co projekt 2016

Post on 25-Jul-2016






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Концертен цикъл “СОЛИСТИ - ИНТЕРПРЕТАТОРИ” 2016



Български млади музикантиПрограмаОркестър

Камерата Орфика по светаЕкип

Спонсори и партньори

Концертният цикъл “Солисти - Интерпретатори” представя за реализация елитен музикален фестивал за класическа музика съвместно с НДК София, ФКЦ Варна и община Пловдив. Съчетанието на шедьоври на

европейската музика и изпълнители от световна величина ще допринесе за обогатяване на културния живот в столицата и страната.

В основата на проекта е развитието на мащабно и дългосрочно културно сътрудничество с програмите на водещите европейските културни центрове - като Виена, Париж, Лондон, Милано, Цюрих- съвместно

с НБУ, Уни Кредит Булбанк и концертиращи артисти - професори от водещи световни университети.

Фестивалът “Солисти - Интерпретатори” предлага богата концертна програма, включваща всеки месец 2 камерни и 1 симфоничен концерт.

Свързвайки младите български таланти с големите музиканти на Европа и Света - ние създаваме нови мостове и простори за мечти. Желанието ни е да покажем че именно “класическата музика” - дете

на европейската културна традиция- обединява света с вечните си духовни ценности. Мисията ни е посланието на това уникално изкуство да достигне до съзнанието на слушателите, обогатявайки го чрез

осъзнаване ролята на жизнено важни фактори като красотата, хуманизмът и хармонията; послание за човечност и духовна толерантност така необходимо днес.



ПРОФ. БОГДАН БОГДАНОВпочетен председател (президент) на НБУ

МИРОСЛАВ БОРШОШдиректор Национален дворец на културата

ЛЕВОН ХАМПАРЦУМЯНизпълнителен директор и председател на Управителния съвет на УниКредит Булбанк

АНДРЕА КАЗИНИЗаместник-председател на Управителния съвет и Главен оперативен директор


ПРОФ. Д-Р МИХАЕЛ ФРИШЕНШЛАГЕР президент на „Международна академия Орфеус“ и фондация „Фриц Крейслер“, Виена

ПРОФ. Д-Р МАРИО ХОСЕНконцертиращ артист, почетен проф. на Нов Български Университет

- Елитен музикален класически фестивал в София, Пловдив и Варна.

- Стимулиране и подкрепа на младото поколение български творци живеещи в чужбина.

- Обогатяване на културната програма в България с концерти на световно известни изпълнители, оперни певци, оркестрови концерти - част от културния афиш на европейските и световни столици.

- Младежта и музиката, това е най доброто средство за преодоляване бариерите на миналото и за намиране на път към голямото европейското семейство.



DOMINIQUE DE WILLENCOURT - violoncellodisciple of André Navarra, Philippe Muller, Marcel Bardon and Mstislav Rostropovitch, Dominique de Williencourt has been invited to play in more than forty countries. Invited by the maestro Valentin Berlinsky of the Borodin Quartet to play at the Moscow Philarmony and to sit on the jury of the Sho-stakovich International String Quartet Competition in Moscow. Artistic director of Europ & Art, a music production company, he has been organizing since 1994 musical cruises WILLIENCOURT-CROISIRAMA with great artists: from Lord Yehudi Menuhin to Yuri Bashmet. He teaches at the Conservatoire Supérieur of Paris CRR and has been made a Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite (Knight of the National Order of Merit). Since 2000, he has been playing an exceptional cello by J.Gagliano (1754) and using a bow made by F. X. Tourte (1825).

GÜNTER PICHLER - conductorbegan his studies at the University of Music in Vienna in 1955. Herbert von Karajan engaged him as Leader of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1969 he was awarded the „Mozart Interpretation Prize“. In 1970 he founded the Alban Berg Quartett and had led this famous quartet ever since. It was rewarded more than thirty renowned disc prizes. Complementing his work in the quartet Pichler embarked upon a career as a conductor. Since then he conducted many European orchestras in concerts and on tours. In Japan he conducted all the major orchestras like Tokyo, Osaka, Sendai, Sapporo Philharmonic and NHK Orchestra Tokyo. He is currently Artistic Advisor of the Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa.

