code switching in swing kids drama musical film

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Submitted to the Board of Examiner

in Partial fulfillmentof the Requirement for

Literature degree at English Literature Department










Jambi, 6 November 2020

Pembimbing I : Dr. Diana Rozelin, M. Hum

Pembimbing II : Dian Mukhlisa, S. Pd., M.A

Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora


Kepada Yth

Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora




Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya, maka kami

berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari: Ramzawati, Nim. AI.121273, yang


FILM (SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS)”,telah dapat diajukan untuk

dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas - tugas dan memenuhi syarat –

syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana strata satu (S1) pada Fakultas Adab

dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi

tersebut agar dapat diterima dengan baik.

Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi

kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb



Jambi, November 6 th


Supervisor I : Dr. Diana Rozelin, M.Hum

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, S. Pd., MA

Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty The State Islamic

University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi


The dean of Adab and humanities

faculty the state Islamic university in


Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

After reading and revising everything extended necessary, so we agree that the


FILM (SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS)“ can be submitted to Munaqasah

exam in part fulfillment to the equipment for the degree of humanities scholar.

So we submit it in order be received well. Thus, we hope it can be useful for


Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb



Artinya :

Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah menciptakan langit dan bumi dan

berlain-lainan bahasamu dan warna kulitmu. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikan

itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang mengetahui.1


And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the

diversity of your languages and colors. Surely in this are signs indeed for people

who have knowledge (of the facts in creation and who are free of prejudices).





First of all I would say the grateful to Allah SWT always given me health

to finish this thesis. Shalawat and salam to Prophet Muhammad SAW who has

brought human’s life to a better life to a beautiful world. Proudly, I dedicate this

thesis to My beloved Angel whom I call Bak (Abunjani) and Mak (Si’ah) . All

my struggles up to this point cannot be separated from the love and prayers that

they always say in their long bow in prayer, asking to their Robb for the happiness

of their dear children. I know Bak and Mak have gone through a lot of struggle

and pain, by me, thank you for giving me a lot of love without demanding any

balances from me, Mak, Bak I like to thank you for your opening arms for me

when the world closes its doors for me, thank you for opening your heart to me

when people close their ears for me. There is nothing I can think of from myself

but thanks to your love, love and prayers that I can get to this point. Thank you for

always supporting me when I want to give up, more and more you always show

your trust in me. Even when people say bad things about me to make you angry

and hate me, but again I am grateful because you always believe that I will arrive

at this point. I'm sorry I gave you this happy news so late. Thank you very much

for your love to heaven. I love you both

I also dedicate this description to myself, thank you for wanting to struggle

through things that are not pleasant with me, thank you for always believing that

we can be at this point, thank you for never giving up on dreams that may have

been buried in my mistakes. This description is the best gift for you as I was too

late to make it happen for you. Thank you for never giving up trusting me.

the last I dedicated this thesis to my beloved brothers and sisters, to my

beloved Kakak ( Maskuri ) , Abang (Ulul Azmi S. Pd. I ) Abang (Abdul saman)

mandok (Saib) And my Beloved Uni (Ani Sidarni), ayux ( Ramah, S. Pd), cik

(Nor) and little sister (Martini) whom always love and support me to keep live to

life of my dream and my education.



Firstly, the writer wants to say alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all the prise

belong to Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for his blessing from starting point

of my study until now the end the end of my study. after that, shalawatandsalam

be upon to our prophet Muhammmad SAW, hopefully we will get his syafa’at

later as the last day.

Secondly, the writer would like to say thanks to my beloved supervisors: Dr.

Diana Rozelin, M. Hum and Dian Mukhlisa, S. Pd M.A whom has helped, guided,

supported and suggested me in writing this thesis. I also want to say thanks for all

of suggestion and support to finish this thesis.

To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many

people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are :

1. The Rector of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Sifuddin Jambi,

Prof. Dr. H. Su’aidi, MA. Ph. D. The vices of Rector, Dr. Rofiqoh

Ferawati, S.E., M. El.; Dr. As’ad Isma, M. Pd and Dr. Bahrul Ulum, S.Ag.


2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. Halimah Dja’far, M.

Fil.I the vice of dean, Dr. Ali Muzakir, M. Ag., Dr. Alfian, S. Pd., M.Ed.,

and Dr. Raudhoh, S. Ag., SS. M.Pd.I.

3. The Chairman of English Literature Department, Dian Mukhlisa, S. Pd.,

M.A, And The Secretary of English Literature Department, Chandri Febri

Santi, M. Pd


4. All of academic Staff of Adab and Humanities Faculty whom help me

with the administrative plan.

5. Racana Sulthan Tahaha and Srie Soedewi family

6. My beloved kakak (Fitri Lisdiani S. Pd) abang ( Edward Eka Putra S.

Pd.I) my mama (Hj.Arnawilis and Papa Alm. (Ir. H. Udin Herman)

7. My best friend mas Syahrizal Afandi, S.Pd.I. M. Pd, pakde Heri Novrizal

S.Sos, mas Joko Samudro,S, Pd. I, and Doni Adi saputra, S. Pd. Much

Rinaldi S. Hum. My beloved sister, Titin Rezeki Saputri, S. Pd, Rina

Suciatitis, S. Sos, Ummi Kalsum, S. Pd, Parida Mamlilia, S. Pd, Sri

Wahyuni S. Pd , Evi Susanti , Amd. Keb and Rostiana ,S. Pd who never

bored in listening to my worried and curiosity, and never bored in

supporting me. All people who have helped me in writing this thesis. I

would like to say thank you so much. I love you all as always

This thesis is still far away from perfection, the writer needs some critics

and suggestion, so that the writer can be better in the future. Finally, the writer

hopes this thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the

students of English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty



Ramzawati, 2020 : Code switching in Swing Kids Drama Musical

Film (Sociolinguistic Analysis). English Literature

Department, Adab And Humanities Faculty the

State Islamic University Sultan Thaha saifuddin


Supervisor I : Dr. Diana Rozelin, M. Hum.

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, S. Pd. M.A.

The most important component in communication is language. Therefore,

many people in the world study languages. Code switching is one way of applying

the use of language in everyday life in sociolinguistic studies. Therefore,

researchers took research on code switching which were often used by the

community to make it easier to communicate with other people. This research the

researcher take the code switching in the Swing Kids drama musical film. The

purpose of this study are : (1) to determine the types of code switching used by the

first female character in the Swing Kids film. (2) To find the reasons that the main

female character in the film uses code switching. This research uses Code

Switching theory by Hoffmann.This research is qualitative research. The data

collections used documentation techniques, and descriptive techniques used to

describe and analyze the data. The data of this research are texts that contain Code

Switching which is used by the first female character in the dialogue film Swing

Kids. The results of this study show that the first female character in this film uses

three types of code switching in the dialogue film, 1. Tag switching, 2. inter-

sentential switching and 3. intra-sentential switching. From 7 reasons for using

code switching, there are only five categories used in the dialogue film,1. taking

about particular topics, 2. being emphatic about something, 3. repetition used for

clarification, 4. interjection and 5. expressing identity.

Keywords: Sociolinguistics, code switching, film.



Ramzawati, 2020 : Code switching in Swing Kids Drama Musical Film

(Sociolinguistic Analysis). English Literature Department,

Adab And Humanities Faculty the State Islamic University

Sultan Thaha saifuddin jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Diana Rozelin, M. Hum.

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, S. Pd. M.A.

Komponen terpenting dalam komunikasi adalah bahasa. Oleh karena itu, banyak

orang di dunia mempelajari bahasa. Alih kode merupakan salah satu cara

penerapan penggunaan bahasa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam kajian

sosiolinguistik. Oleh karena itu peneliti melakukan penelitian tentang alih kode

yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk memudahkan dalam berkomunikasi

dengan orang lain. Penelitian ini peneliti mengambil alih kode dalam film drama

musikal Swing Kids. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui jenis

alih kode yang digunakan oleh karakter wanita pertama dalam film Swing Kids.

(2) Untuk mengetahui alasan pemeran utama wanita dalam film tersebut

menggunakan alih kode. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Code Switching oleh

Hoffmann. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data

menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, dan teknik deskriptif digunakan untuk

mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis data. Data penelitian ini adalah teks-teks yang

berisi Code Switching yang digunakan oleh tokoh perempuan pertama dalam film

dialog Swing Kids. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tokoh perempuan

pertama dalam film ini menggunakan tiga jenis alih kode dalam film dialog, 1.

Alih tag, 2. alih antar-sentensial, dan 3. alih intra-sentensial. Dari tujuh alasan

penggunaan alih kode, hanya ada lima kategori yang digunakan dalam film dialog,

1. mengambil tentang topik tertentu, 2. berempati tentang sesuatu, 3. pengulangan

digunakan untuk klarifikasi, 4. kata seru dan 5. mengungkapkan identitas.

