: demulsifier and anti-scale.The power required by the two ESPs was supplied by a new generator driven by gas engine with capacity of 3000 kVA. The power cable passing through the turret of the FPSO P-34 to feed the ESP will use a Spool Drum Weatherfee (SDW) (Figure 5) instead of an electrical swivel.

Figure 5 – Spool Drum Wheatherfree (SDW)


The production of heavy and viscous oil in ultra-deep water offshore is a challenge under both points of view technically and economically. Few wells with high flow rates and compact equipment for processing the oil at the top side are crucial to obtain the feasibility for the exploitation of this typeof crude.

8. High Power Electrical Submarine Pumps

The well JUB-06 located at 1290 m water depth with 6” x 1800 m long riser and 6” x 3065 m long flow line will have an ESP installed inside the well. The pump driver is an electric motor of 1200 HP to

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44provide a liquid pumping capacity up to 22,000 bpd, BSW up to 48%, discharge pressure up 278 kgf/cm2g considering 15 kgfcm2g as arriving pressure at the FPSO.The well JUB-02 located at 1357 m water depth with 6” x 1800 m long riser and 6” x 2050 m long flow line will have an ESP installed inside of an auxiliary well adjacent to the wet Christmas tree. The pump driver is an electric motor of 1200 HP to provide a pumping capacity up to 22,000 bpd BSW up to 46%, discharge pressure up 278 kgf/cm2 g considering 15 kgf/cm2 g as arriving pressure at the FPSO

9. Oil-Water Separation and Treatment

Separation - Using conventional technology for the Jubarte heavy oil (17 °API) the temperature for the first stage separation is 90°C, with a residence time of 10 minutes. P-34 is designed to comply with these requirements, but it was installed an innovative Vessel Internal Electrostatic Coalescer (VIEC) inside the Test separator to be tested. The main attributes of VIEC are: to improve level control, to reduce fluid heating, to improve water quality, to reduce chemical consumption, to make better interface control for easier operation and to improve oil quality (BS&W). (Figure 6)

Figure 6 – Vessel Internal Electrostatic Coalescer

Jubarte Oil Dehydration of will be a new configuration with a Flash Vessel on top of the main vessel to substitute the Atmospheric Separator to stabilize the oil.Flotation - On P-34 this conventional flotation unit will be added to a second stage of flotation inside the vessel. The flotation is designed to reduce the oils content from 100 ppm to 20 ppm.


FPSO P-34 will have an infra structure to be used by the Research Center of PETOBRAS to test new technologies for offshore heavy oil processing with live oil and submitted to the vessel motions. The system will be installed an area of 13 m x 5 m on the top of the first stage production separator. Thecapacity of the system is 30 m3/h of liquid. (see Figure 7)

Figure 7 – Test Skid

There will be inlet liquid-gas separator and liquid shearing control in order to prepare the feed for theequipment/technology to be tested.The streams delivered to be tested may have: liquid with BSW from 0% to 100%, temperature: 36°C and 90°C and pressure: 0.5 kgf/cm2 to 7.5 kgf/cm2 g with flow measurement, temperature.There will be a vessel to collect the liquid streams and gas stream from the tested equipment. The gas will be flared and the liquid will return to the process.A dedicated data acquisition system will be available to operate, monitor and record the process variable from the test facilities, such as flow, temperature, pressure, BSW, oil content.

The technologies to be tested will be:

Compact Electrostatic Coalescer – Improve the oil-water separation performance by means an Electrostatic coalescer. The equipment brings some advantages as: Low power consumption, robustness, wide operation window, simplified design and maintenance. (Figure 8)

Figure 8 – Compact Electrostatic Coalescer

Tri-Phase Rotary Separator Turbine – This equipment has the function of improving the oil, water and gas separation by means of centrifugal force. (Figure 9)Bulk Oil/Water and Pre-Deoiler Hydrocyclones - Considering offshore production of heavy oils

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45there is a growing interest in compact separation systems since conventional systems based on gravity separators designed to handle these oils are necessarily huge due to required the high retention time required to accomplish acceptable quality oil water separation.Search for new technological approaches to perform primary processing in such environment is still in progress worldwide. Some process equipment makers have developed new cyclonic devices to be used in primary separation. The main concern is to properly evaluate its performance when operating with fluids of density around 20° API and below. (Figure 10)

Figure 9 – Tri-Phase Rotary Separator Turbine

Figure 10 – Hidrocyclones

Centrifuge – Working in the area of emulsion of the produced oil, the capacity of separation oil-water will be evaluated through the force centrifuges generated through one centrifuge of vertical axis. (Figure 11)


To perform all the required modifications and adaptations on a quay dotted with low infrastructure and strong restrictions for performing specific works such as: blasting, some equipment performing tests,

Figure 11 – Centrifuge

loading and unloading of heavy parts and so on;To install by divers on a quay (where currents, watertransparence, HSE requirements, tolerances and others effects grow in importance and difficulty) of 13 reinforcements (each one weighing 650 kg) on the existent I-Tubes due to new risers configuration and location depth;To conceive a new Process plant installation at the same area as it was before, but now with 1,200 mton heavier and fitted with new equipment and accessories of greater capacity volume and area.

10. Phase II - FPSO P-57

Phase II will be one vessel with Spread Mooring Anchoring System and including 15 production wells, 7 (previously estimated) injection wells, which was designed to handle 300.000 bbl/d of liquid and to process 180.000 bbl/d of oil. The oil separation process has two trains with 90.000 bpd each one and the storage capacity of 1,800,000 bbl.The production of Phase II is planned to start in the second semester of 2010. The final development project has been completed and it’s in bidding fase. (Figure 12)

Figure 12 – FPSO P-57

CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Disponível em

4611. Conclusion

P-34, a Vessel Created for Innovation, will have adaptations to be used in the development of new technologies to process heavy oil offshore.The knowledge acquired from the new approved technologies in P-34, will vield into larger reliability and safety in the development of Phase II of the Jubarte field, where an FPSO of great capacity will be used - 300.000 bpd and 180.000 bpd, as well as in other fields with oil presenting similar characteristics. As a natural consequence, Petrobras will be able to develop still even more its technology for the production of offshore heavy and ultra-heavy oils.

12. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank PETROBRAS for thepermission to publish this paper Special thanks to our colleagues from Petrobras E&P Headquarters (E&P-ENGP), Petrobras Research & Development Center (CENPES), Petrobras E&P Espirito Santo Business Unit (UN-ES) and Petrobras E&P Services Unit (E&P-SERV).

13. References

- Nicodemos, J. F. et al: Exploitation of Heavy Oil Fields in Deep Water – New Concepts 2003 DOT.- Pinto, A. C. C. et al: Offshore Heavy Oil in Campos Basin: The Petrobras Experience, 2003 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Tx, (May, 2003)- Vale, O.R.; Mastrangelo, C.F. and Nicodemos, J.F. Heavy Oil Technology Development Supported by Early Production Systems ( DOT 2005)

CIP Journal nº 02 / 2009 Disponível em

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