cloud public et privé, de nouvelles opportunités pour la...

Post on 17-Apr-2018






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Cloud public et privé, de

nouvelles opportunités

pour la DSI


Philippe ROUX – HP


Contexte et vision Microsoft


Du Datacenter au ServiceCenter


3/4 des entreprises ont déployé des serveurs virtuels

81% des entreprises comptent consolider de nouveaux serveurs d'ici 2 ans

Responsabilité sociale et Green-IT

Éviter de gaspiller énergie, matériel et espace dans les centres de données

En 2010, les centres de données ont consommé 5 % de l'énergie électrique aux E.U.

Conformité et processus

50 % des entreprises américaines et européennes mettent en œuvre ITIL ou l'ont déjà fait

Les directions générales avouent consacrer 10 % de leur budget à la conformité

Niveaux de service exigeants

82% des centres sont déjà soumis à des SLA

Les centres visent une disponibilité proche de 100%

La reprise sur incident joue un rôle vital

2/3 des entreprises voient les budgets consacrés aux datacenters augmenter

74% des entreprises font résider un nombre croissant de serveurs dans leur datacenter

42% des centres dépasseront leur capacité énergétique en 12 à 24 mois

Croissance rapide

Interconnection des centres

Interdépendance plus marquée des systèmes et applications

Toutes les entreprises ont des environnements hétérogènes (Windows, Unix, Linux)

IT as a Service

Datacenter sur site Datacenter hébergé Datacenter Microsoft

• Maitrisé, stable & sécurisé

• Utilisation < 15%

• Accroissement de l’utilisation > 50%

• Automatisation partielle des opérations

• Elasticité des

ressources & opérations


• Facturation à l’usage

• Self-Service

• Utilisation mesurable

Cloud Computing et DataCenter Transfert des technologies vers l’infrastructure

• Capacité à la demande

• Accessibilité globale

Des solutions Microsoft &

tierce partie pour bâtir vos


Un environnement de

virtualisation et


performant et économique

Une plate-forme pour vos

offres et les applications de

vos clients Cohérence de la plate-forme applicative

Identité fédérée

Cohérence des outils de développement

Administration unifiée

Sécurité intégrée

Virtualisation unifiée

Comment faire évoluer votre infrastructure actuelle ?

Standardisation sur des serveurs


Architecture des ressources IT en pools logiques et


Montée en compétence sur la virtualisation

Standardisation sur une plateforme

d’administration unifiée physique/virtuelle

Ajustement des processus interfaçant les personnes

et l’IT


Continuité du Datacenter au Cloud

Privé Public

Virtualization Monitoring Configuration Automation Services

Centric Mgmt

“Microsoft : une offre unique IT-as-a-Service”

Et maintenant …

• Parlons des technologies – Visite de notre MTC (Microsoft Technology Center)

– Rendez vous avec un spécialiste

• Faire l’état des lieu de votre infrastructure – Par vous-même : MAP

– Avec nos partenaires ou MCS (Microsoft Consulting Services)

• Etude d’impact économique – Rendez vous avec un spécialiste

• Déployer un pilote

Evoluer du datacenter

traditionnel vers le cloud


Philippe ROUX

Responsable marketing division serveurs, stockage et réseaux d’entreprise


Un Datacenter as a Service prêt pour le cloud


Logiciels d’administration


Energie et refroidissement

Virtualisée • Disponible • Orchestrée • Optimisée • Modulaire

Une infrastructure :