Kata kunci: Sosiolinguistik, alih kode, film.



NOTA DINAS…………………………………………………………i

APPROVAL…………………………………………………............. ii


MOTTO…………………………………………………….. ............. iv

DEDICATION……………………………………………… ............. v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………… .............. vi

ABSTRACT………………………………………………… ............. vii

ABSTRAK…………………………………………………… ........... viii

TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………… .............. x


A. Background of the problem…………………………………………1

B. Formulations of the problem……………………………………….5

C. Objective of the of the problem…………………………………….5

D. Limitations of the problem……………………………………........5

E. Propose of the problem …………………………………………….5

F. Significance of the research………………………………………...6


A. Sociolinguistic ………………………………………………….. 7

B. Bilingualism …………………………………………………… 9

C. Code ……………………………………………………11

D. Code switching …………………………………………………..12

E. Type of code switching …………………………………………..13

F. Reason of using code switching ………………………………….14

G. Review of related study ………………………………………….15


A. Design of research ………………………………………………17

B. Data and data sources of data ……………………………………19

C. Technique of data collection …………………………………….19

D. Technique of data analysis ……………………………………..20



A. Research finding …………………………………………………22

1. Type of code switching ………………………………….22

2. The functions of code switching …………………………23

B. Discussion ……………………………………………………….26


A. Conclusion ……………………………………………………34

B. Suggestion …………………………………………………36









A. Background of problem

The most important means of communication is language. Important

position that made language never separated from human life and it always

present in every activity of their life. Language is word that refers to way of

human‟s communicating. Without using language their ideas did not

successfully delivered to listener “Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal

symbols with permits all people in an given culture, or other people who have

learned the system of that culture, to communicate and interact

(Finocchiarno1974:3). ” 1

Definitely people around the world have their own languages in different

countries because it includes the culture from the country. Indonesian speaks

used Indonesia language while talking to another people who is Indonesian,

also another people who is not Indonesian could not understand what

Indonesian were talking about with exception they have studied it. That is

because language is communication system of speech and writing used by

people of a particularly country. This language comes from an agreement in

society which has own structures, rules, vocabulary and speaking instruction

that differ one another. There are three categories of general communication

namely, Traditional, National, and International language. For example, a

Sundanese person can be used and understand at least two languages. They are

Sundanese language, as the mother tounge, and Indonesian language, as the

first language. The language is used to communicate with other Sundanis

people. Then, Indonesia language is used to communicate with other non

Sundanese people who belong to Indonesian. Same with this example, all of

country in this world had national, regional language and also other language .

It is in line with this stement “Language is integrally intertwined with our

nations of who we are on both the personal and the broader, societal levels,

1 In A. ChaedarAlwasilah: beberapaMazhabdanDiktonomiTeory linguistic. Angkasa Bandung,p.4


when we use language, we comunicate our individual thoughts, as well as the

culture beliefs and practices of the comunities of which we are a part: our

families, social gruops, and othe associations.”2

In this modern era English had been taught in the schools in the world, all

of society levels have been learned English in the term of English as a foreign

language. people should master English as an international language. This

brings good impact for the people. People, nowadays, understand the basic of

English conversation although they rarely use it for communicating. English is

essential for almost all people. sometimes people used some English words or

utterances to communicate with others. They use some English words, phrases,

or sentences in the middle of their speech. On he other hand, people usually use

some their national words, phrases or sentences while they are speaking in

English. And definetly people in their country whom used English as their

National language.

The development of science and technology were very fast. It mad the use

of new languages in activities of everyday life. And the use of various

languages such as regional, national, slang and so on cannot be searched in

everyday life. The phenomenon of changing one language into another

language was called code switching.The phenomenon of code switching can be

found in our daily life. In the world, there are many languages spoken by

people everyday. They were national language, regional language, and foreign

languages. People who ware bilingualists or multilingualists often switch their

language from one language into another language for several reasons.

Bilingualists people who speak two different languages and multilingualists

were people who speak more than two languages. Most of people in the world

were bilingualist. They, at least, speak two languages.

This thesis was about the code switching from mother thong Language to

other languages such as English, Japan, Mandarin and so on. The phenomenon

of code switching can be found in any media both oral and written. People

2Julie S. Amberg and Deborah J.vause. American english: History, Stucture, and Usage. Cambrage

university press. P.3.pdf. retrived o


could find codes witching in ,magazine,novel, in news paper, television

broadcast, radio broadcast, movie, social media such asfacebook, Instagram,

WhatsApp and so on. In this research, the researcher will discuss code

switching used by the characters in the film entitled „Swing Kids’. The used of

code witching additionally the community in basically are bilingual and

multilingual. And definitely that is also occurred in the literature. Literature

book, plays, poems, etc that people think important and good Printed

information produce by people who want to tell you something or tell you

about something: sale literature.3

Code switching was one of the most frequent linguistic phenomena among

people, bilingual, multilingual and monolingual communities. It was lacking

get attention among people who were less attentive or less centralized in the

world of language or culture. But for a language researcher or researcher

cultural phenomenon this will become an interesting discussion. Therefore the

researcher want to research that code switching reviewed above, with a lighter

and can understood by all, not just linguists or cultural researchers. Such as

now the multilingualism community is very difficult to avoid over code

switching. But in using code switching we have to know the prevailing

restrictions in order to avoid language overlap and confusion in understanding

the language. Like the example:

Jackson : The auditions are over

Xiaofang :Wǒtīngshuōnǐzàixúnzhǎowǔzhě

(I heard you’re looking for dancer)


(Where is everybody?)

Yang Pan Rae :Shìjìngjiéshùle. (The auditions are over)

From this dialogue above the researcher found Yang Pan Rae switch her

mother tongue language (Korean) to English language Because of that Jackson

3 Longman Dictionary of contemporary English new edition 2009


given statement he was never listen no one Korean people can speak English

well. So the researcher can see that Jackson surprise because he can

communicate with other people in feeling comfortable. In the dialogue above

researcher found that Yang Pan Rae was not only switch her Language from

Korean to English but also she change her language to Chinese language.

Based on the phenomena at the top researchers was challenged to explore

issues of language Code switching that is contained in this film, in addition to

this film which is a Film that is very interesting and in the interest of young

people with the genre of drama musical is also one attraction for the audience,

especially for musical movie lovers. The name of the drama musical film is

Swing Kids (Swingkizeu ).The researchers chose cod switching problem as the

topic because; firstly the researches is very interested of code switching

because code switching it‟s always used in everyday life either consciously or

without realizing it always lead to mix the language or change the code was

not separated from the everyday human life, language was influences every

activity in human life like in media social, in their literature and also created a


Film and literature are two different things with a similar goal to create

sublimity in human imagination and understanding. Both film and literature

work hand in hand to boost the progress of human civilization. And they are

the complimentary in nature and one is no substitute to the other, like letters

and sounds in human communication. Film and literature inspire and enrich

each others. They also ennoble human mind through action, images, words and

replicating life of human beings.4

From this statement the researcher the researcher concludes that the film is

part of the reflection of everyday human life that involves communication in it.

Therefore, researchers took research on analyze about Language Code

switching that use and appear in film dram musical film “ Swing Kids”, and the

second the writer very interested into the way the director take the background

of the film. This film that is quite brave because it lifts the story of the war

4, Vol. 2, Issue 9, September 2016, ISSN: 2395-6968


between South Korea and North Korea in this time and involves the United

States and China. This film also had a very deep meaning where people cannot

just follow their wishes and have to fight for freedom. Because of the several

reason above so the researcher decide to chose code switching in the film as the

topic in this research .The researcher would be a little difficult to analyze

because study linguistic is a study with complex course, while the researcher

interested to the topic and wont to do the bests in this research paper, and from

the problem above the researcher will take the title for this research” Code

switching in Swing Kids Drama Musical film (Sociolinguistic Analysis)”

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above the researcher mad the

formulation of problem:

1. What were the types of code switching used by the character in Swing

Kids drama musical film?

2. What were the reasons used of code switching by character in dialogue

Swing Kids drama musical film?

C. Objective of the problem

The objective of the only in dialogue by the character that contain code


D. limitation of the problem

The research will analyze the specific problem about code switching that

contain in dialogue film that used by character in dialogue with 4 other

participant in Swing Kids Drama musical film named Yang Pan Rae, Jackson,

Xiao fang and Kang Byung sam.

E. Purpose of the problem

In accordance with the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the

study are as the following:

1. To know the types of code switching used by character in swing Kids

drama musical film

2. To know the reasons used of code switching by character in dialogue

Swing Kid drama Musical film.


