claadiri inalte 12

Post on 23-Nov-2015






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  • Cursul 12Fatade

    5 iunie 2012 Curs cladiri inalte master IC 1

  • Introducere

    Anvelopa cladirii reprezinta 1020% din costul total.

    Repararea sau remedierea deficientelor este mai scumpa decat executia initiala.

    Proiectarea anvelopei implica aspecte estetice, de

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    Proiectarea anvelopei implica aspecte estetice, de confort higrotermic si acustic, de rezistenta si stabilitate, deci trebuie sa coopereze mai multe specialitati.

  • Istoric: de la fatade grele la fatade usoare

    Inchiderile traditionale erau grele (caramida, piatra) si aveau dublu rol: de protectie si portant.

    Grosimea peretilor de inchidere era mare (40-100 cm), reprezentand o fractiune importanta din suprafata construita.

    Etapa urmatoare: inchideri din zidarie de BCA: greutate mai redusa, grosime mai mica (25-30 cm), izolare termica mai buna, fara rol

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    grosime mai mica (25-30 cm), izolare termica mai buna, fara rol portant.

    Din anii 50 apar peretii cortina: fatade usoare (40-60 kg/mp), grosime mica (circa 10 cm), fara rol portant.

  • Baza normativa

    NP 102-04: Normativ privind proiectarea si montajul peretilor cortina pentru satisfacerea cerintelor de calitate prevazute de Legea nr. 10/1995", (publicat 2005)

    Standarde europene si ghiduri romanesti specifice :

    SR EN 13116:2002 Pereti cortina - Rezistenta la incarcarea data de vant - Exigente de performanta

    SR EN 12179:2002 Pereti cortina - Rezistenta la incarcarea data de vant - Metode de testare

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    SR EN 12179:2002 Pereti cortina - Rezistenta la incarcarea data de vant - Metode de testareSR EN 12154:2002 Pereti cortina - Impermeabilitatea la actiunea apei Clasificarea exigentelor de

    performantaSR EN 12155:2002 Pereti cortina - Impermeabilitatea la actiunea apei - Incercare de laborator la

    presiunea staticaSR EN 13050:2002 Pereti cortina - Impermeabilitatea la actiunea apei - Incercari de laborator la

    presiunea dinamica a aerului si la pulverizarea apeiSR EN 13051:2002 Pereti cortina - Impermeabilitatea la actiunea apei - Incercari in situSR EN 12153:2002 Pereti cortina - Permeabilitatea la aer - Incercari de laboratorGAT 056-95 Ghid privind agrementarea tehnica pentru pereti cortina (PROCEMA S.A.)ST-035:2000 Specificatie tehnica privind cerinte si criterii de performanta pentru verificarea

    antiseismica a fatadelor cortina (INCERC)

  • Baza normativa (2)

    Standarde si normative complementare:

    C107/1-97 Normativ privind calculul coeficientilor globali de izolare termica la cladirile de locuit

    C107/2-97 Normativ pentru calculul coeficientului global de izolare termica la cladiri cu alta destinatie decat locuirea

    C107/3-97 Normativ privind calculul termotehnic al elementelor de constructie ale cladirilor

    C107/4-97 Ghid pentru calculul performantelor termotehnice ale cladirilor de

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    C107/4-97 Ghid pentru calculul performantelor termotehnice ale cladirilor de locuit

    SR EN ISO 717-1:2000 Acustica. Evaluarea izolarii acustice a cladirilor si a elementelor de constructie. Partea 1: Izolarea la zgomot aerian

    SR EN ISO 717-2:2000 Acustica. Evaluarea izolarii acustice a cladirilor si a elementelor de constructie. Partea 2: Izolarea la zgomot de impact

    SR EN 572-1:1996 Sticla in cladiri - Produse din sticla silicatica calco-sodica. Partea 1: Definire, proprietati generale fizice si mecanice

    P118-99 Normativ privind siguranta la foc a constructiilor

  • Baza normativa (3)

    Standarde si normative complementare privind actiunile si rezistenta:

    CR 0 2005 Cod de proiectare. Bazele proiectrii structurilor n construciiNP 082 2004 Cod de proiectare. Aciunea vntuluiP100-1/2006 Proiectarea structurilor la actiuni seismiceEN 1999 Proiectarea structurilor din aluminiu

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  • Exigente de performanta

    Peretele cortina trebuie sa satisfaca criteriile de perfomanta prevazute in standardele si normativele relevante privind:

    Rezistenta si stabilitate la : presiunea vantului, deformatii impuse (din vant seism sau variatii de temperatura), impact din interior

    Izolare termica

    Izolare acustica

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    Izolare acustica

    Etanseitate (apa, praf, aer)

    Iluminare naturala/ protectie impotriva radiatiei solare directe

  • Valori ale conductivitatii termice

  • Valori ale conductivitatii termice

    Element de constructie GrosimeU-Wert in


    Auenwand aus Beton ohne Wrmedmmung 25 cm 3,3

    Auenwand aus Mauerziegeln 24 cm ca. 1,5

    36,5 cm ca. 0,8

    Auenwand aus Mauerziegeln mit

    Wrmedmmverbundsystem (PUR) (17,5 cm)

    30 cm ca. 0,32

    Auenwand aus hochporsem Hochlochziegel, unverputzt 50 cm 0,170,23

    Auenwand Holzrahmenbau, wohnungstypischer Aufbau 25 cm 0,150,20

    Auenwand aus Massivholz (ohne Wrmedmmung) 20,5 cm 0,5

    Auenwand aus Porenbeton 36,5 cm 0,1830,230

    40 cm 0,1630,21040 cm 0,1630,210

    50 cm 0,1250,146

    Innenwand aus Mauerziegeln 11,5 cm 3,0

    Innenwand aus Porenbeton 28 cm ca. 0,6

    Auentr aus Holz oder Kunststoff - 3,49

    Acrylglas (Plexiglas) 5 mm 5,3

    Einfachfenster 4 mm 5,9

    Doppelfenster - 3,0

    Fenster mit Isolierverglasung 2,4 cm 2,83,0

    Fenster mit Wrmeschutzverglasung 2,4 cm ca. 1,3

    Fenster gesamt Anforderung Energienachweis Schweiz


    - 1,3

    Lichtbauelement aus Polycarbonat 5 cm ca. 0,83

    Fenster im Passivhausstandard - 0,50,8

  • Sticla

    Sticla este un material fragil, cu comportare liniara pana la rupere. Ruperea este initiata acolo unde exista o imperfectiune (de ex. zgarietura).

    Procedee de obtinere si prelucrare:

    float: se obtine o foaie plana care pluteste pe o baie de cositor topit. Prin acest procedeu imperfectiunile de pe suprafata sunt inlaturate.

    prin calire (annealing), adica incalzire urmata de o racire lenta, se

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    prin calire (annealing), adica incalzire urmata de o racire lenta, se detensioneaza materialul (se inlatura eforurile reziduale). Se obtine o rezistenta de circa 25 MPa.

    prin temperare, adica incalzire pana aproape de punctul de topire si racire rapida se introduce o stare de eforturi de compresiune in stratul superficial. Sticla complet temperata se rupe la circa 70 MPa.

    sticla laminata: mai multe foi de sticla cu o pelicula de elastomer intre ele. Rezistenta depinde de rezistenta la forfecare a peliculei dintre foi.

  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Stick curtain wall (pereti cortina lipiti)

    A stick curtain wall requires installation of individual framing members to form the support grid for glazing of the infill panes. It can be divided into three types namely Concealed framing, semi-concealed framing and exposed framing. Glass panes are fixed with either a pressure plate or a hook-on profile.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Unitized system (Panouri)

    Unitized panels are assembled in the factory, with high degree of precision. Fast installation efficiency, short construction period, easy to protect finished product. That can be simultaneously constructed with major structural of civi work, greatly shortens the construction period for whole building. Structure adopts pressure equalization principle, with drainage system inside, good anti- rainwater leakage and anti-air penetration quality.

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    quality. Joint location of panels is sealed with special weather resistance rubber strip, that ensures self-cleaning function of curtain wall , and lowers the degree of pollution on the surface. Socket joint mode is adopted between the plates, with strong earthquake resistance property.