Dans le datacenter de l’entreprise

Via le Cloud Chez un fournisseur de services



Converged Infrastructure

Converged Infrastructure : modèle architectural

Virtual Resource Pools

Intégrant puissance de calcul, stockage et réseau assemblés au gré des besoins


Câblage une fois pour toutes, évolution dynamique, toujours prédictible

Infrastructure Operating Environment

Orchestration des services partagés

Datacenter Smart Grid

Administration intelligente de l’énergie, des systèmes aux salles informatiques

Converged Infrastructure : HP BladeSystem Matrix

Virtual Resource Pools

Serveurs en lame ProLiant

Stockage EVA


Connexions 10Gbps

Infrastructure Operating Environment

Orchestration des services partagés

Portail de services

Datacenter Smart Grid

Insight Power Manager

Modèles d’infrastructures

Une plate-forme prête à l’emploi

pour le cloud

Convergence de l’infrastructure

Administration commune

Matrix operating environment fourni par Insight Dynamics

Onboard Administrator

Châssis commun

c7000 c3000 Superdome 2

Composants communs

Réseau commun

Virtual Connect

Flex-10 Virtual Connect


Architectures communes






Superdome 2 Lames de


Réseau commun

Virtual Connect


Châssis commun

c7000 c3000 Superdome 2

Composants communs

Architectures communes






Superdome 2

Virtual Connect


Lames de


De l’infrastructure convergente

aux applications convergentes

Administration commune

Matrix operating environment fourni par Insight Dynamics

Onboard Administrator


SQL Server Exchange SharePoint Modèle Infrastructure-to-application


Pré-Configuré Pré-Testé Pré-Optimisé Pré-Installé

Microsoft Application Platform

HP Converged Infrastructure

HP Software

HP Insight Control Management Software

HP Data Protector

HP Database Archive

HP Networking

Integrated Virtualization and Management

HP ProLiant Servers

HP StorageWorks Storage

HP Data Center Connection Manager

Architecture Mise en oeuvre

Intégration Outsourcing Conseils Formation Support

De l’infrastructure convergente

aux applications convergentes




HP et Microsoft : un environnement intégré, de l’infrastructure aux applications 1

Une solution de cloud privé extensible et économique 2

Un réseau de partenaires pour mettre en oeuvre 3

Microsoft IT

MS IT : « First and Best » Microsoft Customer Our Cloud Strategy


CIO Microsoft France, Belgium, Netherlands


Microsoft IT : Reality & Challenges

We support multiple business units on a common infrastructure

Places Where We Differ…

MSIT is expected to be a world class showcase MSIT is expected to utilize full range of MS products MSIT personnel are in high demand as experts; EBCs, keynotes, 1:1 drill down, executive sponsorships Customer expect MSIT to understand how MS products integrate with non-MS products

Historical lack of long-term focus on system and enterprise architecture 30+ years of silo’d business systems and architecture Still consolidating IT Generally a focus on immediate requirement and not on long term implications; support, maintenance and enhancement costs Duplication of data and function across silos Little consistency of implementation leading to high cost of operations

MS IT story and maturation steps Organization evolution – Key milestones

Managing Growth

Enterprise Credibility

IT Optimization

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Online Services

MIS Org. Est.

Centralized Global


SAP Deployment

Exchange DC Consolidation

Admin IT De-Centralized

1St Formal

F&B Program


1st Enterprise Wide Dogfood Exchange


Founded MACS

1 CIO Apps and


Combine Field IT

Est. WW IT Ops

BPOS and Azure F&B

BUIT’s Consolidated

2 – CIO’s

BUITs Decentralized

Data Center Consolidation


Servers / Devices

770K devices / 340K Computers

6 production data centers supporting MSIT

6 forests

16 domains

Corp Forest 9 domains

1 M objects - 11 Gb


20.9M internet emails received /day

1.2M internet e-mails delivered /day


200+K Sharepoint sites

18,1 TB

Users / Sites

160K end users

700 buildings

106 countries

13 actively Used language (5 standard)

Various Profile Office dweller (40%)

Campus Nomad (40%)

Remote users (20%)

Other (100,000+ partners)