F. Significance of the research

Some expected advantages could be acquired from this study were for the

researcher this researcher will be trained to make scientific writing in the form

of thesis. Then, the researcher was also learned a lot about analyzing the

dialogue in this code switching in “Swing Kids drama musical film. in the

future thesis will be beneficial and useful for her as the student of English

literature By analyzing code Switching, the researcher will have more

understanding about the English use in some context so that the researcher gets

the right messages conveyed.

For Linguists, it was hoped that the findings of this study may help the

linguists and also English teacher to understand code switching employed in

the film so that the linguist and the teachers can consider in using film as media

of teaching. By reading this thesis, the English teacher can have more

understanding that can lead them to choose the appropriate learning material

taught to their students.

For English literature Department students it is hoped that the findings of

this study will arouse the desire of English Literature students to conduct

further research about code switching using other media.

For readers It is hoped that the readers get information and some

knowledge related to code switching between English and others language and

its application that can be found in Indonesia film. Then, the readers will be

able to identify code switching in everyday life




A. Sociolinguistic.

Language is very important to communicate and interact with other

people, while society is the environment where the people live. Language and

society has important relationship in human life. Sociolinguistics is a study

about relationship between language and society. As Yule said on his book that

sociolinguistic is used generally for the study of the relationship between

language and society.5 In other side, sociolinguistic focuses to relationship

between language and society with the understanding and function in

communication as the goal. As explained by Yule, that “Sociolinguistic

concerns with investigating the relationships between language and society

with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and how

languages function in communication.”6

This study is useful for communication. Sociolinguistic is discussing all

aspects, context, and effect between language and society. In sociolinguistic, it

will be known that language is quite complete in one of several possible

relationships between language and society is that social structure may either

influence or determine linguistic structure and behavior.7 If the language and

society do not correlate each other, they will not be able to have influence for

human life, whereas language is one of the aspect of human civilization.

Sociolinguistic is conserned with investigating the relationships

between language and society with the goal being better understanding of

thestruuctureof language and how language functions incomunications.The

language that is used in certain society may be differentwith the language

used in other society.

5 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 254

6 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 13

7Wardhaugh Ronald. (2006) An Intoduction to Sociolinguistic fifth Edition. UK: Blackwell

Publishing. P. 10


B. Bilingualism

Most people as speakers usually occupy more than one language and

require a selected language whenever they choose to speak with other people.

When two or more languages are used alternately by the same speaker, it can

be said that those languages contact each other. Events are using two or more

languages alternately by a speaker called bilingualism.8

People occasionally speak languages they master in daily use. When they

know more than one language, they may use both of which in their

conversation. They use more than one language that occurs in situation of

social context, which is a situation where they learn a second language in

their communities. In situation where a person learns a second language, they

can be divided between the situation of language learning, language

acquisition and people who learns the language. Bilingualism is an

individual‟s ability to use more than one language variety. According to

Wardhaugh, bilingualism is the ability to use two languages. Such people are

likely to be immigrants, visitors, or children of „mixed‟ marriages and in that

respect „marked‟ in some way, and such marking is not always regarded

favorably9. Many countries in this world are called bilingual because it has

more than one language and it also has an ability to speak more than one

language. In this time, bilingualism has become a common phenomenon.

Social interaction always involves communication among the society

members by using language. While in the social interaction, the society

members often use more than one language variety on their bases language. It

is done by purpose to convey what they mean in communication. This

phenomenon is called the development of communication. It commonly

happens in almost area of people‟s life.

There are three reasons why someone becomes bilingual, namely

membership, education and administration. The example of membership

reason is the use of French by all European aristocracy to signal the

8Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. p. 101

9Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.p. 96


membership of the elite. The example of education and administration reason

is the use of English by Indonesians, Scandinavians, Germans, and Dutches in

discussing their technologies, academics, or business. In many countries and

communities, bilingualism is a normal requirement for daily communication

and not a sign of any particular reason.10

Bilingualism can occur because of

existence of the society. It means the bilingualism proceed from language

which is used as the medium to communicate. It gives some effects such code

switching and code mixing but in this case, the writer will only discuss about

code switching.

C. Code

In everyday interaction, people usually chose different codes in different

situation. They may choose a particular code or variety because it makes them

easier to discuss a particular topic, regardless where they are speaking.

Wardaugh (2006:) states that people are nearly always faced with choosing an

appropriate code when they speak.11

Nilep (2006) assumes that code is a language (or variety of language).

Code emerge from interaction, and become relevant when parties to discourse

treat them as such. In this thesis, code refers to the language that can be varied

in the form such as a single word, phrases or sentences. Code emerge from

interaction, and become relevant when parties to discourse treat them as such.

In this thesis, code refers to the language that can be varied in the form such as

a single word, phrases or sentences. According Wardhaugh “code refers to

language or any system that two or more people use to communicate”.12


codes are used to indicate the changing of language in context. The changing of

language, therefore, can be in the form of switching the language into another

language or inserting another language or adapting the rule from another

language. There are four social factors which influence the code choice:


Hoffmann, Charlotte. An Introduction to Bilingualism. (New York:Longman. 1991), p. 3 11

Wardhaugh Ronald. (2006) An Intoduction to Sociolinguistic fifth Edition. UK: Blackwell

Publishing. P 88 12

Wardhaugh Ronald. (2006) An Introduction to Sociolinguistic fifth Edition. P. 89


1. The speaker-hearer or the participants, the relationship between participants is

often expressed a change in: the solidarity or social distance dimension

(intimate-distance or high solidarity-low solidarity); the status relationship

between people (superior-inferior); or the formality of the interaction.

2. The setting or social contexts of interactions, the conversation setting or place

will determine what code should the speaker used.

3. The topic, topic is regarded as the primary factor in language user as

multilingual context. It is related to what is being talked about and the choice

of code in the conversation

4. The function, there are two basic functions can be identified. They are the

referential and the affective. The referential emphasizes on information and

the affective concerns with expressing feelings.13

From those opinions of the code above, the researcher can make a

conclusion that codes can be said a language. The code is a form of the

language variation that is used by a society to make communication with

other people.

D. Code Switching

Code switching is a phenomenon of switching from one language to

another language in bilingual or multilingual communities (Wardhaugh,

2006). Code- switching may also be defined as the alternation between two or

more languages in a speaker„s speech, occurs naturally in the scheme of


Code switching can occur quite frequently in an informal

conversation among people who are familiar and have a shared educational,

ethnic, and socio-economic background. It is avoided in a formal speech

situation among people especially to those who have little in common factors

in terms of social stats, language loyalty, and formality15


Code switching occurs if the speakers switch one language to another

language. Code switching was often occurs in an informal conversation among


Ibid 8 14

Wardhaugh Ronald. (2006) An Introduction to Sociolinguistic fifth Edition. UK: Blackwell

Publishing. P 101 15

Hoffmann, Charlotte. An Introduction to Bilingualism. p. 113


people and it is too avoided if code switching occurs in a formal speech

situation. Code switching can occur between different languages, dialect or

styles within one sentence or adjacency pair16

. From the explanation above,

code switching occurs where there is a change from one clause of language to

another clause of language in a sentence or more because it occurs different

languages, dialect or styles.

Hymes states that code switching has become a common term for

alternate us of two or more languages, varieties of language or event speech



According to the previous statement, code switching had become a

common and regular term in an informal conversation. From theories above, it

can be concluded that code switching occurs when someone switches the

language and also changes dialect or speech style. Code switching was a

systematic rule-governed linguistic behavior. Therefore, when people switch

the language they have to pay attention to the grammar or rule of the language.

Cod Switching may be intentional and unintentional. Intentional switching can

be applied to indicate shift in topic, change in interlocutor, and change in

interpersonal or social relationship. Unintentional switching is caused by

psycho and sociolinguistic variables that the speaker is not aware of, involving

processing issue and the tendency of speakers to adapt their speech style to the

interlocutor‟s style and/or community norms and expectations. Some people

may perform code switching unconsciously as the result of their ability in using

more than one language, while others may perform code switching to repeat

what has said before.

Acording to Hoffman. There are seven reasons in total of why people

perform code switching in the conversations. Those reasons are talking about a

particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something,


Brown & Attardo. Understanding Language Structure, Interaction, and Variation : An

Introduction to Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics for Nonspecialists. (United

States:University of Michigan Press. 2000), p. 84


Hymes, Dell. Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach. (Philadhelpia:

University of Pennsylvania. 1974), p. 103


interjection, repetition, intention to clarify the speech content, expressing group

identity, to soften and straighten request or command, real lexical need, and the

last is to exclude other people. However, some people also may perform the

different kinds of code switching. This research focuses on the theories from

Hoffman (1994) whose concepts of code switching can be summed up as:

Inter-sentential switching, Intra-sentential switching, and Emblematic-

switching (tag switching).