  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Perete dublu

    Peretii cortina dubli cu economisirea energiei( thermal shaft curtain wall), pot fi clasificati dupa modul de ventilare, in sisteme cu ventilare naturala sau cu ventilare fortata, si anume in sisteme cu circulatie exterioara sau sisteme cu circulatie interioara. Sistemul consista dintr-un perete cortina exterior, un perete cortina interior, dispozitive pentru umbrire, dispozitive pentru introducerea aerului, dispozitive pentru iesirea aerului. Scopul proiectarii este sa se economiseasca energie, sa se protejeze mediul si sa se asigure un mediu placut pentru munca sau locuire.

    Principul sistemuluiPrin adoptarea modului de ventilare compus, tirajul natural si ventilarea mecanica pot lucra alternativ in functie de conditiile existente. Iesirea de aer este deschisa vara si lasa ce mai mare

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    existente. Iesirea de aer este deschisa vara si lasa ce mai mare parte a aerului dintre cei doi pereti sa iasa afara. Iarna iesirea de aer este inchisa si prin folosirea efectului de sera se incalzeste aerul dintre pereti, crescand temperatura peretelui interior si economisind astfel energie.Structura sistemuluiintregul sistem are structura de panou (unitized), peretele exterior este tip sticla termopan etans, peretele interior este dintr-un singur strat de sticla cu ferestre pivotante, jaluzelele pentru reglarea luminii sunt la mijloc. Capacitatea de pastrare a calduriifoarte bune proprietati izolatoare, k mediu 1.15W/m2K. Capacitate de izolare fonicafoarte buna, izolare fonica RW>42dB. Ventilare mixtase poate regla singur prin ventilare naturala, fara a se baza pe sistemul de aer conditionat al cladirii.

  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Pereti dubli

    Pereti cortina dubli cu circulatie exterioaraSpecial features :1.According to air thermal compression principle and chimney effect, the fresh air is let indoor, the fouled air is exhausted to outdoor, this can effectively prevent the dust from entering into the indoor. 2.Preeminent winter heat preservation and summer heat insulation function. 3.Reasonable lighting function, according to the needs of user, the light adjustment can be changed, and the lighting environment can be ameliorated. 4.Preeminent sound insulation and acoustic function, creating a serene working and living environment for the user.

    Pereti cortina dubli cu circulatie interioara System principle Shutting down air conduit to indoor in summer, let most of hot air inside the double layer sealed

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    Shutting down air conduit to indoor in summer, let most of hot air inside the double layer sealed thermal shaft area vent into outdoor. In winter, the greenhouse effect heat--retaining air will be heated by conduit loop system and passed to indoor, reaching energy-saving effect. System structure--whole system adopts unitized structure, outer layer adopts sealed insulation glass, inner layer adopts single glass pivot-hung window, shading louver is installed between the two walls; The outlet is joined with building air-conditioning system. Performance Heat-insulating property--with admirable heat preservation, heat-insulating property, k value of average heat transmission coefficient can reach to 0.96W/m2K. Sound insulation property--admirable sound insulation performance, weighted noise insulation factor can reach to RW>45dB. Mechanical ventilation--by assorting of curtain wall, heating and ventilation and air-conditioning system, that provides fresh air and realizes energy recovery, the specific discharge, according to different use location, can maximally reach to 100m3/h. Comfortable degree--enough light indoor, favorable temperature.

  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: point fixing curtain wall

    According to supporting structure, it can be divided into 1. Art steel structure supported point fixing glass curtain wall system 2. Space tensile cable supported point fixing glass curtain wall system 3. Self-balancing tensile cable supported point fixing glass curtain wall system 4. Single cable supported point fixing glass curtain wall system Decorative surface glass must be handled by toughening treatment, and can adopt with

    Point fixing glass curtain wall consists of decorative surface glass, connection component and supporting structure.

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    Decorative surface glass must be handled by toughening treatment, and can adopt with single-glass, insulation glass or laminated glass.