Remote Connectivity

11M remote connections/month

906K VPN connections/month

37.8M OWA connections/month

Online Environment

350M active Hotmail accounts worldwide

550M unique visitors to Microsoft sites/month worldwide

2B Live Search queries/month worldwide

Microsoft & MS IT context Some numbers …

Microsoft & MS IT context Cost reduction management while being able to diggest significant demand growth

Dec 08 YOY% Dec 08 YOY%

Internal Users 170K +15% Support tickets/month 175K +15%

Trading Partners 82K +10% SharePoint sites 200K +15%

Buildings 700 +21% Invoices/month 345K +2%

OS Instances 800K +25% Application releases/month 350 +50%

Network devices 8,873 +16% Sites exceeding network SLA 13% +110%

Instant messages/month 80M +266% Internet E-mails/day 1,2M +15%

Spam filtered/day 20M +15% Storage 7PB +100%

Average mailbox size 600MB +55% Downloads/Month 1.2M +9%

UC minutes/month 1.4M +450% Batch job runs / month 5.5M NA

Conferencing min/month 38M +23% Remote Connections/month 1.4M +15%

The capacity planning dilemma

Microsoft IT & The Cloud

Internal Cloud Conversion Framework

• 1. Are we Cloud Ready from the infrastructure perspective ?

• 2. What are the capabilities in our offerings? What is our roadmap?

• 3. Which of our applications can be moved most easily ? Which can be virtualized ? Which are not worth moving to the cloud?

• 4. What’s the business impact of moving each application to the cloud? (low/medium/high)

Tony Scott Microsoft WW CIO

“85 – 90% of the company’s internal apps

would be cloud based five to ten years from now”

Giving Campaign auction tool

Key metrics for MS IT delivery

Progress made and goals using ITIL/MOF model "People, Process & Technology"

3 Cloud Delivery Models & Steps

1. Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Rent processing, storage, network capacity, and other

fundamental computing resources – MS IT : Datacenters & Virtualization

2. Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) – Use provider’s applications over a network – MS IT : Consume online collaborative solutions

3. Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) – Deploy customer-created applications to a cloud – MS IT : Segment and migrate the application porfolio

Major Steps to migrate to a Cloud Based Model

• Well-known, Stable & Secure

• Utilization <15%

• Utilization Increases to >50%

• Management Costs Decrease

• Management Costs Decrease Significantly

• Capacity Management

• Chargeback

Server to Datacenter to Cloud Building Blocks for IT as a Service

• Capacity on Demand

• Global Reach

We are here today

Microsoft’s Datacenter Evolution


Scalability and …Sustainability

Datacenter Co-Location Generation 1

Modular Datacenter Generation 4



Rack Density and Deployment

Quincy and San Antonio

Generation 2

Chicago and Dublin Generation 3

D e p l o y m e n t S c a l e U n i t


Time to Market Lower TCO

Facility PAC

We are here today

Infrastructure Optimization Virtualisation

2009 2010

We are here today

Infrastructure Optimisation Virtualisation

Increase server utilization for higher efficiency, reliability, and agility

Financial Impact:

• Hosting costs decreased by $4.3M during the first year (Jan 2009)

• Target is 50% of virtual servers till June 2010 to spare $4.1M (2010 forecast is $5.5M)

Green IT : 20% energy consumption in 18 months, CO² reduction

IT Agility :

Time to provision a server : from maximum 36 weeks to maximum 4 weeks

Infrastructure services easy to deploy on-demand (Branch Cache)

Disaster recovery plans easier to generalize

Business justification and approvals needed in case of physical server demand (mainly for security and privacy)

From now, 90% of new servers are deployed as a virtual machine

Migration mandatory step to IaaS !