E. Type of code switching

Hoffman shows three types of code switching based on the juncture or

the scope of switching where language takes place, tag switching Intra-

sentential switching, inter -sentential switching.18

1. Tag Switching

Kind of switching is sometimes called emblematic switching or tag

switching. The switch is simply an interjection, a tag, or sentence filler in

the other language which serves as an ethnic identity marker. Tag

switching is code switching with sentence tags that they precede or follow

a sentence. This involves the insertion of a tag in one language into an

utterance that is otherwise entirely in the other language. Example of

common tags in English include „right‟. A Japanese-English example

might be: “I‟m a good friend, neh?” Where the Japanese particle,

„neh‟(„no? or isn‟t that right?‟) is added to give a teasing tone to the


X: “Engari [so] now we turn to more important matters.” (Switch

between Maori and English) Ming: “Confiscated by Customs, dà gài

[probably]” (switch between English and Cantonese Chinese)

18 Hoffman, C. (1991). An Introduction to Bilingualism. New York: Longman.


2. Intra sentential Switching

Intra sentential is code switching within the clause or sentence. In

this case, the speaker may switch parts of clauses, lexical items, or even

morphemes. Intra sentential is code switching in which switches occur

between a clause or sentence boundary. An example is from an English

native speaker who speaks Spanish and has resided in Spain for many

years: “I was speak ando with Steve the other day”. In this case the

speaker uses the Spanish progressing morpheme „ando‟ rather than the

English „ing‟. The grammatical boundaries for this are similar in English

and Spanish and so the code switching „works‟. In intra sentential code-

switching, the shift is done in the middle of a sentence, with no

interruptions, hesitations, or pauses indicating a shift. It often happens

within one sentence or even a one phrase. The speaker is usually unaware

of the switch, until after the fact, and for example, “You have to find a

kalo pedi (good guy)and marry him. (English-Greek).

3. Inter sentential Switching

Inter sentential switching is code switching that happens between

clause or sentence boundary. In this case, an entire clause or sentence is in

one language, but the speaker switches to another language for a

subsequent clause or sentence. Indirectly this switching is concerned with

the situation and the atmosphere of the conversation. Different from the

previous type, this switching is not limited to the insertion of one or two

words. In addition, this switching should take place between at least two

clauses, which also can be mean two sentences. A considerable number of

codes switching under this type can be found below:

1. “... Last week aku shopping dengan sisterku. That’s why aku gak di


2. The classic example is from Poplack‟s article title, “Sometimes I will

start a sentence in English y termin ό in español.” (Sometimes I‟ll

start a sentence in English and finish in Spanish).


F. Reasons of Using Code Switching

When code switching or code mixing occurs, the motivation or reasons of

the speaker is an important consideration in the process. Jendra (1991: 134-

135), explains that every speech event probably happened because by some

speech act will involve elements such as: speaker and another speaker, the

language media used, and speech the purpose. According to Hoffman

(1991:116), there are a number of reasons for bilingual or multilingual person

to switch or mix their languages. 19

1. Talking about a particular topic

People sometimes prefer to talk about a particular topic in one

language rather than in another. Sometimes, a speaker feels free and more

comfortable to express his/her emotional feelings in a language that is not

his/her everyday language. The case can be found in Singapore, in which

English language is used to discuss trade or a business matter, Mandarin

for international “Chinese” language, Malay as the language of the

region, and Tamil as the language of one of the important ethnic groupsin

the republic.

2. Quoting somebody else

A speaker switches code to quote a famous expression, proverb, or

saying of some well-known figures. The switch involves just the words

that the speaker is claiming the quoted person said. The switch like a set

of quotation marks. In Bahasa Indonesia, those well-known figures are

mostly from some English-speaking countries. Then, because many of

the Indonesian people nowadays are good in English, those famous

expressions or sayings can be quoted intact in their original language. For


A: Bolehkah saya tahu nama anda, Pak? (May I know your name, Sir?)

B: What is a name.

In this conversation, B answers the question from A with the


, Hoffman, C. (1991). An Introduction to Bilingualism. New York: Longman. P 116


famous proverb “what is a name”.

3. Being emphatic about something (express solidarity)

As usual, when someone who is talking using a language that is not

his native language suddenly wants to be emphatic about something, he

either intentionally or unintentionally, will switch from his second

language to his first language. Or, on theother hand, he switches from his

second language to his first language because he feels more convenient to

be emphatic in his second language rather that in his first language.

4. Interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors)

Interjection is words or expressions, which are inserted into a

sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion, or to gain attention.

Interjection is a short exclamation like: Darn!, Hey!, Well!, Look!, etc.

They have no grammatical value, but speaker uses them quite often,

usually more in speaking than in writing.Language switching and

language mixing among bilingual or multilingual people can sometimes

mark an interjection or sentence connector. It may happen

unintentionally. The following are examples of the usage of interjection

in sentences: Indonesian-English Dompetku ketinggalan di taksi! Shitt!

(My wallet was left in the taxi!) Spanish-English (Gumperz, 1982:77)

Chicano professionals saying goodbye, and after having been introduced

by athird speaker, talking briefly:

A : Well, I‟m glad to meet you.

B : Andale pues (O.K.Swell). And do come again. Mm?

5. Repetition used for clarification

When a bilingual or multilingual person wants to clarify his

speech so that it will be understood better by listener, he can sometimes

use both of the languages (codes) that he masters to say the same

message. Frequently, a message in one code is repeated in the other code

literally. A repetition is not only served to clarify what is said, but also to


amplify or emphasize a message. For example: English-Hindi (Gumperz,

1982:78) Father calling his small son while walking through a train

compartment, “Keep straight. Sidha jao” (keep straight).

6. Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor

When bilingual or multilingual person talks to another

bilingual/multilingual, there will be lots of code switching and code

mixing occurs. It means to make the content of his speech runs smoothly

and can be understood by the listener. A message in one code is repeated

in the other code in somewhat modified form.

7. Expressing group identity

Code switching and code mixing can also be used to express

group identity. The way of communication of academic people in their

disciplinary groupings, are obviously different from the other groups. In

other words, the way of communication of one community is different

from the people who are out of the community.

G. Character of Yang Pan Rae

As the researcher stated before, the research was aimed to analyze the code

Switching happened in Swing Kids film. There are a lot of code switching

emerge in the conversation between the characters. However, to gain the

validity of this research study, the writer only focuses on code switching used

by Yang Pan Rae and other character, she a one of main characters in the film.

Yang Pan Rae is a South Korean civil society who also lives near the refugee

camp where the Yang Pan Rae is a kind and smart girl. In this film, Yang Pan

Rae is a very active female lead. In this film, she is acts as a translator to

facilitate communication between the characters in this film.

Talking about the language used by the Yang Pan Rae, of course she uses

Korean as his mother tongue and also his everyday language. Because in this

film takes the background of a war between two allied countries but different

ideologies. Not a romance drama story that makes bittersweet and sobbing,

Swing Kids shows prison life for prisoners from South Korea, North Korea to

China (China) in 1951 who were in the Geoje prison camp because of that she


could have a hobby of reading books and intelligence. Which is very high so he

can speak English well and even he also master several languages such as

Chinese and also Japanese. From the background of his language mastery,

Yang Pan Rae From the background of his language mastery From the

background of his language mastery Yang Pan Rae can speak in four languages.

They are Korean language, English , Chinese and also Japans. Yang Pan Rae

sometimes switch the language because of some reason. From those theories, it

can be concluded that sociolinguistic is a study of language and society. The

language spoken by a speaker can be switched based of some functions. „Swing

Kids‟ drama musical film is multilingual film that contain code switching in

the conversations between the characters.20

H. Review of Related Study

Code switching has been analyzed by another researcher from several

Universities and Institutions.

The first thesis that researcher refers is Dias Astuti Cakrawati 2011 The

thesis entitled Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in the Teenlit

Canting Cantiq Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University. by contains

sociolinguistic studies that involve code switching and code mixing events that

occur within the teenager. The author examines six types of code switching and

code mixing based on Hoffman's theory, while the author uses Hoffman and

Saville-Troike theories in assessing the causes of code switching events.

Analysis is focused on the type and cause of the incident over the code and the

mix of the code that happened in Teenlit. Based on the results of the data

analysis, it concludes that the teenlit canting author, Dyan nuranindya used

English as the first language spoken The most dominant code is the intra

sentential code switching, since this Teenlit contains a lot of speech inserted

with words in both English and local. In addition, there are 10 causes of the

incidents over codes and intermingled codes, and the most dominant is the

identity. This is because most of the young characters on teenlit live in modern


Swing kids drama musical film


communities that they are accustomed to mixing Indonesian, English and

vernacular languages is common conversation

The second researcher took is from the script Diyan Safitri 2012

Fakutas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiah Surakarta

in titled code switching and code mixing in the Enlightenment's movie dialogue

directed by Hanung Bramantyo. The purpose of this study is: To identify the

form of code switching and code mixing in the dialogue of Sang Pencerah film

directed by Hanung Bramantyo, Identifying what factors influence the use of

code switching and code mixing in the dialogue of Sang Pencerah directed by

Hanung Bramantyo. The benefits of this research are to add insight into code

switching and code mixing in film dialogue. This research was conducted with

qualitative methods.