TAKASHI SHIMIZU - violinHaving started playing the violin at the age of 6, he won a All Japan Violin competition just 3 years later. That same year he made his television debut, playing with the NHK Symphony Orchestra for the wedding celebration of H.I.M.Prince Hitachi. Winner of top prizes in the international violin compe-titions such as Jacques Thibaud, Carl Flesch and the Queen Elisabeth. He played chamber music with Argerich, Menuhin, Gitlis, Gililov and Maisky etc.He played a piano trio with Martha Argerich and Misha Misky. He has made number of recordings with the London Symphony Orchestra and is a member of faculty at The Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.

ENRICO DINDO - violoncelloprincipal cellist in the Teatro alla Scala Orchestra, for eleven years. In 1997 he won the First Prize at „ROSTROPOVICH“ Competition in Paris.Since then, he began the soloist activity performing in many countries, with prestigious Orchestras. He also performed with important Conductors such as Riccardo Chailly, Aldo Ceccato, Gianandrea Noseda, Myung-Whun Chung, Daniele Gatti, Yuri Temirkanov, Paavo Jarvj, Valery Gergev, Riccardo Muti as well as Mstislav Rostropovich. In May 2000 the Italian National Association of Musical Critics confers him the “Abbiati” Prize as the best soloist of the 1998/1999 Season, in November 2005 the President of the Italian Republic Carlo Azelio Ciampi awarded him the “Vittorio De Sica” Prize for the music. Enrico Dindo records for Decca and plays a Pietro Giacomo Rogeri cello of 1717 (ex Piatti), confided to him by the Pro Canale Foundation.

MICHEL BOURDONCLE - pianoThe French Pianist Bourdoncle studied at the Paris Conservatory. In 1984 he received a grand prize award at the International Pianist Competition Acanthes, pre-sided by Iannis Xenakis. Later on, he won a scholarship to study at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow and in 1986 - the Franz Liszt Competition in Utrecht.His concert career took this excellent pianist to all of the most important European, as well as American and Asian concert stages. Bourdoncle is not only highly praised as a soloist but also as an outstanding chamber musician. The artist has also been intensively devoting himself to teaching. Since 1987, he is a professor of piano at the Darius Milhaud Conservatory in Aix-en-Provence, and from 1981 to 1991 he was teaching chamber music at the Conservatory in Marseille.

LESLIE HOWARD - pianoAnnual re-engagements on 5 continents and a 130-CD discography attest to the burgeoning popularity of Leslie Howard, established worldwide as a con-cert pianist, composer, conductor, chamber musician and scholar. A citizen both of Britain and Australia - born in Melbourne but resident in London since 1972 - Dr. Howard has earned an extraordinary claim to immortality, having accomplished a feat unequalled by any solo artist in recording history - his 97-CD survey (for Hyperion) of the complete piano music of Franz Liszt. This monumental project merited Dr. Howard’s entry into the Guinness Book of World Records, 6 Grands Prix du Disque. At an internationally telecast ceremony from Buckingham Palace, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II bestowed on Dr. Howard “Member in the Order of Australia” for his “service to the arts as piano soloist, composer, musicologist and mentor to young musicians.”

GEORGES PLUDERMACHER - pianoThis internationally renowned virtuoso pianist is known for his adventurous and widely ranging repertoire that emphasizes contemporary music and innovative approaches to traditional literature. After winning many competitions, he was engaged to perform with many famous conductors, including Georg Solti , Christoph von Dohnányi, and Pierre Boulez. Pludermacher is also an enthusiastic performer of chamber music. He has also worked with several well-known violinists, such as Christian Ferras, Ivry Gitlis, and the remarkable Nathan Milstein; Pludermacher‘s recordings have earned him the Monde de Musique, Diapason, the Grand Prix de l‘Académie du Disque, and the Grand Prize of the Charles CROS Academy for his performance of Beethoven‘s Diabelli Variations.

GÉRARD POULET - violinstarted his career as a child prodigy. He entered the Paris Conservatoire at the age of eleven and won a unanimous First Prize a year later. At eighteen he won the Premier Grand Prix of the Paganini Competition in Genoa. While continuing his studies with such masters as Zino Francescatti, Yehudi Menuhin, Nathan Milstein and principally Henryk Szeryng, his “spiritual father”, Gérard Poulet was very soon giving concerts in a career that developed throughout the whole world. He pursues a successful double career as a leading soloist and teacher.