    Special features of productsTransparent effect makes natural and harmonious scene between indoor space and outdoor environment. Exquisite structural member and aesthetic structure realize delicate combination of metal structure and glass decoration art. All kinds of supporting structure satisfy the requirements of building structure and decorative effect. Glass and connection claw adopt ball pivot linkage , with comparatively strong capacity in absorbing deformation.

  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: point fixing curtain wall

    Art steel structure supported point fixing glass curtain wall

    Structural system--the composite structure system is composed of curved face steel pipe lattice shell system and curved face cable nets system. Lattice shell system withstand exterior load action, the stability within plane is assumed by cable nets system. Special features of linkage--the universal hinged spherical insert-type joint is adopted between the steel pipe structural members. Art feature--the combination of flexibility system, rigidity system and glass perfectly embodies true modern art of industry.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: point fixing curtain wall

    Art steel structure supported point fixing glass curtain wall

    Structural system --fish-belly type plane pipe truss system is adopted, the structure is both reasonable and economy. Special features of linkage--the weld joint type is adopted between the steel pipes, with smooth lines and exquisite joint point. Art feature--fish-belly truss is disposed in parallel type, with decent and transparent effect.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: point fixing curtain wall

    Art steel structure supported point fixing glass curtain wall

    Structural system--space truss structure system, the large arm acts as the part of space unit, as well as the principal connection member. Material features--organic combination of stainless steel and carbon steel. Shape esthetics--the force and beauty are incarnated incisively and vividly by combining the bow type shape of large claw arm and point supporting of glass.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: point fixing curtain wall

    Space tensile cable supported point fixing glass curtain wall

    Structural system--the composite structure system is composed of curved face steel pipe lattice shell system and curved face cable nets system. The lattice shell system can withstand exterior load action, the stability within plane is assumed by cable nets system. Special features of linkage--the universal hinged spherical insert-type joint is adopted between the steel pipe structural members. Art feature--the combination of flexibility system, rigidity system and glass perfectly embodies true modern art of industry.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: point fixing curtain wall

    Space tensile cable supported point fixing glass curtain wall

    Structural system--the structure adopts transverse plane cable rod truss to withstand the exterior load action, the vertical cable rod plays the stabilizing action outside the plane and also withstand self weight load of glass, which is the system of geometrical nonlinearity and flexibility for prestress. Range of application--that is mostly suitable for the opening between the storey with large aspect ratio, and more economically utilizes the stress mechanism of structure. Architectural effect--curtain wall enjoys the effect of transparent, brightness and legerity.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: point fixing curtain wall

    Self-balancing supported point fixing glass curtain wall

    Structural system--the structure consists of pulling cable, draw rod and steel structure, which is self-balancing system of prestress. Structural feature--draw rod and pulling cable adopt pre-stretching system for prestress, by relying on itself structural balance, under the outside load action, the prestress greatly decreases the load transferred to the major structure. Architectural effect--simplicity, liveliness and coherence. That fully embodies the beauty, both rigidity of steel and gentleness of cable rod.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: point fixing curtain wall

    Single cable supported point fixing glass curtain wall

    Structure system - - supported by concave soft cable network supporting system composed by large-scale hanging cable and the single layer wire crossing network pointsystem. Product characteristic - - large-scale hanging single cable network system forms different in concave fold curtain wall by advanced form finding technology. Earthquake resistance ability - - the waving machine between single cable anchored damper and hanging cable make the machine have superior anti earthquake capability. Construction effect - - magnificent boundless, grand, visual shocks.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Full glass curtain wall

    Structure features--glass rib and glass board is connected by structure rubber; the top of glass rib uses hangs to connect with node, the base uses the slip joint. Construction effect --the light alternately shining between glass rib and surface glass leaves you the infinite dreams.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Metal Curtain Wall

    The metal curtain wall decoration effect is diverse, colorful and anti-corrosive.