Another researcher is Ega Pribadi 2019 code Switching Used by Boy

William in “Breakou Music Program on Net Tv” Islamic state university

Sulthan thaha Saifuddin Jambi analyzes between English - Indonesian and

Indonesian - English code switching used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music

Program on Net Tv. The writer only focuses on Boy William‟s utterances in

“Breakout” Music Program on Net Tv. In this research, the writer uses

Hoffman‟s theory. The method of this research is qualitative. The formulations

of the problem are what the types of code switching used by Boy William in

“Breakout” Music Program on Net Tv and what are the reasons why Boy

William using code switching in “Breakout” Music Program on Net Tv.

Based on the descriptions above, all of the researches talks about code

switching .This research, the researcher also talks about code switching.

Different from the researches above, the writer only analyzes between Korean

– English- English – Chinese code switching use by character in Swing Kids

drama musical Film the analysis only focus on the utterance that contain of

code switching. This research also used Hoffman‟s theory and the method of

the research is descriptive qualitative research. The formulation of the problem

are what type of cod switching used by main female character in swing kids


drama musical film and what are the reason of using code switching that used

by main female character in “ swing Kids” drama musical film.




A. Design of Research

In this research, the researcher applies descriptive qualitative research,

because qualitative research is suitable with the aim of this research.

“Riset kualitatif merupakan kajian berbagai studi dan kumpulan

berbagai jenis materi impiris, seperti studi kasus, pengalaman personal,

pengakuan introspektif, kisah hidup, wawancara, artifak, berbagai teks dan

produksi cultural, pengamatan, sejarah, interaksioal, dan berbagai teks


From this statement said that qualitative research was study of various

studies and collection of various materials of impirts, such as case studies,

personal experience, introspective recognition, life stories, artifact, various

text and cultural production, observation, in Tractable history, and various

visual texts.

Meanwhile, Djam‟an on Muhammad supported that Qualitative research

refers to the meaning, concepts, definition, characteristics, metaphors,

symbol, and description of things.22

This statement mentions that the qualitative method produces the

descriptive data in written or oral. These data was got from the people or the

objects that are analyzed. So, the data have been explained in descriptive

form. As stated in a book by Judith green” qualitative research is

characterized by its aims, which (in general) generated words, rather than

numbers as data for analysis”23


In conducting the research, the researcher used of descriptive qualitative

as a research method. It was the process of learning that tries to describe.

Qualitative research was a research procedure that represents a descriptive


Muhammad..MetodePenelitianBahasa. p 31 22

58Muhammad. (2014).MetodePenelitianBahasa. Yogyakarta: Ar-ruz Media. P. 30 23

Micchael Quinn patton and Michael Cochran.A guide to using qualitative research methodology

,2002,page 5


data such as words in written or oral from, the people and behaviors that can

be observed. The data had been described in the form of words, sentences or

paragraph related to the text which the writer finds during the process of the



This research was classified as descriptive qualitative method because it

analyzes the data in the form of utterances descriptively. Qualitative research

was used to describe and analyzed code switching used by the character in

“Swing Kids (Swingkizeu)”drama musical film. Descriptive qualitative

research was appropriate design in conducting this research since it was

aimed at describing code switching found in on “Swing Kids (Swingkizeu)”

drama musical film. Besides that, the data was interpreted and displayed

descriptively and systematically based on the supporting theory used in this

research. In this research, the researcher did not only describe the reasons why

main female character in “Swing Kids (Swingkizeu)” drama musical film, but

also describe the types of code switching.

B. Data and Sources of Data

In this research, the researcher was analyze the types of code switching

and the reasons of using code switching of character utterances in “Swing

Kids” drama musical film. So, the data used in this research was the utterances

contained the types of code switching based on three types of code switching

explained those tag switching, inter-sentential switching, and intra-sentential

switching and the reasons of using code switching explained by theory

Hoffman (1991), those talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody

else, showing empathy about something, interjection, repetition used for

clarification, intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor,

expressing group identity, to soften or strengthen request or command, real

lexical need, and to exclude other people when a comment is intended for only

a limited audience.


Moloeng, A. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. (Bandung:PT Remaja Rosdakarya. 2006), p. 3


According to Arikunto, a data source is a person, something or place that

provides information for a piece of research. Sources of the data are subject

who gives the data or information or where the data are gotten from25


The data of this research was taken only part of character utterances in

dialogue “Swing Kids” drama musical film. To know the real context and to

get all of the data, the researcher has to download The film of swing kids that

was published by Next Entertainment World from internet as the public

facility and then the researcher has to

listen repeatedly and write the Transcript of the dialogue that was taken from

the text by research from watching film.

C. Technique collects of data

To collect the data, the researcher used documentation technique that was

used based on the transcript and also the video taken from internet.

According to Arikunto, qualitative research may use written documents or

other artifacts to gain an understanding of the phenomenon under study.

Additionally, he also explains that documents may be such kind of personal,

such as autobiographies, diaries, and letters; official, such as files, reports,

memoranda, or minutes; or documents of popular culture, such as books, films,

and videos26


According to Sugiyono stated that “ dokumen merupakan catatan

peristiwa yang sudh berlalu dan dokumen ialah setiap bahan tertuis, film

ataupun dari record yang dipersiapkan karena adanya permintaan seorang

penyidik “ 27

Its means that in qualitative research was the research can be took from

some documents, record or film as the object the research of qualitative


The technique that used to collect the data in this research was based on

some steps, those are:


Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. (Jakarta:PT. Rineka

Cipta. 2006), p. 129


Ary, Donald. et al. Introduction to Research in Education. (Wardsworth Publishing 8th Edition.

2009), p. 442 27

Sugiono (2009) metode penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D bandung: alfabeta p.9


1. Download the film from

2. Repeatedly playing the film swing kids

3. Retrieving the transcript as the secondary source of data

4. Checking the accuracy between the film and the English subtitle,

Selecting the code switching on the transcript that occurs on that film

5. The researcher reading the books and some articles that are related to

this topic of the research to complete the data.

D. Technique of Data analysis

The purpose of analyze the data was used to answer the question from the

formulation of problem and to understand the data.

According to Sugiono” data analisis adaah proses mencari dn menyususn

secara sistematis data di peroleh dari hasisl wawancara, catatan lapangan,

ovservasi dan bahan-bahan lain, sehingga dapat mudah di pahami dan

temuanya dapat di infomasikan ke orang lain “ 28

Its means that analyzing the data means looking for the data related to the

formulation of problem thought interview, file note and other materials and the

organizing them systematically to be easily to understood and informed to


According to Nyoman Kutha Ratna stated that “sesuai dengan namanya

analisis isi terutama terutaa berhubungan dengan isi komunikasi baik secara

verba maupun non-verbal”.29

from the stateman of Nyoman Kutha ratna Said that as the name implies,

content analysis was mainly related to the content of communication both

verbally and non-verbally. In this research the researcher used descriptive

analysis technique because this research was descriptive form. Descriptive

analysis technique were used to describe the object of the research from the

data which had been collected in the transcript Swing kids Drama Musical film.

First procedure of this research was watch the film entitled “Swing Kids”

28Sugiono (2009) metode penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D bandung:alfabeta p.244


Nyoman kutha Ratna,teory,metode dan teknik penelitian sastra.p 50


then the researcher write on the transcription of some dialogue that contain of

code switching. The transcription was important since the instrument to gather

in the data was in the form of film i transcription, every sample consists of three

Things they are the spoken language of the speaker, the English translation of

some languages spoken by the speaker, and the annotation. The dialogues in the

transcriptions are labeled by number based on the appearance in the film. The

transcription of the dialogues can be seen in Appendix.

After the data have been collected, then those data was analyzed through

some steps as follows:

1. Identification of code switching

The first thing the researcher does after collecting the data is

identifying the data based on the type. The data are separated into

three group depend on the data belong to Tag switching, intra-

sentential or inter-sentential switching.

2. Coding the data based on the category

When the data have been identified into Tag Switching, intra-

sentential and intra-sentential, for every category, the writer gives

some code based on the functions why the character uses those


3. Calculating the data

In this step, the researcher calculates the data of each category.

The first category was calculates by the frequency of every type of

code switching. The second category the researcher calculates the

frequency of reason used of code switching.

4. Conclusion Drawing/Verification

The research was drawing conclusion. Best on the analysis by

code switching theory and the researcher claims to have been

proceeding inductively. In this step, the researcher concludes the

result of the research based on the research problems.