MICHAEL FRISCHENSCHLAGER - violinSoloist, chamber musician, violin pedagogue from Salzburg. In 1984 he was elected Head of String Department, 1989 vice chancellor, 1992 - 1996 chancellor of the University of Music Vienna. He is in demand as jury member of many renowned violin and chamber music competitions and also as teacher for master-classes at famous universities and academies all over the world. Since 1989 he is president of the International „Fritz Kreisler“ Competition in Vienna. In 1991 he founded the International Summer Academy Prague-Vienna-Budapest at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts and has been its director for 14 years. For many years he has been President of the European String Teachers Association in Austria (ESTA) and Committee member and Vice President of the World Federation of International Music Competitions (WFIMC).

MARIO HOSSEN - violin born in Bulgaria and received his education in Sofia, Vienna and Paris. He made his debut as soloist with Orchestra at the age of eight. As a concert soloist of international acclaim, Hossen has performed with renowned orchestras such as the English Chamber Orchestra, the Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Radio, the Bruckner Orchester Linz, the Orchestra della Scala di Milano, Academy St Martin and the Fields, the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orquesta Sinfonica del Estado de Mexico, the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra. Hossen is artistic director of “Vienna Les Orpheistes Festival Orchestra”, director of the International Music Academy Orpheus and Professor at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia.

MILENA MOLLOVA - pianopianist and piano pedagogue with an immensely prolific career. She has prizes in prestigious international competitions: The First Tchaikovsky Piano Competition in Moscow; The Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibault Competition in Paris; The ARD International Contest in Munich; The Beethoven Competition in Vienna. She has toured the concert stages of Europe, Japan, USA and Cuba. Her substantial experience as a performer forms the basic of her intensive teacher’s career. Professor Mollova founded the Department of Music at New Bulgarian University. She has been teaching in Master classes in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, Bulgaria, South Corea and USA, and has been invited to sit on jury panels for major international competitions.

MASSIMO QUARTA - violinHis revolutionary approach to the virtuosistic Italian music have won over audiences and have been widely acclaimed in the international press ( CHOC Award 2004 of „Le monde de la Musique“) gaining him an honoured place alongside the most distinguished artists (The Strad). Massimo Quarta began to study violin at age of eleven at the „T. Schipa“ Conservatory in Lecce, then followed his studies and graduated at the „S. Cecilia“ Conservatory in Rome with Beatrice Antonioni. He subsequently studied with Salvatore Accardo, Ruggiero Ricci, Pavel Vernikov and Abram Shtern.. Massimo Quarta is president of ESTA Italia and is Professor at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana (Musikhochschule) in Lugano. He plays a violin by G. B. Guadagnini from 1765.

MARIO BRUNELLO- violoncelloIn 1986 Brunello was the first Italian ever to win the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, which launched him into a stunning international career. He has played with some of the most prestigious orchestras, including the London Philharmonic, Royal Philharmonic, Munich Philharmonic, Philadelphia Orchestra, Mahler Chamber Orchestra, London Symphony, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio-France, NHK Symphony Tokyo, Filarmonica della Scala, Accademia di Santa Cecilia, DSO Berlin. Brunello also devotes much time to projects involving diverse art forms (literature, philosophy, science, theatre). Mario Brunello plays a precious Maggini cello from the 1600s.

GÉRARD CAUSSÉ - violinFrance’s leading violist, he is widely acclaimed as ranking among the handful of great international viola talents of our time and one of the few who, since Primrose, have made the viola once again a solo instrument in its own right. This has been recognised by an impressive range of major record labels, whether for solo, concerto or chamber music recordings, earning him numerous awards from the international music press. Highly respected by his peers, Caussé per-forms and records regularly with such household names as Emmanuel Krivine, Charles Dutoit, Kent Nagano, Gidon Kremer, Renaud and Gautier Capuçon. His discography is composed of more than 35 records on labels including Virgin Classics and Deutsche Grammophon. He plays a Gasparo da Salo (1560).

NAYDEN TODOROV - conductorwas born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He studied conducting and composition at the Vienna Music Academy. Following his studies in Bulgaria and Austria,he went to Jerusalem, where he served as resident conductor with the Israel Symphony Orchestra in Haifa. Maestro Todorov was the recipient of scholar-ships from the international Georg Wachter foundation in Switzerland. Since 2004 Director of State Opera Rousse and regular guest condutor of Sofia Philharmonic orchestra. Awarded 2014 as a Bulgarian Musician of the Year.