    The metal curtain wall could be divided into:

    1. Aluminum single curtain wall2. Aluminum composite panel curtain wall 3. Honeycomb panel curtain wall

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    3. Honeycomb panel curtain wall4. Stainless steel plate curtain wall

  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Metal Curtain Wall

    Aluminum single curtain wall

    Material characteristics--good ductility, easy to bend processing and the complex curved surface forming, easy to adapt construction decoration request. Corrosion resistance and weather proofing. Connection characteristics--floating-type pressing joint structure, with dislodgement absorb and earthquake resistance ability. The construction effect--fluorocarbon spray coating technology bring the elevation more colorful.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Metal Curtain Wall

    Stainless steel plate curtain wall

    Material characteristics--artistic and smooth surface and diverse utilization; good performance of anti-corrosive; high temperature proofing and oxidation intensity, be of fire protection performance.Structure features--panel floating link and strong dislodges absorbing ability and anti earthquake capability.Decoration effect --different processing methods lead to different decoration effect.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Metal Curtain Wall

    Aluminum composite panel curtain wall

    Material characteristics--light weight, simple processing craft. The surface is dealt with fluorine carbon coating processing, with anti-corrosive, anti-ultraviolet radiation etc merits. Compared with the aluminum single plate, it has good sound insulation and thermal performance. Installation structure--localization installment, could be three dimensional adjusted with strong dislodgement absorbing capability. Construction effect--metal sense of reality, rich color, smooth surface and lines.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Metal Curtain Wall

    Honeycomb panel curtain wall

    Material characteristics--superior thermal and heat insulation performance; high rigidity and light weight with high intensity and the anti-avulsion and smooth surface. Installation structure--pressing type connection enriches products with high security. Construction effect--metal sense of reality and rich color, smooth lines and bright sense of depth.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Stone curtain wall

    Divided into:

    1. Back bolt stone curtain wall 2. Splint stone curtain wall 3. Continuous groove stone curtain wall

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Stone curtain wall

    Back bolt stone curtain wall

    Connection form--use stainless steel expanding non-stressing anchor connection, safe and reliable. Installation structure--suspension flexible connection will bring high anti earthquake performance. It is adjustable in multi-directions, and of smooth and neat surface.Construction effect--noble stone material and bright sense of quality display its grave natural and noble luxurious.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Stone curtain wall

    Splint stone curtain wall

    The connection form-- aluminum alloy carrier connection, the cementation completed in the factory, the quality is reliable. Installation structure --hanging style structure allows to be three dimensional adjusted. Elastic cushions installation may achieved and provide flexible connection and the earthquake resistance performance. Construction effect--noble stone material and bright sense of quality display the buildings grave and noble luxurious.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Stone curtain wall

    Continuous groove stone curtain wall

    Connection form -- enhance system safety and the intensity effectively by adopting continuous aluminum alloy molding. Installation structure -- structure installation may realize three dimensional adjustment, making sure the curtain wall surface smooth and neat. Construction effect -- noble stone and bright sense of quality display the building's grave and noble luxurious nature.

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  • Tipuri de pereti cortina: Tile curtain wall

    Installment structure--adopt stainless steel pressed spring to form flexible connection to reduce noise. Dry installation. yield no pollution and easy to be installed.Material features--tile is green environment protection product with no color difference and could be self-cleaned. Artistic effect--special color for tile material make buildings more traditional and modern.

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  • Sisteme de umbrire

    Shading systems Large fixing shading system

    Structure features--shading panel as permanent connection, adjust the angle of incidence according todifferent regions when install. In this way, it may fully make use of natural light. Construction effect--artistic appearance to be consistent with glass curtain wall levation. Use maintenance--simple structure, easy installment and high security.

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  • Sisteme de umbrire

    Large scale electric horizontal turning shading system

    Structure features--aluminum alloy shading system may apply in the entire glass curtain wall shading elevation.Biological modeling--the streamline design of fish abdomen type vane has air disperse and light refraction effect.

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    and light refraction effect.Intelligent light adjustment--intelligent control to adjust the whole vanes angle to achieve the purpose of adjusting indoor light.Construction effect-- various colors on vane surface may be easy to express the construction connotation

  • Sisteme de umbrire

    Large scale electric vertical turning shading system

    Structure features--perforate metal plate may effectively prevent strong and direct light and introduce natural light, especially suitable for east and west side light.

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    light. Intelligent control--connected with construction intelligent management system to automatically adjust vane angle for shading.Construction effect--the vane turns vertically, and its various material may be easy to express construction connotation

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