A. Findings

This research was aimed to find out the type of code switching and also to

find out the reason used of code switching by main female character in the

dialogue film of “Swing Kids” drama musical film. This film have 02:13:43

minute durations, and only twenty there (23) unit of dialogue character that

contain of code switching and There are three type of code switching happened

in the film. They are tag switching, intra-sentential and inter-sentential. From

(23) twenty three units of dialogs, there are 7 (seven) utterance contain of tag

switching, 9 (nine) utterances contain of inter-sentential code switching and

then 7 (seven) utterances contain intra-sentential code switching used by the

main female character in the film After the writer gathered the data, the data

have been arranged and given a code based on the reason of using code


From seven (7) reason of using code switching there are only 5 categories

which have emerged in 23 unit of dialogue film by main female character that

are four (4) unit of dialogue talking a particular topic, five (5) unit of dialogue

being emphatic about something, ten (10) unit of dialogue repetition used for

clarifications, two (2) unit of dialogue interjection and two (2) expressing


B. Analysis

After findings all of the data based on the types and the reasons of using

code switching, the researcher analyzes all of data of character utterances

based on the types and the reasons of using code switching.

1. Type of code switching

1) Tag switching.

Tag switching occurs when a bilingual inserts short expression

from different language at the end of the utterances. It uses easily in


inserting speech at a number of point in monolingual utterance

without break syntactic rules. There are 3 of 5 data of tag switching of

Yang Pan Rae utterances in “Swing Kids drama Musical film”

explained below:

Datum 1

14 Solider : hey you seen moves like this? Get up!

Yang Pan Rae : Hey! ya 4 dae 4 gaja ( let’s four on four)

From the utterance above, Yang Pan Rae uses tag switching. She

says English utterance “Hey!” as short expression in English than she switch

her language into her mother tongue language (Korean). From the utterance

above it can be seen that there is an affirmation given by Yang Pan Rae to

the solider that she did not accept her friend being treated unfairly.

Datum 2:

16 Yang Pan Rae : Hey Jackson! Jaegseun babmeog

eoss-eo? (have you eaten? )

In this dialogue Yang Pan Rae uses tag switching she says English

utterance “Hey Jackson!” as shot expression of English language, than she

switch her language into Korean “Jaegseun babmeog eoss-eo? (have you

eaten? ) this sentence is politeness in Korean culture.

Datum 3

3 Jackson : Audition’s over!

Xiao fang : Wǒtīngshuōnǐhěnxǐhuānwǔzhěqǐngwèn

dàjiā ma? (I heard you looking

for dancer where is everybody?)

Yang Pan Rae : Shìjìngjiéshù (Audition’s over!

In this dialogue the situation is when Jackson and Yang Pan Rae hae

conversation Xiao fang coming and Jackson talk to him that “Audition’s

over!” because of Xiao fang does not understand English language he is ask


To Jackson in Chinese languge “Wǒtīngshuōnǐhěnxǐhuānwǔzhěqǐngwèn

dàjiā ma? (I heard you looking for dancer where is everybody?)” in this

situation there is miss communication between Xiao fang and Jackson and

Yang Pan Rae help them both of them by switch Jackson utterance

“Audition‟s over!” from English language into tag switching utterance in

Chinese language “Shìjìngjiéshù!”.

2) . Inter-Sentential Switching

Inter-sentential switching occurs when there is a complete sentence

in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language.

There are 3 of 5 unit of data tag switching of Yang Pan Rae utterances

in “Swing Kids drama Musical film” explained below:

Datum 1

23 Yang Pan Rae :you know what! This are magi

shoes when I wear them war, food,

miserable thing just disappear

“naneungeudulgeteunneukkinaegi” there is

a song in my head,but I can‟t explain it, but

maybe I can show you

From the utterance above, Yang Pan Rae uses inter-sentential

switching. It shows that she mixes two languages in his utterances between

two sentences. In the first utterance, she says English utterance “you know

what this is magic shoes when I wear them war, food miserable thing just

disappear” than she switches into Korean language utterance

“naneungeudulgeteunneukkinaegi” after that, she continue the sentence

into English utterance again “there is a song in my head, but I can’t explain

it, but maybe I can show you”

Datum 2

Jackson : you won’t be able to work for a while.You-Could

use some money.

Yang Pan Rae : I didn’t work so I will not take it.

Jackson : just take it!


Yang Pan Rae : saehae cheosnal-e naneun wanjeonhi

Pasanhaessseubnida (that’s on new year’s

bay Just so happens), I’m completely broke

Thank you very much

In this dialogue Yang Pan Rae also used intra-sentential switching,

when dialogue began with Jackson she is using English language, and when

Jackson as her to take the many, she switch her language into Korean

language saehae cheosnal-e naneun wanjeonhi Pasanhaessseubnida

(that’s on new year’s bay Just so happens)” because she is shy to herself,

and she continue the conversation in English “I am completely broke, thank

you very much “ to Jackson like she really grateful to Jackson.

Datum 3

18 Yang Pan Rae : So, how did you end up here anyway?

They said only trouble making sent to


Jackson :black in America being black make you a-


Yang Pan Rae :Igo geuneun bulpyeongd jalhanda (what!

don’t complain) you should tray living here

as woman.

Jackson : bad as seems, being back is ….

In this dialogue Yang Pan Rae and Jackson have conversation she as

to Jackson in English language and also Jackson give respond in English

language like “black in America being black make you a trouble maker”

Yang Palla switch her language to Korean language” Igo geuneun

bulpyeongd jalhanda (what! don’t complain)” this sentence to give

respond to Jackson utterance that she is disagree with Jackson and she

continue the conversation switch the language in to English again“ you

should tray living here as woman “ for make sure that she is disagree with


Jackson utterance.

3) Intra-Sentential Switching

Intra-sentential switching is when a word, a phrase, or a clause, of

a foreign language found within the sentence in a base language. There are

3 of 9 data of intra-sentential switching of Yang Pan Rae utterances in

“Swing Kids drama Musical film” explained below:

Datum 1

6 Jackson : so if you…. I means if we do well thing

will Be good and they‟re gonna go well.

Any questions?

Yang panl Rae :Tā shuō wǒmen zuò dé

hǎo. geuneun jal hajago malhabnida.

Yang pan Rae :jilmunissnayo? Rènhé wèntí?

In this dialogue Yang Pan Rae used intra-sentential switching, this

conversation began with Jackson give motivation to their team” so if you. I

means if we do well thing will be good and they’re gonna go well. Any

question? “and Yang Pan Rae repeated what Jackson have said into simple

Korean language “geuneun jal hajago malhabnida” and also into simple

Chinese language “Tā shuō wǒmen zuò dé hǎo” to make other member of

grub from Chinese and Korean understand what Jackson mean.

Datum 2

11 Kang byung sam : ulineun eolmana yumyeong hal su-

issseubnikka? (How famous can we


Yang Pan Rae :how famous?

Jackson :very

Yang Pan Rae : manh-i! (very)

Yang Pan Rae : Fēicháng (very)


In this dialogue Yang Pan Rae used intra-sentential switching, this

conversation began with Kang Byung sam ask to Jackson in Korean

language “ulineun eolmana yumyeong hal suissseubnikka? (How famous

can we be?)” And Yang Pan Rae repeated in English language into simple

sentence “how famous?” and Jackson answer “very” Than Yang Pan Rae

reaped into simple sentence into Korean “manh-i! (very)” and also into

simple Chinese sentence “Fēicháng (very)”to make sure Kang byung sam

and Xiao fang understand with the purpose.

Datum 3

12 Xiao fang : Hé xiǎochī? (and snacks?)

Yang Pan Rae : snacks?

Jackson : you will gets some

Xiao fang : Duōshǎo? (How much?)

Yang Pan Rae : what kind of snacks, how famous?

Jackson : extremely and all kind.

Yang Pan Rae : manh-I ( a lot )

Hěnduō xiǎochī ( a lot )

In this dialogue Yang Pan Rae used intra-sentential switching, this

conversation began with Xiao fang ask to Jackson in Chinese language ”Hé

xiǎochī? (and snacks?)“And Yang Pan Rae repeated in English language

into simple word “snacke” and Jackson answer “you will gets some” and

Xiao fang ask again “Duōshǎo? (How much) “and then Yang Pan Rae

reaped English languages in sentence” what kind of snacks, how famous?”

Jackson said “extremely and all kind” and she repeated into simple Korean

“manh-i! (a lot)” and also into simple Chinese sentence “Hěnduō xiǎochī (

a lot )”to make sure Kang Byung sam and Xiao fang understand with the


2. The reason of using code switching

There are seven reasons why the speaker uses code switching, that

are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being


emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification,

intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor, and expressing

identity. There are only five categories which have emerged in the film.