LUDMIL ANGELOV - pianoHe has been awarded with prizes at international competitions, including Frederic Chopin (Poland, 1985), Palm Beach International Competition (USA, 1990), Piano Masters (Monte Carlo, 1994) and World Piano Masters Tour (France, 1997). Popular all over Europe, the U.S.A., South America, Hong Kong, Korea and Taiwan, Ludmil Angelov has given recitals, chamber music concerts and has played as soloist with many leading orchestras under the baton of famous conductors. He was awarded by the International Chopin Institute in Warsaw with Grand Prix du Disque Chopin. Director of Music Festival Toledo and Piano Professor in NBU.

ADRIAN OETIKER - pianoThe Swiss pianist Adrian Oetiker is pursuing a worldwide carrier since many years. In 1994 he was awarded the cultural price of his home town for founding the Chamber Music Festival of St. Gallen. In 1995 he won the prestigious ARD International Piano Competition in Munich. His concerts in Europe, America and Australia led to collaborations with the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Irish National Symphony Orchestra and many others. Since 1996 he is professor of piano at the Hochschule für Musik Basel, in 2011 he was appointed professor of piano at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munic as well. He is the artistic director of the International Summer Academy of Lenk.

EMANUELA PIEMONTI - pianofrom the age of eleven she has taken part, with great passion, in all forms of chamber music, from duos to septets. She initially worked with famous young talents and, subsequently, with performers of international reputation including Hermann Baumann, Franco Maggio Ormezowski, John Mackeney, Enrico Dindo, Mario Hossen and Michèle Scharapan. She has always considered it essential for her personal and musical research to accompany the Classics with new music, collaborating with many composers including M. Kagel, L. de Pablo, S. Sciarrino, G. Kurtág, L. Francesconi, I. Fedele and A. Solbiati to whom she is married. She has recorded for the labels Aura, Stradivarius and Amadeus. She is professor of Chamber Music at the Conservatorio “G.Verdi” di Milano and considers teaching as important and exciting as performing.

VIOLETTA EGOROVA - pianoShe was born in Krasnodar and began to play and improvise on the piano age of four. She is the Winner of the First Prize of Alessandro Casagrande International Piano Competition in Terni, Italy; G. Viotti International Competition, Italy; Gina Bachauer Piano Competition in USA and many other international competitions. Ms. Egorova has performed in some of the most famous concert halls in the United States, Italy, France, Switzerland, Turkey, Egypt, Monaco, Romania, Austria, Russia and China. Violetta is a regular guest artist with many renowned ensembles such as the State Academic Orchestra of Russia, The George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra, Moscow State Symphonic Orchestra.

MARIO CARBOTTA - flutehas played all over Italy, in many countries of Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Asia, Mexico, Canada and the United States of America. He has performed in some of the most prestigious concert halls: Grosser Musikvereinssaal in Vienna, Rudolfinum in Prague, Auditorium of the Swiss Radio in Lugano, „G.Verdi“Hall in Milan’s Conservatorio, Glenn Gould Studios in Toronto. In addition to the artistic activity, Carbotta has constantly devoted himself to research on a lot of forgotten but important authors and to divulge his rediscoveries. His discography for Dynamic, Tactus, Nuova Era and Rugginenti includes the first recordings in our times of Giuseppe Sammartini, Mario Pilati and the whole work for flute by Nino Rota.

BRUNO CANINO - pianowon awards at the Bolzano piano competition and won a similar award in Darmstadt in 1960. He has played as soloist and chamber musician for the most important music societies and festivals in Europe, the USA, Canada, Japan, China, Malaysia, Russia, South America, New Zealand and Australia. As a soloist, Canino has played under conductors such as Bruno Maderna, Riccardo Muti, Claudio Abbado, Riccardo Chailly, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Luciano Berio and Pierre Boulez as well as with orchestras such as the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra, Berliner Philharmoniker, Orchestra dell‘Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome and Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala. Bruno Canino has recorded for the RCA, Deutsche Grammophon, Angel and Orfeo labels. A noted composer himself, Bruno Canino has written over 30 musical works.

BOIKO ZVETNOV - tenorwon International Singing Competitions in both Sofia and Bilbao leading to significant successes as a concert and oratorio singer. Since 1991 Zvetanov has been a member of the Zurich Opera House where he has sung much of the standard tenor repertory. Other theaters with which Boiko Zvetanov has been closed associated include Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Semperoper in Dresden, the Opera de Paris Bastille and increasingly at the Liceu in Barcelona. He has worked under some of the world’s greatest opera conductors including Riccardo Chailly, Bruno Bartoletti, Marcello Viotti, Zubin Mehta, among many others. Zvetanov can be heard on the Arte Nova Classics label in CD’s of operatic arias and complete versions of Verdi’s Il Trovatore, Un Ballo in Maschera and Attila.