3 Cloud Delivery Models & Steps

1. Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Rent processing, storage, network capacity, and other

fundamental computing resources – MS IT : Datacenters & Virtualization

2. Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) – Use provider’s applications over a network – MS IT : Consume online collaborative solutions

3. Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) – Deploy customer-created applications to a cloud – MS IT : Segment and migrate the application porfolio

Major Steps to migrate to a Cloud Based Model

Microsoft IT & The Cloud



• First & Best

Customer with

160+K users

• Dog-fooding

Exchange 2010

• Same Support

System as


Nov 2010: Start dog-fooding BPOS-S Wave 14 internally

3 Cloud Delivery Models & Steps

1. Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Rent processing, storage, network capacity, and other

fundamental computing resources – MS IT : Datacenters & Virtualization

2. Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) – Use provider’s applications over a network – MS IT : Consume online collaborative solutions

3. Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) – Deploy customer-created applications to a cloud – MS IT : Segment and migrate the application porfolio

Major Steps to migrate to a Cloud Based Model

IT Capacity Management






Actual Load

Allocated IT-capacities

“Waste“ of capacities

“Under-supply“ of capacities

Fixed cost of IT-capacities

Load Forecast

Barrier for innovations

Actual Load

Allocated IT capacities

Reduction of initial


Reduction of “over-supply“

No “under-supply“

Possible reduction

of IT-capacities in case of reduced







Load Forecast

Capacity Management with Cloud

Decision Framework

Basic Intermediate Advanced

Application portfolio segmentation

How do you know an app is a good fit for the Cloud?

4 Utilization Patterns

& 5 IT Scenarios


Incremental Benefits

From development… To test… To pre-production… To full production environments


Evaluation & Selection


How do you know an app is a good fit for the Cloud?

Volume Licensing

Service Center (VLSC) enables customers to manage licensing program agreements, download licensed products, and access volume license keys

Includes eAgreements, LicenseWise, LicenseIQ, SA Benefits Calculator, and SA Value Estimator

Performance@Microsoft Commitment setting

Peer and manager feedback

Performance assessment/rewards


First round …

Management Framework

Cloud Adoption Steering Committee and Working Groups – adoption, architecture, security, operations, and support

Organizational Planning – IT lifecycle process, change management, and organizational capabilities

Community – best practice sharing, internal discussion groups, online and classroom training, case studies


Aligning our adoption plan with the Windows Azure platform roadmap

New Applications

Evaluate all new apps for Cloud Fit: Does

the application lend itself to be built and

optimized for the cloud?

Classification: Will the new application be

classified as Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced?

And does the Azure Capabilities timeline

match the business timing needs?

New applications will be designed

to leverage cloud capabilities as

appropriate, with the timing based

on platform readiness.


Existing Applications


31% 32%

Each existing application is evaluated for

cloud migration and accepted if there is

a technical fit and incremental business

benefits that justify migration costs.

Eligibility for

Cloud Migration

MSIT Application


Different approaches will be taken for new and existing applications.

Eligibility for

Cloud Adoption

* Expected features based on analysis - not yet on official roadmap

1-8 cores; 1.7-14 GB RAM

250-2000GB/VM (‘Infinite’ VMs)

100Mbps minimum per VM

Global Data Centers


Managed/Raw VMs

Virtual Network Overlay (VNO)

More Global Data Centers

Hardware performance increases & further platform refinements based on usage experience

50GB Cloud Storage

SQL Fault Tolerance

RDBMS Synchronization

SQL Clone

SQL Backup & Restore

SQL Reporting & BI


Removal of 50GB Limit

Continued improvements to SQL Azure platform

AppFabric Service Bus & Access Control

Auth. Store & Claims Transformation

Durable Message Store & Delivery Guarantee

Continued improvements to AppFabric

PowerShell support

Monitoring & Logging APIs

Deployment Portal/APIs

99.9% SLAs

Managed/Raw VMs

Remote Desktop

Admin Role Access

System Center for Cloud

SQL IP Filtering

Certificate Store Access

GFS allows MBI on Azure

Single LiveID / Corp ID Authentication

Enhanced Security via Remote Desktop / Admin

Segmented Roles

HBI Support and Regulatory Compliance

2010 2011 2012 2013

© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should

not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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