The researcher was going to discuss five categories only. That was talking

a particular topic, being emphatic about something, repetition used for

clarifications, interjection and expressing identity.

a) Talking a particular topic

Sometimes, people need to switch their language in the purpose

of talking about a particular topic. In the film, it is the most reasons

why the characters in the film dialogue, when Yang Pan Rae has

dialogue with other participant in the dialogue film the character

change the language.

Datum 1:

1 Jackson : yes?

Yang Pan Rae : dancing..! I heard civilian can join?

Jackson :best English I have heard all day, comeback

when you’ve grown some kids

The dialogue in unit 1 occurs between Yang Pan Rae and Jackson

Both of them are have the different culture and also different language

.They are talking about Jackson looking for the dancer and he is carry on

dancing auditions . In this dialogue Yang Pan Rae has different culture and

language background than Jackson she used code switching to change her

language from her mother tongue language (Korean language) in to English

language as Jackson language. She switches her language in to English with

the purpose to get access for information about the dancing auditions and

make Jackson interested on her. The function of inter-sentential code switching

to talk a particular topic is also found in the film. One of the units which contain

inter-sentential code switching can be seen in below.


Datum 2:

23 Yang Pan Rae : you know what! This are magi shoes

when I wear them war, food, miserable thing just

disappear “naneungeudulgeteunneukkinaegi”

there is a song in my head,but I can’t explain it, but

maybe I can show you

The conversation was between Yang Pan Rae and Jackson dialogue film,

Yang Pan Rae tell to Jackson that the shoes they have for the tap dance

according to her is very special like her utterance “you know what” that mead

she need Jackson attentions, when she get it she continue to” these are magic

shoes, when Iwear them war, foods miserable thing Disappear”After that she

used Korean language. ”naneungeudul-iget-eunneukkimnaegi.”to (I beat

they feel the same) with the purpose she wan to wish for their friend in her

language. Because it‟s hope so she‟ll be more comfortable to pray in her

mother tongue. And „There’s a song in my head, I can’t explain it, but maybe I

can show you” because the shoes is very special for her, in this dialogue Yang

Pan Rae contain of inter-sentential code switching.

Datum 3

2 Yang Pan Rae : then you need translator I can do it

Jackson :no need for one without a dance team with


Yang Pan Rae : 4 dollars one moth at any time you

want. Try me for a day then fire me if

you don’t Need, Ok 3 dollar, 2 dollars.

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Yang

Pan Rae using code switching is talking about a particular topic. When he only

speaks a topic, she feels free and more comfortable. It occurs because the

technical topic is firmly associated with particular code and the topic itself can

trigger a switch to the appropriate code. In that dialogue above she doing joint


offer to Jackson because of that she try used full English when she talk with

him to attract Jackson attention.

b) Being emphatic about something

Sometimes, the non native speaker uses his native language to

emphatic about something. She may not realize that she change the

language. This is happening in the film conversation.

Datum 1:

16 Yang Pan Rae :hey Jackson! Jaegseun bab

meog-eoss-eo? (Have you eaten ?)

The conversation happens when Jackson come to Yang Pan Rae home,

and she feel happy to see Jackson, she may not realize that she used Korean

language greeting to Jackson “hey Jackson” in English this sentence contain of

Tag switching the word “Hey” in the beginning of Yang Pan Rae utterance,

and she continue the sentence ask to Jackson in switch her language with

Korean language “jaegseunbabmeog-eoss-eo?” because she exited to Jackson

and feel like was comfortable meet with Jackson and she treated Jackson as

part of her family.

Datum 2:

Jackson : you won’t be able to work for a


You-Could use some money.

Yang Pan Rae :I didn’t work so I will not take it.

Jackson :just take it!

Yang Pan Rae :saehae cheosnal-e naneun wanjeonhi

Pasanhaessseubnida (that’s on new year’s

bay Just so happens), I’m completely broke

Thank you very much


The second conversation was the dialogue continues when Jackson

announced his coming was to say that she couldn't work for a while, and it

seems she needed money. That's why Jackson came to give her the money.

And she think she's doesn't working with Jackson so she won't take the money.

Then Jackson's “say just take it” Because she realize she needed money so that

she took the money. and in order to maintain her worth she uttered

“saehaecheosnal-enaneunwajeonhipasahaesseubnida” in Korean as if she

had received the money because it was now in the state of the New Year. And

then she told the truth that she really needed the money and then she thanked

Jackson by using English “Thank you very much” the purpose that she used

Korean language because she did not want to admit to Jackson that she was

very happy. There is inter-sentential appear in this kind of the dialogue in the

film above.

Datum 3:

18 Yang Pan Rae : So, how did you end up here

anyway?They said only trouble making

sent to Korea.

Jackson :black in America being black make you a-


Yang Pan Rae :Igo geuneun bulpyeongd jalhanda

(what! don’t complain) you should tray

living here as woman.

Jackson : bad as seems, being back is ….

This dialogue began with Yang Pan Rae asking Jackson "So, how did you

end up here anyway? They said only trouble making sent to Korea "then

Jackson responded by answering as if he did not accept what happened" black

in America being black makes you a troublemaker "

Yang Pan Rae feel that what was conveyed by Jackson make she feel

that Jackson blamed his fate, Yang Pan Rae responded in the form of an

expression of astonishment in the Korean language "igo geuneun bulpyeongd


jalhanda" proving that Yang Pan Rae she is not very receptive to what Jackson

complained. Because of that in the next sentence she said to Jackson "You

should tray living here as a woman" in where in this sentence she is confirms

to Jackson that what he experienced was far more than what Jackson

experienced. Therefore, in sentence Korean language revealed its disagreement

with Jackson's complaints. In this dialogue contain of Inter-sentential because

Yang Pan Rae used her mother tongue language (Korean) and she continue her

sentence into to English language.

c) Repetitions used for clarifications

Sometimes, people repeat their words in order to clarify the

language .The repletion used for clarification happens in both inter-

sentential code switching and Intra-sentential code switching.

Datum 1:

3 Jackson : Audition’s over!

Xiao fang :Wǒtīngshuōnǐhěnxǐhuānwǔzhěqǐngwèn

dàjiā ma? (I heard you looking

for dancer where is everybody?)

Yang Pan Rae : Shìjìngjiéshù (Audition’s over!)

In this dialogue happened between Jackson Xiao fang and also Yang

Pan Rae, securing the Xiao fang scene which suddenly enters the place used for

the tap dance audition conducted by Jackson. Because o the activity was over

Jackson said "the audition‟s over" but the response received by Xiao fang was

again saying that he “Wǒtīngshuōnǐhěnxǐhuānwǔzhěqǐngwèndàjiā ma? ( I

heard you looking for dancer where is everybody?)”

There was a miss communication between Jackson and Xiao fang. Than

Yang Pan Rae tray to repeat what was said by Jackson at the beginning that the

audition was over to Xiao fang in a different form of language namely the

Chinese language. Like “Shìjìngjiéshù (Audition’s over!). In this dialogue there


was repetitions use for clarifications, by Yang Pan Rae with the purpose to

Straighten out the misunderstanding between Jackson and Xiao Fang.

Repetition used for clarification was also found in intra-sentential code

switching.Thereisonlyadialogcontainingintra-sententialcodeswitchingwhich has

purpose on repeating the language for clarification.

Datum 2

7 Kang byung sam :eolmana jal? ulineun gal su

issseubnikka?Cheoleomn yeohaeng?

(How well? can we go place? like tour?)

Yang Pan Rae : we go on tour ?

Jackson : yes!

Yang Pan Rae : ulineun hal geos-ibnida.( we will )

: Wǒmen huì

In the dialogue between Kang Byung Sam, Yang Pan Rae, Jackson and

also Xiao Fang, there is a repetition of the words described in the conversation

above where each Kang Byung Sam speaks to Yang Pan Rae in Korean”

eolmana jal? ulineun gal su issseubnikka?Cheoleom yeohaeng?” and then

Pallae repeats what is said by Kang Byung sam to the Jackson in English “ we

go on tour” then Yang Pan Rae repeats Jackson answer and she give

clarifications about what Jackson say like “ yes” in Korean “ulineun hal geos-

ibnida” to Kang byung sam and Chinese language “Wǒmen huì” for Xiao

fang. Yang Pan Rae purpose in this dialogue is being translator to their talk.

Datum 3

11 Kang byung sam : ulineun eolmana yumyeong hal su-

issseubnikka? (How famous can we


Yang Pan Rae :how famous?