JITKA HOSPROVÁ - violathe first Czech viola soloist, is world renowned for her art. In her albums, she presents gems of Czech violin literature and the classical modern world. As a soloist, she works alongside numerous international orchestras – the Vienna Radio Orchestra, orchestras Lorain, Belgian Philharmonic, the Czech Philharmonic, Prague Symphony Orchestra. She performed her debut solo shows in London, Vienna, Paris, Stockholm, Rome, Santiago de Chile, Washington, DC and New York. “Jitka´s viola passion gives the audience a clear note of the existence of this overlooked instrument, viola literature provides a fasci-nating and inspiring composers to compose new pieces. It is stunning to look at this artist,” says Dee Anne Hunstein, director of Hunstein Artist Services in New York.

PHILIPPE BERNOLD - flutewon First Prize in the Jean-Pierre Rampal International Competition. This award allowed him to start a career as a soloist, performing with world famous artists and orchestras. such as: M. Rostropovitch, J.-P. Rampal, S. Bychkov, J. E. Gardiner, L. Maazel, K. Nagano, Sir Y. Menuhin, M. Inoué, T. Koopman, in concert halls such as the Royal Festival Hall in London, Pleyel Hall and Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, Cologne Philharmonie, Warsaw Philharmonic, Châtelet Theater in Paris, Bunka Kaikan in Tokyo, Seoul Art Center, as well as at the Festivals of Aix-en-Provence, Cannes, Evian, Strasbourg, and Radio France. He recently directed the famous Simon Bolivar Orchestra in Caracas, Venezuela. Bernold is Professor of Flute at the Paris Conservatory and the National Conservatory of Lyon.







Бах/ транскрипция Моцарт - 4 Фуги от цикъла “24 прелюдии и фуги” Моцарт - Дивертименто KV136

Бах - Бранденбургски концерт №1 Моцарт - Адажио и Фуга KV 546

Бах - Бранденбургски концерт №5








MАРИНА ХИНОВА виолончело









МАРТ | 01.03. - НДК СофияСЕРЕНАДАЧайковски, РеспигиКАМЕРАТА ОРФИКАДиригент: Марио ХосенСолист: Рафаеле Малоци (Италия) - виола

АПРИЛ | 24.04. - ФКЦ Варна, 25.04 - НДК СофияИЗГУБЕНИ ГЛАСОВЕШулхоф, Хартман, ВайнбергКАМЕРАТА ОРФИКАДиригент: Амори дьо Клозел (Франция) Солист: Разван Хамза (Израел) - цигулка

МАЙ | 30.05. - НДК София, 31.05. - Опера Пловдив, 01.06. - ФКЦ ВарнаСИМФОНИЧЕН КОНЦЕРТБах, Менделсон, БетовенКАМЕРАТА ОРФИКАДиригент: Филип Бернолд (Франция)Солисти: Адриян Йотикер (Швейцария) - пианоМарио Хосен - цигулка


ЮНИ | 23.06. - Пловдив, 24.06. - Варна, 26.06. - НесебърМЕСЕМБРИЯ ОРФИКАБах, Рола, ДжаретКАМЕРАТА ОРФИКАДиригент: Жерар Косе (Франция)Солисти: Адриен ла Марка (Белгия) - виолаЛия Петрова - цигулка

СЕПТЕВРИ | 9, 10, 11. ФЕСТИВАЛ МЕСЕМБРИЯ ОРФИКАКАМЕРАТА ОРФИКАСолист и Диригент: Марио ХосенСолисти: Мартина Шукан (Швейцария) - виолончелоМарио Карбота (Италия) - флейтаМариса Бланес (Испания) - пиано и др.

