cloud foundry 101

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Cloud Foundry 101

Qu es? Por qu?

Juan Pablo Genovese / @eljuanchosf


Breve historia del deployment

DatosRuntimeMiddlewareO/SVirtualizacinServidoresAlmacenamientoRedesDatosRuntimeMiddlewareO/SVirtualizacinServidoresAlmacenamientoRedesAplicacionesIaaSAplicacionesInfraestructura tradicionalDatosRuntimeMiddlewareO/SVirtualizacinServidoresAlmacenamientoRedesAplicacionesPaaSToday cloud services are all around us. There are 3 main categories for them:IaaSThis is where you pay to use the providers infrastructure:VMsStorage ServicesNetwork ServicesExamples:AmazonOpenstackCloud StackvCloudPaaSThis is where you pay to use normally a abstract platform where you can upload your code and it does almost everything automatically. Runtime detection, service bindings, scaling and almost every aspect of your software lifecycle is abstract and automated for the developer.Examples:HerokuOpenshiftGoogle App EngineEngine YardCloud FoundrySaaSThis is where you pay to use a specific software, app lifecycle is completely managed by provider and you forget about everything related to the infrastructure or the platform where this software runs.Examples:SalesforceSpotifyGoogle Docs / Google AppsMicrosoft Office Online

Qu es Cloud Foundry?

Cloud Foundry is an Open Source PaaS, is like having your personal Heroku, open source and deployed in the cloud provider of your choice. To be known AWS, OpenStack, VMware vSphere/vCloud and unofficially Google Compute Engine, Cloudstack, Azure


Ciclos de deploy de aplicaciones simples

Poderosas herramientas para monitoreo y operaciones

Muy extensible

Independiente de la plataforma

Desarrollo contnuo rpido y estable

Gran comunidad y ecosistema

Simplified build and deploy cycles: Simply do cf push and use one of the default buildpacks to deploy your app or use any custom buildpacks because many of the heroku buildpacks are extremely compatible.-

Powerful Tools for Operations and Monitoring: The health manager will do continuous active monitoring over your apps, restarting the failing nodes. Integrate CF with OpenTSDB, Graphite, Nagios, fluentd, logstash, Splunk , NewRelic and many others to monitor your apps and increase their performance when it is needed.

Highly Extensible: Bind almost any service, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo, Redis, SendGrid email, NewRelic monitoring, RabbitMQ and more. Use your own custom Buildpacks or attach almost any cloud data store.

Platform Independent: The same version of CF can be deployed to many different cloud providers with a minimal modification in its configuration.

Fast & Stable Continuous Development: With one stable release every 2 or 3 weeks that makes CF one of the most fast moving Open Source PaaS.-

One of the Best Open Source Communities: His great Documentation & a very friendly mailing list whil make problem solving a really easy job.-




cf push sube tu cdigo fuente a la plataforma, que los transforma en una aplicacin corriendo.Stage

Detrs de escena, tu cdigo pasa por scripts de staging, llamados buildpacks para crear droplets listas para ser ejecutadas.Distribute

El DEA corre los droplets en containers, ejecuta un comando start y notifica que tus apps estn listas para recibir trfico.Run

Tu app es agregada en un router dinmico, que balancea la carga entre todas las instancias de tu app.

Ideal para Desarrolladores

Olvidate de la infraestructura

Mtodos de deploy seguros y rpidos

Mismo workflow de deploy para todos los ambientes

Soporta una gran variedad de stacks out-of-the-box (Ruby, nodejs, Java, Golang, Python, PHP)

Binding dinmico de servicios

Aplicaciones tolerantes a fallas

Escalabilidad integrada

Ideal para DevOps

Release Engineering: Estable, Predecible & Self-Healing.

Independiente del IaaS (casi)

Tolerante a fallas en todos sus componentes (la base de datos es la nica excepcin).

Rpida resolucin de problemas de seguridad

Todos los componentes provistos por la misma comunidad (cf-release, bosh, stemcells)

Gran soporte de la comunidad (especialmente de las listas de correo cf-dev, cf-bosh)

Usar CF se siente como...

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