Jackson :very

Yang Pan Rae : manh-i! (very)

Yang Pan Rae : Fēicháng (very)

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Yang

Pan Rae usind code switching is repetition used for clarification. In that

utterance, Yang Pan Rae repeats an utterance. He firstly says “how famous”

she repeat what Kang Byung sam said to Jackson, and she repeats an utterance

which has been said by Jackson ”very” than she repeat again what Jackson

have said into Korean and Chinese language to give clarification to Xiao fang

and Kang Byung sam Based on the utterance above, she make a more

understandable conversation of the group.

d) Interjections

Interjection is used express feelings or emotions. Interjection can be

a single word and can be a figure of speech refers to the use of one

word. In this film, the writer finds some interjections in Korean and


Datum 1

16 Yang Pan Rae :amkae (Bitch!)

The used of this interjection occurred after the kidnapping carried out by

several American soldiers against Roh-Kiso and his friends, the challenge of

tap dancing was won by Yang Pan Rae and she‟s friends. Then when Yang Pan

Rae and her friends wanted to get out of the breeding area but were intercepted

by the American army because they felt they did not accept their defeat and

one of them slapped Yang Pan Rae. Feeling threatened and angry over the

treatment of the soldier Yang Pan Rae cursed the soldier with the word "bitch"

in Korean to vent his anger and not accept the treatment an also Interjections

also happen in the film below.

Datum 2

22 Yang Pan Rae : fucking ideology!


Jackson : hehe………. Fucking ideology.

The use of interjections also took place in the dialogue that was held

between Yang Pan Rae and Jackson, they were talking about the continuation

of the tap dance team which was forced to temporarily halt due to the tension

of the war between South Korea, North Korea, China and also the United

States which again occurred in the security cam the. Because people feel that

they are too selfish about each other's ideology, resulting in a prolonged war,

therefore the pallae cursed by saying "fucking ideology" in English with the

aim of expressing disagreement over what happened, she just wanted to tap

dance with the team she must not think that China, South Korea, North Korea

and also America have different ideologies. They just want to dance without

being burdened by ideology.

e) Expressing identity

There is expressing identity in tag switching in code switching that

happens in the conversation in the film. The writer only finds the

expressing identity in the use of tag Switching Look at the dialogs below.

Datum 1

14 Solider :hey you seen moves like this? Get up let’s

see your dance

Yang Pan Rae : Hey! ibwa ne nes-e gaja (hey!Let’s go

fore on four)

In this seen in the seen in the film when some American soldiers bring the

Roh-kiso into a warehouse to be blown and invited to compete in tap dance. When

the kidnapping action took place, Yang Pan Rae and his friends came to help the

spirits, he opened the door and then said the words of the officer "hey! jegegya let

for on four "challenge the paratroopers again with a draw using Korean language.

In the dialogue above illustrates that Yang Pan Rae uses Korean swear words "yes

esegya! Which shows that he did not accept the treatment of these soldiers against

his teammates so he cursed the soldiers and continued his sentence in English

language "let go for on four" by showing that they were a team. Here it is clear


that the code switching is used by Yang Pan Rae to show their identity as a team

even though they have different ideologies.

After researcher write gathered the data, the data have been arranged and

give a code base on the reason using of code switching .there are seven function

of code switching have been stated in chapter II. Through some simple formula,

the researcher write calculated the data that can bee see in the table. And then

the researcher identify the highest and the lowest frequency both the type of

code switching and the reason of using code witching for every type of code

switching. Coding (F1-F7) is symbol for the reason using of code switching,

frequency is the symbol for determining how many coding appear in the type of

code switching and percent (%) call for determining which coding that dominant

to present. According to Hatch (1982) stated that the function in using rate are

(1) to compare different populations with respect the frequency of some

variable; (2) to compare the same population at different times30



P = percentage

n = number of type or functions

N = total number of data


1. F1 = talking about particular topic

2. F2 = quoting somebody else

3. F3 = being emphatic about something

4. F4 = interjections (inserting sentence filler or connector)

5. F5 = repetitions of use for clarifications

6. F6 = intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor

7. F7 = expressing group identity


Hatch, E, and Farhady, H. 1982. Research Design and Statictics for Applied

Linguistics. USA : Newbury House Publishers, Inc


Table 1. The type of Tag switching

Coding Reason frequency Percent (%)

F1 Talking about particular topic 1 14,28%

F2 Quoting somebody else

F3 Being emphatic about something 1 14,28%

F4 Interjections 2 28,57%

F5 Repetitions use for clarifications 1 14,28%

F6 Intention of clarifying the speech


F7 Expressing group identity 2 28,57%

Total 7 100%

From the seven reason in used of code switching, there were only five

reason of code switching find in the type of tag switching which have appeared in

the film. They are talking about a particular topic, being emphatic about

something, interjections, repetition used for clarification, and expressing group

identity. There other reason like quoting somebody else, and Intention of

clarifying the speech content cannot be found in the film. From the table, it can be

seen that the most functions occurred in tag switching from the film is talking

about expressing identity and interjections (28, 57%) and for the type of inter-

sentential code switching, the result can be seen in the following table.


Table 2. The type of inter-sentential

Coding Functions frequency Percent (%)

F1 Talking about particular topic 3 33,33%

F2 Quoting somebody else

F3 Being emphatic about something 4 44,44%

F4 Interjections

F5 Repetitions use for clarifications 2 22,22%

F6 Intention of clarifying the speech


F7 Expressing group identity

Total 9 100%

From the seven categories reason of using of code switching, in the type

of intra-sentential code switching, there was only there reason that existing in the

film. They are talking about a particular topic, emphatic about something, and

repetition used for clarification. Four other reasons which are quoting somebody

else, intention of clarifying the speech content, interjections and expressing

group identity cannot be found in the film. From the table, it can be seen that the

most functions occurred in inter-sentential from the film is emphatic about

something (44, 44%)


Table 3. The type of intra-sentential

Coding Functions frequency Percent (%)

F1 Talking about particular topic

F2 Quoting somebody else

F3 Being emphatic about something

F4 Interjections

F5 Repetitions use for clarifications 7 100%

F6 Intention of clarifying the speech


F7 Expressing group identity

Total 7 100%

From the table, it can be concluded that the most reason existing in

the film is only Repetitions use for clarifications (100%) in the type of intra

sentential code switching.

In the conclusion, based on the calculation, the most frequency

reason of using code switching in type of tag switching was the expressing

group identity and interjections (28,57%) in the type of inter-sentential

code switching from the film was talking about particular topic and being

emphatic about something (44,44%) and in the type of inter-sentential

code switching was Repetitions use for clarifications (100%). From the

table, it can be seen that the most reason of code switching Discussion of

frequency is repetitions use for clarifications (50%) And the second talking

about particular topic (17, 39%) and the last one is expressing group

identity and interjections (17, 39%)




A. Conclusions

Based on the finding and analysis in chapter four, the researcher draws the

following conclusion

1. There are three type of code switching happen in the film entitled „Swing

kids‟ they are Tag switching, inter-sentential code switching and intra-

sentential code switching. The character named Yang Pan Rae mostly uses

of codes witching in her dialog. There are 7 seven unit (30,43%) type of tag

switching, 9 nine unit (39,13%) utterances type of inter-sentential code

switching and then 7 seven (30,43%) utterances was the type of intra-


2. From seven reason of using code switching, there are only five categories

which have emerged in the film. They are talking a particular topic, being

emphatic about something, repetition used for clarifications, interjection and

expressing identity. There are only five reasons in the type of Tag Switching

found in the film. They are talking about a particular topic (14‟28%), being

emphatic about something (14‟28%), interjection (28,57%),repetition used

for clarification (14,28%),and expressing group identity (28,57%).There are

only four reason of used of code switching in the type of inter-sentential

code switching found in the film. They are talking about a particular topic

(33,333%), being emphatic about something (44,44%) and repetition used for

clarification (22,22%).The only one functions of intra-sentential code

switching found in the film is repetition used for clarifications (100%)

The result shows that the character Yang Pan Rae in the dialogue film

more used type of inter-sentential cod switching and the reason of using

code switching she more used of repetition used for clarification.


B. Suggestion

In the end of this research the researcher there was some suggestion

related to this research:

As students who study foreign languages and literature it is very important

for us to understand what code switching is and also the various reasons for

using code switching both in education and in everyday life. by understanding

code switching, it will certainly be able to help us to apply the foreign

languages we learn to our daily lives so that the language we learn is applied


The researcher hoped this research would give contribution and

knowledge for junior of English literature Department, especially about

creativity to make literary work. The research hope to junior whom

interested in this film can continue this research with other subject for

example social life and analyze about the struggle of main character, etc.

This research will help them about the theory. The researcher realize that

research was no perfect yet, this research have many mistake, therefore the

researcher expect to the reader for give some critic and suggestion for

make this thesis better.



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http://www.1712071009_2015_The Explora Journal Journal of English

Language Teaching (ELT) and Linguistics_3. An Analysis of Code

Switching and Code Mixing as Found in Television Advertisement (1)

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