НОЕМВРИ | НДК зала 1 София, Опера Пловдив, ФКЦ Варна ПАГАНИНИ ГАЛА С МАРИО ХОСЕНКАМЕРАТА ОРФИКАДиригент: Джеси Ромоло (Италия)Солист: Лилия Гудмундсдотир (Исландия) - сопран

ДЕКЕМВРИ | НДК София, Опера Пловдив, ФКЦ Варна КОЛЕДНО - НОВОГОДИШНИ КОНЦЕРТИМоцарт, ЩраусКАМЕРАТА ОРФИКА Диригент и солист: Марио ХосенСолисти: Бойко Цветанов - тенор, Анджела Тодорова - пианоРалица Богданова, Мартин и Александър Заиранов - цигулка

CAMERATA ORPHICA NBU - VIENNA LES ORPHEÏSTES е международен камерен и симфоничен оркестър - съставен от брилянтни млади класически музиканти, част от тях бивши и сегашни възспитанници на НБУ. Артистичната ни мисия е да работим и реализираме идеята за създаване на мащабно културно сътрудничество на музиканти от балканските държави със център Виена. Убедени сме, че нашата епоха изисква от нас композитори и изпълнители различен подход към изкуството. Музиката трябва да изиграе важната си роля като опонент на настъпилата духовна пустота.

Първостепенна грижа на изкуството е създаването на трансцедентен мост към съзнанието на слушателите, обогатявайки го чрез осъзнаване ролята на жизнено важни фактори, като красотата, хуманизма и хармонията. Надяваме се с концертите на КАМЕРАТА ОРФИКА НБУ - VIENNA LES ORPHEÏSTES да бъдем посланици на Балканите по Света; да допринесем с езика на музиката реализиране идеала за човечност и културна толерантност, така необходими днес. ОРФЕЙ безспорно най- ярката личност в историята на класическата митология в европейската култура, родена и излъчваща посланието си от Тракия. Мотивирани от енергията на посланието му решихме и ние с музиката си да бъдем носители по света на неговото Име. Централна роля имат българските музиканти, подкрепени от австрийски, македонски, гръцки и турски инструменталисти. Един изключителен пример за международно

културно сътрудничество на различни народи от югоизточна Европа, които създават културен мост към света.

Досега диригенти и солисти на оркестъра са били емблематични имена на българската и световна класическата музика като Милена Моллова, Найден Тодоров, Амори Клозел, Жерар Пуле, Алексис Хаузер, Доминик Виленкур, Жан Ферандис, Кристоф Хагел, Борислав Иванов, Валери Вачев, Гюнтер Пихлер, Хансйорг Шеленбергер, Филип

Бернолд, Донг-Сук Канг, Жерар Козе, Волфганг Клос, Такаши Шимицу.

Турнета в Австрия, Полша, Япония, Финландия и България, различни телевизионни и компакт диск записи, доказват високото техническо и музикално ниво на КАМЕРАТА ОРФИКА НБУ - VIENNA LES ORPHEÏSTES

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Концерти на нови сцени, които ще допринесат за популяризиране и на балканската класическа музика в различни точки по света.

Концерти и турнета 2017 - 2020Азия: Япония, Китай, Южна Корея;

Северна Америка: Канада, САЩ; Южна Америка: Бразилия;

Европа: България, Румъния, Турция, Австрия, Франция, Испания, Италия, Латвия, Германия, Швейцария

Звукозаписна дейност 2016-2019; 8 нови компакт дисковеРазпространението на нашите CD и DVD- та, които ще бъдат предлагани на всички наши концерти и от

дистрибуторите на швейцарския издател DORON MUSIC.


• VIP билети и покани за всеки концерт• Представяне на вашата фирма във всички наши рекламни материали

(плакати, програми, брошури, билбордове и др.)• Представяне на вашата фирма на вътрешната част на обложката на нашите нови 8 компакт дискове

(запис и разпространение 2016-2019 г.)• Предоставяне на рекламни компакт дискове за подаръци

• Реклама на сцената• Частни концерти на CAMERATA ORPHICA на ваши фирмени събития (коледни концерти и др.)

• Реклама в нашите интернет страници и социални мрежи



Varna Summer International Music Festival

Проф. д-р. Михаел Фришеншлагерпрезидент

Проф. Милена Молловапочетен председател

Валери Петровпредседател

Проф. д-р Марио Хосенартистичен директор

Проф. д-р Райнер Бишофинтендант

Доц. д-р, Милена Шушуловаорганизация, камерни концерти

Росица Чопева, Красимир Щеревконцертмайстори

Неделчо Петров, Лиляна Кехайовамениджмънт и организация

Ксения Върговаграфичен дизайн


CAMERATA ORPHICAMob. BG: +359895446236 | Mob. AT +43 676 5446236 | |

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